i know we've had these threads before, but it never hurts to have a fresh one to keep the Devs apprised of our wants and needs
Just give some ideas, if you want to include a reason for a race/class more power to you, might get the Devs to pay more attention to this one thread out of the sea of threads if we can get some good lively discussion going ^^
Now myself, when it comes to races, i really only have two i have any attachment to, Shifters (Razorclaw or Longtooth either one is acceptable) and Dragonborn
Shifters would make excellent rangers, trickster rogues, and (for longtooth shifters) Guardian Fighters; whereas Dragonborn make great melee focused fighters and due to their inherent charisma bonus, good for Devoted Clerics or any other class with Charisma as a main/side attribute
Now when it comes to classes...as far as i'm concerned, variety is the spice of life. We already are speculating across the game and forums that a Ranger class is coming, Warlock is also speculated, both would be welcome additions.
Myself, i'm looking for the devs to add in Paladins (maybe let them use either GWF or GF weapons? maybe both?), a good off tank with healing abilities would be a good thing i think.
Bards would be another class to add, arm them with rapiers/light swords (basically expand the main hand swords TRs can use and let Bards use them too) and a musical implement, Bards are great buff/debuffers with AOE control abilities
Lastly i was thinking to add the Druid: shapeshifting, control and healing spells, nature focus. variety of weapon types to make their class weapon (staves, scimitar and other curved swords, clubs/maces, etc.)
Please if you have other classes/races to add or want to comment about my own choices, feel free.:D
KDF for Life! Romulan at Heart Fed cause they made me ~ :P
I want Bards!
I can already imagine how wonderful Tab would work on them, letting us to slot their special abilities there, and the normal (preferably ranged) combat abilities on Q, E, R.
arontimesMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited October 2013
My favorite class is the sorcerer, specifically, the dragon sorcerer, so that's my #1. I know we have too many strikers already (GWF, TR, and Archer Ranger/Scourge Warlock), but the sorcerer is unique in that he is an AoE striker.
Next, we need more leader (healer) classes, so I'm going with warlord (martial leader), bard (arcane leader), ardent (psionic leader), artificer (another arcane leader), and runepriest (another divine leader).
And finally, I'd like to see a fighter/mage type class, so I'd like to see the swordmage as well.
Classes: Paladin (offtank healer/support), War Priest (mellee cleric with dps/support/heal) , Avenger (light armor cleric mellee striker/buffer), bard, druid, ranger and monk. Warlock is very redundant for me.
What we have so far is pretty weak and boring compared to all the other classes and certainly no "leader" post-beta 99% of the time from what I see when I am on my non-DC classes.
Race: Gnome!
dardoveMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited October 2013
Eladrin are already ingame. They are called Moon Elf and Sun Elf in Forgotten Realms.
I would like to see a bard. Though I don't really care too much what classes are added in the future as long as leader, defender, and controller get some more options than the 1 class each they currently have.
My personal favorite class in 4e is Barbarian. A real melee striker from the heart. Love that class and it's amazing three-and-four moves-per-turn combos.
When it comes to races, though not for my barbarian naturally, but my favorite race is a changling. Could easily happen in-game, just allow them to change races once a day as a special ability, with no attribute or power change, and no ability to customize appearance.
"Every adventurer has two things in common: they don't like dying, and they love getting paid. The rest is just semantics." Brecken, famed mercenary of Baldur's Gate
Leaders in 4th edition include Warlords, Bards, Shamans, Ardent, and Runepriest along with clerics of course.
Just did some searching, I'm not familiar with 4e too much... So can all leaders heal? I'd say shaman is kinda what I had in mind though... but feel too wow-ish.
Bard would be cool but I'm not clear on their healing prowess.
Really missing 2e/3e
*runs away to play some BG2*
dardoveMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited October 2013
Yeah, leaders heal and buff. Bards I believe tend a bit more towards buffing, but they do have healing abilities.
Shamans like druids both have a primal power source. The other primals are wardens which are defenders and barbarians which are strikers.
Just did some searching, I'm not familiar with 4e too much... So can all leaders heal? I'd say shaman is kinda what I had in mind though... but feel too wow-ish.
Bard would be cool but I'm not clear on their healing prowess.
Really missing 2e/3e
*runs away to play some BG2*
Leaders are basicly supports, they heal/buff/debuff basicly.
Bards have healing in form of Majestic Word, Song of Rest, and so on. (Was ages since I played a 4th ed Bard :P SO had to think for a while there.)
seduiriMember, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 23Arc User
edited October 2013
Class: Bards, Bards...and um did i mention Bards? I personally would love a class that played a musical instrument to either buff or dps. I would prefer to see it as a class that heals with the power of music...but i might be biased as i mostly only play healers. If they were to add another ranged class that isnt a mage, i would probably try it. I just dont like being a mage. Mage doesnt suit me at all :c
Race: Um...as number one elf fan, im pretty satisfied with races.(provided they add more customization for hair/skin ). But even though i am fairly satisfied with my drow and high elf, i feel like they need to add in more "Monstrous" and "Barbaric" races for those players who do like them. I personally liked that they added high elf for an option...but at the same time i couldnt help but be like "Really? Was wood elf, half elf and drows not enough o_O
khimera906Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 898Arc User
edited October 2013
I think it would be interesting to see how they would handle the Bard class.
The classes I would like to see are the Druid and the Monk. As for the races, my favorite races are already in the game, so whatever they might add it's fine by me.
I hate dancing with Lady Luck. She always steps on my toes.
arontimesMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited October 2013
Here's a list of PHB (Player's Handbook) classes:
Cleric - Divine Leader - Best healer in the game.
Fighter - Martial Defender - Highest damage-dealing tank in the game.
Paladin - Divine Defender - Can wear the best armor at level 1, some minor healing abilities.
Ranger - Martial Striker - The king of multiple single-target attacks. One build trades offensive power for a pet.
Rogue - Martial Striker - Lots of skills, small number of high damage attacks.
Warlock - Arcane Striker - Single-target DPS/debuffer.
Warlord - Martial Leader - The best buffing class in the game.
Wizard - Arcane Controller - Mediocre at-wills and encounters, uber dailies. WotC's favorite class, considering the amount of content printed for it.
Avenger - Divine Striker - What do you get when you combine a cleric with a rogue with a dash of Assassin's Creed? This.
Barbarian - Primal Striker - High HP, high damage, low defenses. A lightning bruiser.
Bard - Arcane Leader - Healing and buffing with a dash of crowd control.
Druid - Primal Controller - Summoning, shapeshifting, plus nature-based crowd control powers.
Invoker - Divine Controller - Think Moses from the Old Testament, raining down the Wrath of God on infidels. Basically a divine wizard.
Sorcerer - Arcane Striker - AoE DPS, awesome at-wills and encounters, mediocre dailies.
Shaman - Primal Leader - Healer with a spirit pet.
Warden - Primal Defender - Shapeshifting tank with the highest HP in the game.
Ardent - Psionic Leader - Emo healer class. He amplifies allies' emotions to buff or heal them (you're so happy you get better).
Monk - Psionic Striker - Highly mobile unarmed fighter. Arguably the most mobile class in the game.
Psion - Psionic Controller - Low damage but has the best crowd control abilities. Has the most mind control powers.
Runepriest - Divine Leader - Cleric is to Coke Classic as Runepriest is to Coke Zero.
Seeker - Primal Controller - An archer with nature magic.
Warmind - Psionic Defender - Basically a psychic fighter.
bioshrikeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,729Arc User
edited October 2013
I think we need another healer and tank most. I'd love to see some sort of arcane/druidic tank. I'm also rather fond of pet classes - be it a necromancer or animal tamer of some sort.
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
Warlord - Martial Leader - The best buffing class in the game.
Avenger - Divine Striker - What do you get when you combine a cleric with a rogue with a dash of Assassin's Creed?
Bard - Arcane Leader - Healing and buffing with a dash of crowd control.
Druid - Primal Controller - Summoning, shapeshifting, plus nature-based crowd control powers.
Invoker - Divine Controller - Think Moses from the Old Testament, raining down the Wrath of God on infidels.
Warden - Primal Defender - Shapeshifting tank with the highest HP in the game.
Monk was one of the original base classes in the First edition of Dungeons & Dragons. Monk was neither a fighter, nor a thief but its' own class. Monks are virtuous wanderers that use unarmed combat to deal damage to enemies. They have their own magic incantation that is unlike the divine magic of clerics and paladins and different than the conjured arcane magic of wizards. Monks use a magic called "Ki" (pronounced Chi) which they draw directly from their inner spark life force. Chi gives Monks unnatural speed and the ability to heal minor wounds. The harmonious and balanced mind of the Monk is able to remain calm and resist many Psionic based attacks. Advanced Monks are said to be ageless and almost immortal as they seek their goal to become one with the universe.
Monk was the class I liked to play the most back in the day and is still the class I prefer in MMO gaming. Please add Monk to Neverwinter to balance out the original roster of Dungeons & Dragons classes.
This! Also I would like to see a druid, would be great. But like most others have said a paladin would suffice. I wouldn't mind seeing a swordmage even though i would prefer a summoning class.
Monk was one of the original base classes in the First edition of Dungeons & Dragons. Monk was neither a fighter, nor a thief but its' own class. Monks are virtuous wanderers that use unarmed combat to deal damage to enemies. They have their own magic incantation that is unlike the divine magic of clerics and paladins and different than the conjured arcane magic of wizards. Monks use a magic called "Ki" (pronounced Chi) which they draw directly from their inner spark life force. Chi gives Monks unnatural speed and the ability to heal minor wounds. The harmonious and balanced mind of the Monk is able to remain calm and resist many Psionic based attacks. Advanced Monks are said to be ageless and almost immortal as they seek their goal to become one with the universe.
Monk was the class I liked to play the most back in the day and is still the class I prefer in MMO gaming. Please add Monk to Neverwinter to balance out the original roster of Dungeons & Dragons classes.
this could prove difficult as an un-armed character considering that all classes have a main hand and an off-hand. but it would be a great challenge and interesting to see how they would tackle it.
I'd rather see a bunch of other issues addressed first. Doubt that'll happen so..... New classes are tricky. You can't do any class like it was in PnP (i.e. Wizards start HAMSTER and are harder to level, but gross out later) because of "balance" etc etc.
I always played good/neutral guys, so I'd like to see another goodie (proper Paladin, but unlikely since we have GF) but also like certain neutrals (Druids, Monks, etc.). I'll plump for summoner Druid. With pets that are actually useful and can fight. If they get downed, they don't need to be revived by hand but auto-revive after x seconds. Or the Druid has an Encounter/Daily power that revives it/them.
"Young people....." - Erik Lehnsherr
Mimic, steal power from a enemy currently being fought against and use it. Its primary powers should not depend upon the enemies present to mimic, but for variety and to reward skill/experience there should be some mild benefit to intelligently selecting enemies to mimic. For example, the character may see a cw running around trying to avoid spiders, mimic can mimic a spider with web and cast a web to help out the stupid cw.
this could prove difficult as an un-armed character considering that all classes have a main hand and an off-hand. but it would be a great challenge and interesting to see how they would tackle it.
Easy fix is that their 'weapon' slots for their hands are Monk hand wraps, brass knuckles, etc. Maybe for those sinister and sadistic people fanged fingers. lol
Just give some ideas, if you want to include a reason for a race/class more power to you, might get the Devs to pay more attention to this one thread out of the sea of threads if we can get some good lively discussion going ^^
Now myself, when it comes to races, i really only have two i have any attachment to, Shifters (Razorclaw or Longtooth either one is acceptable) and Dragonborn
Shifters would make excellent rangers, trickster rogues, and (for longtooth shifters) Guardian Fighters; whereas Dragonborn make great melee focused fighters and due to their inherent charisma bonus, good for Devoted Clerics or any other class with Charisma as a main/side attribute
Now when it comes to classes...as far as i'm concerned, variety is the spice of life. We already are speculating across the game and forums that a Ranger class is coming, Warlock is also speculated, both would be welcome additions.
Myself, i'm looking for the devs to add in Paladins (maybe let them use either GWF or GF weapons? maybe both?), a good off tank with healing abilities would be a good thing i think.
Bards would be another class to add, arm them with rapiers/light swords (basically expand the main hand swords TRs can use and let Bards use them too) and a musical implement, Bards are great buff/debuffers with AOE control abilities
Lastly i was thinking to add the Druid: shapeshifting, control and healing spells, nature focus. variety of weapon types to make their class weapon (staves, scimitar and other curved swords, clubs/maces, etc.)
Please if you have other classes/races to add or want to comment about my own choices, feel free.:D
I can already imagine how wonderful Tab would work on them, letting us to slot their special abilities there, and the normal (preferably ranged) combat abilities on Q, E, R.
Next, we need more leader (healer) classes, so I'm going with warlord (martial leader), bard (arcane leader), ardent (psionic leader), artificer (another arcane leader), and runepriest (another divine leader).
And finally, I'd like to see a fighter/mage type class, so I'd like to see the swordmage as well.
Taking a break from Neverwinter indefinitely...
Classes: Paladin (offtank healer/support), War Priest (mellee cleric with dps/support/heal) , Avenger (light armor cleric mellee striker/buffer), bard, druid, ranger and monk. Warlock is very redundant for me.
What we have so far is pretty weak and boring compared to all the other classes and certainly no "leader" post-beta 99% of the time from what I see when I am on my non-DC classes.
Race: Gnome!
I would like to see a bard. Though I don't really care too much what classes are added in the future as long as leader, defender, and controller get some more options than the 1 class each they currently have.
When it comes to races, though not for my barbarian naturally, but my favorite race is a changling. Could easily happen in-game, just allow them to change races once a day as a special ability, with no attribute or power change, and no ability to customize appearance.
"D*mn wizards," said Morik the Rogue.
Learn what a GWF and GF really are: The History of Fighters
Avenger Druid or Shadow Druid or Totem Druid etc...
Uses nature, 2h staves/spears
Less damage mitigation, more buff focused
Id settle for a Paladin I suppose.
As for a race I'd like to see Gnomes of any kind really. 2nd choice would be "asmar" or whatever it is, opposite of tiefling, right?
If you want another healer, don't ask for a druid. Druids are controllers in 4th edition. Paladins are defenders.
Race: Shadar-Kai
Meh, I like 2e/3e.
Druids and Paladins are still capable of divine healing though right?
What would you suggest for a healer(leader) then?
Druids do have some healing.
Leaders in 4th edition include Warlords, Bards, Shamans, Ardent, and Runepriest along with clerics of course.
Just did some searching, I'm not familiar with 4e too much... So can all leaders heal? I'd say shaman is kinda what I had in mind though... but feel too wow-ish.
Bard would be cool but I'm not clear on their healing prowess.
Really missing 2e/3e
*runs away to play some BG2*
Shamans like druids both have a primal power source. The other primals are wardens which are defenders and barbarians which are strikers.
Bards have healing in form of Majestic Word, Song of Rest, and so on. (Was ages since I played a 4th ed Bard :P SO had to think for a while there.)
Race: Um...as number one elf fan, im pretty satisfied with races.(provided they add more customization for hair/skin
The classes I would like to see are the Druid and the Monk. As for the races, my favorite races are already in the game, so whatever they might add it's fine by me.
Cleric - Divine Leader - Best healer in the game.
Fighter - Martial Defender - Highest damage-dealing tank in the game.
Paladin - Divine Defender - Can wear the best armor at level 1, some minor healing abilities.
Ranger - Martial Striker - The king of multiple single-target attacks. One build trades offensive power for a pet.
Rogue - Martial Striker - Lots of skills, small number of high damage attacks.
Warlock - Arcane Striker - Single-target DPS/debuffer.
Warlord - Martial Leader - The best buffing class in the game.
Wizard - Arcane Controller - Mediocre at-wills and encounters, uber dailies. WotC's favorite class, considering the amount of content printed for it.
Avenger - Divine Striker - What do you get when you combine a cleric with a rogue with a dash of Assassin's Creed? This.
Barbarian - Primal Striker - High HP, high damage, low defenses. A lightning bruiser.
Bard - Arcane Leader - Healing and buffing with a dash of crowd control.
Druid - Primal Controller - Summoning, shapeshifting, plus nature-based crowd control powers.
Invoker - Divine Controller - Think Moses from the Old Testament, raining down the Wrath of God on infidels. Basically a divine wizard.
Sorcerer - Arcane Striker - AoE DPS, awesome at-wills and encounters, mediocre dailies.
Shaman - Primal Leader - Healer with a spirit pet.
Warden - Primal Defender - Shapeshifting tank with the highest HP in the game.
Ardent - Psionic Leader - Emo healer class. He amplifies allies' emotions to buff or heal them (you're so happy you get better).
Monk - Psionic Striker - Highly mobile unarmed fighter. Arguably the most mobile class in the game.
Psion - Psionic Controller - Low damage but has the best crowd control abilities. Has the most mind control powers.
Runepriest - Divine Leader - Cleric is to Coke Classic as Runepriest is to Coke Zero.
Seeker - Primal Controller - An archer with nature magic.
Warmind - Psionic Defender - Basically a psychic fighter.
Taking a break from Neverwinter indefinitely...
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
Oh dear...
These are interesting!
Though it seems PHB 3 is a complete write-off..
Thanks for the list!
Wizards (Magic-Users) have always been the 'favored' class of D&D.
Monk was one of the original base classes in the First edition of Dungeons & Dragons. Monk was neither a fighter, nor a thief but its' own class. Monks are virtuous wanderers that use unarmed combat to deal damage to enemies. They have their own magic incantation that is unlike the divine magic of clerics and paladins and different than the conjured arcane magic of wizards. Monks use a magic called "Ki" (pronounced Chi) which they draw directly from their inner spark life force. Chi gives Monks unnatural speed and the ability to heal minor wounds. The harmonious and balanced mind of the Monk is able to remain calm and resist many Psionic based attacks. Advanced Monks are said to be ageless and almost immortal as they seek their goal to become one with the universe.
Monk was the class I liked to play the most back in the day and is still the class I prefer in MMO gaming. Please add Monk to Neverwinter to balance out the original roster of Dungeons & Dragons classes.
Sequel: The Return to Sloping Street NW-DACVPHGHW
Part 3: The Merchant's Tower NW-DC3LB6TZ9
this could prove difficult as an un-armed character considering that all classes have a main hand and an off-hand. but it would be a great challenge and interesting to see how they would tackle it.
I always played good/neutral guys, so I'd like to see another goodie (proper Paladin, but unlikely since we have GF) but also like certain neutrals (Druids, Monks, etc.). I'll plump for summoner Druid. With pets that are actually useful and can fight. If they get downed, they don't need to be revived by hand but auto-revive after x seconds. Or the Druid has an Encounter/Daily power that revives it/them.
"Young people....." - Erik Lehnsherr
Races: Kobolds.
Kaylee Krankenwagen, level 60 GF | Tavandruil Wayfinder, level 49 GWF | Aldith Langley, level 51 HR