Doesn't matter. The classes you are wanting were sub classes not main classes. Main classes come first then sub classes. Besides I would rather stick with 2e as it was the best one. 4e can be flushed down the toilet as that is where it belongs.
GWF & GF are your fighters.
CW your mage.
DC your cleric
TR your thief
Rangers and Paladins are a sub class of fighter
Druid sub class of cleric
Warlock sub class of mage
Monk was one of the original base classes in the First edition of Dungeons & Dragons. Monk was neither a fighter, nor a thief but its' own class. Monks are virtuous wanderers that use unarmed combat to deal damage to enemies. They have their own magic incantation that is unlike the divine magic of clerics and paladins and different than conjured magic of wizards. Monks use a magic called "Ki" (pronounced Chi) which they draw directly from their inner spark life force. Chi gives Monks unnatural speed and the ability to heal minor wounds. The harmonious and balanced mind of the Monk is able to remain calm and resist many Psionic based attacks. Advanced Monks are said to be ageless and almost immortal as they seek their goal to become one with the universe.
Monk was the class I liked to play the most back in the day and is still the class I prefer in MMO gaming. Please add Monk to Neverwinter to balance out the original roster of Dungeons & Dragons classes.
While I miss some of the old classes and would have preferred to see them added before now, I don't want to see them now.
If that doesn't make any sense, the reason is that I think that there are worse things wrong with this game that need dealing with sooner before adding in 'new' classes. Doing new cosmetic crud I doubt takes a lot of resource. Doing entirely new classes and all the associated gameplay issues uses a lot of resource. I would rather most/some of that resource went on tackling things that need fixing, or adding to the customer support resources.
"Young people....." - Erik Lehnsherr
Well given the game is driven by the 4E Essebtisls products, for which the first book had exactly the classes we see in NWO it seems that we can expect to see the classes from the second book in time;
Circle Druid - a primal leader with an animal companion
Cavalier Paladin - a divine defender with either Leader or Striker secondary depending on build.
Scout Ranger - a melee striker (it's a 2 weapon striker, do we need another now?)
Hunter Ranger - a ranged controller (the one I hope we get so we have 2 controllers)
Hexblade Warlock - a primarily melee striker with a ranged at-will. (Though I would bet more on a PHB style warlock as that's what we see in the trailer (as he's got the knife implement).)
Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin Obsidian Oath - Warlock A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
I wouldn't mind seeing some of the larger issues addressed first as well, but the vast majority want a new class. Hopefully after it is introduced some of the other issues can be tended to.
khimera906Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 898Arc User
Don't doubt they are coming. Would prefer other issues addressed first though.
Maybe they are gonna surprise us and we will get both at the same time :rolleyes:
The class I would like to see is the Druid, but if a Ranger will make the "when is the next class coming" post stop, I hope the Ranger is the next class they introduce.
I hate dancing with Lady Luck. She always steps on my toes.
andferne3Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 104Bounty Hunter
Getting a new class will not stop the "when will we grt a new class?" posts, it might stop a new one appearing for a few werks but it will not stop them. Someone will always want a new class that isn't on the options list.
Consider that the 2 classes introduced in Forgotten Realms products; Swordmage & Bladesinger
I wouldn't expect them to appear soon, being secondary classes, so you'll still get threads starting while someone wants their favourite ckass.
Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin Obsidian Oath - Warlock A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
I am happy they released the game when they did. I've enjoyed playing it for many, many hours since Spring. If they were going to include more classes at launch, the game probably still wouldn't have launched.
*Legit Community*
Heather - Ranger
James - Paladin
Jet - Warlock
Royal - Cleric
Gray - Rogue
Red - Wizard
Ios - Barbarian
andferne3Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 104Bounty Hunter
edited October 2013
I just pretend that my Trickster Rogue is my Swordmage. He is a Perma-stealth build, so I use that as him casting an invisibility like spell while in combat. Lashing blade is a magical (huge dagger by the way..) that I summon with magic. Bloodbath is me casting Teleport (or Blink for that matter), etc.
So while I know the actual class is far from ever happening in game terms. I still can pretend.
Please add the Monk class to Neverwinter thank you.
Monk was one of the original base classes in the First edition of Dungeons & Dragons. Monk was neither a fighter, nor a thief but its' own class. Monks are virtuous wanderers that use unarmed combat to deal damage to enemies. They have their own magic incantation that is unlike the divine magic of clerics and paladins and different than the conjured magic of wizards. Monks use a magic called "Ki" (pronounced Chi) which they draw directly from their inner spark life force. Chi gives Monks unnatural speed and the ability to heal minor wounds. The harmonious and balanced mind of the Monk is able to remain calm and resist many Psionic based attacks. Advanced Monks are said to be ageless and almost immortal as they seek their goal to become one with the universe.
No Forgotten Realms game is complete with out the Monk class. Monk was the main class I liked to play the most back in the day and is still the class I prefer in MMO gaming. Please add the Monk to Neverwinter to round out the original roster of Dungeons & Dragons classes.
Couldn't agree with you more. Although the game badly needs a ranged class as outlined by numerous other threads, the absence of the monk IMHO is a schoolboy error.
khimera906Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 898Arc User
Getting a new class will not stop the "when will we grt a new class?" posts, it might stop a new one appearing for a few werks but it will not stop them. Someone will always want a new class that isn't on the options list.
I know, I know It just seems childish to ask that everyday, but I get the excitement, especially when it seems that there is little time left before "the big event".
The Rogue was my favorite class. It's not as complex as I hoped it would be, but I still enjoy playing it a lot. The Monk and the Druid should be very interesting to see too and I wouldn't mind the Ranger either. Whatever it is I am looking forward to that greatly.
I hate dancing with Lady Luck. She always steps on my toes.
I really want that the ranger class with 2 weapons to appear(big weapons not daggers or short swords).I hate the ranger with the bow as much as I hate anything with a bow cuz I do not like fighting range with bows and arrows I like being the one in the front that is trashed around by powerful bosses not the one who stays far away that gives damage and not get damage.
If that is not possible which it should be and from the start of the game after all who is the biggest hero that walked new neverwinter?
I could accept a barbarian because of the rage he has huge damage and invulnerability what is not to like except not having 2 big weapons.
I will give a try to paladin if it appears.
Yes. Thieves and Druids were added in supplements. When AD&D launched, they added Rangers and Paladins as fighter subclasses, Assassins for thieves, Illusionists for MUs and Monks. In all the years I played, I don't think I ever saw a monk outside of Oriental Adventures. They were really weak at low levels but powerful at higher ones and people didn't want to spend the time to advance one just to get to a point where they were fun. Magic Users and Thieves were the same but they came into their own much much quicker.
"We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
An issue with monks is having to create a dumb fake weapon item for them to prevent them from being underpowered. Unarmed, giving them "epic" quality fists on par with T2 weapons is unfair (too easy?). Making up those stats on class specific gear is not cool -- not everyone groups to earn the set pieces. The only real choice is to make up some sort of item to put in the weapon slot, boxing gloves or something of that nature.
Original D&D had the weird races too. You played an elf, it was an elf, it had no class at all! Same for dwarf, you were a dwarf and that was that. Elves were some sort of fighter/mage (from memory here, maybe it had a dash of cleric too) and dwarf was a buffed fighter. Only humans could pick their class!
Monks came in far later and were very difficult to roll. I disagree they were weak at low levels (they were not if you had the stats..) but getting the stats was unheard of. You had to have a ton of wisdom, strength, dex, and a reasonable con roll. Talking all 16s, maybe 12 or 14 in con. 3 16s+ and a 12+ is just rough to roll. Without the wisdom and dex, you get hit too much ad die. Without str, your damage was too low to bother with the class. And you did not get a lot of loot --- typically sworn to poverty so no money, and most of the armor and weapons were useless to you. A lot of people like to be rewarded with items... so that was an issue.
Between the rolls and the loot issue, it was simply not popular without changes from the manual via DM (specialty clothing/robes, specialty weapons, adjustments to combat to deal with being hit too much and too hard, etc). The popular NWN game had a great version of monks, and the "allocate points" method of "rolling" along with modern racial bonuses allowed you to make a strong character in the class easily.
The class=race thing wasn't in the original rules. It was added in the Basic ruleset that was an alternative to AD&D. In the original rules, elves had the special ability that they could switch between Fighting Men and Magic Users between adventures. Still weird, and a precursor to the horribly unbalanced rules for multi-classing in AD&D 1st.
"We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
An issue with monks is having to create a dumb fake weapon item for them to prevent them from being underpowered. Unarmed, giving them "epic" quality fists on par with T2 weapons is unfair (too easy?). Making up those stats on class specific gear is not cool -- not everyone groups to earn the set pieces. The only real choice is to make up some sort of item to put in the weapon slot, boxing gloves or something of that nature.
I really want that the ranger class with 2 weapons to appear(big weapons not daggers or short swords).I hate the ranger with the bow as much as I hate anything with a bow cuz I do not like fighting range with bows and arrows I like being the one in the front that is trashed around by powerful bosses not the one who stays far away that gives damage and not get damage.
If that is not possible which it should be and from the start of the game after all who is the biggest hero that walked new neverwinter?
I could accept a barbarian because of the rage he has huge damage and invulnerability what is not to like except not having 2 big weapons.
I will give a try to paladin if it appears.
Well they could add the TWF Tempest ranger for someone with your tastes and the Arcane Archer for someone like me who likes dealing big damage from range.
Nothing wrong with handwraps. It seems like an arbitrary thing for people to complain about.
I disagree with anyone who says Monks were unpopular though. They may have seemed unpopular if nobody played a Monk in your group. If you knew any Monk players you would know they were some of the most passionate roleplayers out there.
Well they could add the TWF Tempest ranger for someone with your tastes and the Arcane Archer for someone like me who likes dealing big damage from range.
I really do not get why there can not be one ranger class that had both like 3.5E 3E and the rest of the E. Now I am curios why can't the fighter have 2 weapons they are trained in using weapons is it that hard for them to learn to use 1 in each hand for impressing the women and/or men if not for bigger damage?
I really do not get why there can not be one ranger class that had both like 3.5E 3E and the rest of the E. Now I am curios why can't the fighter have 2 weapons they are trained in using weapons is it that hard for them to learn to use 1 in each hand for impressing the women and/or men if not for bigger damage?
Yeah thats what i ment one class but you pick what path it will follow at Character creation... as for the fighters being pigeon holed into one weapon or 1 weapon and a shield that just seems crazy to me and not what DnD is supposed to be like.
i dunno if this game need some classes more or some hybrids but what i can say is this game need badly is a second paragon path
and if u open your mind a new pargon path can mean a new class also, take for example a cw second paragon fire or an unholly dps cleric and u can keep going wild with ideas
GWF & GF are your fighters.
CW your mage.
DC your cleric
TR your thief
Rangers and Paladins are a sub class of fighter
Druid sub class of cleric
Warlock sub class of mage
Monk was one of the original base classes in the First edition of Dungeons & Dragons. Monk was neither a fighter, nor a thief but its' own class. Monks are virtuous wanderers that use unarmed combat to deal damage to enemies. They have their own magic incantation that is unlike the divine magic of clerics and paladins and different than conjured magic of wizards. Monks use a magic called "Ki" (pronounced Chi) which they draw directly from their inner spark life force. Chi gives Monks unnatural speed and the ability to heal minor wounds. The harmonious and balanced mind of the Monk is able to remain calm and resist many Psionic based attacks. Advanced Monks are said to be ageless and almost immortal as they seek their goal to become one with the universe.
Monk was the class I liked to play the most back in the day and is still the class I prefer in MMO gaming. Please add Monk to Neverwinter to balance out the original roster of Dungeons & Dragons classes.
Sequel: The Return to Sloping Street NW-DACVPHGHW
Part 3: The Merchant's Tower NW-DC3LB6TZ9
If that doesn't make any sense, the reason is that I think that there are worse things wrong with this game that need dealing with sooner before adding in 'new' classes. Doing new cosmetic crud I doubt takes a lot of resource. Doing entirely new classes and all the associated gameplay issues uses a lot of resource. I would rather most/some of that resource went on tackling things that need fixing, or adding to the customer support resources.
"Young people....." - Erik Lehnsherr
Circle Druid - a primal leader with an animal companion
Cavalier Paladin - a divine defender with either Leader or Striker secondary depending on build.
Scout Ranger - a melee striker (it's a 2 weapon striker, do we need another now?)
Hunter Ranger - a ranged controller (the one I hope we get so we have 2 controllers)
Hexblade Warlock - a primarily melee striker with a ranged at-will. (Though I would bet more on a PHB style warlock as that's what we see in the trailer (as he's got the knife implement).)
Obsidian Oath - Warlock
A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
"Young people....." - Erik Lehnsherr
Maybe they are gonna surprise us and we will get both at the same time :rolleyes:
The class I would like to see is the Druid, but if a Ranger will make the "when is the next class coming" post stop, I hope the Ranger is the next class they introduce.
Getting a new class will not stop the "when will we grt a new class?" posts, it might stop a new one appearing for a few werks but it will not stop them. Someone will always want a new class that isn't on the options list.
Consider that the 2 classes introduced in Forgotten Realms products; Swordmage & Bladesinger
I wouldn't expect them to appear soon, being secondary classes, so you'll still get threads starting while someone wants their favourite ckass.
Obsidian Oath - Warlock
A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
Heather - Ranger
James - Paladin
Jet - Warlock
Royal - Cleric
Gray - Rogue
Red - Wizard
Ios - Barbarian
So while I know the actual class is far from ever happening in game terms. I still can pretend.
Monk was one of the original base classes in the First edition of Dungeons & Dragons. Monk was neither a fighter, nor a thief but its' own class. Monks are virtuous wanderers that use unarmed combat to deal damage to enemies. They have their own magic incantation that is unlike the divine magic of clerics and paladins and different than the conjured magic of wizards. Monks use a magic called "Ki" (pronounced Chi) which they draw directly from their inner spark life force. Chi gives Monks unnatural speed and the ability to heal minor wounds. The harmonious and balanced mind of the Monk is able to remain calm and resist many Psionic based attacks. Advanced Monks are said to be ageless and almost immortal as they seek their goal to become one with the universe.
No Forgotten Realms game is complete with out the Monk class. Monk was the main class I liked to play the most back in the day and is still the class I prefer in MMO gaming. Please add the Monk to Neverwinter to round out the original roster of Dungeons & Dragons classes.
Sequel: The Return to Sloping Street NW-DACVPHGHW
Part 3: The Merchant's Tower NW-DC3LB6TZ9
The Rogue was my favorite class. It's not as complex as I hoped it would be, but I still enjoy playing it a lot. The Monk and the Druid should be very interesting to see too and I wouldn't mind the Ranger either. Whatever it is I am looking forward to that greatly.
and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".
Really, where did you hear the rumour that they won't be releasing the Bard class at all?
Bards and Druids would be nice too...
But a asskicking psychoic monk like I used to play on some PnP rounds... would be lovely
... well I'd also be happy with some meleeish clerical path...
If that is not possible which it should be and from the start of the game after all who is the biggest hero that walked new neverwinter?
I could accept a barbarian because of the rage he has huge damage and invulnerability what is not to like except not having 2 big weapons.
I will give a try to paladin if it appears.
Really? That was simple.
Original D&D had the weird races too. You played an elf, it was an elf, it had no class at all! Same for dwarf, you were a dwarf and that was that. Elves were some sort of fighter/mage (from memory here, maybe it had a dash of cleric too) and dwarf was a buffed fighter. Only humans could pick their class!
Monks came in far later and were very difficult to roll. I disagree they were weak at low levels (they were not if you had the stats..) but getting the stats was unheard of. You had to have a ton of wisdom, strength, dex, and a reasonable con roll. Talking all 16s, maybe 12 or 14 in con. 3 16s+ and a 12+ is just rough to roll. Without the wisdom and dex, you get hit too much ad die. Without str, your damage was too low to bother with the class. And you did not get a lot of loot --- typically sworn to poverty so no money, and most of the armor and weapons were useless to you. A lot of people like to be rewarded with items... so that was an issue.
Between the rolls and the loot issue, it was simply not popular without changes from the manual via DM (specialty clothing/robes, specialty weapons, adjustments to combat to deal with being hit too much and too hard, etc). The popular NWN game had a great version of monks, and the "allocate points" method of "rolling" along with modern racial bonuses allowed you to make a strong character in the class easily.
Handwrap's as in DDO
Well they could add the TWF Tempest ranger for someone with your tastes and the Arcane Archer for someone like me who likes dealing big damage from range.
I disagree with anyone who says Monks were unpopular though. They may have seemed unpopular if nobody played a Monk in your group. If you knew any Monk players you would know they were some of the most passionate roleplayers out there.
Sequel: The Return to Sloping Street NW-DACVPHGHW
Part 3: The Merchant's Tower NW-DC3LB6TZ9
I really do not get why there can not be one ranger class that had both like 3.5E 3E and the rest of the E. Now I am curios why can't the fighter have 2 weapons they are trained in using weapons is it that hard for them to learn to use 1 in each hand for impressing the women and/or men if not for bigger damage?
Yeah thats what i ment one class but you pick what path it will follow at Character creation... as for the fighters being pigeon holed into one weapon or 1 weapon and a shield that just seems crazy to me and not what DnD is supposed to be like.
but what i can say is this game need badly is a second paragon path
and if u open your mind a new pargon path can mean a new class also, take for example a cw second paragon fire or an unholly dps cleric and u can keep going wild with ideas
So how about giveus second paragon path