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First major Signs of the Game Decline



  • angryspriteangrysprite Member Posts: 4,982 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I've begun to realize the game punishes players more than it encourages "fun" play. Even if all the bugs and exploits where fixed in the game the game is just far too difficult for the casual players base that is actually staying to enjoy the game.

    I've been trying so hard to get this through the Devs' heads since closed beta 1.

    Ces la vie I suppose. The above statement describes precisely how I feel, and I know for a fact I am well within Cryptic's target audience (if not a model citizen of same) because I *still* spend a lot of monthly money in the (STO and CO) Z-Stores (going on 4 years now).

    Also because of the above description fitting me so well, I spend a lot less time in neverwinter and a lot more time in STO. It's more fun - not for the Intellectual Property values, but just plain gameplay, balance, rewards, etc. It's a more fun *game* than Neverwinter's min-maxer mindset.

    ATTN Cryptic Devs (and PR people who price Z-Store items, also): get a clue.
  • ordensmarschallordensmarschall Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1,060 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    take time to check out the hidden details while you explore. this is not simply a stage to kill a few orcs. this is an immersive world, and there is so much to discover. go forth and discover a contemporary vision of dungeons & dragons in neverwinter.

    So why is it I can never find anyone that actually wants to do this? Why is it that you only see "fast runs" in the LFG?

    Many people came here for the exploration and character complexity that a D&D logo implies. A sore disappointment to see the reality. I enjoy the game for what it is right now, but beyond a very thin veneer, there is sadly nothing D&D about this. New people are coming for the MMO not the RPG. It is many of the original players leaving that gives the perception of a shrinking player base. While overall it probably has shrunk but not by as much as it seems. Guilds are likely dying off because there is no real reason to have a guild except for Gauntylgrim, and that only applies PvP aficionados.

    Casual players are also leaving, as the hardcore gamers have made quite clear that they are not wanted. As evidenced by the many L2P responses to posts about the dungeons, and the verbal abuse meted out during dungeon runs if you are not an expert on your first run.
  • astariadodfastariadodf Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    imho this is one of the best mmos ive ever played. and ive played
    UO AO WOW COH LOTRO EVE Neocron, POTCO, Tabula rossa, DDO, TOR
    and a few others....

    <chuckles> If you played that many, you probably note one of the major problems in ALL MMO's I have played (UO DAOC (Hunter Community Lead) WOW DDO) - its Harry Potter Syndrome.

    Fact is that this game is not bad, just probably too new and not rounded out enough before release. The wave that is leaving IMO is the hardcore exploiter - they are buttoning up many exploits (yes more need addressing) but I see many honest folk in the community haranguing exploiters now. Keep it up IMO folks.

    Major things I think need to be done for the game to survive -

    - continue ended exploits i.e. gee foundry's cant be exploited you have to do the whole thing, so why not dungeons?

    - targeting in game is FUBAR - it wholly supports casters. The CW I play auto targets, and the worst thing on her is forgetting to shut it off so she wont just start shooting. My TR and GWF? forget it. Melee classes ever notice how if a friendly unit gets on your reticule in a fight your no longer hitting the enemy (or anything)?

    - Economy is wack. Innundated by exploits early on, now that it has cleared working to buy a perfect enchant at 10 million = 24k * over 400 days... really... and thats just ONE enchant?

    i could go on... but thats enough of the big issues for now... lets hope some get adressed (please let it be Harry Potter syndorme) ASAP
  • esteenaesteena Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1
    edited September 2013
    Next is class balance, makign the GF and GWF an essential part of the group.

    I suggest in giving more team up abilities to GF, GWF and TR. LEt them be more powerful when working with certain members of other classes.

    This ^ /10chars

    - Economy is wack. Innundated by exploits early on, now that it has cleared working to buy a perfect enchant at 10 million = 24k * over 400 days... really... and thats just ONE enchant?

    I make over 1 million every week , from just farming CN. You don't need 400 days to get 10 million.
  • archomentalarchomental Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 138 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    Here are some of the things that have dumbstruck me:

    1) This game has the LEAST amount of communication from the devs that I have
    ever experienced (and Ive played every main MMO). This is actually more
    damaging than you think over time. At the very least keep players updated
    on what you are working on (VERY generally) and that you acknowledge the problems.

    2) Almost every player I know who used the shared quest abuse from the new zones, got
    perma banned. If you don't know what this was, someone could keep sharing the weekly
    quest with you in Shandalar after you completed it. BANNED!! REALLY!? I personally didn't
    partake in it, but the people who did didn't affect players like me at all. How can they justify this
    punishment? I can only guess because you will never get a response from a dev.

    3) Castle Malabog was "neat" but I was done with it after farming the epics I needed for the weapons.
    The loot design is horrendous: Lets make a RANDOM chance for loot to even drop, and when it does,
    its only pieces of a crafted set that is a minor upgrade to Castle Never. Oh yea, one more thing: EVERYONE
    can and will roll on it!!!! Genius!

    4) Loot going to BOP. This eliminated any reason for me running dungeons once I got geared. This killed Gauntlgrym.
    GG had allot of potential, but this change literally took away any and all desires for the rewards it gives now.
    Play for fun? Lol no thanks. Running in a circle capping points requires the least amount of skill of any pvp match
    to date. Since when did you see ONE epic battle of over 20 players? You wont because the zerg stays on the move.

    I eagerly await future content, but my advice to the devs is sharpen your pencils. Between now and early to mid next year there are some major titles that will sink this game if it doesn't get better.

    (Forgive the spacing on the sentences. For some reason they typed fine, but when I hit done, they got jacked up).
  • warpetwarpet Member Posts: 1,969 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    i log in only every few weeks game is dead for me this are reasons why:
    almost impossible to find team for anything
    to hard to farm AD
    to hard dungeons so cant use queue to play them
    dungeons takes to much time to finish if u do not exploit them
    broken classes : CW to OP in pve , gwf is joke in pve and pvp,dc heals very bad in pve
    broken companions: there is only 2 u can use stone or cat others are 1 shot and do to low damage
    skirmish is not worth of time
    exploiters are not punished
    drop rates in dungeons are stupid
    lack of fun events to do
  • sirjestosirjesto Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 176 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    warpet wrote: »
    i log in only every few weeks game is dead for me this are reasons why:
    almost impossible to find team for anything
    too hard to farm AD
    too hard dungeons so cant use queue to play them
    dungeons takes too much time to finish if u do not exploit them
    broken classes : CW too OP in pve , gwf is joke in pve and pvp,dc heals very bad in pve
    broken companions: there is only 2 u can use stone or cat others are 1 shot and do too low damage
    skirmish is not worth of time
    exploiters are not punished
    drop rates in dungeons are stupid
    lack of fun events to do

    Incorrect usage of the words too and to are my biggest problem with the game.
  • kolbe11kolbe11 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Personally, this game is nothing more than a time filler for me. Once something more true to D&D comes out, like this one from WotC, I'll be more than happy to jump ship. PWE had their chance and they didn't hold true to many of the original envisioned design options created by Atari. Some of that can be found here: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/archive/index.php/t-3772.html

    The game is still fun, but after 2 years of being a part of it, I'm a bit disappointed.
    "It is said that idle hands are the Devil's tools: Idle geek hands, however, came up with gunpowder, nuclear weapons, and toilet plungers." -Illiad
  • baronvonboombaronvonboom Member Posts: 536 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    orianthi4 wrote: »
    Now these day, mainly since Module 1 came out and more because of the nightmare box mount bug and the way it was handled i maybe log once a week just to see if anything as changed, but alas it never has, just more things that dont work or are not worth the time or efort to start.

    ^^Couldn't agree more with this..

    I stopped playing pretty much 1-2 days after the new module & the "lucky" nightmare box thing. The way they handled that was just so messy an left me a real bitter taste in my mouth tbh.
    That combined with the fact that despite the module having a countdown for the previous 7 days came out and broke things that had previously been fixed, making it seem like another straight port from the preview shard with no testing.
    So I just gave up... went an spent the money I was going to spend on a Feywild pack on Guild Wars 2 (not that great but what can you do:)

    So what was that 2-3 weeks ago?? Anyways I thought I would log on this week and check in with a couple of friends and let them know where I was etc..
    AH sort function is still broken..new mounts in the Z store.. yadda yadda yadda.
    Same thing over an over again so I just messaged everyone an left it again:/

    & just to highlight my point Lewstelamon just edited my post..lol

    As i stated, the way these forums were moderated by Cryptic & the community mods during the nightmare episode was a clear cut attempt at stifling opinion.

    Any attempt to delete, lock, or otherwise hamper this post goes against the community spirit of honest feedback and customer responsibility. If any moderator wishes to see my purchase receipt I am more than happy to provide it but I am exercising my right as a paid customer to express my opinion. Thank you.
  • valwrynvalwryn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,620 Arc User
    edited September 2013
  • cyanbluestone007cyanbluestone007 Member Posts: 104 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    axer128 wrote: »
    CN yes.

    MC hell no.

    Ultra differently designed dungeons result in different classes performing better.

    Being MC has no kb kills for CWs to dominate, GFs AOE dps is quite solid. Yea it's a bit behind a gwf and cw, however the fact is the trash packs are quite a bit tougher than CNs, so having a GF keep them all steady while so the rest of the group can focus them down speeds up the killing.

    Personally lead the dps meter by a wide margin against 100% of TR, and 99% of CW/GWFs on my GF for the first section of the dungeon. (Probably could the whole deal, but at the first boss I swap to knight captain set to ensure grp survivability over my own, which kills my dps).

    Same goes for the bosses. Sure a rogue can tank them like in CN, however unlike in CN the rogues actually have alternate tasks to attend to (burst valindra), so it's better to have the GF tank.

    You still are never gonna leave the TR, CW or DC out like you can for GF for a quick run, but the best grp imo for fastest MC atm is GF, TR, DC , 2x CW.
    (Though you can replace one or both CWs here with more GF/GWF and still win unlike CN)

    Screen shot or it didnt happen.

    All the MC's I get invited to on GF are 1 DC, 3 CW, 1 GF. CW's destroy val faster than any TR because they have range and they can hit her instantly as she pops. 3 Ice knives will kill Val faster than any 3 TR's because of range and the CW's know it.

    Then add the fact that CW's do the most damage in MC above any other class. As a DPS GF I do about 1/3rd the damage of the 3 CW's in my group. This is mostly due to how much AOE burst damage CW;s have and there knockbacks. As a GF I never have time to DPS. I am there for threat to engage mobs and basically be a distraction. They bring GF only to hold Dragon at last boss so they do not have to worry about dodging draco attacks.
  • melodywhrmelodywhr Member Posts: 4,220 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    and people are still moaning about "nightmare thursday" like they are owed something for it. without getting into a lengthy debate about why they took the action that they did, it is in the terms of service that you agreed to by downloading, installing and playing the game that pwe will handle game issues at their discretion and that also means that they don't have to check with you first or give you an explanation about it afterwards. if that rubs you the wrong way, then you should just uninstall all the games you have on your computer right now because that TOS language is in every single one of them.
  • cyanbluestone007cyanbluestone007 Member Posts: 104 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    melodywhr wrote: »
    more doom and gloom.

    a scene from lord of the rings comes to mind when denethor, son of ecthelion, sees the armies of mordor and assumes that rohan has abandoned them. he then says that theoden has betrayed him. as the first catapulted rock hits the white city, denethor begins commanding soldiers to abandon their posts, to flee for their lives!!

    as he turns to look upon them, gandalf whacks him with his staff... not once, not twice but three times and commands the troops to prepare for battle.

    it's unfortunate that you and others like you want everyone to run and flee for their lives on this allegedly sinking ship. this company has proven time and time again that they are dedicated and here for the long haul. i mean, look around you. look at the cut scenes and the trailers and the great expense that has transpired to bring you neverwinter.

    i bring you a quote from jon schindehette, the creative director of wizards of the coast. this comes from the foreword found in the book "the art of dungeons & dragons: neverwinter":

    see you in-game.

    See I made this thread because I wanted to be uplifted by other players on these forums to renew my interest in the game by hopefully learning what other people enjoy. But in game I see constant hate and leavers and now out of game Only the seemingly new players are saying they enjoy the game while the older more expereinced players understand where I'm coming from. It's becoming more obviopus that this game has a short shelf life for players.

    You play it You become bored you move on. No long term players are staying it seems.
  • zalcszalcs Banned Users Posts: 345 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    People who say this game is totally fine and isn't losing players interest, need to take a look around. Devs hardly communicate with the community at all about what they're doing. Farming the only important currency, AD, is so slow to the point where people would rather quit than spending one month for 400k ad (constantly logging in every day and invoking, doing some dailies etc.) Removing an enchantment costs up to 250k ad, removing. Plague fire and tenebrous are cash shop only, it's just depressing. People need to be able to obtain good enchantments without popping big bucks, because of their game-changing nature. Farming perfect vorpal in-game by running dungeons, dailies, invoking, leadership? Good luck.

    That being said, the combat is kinda fun, balance is bad. 2 pvp maps and very low rewards (salvaging glory gear) doesn't cut it either. The reality is that there's no real endgame and people are quitting like there's no tomorrow. Currently dungeons aren't worth running at all (blues from MC, really?) and the BoP. One can argue that doing CN speedruns with a guild full of pros who probably exploits too can net some AD from the end drop, but not everyone has the ability to do that. /endrant
  • timmbeertimmbeer Member Posts: 268 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    melodywhr wrote: »
    and people are still moaning about "nightmare thursday" like they are owed something for it. without getting into a lengthy debate about why they took the action that they did, it is in the terms of service that you agreed to by downloading, installing and playing the game that pwe will handle game issues at their discretion and that also means that they don't have to check with you first or give you an explanation about it afterwards. if that rubs you the wrong way, then you should just uninstall all the games you have on your computer right now because that TOS language is in every single one of them.

    People moan at the "Nightmare Thursday" for a reason. If a game, any game, rubs the player the wrong way, the player will just uninstall the game, like what you had suggested. And yes, the two events had sure rubbed a lot of players the wrong way, without a proper explaination or corrective action.

    When someone has to use the TOS to refute comments, you know somewhere it is going downhill.
    "Lucky" is the new FOTM.
  • degraafinationdegraafination Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Can I have your account when you leave? Thanks!
    Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
  • melodywhrmelodywhr Member Posts: 4,220 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    zalcs wrote: »
    People who say this game is totally fine and isn't losing players interest, need to take a look around. Devs hardly communicate with the community at all about what they're doing. Farming the only important currency, AD, is so slow to the point where people would rather quit than spending one month for 400k ad (constantly logging in every day and invoking, doing some dailies etc.) Removing an enchantment costs up to 250k ad, removing. Plague fire and tenebrous are cash shop only, it's just depressing. People need to be able to obtain good enchantments without popping big bucks, because of their game-changing nature. Farming perfect vorpal in-game by running dungeons, dailies, invoking, leadership? Good luck.

    That being said, the combat is kinda fun, balance is bad. 2 pvp maps and very low rewards (salvaging glory gear) doesn't cut it either. The reality is that there's no real endgame and people are quitting like there's no tomorrow. Currently dungeons aren't worth running at all (blues from MC, really?) and the BoP. One can argue that doing CN speedruns with a guild full of pros who probably exploits too can net some AD from the end drop, but not everyone has the ability to do that. /endrant

    that's because people that enjoy playing the game doesn't really care about these conspiracy theories and unsubstantiated rumors. you say "look around" but i don't have any factual data that i can use to back up what you're saying. and even if this place is "dying" i'd rather be enjoying it for as long as i can and not concern myself with things that i cannot control.

    if perfect enchants were easy to get, everyone would have them and this conspiracy theory would definitely be true since everyone would be godly and get bored after a few days. while these are attainable through grinding, working your way up to a perfect enchant takes a lot of patience. and if you decide to socket before you fuse that perfect vorpal, it's going to cost you to remove it. and it tells you that before you commit to the socket. so you're agreeing to this before hand. is it unfair? personally, i don't think so. to me, these kind of choices put before us in-game are the same kinds of things your DM would be putting you through on a paper D&D campaign. and there's always a penalty for power.
  • arcademasterarcademaster Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    The game does not cost a monthly subscription. So why in god's name aren't all the whiners and doomsayers just taking a break until the next content update and play something else in the meantime? You lose NOTHING. No one is standing behind you with a gun to your head forcing you to play every day.
    But reading these threads it seems the only acceptable state of being for a MMO is if you can spend 8 hours every day in it (else there is nothing todo QQ), while also making permanent big progress (else everything takes forever/is too expensive QQ).

    The times when MMOs had to bind you for years to sucker as much subscription money as possible out of you are over. Just play another MMO while you wait for updates. Then when you are tired of the content there, take a break over there and come back here. It is not rocket science. I play 3 MMOs at endgame level very fullfillingly and by switching things up every few weeks I never get bored of either and there is always a steady stream of new content seen over all 3.
  • timmbeertimmbeer Member Posts: 268 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    The game does not cost a monthly subscription. So why in god's name aren't all the whiners and doomsayers just taking a break until the next content update and play something else in the meantime? You lose NOTHING. No one is standing behind you with a gun to your head forcing you to play every day.
    But reading these threads it seems the only acceptable state of being for a MMO is if you can spend 8 hours every day in it (else there is nothing todo QQ), while also making permanent big progress (else everything takes forever/is too expensive QQ).

    The times when MMOs had to bind you for years to sucker as much subscription money as possible out of you are over. Just play another MMO while you wait for updates. Then when you are tired of the content there, take a break over there and come back here. It is not rocket science. I play 3 MMOs at endgame level very fullfillingly and by switching things up every few weeks I never get bored of either and there is always a steady stream of new content seen over all 3.

    Are you saying games just need to make one big update, have players play a few days or weeks, then ignore the game/players until the next bug update? Is this how games define "long term retention"?

    I despise players with game-hopping attitude. A lot of players want Neverwinter to succeed, including me, and want to play Neverwinter long term. Cryptic/PWE only succeed in dissing off a lot of players with their whimsy attitude towards to game. And no, to a lot of players, taking a"break" means permanently leaving the game. No amount of freebies will be able to entice them to play again.

    Count the game lucky to have whiners and doomsayers, for these gamers are the vocal ones who really want the game to succeed. Gamers who do not give a **** will just simply stop playing, and tell their friends not to play this game.

    And yes, when someone has to use the TOS to refute comments, you know somewhere the game is going downhill.
    "Lucky" is the new FOTM.
  • melodywhrmelodywhr Member Posts: 4,220 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    The game does not cost a monthly subscription. So why in god's name aren't all the whiners and doomsayers just taking a break until the next content update and play something else in the meantime? You lose NOTHING. No one is standing behind you with a gun to your head forcing you to play every day.
    But reading these threads it seems the only acceptable state of being for a MMO is if you can spend 8 hours every day in it (else there is nothing todo QQ), while also making permanent big progress (else everything takes forever/is too expensive QQ).

    The times when MMOs had to bind you for years to sucker as much subscription money as possible out of you are over. Just play another MMO while you wait for updates. Then when you are tired of the content there, take a break over there and come back here. It is not rocket science. I play 3 MMOs at endgame level very fullfillingly and by switching things up every few weeks I never get bored of either and there is always a steady stream of new content seen over all 3.

    i like your style.
  • melodywhrmelodywhr Member Posts: 4,220 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    timmbeer wrote: »
    Are you saying games just need to make one big update, have players play a few days or weeks, then ignore the game/players until the next bug update? Is this how games define "long term retention"?

    I despise players with game-hopping attitude. A lot of players want Neverwinter to succeed, including me, and want to play Neverwinter long term. Cryptic/PWE only succeed in dissing off a lot of players with their whimsy attitude towards to game. And no, to a lot of players, taking a"break" means permanently leaving the game. No amount of freebies will be able to entice them to play again.

    Count the game lucky to have whiners and doomsayers, for these gamers are the vocal ones who really want the game to succeed. Gamers who do not give a **** will just simply stop playing, and tell their friends not to play this game.

    And yes, when someone has to use the TOS to refute comments, you know somewhere the game is going downhill.

    all right. you win. wanna go get some ice cream?
  • shaddaxshaddax Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Don't quote me on it, but I heard Module 2 will have a lot of emphasis on the foundry.

    Don't tease me....
    Author of "The Party" (NW-DD33IHKSH)
    A wall suddenly appears out of nowhere blocking your path. You turn to notice that the everyone has vanished, their cheers replaced with screams. Unsure what is happening, you decide its best you leave this 'party'...
    The Party
  • zalcszalcs Banned Users Posts: 345 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    melodywhr wrote: »
    that's because people that enjoy playing the game doesn't really care about these conspiracy theories and unsubstantiated rumors. you say "look around" but i don't have any factual data that i can use to back up what you're saying. and even if this place is "dying" i'd rather be enjoying it for as long as i can and not concern myself with things that i cannot control.

    if perfect enchants were easy to get, everyone would have them and this conspiracy theory would definitely be true since everyone would be godly and get bored after a few days. while these are attainable through grinding, working your way up to a perfect enchant takes a lot of patience. and if you decide to socket before you fuse that perfect vorpal, it's going to cost you to remove it. and it tells you that before you commit to the socket. so you're agreeing to this before hand. is it unfair? personally, i don't think so. to me, these kind of choices put before us in-game are the same kinds of things your DM would be putting you through on a paper D&D campaign. and there's always a penalty for power.

    If you want to spend 400 days of constant grinding and logging in every day to invoke etc to be on the level of people who simply buy BiS, that's not my problem. Some people actually care about the game and wants to make it have some kind of logevity and gives feedback, but i guess that doesn't help when the devs aren't listening.

    I've been around since open beta and i dread to think about how a new player feels when his first char reaches 60 and he has 20k AD.
  • moogle71moogle71 Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Throw in the Horrible class balance. CW teams own everything, other players HATE on GWF and GF as they provide little to the group.
    cw got nerfed wtf are u talking about , sheild dosnt even give ap we got less control wow just wow , ofc i got my ancient stuff but i shuld do less damage then ur t1 weapon?
  • bdunrepentantbdunrepentant Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Yea, I was advised to quit reading the game boards and the negativity is why. You can almost cut and paste these gripes for every MMO I've ever played wa wa wa! Seriously if you're not having fun, GO OUTSIDE and do something else!! Me, Ill keep playing because I'm in an Awesome guild and we have fun!! One note, use a voice chat program like Mumble, it really enhances your game experience.

    sockmunkey wrote: »
    This game is in no danger at all. Yes, the population has dropped. No, it is typical and nothing to be concerned about. Even if the player drop is at the massive levels all the hyperbole and doomsayers want to believe. The game STILL would have a larger population then STO. A game Cryptic still considers a big success and still worth investment and development on.

    Even in the highly unlikely event NW slips in population below STO. It would take years to fall to CO levels. Even if that happened it would hardly be doom. Cryptic has said repeatedly the CO is still profitable and in no danger of closure

    So predictions of doom are greatly exaggerated.
  • ocampusmaximusocampusmaximus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 200 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    While I'm still loving the game, I lost a lot of enthusiasm when people got banned because of sharing the Arcane Reservoir and yet no one was banned for exploiting Nightmare Thursday. There are just limits to how many PR screw-ups can be forgiven by some customers and I just found out Vanguard: Saga of Heroes is still alive and kicking.

    Don't get me wrong: I love Neverwinter and I've spent quite some cash in this game. But a lot of us are disappointed on devs.
  • stabbathstabbath Member Posts: 350 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I know of too many mmos that are still around that people said were dying...

    Having said that, I don't play as much. lack of stuff to do, so I been trying out other games. I'm sure new players are joining all the time.
  • xhritxhrit Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    You can almost cut and paste these gripes for every MMO I've ever played wa wa wa! Seriously if you're not having fun, GO OUTSIDE and do something else!

    Every game I play has the same type of 'doom and gloom' posts on the forums. And you know what, they are all right. Every game is dying... at least in the same way that the sun is dying. Someday the sun will explode and take out half the solar system with it. So yeah, every game in the history of games will die at some point. Some just die faster then others.
  • valwrynvalwryn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,620 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    The Doomsayers are probably in cahoots with Valindra, hoping to scare many away so she can have an easy time conquering Neverwinter. :eek:
  • jawarisinjawarisin Member Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Well my guild fell apart. Most of the players I know have just quit. I intend to keep playing. I'm a little more casual than the average player. So I joined another guild and a week later the guild leader was perma banned for exploiting the sharandar sharable weekly quest.

    So Onto a new guild. The new guild I'm in is a guild recovering from players quitting like my first guild.

    Players have more stories of high end epiced out awesome players quitting the game than they do of players that are staying.. Or even enjoying the game. Alot of the players that are staying are all kinda mellow with no motivation. We dont stand a chance in hell of beating a Full MC run or even most T2's. Even though we are all 12k GS plus. Granted I'm a GF and not a useful class for PVE dungeons. But common already.

    I've begun to realize the game punishes players more than it encourages "fun" play. Even if all the bugs and exploits where fixed in the game the game is just far too difficult for the casual players base that is actually staying to enjoy the game.

    Throw in the Horrible class balance. CW teams own everything, other players HATE on GWF and GF as they provide little to the group.

    And my own personal pet peeve, how many useless skills there are in the game that no player will ever use in PvP or PVE. Classes are cookie cutters and use only each classes best 3 encounters, 2 dailies and 2 at Wills. Give or take the optional +1 power that might be swapped in at times.

    Devs need to take major action to save this game. Start by making dungeons more fun. Let casual but geared players enjoy an entire dungeon and just not farm half a dungeon. Next is class balance, makign the GF and GWF an essential part of the group.

    I suggest in giving more team up abilities to GF, GWF and TR. LEt them be more powerful when working with certain members of other classes. (TR back stabing for more when teamed up with fighters over other TR's, GWF being able to really exploit a CW's ability to gather mobs. CW lines them up GWF mows em down... Ect) And this needs to be as effective as just using multiple CW's

    My favorite set up for CN is

    2 CW *myself included)
    1 DC
    1 GF

    And, though it is true i don't play much any more (guess you could count me in the awesome players who were running 20 cn a day), I still have some peoples with whom I used to run, which are more than capable.
    CW Renegade comprehensive build+guide PvP:
    Here for the build+guide
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