People complain if the fight has too many adds: difficult and "lazy" design... (there is not a single REALLY difficult fight in this game) ok, devs design a non adds fight, now... people complain the non add fight is too difficult too... this morning, despite waking up with a head ache, i did a 2/3 run to MC cuz i had 30 minutes free and i need my off hand (im already forging my main hand) and the skill level of the people i pugged on is as diverse as the forums... a godawful CW who kept getting in the middle of red zones, a very good one who not only did goodlike AoE damage but also knew how to CC properly, a perfect vorpal executioner TR who melted anything he touched but was playing alone, rushing ahead and not even saying a word on the whole run, still very good solo player i can cope with it, even if is annoying, and a DC that other than being too close to the fight sometimes (died a couple times to random aoe) did a good job, so, if you have the privilege of running on good players groups, your gaming experience is totally different to those who pug, who are always playing the "pug lottery".
Valindra-fulminorax fight is hard, its supposed to be hard and its ok to be hard, CN Draco fight is hard (it would be even harder if wasnt possible to send the mobs to the roofs) its supposed to be hard, and i like it, even bugged (it will be fixed eventually) people who dont like hard shouldnt try the hardest endgame instances maybe.
spanky2014Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 78
Besides, many people cleared MC without bugs in the first week, including me on my CW main. This is because it was fresh and new and all the most geared, experienced and eager players threw themselves enthusiastically at it.
Now, everyone has figured out there is little incentive to do it and those that want to do it are either undergeared (yes, Valindra is meant to be a dps check) or inexperienced or uncoordinated. So, few bother doing more than 2/3.
It is basically the "Epic Dread Vault Effect", except greatly shorter dungeon and at least Epic DV endboss has a chance for a big reward.
Lol exactly. No loot drops = No Incentive.
So haven't bothered.
inthefade462Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited September 2013
That's nice, but if there's an indicator range then I expect it to work correctly. Using dodge is kind of too forgiving imo, you can dodge something and still be in the red area and dodge it, but if you try and dodge the 'right' way out of the zone but not timing it the same way then you can get hit.
So you are saying that like everyone else, you know for a fact that the aoe telegraph graphic is bugged and therefore useless to indicate whether or not you are inside the AOE, as well as you know how the dodge mechanics works and prevents said AOE dmg from hitting you 100% of the time, yet you continue to try and walk outside of the red area displayed because that's how it should work if it isnt' bugged and you're just, i dunno, checking hourly to see if the bug was stealth fixed? and instead wiping every time because of it.
There's a famous quote about repeating the same activities yet expecting a different outcome. look it up sometime.
arcademasterMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
People complain if the fight has too many adds: difficult and "lazy" design... (there is not a single REALLY difficult fight in this game) ok, devs design a non adds fight, now... people complain the non add fight is too difficult too...
Yeah pretty much. I hope the devs don't listen to the whiners about difficulty.
However, the issue with the rewards is a real one. The effort/reward ratio is just completely broken if the supposedly hardest fight in the game drops blue HAMSTER. Epic battles need epic rewards. At least give the blue items unique skins maybe?
So you are saying that like everyone else, you know for a fact that the aoe telegraph graphic is bugged and therefore useless to indicate whether or not you are inside the AOE, as well as you know how the dodge mechanics works and prevents said AOE dmg from hitting you 100% of the time, yet you continue to try and walk outside of the red area displayed because that's how it should work if it isnt' bugged and you're just, i dunno, checking hourly to see if the bug was stealth fixed? and instead wiping every time because of it.
There's a famous quote about repeating the same activities yet expecting a different outcome. look it up sometime.
So basically I should adjust my playstyle to play badly with little thought to positioning when dodging and just dodge wherever I want because the mechanics allow me to instead of, I don't know, maybe the game working in the way it was intended? I'd rather get better at timing it right and move out of the area in time rather than wait a little longer which means that I may still in the area whilst dodging. I should not HAVE to adjust my playstyle to make up for bad coding. To a degree, sure, but not when I have to do something in my mind illogical to do so. It could put me into bad habits for other games that aren't as forgiving or if they made this made less forgiving.
So basically I should adjust my playstyle to play badly with little thought to positioning when dodging and just dodge wherever I want because the mechanics allow me to instead of, I don't know, maybe the game working in the way it was intended? I'd rather get better at timing it right and move out of the area in time rather than wait a little longer which means that I may still in the area whilst dodging. I should not HAVE to adjust my playstyle to make up for bad coding. To a degree, sure, but not when I have to do something in my mind illogical to do so. It could put me into bad habits for other games that aren't as forgiving or if they made this made less forgiving.
I'm sorry but you are a bad player if you are unable or refuse to adapt to changes in boss mechanic's even if they are unintentional.
Bad players refuse to adapt and continue to QQ on the forums over bugs vs. adapting and profiting.
i want to see a video of a group killing it after the patch, before it was more easy (even withhout exploits) this is not the same after the patch we manage to take the dragon till the 3 phase but the bugs on the Red zones are complicated to deal with, probably i will really need to learn the correct space when it happens
Everything works out in the end . If it hasn't worked out yet, it isn't the end...
i want to see a video of a group killing it after the patch, before it was more easy (even withhout exploits) this is not the same after the patch we manage to take the dragon till the 3 phase but the bugs on the Red zones are complicated to deal with, probably i will really need to learn the correct space when it happens
Phase 3 - The boss adds and an AoE Shield to his body which has no red circles and sometimes no animation. You can tell when this is going to happen when he casts (3) small RED circles. His body will have an AoE Shield once finishes the 3 circles.
If that is what you are having issues with the tip I just provided should help. If you are dieing to his breath, AoE or VAL then not much else you can do beside practice.
inthefade462Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited September 2013
You absolutely are a bad player. What you consider as "playing badly" has been the proper way to play the game since it was created. The only thing that changed is the graphics displaying in the wrong spot due to coding server/client change so that the client draws the animation for the telegraph before the server decides where to place it.. The underlying mechanics of this and all other "bugged" aoe/breath attacks remain exactly the same as before the patch, and intelligent players who rely on proper understanding of the actual game/boss mechanics as well as the associated audio/visual cues are completely unaffected by these "bugs". I'll give you another hint, and this one is huge. Good players could easily defeat draco with zero telegraphs (red areas) being displayed. Plebes such as yourself with your bare minimal understanding of boss fights totals "red=dead" continuously wipe and wonder why? While other groups such as mine are never once hit with an "invisible breath" attack running 30+ cn clears a day. (Same applies to mc but why bother? No loot)
I know Cn isnt mc, but its gameplay mechanics are very similar, its actually an easier/cleaner fight than draco. The same people who deal with unlimited waves of adds deal with valindra, othetwise everyone focuses boss.
Fulminorax isn't an different, hes just draco + karrundax with malabogs lightning shield in phase 3.
You absolutely are a bad player. What you consider as "playing badly" has been the proper way to play the game since it was created. The only thing that changed is the graphics displaying in the wrong spot due to coding server/client change so that the client draws the animation for the telegraph before the server decides where to place it.. The underlying mechanics of this and all other "bugged" aoe/breath attacks remain exactly the same as before the patch, and intelligent players who rely on proper understanding of the actual game/boss mechanics as well as the associated audio/visual cues are completely unaffected by these "bugs". I'll give you another hint, and this one is huge. Good players could easily defeat draco with zero telegraphs (red areas) being displayed. Plebes such as yourself with your bare minimal understanding of boss fights totals "red=dead" continuously wipe and wonder why? While other groups such as mine are never once hit with an "invisible breath" attack running 30+ cn clears a day. (Same applies to mc but why bother? No loot)
I know Cn isnt mc, but its gameplay mechanics are very similar, its actually an easier/cleaner fight than draco. The same people who deal with unlimited waves of adds deal with valindra, othetwise everyone focuses boss.
Fulminorax isn't an different, hes just draco + karrundax with malabogs lightning shield in phase 3.
You shouldnt go that hard on the player, that most likely are not used to old school MMO's that didn't give you visual aid to when a Boss is going to cast a team wipe skill. Only old school or hardcore MMO's had boss machanic's that players had to learn animations and hints that the DEV's gave to what skills were going to be cast so your team could quickly prep for the impact.
Now a days players are giving red circles, HUD warnings and pretty much spoon fed how to beat the bosses. So when these softcore / casual players face a few bugs they freak out and QQ that the dungeons are to hard. While us old school gamers /profit as they are easy.
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
edited September 2013
You don't have to have been into old school MMOs. Lots of action RPGs use similar animation tells without entirely spelling it out.
I got realllllllly good at dodging enemy abilities playing Titan Quest all by myself.
You shouldnt go that hard on the player, that most likely are not used to old school MMO's that didn't give you visual aid to when a Boss is going to cast a team wipe skill. Only old school or hardcore MMO's had boss machanic's that players had to learn animations and hints that the DEV's gave to what skills were going to be cast so your team could quickly prep for the impact.
Now a days players are giving red circles, HUD warnings and pretty much spoon fed how to beat the bosses. So when these softcore / casual players face a few bugs they freak out and QQ that the dungeons are to hard. While us old school gamers /profit as they are easy.
Yes I'm actually kind of new to MMOs. If they didn't have indicators then that's fine, I'd use the animation of the dragon but the indicators are supposed to be the clearest indicator of when to dodge and so is what I've learned to pay attention to. For the other guy having a go at me for trying to play consistently, there's no need to be such a judgemental tool. You don't know me, you don't know my skill level so keep your silly close minded opinions to yourself. There's clearly a problem with the game yet apparently I'm the one to blame? How does that work? For example when the lines appear for the dragon overhead I try to dodge out of the way, the way you can do it however is dodge even in the red area as long as your timing is right. For me that's just silly and there's no reason to result to petty insults because you have a different opinion. If the dragon no longer faces me then I should not be wiped, and the rest of my team in different positions shouldn't be either. I'm not the one in the wrong because I got out of the way instead of timing a dodge in a way I'm not used to.
I've also not had time to adapt, since I've barely played malabogs since the exploit was patched, not because I can no longer cheat my way (intentionally or not), but because the blue drops and only being able to play with pugs didn't seem like it was worth my time. Plus I have 5 characters to earn dailies for. I main a DC since that is what I feel the most important class overall that some people let down on. Better queue times are a positive, but for hard dungeons, if the team doesn't have enough dps which I can't give, then we're just not going to be able to do it. Hopefully being in a new guild I won't be let down as much.
Also inthefade, for the most time, I'm not the one that lets down the team in pug dungeon runs (my old guild was pretty quiet), and when someone does let us down, I may try to advise them on what they could improve on, if they still don't get it, I don't have a go at them. You however sound like the kind of person that does. I don't need to put others down in order to relieve stress.
You absolutely are a bad player. What you consider as "playing badly" has been the proper way to play the game since it was created. The only thing that changed is the graphics displaying in the wrong spot due to coding server/client change so that the client draws the animation for the telegraph before the server decides where to place it.. The underlying mechanics of this and all other "bugged" aoe/breath attacks remain exactly the same as before the patch, and intelligent players who rely on proper understanding of the actual game/boss mechanics as well as the associated audio/visual cues are completely unaffected by these "bugs". I'll give you another hint, and this one is huge. Good players could easily defeat draco with zero telegraphs (red areas) being displayed. Plebes such as yourself with your bare minimal understanding of boss fights totals "red=dead" continuously wipe and wonder why? While other groups such as mine are never once hit with an "invisible breath" attack running 30+ cn clears a day. (Same applies to mc but why bother? No loot)
I know Cn isnt mc, but its gameplay mechanics are very similar, its actually an easier/cleaner fight than draco. The same people who deal with unlimited waves of adds deal with valindra, othetwise everyone focuses boss.
Fulminorax isn't an different, hes just draco + karrundax with malabogs lightning shield in phase 3.
You beat bugged draco? Post a video.
Queen of Dragon Server
Goddess Uniique, lvl 60 DC.
PinkSugar, lvl 60 CW.
Baby Cakes, lvl 60 GWF.
*******, lvl 60 TR.
Premium Juicebox, lvl 60 CW.
Pink Exxxtacy, Ranger There is NO pvp in Neverwinter.
MC isn't an overally difficult strategy wise. The bugs are the only thing making the fight really hard. That and Dragon's annoying large hitboxes. If you get hit by something you don't see kinda hard and having Valindra appear next to the dragon can be a pain. Simply put if you cant DPS her down b4 a player dies, assuming you were pretty close to her, then it won't ever happen.
The bigger issue risk/time vs reward. There is no point to doing the fight currently, except to get 1 piece of gear if you want the set.
CN is likewise not a hard fight on the strat part, due to the bugs it becomes a race against luck. Someone is pretty much always going to die to an unseen breath. Our guild has completed it several times Post Patch (some 1-shots and some 3,457 shots) and have used the standard Sing+Push method. We have toy'd with an ignore adds/burn Draco idea but we havent quite got it down (13.5% was lowest we got while ignoring adds).
So unless you need 1 piece from MC DD chest, don't do Valindra. Unless you need Off-Hand/Main Hand pieces don't do MC at all. Stick to Draco runs and if you can't do that stick to 1/4 in CN runs.
Now a days players are giving red circles, HUD warnings and pretty much spoon fed how to beat the bosses. So when these softcore / casual players face a few bugs they freak out and QQ that the dungeons are to hard. While us old school gamers /profit as they are easy.
Insulting,belittling,condescending,narcissistic..well....anything to make themselves feel better I guess...
inthefade462Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
CN is likewise not a hard fight on the strat part, due to the bugs it becomes a race against luck. Someone is pretty much always going to die to an unseen breath
Luck has absolutely nothing to do with this fight/"invis breath" and no one should ever be hit by it. Another poster touched on the core of the issue. The game already informs you if you are paying attention to what is going on. The red telegraphs are an added safety net that allows poor/sloppy play to still succeed. With the telegraphs bugged you cant leeroy fights any more and must actually pay attention and play properly. Alot of inexperienced players/new to mmo types have problems with this because "don't stand in red" is the height of their tactical awareness/gameplay mechanics knowledge instead of the first step towards strategic gameplay.
Also to the person asking for a video, lol, like its some top secret thing? Pugs down draco all day every day. The mystery of how to defeat him is known to quite literally everyone with a pulse in game. The problem of course is selective sampling due to forums. The only people who post are people who can't figure things out for themselves in game, thus resorting to whine threads like this one. It gives the impression that something is difficult when the dozens of mh/oh's posted to the ah daily clearly demonstrate that it is not.
pers3phoneBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited September 2013
I only ran MC after patch (was busy to get T2 set) so I have no idea how it was before, I know it was easily exploitable though. I've tried the last boss maybe 25-30 times, with different pugs, some geared, some less so. We brought the dragon to a sliver of health twice with a group after quite a few wipes, but once the DC disconnected, and the other time the adds we were trying to dodge to focus the last bits of the boss wiped up So it's definitely possible, even though I didn't manage it.
My tips for fight:
- 3xCW, best with HV set for debuff. Why? 3 x Ice Knife on Val, and a safety for when a CW is choked. Don't hurry the IK, enfeeble/CoI to debuff 1st, then IK. Always keep daily AND encounter for Val - you will know after a few fights when she's about to come down. Also CWs are ranged, and can teleport, so they can get quickly to Val when needed... 3xCW setup will also be very good for rest of MC.
- casters fight in the middle inside DC shield to be close to any possible Val portal cast location.
- hope for the best while in the air phase, I've been oneshot in the "safe" white stripes for quite a few times.
- from all my attempts, dragon bugged only 3-4 times, so you can get lucky and not have to deal with crazy bugged AoE.
I personally only heard a single person saying they did it post-patch though
I have no issues with difficulty of the fight - make it as hard as hell, but they should make it WORTH trying. Getting blue loot from boss fight like this is pathetic.
As for the fight itself, the difficulty is caused by bugs and bad design, nothing else. If Val teleports to "bad spot" which is too far away or she teleports too close to the dragon where ppl have problem targeting her, the fight is over. Not to mention bugged dragon's aoe. Other than this, the fight is actually easy.
Luck has absolutely nothing to do with this fight/"invis breath" and no one should ever be hit by it. Another poster touched on the core of the issue. The game already informs you if you are paying attention to what is going on. The red telegraphs are an added safety net that allows poor/sloppy play to still succeed. With the telegraphs bugged you cant leeroy fights any more and must actually pay attention and play properly. Alot of inexperienced players/new to mmo types have problems with this because "don't stand in red" is the height of their tactical awareness/gameplay mechanics knowledge instead of the first step towards strategic gameplay.
Also to the person asking for a video, lol, like its some top secret thing? Pugs down draco all day every day. The mystery of how to defeat him is known to quite literally everyone with a pulse in game. The problem of course is selective sampling due to forums. The only people who post are people who can't figure things out for themselves in game, thus resorting to whine threads like this one. It gives the impression that something is difficult when the dozens of mh/oh's posted to the ah daily clearly demonstrate that it is not.
Well the game kind of teaches you to dodge the red area so that's what comes naturally. It's a cone attack that is not meant to wipe the whole team regardless of location. Really I don't know why you continually to blame the players when it's clearly the developers at fault. There's just no question about it. All you are really doing is acting like you're totally awesome and everyone who gets hit even once is completely inferior to you. You are also saying that bad coding is acceptable because there are ways round it. If you want to continue to play a game that progressively gets worse then great for you, but for the rest of us, we want things to work and get fixed if there's an issue. We're not complaining because it's impossible, we're stating that there are issues with the dungeon, please do not turn a blind eye. Whatever you do as a job, you are expected to do it professionally and sort out any mistakes you make, ideally not letting it happen in the first place. Developing is especially important to fix errors, to turn a blind eye would make you a bad developer with software that is frustrating to use. I'm guessing the only reason you're forgiving is because you like to feel superior to others.
I use to play a browser mmo game, and it was filled with complaints, a lot of the time it was just nonsense that was just seemed like a reason to complain, but the game was horrible and continually filled with bugs. Occasionally you'd find people happy with the game, and it made me wonder how anyone could be when the content releases were slow, balance was horrible and bugs were continually made. As a moderator it was hard for them to acknowledged bugs. If it was something that was difficult to figure out, they were more likely to turn a blind eye. There were people who spent hundreds on it though, previously standalone games were just
2 - Players that can 1 shot VAL
1 - DPS GF that controls the dragon and prevents breath on team mates during VAL encounters and worst case can solo Burst VAL.
1 - DC that doesn't die to stupid things
So you end up with (3) Players that can solo burst VAL & 1 Good DC. The only hard part of the entire fight is VAL portals because once the white knights are summoned the fight goes to ****.
But most of time I just focus boss and keep positioned so no breath or tail swipe on team as they kill val. Only time I will switch to val is if she ports behind me and I'm direct line of sight and team has to run around dragon to get to her. Then I'll solo fast and risk breath as I can survive breath with block.
Phase 3 - The boss adds and an AoE Shield to his body which has no red circles and sometimes no animation. You can tell when this is going to happen when he casts (3) small RED circles. His body will have an AoE Shield once finishes the 3 circles.
If that is what you are having issues with the tip I just provided should help. If you are dieing to his breath, AoE or VAL then not much else you can do beside practice.
hahah if i could give you a plus one i would man thx it worked, the trickis perfection you need to be doing this as coreographic dance, with no mistake usually if one does a mistake it dies
Everything works out in the end . If it hasn't worked out yet, it isn't the end...
hahah if i could give you a plus one i would man thx it worked, the trickis perfection you need to be doing this as coreographic dance, with no mistake usually if one does a mistake it dies
Glad to hear it helped with your fight. I really enjoy this fight as the 1 shot boss mechanic's is more of what I'm used to in Eastern MMOs and makes the fight exciting while also weeding out the team members that need more practice.
Valindra-fulminorax fight is hard, its supposed to be hard and its ok to be hard, CN Draco fight is hard (it would be even harder if wasnt possible to send the mobs to the roofs) its supposed to be hard, and i like it, even bugged (it will be fixed eventually) people who dont like hard shouldnt try the hardest endgame instances maybe.
Lol exactly. No loot drops = No Incentive.
So haven't bothered.
There's a famous quote about repeating the same activities yet expecting a different outcome. look it up sometime.
Yeah pretty much. I hope the devs don't listen to the whiners about difficulty.
However, the issue with the rewards is a real one. The effort/reward ratio is just completely broken if the supposedly hardest fight in the game drops blue HAMSTER. Epic battles need epic rewards. At least give the blue items unique skins maybe?
So basically I should adjust my playstyle to play badly with little thought to positioning when dodging and just dodge wherever I want because the mechanics allow me to instead of, I don't know, maybe the game working in the way it was intended? I'd rather get better at timing it right and move out of the area in time rather than wait a little longer which means that I may still in the area whilst dodging. I should not HAVE to adjust my playstyle to make up for bad coding. To a degree, sure, but not when I have to do something in my mind illogical to do so. It could put me into bad habits for other games that aren't as forgiving or if they made this made less forgiving.
I'm sorry but you are a bad player if you are unable or refuse to adapt to changes in boss mechanic's even if they are unintentional.
Bad players refuse to adapt and continue to QQ on the forums over bugs vs. adapting and profiting.
Phase 3 - The boss adds and an AoE Shield to his body which has no red circles and sometimes no animation. You can tell when this is going to happen when he casts (3) small RED circles. His body will have an AoE Shield once finishes the 3 circles.
If that is what you are having issues with the tip I just provided should help. If you are dieing to his breath, AoE or VAL then not much else you can do beside practice.
I know Cn isnt mc, but its gameplay mechanics are very similar, its actually an easier/cleaner fight than draco. The same people who deal with unlimited waves of adds deal with valindra, othetwise everyone focuses boss.
Fulminorax isn't an different, hes just draco + karrundax with malabogs lightning shield in phase 3.
You shouldnt go that hard on the player, that most likely are not used to old school MMO's that didn't give you visual aid to when a Boss is going to cast a team wipe skill. Only old school or hardcore MMO's had boss machanic's that players had to learn animations and hints that the DEV's gave to what skills were going to be cast so your team could quickly prep for the impact.
Now a days players are giving red circles, HUD warnings and pretty much spoon fed how to beat the bosses. So when these softcore / casual players face a few bugs they freak out and QQ that the dungeons are to hard. While us old school gamers /profit as they are easy.
I got realllllllly good at dodging enemy abilities playing Titan Quest all by myself.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Exactly my point. Those games force players to improve or be punished.
I've also not had time to adapt, since I've barely played malabogs since the exploit was patched, not because I can no longer cheat my way (intentionally or not), but because the blue drops and only being able to play with pugs didn't seem like it was worth my time. Plus I have 5 characters to earn dailies for. I main a DC since that is what I feel the most important class overall that some people let down on. Better queue times are a positive, but for hard dungeons, if the team doesn't have enough dps which I can't give, then we're just not going to be able to do it. Hopefully being in a new guild I won't be let down as much.
Also inthefade, for the most time, I'm not the one that lets down the team in pug dungeon runs (my old guild was pretty quiet), and when someone does let us down, I may try to advise them on what they could improve on, if they still don't get it, I don't have a go at them. You however sound like the kind of person that does. I don't need to put others down in order to relieve stress.
You beat bugged draco? Post a video.
PinkSugar, lvl 60 CW.
Baby Cakes, lvl 60 GWF.
*******, lvl 60 TR.
Premium Juicebox, lvl 60 CW.
Pink Exxxtacy, Ranger
There is NO pvp in Neverwinter.
MC isn't an overally difficult strategy wise. The bugs are the only thing making the fight really hard. That and Dragon's annoying large hitboxes. If you get hit by something you don't see kinda hard and having Valindra appear next to the dragon can be a pain. Simply put if you cant DPS her down b4 a player dies, assuming you were pretty close to her, then it won't ever happen.
The bigger issue risk/time vs reward. There is no point to doing the fight currently, except to get 1 piece of gear if you want the set.
CN is likewise not a hard fight on the strat part, due to the bugs it becomes a race against luck. Someone is pretty much always going to die to an unseen breath. Our guild has completed it several times Post Patch (some 1-shots and some 3,457 shots) and have used the standard Sing+Push method. We have toy'd with an ignore adds/burn Draco idea but we havent quite got it down (13.5% was lowest we got while ignoring adds).
So unless you need 1 piece from MC DD chest, don't do Valindra. Unless you need Off-Hand/Main Hand pieces don't do MC at all. Stick to Draco runs and if you can't do that stick to 1/4 in CN runs.
Basically..Yes... and if you dont believe please refer to little jewels of response like this from none else than OP herself:
Insulting,belittling,condescending,narcissistic..well....anything to make themselves feel better I guess...
Also to the person asking for a video, lol, like its some top secret thing? Pugs down draco all day every day. The mystery of how to defeat him is known to quite literally everyone with a pulse in game. The problem of course is selective sampling due to forums. The only people who post are people who can't figure things out for themselves in game, thus resorting to whine threads like this one. It gives the impression that something is difficult when the dozens of mh/oh's posted to the ah daily clearly demonstrate that it is not.
My tips for fight:
- 3xCW, best with HV set for debuff. Why? 3 x Ice Knife on Val, and a safety for when a CW is choked. Don't hurry the IK, enfeeble/CoI to debuff 1st, then IK. Always keep daily AND encounter for Val - you will know after a few fights when she's about to come down. Also CWs are ranged, and can teleport, so they can get quickly to Val when needed... 3xCW setup will also be very good for rest of MC.
- casters fight in the middle inside DC shield to be close to any possible Val portal cast location.
- hope for the best while in the air phase, I've been oneshot in the "safe" white stripes for quite a few times.
- from all my attempts, dragon bugged only 3-4 times, so you can get lucky and not have to deal with crazy bugged AoE.
I personally only heard a single person saying they did it post-patch though
As for the fight itself, the difficulty is caused by bugs and bad design, nothing else. If Val teleports to "bad spot" which is too far away or she teleports too close to the dragon where ppl have problem targeting her, the fight is over. Not to mention bugged dragon's aoe. Other than this, the fight is actually easy.
Well the game kind of teaches you to dodge the red area so that's what comes naturally. It's a cone attack that is not meant to wipe the whole team regardless of location. Really I don't know why you continually to blame the players when it's clearly the developers at fault. There's just no question about it. All you are really doing is acting like you're totally awesome and everyone who gets hit even once is completely inferior to you. You are also saying that bad coding is acceptable because there are ways round it. If you want to continue to play a game that progressively gets worse then great for you, but for the rest of us, we want things to work and get fixed if there's an issue. We're not complaining because it's impossible, we're stating that there are issues with the dungeon, please do not turn a blind eye. Whatever you do as a job, you are expected to do it professionally and sort out any mistakes you make, ideally not letting it happen in the first place. Developing is especially important to fix errors, to turn a blind eye would make you a bad developer with software that is frustrating to use. I'm guessing the only reason you're forgiving is because you like to feel superior to others.
I use to play a browser mmo game, and it was filled with complaints, a lot of the time it was just nonsense that was just seemed like a reason to complain, but the game was horrible and continually filled with bugs. Occasionally you'd find people happy with the game, and it made me wonder how anyone could be when the content releases were slow, balance was horrible and bugs were continually made. As a moderator it was hard for them to acknowledged bugs. If it was something that was difficult to figure out, they were more likely to turn a blind eye. There were people who spent hundreds on it though, previously standalone games were just
How in the world do you solo burst val with a GF?
GF Guard doesn't block CC
Villains doesn't proc Life Steal
Plague Fire debuff not stacking
Knights Challenge + Lunge + Indomitable Strength + Anvil to finish off.
But most of time I just focus boss and keep positioned so no breath or tail swipe on team as they kill val. Only time I will switch to val is if she ports behind me and I'm direct line of sight and team has to run around dragon to get to her. Then I'll solo fast and risk breath as I can survive breath with block.
Yeah, had a similar rotation in mind. I might be just undergeared then :cool:
GF Guard doesn't block CC
Villains doesn't proc Life Steal
Plague Fire debuff not stacking
15.9k GS with new Crafted Weapon & Shield. But I was Ancient Weapon/Shield previous.
hahah if i could give you a plus one i would man thx it worked, the trickis perfection you need to be doing this as coreographic dance, with no mistake usually if one does a mistake it dies
I did try it once without bugging Val and we actually did OK, but we were down a man, with no rogue. Portals eventually wiped us.
The dragon itself is easy, at least for a ranged char who basically just stood back and held down an at-will.