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Has the population decreased a lot?



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    zalcszalcs Banned Users Posts: 345 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    dredsson wrote: »
    I have been playing only recently.. not more than a month.. I have reached lvl 60 and start gearing up a lilttle bit.. But what I have noticed and SUCKS BIG BIG TIME are the exploits.. and the unbalance gear shops that are..

    For example, because of the bugs ang glitches this game has, it is possible that in every dungeon, event to SKIP.. to go to a certain spot. throu runs or throu aid getting from GM. Recently I have entered FH, runned to a wall, got help from a gm option, stuck, unable to continue with the mission, abort mission, got ported out, rentered and I have finded myself to the next part of the dungeon. Now.. thats a really huge -.. because people that know those bugs.. will use them in their groups and because nobody does full runs.. like they were designed in the first place.. so it leads to the RUNNERS.

    "LF1M, TR EXPERIENCED RUNNER" What the ****? How am I going to get experience if you don't allow to the new guys to enter? but not that.. **** that.. I wanna do a full run.. to see what the game has to offer. And the gear.. make it so it would come throu progression.

    Anyways.. I know this has no place in this thread but since I can't open a new one under the bug thread I used the reply.. those who feel like me.. please let GMs know.

    I feel your pain, but blame the game, not the player. Almost everybody wants to complete the dungeon as fast as possible, and when they have the option to do so, they will do it.
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    ravenlock99ravenlock99 Member Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Really why is that? You will play a broken new class and then get angry when it gets nerfed.

    I just want to play something different, I don't care at all about nerfs and wouldn't get angry as you say.
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    melodywhrmelodywhr Member Posts: 4,220 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Agree, not much can be 'safely' added now, too many real truths and facts apearing with each reply.

    inc. move to the out of sight hidden depths, were most of the truth actually exists

    sorry to burst your bubble but 2-10 personal experiences do not constitute as collective "facts" especially when the OP is asking about the current player base. a free to play game is going to pull in core players and dabblers. people who wouldn't ordinarily play this kind of game or are curious about the experience have the opportunity to download it and play it without dropping $60 on it. maybe those people level up a character to 60 and maybe they don't. they lose interest and poof they're gone. one undeniable fact is that over time, all games dwindle and die. unfortunately for you, this one isn't going away any time soon.

    as for the tone represented here by a few disgruntled players who feel that they can't be openly verbal with their opinions in fear of getting the ban hammer or getting your posts edited... all you have to do is play by the rules. if you can't do that then i guess you have a problem.
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    grimahgrimah Member Posts: 1,658 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    its a shame, because neverwinter has a great framework to work with, its combat system. Its just let down by end-game design. You can tell by the repeative dungeons and lack of innovation

    pvp: they give us 20 vs 20, but it just turned into a mount race. it feels like they do not know what to do when it comes to pvp, they could have made some king of the hill, capture the flag, collect items and prevent the other team from collecting, battlefield style rush maps, moba style maps.

    However all of these things require a team and some actual work.

    PvE, make dynamic content, randomness with incentives, cosmetics and option tier equipment that is competitive not just a 1 set beats all.

    the best pve ive played is L4D1 + 2 and they were never any carrot dangling infront to make you play it, just fun. same goes for pvp games like shooters and mobas, people sink hours into them with no pixel prizes yet they retain their players.

    Cryptic need to stop being lazy and making half-arsed band-aid content.

    IMO making things BoP wasnt a bad move, it made tier content relevant to play the game as you progress, but they did not replace it with anything else which made it bad.
    Creator of the featured survival horror foundry: "The Silence of Haydenwick" Video Review
    and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".
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    gek1956gek1956 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    melodywhr wrote: »
    sorry to burst your bubble ....

    yada yada yada yada

    one undeniable fact is that over time, all games dwindle and die. unfortunately for you, this one isn't going away any time soon.

    as for the tone represented here by a few disgruntled players who feel that they can't be openly verbal with their opinions in fear of getting the ban hammer or getting your posts edited... all you have to do is play by the rules. if you can't do that then i guess you have a problem.

    So you think that 'UNFORTUNETLY' everyone who disagrees with your view wants the game to fail? How do you reach this conclusion? Yes, a lot of people are not happy with the last game update. Play and commerce has been disrupted to the point many of us are of doing something else. I've been on for about 3 hours this weekend, as opposed to my usual 6 or 8, and have not observed - and I have been watching- more than 1300 in all instances of dragon PE when most weekends it often goes well over 2k. Also I have seen only ONE lockbox prize drop message, where I would normally have seen a couple of dozen of the annoying things.

    Whether you admit it or not, attendance and spending in game are at the lowest levels I've seen and I've been here since beta. AM I happy about this? NO! Is this good for the game? NO! This -- Fanboy -- like denial of what's plainly obvious by people like yourself only clouds the issues and adds more frustration to the mix. Now I'm not going to tell you to sit down and shut up, which seems to be what you want all of us critics to do, but I'm going to ask you to remember that we wouldn't be here speaking out if we didn't feel we had a stake in the game. I love the gameplay.. fast dodgy.. plenty of room for player skill, not just a button spammer. Thanks to crafting and leadership you can make a decent bank without grinding your life away. I see great potential here.

    So don't jump on critics and try to brand us as destroyers. It's demeaning, inflammatory, and when you do it you undermine any serious argument you might actually make. Like I told you earlier in this thread, my opinions and money are my own and you will not tell me what to do with them.
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    lewstelamon01lewstelamon01 Member Posts: 7,415 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Keep it at least relevant to the thread and conducive to discussion or don't post it. Thanks.

    Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?

    PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at http://fencebane.shivtr.com
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    archomentalarchomental Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 138 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    All of these posts make me shake my head. Let me give you an eye opener: This game
    is designed to make money, period. Just like a college or a church.

    They will do what it takes to make it profitable, once it stops becoming so, they pull the plug.
    There is no fight (This comes from personally being a business owner as well as the past track
    record of games like this).

    (The first paragraph probably is harsh to most, but think hard about it and you will see the
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    baleriondrogonbaleriondrogon Member, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 53
    edited September 2013
    Just like any online game $$$ talks BS walks. I would hope this one will be around for sometime to come. Having a blast!
    " I don't know half of you as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you as well as you deserve." -J.R.R. Tolkien
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    whoamarkwhoamark Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    gek1956 wrote: »
    So you think that 'UNFORTUNETLY' everyone who disagrees with your view wants the game to fail? How do you reach this conclusion? Yes, a lot of people are not happy with the last game update. Play and commerce has been disrupted to the point many of us are of doing something else. I've been on for about 3 hours this weekend, as opposed to my usual 6 or 8, and have not observed - and I have been watching- more than 1300 in all instances of dragon PE when most weekends it often goes well over 2k. Also I have seen only ONE lockbox prize drop message, where I would normally have seen a couple of dozen of the annoying things.

    Whether you admit it or not, attendance and spending in game are at the lowest levels I've seen and I've been here since beta. AM I happy about this? NO! Is this good for the game? NO! This -- Fanboy -- like denial of what's plainly obvious by people like yourself only clouds the issues and adds more frustration to the mix. Now I'm not going to tell you to sit down and shut up, which seems to be what you want all of us critics to do, but I'm going to ask you to remember that we wouldn't be here speaking out if we didn't feel we had a stake in the game. I love the gameplay.. fast dodgy.. plenty of room for player skill, not just a button spammer. Thanks to crafting and leadership you can make a decent bank without grinding your life away. I see great potential here.

    So don't jump on critics and try to brand us as destroyers. It's demeaning, inflammatory, and when you do it you undermine any serious argument you might actually make. Like I told you earlier in this thread, my opinions and money are my own and you will not tell me what to do with them.

    +100, couldn't have said it better.
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    gek1956gek1956 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Keep it at least relevant to the thread and conducive to discussion or don't post it. Thanks.

    Well since you are monitoring this thread..... what's your take on attendance? You've been here for a year now.. much longer than me. Have you gotten wind of any attendance/spending trends from the Devs themselves?.

    I only see a thin slice of the pie. But more than one of us has noticed the same thing. In terms of actual immediate player reference, the shortage of players has caused the DD que to become erratic, at best.
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    jarlsburgjarlsburg Member Posts: 222 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    I will admit that it is hard to really determine how many people are actually playing the game now, but I do believe the population has decreased quite a bit lately and it will continue to go down as a lot of the highly anticipated games are released. I am basing my OPINION on the chat, forums, number of instances, and the state of many guilds. The LFG channel seems a bit dead and Trade doesn't seem to be nearly as busy as it should be. Also, my guild, like many others, has over 300 people in it and only 3 of them log in daily (I think two of them are bots). There are a few who were last online 2 weeks ago, and a smaller amount stopped playing 20 days ago, and the rest haven't been online in well over 72 days. Of course they could all be playing alts, but I doubt it. If they were playing alts you would think they would pop on these characters occasionally to at least use them for extra storage.

    I love the game and I want to see it succeed. I just think PWE needs to come up with newer innovative ways to make money instead of manipulating the AH prices (my opinion) and creating slow downs that can be overcome with money (simple fact). It's ok to be greedy and want to make money, just don't be so obvious. Add things people would want to buy that help them in some way instead of trying to sell speed ups for boring tasks.

    They have a wonderful base for a game here, it's just not finished yet. I think it is time to polish it up and finish what they started. Revamp the dungeons so they are a bit more interesting, fix the bugs, and get rid of the exploits.....Then start working on Module #2. If the new class is almost ready to go, keep working on it and put it out soon to give people something to do while you finish fixing the game. There are a lot of loyal people who want to play this game, but it is really beginning to push some people to their limits. A game with a high turnover rate that focuses solely on gaining new players will only last for so long. Eventually word gets out and the new players will stop coming.
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    spanky2014spanky2014 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 78
    edited September 2013
    Lets make a big assumption that the playerbase is proportional to the number of people viewing these forums.
    Based on this, 1 month ago you would get peak of ~300 viewing the general forums.

    It has decreased by about 50% from a month ago.
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    psychicslugpsychicslug Member Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Had high hopes for it but it is a mediocre game with minimal content restrictive game play, a pale shadow of D&D is meant to be.

    Good points of game
    --- ease of leveling.
    --- good stories well made
    --- Foundry is a good start for player made adventures

    Bad points
    -- No open world
    -- average Graphics
    -- limited class options
    -- limited classes
    -- does not follow the basic D&D concept with game play options.
    -- very limited character customization for appearance and items.
    -- Have to pay for non game impact items (I.E. cosmetic items that just change appearance or force you to jump through hoops just to get the look you want. I am fine with doing this for game impacting items that grant abilities or improve stats

    With all of the bad items makes the company look like a money grab do to rushing the game out before another company were to put theirs.
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    booman666booman666 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Ye population atleast dropped alot like 2/3 of people left for sure. Plaing NW since end of beta and even my old guild like whole left play other mmo. Problems are 1st prizes since dd items are bop now u cant sell them so prizes went super high like master assasin chest for TR 1m AD? thats insane it was b4 like 100k and its same with everything and new content items which shall be good to farm and sell since its endgame content have no value theese days becouse there are too much of them. Like every single dungeon have it buggs or broken content and only fixing that happening is making invisible walls or making bosses almost unbeatable propper way.World is locked no open world to explore making game so much faster booring than the others.PVP plaing 2 maps over agin with no chance to make good team of friends and compete as team in some ranked pvp with good rewards making it uselles. And who was designing feywild armors i dont know but all made like uselles aswell the 4 set bonus for TR for example 6k poison every 30 seconds and old swashbuckling for example 1kpower + 1k rec what else to say and even the new poison doesnt work like tooltip say its 6k poison for 5seconds then u can 30 seconds wait and aswell with some boosts u can make even 12k poison in 5 sec. I can continue like this forewer......Devs please dont make new content 1st fix old one then add some real pvp and then u can focus on content if u want people stay plaing
    TR on Beholder for life
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    yokihiroyokihiro Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 510 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    well no wonder to be honest - especially for those who are new 60s it is quite annoying. while older players could farm items to sell them, they now are bop during dd times.

    additionally the dungeons are way too hard for normal groups that are grinding for new gear. like spellplague or spider. i hardly believe that any normal pug with decent gs can manage those dungeons with 1 one healer and without bugging the bosses. also queue times are so long that it makes no sense to queue anymore for dungeons unless you do this within the first 5 minutes of a dd event. i queued yesterday with a lower toon 30 minutes and no dungeon popped.

    the pvp system is unbalanced and not challenging at all, also not rewarding. the only thing you can do is buying stuff with glory that you salvage in the end for ad.

    crafting is the worst of its kind that i have ever seen in any mmo. boring, not helping during questing, not good for making money, too much relying on paid items and people you have to buy... why even craft in this game anyway (other games come with crafting quests and a while experience around crafting).

    and last but not least the increasing number of bugs (queuing, then being put solo in the dungeon, leaving through the door puts you at the end of the map which you have to run all the way back to the exit to leave to protector's enclave), bugged dungeons etc. makes it no fun either to play this game regularly.

    there is not much that keep players hooked at this game. also the huge amount of blue and purple drops (most of them are boring because it is always the same kind of items) makes grinding not fun either. in other games you have some cool unique stuff, even rare ones. in nw the rare stuff have become the new blue stuff. nothing to be happy anymore when you see blue stuff drop.
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    carletto75carletto75 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    So... me and my friends are still playing a lot with fun.
    We are in game from may, doing all contents and PvP... game is EASY, FUN and FREE

    My 2cents
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    tang56tang56 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    -- average Graphics
    -- Have to pay for non game impact items (I.E. cosmetic items that just change appearance or force you to jump through hoops just to get the look you want. I am fine with doing this for game impacting items that grant abilities or improve stats

    While I agree with the majority of your points, I do feel that these two are incorrect. Ramped up to max(on the sliders so 300% on most settings) Neverwinter is one of the best looking MMOs.
    RIP Neverwinter 26/06/2014
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    dkcandydkcandy Member Posts: 1,555 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    I am curious as to why people are just running the 1st two, any insight you can provide please?

    Oh and pop does seem smaller, but that us just my observation.

    The issue is majority of players can't beat the last boss and since all loot is BoP and it's very rare for last boss to drop an Epic no one runs the last boss.

    I'm one of the few players on Mindflayer that actually clears the dungeon with my group.
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    dredssondredsson Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I have made myself misunderstood. I don't hate the playiers.. neither the game.. As a matter a fact.. I love this game and I am willing to actually spend money for this game. Wich tells alot about it.

    But as some user posted here.. there are still few things wich makes it usless.. For example.. Dungeons. They are made on a scale. Means, you will get inside the other.. only if you get a certain GS. Makes no sense.. because the playier base is not that huge and second and most important, once a playier gets his gear, he wount do that dungeon again. Wich kinda kills it.

    My idea would be to open every dungeon, yes, make them difficult, but not GEAR WISE, but Skill wise.. make the fights inteligent, some push to stop casting, some traps to avoid or to disarm.. stuff like that.. make them so every class can have a role inside it. Rogues for traps, CW for mobs, DC for heals, etc.. specific roles. For example, make it very difficult to do FH without a CW and thats just an example..
    And the most important thing in my opinion.. put in every single dungeon an awsome item.. wich everyone could use.. that way you'll bring them alive. And everyone will do them.

    I have been playing lots of MMO, including WoW, but the best I have found is Neverwinter. I don't wanna quit it.. nor leave it.. but please, please, bring some life into it.. via Dungeons.. PVP. You guys are great and did an awsome awsome job with this game.

    And also.. It was nice today.. when I entered Crypts.. to see that you can't do the run anymore. Awsome ! Being honest.
    So yes.. make sure you get all those bugs.. running stuff out. Including in Gauntlgrym.

    And again this might be a motive for wich the population has decreased. Sorry for all the trouble.. and I really hope this will turn into a good thing for all of us.
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    bracer2bracer2 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 566 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    Had high hopes for it but it is a mediocre game with minimal content restrictive game play, a pale shadow of D&D is meant to be.

    Good points of game
    --- ease of leveling.
    --- good stories well made
    --- Foundry is a good start for player made adventures

    Bad points
    -- No open world
    -- average Graphics
    -- limited class options
    -- limited classes
    -- does not follow the basic D&D concept with game play options.
    -- very limited character customization for appearance and items.
    -- Have to pay for non game impact items (I.E. cosmetic items that just change appearance or force you to jump through hoops just to get the look you want. I am fine with doing this for game impacting items that grant abilities or improve stats

    With all of the bad items makes the company look like a money grab do to rushing the game out before another company were to put theirs.

    I contest that the nostalgia of the setting and title have worn off for many D&D players. Without D&D fundamentals such as character diversity, RP, and the nearly flawless d20 system this game cant have lasting value IMO. I suspect every day D&D enthusiasts are moving on to something closer to actual D&D. This is a shoot um up. With an obsession with class balancing that creates 5 classes of balanced toons all essentially repeating the same actions over and over. Perhaps the MMO community will keep the game going... Its my opinion that the game by design is limited, and seems to me at least to have no lasting value due to the lack of critical D&D fundamentals.
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    archomentalarchomental Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 138 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    Had high hopes for it but it is a mediocre game with minimal content restrictive game play, a pale shadow of D&D is meant to be.

    Good points of game
    --- ease of leveling.
    --- good stories well made
    --- Foundry is a good start for player made adventures

    Bad points
    -- No open world
    -- average Graphics
    -- limited class options
    -- limited classes
    -- does not follow the basic D&D concept with game play options.
    -- very limited character customization for appearance and items.
    -- Have to pay for non game impact items (I.E. cosmetic items that just change appearance or force you to jump through hoops just to get the look you want. I am fine with doing this for game impacting items that grant abilities or improve stats

    With all of the bad items makes the company look like a money grab do to rushing the game out before another company were to put theirs.

    This post made me realize another limiting part: Only actually using 4-5 skills in game without switching them
    out. Call me crazy, but I liked the 12-20 options of many other games (not mentioning names).
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    dkcandydkcandy Member Posts: 1,555 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    This post made me realize another limiting part: Only actually using 4-5 skills in game without switching them
    out. Call me crazy, but I liked the 12-20 options of many other games (not mentioning names).

    More skills would allow for massive IMBA issues.
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    bluedarkybluedarky Member Posts: 1,232 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    bracer2 wrote: »
    and the nearly flawless d20 system


    Seriously, "nearly flawless"?

    Best joke I've heard in years.
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    vrtesseractvrtesseract Member Posts: 631 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    one beholder has always been a bit lower player base due to
    mindflayer being the rp server and
    dragon being the cattlecall casual server

    two as people have pointed out the festival and sharendar
    are defiantly splitting up the population compared to pre faewild
    now add to this the queue system is still kinda bugged
    and takes a bout an hour longer than needed,

    three the Champ online anniversary is going on and
    Champ online/STO people are a good number of NW players

    also I think the ESO beta just started so all the fly by night beta people
    have probably flocked there until they start charging actual money.

    and of course people aren't on 24 7 there will often be population swells around big expantions
    then the pop will trickle back to normal.

    The nice thing about NWO is its free with no "GOLD" accounts so people can take
    breaks and not have to worry about losing their stuff.
    as long as NW maintains a good steady bunch of loyalists and a good amount of
    new people coming in the population should be sufficient.
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    cgta1967cgta1967 Member Posts: 86
    edited September 2013
    good games keep players...bad games not-so-much

    ---- FIRE EVERYTHING ! ----
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    raath13raath13 Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    cgta1967 wrote: »
    good games keep players...bad games not-so-much


    So using this logic, Eve is the only "good" game since it has constantly retained & grew their play-base over the years, while every other MMO in existence isn't "good" because they constantly lose players over time?

    "Good" and "bad" are subjective. DDO was considered the worse game in history by some in 2006, yet 7 years later they have more players then ever. Which is ironic, considering that if all those people currently singing the praises of DDO actually played the game in 2006-2009, then the chance of it going F2P and starting this whole trend would have been far less.
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    gek1956gek1956 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    raath13 wrote: »
    So using this logic, Eve is the only "good" game since it has constantly retained & grew their play-base over the years, while every other MMO in existence isn't "good" because they constantly lose players over time?

    "Good" and "bad" are subjective. DDO was considered the worse game in history by some in 2006, yet 7 years later they have more players then ever. Which is ironic, considering that if all those people currently singing the praises of DDO actually played the game in 2006-2009, then the chance of it going F2P and starting this whole trend would have been far less.

    Eve does rock now, :D CAREBEARS FOR BREAKFAST FTW!!!
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    kozi001kozi001 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 876 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Maybe school has started and long summer vacations are over...? :)
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