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Has the population decreased a lot?



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    azithothazithoth Member Posts: 77
    edited September 2013
    i used to blame the mods for what goes on here, but about two weeks ago i realized that when they say they only act to what the company says, they are right. Sominator is the 'community manager'. he represents, and works for, the company. he made the rules, he 'hired' the mods, and he watches over what goes on on the forums. he knows and realizes how unhappy CUSTOMERS are with it. and let's it go on. he has the say, that is his job...

    the mods aren't here just to mod the forums, they are here to perform damage control and flow of opinion. as it was set up in the beginning, for a reason....
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    ameranth342ameranth342 Member Posts: 141 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    Agree here most of the employees of the company are only doing what they are told, and should not be flamed, they are just doing their job, wether they disagree with comments or not.
    Tbh most who actually play more than likely do agree with the players, but their hands are tied and they have to do there 'JOB' how they are told to do it
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    ameranth342ameranth342 Member Posts: 141 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    traznix wrote: »
    The game's population is stable I would say, maybe even increasing a bit judging by the attention Neverwinter recieved in the last couple of weeks, from reviews, top 10's, expansion announcements, etc. from gaming websites. In the last 2 weeks I went from lvl 1 to 60, and every zone had players, at any given hour. The population may seem low now, because of the Festival map, and Sharandar map. Have you noticed that Sharandar has about 20 shards, with about 30 - 40 people each ? That's 600 - 800 people, maybe more, only in one region.

    Best Regards,

    You serious ? the game as easily lost at least 50% of its regular player base over the past 2 mounths alone..

    So lets take your own statistics, you say just one zone Sharander as around 600 to 800 people in it, based on your observasions. ( which will include quite a few bots and farmers etc )
    So using YOUR figures and using a base stat based on what should be a high pop area we can continue to calculate a rough idea of online players.

    So lets make a conservative guess there are 50 'zones' in total, that includes pvp, instance ( even though these are only 5 mans , so this method is very conservative)
    so 50 zones each contaning a very conservative 800 players = 40,000 players. And now we have to take into account there are 3 seperate shards ( servers ) each based on your figures have rougly 40,000 players on them.
    So we multiply this figure by 3 which equals 120,000.

    Hmm 120,000 , interesting, thats around 1/5 of what PWE claim to have, plus that probably also includes quite a high number of bots and farmers, sellers and the also well known high amount of players who just log each day to just only pray and reset professions.

    So now the question how is it as you say 'increasing' in population ?
    And seriously do you believe what you read in media reviews and media storys etc, LOL, try reading the review comments, that is if they have not be locked already

    "In the last 2 weeks I went from lvl 1 to 60, and every zone had players, at any given hour" That is not hard to see. but take into account many zones have less 'instances' open these days, 3 months ago nearly all zones had 20+ instances open ALL with 100+ players in them
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    melodywhrmelodywhr Member Posts: 4,220 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    what valid interest does a consumer have in the success or failure of a company? emmert said in the forbes interview that changing their business model to f2p would bring in core players but it would also bring in people that might be on the fence and people that are just curious about the game. i read another interview from 2010 where the interviewer was asking him what business model they were using with neverwinter and he wouldn't announce it then because it wasn't time but if you read between the lines, he already knew then what they were doing. he also stated that pwe is a massive company and all of their games are f2p (forbes interview). being such a massive company in both america and europe, i'm sure they are quite aware of the state of the "population" and how that works.
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    grimahgrimah Member Posts: 1,658 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    not sure if this reflects the player base, but i remember during beta time into launch there was always red text spam of people finding mounts from lockboxes. now those notifications are few and far between, I can only account for the guild im in but its gone from 10-20 active and online at a time, to 1-3. most of these people have left between 1-3 weeks ago, and before feywild came out. Now that feywild has come out its dropped even more down to 1-3, mostly due to the ban wave and just havent returned.

    For me personally i dont play my level 60s anymore, i do not see much to do, ive "completed" all the dungeons and nothing is worth repeating over and over. I dont think its just neverwinter's fault, but MMOs in general. apart from hanging illusionary carrots infront of you there isn't much else to drive you to play, and many veteran MMOs players see this.

    MMOs in general just need enjoyable replayable game modes (pve or pvp), take Mobas for example, those only consist of 1 map and and players pour in hours upon hours of gametime on them without any "loot" rewards.
    Creator of the featured survival horror foundry: "The Silence of Haydenwick" Video Review
    and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".
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    fallout1111fallout1111 Member Posts: 71
    edited September 2013
    bubba1966 wrote: »
    There are always a lot of new players, but the game has a huge problem with retaining level 60s. It had this problem before, but BoP was pretty much the nail in the coffin, as that was the primary avenue to enjoyment for level 60s. I used to run DD 2/3 times a day. Since BoP, I or no one i know runs t2 at all anymore.

    What, BoP has done, amongst other things, is filled the game with ungeared level 60s, while many of the geared ones have quit. Hence the recent uproar about the queue system, players quitting groups, and dungeons being too hard to complete. It won't improve either, because there is no reason whatsoever to run a dungeon if you don't need a set piece. So the ungeared players now, once they have armor set, will quit running them too - at least the few that make it that far.

    Cryptics answer tokeeping level 60's around was to slow down progression by instituting BoP. Well, it backfired - all its done is cause the geared players to quit, and frustrated the ungeared 60s to the point of quitting as well.

    Superb post Bubba, and mirror's both my own and our guild's perspective to a tee. I hate to say it but Neverwinter is withering, fast, and BOP pretty much is the cause. I have absolutely no reason to ever set foot in a T1 or T2 dungeon again, and the new end gamers in their sad blue gear honestly cannot beat most of these dungeons with their ridiculous hordes of trash and adds in boss fights. It is no longer fun, and people are playing less and leaving more. Cryptic needs to get a clue while they still have active players.
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    trippysmurf1trippysmurf1 Member Posts: 188 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    You serious ? the game as easily lost at least 50% of its regular player base over the past 2 mounths alone..

    So lets take your own statistics, you say just one zone Sharander as around 600 to 800 people in it, based on your observasions. ( which will include quite a few bots and farmers etc )
    So using YOUR figures and using a base stat based on what should be a high pop area we can continue to calculate a rough idea of online players.

    So lets make a conservative guess there are 50 'zones' in total, that includes pvp, instance ( even though these are only 5 mans , so this method is very conservative)
    so 50 zones each contaning a very conservative 800 players = 40,000 players. And now we have to take into account there are 3 seperate shards ( servers ) each based on your figures have rougly 40,000 players on them.
    So we multiply this figure by 3 which equals 120,000.

    Hmm 120,000 , interesting, thats around 1/5 of what PWE claim to have, plus that probably also includes quite a high number of bots and farmers, sellers and the also well known high amount of players who just log each day to just only pray and reset professions.

    So now the question how is it as you say 'increasing' in population ?
    And seriously do you believe what you read in media reviews and media storys etc, LOL, try reading the review comments, that is if they have not be locked already

    "In the last 2 weeks I went from lvl 1 to 60, and every zone had players, at any given hour" That is not hard to see. but take into account many zones have less 'instances' open these days, 3 months ago nearly all zones had 20+ instances open ALL with 100+ players in them

    Your numbers are far too high. On Mindflayer, 2 days into the banning period there were 1400 max level players on the server at a non-peak time, 5pm est during a weekday. Dragon at the time had a little over 3000. Sorry I do not have numbers from before the ban! On Friday evening before Labor Day, a holiday weekend, during DD, and peak gaming time, 11:30 pm est, there were 725 max level players in all areas, T1s, T2s, event, CN, MC, sharandar, PVP, gaunt. I only left out outworld map areas (but did include whispering caverns) and foundries (because I wasn't sure how I could search them all) from my searches. Now ask yourself how many of those are bots or people with multiple characters.
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    ameranth342ameranth342 Member Posts: 141 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    Superb post Bubba, and mirror's both my own and our guild's perspective to a tee. I hate to say it but Neverwinter is withering, fast, and BOP pretty much is the cause. I have absolutely no reason to ever set foot in a T1 or T2 dungeon again, and the new end gamers in their sad blue gear honestly cannot beat most of these dungeons with their ridiculous hordes of trash and adds in boss fights. It is no longer fun, and people are playing less and leaving more. Cryptic needs to get a clue while they still have active players.

    Agree here to with Bubba, still alot of facts missing but as we all know sadly if you voice too much your post will be edited or removed.
    In my opionion the game is solely surviving off new 'green and 'binkered' players who are enjoying the lvling process, which as most would admit is probably the only enjoyable thing in the game which actualy gives any motavation but once you hit 60 thst dissapears very fast, Lvling a new class is what probably most people will continue to do, but with all having exactly the same story line to follow with nothing at all new along the way tht soon becomes very boring and reopetative, and again when you hit 60 grind a few dungeons get some gear and fine tune your character, whats left to do ? stop and roll another ? lol

    BoP and thr near regular so called class 'balancing' which always goes from one extream to another as now pretty much made end content a waste of time. End game these days is only profitable for a player who exploits or has a abundance of'spare' cash to throw at the game, which ofc means PWE win and the player looses.
    Even playing as a P2W player is not realy viable these days everything in the game you can buy has the high chance of being nerfed, changed without warning and usualy at the loss to the actual player whom invested in it.

    Everybody reads the updates in development and the 'we are working on this' or 'working on that' for future patches etc etc which never come to fruition or if they do they are nothing like what was first heavely hinted at. EG: take the heavely hinted Ranger class thats was hinted to be in development over 6 months ago, were is it ? but yet we are continualy bombarded with new mounts and companions totaly out of the blue with nearly every patch.
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    lhachmacarlhachmacar Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    The impression I'm getting is not that BoP was a bad idea, it's that it should have been implemented a lot sooner. In conjunction with a full wipe on the official launch date would have been most effective, but Cryptic had already painted themselves into a corner by saying there wasn't going to be a wipe by then.

    BoP at the outset would have prevented so many people from buying their way directly into T2s and going into farm mode. People would still be building their sets and the forums would be flooded with complaints that gearing up takes too long and about high end dungeons and their difficulty or lack thereof. There are a lot of complaints here that there is nothing to do at endgame, but not a lot of admission that speed of gearing up and gearing alts played into that issue pretty strongly.

    It's a catch-22 for Cryptic. Ease of gearing through the AH had to be addressed to make the endgame dungeons relevant, but all the people used to coasting their way to millions of AD were going to be offended. Personally I'm glad they went with making a choice that's better for the long-term mechanics of the game, even if it's costing them some customers and cash now. Hopefully it's not costing them *too* much in this area, because I think this game has fantastic potential; it just needs some time to iron out all the wrinkles.
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    ameranth342ameranth342 Member Posts: 141 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    Your numbers are far too high. On Mindflayer, 2 days into the banning period there were 1400 max level players on the server at a non-peak time, 5pm est during a weekday. Dragon at the time had a little over 3000. Sorry I do not have numbers from before the ban! On Friday evening before Labor Day, a holiday weekend, during DD, and peak gaming time, 11:30 pm est, there were 725 max level players in all areas, T1s, T2s, event, CN, MC, sharandar, PVP, gaunt. I only left out outworld map areas (but did include whispering caverns) and foundries (because I wasn't sure how I could search them all) from my searches. Now ask yourself how many of those are bots or people with multiple characters.

    Yes i know my numbers are way to high in my opionion, like i said it is a very conservative estimate.
    My guild alone has, 463 members and 3 months ago we were regulaly running 3 or 4 dungeon groups at any one time, there was always at least a minimum of 50 players online at any time in the day, and at DD times this would at least treable
    Now, i log and i am alone, all the members are still there they have not left the guild or moved on, my friends list still has over 50 people in it, but none ever log anymore.
    I log now and then, both at US and EU prime times, but have not seen even one other guild member online for at least 3 weeks. i have also noticed the Guild roster info option is buged and does not work anymore so you can not even seen when player last loged on.

    I can honestly say in the past month i have out of my guild of over 400 members and my 50+ friends list i have only seen 1 person online and after saying HI and how you doing etc etc i get the answere they just loged randomly to see if there was anyone online and to see if anything in the game has finaly been fixed, then they say their goodbys and log.
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    theflayertheflayer Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Well that's rather disappointing. I saw a lot of potential in this game when the alpha was released, of course that was a few days before I took a trip to Romania. What exactly happened to turn everything downhill?
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    ameranth342ameranth342 Member Posts: 141 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    theflayer wrote: »
    Well that's rather disappointing. I saw a lot of potential in this game when the alpha was released, of course that was a few days before I took a trip to Romania. What exactly happened to turn everything downhill?

    Yes this game at open beta had a huge potential, and i can pretty confidently say most who played during Alpha and open beta felt the same, that this game was going to be huge very fast. obviously there was bugs and slight issues that did need to be ironed out , but nothing realy that could not be worked around, sadly some of those bugs still exist today, alot though have been 'fixed' at some time since, but most fix's to one thing as more often than not lead to other things being broken along the way. plus the numerous 'exploits' that have basicaly been allowed to run for weeks without any concern. only exploits which have afected AD gain and player profit have been activly adressed most within hours of being reported.
    I could go on for pages and pages with actual facts concerning the state of the game at present in comparison to what it was like in Open beta.
    But like you i am disapointed in how it has 'progressed' if you can call it that.

    As for 'What exactly happened to turn everything downhill?' it would be alot easier to say what as NOT happened to make it go downhill
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    azithothazithoth Member Posts: 77
    edited September 2013
    theflayer wrote: »
    Well that's rather disappointing. I saw a lot of potential in this game when the alpha was released, of course that was a few days before I took a trip to Romania. What exactly happened to turn everything downhill?

    see what happens when you leave? :o
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    zalcszalcs Banned Users Posts: 345 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    lhachmacar wrote: »
    The impression I'm getting is not that BoP was a bad idea, it's that it should have been implemented a lot sooner. In conjunction with a full wipe on the official launch date would have been most effective, but Cryptic had already painted themselves into a corner by saying there wasn't going to be a wipe by then.

    BoP at the outset would have prevented so many people from buying their way directly into T2s and going into farm mode. People would still be building their sets and the forums would be flooded with complaints that gearing up takes too long and about high end dungeons and their difficulty or lack thereof. There are a lot of complaints here that there is nothing to do at endgame, but not a lot of admission that speed of gearing up and gearing alts played into that issue pretty strongly.

    It's a catch-22 for Cryptic. Ease of gearing through the AH had to be addressed to make the endgame dungeons relevant, but all the people used to coasting their way to millions of AD were going to be offended. Personally I'm glad they went with making a choice that's better for the long-term mechanics of the game, even if it's costing them some customers and cash now. Hopefully it's not costing them *too* much in this area, because I think this game has fantastic potential; it just needs some time to iron out all the wrinkles.

    Also, when they made armor BoP, they should have done the same with what actually matters, namely enchantments. Free casual players, heck, even hardcore players will never get a greater/perfect enchantment of any type because they cost a ridiculous amount of AD. And gearing all your characters with them? Lmao! Dream on.

    This is something they won't do though, because they sell them from lockboxes. They sell two of the strongest enchantments in the game for real money only. (plague fire, tenebrous) I don't know what they define that with, but i certainly know what I define it with.
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    theflayertheflayer Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Right, so in other words they've made modifications to try and gear the player base into a certain direction (money making among others) and the player base went "Actually, that's not what we're here for" and went to play other games instead because, let's face it, they have the option to do so.
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    azithothazithoth Member Posts: 77
    edited September 2013

    the mods will come on, and this thread will disappear. it is not 'constructive' enough for the company...

    no saying derogatory things about the company...

    and i'm banned in 5..4..3..2....
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    djarkaandjarkaan Member Posts: 883 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Not really most player that have left have been replace by gold seller on a 3:1 ratio.
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    ameranth342ameranth342 Member Posts: 141 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    azithoth wrote: »

    the mods will come on, and this thread will disappear. it is not 'constructive' enough for the company...

    no saying derogatory things about the company...

    and i'm banned in 5..4..3..2....

    Agree, not much can be 'safely' added now, too many real truths and facts apearing with each reply.

    inc. move to the out of sight hidden depths, were most of the truth actually exists
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    azithothazithoth Member Posts: 77
    edited September 2013
    Agree, not much can be 'safely' added now, too many real truths and facts apearing with each reply.

    inc. move to the out of sight hidden depths, were most of the truth actually exists


    i used to blame the mods for what goes on here, but about two weeks ago i realized that when they say they only act to what the company says, they are right. Sominator is the 'community manager'. he represents, and works for, the company. he made the rules, he 'hired' the mods, and he watches over what goes on on the forums. he knows and realizes how unhappy CUSTOMERS are with it. and let's it go on. he has the say, that is his job...

    the mods aren't here just to mod the forums, they are here to perform damage control and flow of opinion. as it was set up in the beginning, for a reason....
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    badstorytellerbadstoryteller Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    o __o i was planning on starting...
    but after reading through this thread i'm not even sure anymore QQ
    So like is it worth picking up??
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    cheapjingcheapjing Member Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    o __o i was planning on starting...
    but after reading through this thread i'm not even sure anymore QQ
    So like is it worth picking up??

    it is F2P, why not just download it and test it for a day or 2 when you are free and decided for yourself? Even if the game has only 10 players, if you like it, you will like it.
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    azithothazithoth Member Posts: 77
    edited September 2013
    cheapjing wrote: »
    it is F2P, why not just download it and test it for a day or 2 when you are free and decided for yourself? Even if the game has only 10 players, if you like it, you will like it.

    this is true..

    it's good for a month or so... then it depends on what you can make of it
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    chudovishyechudovishye Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013

    I hope this is sarcasm, because like Blizzard and D3 they're counting multi-boxers, alts, and bots. Cut that down to at least a fourth for the real number, and then cut that in probably a third for the number of active players.
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    azithothazithoth Member Posts: 77
    edited September 2013
    I hope this is sarcasm, because like Blizzard and D3 they're counting multi-boxers, alts, and bots. Cut that down to at least a fourth for the real number, and then cut that in probably a third for the number of active players.

    no sarcasm, they came out weeks ago, there is 2 mil 'players'
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    ameranth342ameranth342 Member Posts: 141 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    I hope this is sarcasm, because like Blizzard and D3 they're counting multi-boxers, alts, and bots. Cut that down to at least a fourth for the real number, and then cut that in probably a third for the number of active players.

    But your missing one pretty vital point, take blizzard and World of Warcarft for instance, they CAN truthfully and factualy claim X amount of active players as fact, this is a Sub based game and agree here too, many will have multiple accounts with multiple characters but still a number of actual active and unique characters CAN be claimed and without any doubt what so ever.

    But as with Neverwinter and PWE's claim for 2 million players it as no factual base to derive any numbers from, even more so to publicly claim 2 million 'unique' players as there original post on the forums did is a down right joke
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    degraafinationdegraafination Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    So just this afternoon on Mindflayer:

    1. Queued for PVP with our premade. The other team left. So we left.
    2. Queued for PVP with our premade. The same team left. So we left.
    3. Queued for PVP with our premade. The SAME TEAM again! They left, so we left.

    We finally did an house match. *sigh* There aren't even enough players on to get another stinking PVP team!
    Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
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    fusedmassfusedmass Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 252 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    o __o i was planning on starting...
    but after reading through this thread i'm not even sure anymore QQ
    So like is it worth picking up??

    The price is very expensive. You'll end paying at least 50 bucks in Zen just for bag space, mount etc. I have Hero of North. I get a ton of stuff for free, spider mount, etc. But I still lack bag space. if you got the cash. This can be a great game. If you have a ton of cash. You can buy anything in game. Simply by exchanging Zen for Diamonds. Then buy anything you want on the AH.
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    zalcszalcs Banned Users Posts: 345 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    o __o i was planning on starting...
    but after reading through this thread i'm not even sure anymore QQ
    So like is it worth picking up??

    Paying a good chunk of bucks for a fast mount is mandatory, or else you'll be at a HUGE disadvantage. That's about 30-40 bucks+ already. Also, if you then plan to be a non-paying player you will never get the best gear (enchantments), and you'll get roflstomped in pvp by people who own the best gear. (not that pvp matters, there are 2 maps and no rewards/ranking.) Making money (astral diamonds) ingame is so slow that it's not even worth doing, and the endgame is non existant. (dungeon content is dead, not worth running because the loot is player bound)

    This is just the truth, not flaming or anything.
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    chrispybrownchrispybrown Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I mostly agree with everything in the OP. I spent 2 hours going through Karrundax without trying to use exploits (mostly because we didn't have CW), but if you only have 10k gs (which is pretty avg with all epics and rank 5-6 enchantments) you're going to get hosed. It says base is 8300, but I dare any group with that gs to complete without exploiting. The main problem is unlimited adds and all the adds have huge aoe knock down abilities. Get knocked down once and you're pretty much toast. We finally ended up just cheesing it with the DCs low dps. It's just not worth running DD anymore for stuff you can't sell. Being able to equip my newly level 60 character for 200 AD to be able to run t2 dungeons worked just fine for me before, but now you'll need closer to 500k + AD to get similar. Wouldn't be so bad if the t2 dungeons only dropped t2 items from chest, but they give out t1 and other belt junk too.

    My guild activity has dropped to at least 1/2 of what it was before and many are moving on to other games.
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    dredssondredsson Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I have been playing only recently.. not more than a month.. I have reached lvl 60 and start gearing up a lilttle bit.. But what I have noticed and SUCKS BIG BIG TIME are the exploits.. and the unbalance gear shops that are..

    For example, because of the bugs ang glitches this game has, it is possible that in every dungeon, event to SKIP.. to go to a certain spot. throu runs or throu aid getting from GM. Recently I have entered FH, runned to a wall, got help from a gm option, stuck, unable to continue with the mission, abort mission, got ported out, rentered and I have finded myself to the next part of the dungeon. Now.. thats a really huge -.. because people that know those bugs.. will use them in their groups and because nobody does full runs.. like they were designed in the first place.. so it leads to the RUNNERS.

    "LF1M, TR EXPERIENCED RUNNER" What the ****? How am I going to get experience if you don't allow to the new guys to enter? but not that.. **** that.. I wanna do a full run.. to see what the game has to offer. And the gear.. make it so it would come throu progression.

    Anyways.. I know this has no place in this thread but since I can't open a new one under the bug thread I used the reply.. those who feel like me.. please let GMs know.
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