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The "New Class(es)" Feedback Thread!



  • azlanfoxazlanfox Member Posts: 436 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The trash mobs in this game have more weapon variety then the player classes. Granted, their skill selection is nothing, but they use bows, blow guns, maces, twin long swords, spears, staves, etc. It's all cosmetic as far as I can tell, but it does irk me that the trash has bows and no player class can fire one back. Additionally I'm annoyed when I run into ghost paladins, elf rangers, bosses that are hybrid spec'd, etc. I want some variety, some choices, and I'd like it before any more content modules come out.

    I have no problem with the action MMO design, but what I think prevented all this variety were two areas: the devs and PvP. I believe cryptic's devs working on the player-end mechanics and classes lack the ingenuity, talent, and imagination to adapt the classes and game functions to their engine.

    I also believe that the presence of PvP prevents a lot of the customization and variety due to the same limitations of the quality and number of devs. It would be a nightmare to balance dozens of classes, race, and power/skill combinations on top of all the weapons and feats. There are probably too few devs with a lot of skill deficiency and lacking that spark that separates the ground breakers from the code crunchers just looking for a pay check. The parent, pwe, wanted a cash cow to bring in a good bit of money by banking on a name (DnD) to hit a market area that their other fantasy themed MMOs could not touch. They wanted the cost of development to be low, and that limits both the amount and quality of developers. I would bet that pwe threw a budget not even 10% of what Blizzard would throw at a secondary market title.

    The point that I want to make is to not expect much. What we have now is the bar at its highest from this team at cryptic and its not really, fully their fault. They only have so much to work with, and a limited pool of skillsets, so it is a miracle to have what we ended up with. We don't have to like it, but don't get your hopes up for a sudden and amazing change to the fundamental game.
    The fox said, "lock and load"

    glassdoor.com - Cryptic Studios Review
  • allanastarallanastar Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 109 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    azlanfox wrote: »
    The trash mobs in this game have more weapon variety then the player classes. Granted, their skill selection is nothing, but they use bows, blow guns, maces, twin long swords, spears, staves, etc. It's all cosmetic as far as I can tell, but it does irk me that the trash has bows and no player class can fire one back. Additionally I'm annoyed when I run into ghost paladins, elf rangers, bosses that are hybrid spec'd, etc. I want some variety, some choices, and I'd like it before any more content modules come out.

    I have no problem with the action MMO design, but what I think prevented all this variety were two areas: the devs and PvP. I believe cryptic's devs working on the player-end mechanics and classes lack the ingenuity, talent, and imagination to adapt the classes and game functions to their engine.

    I also believe that the presence of PvP prevents a lot of the customization and variety due to the same limitations of the quality and number of devs. It would be a nightmare to balance dozens of classes, race, and power/skill combinations on top of all the weapons and feats. There are probably too few devs with a lot of skill deficiency and lacking that spark that separates the ground breakers from the code crunchers just looking for a pay check. The parent, pwe, wanted a cash cow to bring in a good bit of money by banking on a name (DnD) to hit a market area that their other fantasy themed MMOs could not touch. They wanted the cost of development to be low, and that limits both the amount and quality of developers. I would bet that pwe threw a budget not even 10% of what Blizzard would throw at a secondary market title.

    The point that I want to make is to not expect much. What we have now is the bar at its highest from this team at cryptic and its not really, fully their fault. They only have so much to work with, and a limited pool of skillsets, so it is a miracle to have what we ended up with. We don't have to like it, but don't get your hopes up for a sudden and amazing change to the fundamental game.

    You could be right, However Cryptic the studio has most of there workforce working on this title the most, the 2nd most are on star trek online.

    So by adding future classes PWE cryptic can pretty much sell them for 25$ per class , and many of us would pay that, so every 3-4 months for next 4-5 years they can do that and not only make money from selling each class, but get free press PR from the new mini expansion module that the class comes with, as well as extra zen sales and AD.

    I mean if they are charging 25-35$ for mounts and companions you are crazy if you think they wont sell each new class as 25$ just from that alone every 3-4 months and all the new pack deals as well as cash shop store as well as zen will make them tons of money.

    As for the 2nd paragon trees I would expect them in maybe the next month or 2 so we see.
  • glithanesglithanes Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    allanastar wrote: »
    You could be right, However Cryptic the studio has most of there workforce working on this title the most, the 2nd most are on star trek online.

    So by adding future classes PWE cryptic can pretty much sell them for 25$ per class , and many of us would pay that, so every 3-4 months for next 4-5 years they can do that and not only make money from selling each class, but get free press PR from the new mini expansion module that the class comes with, as well as extra zen sales and AD.

    I mean if they are charging 25-35$ for mounts and companions you are crazy if you think they wont sell each new class as 25$ just from that alone every 3-4 months and all the new pack deals as well as cash shop store as well as zen will make them tons of money.

    As for the 2nd paragon trees I would expect them in maybe the next month or 2 so we see.

    That is pretty much what I would guess to Allanastar!
  • draugotdraugot Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    glithanes wrote: »
    I have no proof but I think the new classes will be probably around 25$ each, now maybe they will give the 1st class for free but doubt it due to perfect world.

    New classes will be free. (around 1:20 time in video)

  • azlanfoxazlanfox Member Posts: 436 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    allanastar wrote: »
    You could be right, However Cryptic the studio has most of there workforce working on this title the most, the 2nd most are on star trek online.

    So by adding future classes PWE cryptic can pretty much sell them for 25$ per class , and many of us would pay that, so every 3-4 months for next 4-5 years they can do that and not only make money from selling each class, but get free press PR from the new mini expansion module that the class comes with, as well as extra zen sales and AD.

    I mean if they are charging 25-35$ for mounts and companions you are crazy if you think they wont sell each new class as 25$ just from that alone every 3-4 months and all the new pack deals as well as cash shop store as well as zen will make them tons of money.

    As for the 2nd paragon trees I would expect them in maybe the next month or 2 so we see.

    I lack the sources to cite, but I believe they consider classes part of the content and cryptic has no plans to charge for content.
    The fox said, "lock and load"

    glassdoor.com - Cryptic Studios Review
  • glithanesglithanes Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    azlanfox wrote: »
    I lack the sources to cite, but I believe they consider classes part of the content and cryptic has no plans to charge for content.

    I lack the source as well but in the betas they at one point said that once they add the next class that it will be free but then after that they will sell them , again is not just Cryptic here its PWE that has the say 1st and again if they charge 25-35$ for some mounts and companions after the stock 5 classes maybe with the 6th class free then after that I will be shocked if they don't charge to unlock each class like 25$ basically game is FTP but with a set amount of classes either the current 5 or when they add the 6th, like said a lot of us would pay that 1-2, 3 times per year to unlock each per class then they get old players back to the game to spend money on that as well as cash shop stuff as well as zen, more character slots, whatever etc and they do get free press out of it.
  • glithanesglithanes Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I am hoping someone will post some news on the next class as well as few classes plans etc.
  • iergoiergo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 107 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    draugot wrote: »
    New classes will be free. (around 1:20 time in video)



    I can't lie for me the combat system is great but a lack of classes, etc is just hurting right now.
  • devoteoftempusdevoteoftempus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 473 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    draugot wrote: »
    New classes will be free. (around 1:20 time in video)


    They also said that for races.... which we are already seeing paid races.

    And for content which we are already seeing content you have to pay to unlock (quests or something).

    Somehow I think they are gonna make it you have to pay classes. Like to unlock additional paragon paths you have to pay for it.
  • psychicslugpsychicslug Member Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The classes as said from the head guy are all free did not say that about path choices which are like classes in that way you might have to pay. Some of the classes can be done with just different path choices Guardian fighter A paladin path/greatweapon fight could be the same as well for example
  • tranglectranglec Member Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I'm sick of people who never played pen and paper D&D belittling actual D&D players for expecting this to be more like D&D. This isn't about the glass being half-empty or half-full. This is about ordering a glass of sweet tea, and being given a glass of Pepsi instead. It's not that I hate Pepsi. If this game had been released with a different title, such as, "Fantasy Warriors Online" or "Super Action MMO" I wouldn't be disappointed. But they marketed it as a D&D game, made by D&D fans, for D&D fans, then gave us an action MMO. That's the problem. I'm not a pessimist, I'm actually a really positive person, but if I go to a fast food joint, order a cheeseburger, and they bring me a taco, I'll ask that they take it back, and fix my order right. If they can't do that, then I'll take my business elsewhere, and be sure to warn all my buddies about the bad service there.
    I never played PnP games, but even I am disappointed. When I heard about a D&D license based MMO, I thought: "Hey, if there ever is a MMORPG that has to be heavy on the RPG and adventuring part, it has to be the one with the D&D license."
    Boy, was I wrong.
    It is my first MMO and I never had heard of Perfect World or Cryptic before. Had I known that they are a notorious run of the mill - some even say shovelware - MMO factory, I'd most likely wouldn't have bothered. When I played the game at first it seemed to deliver what I wanted, which has a lot to do with my inexperience with MMOs and my subsequent inability to recognize how generic many of the gameplay mechanics apparently are, so I did spend money on the game early on. I bought inventory space, companions and Lockbox keys and the money I spent and the people I met kept me in the game even when I realized that the look and the few D&D elements are just a thin veneer on a very generic and single minded (keeping people playing and paying by tickling their hunter/gatherer instincts like a more adult version of Pokemon) run of the mill MMO that is all about grinding dungeons and collecting loot, like Diablo but without the iconic Diablo atmosphere and charm.

    I really can understand the frustration of D&D fans and of course of people like myself who wanted a really RPG heavy MMORPG and assumed that a MMO with the D&D license would have to be just that. On its own this game might be generic but solid, but for a game with that name and IP, that is not enough. The problem is that the existence of this game makes it very unlikely that D&D and RPG fans will get the kind of game they have been hoping for anytime soon. Those who wanted another "Pokemon for teens and grown ups" kind of MMO would have had enough other games to chose from, many of them made by Perfect World, as I hear.
  • koboldsmell88koboldsmell88 Banned Users Posts: 196 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    The niche you want is already filled by DDO. It appears that NW was never meant to compete directly with DDO, as they are much much different games. Yes this is more of an action game. Personally I am fine with that, but even being an action game, it can and should offer as much variety as possible.

    DDO's graphics are a little dated now, and it didn't offer the ability to make UGC either. Still, I've been more tempted to spend money on some of DDO's adventure packs and play that than I have to even log in to Neverwinter. You're right, even if this was titled "Super Action MMO" there would still be a great lack of variety. Two sword guys, a guy with daggers, an ice mage, and a healer. Even some of the worst shovelware RPG's give you more options than that.
    tranglec wrote: »
    I never played PnP games, but even I am disappointed. When I heard about a D&D license based MMO, I thought: "Hey, if there ever is a MMORPG that has to be heavy on the RPG and adventuring part, it has to be the one with the D&D license."
    Boy, was I wrong.
    It is my first MMO and I never had heard of Perfect World or Cryptic before. Had I known that they are a notorious run of the mill - some even say shovelware - MMO factory, I'd most likely wouldn't have bothered. When I played the game at first it seemed to deliver what I wanted, which has a lot to do with my inexperience with MMOs and my subsequent inability to recognize how generic many of the gameplay mechanics apparently are, so I did spend money on the game early on. I bought inventory space, companions and Lockbox keys and the money I spent and the people I met kept me in the game even when I realized that the look and the few D&D elements are just a thin veneer on a very generic and single minded (keeping people playing and paying by tickling their hunter/gatherer instincts like a more adult version of Pokemon) run of the mill MMO that is all about grinding dungeons and collecting loot, like Diablo but without the iconic Diablo atmosphere and charm.

    I really can understand the frustration of D&D fans and of course of people like myself who wanted a really RPG heavy MMORPG and assumed that a MMO with the D&D license would have to be just that. On its own this game might be generic but solid, but for a game with that name and IP, that is not enough. The problem is that the existence of this game makes it very unlikely that D&D and RPG fans will get the kind of game they have been hoping for anytime soon. Those who wanted another "Pokemon for teens and grown ups" kind of MMO would have had enough other games to chose from, many of them made by Perfect World, as I hear.

    I agree with pretty much everything you say, only if there was an actual Nintendo licensed Pokemon MMO, I'd have to say that would be 100x better than this. One Pokemon can learn more attacks than any class on here. And there are hundreds of them.
  • draugotdraugot Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    They also said that for races.... which we are already seeing paid races.

    And for content which we are already seeing content you have to pay to unlock (quests or something).

    Somehow I think they are gonna make it you have to pay classes. Like to unlock additional paragon paths you have to pay for it.
    I have not heard them say ALL races will be free to play as they started the game with a unique pay to play race, the renegade drow. As far as the pay for content. All you have to do there is grind out a few astral diamonds to access that. So by the original free to play model of anything can be done by earning astral diamonds in game, it is accurate.

    Now as far as paragon paths, I have not heard any say anything about pay or not pay. So that is up in the air. You have to be level 30 to choose a paragon path, so new paragon paths are not a substitute for new classes.
  • metaplexusmetaplexus Member Posts: 123 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Seriously? The overwhelming amount of posts begging/asking (some of them doing it actually politely) for more exact dates for the next class is just stupid. And now you open it for more classes and say you don't want to rush it.

    What kind of place would world be if people used their brains in the net like they do in the real world? And the actual prolem is it's going vice versa at the moment.
  • entrepostoentreposto Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I'm sick of people who never played pen and paper D&D belittling actual D&D players for expecting this to be more like D&D.

    How can this possibly be like pen and paper? In pen and paper, you've got a creative DM right there who can adjust the adventure to be interesting and challenging to whatever group mix the players want to throw at him. In a computer game, there are only so many responses and choices that can be coded in. The OP already mentioned the population balance issue that comes with adding a new class and someone else mentioned the further balance issue with a class being either too powerful/useful or not enough.
  • dirtyhookdirtyhook Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I think part of the issue with introducing a new class has nothing to do with the class itself.
    They also have to rework all the queues and any other <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> which is affected by your class in game.
    As well they have to do all new animations and <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> for combat and everything else.

    It is not just a case of reskinning another class and putting a different name on it.
  • leopard090909leopard090909 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Archer class isn't OP, and its very clearly missing!!!
  • glithanesglithanes Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Really looking forward to hearing from cryptic one rough ETA of the 6th class to the game and when rough eta will be of the 7th and 8 th classes to the game as well.

    Also wanting to know when we see the 2nd paragon paths for each class added.
  • glithanesglithanes Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    They also said that for races.... which we are already seeing paid races.

    And for content which we are already seeing content you have to pay to unlock (quests or something).

    Somehow I think they are gonna make it you have to pay classes. Like to unlock additional paragon paths you have to pay for it.

    I said that as well as Allanastar that created this thread said that.
    They may give everyone the 6th class for free cause there was some type of statement from long ago in interviews way back in the beta think they said the 6th class will be free but after that I see them charging for the unlocks for them and most of us have no problem with that.

    Each new class takes tons of work, the graphic skins to itemization for them, skill trees balanceing new paragon paths etc, tuning and polishing so the can afford to keep making us more content with bug fixes as well as making more new classes faster I think they will charge for the classes to unlock.
  • tranglectranglec Member Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Archer class isn't OP, and its very clearly missing!!!
    That depends on what that class would actually be. If it were a ranged version of the TR that is able to deliver boss killing DPS at long ranges, that clearly would be OP. If it were a class that does moderate damage, it would be redundant because it would be just a CW without the crowd control abilities.
    A Archer class seems like the logical next step, but only on a superficial first glance. When you think about it, it doesn't really fit anywhere in between the 5 existing classes.

    I think the only new class that would make sense and not be OP or just a repackaging of another class would be something that does a different kind of crowd control. Something like a Conjurer or a Necromancer, who can conjure his own little army of companions, or take over or resurrect dead enemies to fight for him, like the Necromancer class in Diablo 2 did.

    That would make more sense than a 3rd striker class, even if you somehow could create a Archer class that isn't OP or just a "CW Redux".

    I suppose an Archer bosskiller/DPS class would have to be made in a way that forces the player to aim the shots himself, so other classes have a chance to dodge the shots in PvP.
  • derpaderpistderpaderpist Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    PWE / CRYPTIC must fix their broken game first and then only add new classes .
    " We live in an age of the cheaply made, disposable, high priced junk. " - theunwarshed
  • devoteoftempusdevoteoftempus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 473 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    The niche you want is already filled by DDO. It appears that NW was never meant to compete directly with DDO, as they are much much different games. Yes this is more of an action game. Personally I am fine with that, but even being an action game, it can and should offer as much variety as possible.

    You are missing the point that this game was marketing and geared towards D&D players. When the game itself is a complete MMO bastardization and destroyed anything D&D related. The only exception is the lore as that is bout the only thing D&D in this game. The entire marketing scheme completely deceived the audience that Cryptic was supposeively making the game for. "Most fun D&D, for D&D fans" my friggin ***.

    The game is just a flashy F2P over intrusive cash shop that is typical of any MMO being run by PWI. Shame really... such a much beloved Western IP that was destoyed in the hands of an Eastern company.

    With Atari getting their exclusive digital D&D rights being yanked out I was hoping for some good quality D&D games coming back.

    I wish Turbine would reboot DDO and wipe this game's population.
  • koboldbard2koboldbard2 Banned Users Posts: 334 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    ceryndrion wrote: »
    Original D&D did not have a ranger class at all, the basic edition contained just three classes, the cleric, the fighting man, and the magic user. With the addition of Greyhawk, the thief was added.. It wasn't until AD&D, that rangers appeared..

    So for now, we can consider neverwinter to be stuck somewhere between Greyhawk and AD&D..
    Yes, but I bet those ODnD classes could use more than one weapon.
  • koboldsmell88koboldsmell88 Banned Users Posts: 196 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    Yes, but I bet those ODnD classes could use more than one weapon.

    Indeed. Plus they could learn more than one skill. Kobold power!
  • allanastarallanastar Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 109 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    Keep up all the good feedback all please!
  • xmachinaxmachina Member Posts: 54
    edited August 2013
    I have no problem with Cryptic/PWE charging for classes but I would have a problem if it came with only one or two paragon paths.
  • reshaimreshaim Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    For God's Sake, they can't even handle the balance of the five classes we already got after all this time from the beta and you're asking for even more content that will probably further break the game?
    I too would like to see a Warlock Class but, as things are, they have a real lot of issues to do and learn about the game they are handling before they could dare to release another content like a Class!!!
  • koboldsmell88koboldsmell88 Banned Users Posts: 196 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    reshaim wrote: »
    For God's Sake, they can't even handle the balance of the five classes we already got after all this time from the beta and you're asking for even more content that will probably further break the game?
    I too would like to see a Warlock Class but, as things are, they have a real lot of issues to do and learn about the game they are handling before they could dare to release another content like a Class!!!

    Thanks to players like you trying to make this a vain & shallow reflection of other action MMO's, D&D fans won't have the D&D MMO they want for at least another ten years. Thanks.
  • glithanesglithanes Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I am really looking for to the next 4-7 new classes and buying them all, as well as us getting the 2nd paragon path for the current 5 characters?
  • overdriver13overdriver13 Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    reshaim wrote: »
    For God's Sake, they can't even handle the balance of the five classes we already got after all this time from the beta and you're asking for even more content that will probably further break the game?
    I too would like to see a Warlock Class but, as things are, they have a real lot of issues to do and learn about the game they are handling before they could dare to release another content like a Class!!!

    I think it is easier to balance a larger number of classes than a smaller number of classes because each class should have a primary and a secondary role. If you have tanking, dps, healing, and cc as your 4 primary roles, that leaves 8 easily balanced classes, because each class will have one of these roles as a primary ability and another of these roles as a secondary ability. When you are trying to evenly balance 4 roles between 5 classes you are always going to end up with 1 op class or 1 under powered class or worse.
This discussion has been closed.