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Salvage, Dungeon Event Chests, and AD Updates!



  • kouroumbelokouroumbelo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    but still u got the option to choose,that alone is an incentive not to pay for something that costs alot in AH considering the chances are much better now...

    Some of the t1 ''filler'' stuff u can sell for a nice chunk of AD(still need see how much u can make out of the salvage thingie)

    After 1-2 months,(especially if u not gonna be able sell seal/GG/pvp stuff) ppl wont be able to make much AD easy,so the whole Boss stuff gonna worth more wont mean much to a casual player...and sooner or later prices gonna drop coz noone gonna spend so much AD to get sth when the chances to get it from DD box will be nice with this patch...(well that just my opinion).
    Not to mention getting sth usefull from a boss drop (not counting CN) is so rare and u need to raid ur *** off to do so...

    This patch just makes it harder to make AD(for free casual player) And nothing else imo,sorry but i just not see how this is gonna be better(again this is just my opinion).
  • satansnemesissatansnemesis Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 67
    edited August 2013
    I was 1/2 defending this change in another thread yesterday. I said I did not like the change, but I could understand why the developers would want to implement it. I did not have all the facts. Now that I saw this post I have come to the conclusion that the only reason this change is being implemented is so the value of Zen will plummet and AD will skyrocket.

    People will be making a lot less AD in a system DESIGNED to suck AD from you on a regular basis. The new expansion cost AD to advance and will only make the problem worse. Exchanging Zen for AD is going to cost a lot more REAL money. As it was, the AD flowed from one player to the next too freely for the developer's liking. I could buy 1000 Zen for $10 and convert that into a nice T2 item (sometimes 2). The developers believe I should be paying much more than $10 for that item so they are going to make MOST of the drops BOP....not ALL of them, just most. This is the information I did not have yesterday when I defended their choice. I will still be able to buy the item from the AH, it is just going to cost a whole lot more than I could possibly make on my own. If they were really concerned about players earning their own gear they would make ALL of them BOP. This is a thinly veiled attempt to drive the prices in the AH up for their own benefit (not for the player's benefit as some are claiming). Now the new player willing to spend money, or the vet player gearing up a new toon, will buy 10 times as much Zen to gear up because that 300k piece of gear now cost 1.5 million AD (all just an estimate). If all tier gear was BOP I would believe this was being done to help the game and not line their own pockets with more of our cash. I still wouldn't like the change, but I would understand why it is being done.

    This patch WILL NOT make it any easier to farm the gear on your own, you will just be able to pick which set your item comes from IF your chest contains a tier armor piece. This means those having trouble getting gear will still have the same trouble. Nothing changed here except now they are allowing you to chose the SET piece you want. This is being done to make this pile of <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> easier to swallow and make it sound like a good idea to those who haven't fully thought everything through.

    The biggest change this patch will add is now it will be even harder to complete any dungeon because there will be less fully geared people willing to run it with you. There is nothing in it for them. Sure they can run it for sheer enjoyment or maybe they will run it so they can roll for that crappy epic drop so they can sell on the AH for peanuts (these will not increase in value because they still drop the same). I doubt it. So now the player who has trouble gearing up will either quit or buy Zen to exchange it for AD. Yes, I know no one forces anyone to buy anything. PWE is just trying to squeeze every nickel out of those who will spend money and make it very hard to progress for those who refuse to pay.
  • pfft2pfft2 Member Posts: 301 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    This patch just makes it harder to make AD(for free casual player) And nothing else imo,sorry but i just not see how this is gonna be better(again this is just my opinion).

    We can't know for sure until the particulars become known. The patch may be available on the Preview Shard, but since there aren't a lot of players on the Preview Shard, we can't possibly begin to evaluate the drop rates and so on.

    So yeah, to an extent it is just a matter of opinion at this point. What I can tell you from personal experience is that nearly all of the so-called "filler" items that drop in most T2 chests right now sell for almost nothing on the Beholder Server. We're talking 2-4k, something like that. If the Salvager offers considerably more than that (let's say 10k or so), then this patch will be a buff to the rank-and-file player's ability to earn AD.

    The most valuable items I tend to pick up are Vorpal/Soulforged/Lightning shards, and I have no reason to believe that those will become BoP.

    The flipside, if I'm right about all of the above, is that prices on the AH will go waaaay up. So casuals will have a harder time exchanging the drops they don't want for the drops they do want.
  • pfft2pfft2 Member Posts: 301 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    This patch WILL NOT make it any easier to farm the gear on your own, you will just be able to pick which set your item comes from IF your chest contains a tier armor piece.

    Right. That's the key fact that most everyone seems to have glossed over. The developers' statements do not promise EZ-mode tier loot. On the whole, it'll probably be far harder for the average player to kit himself out after the patch.
  • poypoy72poypoy72 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I'm willing to pay $20-30 on an Infinite Reset type item. I know it's a Zen sink for you guys but I would enjoy the game much much more without having to constantly buy them!
  • hammeredhellhammeredhell Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    coogrrr wrote: »
    Nice addition to the system for sure! Got my Feywild ordered and cant wait as a vet of the foundry also.

    NOW - please everyone get on this with me - NEW CLASSES - NEW CLASSES - NEW CLASSES!!!! Content is king and your doing awesome here. But we want and frankly NEED new classes. I have maxed each class to 60........

    AMEN... I've been saying this for some time as well we NEED new classeES ... not just the long expected ranger...but a plan to release 2-3 new classes at once .... approximately every 6 months or so for the next year and a half...

    releasing them 1 at a time will cause every like "coogrr" and myself and many others who already have all or most of the lvl 60's possible ALL trying to roll the 1 new class...KILLING the Ques for skirmishes and dungeons.
  • maelegrimusmaelegrimus Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I have to agree I can't wait to see warlocks, rangers, and paladins running around smiting things that need to be smote.
  • highlyfe187highlyfe187 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The amount of rough astral diamonds you can refine will be increased, right?
  • conchitobananoconchitobanano Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 74
    edited August 2013
    well i guess like all other F2p games its time for this game to become p2w too?^^

    i not understand why ppl say this is better for the economy of the game???mb is better for zen sales??

    How u gonna make AD now???how u gonna make enchants in the armor/gear u got so easy in DD??it would take u like a year to put rank 7-8's and vorpal/soulforged and what other stuff u wanna...

    gl buy companion as well,6 months mb needed to farm enuf AD for it after patch?
    And these times are for casual players....(some ppl cant be on 24/7,and even if it is easier to get the gear u want is pointless if u gonna need like 1 year ~~ to enchant/buy companion etc....)

    F2p Neverwinter>>>>>make harder to get AD>>>>increase zen sales...
    this happen to all f2p anyway sooner or later ;/
    now keep on posting how it will be better for game.

    Every decision that's been made for this game by this...companey....has been towards this breaking point....going full p2w one patch at a time and hiding their agenda behind exploiters and bots (which are encouraged by the coding and design flaws of the game itself).
  • conchitobananoconchitobanano Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 74
    edited August 2013
    I was 1/2 defending this change in another thread yesterday. I said I did not like the change, but I could understand why the developers would want to implement it. I did not have all the facts. Now that I saw this post I have come to the conclusion that the only reason this change is being implemented is so the value of Zen will plummet and AD will skyrocket.

    People will be making a lot less AD in a system DESIGNED to suck AD from you on a regular basis. The new expansion cost AD to advance and will only make the problem worse. Exchanging Zen for AD is going to cost a lot more REAL money. As it was, the AD flowed from one player to the next too freely for the developer's liking. I could buy 1000 Zen for $10 and convert that into a nice T2 item (sometimes 2). The developers believe I should be paying much more than $10 for that item so they are going to make MOST of the drops BOP....not ALL of them, just most. This is the information I did not have yesterday when I defended their choice. I will still be able to buy the item from the AH, it is just going to cost a whole lot more than I could possibly make on my own. If they were really concerned about players earning their own gear they would make ALL of them BOP. This is a thinly veiled attempt to drive the prices in the AH up for their own benefit (not for the player's benefit as some are claiming). Now the new player willing to spend money, or the vet player gearing up a new toon, will buy 10 times as much Zen to gear up because that 300k piece of gear now cost 1.5 million AD (all just an estimate). If all tier gear was BOP I would believe this was being done to help the game and not line their own pockets with more of our cash. I still wouldn't like the change, but I would understand why it is being done.

    This patch WILL NOT make it any easier to farm the gear on your own, you will just be able to pick which set your item comes from IF your chest contains a tier armor piece. This means those having trouble getting gear will still have the same trouble. Nothing changed here except now they are allowing you to chose the SET piece you want. This is being done to make this pile of <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> easier to swallow and make it sound like a good idea to those who haven't fully thought everything through.

    The biggest change this patch will add is now it will be even harder to complete any dungeon because there will be less fully geared people willing to run it with you. There is nothing in it for them. Sure they can run it for sheer enjoyment or maybe they will run it so they can roll for that crappy epic drop so they can sell on the AH for peanuts (these will not increase in value because they still drop the same). I doubt it. So now the player who has trouble gearing up will either quit or buy Zen to exchange it for AD. Yes, I know no one forces anyone to buy anything. PWE is just trying to squeeze every nickel out of those who will spend money and make it very hard to progress for those who refuse to pay.

    You took the words right out of my mouth..AMEN man PREACH it like it is!!!
  • meathook2099meathook2099 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    This is tremendous news!!!
    Too bad it turned into a farmer QQ thread.
    My only request is please let alchemists craft solid color dyes.
  • ott0madduxott0maddux Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 204 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    This bind on pick-up frankly stinks to high heaven. Ive been farming t2 dungeons to get the set i wanted. But i only did DD events because other wise i would run dungeons for nothing. i was able to sell the items i didn't want to get what i did. Bind on pickup takes away all incentive to play, because you know you're not gonna be able to salvage a purple item for 300k ad like you could sell it for. Guess ill have no excuse to log on except to pray.
  • ott0madduxott0maddux Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 204 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    They keep changing the economy system after people have put in real money, i can see this opening themselves up to class actions. if anybody starts one i want in.
  • kolbe11kolbe11 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    So will items DROPPED by bosses be "Bind on Pickup" as well then? Or only DD Chest items?
    "It is said that idle hands are the Devil's tools: Idle geek hands, however, came up with gunpowder, nuclear weapons, and toilet plungers." -Illiad
  • ott0madduxott0maddux Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 204 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    Poor wording on my part but the result is the same, haha. :D
    Supply and demand is tied together completely. Right now there is a huge supply. By reducing the supply you will increase the price.

    End result is prices will rise.

    Based on your example: corn famine occurs and the supply drops. Supply drops result in increased prices.

    1) The amount of boss drops will remain the same. However there will be five less drops per dungeon delve added into the economy from the lack of the Dungeon Delve Chest.

    2) Boss drops are t1 and t2. The dungeon delve chests drop the same loot bosses drop except it guaranteed loot every for every single person in a Dungeon Delve Event.
    As such the game became flooded with many of the items.

    The same thing the new players do: when you get the drops, which will be rarer, sell the drops for more astral diamonds than they currently sell for.

    The problem with this logic is while supply shrinks theoretically raising prices, demand drops because everyone can obtain the items they do want from dungeons. in addition, i am no longer guaranteed to get anything i can sell, which is the reason I only do DD events. I ran quite a few non DD events when I turn 60 and received nothing 90% of the time. I already max my 24k refine everyday why would i want more rough diamonds, unless they want me to spend less time doing dailies?
  • ott0madduxott0maddux Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 204 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    Just when I think they can't make any worse decisions they come out with a new patch and amaze me with their ability to mess things up more. This could be just the excuse I need to spend less time playing.
  • stolly76stolly76 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 70
    edited August 2013
    Been playing the game (a game that I used to love playing) less the last 2 weeks. I've now officially witnessed and don't want to be part of a crooked company anymore. Thanks for showing your true colours Cryptic! So many people are enjoying other games out there now I hope you're happy. This will give me a good reason to join a better game.
  • eljakodeljakod Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Cryptic, you've completely crippled the GWF, changed the economy, and this is supposed to benefit the community? How? I sincerely hope you'll be issuing respec tokens again, otherwise the changes so negatively affect my main, that I doubt I'll spend another penny on the game.
  • torietorie Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    So.. what do ppl do who have no T2 yet and want it? Nowadays groups for T2s (except pirate) look for 10k+ or even 11k+ GS, which can't be done with T1. They will be pretty stuck at that point.
  • dexymandexyman Member Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    the idea that chest drops have decreased the value of items on the AH is wrong. what has dropped the price is ppl exploiting dd runs. for example ppl are running all the way to the last boss in FH meaning they can do 3 or 4 runs in an event. thats the reason you have crappy prices atm.

    If you remember when bosses were leashed ppl stopped running karrundax because it was a lot harder and prices shot up. now ppl are exploiting it and shortcuting the prices have dropped again. you're taking a sledge hammer to a walnut. stop the exploiting and you'll see prices rise. bop and watch ppl leave the game on mass.
  • rustedheartzrustedheartz Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Goodbye Neverwinter, Cryptic and Perfect World. I had enough already. This game is just all about money grabbing. This game and the company has made me to be wary and stay away from F2P item shop games.
  • spanky2014spanky2014 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 78
    edited August 2013
    Yes, had high hopes for this game.
    Pity...... well they have successfully grabbed my $1,000. They could have grabbed more if they actually cared about the people who actually spend real money on this game.

    First and last F2P game for sure!
  • magrynmagryn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    ****in Nerfs all over the shop as I read through the update notes.

    The life and interest in this game quickly diminishing,..

    After supporting this game right from the start closed Beta and buying the HOTN pack, I suddenly find myself in yet another Pay to Win **** up like DDO.
    I've even been stupid enough to buy the Knights pack as well.
    To all you DEVs you started with a brilliant idea and now your setting about <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> it up.

    I can't understand why you'd take to the Cleric and nerf what little power they have. It's fricken hard enough to solo up to 60 as it is with no support from your screwed up companions who would rather have stretch rather than engager the mobs that are beating down on you.

    I look forward to be booted from this game. I just hope that Elder Scrolls is not jerked artound like this game
  • derpaderpistderpaderpist Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Nice, more sources of rough AD. Will be refining cap increased? Or rough AD will be accumulating more and more?

    Good idea ! I think 100k Refine cap / day is the right way to go :cool:
    " We live in an age of the cheaply made, disposable, high priced junk. " - theunwarshed
  • satansnemesissatansnemesis Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 67
    edited August 2013
    jim5769 wrote: »
    Making items bound on pickup to my character really pisses me off, since we can't UNBIND items to sell them for a decent price in the AH. If this Salvage Trader is paying paltry sums for items, then this is going to hurt the incentive for lvl 60 players to keep playing to obtain items for sale in the AH. It is bad enough that the Professions seem to largely be a waste of time, given that we can't make gear that is comparable to what we can get from the dungeons. I have gone to level 20 in Tailoring only to discover that there is precious little reason for me to have done so--I can't sell the only items that people would be interested in buying because the idiot developers decided to make them bind on pickup! Thank you for rendering the profession almost irrelevant and useless. Either make the professions WORTH having and developing, or get rid of them entirely.

    Reaching level 20 really made the buyer's remorse kick in. At least shirts, pants, and reinforced gauntlets took some of the sting out of spending millions of AD to get the best tools and gave you a opportunity to get some return on your investment. Then they made gauntlets BOP and removed one source of income, but at least we still had shirts/pants. Then they FLOOD the market with tools from all those people trying to get the healer pet. The market recovered from that one surprisingly well because I think many people took the opportunity to grab tools at a discount and they started leveling neglected professions. Of course that just means more people are trying to make money off shirts and pants, and they got into the business for a whole lot less.

    Apparently professions were still making too much money so the company decided to FLOOD the market one more time and added thousands of FREE dragon eggs that were available to everyone. That one broke professions completely. I can't even calculate how long it will take the average player to make back the 4+ million AD they invested. The market may recover in time, but it will take a long time. Honestly, I don't know if it will ever recover because, FOR SOME REASON, the company keeps playing around with the economy in an attempt to crash it.

    I was looking forward to leveling the new professions. I knew going in that they would be close to useless already, but now I'm not going to touch them at all because I know if there is any way to turn a profit from the new professions this company will find a way to remove it from the game.
  • kounoupigkounoupig Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    my 2 cents are:
    first of all fix professions because they are utterly useless now
    second, bind on pickup from the DD box? ARE YOU SERIOUS? the implications of this are just insanely huge! if i cant sell that one item i get every DD, then how do i make money? or what use is that item if i already have all the items i want equipped???
  • kantazo1kantazo1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Also by bounding those items it kills the guilds as well, many guilds use these rewards to keep in the bank so new players reaching level 60 could gear up, now what is the point of doing the run if you already have the items?
    Seek and ye shall find. Yeshua
  • farcursefarcurse Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 46
    edited August 2013
    this change has nothing to do with the game economy and everything to do with the Zen demand

    decrease the nr of drops in the game automatically inflating prices and making them prohibitive to the normal average player, forcing them to buy zen to "gear out" his/her char. also making ppl stop doing dungeons and effectively killing end game content , perhaps the current problem is not the drop system... but the broken dungeon system the game has, Harder = more Adds... take the adds away from the boss fights all the dungeons would have 100% clear rate, so that by itself would not be the solution
    redoing the boss mechanics ( making them actually hard to kill ) and reducing the amount of adds by about 75% would solve the issue ........the fights would be more demanding and less about the adds ( its a BOSS fight )

    also i don't see the problem with the in game drop items being affordable by a standard player ..... unless u want to make 2M ad from the drops just to see that u still cant afford anything because the prices went up , and 2M is now equivalent to 100k ( the difference is u can actually make 100K from rough astral diamonds )

    but by all means make stuff BOP and slowly kill your player base
  • hackbeardhackbeard Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I am fine with these changes, but a small question I have that cannot get a good answer on - why do Rough Astral Diamonds exist? Salvaging level 60 gear gives us Rough AD. They convert to AD at a 100% rate, so really you're just creating an extra button click for seemingly no good reason. Is there any purpose to this, or just another currency for PW to give us?
  • kouroumbelokouroumbelo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    pfft2 wrote: »
    We can't know for sure until the particulars become known. The patch may be available on the Preview Shard, but since there aren't a lot of players on the Preview Shard, we can't possibly begin to evaluate the drop rates and so on.

    So yeah, to an extent it is just a matter of opinion at this point. What I can tell you from personal experience is that nearly all of the so-called "filler" items that drop in most T2 chests right now sell for almost nothing on the Beholder Server. We're talking 2-4k, something like that. If the Salvager offers considerably more than that (let's say 10k or so), then this patch will be a buff to the rank-and-file player's ability to earn AD.

    The most valuable items I tend to pick up are Vorpal/Soulforged/Lightning shards, and I have no reason to believe that those will become BoP.

    The flipside, if I'm right about all of the above, is that prices on the AH will go waaaay up. So casuals will have a harder time exchanging the drops they don't want for the drops they do want.

    But the filler stuff can go 2k-6k AD(there are certain fillers u can sell for more tho as well),the salvage will give u rough AD lol.

    u can have 10 milion rough it wont matter,u can only refine 24k per day (i think ,or did they increase it?)

    I agree is just opinions so far since u cant test it,but it kinda obvious they kinda trying to push ppl buying zen ;/
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