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  • granville7482granville7482 Member Posts: 191 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Im just going to step in here for a moment and clear some things up: (Lulu)

    If the ferocious reaction bug only works when you have points in the feat, then i'm cool with moving forward only banning the feat.
    This way it should never proc a full heal during a match.

    I looked at the logs, you proced it twice in the matchs, both times a pot was being used a second before and the Full heal bug occurred. BUT if I was in your shoes at the times I saw it go off, I would of been spamming my potion button too.

    I dont like banning the power, It's really one of two choice Guardian Fighters have right now because almost all of them slot Combat Superiority as the first and either Ferocious Reaction or Trample the Fallen as the second. (Ive played with both, still not sure which one I like more, as a glass cannon I use trample, but I think tankier Stalwart characters should be using ferocious.)

    We decided to move you guys forward in the event because at the times the full heal occured the game was more or less decided. I watched Frootloops's steam and the man was a beast and able to roam freely.

    But from this point forward I do want to include that Rule 6 of the tournament is a blanket rule for all buggy feats, anything that can be exploited, etc. The list on the bottom is only to be clear on the majority of them. This is my mistake as I've known about the Ferocious Reaction bug for some time, ad the whole fisaco of it on dragon when someone was using it there. So It should have been included in the list of no's.

    And as for ITC, let me tell you a judge this is a nightmare to keep track of, but i'm doing my best. When I first saw the rogue nerfs which are supposedly aimed for perma stealth rogues I thought to myself: Why change all this stuff? They could just fix ITC and it would give players a chance to react after the initial burst of damage (Provided they have the gear to survive) Because my biggest gripe with perma stealth is ITC, not the damage, not the hard to find your opponent mechanics. We have two really good ones on the server and neither one of them is hacking but mannnnnn does it feeel like it at times. Change ITC and I dont see why they have to gimp the entire class instead. But I dont play a Rogue either so who knows.

    And just to be clear here a few other things i've been asked about and are also no-go
    1.) Scroll of Dealthy Aura.
    2.) Alters
    3.) Scroll of Blue fire.
    4.) Elixers.

    The only consumables or pots you should be using is PVP pots

    If you want to troll with fireworks, Dust of Creation, Ethereal Cloak or Robe of Useless Items though go right ahead =)
  • ifthirifthir Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 281 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    And just to be clear here a few other things i've been asked about and are also no-go
    1.) Scroll of Dealthy Aura.
    2.) Alters
    3.) Scroll of Blue fire.
    4.) Elixers.

    The only consumables or pots you should be using is PVP pots

    If you want to troll with fireworks, Dust of Creation, Ethereal Cloak or Robe of Useless Items though go right ahead =)

    Yeah just to re-iterate, its PvP pots or nothing. Nothing prior to the event like elixirs or scrolls either.

    Thanks for clarifying Lulu as another judge I fully support all of this.
  • bedroompunisherbedroompunisher Member Posts: 62
    edited August 2013
    Im just going to step in here for a moment and clear some things up: (Lulu)

    If the ferocious reaction bug only works when you have points in the feat, then i'm cool with moving forward only banning the feat.
    This way it should never proc a full heal during a match.

    I looked at the logs, you proced it twice in the matchs, both times a pot was being used a second before and the Full heal bug occurred. BUT if I was in your shoes at the times I saw it go off, I would of been spamming my potion button too.

    I dont like banning the power, It's really one of two choice Guardian Fighters have right now because almost all of them slot Combat Superiority as the first and either Ferocious Reaction or Trample the Fallen as the second. (Ive played with both, still not sure which one I like more, as a glass cannon I use trample, but I think tankier Stalwart characters should be using ferocious.)

    We decided to move you guys forward in the event because at the times the full heal occured the game was more or less decided. I watched Frootloops's steam and the man was a beast and able to roam freely.

    But from this point forward I do want to include that Rule 6 of the tournament is a blanket rule for all buggy feats, anything that can be exploited, etc. The list on the bottom is only to be clear on the majority of them. This is my mistake as I've known about the Ferocious Reaction bug for some time, ad the whole fisaco of it on dragon when someone was using it there. So It should have been included in the list of no's.

    And as for ITC, let me tell you a judge this is a nightmare to keep track of, but i'm doing my best. When I first saw the rogue nerfs which are supposedly aimed for perma stealth rogues I thought to myself: Why change all this stuff? They could just fix ITC and it would give players a chance to react after the initial burst of damage (Provided they have the gear to survive) Because my biggest gripe with perma stealth is ITC, not the damage, not the hard to find your opponent mechanics. We have two really good ones on the server and neither one of them is hacking but mannnnnn does it feeel like it at times. Change ITC and I dont see why they have to gimp the entire class instead. But I dont play a Rogue either so who knows.

    And just to be clear here a few other things i've been asked about and are also no-go
    1.) Scroll of Dealthy Aura.
    2.) Alters
    3.) Scroll of Blue fire.
    4.) Elixers.

    The only consumables or pots you should be using is PVP pots

    If you want to troll with fireworks, Dust of Creation, Ethereal Cloak or Robe of Useless Items though go right ahead =)

    I always appreciate the professional tone of your posts, and I'm glad you're a judge. Thanks a lot, man. I only watched the video and I couldn't see an active pot at the time, but, yeah, who wouldn't be using a heal pot when they're clearly about to be focus fired?

    Good luck policing ITC. I hope no one feels cheated when it's all said and done.
  • doaxiradoaxira Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 182 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    Match Results

    The Catholic Church vs. Essence of Aggression


    Match #1: Attachment not found.
    Match #2: Attachment not found.

    Video: http://www.twitch.tv/doaxira/c/2692445

    The second match was an EPIC battle. And disclaimer to anyone watching, please close your eyes and plug your ears during my ice knife into a GWF with immunity and soulforge up.
  • xpertzxxxxpertzxxx Member Posts: 96
    edited August 2013
    Wtf is a Molon Labe?

    - Tiduss -

  • doaxiradoaxira Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 182 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    Bracket website has been updated with both matches:

  • pregnablepregnable Member Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    doaxira wrote: »
    Tournament Information

    Tournament schedule,brackets/prizes/etc can now be found in following posts in the thread.

    Tournament Rules
    #1. Your team must consist of one of each class. This will help to give equal chance to everyone to participate, and in many peoples opinion increase the strategy available/required instead of a tank only node camping boredom fest!

    #2. A players account can only be registered/participate with 1 team roster.

    #3. Each team may have 1 substitute for each class registered

    #4. Once you have been assigned an opponent and timeline, you must arrange the match within the given timeframe or forfeit. If the opponents fail to come to agreement on time or there is any form of dispute, please provide screenshot of communication.

    #5. Only PVP Vendor Healing pots will be allowed. No Alchemy, Rejuv pots, etc. are allowed and will be considered an exploit, see Rule #6.

    #6. Exploits will not be tolerated. (Perm ITC TR
  • doaxiradoaxira Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 182 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    We have now completely moved into the next phase of the tournament. The following matches need to be played over the next few days:

    Match #1: I'm a Minflayer an' I'm Okay vs Poptpourri
    Match #2: Dulce Bellum Inexpertis vs Gorilla Punchers
    Match #3: ALREADY PLAYED: oOVendettaOo vs ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ (Winner: ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ)
    Match #4: Thick Dicks Incorporated vs The Catholic Church
  • tancred300tancred300 Member Posts: 58
    edited August 2013
    Pretty wild but interesting matches, thanks for posting the video.

    A certain CW was using every elixier/buff potion in the book though.

    Talking about Catholic Church vs Essence of Aggression
  • cruxiscrusade22cruxiscrusade22 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Ok, I just wanted to let clarify two things, I received complaints about a match today, I will keep both teams out of the post.

    #1: Tenebrous enchantments are allowed in the tournament and yes Tenebrous does goes through soulforged. You can use as many as you want have all the fun you want blowing up someone in soulforged. All classes are allowed to use this enchant so we call fair game!

    #2: I have received many complaints about perma stealth. Perma Stealth is ALLOWED. A good rogue can chain stealth and ITC, so if you are getting mad at the good rogue your playing against tell your rogue to be better :)
  • doaxiradoaxira Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 182 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    Had some concerns come up about roster changes today, and I wanted to post something so everyones on the same page and has the same information.

    We have been allowing last minute roster changes for several teams leading up to their first matches. The main purpose of this was to allow the tournament to progress, and not have a bunch of disqualifications due to lineup, which would not benefit the tournament as a whole. What I have been telling teams however is, once you have played a match, your lineup/substitutes should be considered locked in after that. If something comes up where you need an exception, contact myself or one of the judges. Again the rules for rosters arent there to prevent teams from competing, there mainly there to provide a guideline and a level of fairness. Teams are combatting with things like holidays, sickness, quitting the game, etc. and myself and the judges are going to be very reasonable on this issue.

    Please feel free to post any concerns.
  • amarystaeamarystae Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    You still have 2 GWFs on your alternate team, which is also against the rules, that you set. This is exactly why everyone was apprehensive about joining a tournament hosted by Fistful of Zen, as well as supplemented by 4 teams from your guild. Why have rules at all at this point? What stops you from just changing them again next week when conditions change to suit your whims then? Hawaii has a state holiday every other week, maybe I just wont be available for my match, and I am willing to bet the rules will be set in stone.

    At this point, no one is even taking this seriously anymore. I am deeply regretting allowing myself and my guild to even be talked into subjecting ourselves to this. And I am seriously regretting giving my blessing to Blessing to play for your squad. It makes us all look bad.
  • amarystaeamarystae Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    You can edit your posts all you like, we have all the screenshots, dates and videos. You aren't going to take advantage of us.
  • cruxiscrusade22cruxiscrusade22 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    We had a incident today with the teams the Catholic Church and Essence of Aggression. Both teams subbed in a member that were not registered on their backup or main rosters. From now on any teams caught swapping members off the rosters or placing new ones in will be subject to an automatic DQ. Also as of now TankMode from the Catholic Church is barred from the tournament. IF their are any more comments, questions, or concerns reach me in game at Gannicus@cruxiscrusade22.

    -thank you
  • doaxiradoaxira Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 182 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    amarystae wrote: »
    You can edit your posts all you like, we have all the screenshots, dates and videos. You aren't going to take advantage of us.

    Sorrry,editing posts was not meant at all as being "shady", I was simply updating the roster that was listed for the tourney. We were the 4th team to make a last minute roster swap, to allow the match to continue. We swapped a full PVE dmg build GWF for our sentintal GWF. Not that the classes mattered. Neither us or EoA would of had 5 members to play the game today. Again I am really sad you would take this all as some horrendous breach or violation.

    Anwyays, it looks like Gannicus made a ruling. I would also urge the judges however to continue to allow teams to contact/apply for the ability to swap in subs. I cant imagine in the remaining weeks of competition, another incident where teams are going to require a roster change will not come up.
  • ifthirifthir Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 281 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    The basic point of the ruling being:

    Once a team has played a match, there are no more subs, that is your team. This is why we allow for plenty of time to schedule matches as we all understand how difficult it can be getting teams together.
  • ifthirifthir Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 281 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    To be clear, prior to playing a match at all (assuming you had a bye) you could put in anyone you wanted, assuming the other team you are playing did not object, imho. Once you have played a single match, your five is now set in stone.
  • thexavorythexavory Member Posts: 99
    edited August 2013
    amarystae wrote: »
    You still have 2 GWFs on your alternate team, which is also against the rules, that you set. This is exactly why everyone was apprehensive about joining a tournament hosted by Fistful of Zen, as well as supplemented by 4 teams from your guild. Why have rules at all at this point? What stops you from just changing them again next week when conditions change to suit your whims then? Hawaii has a state holiday every other week, maybe I just wont be available for my match, and I am willing to bet the rules will be set in stone.

    At this point, no one is even taking this seriously anymore. I am deeply regretting allowing myself and my guild to even be talked into subjecting ourselves to this. And I am seriously regretting giving my blessing to Blessing to play for your squad. It makes us all look bad.

    What the hell are you talking about? You do realize they traded a virtually unkillable 38k HP Tank GWF for a guy that got 1 shot by lashing blade and LED THE MATCH in deaths(no offense Yucca), just so they could play the match? You armchair tournament directors feel free to put your own show on if Zen is doing so bad with this one, I'm SURE you will get tons of participants.
  • doaxiradoaxira Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 182 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    ifthir wrote: »
    To be clear, prior to playing a match at all (assuming you had a bye) you could put in anyone you wanted, assuming the other team you are playing did not object, imho. Once you have played a single match, your five is now set in stone.

    Yes, that was the assumption I was operating under Gorath, and I would urge that same rule to apply to any of the upcoming teams that may have not yet had a match, just to stay consistent and fair. I will definitely not take the tells/respond myself anymore, and will pass them onto the judges, to avoid this kind of situation again. Again I apologize for not having made this more clear from the start. So much drama....
  • dkcandydkcandy Member Posts: 1,555 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    Great Games by everyone and keep up the good streaming. Today our match had over 50 Viewers watching, which is getting close to what PWI receives when they cast. Spread the word and hopefully next session we can move it to the PTR and have all servers competing. :D
  • bozxxbozxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    ok well when we vs you tidus ma boy it will be a 4v4 no gwf coz they have removed our gwf off roster and put the pug there 4v4 will be fun :D see you in the semi's !

    Also i like the things people have stated about our guild when we spent so much time and effort into this the rules were changed BY THE JUDGES not our guild, our guild is also 3 DIFFERENT GUILDS combined which all made teams so before you go on a tangent accusing us of stuff please please


    GOD OUT!
    [Tell] From [Click]: I know I'm the best but I don't go around saying that
    [Tell] From [Click]: I hate how you think you're amazing at this game and think everyone else sucks
  • xpertzxxxxpertzxxx Member Posts: 96
    edited August 2013
    thexavory wrote: »
    What the hell are you talking about? You do realize they traded a virtually unkillable 38k HP Tank GWF for a guy that got 1 shot by lashing blade and LED THE MATCH in deaths(no offense Yucca), just so they could play the match? You armchair tournament directors feel free to put your own show on if Zen is doing so bad with this one, I'm SURE you will get tons of participants.

    Couldn't agree more with Xav. Kudos to Xira and everyone else that's making the tournament happen. Everyone else can stfu and just die to Pvp stone buggy.
    Wtf is a Molon Labe?

    - Tiduss -

  • bozxxbozxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    xpertzxxx wrote: »
    Couldn't agree more with Xav. Kudos to Xira and everyone else that's making the tournament happen. Everyone else can stfu and just die to Pvp stone buggy.

    R.I.P Catholic Church Judge stone buggy killed us :(
    [Tell] From [Click]: I know I'm the best but I don't go around saying that
    [Tell] From [Click]: I hate how you think you're amazing at this game and think everyone else sucks
  • chudovishyechudovishye Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I'm not sure I understand what the complaining is about. I heard the EoA/Zen match was tough and to the finish in spite of us having a sub, but that's because our team players who were supposed to be there couldn't. I don't see what the issue is here.
  • doaxiradoaxira Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 182 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    I'm not sure I understand what the complaining is about. I heard the EoA/Zen match was tough and to the finish in spite of us having a sub, but that's because our team players who were supposed to be there couldn't. I don't see what the issue is here.

    There is no issue here. That is what is frustrating. A combination of me editing my post to keep track of roster, and someones mis-understanding of what lineup changes were allowed, has lead to a giant cluster **** of unnecessary drama and accusations. It was a GREAT match.

    Live and learn i guess.
  • gerftyloggerftylog Member Posts: 56
    edited August 2013
    Xira, I should have clarified who my post was directed at. It was meant for xpertzxxx, and thexavory. So many X's in your names geez.
  • doaxiradoaxira Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 182 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    gerftylog wrote: »
    Xira, I should have clarified who my post was directed at. It was meant for xpertzxxx, and thexavory. So many X's in your names geez.

    Its cool, I hope everyone just cools off here. There really is no problem, we should be celebrating the fact of a great match, and an extremely high viewer count for twitch! It can only go up from here. And yes it has not been perfect, but trying to organize/run such a huge event with so many guilds and personalities, I was not expecting to be flawless. Lessons will be learned, and hopefully the rest of this tourney goes well, and look forward to more in the future.

    I want to also thank the judges up to this point. I know Gannicus spent a CONSIDERABLE amount of his own time today dealing with questions and disputes around both matches, as well as the time of Gorath and Lulu. Without your guys help, I am sure things would of even went further off course. Thanks.
  • bozxxbozxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    i think tidus,god,lothar and click (my #1 fan could strut his stuff) should do 1v1s to decide torny less drama more ego clashing fun for all ages
    [Tell] From [Click]: I know I'm the best but I don't go around saying that
    [Tell] From [Click]: I hate how you think you're amazing at this game and think everyone else sucks
  • b4gshrugsb4gshrugs Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 69
    edited August 2013
    Having a tournament "sponsored" by the same group with over half the competing teams in said tournament isn't the best or most objective thing to do in any subject. This point is underscored by the rules being changed before the tournament went "public".

    From my understanding, the teams had ample time to finalize their roster and set a broad window in which to get their respective teams together to queue. There's nothing on the line that would make restarting this tournament (from what I've skimmed/read on this thread) other than the current v. lineup for the second bracket.

    I'm just curious as to why the tournament can't be restarted and consider what has already transpired as a trial-run.

    If we were to adhere to the rules, all teams with a player(s) not on the official team roster should have either ran with 4 players and hope they don't get an under-geared random or been disqualified. From what I've been reading it seems as if the entire first round would have been disqualified and that result would obviously undermine the entire thing and the "sponsors" have a vested interest in keeping this thing going.

    It seems like the fairest compromise to all sides would be a complete restart of the tournament now that all the issues raised during the last day have been addressed and penalties set.

    If a restart of the tournament isn't an option, please explain why.
  • bozxxbozxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    b4gshrugs wrote: »
    Having a tournament "sponsored" by the same group with over half the competing teams in said tournament isn't the best or most objective thing to do in any subject. This point is underscored by the rules being changed before the tournament went "public".

    From my understanding, the teams had ample time to finalize their roster and set a broad window in which to get their respective teams together to queue. There's nothing on the line that would make restarting this tournament (from what I've skimmed/read on this thread) other than the current v. lineup for the second bracket.

    I'm just curious as to why the tournament can't be restarted and consider what has already transpired as a trial-run.

    If we were to adhere to the rules, all teams with a player(s) not on the official team roster should have either ran with 4 players and hope they don't get an under-geared random or been disqualified. From what I've been reading it seems as if the entire first round would have been disqualified and that result would obviously undermine the entire thing and the "sponsors" have a vested interest in keeping this thing going.

    It seems like the fairest compromise to all sides would be a complete restart of the tournament now that all the issues raised during the last day have been addressed and penalties set.

    If a restart of the tournament isn't an option, please explain why.

    because people want to play before the patch
    [Tell] From [Click]: I know I'm the best but I don't go around saying that
    [Tell] From [Click]: I hate how you think you're amazing at this game and think everyone else sucks
This discussion has been closed.