I've been attempting to solve that issue with delicately placed and rotated invisible walls just beyond the edges of the terrain, it basically seems to work, but dang if it isn't painstaking! (I really wish they went opaque in 3D mode :P)
Also that is very possible, I do do that sometimes to go through more dialogue options. Disregard!
Jumping on for Draconian Ways now, also adding The Medic Where? to the list. Oh and byarger could you throw me the short code for yours? Having trouble finding it.
The short code to mine? The last quest of the campaign? NW-DEV9KF4R7
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] The entire campaign can be found here:NWS-DQS27OINC
Individual quests:
1. Heeding the Call - NW-DMJCDZ5XJ
2. Bored of the Rings - NW-DFWE3XR6W
3. Draconian Ways - NW-DUNZEJG2J
4. When All is Said and Done... - Look at the picture
Thanks for running "A Day in the life of a Ranger" bro!
Took care of the items you mentioned:)
It was a pleasure! Was more than happy to help.
Oh one thing I forgot to mention in the review, the Panther, was (she?) supposed to be a companion throughout the day? I only ask because it sat at the entrances of the interior maps and was just wondering is all.
Campaign - Fortune Favors the Brave
*Currently down for a fabulous all expenses paid make over! Converting your tabletop game is certainly a labor of love!*
The short code to mine? The last quest of the campaign? NW-DEV9KF4R7
Na meant Beggar in Need
-Playing Draconian ways now, and first thing I HAVE to mention, I don't know if you manipulated the light source to get that skeleton shadow to fall so beautifully but daaaaaang! Ominous!
-After going down the trapdoor I noticed that there was no ladder or opposite side to the trap door, is that OCD of me?
-One of the two Initiates in the Northern most room of inside the lair sank into the floor up to his waist, poor devil
-Draco offers his original dialogue all through the journey back, I didn't risk taking the opposite option so close to the ending, so I don't know if it would break it. *shrug*
-I got a tad confused on the "return to portal" step. There were two quest markers on the mini-map, one lead to the portal and group of enemies, the other lead to..well..nothing? I must of gone the wrong way around because it took me a few moments to realize there must be another group of enemies somewhere. I found them and progressed but could I possibly suggest "Fight your way back to the portal"? If only to avoid potential confusion.
When All is Said and Done.
-Holy Tymora on a pancake RIDDLES! I LOVE RIDDLES!
-Got some clipping on the wall to the gold tooth riddle giver's right, likewise for the horseshoe
-Clipping brick pile in the hallway before the third riddle room
That was a great campaign, really was! Do you plan to do any more? I've subscribed anyway
Campaign - Fortune Favors the Brave
*Currently down for a fabulous all expenses paid make over! Converting your tabletop game is certainly a labor of love!*
Ya my signature sais it all, please play mine as I play yours!
OK *cracks knuckles* here's my notes;
Royal Betrayal;
I'd definitely recommend going over your dialogue and quest text. The solid blocks of yellow text were kind of hard to read, maybe paragraph it up? Perhaps even leave [MissionInfo] for key phrases like the who, where and why? Sprinkling of typos here and there, as well as a few sentences that don't read very easily at all, and made it a little tricky to follow what was happening sometimes. Not a huge deal, but worth a mention I thought.
Lord's Bounty
-The pouch with the emerald is named Mp Pouch, a typo? Unless I've just missed something obvious, then ignore haha
The Lead
-Got a fair bit of furniture stuck in the walls and floor of the tavern, whatever moving company you used needs to be flogged
-A floating tree just up the hill in the cave area
- "Greybeard Loyal" did you possibly mean "Greybeard Loyalist"?
- After replying with the leads proper name, the text swaps from all yellow to blue.
-I was standing at 878, 343, 31 when I noticed a mountain sized gap in the terrain across the valley I hadn't noticed before, must only be visible from that angle I suppose.
-The leaf pile to the Fighter's back is hovering
-Phew that took a good scouring to find! But when the entrance is found, the o "You" is capitalized
-She's very forthcoming for a villain, refreshing!
-Whole mess of guards trapped in the wall at 115, 0, 68 inside the hideout
-Floating mat at 247, 0, -217
-Took some fiddling to get around the door block after I gained the skull key, at first I thought I'd missed something and ran back to where I found the key
-There wasn't really any clear indication (except leaving no body) that she got away, and the quest moves right on to the next step, I was rather confused till I got back to Frinko.
-I enjoyed the sprawling hideout very much, took away some of the linear feel a lot of Foundries get trapped in due to editor limitations, although it did feel a bit empty in places.
All that said, This was a fun run, and I look forward to seeing where you take it.
Campaign - Fortune Favors the Brave
*Currently down for a fabulous all expenses paid make over! Converting your tabletop game is certainly a labor of love!*
I was going for more of an action oriented dungeon, with a funny/odd/creepy quest vibe. I'd love all feedback and pointers. Again it's my first, and I spent a good amount of time working on it so I hope it's pleasurable.
Text for convenience:
It's a dirty job by @zaforous
Mission Type: Dungeon
Average Duration: 40 min (Grp of 3)
Amount of Combat: Heavy combat
Starts at: Map
Mission Summary:
In this quest you're charged with cleaning up the sewers underneath Protector's Enclave. There is a growing stench and people aren't very happy about it. You're sure this will be an easy, and typical sewer clean-up job, but something else strange is going on.
Author tips/hints:
This is my first foundry quest. I like heavy combat, and I usually play with two friends in a group of 3. So this dungeon is fairly challenging for a group of 3 if you aggro too many monsters at once. In the big sewer room I added a bunch of objects you can climb onto to get a tactical advantage on some of the mobs.
The map is fairly simplistic, but I think still fun to have a look. I haven't really gotten good at side quests yet so the quest line is fairly linear as well.
I think it's a little funny, and entertaining while having some fun combat. I hope you all enjoy!
Be sure to review! Thanks!
Try my first Foundry dungeon "It's a dirty job..." NW-DLDKYKIJP
-Playing Draconian ways now, and first thing I HAVE to mention, I don't know if you manipulated the light source to get that skeleton shadow to fall so beautifully but daaaaaang! Ominous!
-After going down the trapdoor I noticed that there was no ladder or opposite side to the trap door, is that OCD of me?
-One of the two Initiates in the Northern most room of inside the lair sank into the floor up to his waist, poor devil
-Draco offers his original dialogue all through the journey back, I didn't risk taking the opposite option so close to the ending, so I don't know if it would break it. *shrug*
-I got a tad confused on the "return to portal" step. There were two quest markers on the mini-map, one lead to the portal and group of enemies, the other lead to..well..nothing? I must of gone the wrong way around because it took me a few moments to realize there must be another group of enemies somewhere. I found them and progressed but could I possibly suggest "Fight your way back to the portal"? If only to avoid potential confusion.
When All is Said and Done.
-Holy Tymora on a pancake RIDDLES! I LOVE RIDDLES!
-Got some clipping on the wall to the gold tooth riddle giver's right, likewise for the horseshoe
-Clipping brick pile in the hallway before the third riddle room
That was a great campaign, really was! Do you plan to do any more? I've subscribed anyway
Superb feedback! Thank you so much! I will look into these bugs/problems and see if I can mend them.
Right now I'm working on a HUGE exploration/humor-map. When that is done I think I will do part 5 of my campaign. Glad you enjoyed it. Thank you so much for playing through!
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] The entire campaign can be found here:NWS-DQS27OINC
Individual quests:
1. Heeding the Call - NW-DMJCDZ5XJ
2. Bored of the Rings - NW-DFWE3XR6W
3. Draconian Ways - NW-DUNZEJG2J
4. When All is Said and Done... - Look at the picture
celantraMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Silverstars, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 465
edited August 2013
Would love for you to take a look at my stuff if you get a chance. Links are in the signature.
Yeenoghu's Bride
Oh wow, wow wow WOW! I could eat this quest with a spoon for breakfast :9 (Though I did think I was sOoOoOoOo clever for using my source book shelf for reference material...in retrospect it seems obvious hehehe)
I'll be honest, My notes were eaten by a mysterious router reset, but here is what I remember.
-The last sentence in Trisha's dialogue does not really roll off the tongue, I had to re-read for a second.
-From the top of the inner wall, looking down, you can see the gap between the two lower ladders (I spotted this right away because I've had the same thing slip by me many times when putting ladders together)
-This ones minor, but when told about the walkways, the player response mentions them again, and it reads as if it's new information
-The arch at -627, 52, -599 is sunken right into the rock, and juts cleanly out of it from behind, not sure if intentional but it *looks* like a mistake is all.
-The ladder high up in the mast of the second ship is clipping, the FAQ sticky has a link to a great thread on teleporter rotation and placement that has been invaluable to me, if you haven't seen it already of course!
-The rope bridge at -554, 120, -815 is clipping on both ends, but looking at the geometry around it that was probably unavoidable
-Again a nitpick (pet peeve I should say) "He didn't collect these from idle bragging" may be preferable, "those" is the plural form of "that" and used to reference things in distance(time or physical) for example "He was known by those names once" "these" is for reference to things current or relevantly close "These are the names he goes by"...or to replace a noun but that's not totally relevant.
-One of the Croccotta's spawned, and subsequently got trapped, under a rock.
-Ok I seem to be stuck, or blind to the path forward. I'm on "Map of North of Bachard's Landing" my current quest text is "You have traveled North to the Screaming Peaks" Nothing seems to be interactable...AHA! I found the problem after about 15 mins, Zarrath has become trapped in a pillar and is trying ever so hard to continue his patrol I'll see what I can do then continue the review. (May have to start over I think)
-Nope just the start of the map, this time I clicked the entrance as the enemies were spawning, it was intractable this time.
-Don't, whatever you do, try to enter that building
-By Beshaba's bottom..that actually *is* a city on wheels...mercy me :O
-Why do I want to try and enter the crypt....so very badly I know I shouldn't though...
-Ouch...so that's why not...
-"Absent some miracle" ?
-This map you guys, seriously, this map!
-Ashwen's gleeful emote, It's kind of worded as if you planned to have a comma at the end, then more? For example; "Gleeful that he can finally be of a help rather than a burden, Ashwen tells you what he knows." I could be totally wrong but that's how my brain is interpreting it.
-As awesome a cage as the portcullis make, would a suggestion of some kind of connecting pillars or flat pieces be out of line?
This was an incredible and exquisitely crafted quest. I'm totally blown away...That said, I do have one nitpick that almost completely ruined the ongoing immersion and story for me, and that was spelling out exactly which option would get which ending.
Don't get me wrong I know why it's usually put in, many people don't like surprises and prefer to know what they are getting. If it's because I'm a role player and lore-nut so be it, but in my house things like that get slammed with the Riversong Protocool dang fast, A.K.A *SPOILERS!* xD
How about everybody else's thoughts on that? Might make a separate thread on it even. (Which I did)
*phew* I need a smoke and a snack after that one.
Campaign - Fortune Favors the Brave
*Currently down for a fabulous all expenses paid make over! Converting your tabletop game is certainly a labor of love!*
Could you please play test my first foundry adventure. It is a run through the sewers to kill the evil Stench.
Adventure name: The Stench.
Another brilliant quest! I really liked this one, more than usual, I'm not sure why.
-"Go to the Unspoken Order"...Go to the Unspoken Order salad bar? karaoke night? oohh...guild hall, go the Unspoken Order's Guild Hall, I get it now
-There's one single portion of brick down the west illuminated path that is going vertical rather than horizontal, it kinda stuck out.
-The lore journal was fantastically done, I enjoyed readin the account of the adventures before me.
-Now I played this twice due to a lag out, and the second time I noticed the gnolls spawned behind me when I lit the pillars, the first time they spawned down in the pit...weird.
-Now this would only cause problems for a small percentage of players, but um...*cough* I was too short to reach the platform with the orb I had to do a bit of a jumping jack impression to land on the very edge, not fall off, and click the orb. WTB More than just a human testing avatar!
That was all I noticed on my run through, and I gotta say I would run it again. I've subbed and await what artifact the order sends me after next!
Campaign - Fortune Favors the Brave
*Currently down for a fabulous all expenses paid make over! Converting your tabletop game is certainly a labor of love!*
I could use some reviews and suggestions:
Bardstown vs The Nashers by @ettric
-Oh lordy ELECTRIC BEARS....everything I have ever feared has become a reality
-"gathered the able bodied man and woman"
-I swear I saw a boar named "werewolf" but I may be mistaken
-the skull pile at 673, 70, 5 is floating
-I lost most of the companion dwarves to the Nasher's barricade at their camp. They got stuck in it and did not come loose for the remainder of the quest.
My only other suggestion, especially if you mean to take your lovely little town's story further, is expand your dialogue a bit (also a few typo's snuck in) I don't mean big huge monologues for simple responses, far from it. For example the hostage step, he's never given a name, or why it is so important he is returned before the Nasher's find out they lost the fight, he gets a bad haircut? A choice of soup or salad? hot pokers in unpleasant places? Just little things like that that give the player a little more investment in the story and characters, as well as increase immersion a little (If that's what your going for of course!)
That said I love a good "save the village" quest, and this one was up there with the good'uns
Campaign - Fortune Favors the Brave
*Currently down for a fabulous all expenses paid make over! Converting your tabletop game is certainly a labor of love!*
But it's pretty, and is nicely detailed, does that count?
Ah, yeah!!
It's currently about 2:30am, so I'll do it with a fresh mind after breakfast
Also you may be right, I am having trouble locating you
Everyone else on the list is in my journal and the reviewing will continue tomorrow, Night Foundry!
Campaign - Fortune Favors the Brave
*Currently down for a fabulous all expenses paid make over! Converting your tabletop game is certainly a labor of love!*
"Paranoia is such a childish emotion....your an ADULT for f***s sake, why aren't all your enemies dead by now?!"
beeblebrox69Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited August 2013
I'm always looking for plays to pump me up as I work on the next installment. Details in sig if you want to check out a story-driven romp through my darkly humorous insanity...
Very nice very nice indeed! You certainly have a flair for map design, impressive! You definitely succeeded in giving the quest a lot more of that old tabletop feel I love so much! Notes to follow;
-A lot of intractable items still carry the default editor naming
-A nitpick, but you probably don't have to add "DM Note:" to the on screen text, this may just be me but I kind of see that text as the "voice of the DM" already.
-Was Treddo meant to be in the cage I opened to talk to him? I only ask because he was jumping around like a loony both before and after.
-"grasps your hand firly"
-"Rain-favor" (She's referred to as Rain-Favor everywhere else except this dialogue with her companion)
-The wall at 459, 1, 288 is floating about a foot off the ground
-missing a space "rottingskeleton"
-When Mish'Ada finishes her path to the flame guardian gate, she stands within Rain-Favor
-After the dialogue, Rain-Favor alone vanished, and did not re-appear till the fight, the others did not.
-Just a suggestion, but the portcullis going straight up through the archway and hanging there vertically looks a little odd, could I offer maybe sliding it to the sides or down?
-At the very final island, If you look up, there is some major clipping on the castle keep.
In all I loved that, and I subscribed. I only have one other suggestion, choosing the wrong statue, rune, or torch didn't have *that* much of a consequence. (Seeing as the enemies usually fell off right away either to their deaths or for my companion to take care of below) If this is supposed to defend the keep against intruders, I offer a solution that may fit your story as well. (It may not be very popular though, maybe an optional hard mode?) Which is when an incorrect item is activated, progress is reset and the "intruder" (player) falls, and must revive or take a teleport back up to the start if they survived. Just an idea
Campaign - Fortune Favors the Brave
*Currently down for a fabulous all expenses paid make over! Converting your tabletop game is certainly a labor of love!*
Would you be willing to do a review of a 2 player foundry?
My second foundry (NW-DNG6BTL9C - Part 2 - Retaliation) has hit the daily foundry requirement simply because it was added to my campaign, but I only got 3 author reviews and was hoping for some more feedback since I feel it is far from being a completed work. It's definitely a hack-and-slash, but I tried to add a little story to it to tie the campaign together.
I played them both since I'm funny that way
Initial Attack;
-Missing a space before the [Nickname] code in one of the guard's dialouge
-The final emote of the old lady isa little haywire
-One of the commoners doesn't have a cage.
-"Garbage Pile 02" needs renaming
-"Ring or Random Noises" did you mean "of"?
-I'd highly recommend replacing sir/madam with something gender neutral.
- -619, 1, -560 Invisible Wall needs fixing
-**** traps...serves me right for being greedy!
-A wight at about -420, 2, -469 got stuck in the terrain
- Likewise (put fell through a gap) for an Archer at -175, -2, 382
- Invisible Intractable in the Deep Cavern needs renaming
-The Braizer's are numbered, looks a bit out of place...also....you bugger I swear my heart stopped!
-Some typo's in the final NPC's dialouge, "Gullible", "righteous", "I found".
-One point of nitpick, she is very "big deal cleric" looking for a tracker, but hey every cleric needs a hobby...mines baking pastry >_>
Great maps, great lore..inspired traps, will most certainly subscribe!
Campaign - Fortune Favors the Brave
*Currently down for a fabulous all expenses paid make over! Converting your tabletop game is certainly a labor of love!*
I just published my first mission and would plays/reviews.
The Medic Where? NW-DNX8E33OK
Pleas and Thank you.
HA! I meant it when I said you had an entire household of Neverwinter playing, D&D running, Whovians in stitches with this one!
Few intractables had default names and a set of stairs was clipping badly but you know what not even mad
The final fight was a bit hairy for my young cleric, but I just kept a word at heart, A phrase of great power and wisdom and consolation to the soul in times of need.
Campaign - Fortune Favors the Brave
*Currently down for a fabulous all expenses paid make over! Converting your tabletop game is certainly a labor of love!*
I am a few weeks away from releasing Act II and would like to get Act I back up there as it has been in the game since release and forgotten by now.
I am SO glad act II is only just around the corner! I am in awe of your story telling skills! I have not a single thing to nitpick here, wow! Recommended to my guild and SUBSCRIBED!
Campaign - Fortune Favors the Brave
*Currently down for a fabulous all expenses paid make over! Converting your tabletop game is certainly a labor of love!*
I would love for someone to review my quest....problem is I cannot see it when I log in with my character :-/
If you can find it I would love some constructive criticism!
Its the first part to a multiple part quest...
Beggar In Need
I'm really sorry but I still can't find you! IF you read this let me know your short code and I'll re-add it to the list
Campaign - Fortune Favors the Brave
*Currently down for a fabulous all expenses paid make over! Converting your tabletop game is certainly a labor of love!*
If a tree falls in a virtual forest, how big is the sound file?
Please review my "Finger of God" campaign: NWS-DPJMGYJGV
Quest #1: NW-DS24FX4BC - Cragsford
Quest #2: NW-DTPUNXUAB - Mine's Mine
Quest #3: NW-DIPZQ7CMS - Are We There Yeti?
Quest #4: NW-DSCFDT5WS - Finger of God
I just need 2 more reviews for my first foundry to be visible.
It is a 13-15min short story so it should not take much of your time. I will gladly play through your foundries too in return (just be sure that I can finish them, becuase I played too many broken ones that I could not), just pm me here or send me the code of your quest in-game @gexenn.
I just need 2 more reviews for my first foundry to be visible.
<_< o_o >_> Don't tell the others, but since yours was short and so close, I snuck you in early (plus my dinner is en route!)
Ah Frinko, where would we be without you!
-"bigger troubles"
"of the Order of the" I know it's not incorrect, but I always want to change it when I see it, anybody else feel that way?
-He has one very large block of totally [MissionInfo] text, sticks out a bit
-"My belowed daughter" You don't want to know the imagery *that* conjured >_>
-Love how you've managed Player responses, and a flawless story reason to use whats available as an exit
-A floating mushroom at 481, -41, 371
-I know there isn't much to be done about this, but when talking to the wolves the camera focuses squarely on the ground beneath them, would raising them on a platform of some kind correct that? I'm not sure on that...
-are closing by"
-"appologize" (Grinda)
-"All the Franko's gold"
-"While I'll be working on" Doesn't really fit with the first half of the sentence.
A lovely little adventure, would make a good daily I reckon!
Campaign - Fortune Favors the Brave
*Currently down for a fabulous all expenses paid make over! Converting your tabletop game is certainly a labor of love!*
Ty for the thorough review, I corrected it all... I hope (cant do anything about the npc view, the camera hates animal npcs for some mysterious reason :c). Sometimes I had to laugh over the typos, but English is really not my native language, so I appreciate your patience.
You can play my quests if you'd like. They don't need out of the pit or anything. I just stopped in to say thank you for being so gracious. It was really cool seeing a thread like this and you didn't even ask for plays in return. Kudos!
Worth. Every. SECOND!
I broke it up by playing a quest every few stand alone quests, and wow did I need too, I loved it, I loved everything about it, if my own side quests, NPC's and dialogue can come even close to the depth and detail of yours, I'll be a happy author.
Campaign - Fortune Favors the Brave
*Currently down for a fabulous all expenses paid make over! Converting your tabletop game is certainly a labor of love!*
-WTB Prestidigitation
-Your sewer grates need renaming
-Paul's tool bag, as well as the reward chest, are off the ground
That's all actually...As your first Foundry's go, a brilliantly made one, look forward to to how you progress
Campaign - Fortune Favors the Brave
*Currently down for a fabulous all expenses paid make over! Converting your tabletop game is certainly a labor of love!*
The short code to mine? The last quest of the campaign? NW-DEV9KF4R7
The entire campaign can be found here: NWS-DQS27OINC
Individual quests:
1. Heeding the Call - NW-DMJCDZ5XJ
2. Bored of the Rings - NW-DFWE3XR6W
3. Draconian Ways - NW-DUNZEJG2J
4. When All is Said and Done... - Look at the picture
Took care of the items you mentioned:)
A Day in the Life of a Ranger
The Mines of Gubasso Daily!
The Vault of Hargon Daily!
It was a pleasure! Was more than happy to help.
Oh one thing I forgot to mention in the review, the Panther, was (she?) supposed to be a companion throughout the day? I only ask because it sat at the entrances of the interior maps and was just wondering is all.
*Currently down for a fabulous all expenses paid make over! Converting your tabletop game is certainly a labor of love!*
Will play, test, and review any and all Foundry quests, NO STRINGS ATTACHED.
"Paranoia is such a childish emotion....your an ADULT for f***s sake, why aren't all your enemies dead by now?!"
A Birthday Affair
I am a few weeks away from releasing Act II and would like to get Act I back up there as it has been in the game since release and forgotten by now.
Na meant Beggar in Need
-Playing Draconian ways now, and first thing I HAVE to mention, I don't know if you manipulated the light source to get that skeleton shadow to fall so beautifully but daaaaaang! Ominous!
-After going down the trapdoor I noticed that there was no ladder or opposite side to the trap door, is that OCD of me?
-One of the two Initiates in the Northern most room of inside the lair sank into the floor up to his waist, poor devil
-Draco offers his original dialogue all through the journey back, I didn't risk taking the opposite option so close to the ending, so I don't know if it would break it. *shrug*
-I got a tad confused on the "return to portal" step. There were two quest markers on the mini-map, one lead to the portal and group of enemies, the other lead to..well..nothing? I must of gone the wrong way around because it took me a few moments to realize there must be another group of enemies somewhere. I found them and progressed but could I possibly suggest "Fight your way back to the portal"? If only to avoid potential confusion.
When All is Said and Done.
-Holy Tymora on a pancake RIDDLES! I LOVE RIDDLES!
-Got some clipping on the wall to the gold tooth riddle giver's right, likewise for the horseshoe
-Clipping brick pile in the hallway before the third riddle room
That was a great campaign, really was! Do you plan to do any more? I've subscribed anyway
*Currently down for a fabulous all expenses paid make over! Converting your tabletop game is certainly a labor of love!*
Will play, test, and review any and all Foundry quests, NO STRINGS ATTACHED.
"Paranoia is such a childish emotion....your an ADULT for f***s sake, why aren't all your enemies dead by now?!"
Royal Betrayal;
I'd definitely recommend going over your dialogue and quest text. The solid blocks of yellow text were kind of hard to read, maybe paragraph it up? Perhaps even leave [MissionInfo] for key phrases like the who, where and why? Sprinkling of typos here and there, as well as a few sentences that don't read very easily at all, and made it a little tricky to follow what was happening sometimes. Not a huge deal, but worth a mention I thought.
Lord's Bounty
-The pouch with the emerald is named Mp Pouch, a typo? Unless I've just missed something obvious, then ignore haha
The Lead
-Got a fair bit of furniture stuck in the walls and floor of the tavern, whatever moving company you used needs to be flogged
-A floating tree just up the hill in the cave area
- "Greybeard Loyal" did you possibly mean "Greybeard Loyalist"?
- After replying with the leads proper name, the text swaps from all yellow to blue.
-I was standing at 878, 343, 31 when I noticed a mountain sized gap in the terrain across the valley I hadn't noticed before, must only be visible from that angle I suppose.
-The leaf pile to the Fighter's back is hovering
-Phew that took a good scouring to find! But when the entrance is found, the o "You" is capitalized
-She's very forthcoming for a villain, refreshing!
-Whole mess of guards trapped in the wall at 115, 0, 68 inside the hideout
-Floating mat at 247, 0, -217
-Took some fiddling to get around the door block after I gained the skull key, at first I thought I'd missed something and ran back to where I found the key
-There wasn't really any clear indication (except leaving no body) that she got away, and the quest moves right on to the next step, I was rather confused till I got back to Frinko.
-I enjoyed the sprawling hideout very much, took away some of the linear feel a lot of Foundries get trapped in due to editor limitations, although it did feel a bit empty in places.
All that said, This was a fun run, and I look forward to seeing where you take it.
*Currently down for a fabulous all expenses paid make over! Converting your tabletop game is certainly a labor of love!*
Will play, test, and review any and all Foundry quests, NO STRINGS ATTACHED.
"Paranoia is such a childish emotion....your an ADULT for f***s sake, why aren't all your enemies dead by now?!"
I was going for more of an action oriented dungeon, with a funny/odd/creepy quest vibe. I'd love all feedback and pointers. Again it's my first, and I spent a good amount of time working on it so I hope it's pleasurable.
Text for convenience:
It's a dirty job by @zaforous
Mission Type: Dungeon
Average Duration: 40 min (Grp of 3)
Amount of Combat: Heavy combat
Starts at: Map
Mission Summary:
In this quest you're charged with cleaning up the sewers underneath Protector's Enclave. There is a growing stench and people aren't very happy about it. You're sure this will be an easy, and typical sewer clean-up job, but something else strange is going on.
Author tips/hints:
This is my first foundry quest. I like heavy combat, and I usually play with two friends in a group of 3. So this dungeon is fairly challenging for a group of 3 if you aggro too many monsters at once. In the big sewer room I added a bunch of objects you can climb onto to get a tactical advantage on some of the mobs.
The map is fairly simplistic, but I think still fun to have a look. I haven't really gotten good at side quests yet so the quest line is fairly linear as well.
I think it's a little funny, and entertaining while having some fun combat. I hope you all enjoy!
Be sure to review! Thanks!
Superb feedback! Thank you so much! I will look into these bugs/problems and see if I can mend them.
Right now I'm working on a HUGE exploration/humor-map. When that is done I think I will do part 5 of my campaign. Glad you enjoyed it. Thank you so much for playing through!
The entire campaign can be found here: NWS-DQS27OINC
Individual quests:
1. Heeding the Call - NW-DMJCDZ5XJ
2. Bored of the Rings - NW-DFWE3XR6W
3. Draconian Ways - NW-DUNZEJG2J
4. When All is Said and Done... - Look at the picture
and rising dead nw-dguwbttw4
Oh wow, wow wow WOW! I could eat this quest with a spoon for breakfast :9 (Though I did think I was sOoOoOoOo clever for using my source book shelf for reference material...in retrospect it seems obvious hehehe)
I'll be honest, My notes were eaten by a mysterious router reset, but here is what I remember.
-The last sentence in Trisha's dialogue does not really roll off the tongue, I had to re-read for a second.
-From the top of the inner wall, looking down, you can see the gap between the two lower ladders (I spotted this right away because I've had the same thing slip by me many times when putting ladders together)
-This ones minor, but when told about the walkways, the player response mentions them again, and it reads as if it's new information
-The arch at -627, 52, -599 is sunken right into the rock, and juts cleanly out of it from behind, not sure if intentional but it *looks* like a mistake is all.
-The ladder high up in the mast of the second ship is clipping, the FAQ sticky has a link to a great thread on teleporter rotation and placement that has been invaluable to me, if you haven't seen it already of course!
-The rope bridge at -554, 120, -815 is clipping on both ends, but looking at the geometry around it that was probably unavoidable
-Again a nitpick (pet peeve I should say) "He didn't collect these from idle bragging" may be preferable, "those" is the plural form of "that" and used to reference things in distance(time or physical) for example "He was known by those names once" "these" is for reference to things current or relevantly close "These are the names he goes by"...or to replace a noun but that's not totally relevant.
-One of the Croccotta's spawned, and subsequently got trapped, under a rock.
-Ok I seem to be stuck, or blind to the path forward. I'm on "Map of North of Bachard's Landing" my current quest text is "You have traveled North to the Screaming Peaks" Nothing seems to be interactable...AHA! I found the problem after about 15 mins, Zarrath has become trapped in a pillar and is trying ever so hard to continue his patrol
-Nope just the start of the map, this time I clicked the entrance as the enemies were spawning, it was intractable this time.
-Don't, whatever you do, try to enter that building
-By Beshaba's bottom..that actually *is* a city on wheels...mercy me :O
-Why do I want to try and enter the crypt....so very badly
-Ouch...so that's why not...
-"Absent some miracle" ?
-This map you guys, seriously, this map!
-Ashwen's gleeful emote, It's kind of worded as if you planned to have a comma at the end, then more? For example; "Gleeful that he can finally be of a help rather than a burden, Ashwen tells you what he knows." I could be totally wrong but that's how my brain is interpreting it.
-As awesome a cage as the portcullis make, would a suggestion of some kind of connecting pillars or flat pieces be out of line?
This was an incredible and exquisitely crafted quest. I'm totally blown away...That said, I do have one nitpick that almost completely ruined the ongoing immersion and story for me, and that was spelling out exactly which option would get which ending.
Don't get me wrong I know why it's usually put in, many people don't like surprises and prefer to know what they are getting. If it's because I'm a role player and lore-nut so be it, but in my house things like that get slammed with the Riversong Protocool dang fast, A.K.A *SPOILERS!* xD
How about everybody else's thoughts on that? Might make a separate thread on it even. (Which I did)
*phew* I need a smoke and a snack after that one.
*Currently down for a fabulous all expenses paid make over! Converting your tabletop game is certainly a labor of love!*
Will play, test, and review any and all Foundry quests, NO STRINGS ATTACHED.
"Paranoia is such a childish emotion....your an ADULT for f***s sake, why aren't all your enemies dead by now?!"
Adventure name: The Stench.
short code is in my signiture
Another brilliant quest!
-"Go to the Unspoken Order"...Go to the Unspoken Order salad bar? karaoke night? oohh...guild hall, go the Unspoken Order's Guild Hall, I get it now
-There's one single portion of brick down the west illuminated path that is going vertical rather than horizontal, it kinda stuck out.
-The lore journal was fantastically done, I enjoyed readin the account of the adventures before me.
-Now I played this twice due to a lag out, and the second time I noticed the gnolls spawned behind me when I lit the pillars, the first time they spawned down in the pit...weird.
-Now this would only cause problems for a small percentage of players, but um...*cough* I was too short to reach the platform with the orb
That was all I noticed on my run through, and I gotta say I would run it again. I've subbed and await what artifact the order sends me after next!
*Currently down for a fabulous all expenses paid make over! Converting your tabletop game is certainly a labor of love!*
Will play, test, and review any and all Foundry quests, NO STRINGS ATTACHED.
"Paranoia is such a childish emotion....your an ADULT for f***s sake, why aren't all your enemies dead by now?!"
Because I'm not sure if my quest is even doable LOL
No, I don't have waves and waves of mobs, and no I didn't hide the chest LOL
It just may be a bit too much exploring (running around and trying to figure out where things are thing) kinda quest.
But it's pretty, and is nicely detailed, does that count?
Leave comments please.. And remember this is BETA ;-) And I hope I got the Code right LOL
-Oh lordy ELECTRIC BEARS....everything I have ever feared has become a reality
-"gathered the able bodied man and woman"
-I swear I saw a boar named "werewolf" but I may be mistaken
-the skull pile at 673, 70, 5 is floating
-I lost most of the companion dwarves to the Nasher's barricade at their camp. They got stuck in it and did not come loose for the remainder of the quest.
My only other suggestion, especially if you mean to take your lovely little town's story further, is expand your dialogue a bit (also a few typo's snuck in) I don't mean big huge monologues for simple responses, far from it. For example the hostage step, he's never given a name, or why it is so important he is returned before the Nasher's find out they lost the fight, he gets a bad haircut? A choice of soup or salad? hot pokers in unpleasant places?
That said I love a good "save the village" quest, and this one was up there with the good'uns
*Currently down for a fabulous all expenses paid make over! Converting your tabletop game is certainly a labor of love!*
Will play, test, and review any and all Foundry quests, NO STRINGS ATTACHED.
"Paranoia is such a childish emotion....your an ADULT for f***s sake, why aren't all your enemies dead by now?!"
It's currently about 2:30am, so I'll do it with a fresh mind after breakfast
Also you may be right, I am having trouble locating you
Everyone else on the list is in my journal and the reviewing will continue tomorrow, Night Foundry!
*Currently down for a fabulous all expenses paid make over! Converting your tabletop game is certainly a labor of love!*
Will play, test, and review any and all Foundry quests, NO STRINGS ATTACHED.
"Paranoia is such a childish emotion....your an ADULT for f***s sake, why aren't all your enemies dead by now?!"
Very nice very nice indeed! You certainly have a flair for map design, impressive! You definitely succeeded in giving the quest a lot more of that old tabletop feel I love so much! Notes to follow;
-A lot of intractable items still carry the default editor naming
-A nitpick, but you probably don't have to add "DM Note:" to the on screen text, this may just be me but I kind of see that text as the "voice of the DM" already.
-Was Treddo meant to be in the cage I opened to talk to him? I only ask because he was jumping around like a loony both before and after.
-"grasps your hand firly"
-"Rain-favor" (She's referred to as Rain-Favor everywhere else except this dialogue with her companion)
-The wall at 459, 1, 288 is floating about a foot off the ground
-missing a space "rottingskeleton"
-When Mish'Ada finishes her path to the flame guardian gate, she stands within Rain-Favor
-After the dialogue, Rain-Favor alone vanished, and did not re-appear till the fight, the others did not.
-Just a suggestion, but the portcullis going straight up through the archway and hanging there vertically looks a little odd, could I offer maybe sliding it to the sides or down?
-At the very final island, If you look up, there is some major clipping on the castle keep.
In all I loved that, and I subscribed. I only have one other suggestion, choosing the wrong statue, rune, or torch didn't have *that* much of a consequence. (Seeing as the enemies usually fell off right away either to their deaths or for my companion to take care of below) If this is supposed to defend the keep against intruders, I offer a solution that may fit your story as well. (It may not be very popular though, maybe an optional hard mode?) Which is when an incorrect item is activated, progress is reset and the "intruder" (player) falls, and must revive or take a teleport back up to the start if they survived. Just an idea
*Currently down for a fabulous all expenses paid make over! Converting your tabletop game is certainly a labor of love!*
Will play, test, and review any and all Foundry quests, NO STRINGS ATTACHED.
"Paranoia is such a childish emotion....your an ADULT for f***s sake, why aren't all your enemies dead by now?!"
I played them both since I'm funny that way
Initial Attack;
-Missing a space before the [Nickname] code in one of the guard's dialouge
-The final emote of the old lady isa little haywire
-One of the commoners doesn't have a cage.
-"Garbage Pile 02" needs renaming
-"Ring or Random Noises" did you mean "of"?
-I'd highly recommend replacing sir/madam with something gender neutral.
- -619, 1, -560 Invisible Wall needs fixing
-**** traps...serves me right for being greedy!
-A wight at about -420, 2, -469 got stuck in the terrain
- Likewise (put fell through a gap) for an Archer at -175, -2, 382
- Invisible Intractable in the Deep Cavern needs renaming
-The Braizer's are numbered, looks a bit out of place...also....you bugger I swear my heart stopped!
-Some typo's in the final NPC's dialouge, "Gullible", "righteous", "I found".
-One point of nitpick, she is very "big deal cleric" looking for a tracker, but hey every cleric needs a hobby...mines baking pastry >_>
Great maps, great lore..inspired traps, will most certainly subscribe!
*Currently down for a fabulous all expenses paid make over! Converting your tabletop game is certainly a labor of love!*
Will play, test, and review any and all Foundry quests, NO STRINGS ATTACHED.
"Paranoia is such a childish emotion....your an ADULT for f***s sake, why aren't all your enemies dead by now?!"
Few intractables had default names and a set of stairs was clipping badly but you know what not even mad
The final fight was a bit hairy for my young cleric, but I just kept a word at heart, A phrase of great power and wisdom and consolation to the soul in times of need.
*Currently down for a fabulous all expenses paid make over! Converting your tabletop game is certainly a labor of love!*
Will play, test, and review any and all Foundry quests, NO STRINGS ATTACHED.
"Paranoia is such a childish emotion....your an ADULT for f***s sake, why aren't all your enemies dead by now?!"
I am SO glad act II is only just around the corner! I am in awe of your story telling skills! I have not a single thing to nitpick here, wow! Recommended to my guild and SUBSCRIBED!
*Currently down for a fabulous all expenses paid make over! Converting your tabletop game is certainly a labor of love!*
Will play, test, and review any and all Foundry quests, NO STRINGS ATTACHED.
"Paranoia is such a childish emotion....your an ADULT for f***s sake, why aren't all your enemies dead by now?!"
I'm really sorry but I still can't find you! IF you read this let me know your short code and I'll re-add it to the list
*Currently down for a fabulous all expenses paid make over! Converting your tabletop game is certainly a labor of love!*
Will play, test, and review any and all Foundry quests, NO STRINGS ATTACHED.
"Paranoia is such a childish emotion....your an ADULT for f***s sake, why aren't all your enemies dead by now?!"
Please review my "Finger of God" campaign: NWS-DPJMGYJGV
Quest #1: NW-DS24FX4BC - Cragsford
Quest #2: NW-DTPUNXUAB - Mine's Mine
Quest #3: NW-DIPZQ7CMS - Are We There Yeti?
Quest #4: NW-DSCFDT5WS - Finger of God
I just need 2 more reviews for my first foundry to be visible.
It is a 13-15min short story so it should not take much of your time. I will gladly play through your foundries too in return (just be sure that I can finish them, becuase I played too many broken ones that I could not), just pm me here or send me the code of your quest in-game @gexenn
foundry Call of the Blood - NW-DTAK6CXZ2
campaign Heart of Nature - NWS-DUKNH9PPZ
/waves to Jaggeropth and leaves plenty of sugary treats at Kieran's door.
Ssshhh, you'll give me a big head! But I'm not finished yet!
CLEAN CUPS! :cool:
<_< o_o >_> Don't tell the others, but since yours was short and so close, I snuck you in early (plus my dinner is en route!)
Ah Frinko, where would we be without you!
-"bigger troubles"
"of the Order of the" I know it's not incorrect, but I always want to change it when I see it, anybody else feel that way?
-He has one very large block of totally [MissionInfo] text, sticks out a bit
-"My belowed daughter" You don't want to know the imagery *that* conjured >_>
-Love how you've managed Player responses, and a flawless story reason to use whats available as an exit
-A floating mushroom at 481, -41, 371
-I know there isn't much to be done about this, but when talking to the wolves the camera focuses squarely on the ground beneath them, would raising them on a platform of some kind correct that? I'm not sure on that...
-are closing by"
-"appologize" (Grinda)
-"All the Franko's gold"
-"While I'll be working on" Doesn't really fit with the first half of the sentence.
A lovely little adventure, would make a good daily I reckon!
*Currently down for a fabulous all expenses paid make over! Converting your tabletop game is certainly a labor of love!*
Will play, test, and review any and all Foundry quests, NO STRINGS ATTACHED.
"Paranoia is such a childish emotion....your an ADULT for f***s sake, why aren't all your enemies dead by now?!"
foundry Call of the Blood - NW-DTAK6CXZ2
campaign Heart of Nature - NWS-DUKNH9PPZ
Worth. Every. SECOND!
I broke it up by playing a quest every few stand alone quests, and wow did I need too, I loved it, I loved everything about it, if my own side quests, NPC's and dialogue can come even close to the depth and detail of yours, I'll be a happy author.
*Currently down for a fabulous all expenses paid make over! Converting your tabletop game is certainly a labor of love!*
Will play, test, and review any and all Foundry quests, NO STRINGS ATTACHED.
"Paranoia is such a childish emotion....your an ADULT for f***s sake, why aren't all your enemies dead by now?!"
-WTB Prestidigitation
-Your sewer grates need renaming
-Paul's tool bag, as well as the reward chest, are off the ground
That's all actually...As your first Foundry's go, a brilliantly made one, look forward to to how you progress
*Currently down for a fabulous all expenses paid make over! Converting your tabletop game is certainly a labor of love!*
Will play, test, and review any and all Foundry quests, NO STRINGS ATTACHED.
"Paranoia is such a childish emotion....your an ADULT for f***s sake, why aren't all your enemies dead by now?!"