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Register Now: MindFlayer's first 5 V 5 Premade Tournament



  • doaxiradoaxira Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 182 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    dkcandy wrote: »
    Agreed /w Zeek

    Each team should be assigned a # and then randomly rolled while streamed. :D This way no one can say the brackets are rigged and if there is imbalanced it was random.

    I am ok with this guys. Like I said, we will also offer Fistful teams are on one side of the bracket, and end up eliminating each other before final as well. Once the registration period ends, i will set a date/time and stream it.
  • doaxiradoaxira Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 182 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    ifthir wrote: »
    I will volunteer to be a judge then.

    Gorath, are you not participating on a team? If not, I love the idea, since we have all had our differences and that brings another perspective to everything. Nobody could claim favoritism for sure! lol.
  • doaxiradoaxira Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 182 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    We have been brainstorming what Fistful of Zen could sponsor for prizes, 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc. Would be great if people knew what they were playing for besides the fame and notoriety! The market could fluctuate a lot over the next month, so we were thinking we would create 3 prize pools.

    1st - Regular Armor/Weapon enchant of your choice
    2nd - Rank 8 Enchant of your choice
    3rd - Ancient mainhand weapon of your choice.

    We would allow the placement, choose which prize pool they would win based on the rankings.

    Let me know general thoughts on this from the participants, or if there is any other good ideas out there.
  • chudovishyechudovishye Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    doaxira wrote: »
    We have been brainstorming what Fistful of Zen could sponsor for prizes, 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc. Would be great if people knew what they were playing for besides the fame and notoriety! The market could fluctuate a lot over the next month, so we were thinking we would create 3 prize pools.

    1st - Regular Armor/Weapon enchant of your choice
    2nd - Rank 8 Enchant of your choice
    3rd - Ancient mainhand weapon of your choice.

    We would allow the placement, choose which prize pool they would win based on the rankings.

    Let me know general thoughts on this from the participants, or if there is any other good ideas out there.

    Those are great ideas. I think rank 8 enchants are reasonable prizes, they can be easily resold, or, most players should be able to use them or collect them to make 9s and then 10s. Ancient weapons might be a little skewed, however, being generally more expensive, but all sound like great ideas to me. You could also award AD, though it has to be done through silly postings in the AH.
  • chudovishyechudovishye Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    xpertzxxx wrote: »
    yeah it was decent :) we only had 3 though and one of the pugs left - the usual LOL

    I'm so ****ing sick of pug leavers. I wish I could still spawn leap without a horse, can only, just barely, in Hotenow, but not the other. I miss those days. I like to hide around corners and such when the pugs are scared, they run for their spawn, and turn the corner to face absolute suffering.
  • bozxxbozxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I'm so ****ing sick of pug leavers. I wish I could still spawn leap without a horse, can only, just barely, in Hotenow, but not the other. I miss those days. I like to hide around corners and such when the pugs are scared, they run for their spawn, and turn the corner to face absolute suffering.

    you didn't miss much from me and tiduss's point of view anyway was jusst a 20 min 1v1 :P
    [Tell] From [Click]: I know I'm the best but I don't go around saying that
    [Tell] From [Click]: I hate how you think you're amazing at this game and think everyone else sucks
  • dkcandydkcandy Member Posts: 1,555 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    doaxira wrote: »
    We have been brainstorming what Fistful of Zen could sponsor for prizes, 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc. Would be great if people knew what they were playing for besides the fame and notoriety! The market could fluctuate a lot over the next month, so we were thinking we would create 3 prize pools.

    1st - Regular Armor/Weapon enchant of your choice
    2nd - Rank 8 Enchant of your choice
    3rd - Ancient mainhand weapon of your choice.

    We would allow the placement, choose which prize pool they would win based on the rankings.

    Let me know general thoughts on this from the participants, or if there is any other good ideas out there.

    This would be for each player on the team? So 5 - 1st Place, 5 - 2nd, 5 - 3rd....?

    I think this would be a better break down:

    1st place team - 1 item off AH for up to 1 Million AD (for each team member)
    2nd place team - 1 item off AH for up to 500k AD (for each team member)
    3rd place team - 1 item off AH for up to 250k AD (for each team member)

    That puts prize pool at 8.750 million AD. Otherwise winning players could just post an item on AH and sponsors buy the item off AH for straight AD.
  • doaxiradoaxira Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 182 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    dkcandy wrote: »
    This would be for each player on the team? So 5 - 1st Place, 5 - 2nd, 5 - 3rd....?

    I think this would be a better break down:

    1st place team - 1 item off AH for up to 1 Million AD (for each team member)
    2nd place team - 1 item off AH for up to 500k AD (for each team member)
    3rd place team - 1 item off AH for up to 250k AD (for each team member)

    That puts prize pool at 8.750 million AD. Otherwise winning players could just post an item on AH and sponsors buy the item off AH for straight AD.

    Yes, i had meant for each member on the team. My breakdown right now at AH prices, assuming people selected Regular Vorp encant etc, puts our prize pool at around 15mil. Just pure AD payouts, seemed kind bland and un-inventive, however if the consensus was for that, it could work as well.
  • ifthirifthir Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 281 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    doaxira wrote: »
    Gorath, are you not participating on a team? If not, I love the idea, since we have all had our differences and that brings another perspective to everything. Nobody could claim favoritism for sure! lol.

    sounds good

    I don't plan on competing so at least I can contribute somehow :)
  • gerftyloggerftylog Member Posts: 56
    edited July 2013
    Guild: Army of Dankness
    Team: Thick Dicks Incorporated
    Timezone: All
    Contact: GerftyLog/Amarystae
    Tournament Result: 1st Place
  • doaxiradoaxira Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 182 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    The following rules have been added as per a majority consensus and decision of the three judges. If anyone has any questions or concerns please feel free to ask or send me a PM.

    #7. NEW: Chilling Cloud cannot be used by CW's. Due to the limitless number of bugs, and constant postive buff refreshing it provides, it will be banned from use in this tournament. It provides all sorts of wild mechanics like refresh soulforges, eye of the storm, etc.

    #8. Gear swapping during matches is to be disallowed. With macros and 3rd party utilities, gear swapping can provide an extremely unfair advantage to certain people when done in combat (chained soulforge procs for example). Teams will be disqualified if any member is caught swapping gear during fights.
  • doaxiradoaxira Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 182 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    UPDATE (Added to 3rd post in thread)

    Sponsored Prize Pool: (If others want to contribute, please contact me)

    Based on placement come tournament end, the following choices will be available:

    1st - Regular Armor/Weapon enchant of your choice (1 for each party member)
    2nd - Rank 8 Enchant of your choice (1 for each party member)
    3rd - Ancient mainhand weapon for each party member.

    At current market value, it equates to a total pool of close to 15mil AD. We know the market may fluctuate over the weeks to come, so how we propose we are going to do it is give the 1st place team, 1st choice on prize pool, second team the second choice, etc.

    We are also considering a special prize for Most Points, Most Kills, and Most Assists

    Again, still taking input/suggestions.
  • xpertzxxxxpertzxxx Member Posts: 96
    edited July 2013
    doaxira wrote: »
    The following rules have been added as per a majority consensus and decision of the three judges. If anyone has any questions or concerns please feel free to ask or send me a PM.

    #7. NEW: Chilling Cloud cannot be used by CW's. Due to the limitless number of bugs, and constant postive buff refreshing it provides, it will be banned from use in this tournament. It provides all sorts of wild mechanics like refresh soulforges, eye of the storm, etc.

    #8. Gear swapping during matches is to be disallowed. With macros and 3rd party utilities, gear swapping can provide an extremely unfair advantage to certain people when done in combat (chained soulforge procs for example). Teams will be disqualified if any member is caught swapping gear during fights.

    Is the mage At-will (forgot the name) that requires no target and can be cast over and over to fill up AP going to be allowed? I've seen plenty of mages using those on downtime or when defending a node to get themselves a daily ready without even fighting. Jw.

    And the prizes sound great - the most kills/most pts/assist and maybe least deaths sounds like a great one as well. Even if the prize is just something small.
    Wtf is a Molon Labe?

    - Tiduss -

  • dkcandydkcandy Member Posts: 1,555 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    xpertzxxx wrote: »
    maybe least deaths

    :D Sounds good to me.
  • doaxiradoaxira Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 182 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    xpertzxxx wrote: »
    Is the mage At-will (forgot the name) that requires no target and can be cast over and over to fill up AP going to be allowed? I've seen plenty of mages using those on downtime or when defending a node to get themselves a daily ready without even fighting. Jw.

    Yes, Storm Pillar is a pretty core mage mechanic and will be allowed.
  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Guild: Army of Dankness
    Team: Thick Dicks Incorporated
    Timezone: All
    Contact: GerftyLog/Amarystae
    Tournament Result: 1st Place

    Heimdall@ayroux (GWF) will be on this team along with Amarystae@amarystae (DC). We will post the other teammates tonight I hope.

    Other players on the team (not final): Desidus@xtraordinary91 (CW), Nina@jafodias (GF), Shrugs@b4gshrugs (TR), B4gs@b4gs (GWF), GerftyLog@gerftylog (GWF), Tempirius@ayroux (GF).

    Note MOST of these are alts of players listed, not sure who they want to play as.
  • twerkulatorrtwerkulatorr Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Look forward to seeing this play out. Best of luck fellas!
    Twerkulatorr (Rogue) & Twerk (Guard)
    Peter Puffer's Foundation @ Mindflayer
  • doaxiradoaxira Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 182 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    Again, registration is closing at midnight EST tonight.

    If anyone knows of any great bracket/seeding websites, let me know. Currently I am looking at: http://challonge.com/. It looks pretty decent but I am sure there are some experienced tournament moderators out there that could point me in the right direction.

    I plan on streaming the setup of the brackets sometime tomorrow, and will record it so it can be reviewed for fairness by anyone who may have any concerns.

    Look forward to it!
  • enchants11enchants11 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Guild: Fistful of Zen
    Team Name: Gorilla Punchers
    Team Captains: Fate@enchants11 , Tepel Vlekje@branzijp2
    Timezone: Open Availability

    Team Roster:

    GWF: Fate@enchants11
    GF: Tepel Vlekje@branzijp2 SUB Kindzadza@miragoris
    DC: FallnGoddess@Fallnwrld SUB wtfbige@estle1
    CW: Lady elane@tripodjesus SUB suxyourfaceoff@suxyourfaceoff
    TR: Saleen@juayaba


    Time Zone/Preference: TBD
    My Class is Bard ... "The clash of blades, a note/A battle fought, a verse/The hero's war, a song."
  • amarystaeamarystae Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Guild: Army of Dankness
    Team: Thick Dicks Incorporated
    Timezone: All
    Contact: Amarystae & Geftylog (Guild Founders) Shrugs (Officer)

    Official Roster

    DC - Amarystae
    GWF - Gerftylog
    CW - Desidus
    GF - Tempirius
    TR - Shrugs

    DC - Amarystae
    GWF - Heimdall
    CW - Bustamove
    GF - Nina
    TR - Whisper
  • doaxiradoaxira Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 182 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    Ok the teams are set!

    #1 The Catholic Church
    #2 Antagony
    #4 oOVendettaOo
    #5 Fistful of Zen #2
    #6 Dulce Bellum Inexpertis
    #7 I'm a Mindflayer an' I'm Okay!
    #8 Potpourri
    #9 Thick Dicks Incorporated
    #10 Gorilla Punchers
    #11 Essence of Aggression

    On Sat. Juy 27th 9:00 PM EST (6:00 PM PT) I will be streaming the bracket setup for the tournament. All are welcome to come watch/participate. My stream can be found in my signature. Look forward to seeing you all there and getting this tournament underway!

    If there are any last minute roster changes, new teams, or team withdrawls, PLEASE have changes submitted before the bracket broadcast time.

    Thanks and good luck!
  • gerftyloggerftylog Member Posts: 56
    edited July 2013
    Team #9 is Thick Dicks Incorporated not Army of Dankness, please correct. Thanks!
  • zerg4funzerg4fun Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Team Name: Essence of Aggression
    Team Captains: coronaradiata@zerg4fun
    Team Roster: coronaradiata - DC, chance - GWF, stickygreenbud - GF, isidorrr - TR, lyucifer - CW
    Time Zone/Preference: any timezone ( gmt + 1 the best )
  • doaxiradoaxira Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 182 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    Tournament Brackets Have Been Set!


    The tournament schedule is to follow! Have fun and good luck everyone!

    A recording of the bracket setup can be found here:
  • doaxiradoaxira Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 182 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    Tournament Dates (Copied from first page in thread)

    August 1st - 4th
    Matches to be played
    Match #1: Poptpourri vs Fistful of Zen 2
    Match #2: ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ vs Antagony
    Match #3: The Catholic Church vs Essence of Aggression

    August 5th - 9th
    Match #1: I'm a Minflayer an' I'm Okay vs TBD
    Match #2: Dulce Bellum Inexpertis vs Gorilla Punchers
    Match #3: oOVendettaOo vs TBD
    Match #4: Thick Dicks Incorporated vs TBD

    August 10th - 14th
    Match #1: TBD
    Match #2: TBD

    August 15th - 19th
    Final: TBD
    3rd Place: TBD

    Please review the team listings post and contact the opposing teams team captain to schedule and play the event.
  • doaxiradoaxira Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 182 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    Recommended match making process (Copied from first page):

    #1 Contact
    Contact opposing team captain and arrange date/time for the match to take place. (If an agreement cannot be made, please screenshot communications with other party. In the case where a match cannot take place within the 4 day grace period, it will go to the judging panel to decide the winner of the match at their own discretion/opinion)

    #2 Log The Match
    Have at least one person on your team running the 3rd party tool for combat log parsing called "Advanced Combat Tracker". It can be downloaded from the following site:
    It requires 2 additional steps to be done before it is able to parse the in game log file:
    ---You must download the Neverwinter plugin from http://www.reignofelysian.com/forum/showthread.php?105-Neverwinter-Combat-Log-Parser
    ---Once ACT has started, go to the options panel and click "Open Log" to locate the Neverwinter log file.

    You can activate/deactivate the logging by doing the commands /CombatLog 1, and /CombatLog 0 in game.

    #3 Video Record The Match
    It is highly recommended at least one person from each team streams the match via sites such as http://twitch.tv or makes video recordings with utilities such as FRAPS http://www.fraps.com/

    #4 Report Results
    After match completion, the winning team should post a screenshot of the final scoreboard of each game that was played into this thread. This will let us update the bracket site, as well as record for additional prizes such as most kills, most assists, etc.

    It would also be GREATLY appreciated if you included a link to any stream recordings or recorded videos of each match. There will be a lot of interested people in the community that would love to see some of Mindflayers PVP Best in action.

    #5 File a Dispute
    If problems arise and the match is being disputed. Please contact one of the listed judges and include all possible relevant information. Screenshots, logs, videos. It will be solely up to the discretion of the 3 judges on actions taken.
  • doaxiradoaxira Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 182 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    As always please keep checking back for updates all!
  • doaxiradoaxira Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 182 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    A couple updates.

    New Rule: Spawn camping within the "spawn zone" will not be allowed. I don't think anyone wants to see this, and would pretty unsportsmanlike.

    Prize pool update: 3rd - Ancient mainhand weapon for each party member for *his/her class*.
  • omgimabird99omgimabird99 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    We have decided to have the tournament recorded and edited later to provide highlights and matches in general. We would appreciate it if as many people possible could record so to do so we have made a guide to help anyone that doesn't know how or simply needs some help setting it up. To anyone that already knows how, you can skip this entire post and record it yourself. The information as to where to send all the footage will come later on. Keep the original footage though please. If you have recorded more than you want used, you can cut it out yourself (if you know how) and send it instead, we prefer the entire reel though if possible.

    Ok, so basically anyone that is going to record needs one of the two programs: Fraps or Dxtory.
    I highly suggest Fraps as it has a much more user friendly interface, however if your computer isn't the best or if you're disturbed by slightly worse fps when playing then Dxtory is the way to go. (Fraps records your screen, whereas Dxtory intercepts it from the graphics card, thus not affecting what you see even if you film at lower fps).

    Both of these two programs cost money, both cost $37. If you don't have the money or don't want to spend it, you can very easily download either program from any site, I suggest The Pirate Bay, all links will be provided at the end.

    For those who choose Fraps:
    After you have downloaded and installed Fraps you will need to do a set up in order to ensure it records properly.

    Firstly, the General tab: Make sure that Monitor Aero desktop is ticked off. It's the option that makes your desktop change back to basic colors. It's often buggy and causes a lot of games to crash more frequently, including Neverwinter.

    The FPS (Frames Per Second) tab: These are more personal preference than anything else. Bench-marking is irrelevant to your average user, thus I won't go over it, but anyone that is interested in bench-marking should already know what to do here. The overlay is personal preference and is what determines where the 'FPS' overlay will show up on your screen. All this does is show the current FPS that Fraps is filming in. I personally choose the top right, as it doesn't block anything in the default Neverwinter UI.

    The Movies Tab: This is the most important of the tabs naturally. Here you will determine where things are recorded to, what FPS you will record in, what sound the recording will capture as well as some personal preference choices such as hiding your mouse cursor in video, or only capturing while holding a certain button.
    You should start by changing the default save folder to a new folder made preferably on your desktop, for easy access. Make sure you have selected the target destination correctly. You can then move on to the Video Capture Hotkey and Settings.
    The Hotkey may be whatever, just make sure it isn't something you click regularly, F9-F12 is a good starting/stopping key, however make sure that you change any other Hotkeys in the program before binding that one, so you don't end up with double effect on one key. Next is the settings. I highly recommend recording in 60 FPS. This will give smooth game play and no stuttering will appear in the video. This also however, requires a higher end machine and can cause trouble if you already have FPS lower than 60. If that is the case, I suggest lowering your settings in-game so that you can run 60 FPS when recording. If your machine still can't handle that, then I suggest 30 FPS, make sure you keep the in game visual settings on LOW though, so that you get smooth game play rather than pretty game play.

    In order to test how the video looks, I suggest going to a zone where you can find a good amount of monster or people (about as much screen clutter as there would be in a 5v5 PvP match) and start recording for a minute or two. Then stop recording, and watch the footage. If it looks smooth and consistent, then you've got your settings right. Naturally you should have Full-Size selected for your recordings. Loop buffer length should remain at the default setting.

    Moving on top Sound Capture Settings. For these recordings you're going to want at least Win7 sound ticked, and preferably Multichannel. This option ensure you capture all the in game sounds and also the teamspeak/mumble/vent/skype sounds. If you don't want your voices or your "tactics" revealed in the later released videos, I suggest not recording the sound at all. However I can ensure you now I will do my best to not use the voice recordings and will most likely only use the conversations when something 'big' happens, or any celebration occurs. If however you are recording the sound and are in any voice chat, then it would be appreciated if you ticked the 'Record external input) option, and made sure the correct microphone is selected, this way your (the recorders) voice also will be recorded.

    Lastly, the three last check boxes. The first - 'hide mouse cursor in video' is optional, entirely up to you. Secondly, 'lock frame-rate while recording. For this option I suggest not locking it, as it will decrease FPS you see while playing to whatever your recording FPS is. The third check box is irrelevant to these recordings.

    Some tips when using Fraps:
    - Don't record during downtime i.e. between matches or outside matches in general. File sizes are very large as it records in .avi format.
    - Make sure you have lots of space wherever you're saving these recordings to. Generally speaking, in 60 FPS, the file size will be around 2-3 gigabytes per 2 minutes.
    - Make sure you've tested it in several environments with different amounts of clutter to ensure it works properly and won't stutter when it is game time.
    - Delete whatever footage you don't want right after recording it. The files save in ca. 2 minute recordings each. Thus at the end of a 15 minute match you'll have 7-8 recordings. If you make a mistake and accidentally recorded, or just have footage you know you won't use later, delete it right after it is recorded to make sure your folder doesn't get cluttered and take a lot of unnecessary space.
    - Do NOT rename the videos. When recorded, the files specify date and time recorded. It makes my job a lot easier if I can follow the videos by time, and have them automatically sorted when I receive them so please do not rename them unless absolutely necessary.

    For those who choose Dxtory:
    When first opening Dxtory, I recommend having Neverwinter already opened and logged in. That way, the profile will be selected automatically.

    The initial options are fairly similar to the Fraps set up, and shouldn't require any further explanation. Begin with the tab that has a monitor on it and check whichever boxes you want for your own needs. Also feel free to change colors if any others suit you better. Next is the folder settings. In a similar manner to Fraps, change the folder to the new folder you've made on your desktop and make sure it is selected. If you think you will be taking screenshots, feel free to change that to another folder as well. Hotkeys should again, go unexplained as they are easy to understand. I will recommend setting them to F9-F12 again however.

    The next tab is the Movie settings tab, here we will put in all of our recording settings. Firstly, un-tick the 'Use Default Settings' if it is, as we'll be changing many. Video Codec should be set to Dxtory Video Codec, that is the default compression form for Dxtory, and using others may bug or lessen quality. Moving on to frame-rate, read the FPS section on the Fraps instructions, as it is mostly about which frame-rate to use. Again however, I'll suggest using 60 if your computer can handle it. Dxtory is better if you have a slightly slower computer as it doesn't decrease your frame-rate as much when recording. However make sure your processor and/or graphics card doesn't overheat as it is a common problem when you can't see your computer doing the work, instead it doing it in the background.
    Output should of course be set to File Output as we won't be streaming the footage. File Format should be AVI, the standard container for recording. Everything else should be set automatically through the default settings, however just to ensure no one has the wrong settings: Un-tick clipping, make sure all the margins are set to zero, scaling should be set to percent and then to 100%, synchronize video FPS should be un-ticked, include mouse cursor is again - optional.

    Moving on, we come to the Audio Settings. Here you should be able to keep everything on default. Record sound should be ticked, speakers/headphones/audio drivers should be selected automatically depending on which you have, audio codec should be PCM, and audio format should be PCM, it doesn't matter which you choose, but generally, higher numbers = better quality, just make sure it is stereo, not mono, or simply leave it on default.

    Lastly we want to make sure the Video Settings are all correct. To do so, click on the neon yellow button, the last of the four on the bottom left of the window. Make sure Output1 is selected, then ensure that the resolution is 1920x1080, the frame-rate is set to whatever you chose in your movie settings and the adjust mode is stretch.

    Some tips when using Dxtory:
    - Much like Fraps, don't record during downtime i.e. between matches or outside matches in general. File sizes are very large as it records in .avi format.
    - Make sure you have lots of space wherever you're saving these recordings to. Generally speaking, in 60 FPS, the file size will be around 2-3 gigabytes per 2 minutes.
    - Make sure you've tested it in several environments with different amounts of clutter to ensure it works properly and won't stutter when it is game time.
    - Make sure your computer isn't trying to hard! It may be hard to miss if you're not seeing the lag, but make sure your computer isn't overheating! (VERY IMPORTANT)

    If you have any questions regarding the recording of your footage, you can reply here or write/mail me in-game @omgimabird99.

    P.S. For those wondering, more information as to sending the footage will come later, for now we just want everyone to have it set up and running properly enabling them to record as much as possible. Last but not least, naturally, the more people in your team the better as we want as many PoV's as possible. Good luck and have fun!

    Due to forum rules no links can be provided. However all programs can be found easily on their websites or through Google.
  • had3lhad3l Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Team Potpourri has 2 ALTs so far, Horo@horowata and Valkyrie@Myu86

    Edit: 3 ALTs, add Eamorion@eamolion to that list

    Edit 2: 5 ALTs, add Apocilla@apocvv and eggroll@kracy310 to the list
This discussion has been closed.