I play this game a lot and i love it, i made a TR from the start to enjoy a class i have been playing since early PC games. Nerfing lurker's will ruin PvE for us. We will be replaced by GWF in most dungeons. While i do not support the perma stealh rogue build, what about the broken GWF build in PvP? Why are tenebrous still Offense slot item?
Nerfing us because of PvP players crying is crazy.
You will lose a lot of player's if this goes live..I ask you to think about this before hand.
People complained about someone comming up new OP build, it got nerfed.
And the cycle of whining and complaining continues till cryptic deletes the class entirely . Because no matter how much you nerf a class, there will always be someone who will adapt and come up with sick build.
People complained about someone comming up new OP build, it got nerfed.
And the cycle of whining and complaining continues till cryptic deletes the class entirely . Because no matter how much you nerf a class, there will always be someone who will adapt and come up with sick build.
Here's a sick build that they wont nerf: Greater or Perfect vorpal + impossible to catch + lashing blade + impact shot
This game is designed to make as much money as possible on a day to day basis. It is not designed to be a great long term game.
Here's a sick build that they wont nerf: Greater or Perfect vorpal + impossible to catch + lashing blade + impact shot
Have fun trying to kill geared out and well played GWFs or GFs with Lurker's being nerfed to <removed>. Even with the best Rogue gear, you won't be able to get them past half health.
Have fun trying to kill geared out and well played GWFs or GFs with Lurker's being nerfed to <removed>. Even with the best Rogue gear, you won't be able to get them past half health.
So.. you need your 60% more damage daily that lasts for 10 seconds to kill a decent GF or GWF? ROFL.
No wonder you are complaining ...
Ps. I'm a TR and i killed " decent" ones without that bull-HAMSTER you are saying. It only takes longer to kill them without the LA but it is surely possible if you know what you are doing.
well. here is a thing for you. all those perf tenebs on a tr hitting from stealth at ranged, while they have lesser health, were able to kill 2 people outright and hurt another badly, la, and rn and hide, recharge, wash rince repeat.
if not more if lucky.
Why are tenebs on offense slot? not by designed, the shards and all items from shards were meant as weapon offensive, and armor defensive, in those two places only. Its an abused mechanic of cryptics screwup
tr's have 125% crit severity after perf vorpal, add another 15% to that. Their damage did not get nerfed much, at all, when they have nice gear.
However any class with 'nice gear' as it were.. and a can play their class, this will barely impact.
To say in a nutshell instead of over 100k+ crits, they might be doing 90k+ crits.
Dear devs.. this is rock again. I used to oneshot scissors all the time. Now I can only do it most of the time, with no struggle for the rest of the time and it isn't fair. I should be able to oneshot them at all times and laugh at them for not being tr's. Please nerf paper too. It takes them a while to kill us, and we are able to kill them. They should never be able to beat us, ever. take away their unstoppable, so they are only left with low damage.
Most of the TR's in this game dont have perfect vorpals and tenebrous in every slot...
90 % of the TR's are getting marginilized because of 5 % that paid to win
the last 5 % earned their gear, every last drop.
The stealth nerf is the largest of them all and until you hop on test server and see what we are talking about, then please have a cup of STFU.
Pop stealth, run duelists flurry one time...and then begin to cry.
Not to mention, watch how your bleed changes from 1k, to 500 to 2k..to 800..to 400..to 8k...back down to 2k....goodbye boss DPS..
But please, continue to babble on in ignorance, and when this goes live...dont cry that your group chain wipes to Spellplague because DPS took a hit and one minor error can wipe a group because it took 40 % longer to kill the Aboleth... 45 min run ?... yeah right... better set aside 2 hours.
Have fun trying to kill geared out and well played GWFs or GFs with Lurker's being nerfed to <removed>. Even with the best Rogue gear, you won't be able to get them past half health.
Just bringing your damage in line some all good stuff really for the game.
Stealth is used as an opener. LA is now basically a crit severity bomb. As far as I know, crit severity doesn't come close to capping at 100%...lets start talking about this. Are lifesteal and regen better now? Defense?
Whats our role now in PvP and PvE?
I think an honest discussion is needed here. I know some of you are currently crunching numbers...lets figure this out cuz we all know this, or something close, is going to go live.
teirstMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Not to mention, watch how your bleed changes from 1k, to 500 to 2k..to 800..to 400..to 8k...back down to 2k....goodbye boss DPS..
But please, continue to babble on in ignorance, and when this goes live...dont cry that your group chain wipes to Spellplague because DPS took a hit and one minor error can wipe a group because it took 40 % longer to kill the Aboleth... 45 min run ?... yeah right... better set aside 2 hours.
Or you can just bring a couple decent CW's.....Once handles the adds 100% of the the other Debuffs with enfeeble, COI, and turns to tab repel as needed. Heck I have cleared SP after our rogue got knocked off with our GF in full timeless killing the boss
You know why?
Because dungeons in this game are a joke. If you have to run "some specific comp" to complete them you are probably bad. I have seen GWF's, TR's, and GF's tank the dracolich from 100%...heck I have tanked draco post add cap on my CW. I have cleared with groups that had just about every comp you can imagine....the only thing that came standard was a single CW and a single DC. Failures were never due to group comp, slow runs (over 45 minutes) have either been due to bringing new people or people that can't keep up with veterans.
They nerfed Shocking....you found a new spec that worked
They will nerf Lurkers....and you will find a new spec
They are breaking perma-stealth in pvp....you will find some new way to annoy the HAMSTER out of everyone
if you don't like it....because "GF's have it too easy or GWF's get all the buffs" then level one. It only takes like 25 hours to make a level 60 and a couple mil AD to gear them.
Or you can just bring a couple decent CW's.....Once handles the adds 100% of the the other Debuffs with enfeeble, COI, and turns to tab repel as needed. Heck I have cleared SP after our rogue got knocked off with our GF in full timeless killing the boss
You know why?
Because dungeons in this game are a joke. If you have to run "some specific comp" to complete them you are probably bad. I have seen GWF's, TR's, and GF's tank the dracolich from 100%...heck I have tanked draco post add cap on my CW. I have cleared with groups that had just about every comp you can imagine....the only thing that came standard was a single CW and a single DC. Failures were never due to group comp, slow runs (over 45 minutes) have either been due to bringing new people or people that can't keep up with veterans.
They nerfed Shocking....you found a new spec that worked
They will nerf Lurkers....and you will find a new spec
They are breaking perma-stealth in pvp....you will find some new way to annoy the HAMSTER out of everyone
if you don't like it....because "GF's have it too easy or GWF's get all the buffs" then level one. It only takes like 25 hours to make a level 60 and a couple mil AD to gear them.
OR I can refuse to play and give them anymore of my money... that's easy enough too. I refuse to level another character because they chose to nerf the HAMSTER out of them and waste more time and money on a new toon. Forget that.
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
edited July 2013
Moderator Notice:
. . . . . This thread and the following thread are the two threads on TR "Nerfs" we're allowing. Please do not make new threads on this folks. All the closed threads have now been merged and locked, to allow the Devs to sift through the feedback there-in, should they so desire.
. . . . . (Do not reply to this Mod Notice, as discussing Moderation of the Forums is prohibited. Instead, contact any Moderator to discuss such, or report dissatisfaction to Sominator or Pinpointerror.)
i'm hoping cryptic will notice the "explosion" of threads about this and realize players are not happy. let's be fair, there are always a lot of threads when there's a nerf but this nerf is just ridicolous. unhappy players = bad, just saying.
i don't even know what they are trying to do i mean... are they clumsily trying to fix pvp or really just want to kill pve?
because let's be fair, the previous "nerf" nearly improved TR pvp with +power on encounter while only losing some damage on SE (which was never that good anyway, bloobath does a much finer job now) but instaed decreased flurry effectiveness greatly.
now they are... decreasing flurry effectiveness again? i mean really, why? single target dps is the only role for a rogue, they don't have the utility or defense of other classes, they just kill the big guys... and now they don't. not to mention the butcher to stealth duration which is to (i assume) kill perma stealth rogues? this kills "all" rogues not just perma ones. LA assault nerf? it impacts pvp somewhat (not as much as you could think) but totally breaks pve, not that it matters anyway because it can't be used anymore to setup high bleeds anyway.
i can only think cryptic really believes rogue PVE DPS was too high, but i really can't see why.
"they are... decreasing flurry effectiveness again? "... maybe cause some idiots in pvp just stay fix and wait for it to procc....dunno why it needed another fix/nerf in pve ... why are all at wills draining stealth if they wanna fix perm stealth...? Don't think there was a lot of "testing". Can imagine staff sitting arround table throwing in ideas and let them get live...
they reduced stealth for perma-stealth rogues
and basically removed stealth from non perma-stealth rogues
transformed a daily into a passive ability which only lasts 8 sec and requires you to spend AP
took away our ability to speed up the AP build and made the combat advantage feats useless because without stealth you do not have combat advantage unless you run around and just KS
they reduced stealth for perma-stealth rogues
and basically removed stealth from non perma-stealth rogues
transformed a daily into a passive ability which only lasts 8 sec and requires you to spend AP
took away our ability to speed up the AP build and made the combat advantage feats useless because without stealth you do not have combat advantage unless you run around and just KS
Wrong, they reduced stealth for all rogues hence damage, not even taking lurkers assault into consideration.
A 2-3 second cooldown increase to bait and switch or shadow strike would reduce perma-stealth rogues. Whats suggested is just pure stupidity.
Do not worry. They will be closing that thread as well since ambisinisterr who is one of this forum's most biased, clueless, and active mods admitted that he's "dancing for joy" the Rogue class is going to be completely ruined. I am surprised that the thread with ambisinsterr's comments has not be closed or hidden yet. They even closed the petition thread. We will see. I just reviewed the other posts on this thread. This post might get me banned from the forum because I mentioned *closing* the other threads. Considering the comments made by the moderator ambinisterr, where he "jumped for joy" for the nerf, doing something against me because of this post will simply make the mods look bad. I will refrain from mentioning the closed threads from now on.
Every class has advantages and disadvantages. Learn the disadvantages of you class to overcome them. Learn the advantages of your class and the disadvatages of other classes to use them in pvp to win.
There is no point to whine for nerfs because you win some and loose some. Crying just makes a player look like a crier and no one, especially the devs, should take them seriously. Have a nice day!:)
Ok, so all the stupid kids got their will.. Instead of understanding that they are the problem here and not a perfectly fine class (apart from perma stealth rogue.. But that one's annoying at the very best.. Also easy to counter..), the devs babysit all the crybabies and balance a PvE game after PvP. And why? Because some stupid children are too ****ing stupid to dodge the easiest-to-avoid attacks that exist in this game... Nor are they able to play their classes properly..
You should go back to World of Warcraft and your #1 themepark MMORPG and leave other MMORPGs alone. Your intelligence doesn't suit for other games.
But this post isn't going to change anything at all.. The devs will still listen to 10-year old children, the game will continue to be exploited by 99% of the playerbase, the players will continue to be stupid and this will soon be another themepark mmorpg for braindead people.. Carebears like these crying kids ruin every single game they touch.
Thanks for possibly ruining one of the only 2 balanced classes (clerics and rogues; the other 3 are broken.. Accept it or not, its up to you).
kingculexMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
The opinions have been heard. Rogues were broke and now they are getting fixed so this game will be enjoyable and balanced. Nothing else to do really.
Here is a *HUG* for being killed by a rogue. FYI, you still will be killed even if these changes go through simply because there are effective builds that do not rely heavily on stealth.
Every class has advantages and disadvantages. Learn the disadvantages of you class to overcome them. Learn the advantages of your class and the disadvatages of other classes to use them in pvp to win.
There is no point to whine for nerfs because you win some and loose some. Crying just makes a player look like a crier and no one, especially the devs, should take them seriously. Have a nice day!:)
kingculexMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Ok, so all the stupid kids got their will.. Instead of understanding that they are the problem here and not a perfectly fine class (apart from perma stealth rogue.. But that one's annoying at the very best.. Also easy to counter..), the devs babysit all the crybabies and balance a PvE game after PvP. And why? Because some stupid children are too ****ing stupid to dodge the easiest-to-avoid attacks that exist in this game... Nor are they able to play their classes properly..
You should go back to World of Warcraft and your #1 themepark MMORPG and leave other MMORPGs alone. Your intelligence doesn't suit for other games.
But this post isn't going to change anything at all.. The devs will still listen to 10-year old children, the game will continue to be exploited by 99% of the playerbase, the players will continue to be stupid and this will soon be another themepark mmorpg for braindead people.. Carebears like these crying kids ruin every single game they touch.
Thanks for possibly ruining one of the only 2 balanced classes (clerics and rogues; the other 3 are broken.. Accept it or not, its up to you).
Great comment and I could not agree more. They still will be crying after this nerf. This nerf will mainly get rid of TRs that do not know how to play their class properly.
Every class has advantages and disadvantages. Learn the disadvantages of you class to overcome them. Learn the advantages of your class and the disadvatages of other classes to use them in pvp to win.
There is no point to whine for nerfs because you win some and loose some. Crying just makes a player look like a crier and no one, especially the devs, should take them seriously. Have a nice day!:)
Most of the TR's in this game dont have perfect vorpals and tenebrous in every slot...
90 % of the TR's are getting marginilized because of 5 % that paid to win
the last 5 % earned their gear, every last drop.
The stealth nerf is the largest of them all and until you hop on test server and see what we are talking about, then please have a cup of STFU.
Pop stealth, run duelists flurry one time...and then begin to cry.
Not to mention, watch how your bleed changes from 1k, to 500 to 2k..to 800..to 400..to 8k...back down to 2k....goodbye boss DPS..
But please, continue to babble on in ignorance, and when this goes live...dont cry that your group chain wipes to Spellplague because DPS took a hit and one minor error can wipe a group because it took 40 % longer to kill the Aboleth... 45 min run ?... yeah right... better set aside 2 hours.
I went on the Preview shard or test server and tested out the changes. My current build does not have LA or rely heavily on stealth. I tested it in world and in foundries. I honestly did not see much of a change and think that TRs that truly know how to play their class will simply adapt. My current build and gear setup is effective enough that I have been accused of hacking in PVP when I simply was using the PVP potion you can get from a glory merchant to kill off a sentinel GWF.
Every class has advantages and disadvantages. Learn the disadvantages of you class to overcome them. Learn the advantages of your class and the disadvatages of other classes to use them in pvp to win.
There is no point to whine for nerfs because you win some and loose some. Crying just makes a player look like a crier and no one, especially the devs, should take them seriously. Have a nice day!:)
if you did not notice much of a change you probably are a bad TR. sorry but that's the case.
if you can't notice a difference it means you were not able to setup a proper bleed before: a good TR used to setup huge bleeds on bosses with lurker+brutal backstab+deadly momentum. it was effective, kind of fun and somewhat rewarding.
then comes bleed speed nerf, then comes deadly momentum nerf, then comes lurker nerf, then comes stealth duration nerf (for brutal backstab), then comes bleed being all over the place invalidating any effort at stacking a crit one. (the last one especially being my favorite of them all as it promotes mindless spamming instaed of trying to use your skills efficiently: skillcap nerf? cool)
honestly? i'm sure we could "adapt" but i just can't be arsed to "adapt" by finding a cookie cutter spec that will deal maybe 1/3 of the damage it could deal 2 months ago and less than what a GF or CW can do.
oh and ps: good pvp rogues will still roll all over bad players, non perma-stealth rogues will only suffer from not having lurker which is a 2-3 times occurence max in a match.
I went on the Preview shard or test server and tested out the changes. My current build does not have LA or rely heavily on stealth. I tested it in world and in foundries. I honestly did not see much of a change and think that TRs that truly know how to play their class will simply adapt. My current build and gear setup is effective enough that I have been accused of hacking in PVP when I simply was using the PVP potion you can get from a glory merchant to kill off a sentinel GWF.
When testing you need to test 3 scenarios...
1. What and how will this effect Rogue vs Boss damage.
2. How will this effect PvE dungeon runs
3. How will this effect PvP
Then run your tests for 2 hours base to get a baseline on the reduction amount.
Use the ACT parser for your findings...
For extra Credit on your exam...
Have a GWF running Sent spec or Instigator near you for comparable parse,
Homework after the test :
Cry in a corner about how he just out DPS'd you even with your Vorpal by 13 million over a 2 hours parse. compared to you out DPS'ing him on live servers by 8 million over 2 hours.
Baseline : GWF Wears similar gear to your in regards to tier.
kingculexMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
1. What and how will this effect Rogue vs Boss damage.
2. How will this effect PvE dungeon runs
3. How will this effect PvP
Then run your tests for 2 hours base to get a baseline on the reduction amount.
Use the ACT parser for your findings...
For extra Credit on your exam...
Have a GWF running Sent spec or Instigator near you for comparable parse,
Homework after the test :
Cry in a corner about how he just out DPS'd you even with your Vorpal by 13 million over a 2 hours parse. compared to you out DPS'ing him on live servers by 8 million over 2 hours.
Baseline : GWF Wears similar gear to your in regards to tier.
Sigh. Did I hurt your feelings? The nerf is a bad idea because so many TRs use cookie cutter builds instead of thinking for themselves and making an effective custom build. Getting a team together to run the dungeons on the Preview shard is a good idea. My current build uses Cloud of Steel and Duelist's Flurry. It does not use Speed Swindle and Lurker's Assault. A TR can use Impact shot to replace the missing daggers in Cloud of Steel. Bleed was originally messed up so it does not appear to be a big deal. The devs are wrong to make these changes to be honest but TRs can adapt and over come them. A TR can be effective and not rely heavily on stealth if it is geared properly. I also do not use vorpal as well. TRs can adapt and make their own builds instead of using a cookie cutter builds. The custom build I respeced a few times as I was testing is effective enough that I get accused of hacking and make them cry of OP TRs. So yes, it is possible for TRs to adapt. Some people know how to think for themselves instead of being sheep. The respec tokens should be free to allow more people to custom build their classes instead of following a cookie cutter build. I look forward to laughing when the cry babies still cry about OP TRs even after this nerf. The devs should have boosted DCs instead of nerf any of the other classes.
Every class has advantages and disadvantages. Learn the disadvantages of you class to overcome them. Learn the advantages of your class and the disadvatages of other classes to use them in pvp to win.
There is no point to whine for nerfs because you win some and loose some. Crying just makes a player look like a crier and no one, especially the devs, should take them seriously. Have a nice day!:)
People complained about someone comming up new OP build, it got nerfed.
And the cycle of whining and complaining continues till cryptic deletes the class entirely
Here's a sick build that they wont nerf: Greater or Perfect vorpal + impossible to catch + lashing blade + impact shot
wont help u vs same gear level gf\gwf.
Seze - Rogue - Necropolis -
Have fun trying to kill geared out and well played GWFs or GFs with Lurker's being nerfed to <removed>. Even with the best Rogue gear, you won't be able to get them past half health.
So.. you need your 60% more damage daily that lasts for 10 seconds to kill a decent GF or GWF? ROFL.
No wonder you are complaining ...
Ps. I'm a TR and i killed " decent" ones without that bull-HAMSTER you are saying. It only takes longer to kill them without the LA but it is surely possible if you know what you are doing.
And you make as much sense as a fortune cookie. You probably don't even know what a " build" mean..
if not more if lucky.
Why are tenebs on offense slot? not by designed, the shards and all items from shards were meant as weapon offensive, and armor defensive, in those two places only. Its an abused mechanic of cryptics screwup
tr's have 125% crit severity after perf vorpal, add another 15% to that. Their damage did not get nerfed much, at all, when they have nice gear.
However any class with 'nice gear' as it were.. and a can play their class, this will barely impact.
To say in a nutshell instead of over 100k+ crits, they might be doing 90k+ crits.
Dear devs.. this is rock again. I used to oneshot scissors all the time. Now I can only do it most of the time, with no struggle for the rest of the time and it isn't fair. I should be able to oneshot them at all times and laugh at them for not being tr's. Please nerf paper too. It takes them a while to kill us, and we are able to kill them. They should never be able to beat us, ever. take away their unstoppable, so they are only left with low damage.
Most of the TR's in this game dont have perfect vorpals and tenebrous in every slot...
90 % of the TR's are getting marginilized because of 5 % that paid to win
the last 5 % earned their gear, every last drop.
The stealth nerf is the largest of them all and until you hop on test server and see what we are talking about, then please have a cup of STFU.
Pop stealth, run duelists flurry one time...and then begin to cry.
Not to mention, watch how your bleed changes from 1k, to 500 to 2k..to 800..to 400..to 8k...back down to 2k....goodbye boss DPS..
But please, continue to babble on in ignorance, and when this goes live...dont cry that your group chain wipes to Spellplague because DPS took a hit and one minor error can wipe a group because it took 40 % longer to kill the Aboleth... 45 min run ?... yeah right... better set aside 2 hours.
Just bringing your damage in line some all good stuff really for the game.
The opinions have been heard. Rogues were broke and now they are getting fixed so this game will be enjoyable and balanced. Nothing else to do really.
Whats our role now in PvP and PvE?
I think an honest discussion is needed here. I know some of you are currently crunching numbers...lets figure this out cuz we all know this, or something close, is going to go live.
Or you can just bring a couple decent CW's.....Once handles the adds 100% of the the other Debuffs with enfeeble, COI, and turns to tab repel as needed. Heck I have cleared SP after our rogue got knocked off with our GF in full timeless killing the boss
You know why?
Because dungeons in this game are a joke. If you have to run "some specific comp" to complete them you are probably bad. I have seen GWF's, TR's, and GF's tank the dracolich from 100%...heck I have tanked draco post add cap on my CW. I have cleared with groups that had just about every comp you can imagine....the only thing that came standard was a single CW and a single DC. Failures were never due to group comp, slow runs (over 45 minutes) have either been due to bringing new people or people that can't keep up with veterans.
They nerfed Shocking....you found a new spec that worked
They will nerf Lurkers....and you will find a new spec
They are breaking perma-stealth in pvp....you will find some new way to annoy the HAMSTER out of everyone
if you don't like it....because "GF's have it too easy or GWF's get all the buffs" then level one. It only takes like 25 hours to make a level 60 and a couple mil AD to gear them.
OR I can refuse to play and give them anymore of my money... that's easy enough too. I refuse to level another character because they chose to nerf the HAMSTER out of them and waste more time and money on a new toon. Forget that.
. . . . . This thread and the following thread are the two threads on TR "Nerfs" we're allowing. Please do not make new threads on this folks. All the closed threads have now been merged and locked, to allow the Devs to sift through the feedback there-in, should they so desire.
Stealth Build Now Dead....
Combined TR "Nerf" Threads (Closed)
Rogue Nerf Petition (Closed)
. . . . . (Do not reply to this Mod Notice, as discussing Moderation of the Forums is prohibited. Instead, contact any Moderator to discuss such, or report dissatisfaction to Sominator or Pinpointerror.)
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i don't even know what they are trying to do i mean... are they clumsily trying to fix pvp or really just want to kill pve?
because let's be fair, the previous "nerf" nearly improved TR pvp with +power on encounter while only losing some damage on SE (which was never that good anyway, bloobath does a much finer job now) but instaed decreased flurry effectiveness greatly.
now they are... decreasing flurry effectiveness again? i mean really, why? single target dps is the only role for a rogue, they don't have the utility or defense of other classes, they just kill the big guys... and now they don't. not to mention the butcher to stealth duration which is to (i assume) kill perma stealth rogues? this kills "all" rogues not just perma ones. LA assault nerf? it impacts pvp somewhat (not as much as you could think) but totally breaks pve, not that it matters anyway because it can't be used anymore to setup high bleeds anyway.
i can only think cryptic really believes rogue PVE DPS was too high, but i really can't see why.
and basically removed stealth from non perma-stealth rogues
transformed a daily into a passive ability which only lasts 8 sec and requires you to spend AP
took away our ability to speed up the AP build and made the combat advantage feats useless because without stealth you do not have combat advantage unless you run around and just KS
Wrong, they reduced stealth for all rogues hence damage, not even taking lurkers assault into consideration.
A 2-3 second cooldown increase to bait and switch or shadow strike would reduce perma-stealth rogues. Whats suggested is just pure stupidity.
Do not worry. They will be closing that thread as well since ambisinisterr who is one of this forum's most biased, clueless, and active mods admitted that he's "dancing for joy" the Rogue class is going to be completely ruined. I am surprised that the thread with ambisinsterr's comments has not be closed or hidden yet. They even closed the petition thread. We will see. I just reviewed the other posts on this thread. This post might get me banned from the forum because I mentioned *closing* the other threads. Considering the comments made by the moderator ambinisterr, where he "jumped for joy" for the nerf, doing something against me because of this post will simply make the mods look bad. I will refrain from mentioning the closed threads from now on.
There is no point to whine for nerfs because you win some and loose some. Crying just makes a player look like a crier and no one, especially the devs, should take them seriously. Have a nice day!:)
You should go back to World of Warcraft and your #1 themepark MMORPG and leave other MMORPGs alone. Your intelligence doesn't suit for other games.
But this post isn't going to change anything at all.. The devs will still listen to 10-year old children, the game will continue to be exploited by 99% of the playerbase, the players will continue to be stupid and this will soon be another themepark mmorpg for braindead people.. Carebears like these crying kids ruin every single game they touch.
Thanks for possibly ruining one of the only 2 balanced classes (clerics and rogues; the other 3 are broken.. Accept it or not, its up to you).
Here is a *HUG* for being killed by a rogue. FYI, you still will be killed even if these changes go through simply because there are effective builds that do not rely heavily on stealth.
There is no point to whine for nerfs because you win some and loose some. Crying just makes a player look like a crier and no one, especially the devs, should take them seriously. Have a nice day!:)
Great comment and I could not agree more. They still will be crying after this nerf. This nerf will mainly get rid of TRs that do not know how to play their class properly.
There is no point to whine for nerfs because you win some and loose some. Crying just makes a player look like a crier and no one, especially the devs, should take them seriously. Have a nice day!:)
Call me Old MacDonald cause I would farm him like corn.
I went on the Preview shard or test server and tested out the changes. My current build does not have LA or rely heavily on stealth. I tested it in world and in foundries. I honestly did not see much of a change and think that TRs that truly know how to play their class will simply adapt. My current build and gear setup is effective enough that I have been accused of hacking in PVP when I simply was using the PVP potion you can get from a glory merchant to kill off a sentinel GWF.
There is no point to whine for nerfs because you win some and loose some. Crying just makes a player look like a crier and no one, especially the devs, should take them seriously. Have a nice day!:)
if you can't notice a difference it means you were not able to setup a proper bleed before: a good TR used to setup huge bleeds on bosses with lurker+brutal backstab+deadly momentum. it was effective, kind of fun and somewhat rewarding.
then comes bleed speed nerf, then comes deadly momentum nerf, then comes lurker nerf, then comes stealth duration nerf (for brutal backstab), then comes bleed being all over the place invalidating any effort at stacking a crit one. (the last one especially being my favorite of them all as it promotes mindless spamming instaed of trying to use your skills efficiently: skillcap nerf? cool)
honestly? i'm sure we could "adapt" but i just can't be arsed to "adapt" by finding a cookie cutter spec that will deal maybe 1/3 of the damage it could deal 2 months ago and less than what a GF or CW can do.
oh and ps: good pvp rogues will still roll all over bad players, non perma-stealth rogues will only suffer from not having lurker which is a 2-3 times occurence max in a match.
When testing you need to test 3 scenarios...
1. What and how will this effect Rogue vs Boss damage.
2. How will this effect PvE dungeon runs
3. How will this effect PvP
Then run your tests for 2 hours base to get a baseline on the reduction amount.
Use the ACT parser for your findings...
For extra Credit on your exam...
Have a GWF running Sent spec or Instigator near you for comparable parse,
Homework after the test :
Cry in a corner about how he just out DPS'd you even with your Vorpal by 13 million over a 2 hours parse. compared to you out DPS'ing him on live servers by 8 million over 2 hours.
Baseline : GWF Wears similar gear to your in regards to tier.
Sigh. Did I hurt your feelings? The nerf is a bad idea because so many TRs use cookie cutter builds instead of thinking for themselves and making an effective custom build. Getting a team together to run the dungeons on the Preview shard is a good idea. My current build uses Cloud of Steel and Duelist's Flurry. It does not use Speed Swindle and Lurker's Assault. A TR can use Impact shot to replace the missing daggers in Cloud of Steel. Bleed was originally messed up so it does not appear to be a big deal. The devs are wrong to make these changes to be honest but TRs can adapt and over come them. A TR can be effective and not rely heavily on stealth if it is geared properly. I also do not use vorpal as well. TRs can adapt and make their own builds instead of using a cookie cutter builds. The custom build I respeced a few times as I was testing is effective enough that I get accused of hacking and make them cry of OP TRs. So yes, it is possible for TRs to adapt. Some people know how to think for themselves instead of being sheep. The respec tokens should be free to allow more people to custom build their classes instead of following a cookie cutter build. I look forward to laughing when the cry babies still cry about OP TRs even after this nerf. The devs should have boosted DCs instead of nerf any of the other classes.
There is no point to whine for nerfs because you win some and loose some. Crying just makes a player look like a crier and no one, especially the devs, should take them seriously. Have a nice day!:)