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New Changes to Rogue.



  • abombination247abombination247 Member Posts: 1,279 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    rabbinicus wrote: »
    Running a non-int permastealth with Skulker's and very high recovery, Gloaming Cut still depletes more stealth than it fills with maxed Sneaky Stabber. A single DF eats the entire stealth bar.

    Look, I get the fact that you want to kill rogues in PvP and top the DPS charts. I'm very glad you were honest about your priorities. But clearly stealth is intended as it is the core mechanic of the rogue class. It is a feature, not a bug. And it has been working as intended all along.

    Its not working as intended if the uptime is to much and for to long. Do you think its okay to be in stealth all the time ? I don't and that's why a lot of players complain. I mean realistically 60% uptime is a lot but perma come on just ruins a lot.
  • abombination247abombination247 Member Posts: 1,279 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    richarles wrote: »
    Nerfing TR's stealth & LA is like nerfing GF's, knockdown to deaths combo & block/damage mitigation, GWF's death lockdowns & regen/damage mitigation, DC's 1 shotting & heals/damage mitigation, CW's 2 shotting & dodge/control.

    People in Cryptic who seriously wana balance the game please nerf all those abilities from other classes as well if you want to nerf TRs. Otherwise, compensate the TRs with base 90% / 100% critical severity OR change LA to for the entire duration of the daily of 7 secs, the TR cannot stealth but crits with all attacks for the TR class to REMAIN competitive in PVE

    If TR only receive nerfs but not compensated, then when it goes live cryptic can say bye bye to their cash cow.

    Why do player think a GF can block damage. Its so minimal its the worst ability. I much rather have dodge then block any day all day. Even give me unstoppable instead of block that hasn't worked great since day 1 and stops damage for 2 secs. Its a horrible mitigation skill and needs to be totally redone.
  • reagenlionel1reagenlionel1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Why do player think a GF can block damage. Its so minimal its the worst ability. I much rather have dodge then block any day all day. Even give me unstoppable instead of block that hasn't worked great since day 1 and stops damage for 2 secs. Its a horrible mitigation skill and needs to be totally redone.

    I'm facepalming so bad right now...
  • abombination247abombination247 Member Posts: 1,279 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    richarles wrote: »
    L2play with your GF now.

    The lack of discussion on forums post amazes me. I mean seriously elaborate what do I need to learn ? Open discussion tell me.
  • richarlesricharles Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    The lack of discussion on forums post amazes me. I mean seriously elaborate what do I need to learn ? Open discussion tell me.

    If you think GF is underperforming, you probably won't do well for any other classes. So a bad like you supporting TR nerfs can't be treated seriously.
  • knightfalzknightfalz Member Posts: 1,261 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Its not working as intended if the uptime is to much and for to long.

    The thing is, you don't know what's intended, nor do I. From their recent changes I can tell they want permastealth to be harder than it used to be. Yet, they have left it so permastealth is still possible in PvE (and some say in PvP), so there is no indication that they want it to be impossible, much less limited to 60% of the time.

    If they had intended to make permastealth impossible, this would have been the time, when they are revising many aspects of the TR. Since they did not, no one can claim with any certainty that permastealth is not intended by the developers.
  • rabbinicusrabbinicus Member Posts: 1,822 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    knightfalz wrote: »
    I have a similar set up, but with Stalkers and an Ioun Stone I'm mostly devoting to recharge (neither the equipment or stone are fully slotted yet). My Gloaming Cut + Sneaky Stabber doesn't deplete more stealth than it fills, it about breaks even. The animation time does make my stealth harder to renew on time sometimes. With more recharge this may not be so. My DF gives me the same experience as yours. Thankfully, these aren't all that is available.

    I'm looking at this only from a PvE perspective, so if you don't have the stone to work with, then permastealth would probably be pretty difficult.

    Playing on test last night and this morning, and Gloaming Cut was most decidedly NOT replenishing stealth more quickly than it used it. With each strike the stealth meter went down and not up. This is with a stone that is specced for Recovery.
    Its not working as intended if the uptime is to much and for to long. Do you think its okay to be in stealth all the time ? I don't and that's why a lot of players complain. I mean realistically 60% uptime is a lot but perma come on just ruins a lot.

    And you don't know what is working as intended, you just want it to be less because you do not like it. Yes, it is perfectly okay to be in stealth for a long as a rogue can be since that is how they stay alive. Permastealth doesn't ruin anything, and stealth is now cut to less than 5% uptime on the test server.
    Why do player think a GF can block damage. Its so minimal its the worst ability. I much rather have dodge then block any day all day. Even give me unstoppable instead of block that hasn't worked great since day 1 and stops damage for 2 secs. Its a horrible mitigation skill and needs to be totally redone.

    It's post like this that really confuse me. Sure, I get the fact that you don't regard your GF as a tank in any sense and want them to be a DPS character. But you don't think you can block? Seriously, take some time to practice blocking - it is part of the GF's core mechanic just as stealth is the core mechanic of the TR. GF's can block a tremendous amount of damage, and while there can be challenges between client side blocking and server side blocking (due to actual exploiting), it's massively powerful and can let us take no damage from attacks that would kill everyone else in the party.
    The right to command is earned through duty, the privilege of rank is service.

  • abombination247abombination247 Member Posts: 1,279 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    rabbinicus wrote: »
    Playing on test last night and this morning, and Gloaming Cut was most decidedly NOT replenishing stealth more quickly than it used it. With each strike the stealth meter went down and not up. This is with a stone that is specced for Recovery.

    And you don't know what is working as intended, you just want it to be less because you do not like it. Yes, it is perfectly okay to be in stealth for a long as a rogue can be since that is how they stay alive. Permastealth doesn't ruin anything, and stealth is now cut to less than 5% uptime on the test server.

    It's post like this that really confuse me. Sure, I get the fact that you don't regard your GF as a tank in any sense and want them to be a DPS character. But you don't think you can block? Seriously, take some time to practice blocking - it is part of the GF's core mechanic just as stealth is the core mechanic of the TR. GF's can block a tremendous amount of damage, and while there can be challenges between client side blocking and server side blocking (due to actual exploiting), it's massively powerful and can let us take no damage from attacks that would kill everyone else in the party.

    Do you agree that block is the worst mechanic in this game ? It is. It breaks all the time literally they tried to fix it and has gotten better but sometimes it just doesn't work. When it does work it block a dismal amount of damage so its not very functional. The problem is the mechanic in itself needs to be totally redone. If you try and fix block buy just buffing its meter by 200% then it could be to strong for PvP. That would be undesired. Although currently it just is a bad mechanic and needs a overhaul. I rather have dodge any day of the week because dodging a 20-30k attack or blocking for 2 secs till it breaks and can't move or attack while in that defensive position. Ill take dodge.

    Unstoppable > Dodge > Block. Sure its a core mechanic of a GF that really doesn't work great at all for tanking period how it currently works. Like I said needs to be redone so it is efficient for a tank to take damage right now its more of a joke compared to other abilities.
  • adozuadozu Member Posts: 477 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    i would like you to actually roll a TR and PLAY it for a while and come back telling us how OP you felt compared to your GF, seriously, go do that.
  • fernandosbfernandosb Member Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    The lack of discussion on forums post amazes me. I mean seriously elaborate what do I need to learn ? Open discussion tell me.

    First you need to learn that you are an ignorant person who thinks has all the knowledge to fix this game, then you have to learn that everything that comes out of your mouth is <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>, and then maybe you should learn that you are just a crying baby who cries over anything and everything, then maybe you should learn how to play a rogue so you can justify all the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> that comes out of your mouth, and finally you should learn how to play your own class because based on the stuff you said you clearly have no idea what you are talking about.

    if those don't work then maybe you should just roll over and die because you are just worthless, I dream the day i will see you on a pvp match and faceroll you because based on the things you say you clearly suck at this pretty bad. And stop double posting, haven't you ever learned how to use forums? you clearly have to learn a lot of things.

    Unstoppable > Dodge > Block. Sure its a core mechanic of a GF that really doesn't work great at all for tanking period how it currently works. Like I said needs to be redone so it is efficient for a tank to take damage right now its more of a joke compared to other abilities.

    unstoppable is bound to TAB button, dodging and block are bound to shift button, they are not even comparable you fool
  • rabbinicusrabbinicus Member Posts: 1,822 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Do you agree that block is the worst mechanic in this game ? It is. It breaks all the time literally they tried to fix it and has gotten better but sometimes it just doesn't work. When it does work it block a dismal amount of damage so its not very functional. The problem is the mechanic in itself needs to be totally redone. If you try and fix block buy just buffing its meter by 200% then it could be to strong for PvP. That would be undesired. Although currently it just is a bad mechanic and needs a overhaul. I rather have dodge any day of the week because dodging a 20-30k attack or blocking for 2 secs till it breaks and can't move or attack while in that defensive position. Ill take dodge.

    Unstoppable > Dodge > Block. Sure its a core mechanic of a GF that really doesn't work great at all for tanking period how it currently works. Like I said needs to be redone so it is efficient for a tank to take damage right now its more of a joke compared to other abilities.

    No, block is far from the worst mechanic in the game, it just requires a lot of practice and a lack of lag to work perfectly. Block is already extremely strong in PvP to the point where I regularly see TR's and CW's complain about GF "exploits" because they aren't able to easily break through it. I've stopped SE's (even before the massive nerf), Lashing Blades, and other powerful skills by blocking at the right time. It does take practice, and can be a nightmare if you have a high latency connection.

    This comes down to a skill issue just like dodging at the right time for a rogue does. When running Epic Mad Dragon, the guard meter can stop 9/10th of his breath weapon before you begin taking damage. If the rogue dodges into the path of the breath weapon, almost every rogue is dead.

    If you need to see how effective it can be, do a 5 on 5 premade with nine friends and test it out. My GF hasn't died in a PvP match in a very long time, including when he as being 4 on 1'ed - which prompted calls of "exploit!" from the other team since I was able to block while managing cooldowns to keep knocking them away, including killing the TR and CW (who botched a teleport right into me).
    The right to command is earned through duty, the privilege of rank is service.

  • bliviousoblivionbliviousoblivion Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Hey I think a better solution to balancing the perma stealth build is not to make it refill less of our stealth meter but to increase its cool down by about 5 seconds.. You know why? Perma stealth build requires you to have a drastic amount of recovery you even need to be speced into intelligence (gimping our damage because of lack of strength) if not you will not get the 30% cooldown reduction. So if you increase the cooldown time of bait and switch to 30(+) seconds ,unless you want to just forget about doing any damage at all and become a troll, we cannot hit that amount of cooldown reduction. There is a soft cap!

    Stealth builds already gimp our damage so I believe in that time GWF and GF should be able to withstand our full rotation and afterwards you have that 5 second ( or more due to how much more time they have added to Bait and Switch) time limit to cc us to death ( which IMO is sooo easy to do to rogues [ i also play a GWF] ). Now you ask about CW, should not the main damage of the game be able to kill each other in one rotation??? Many times i have used take down on a stealth rogue because of awareness to my sorrondings it is not that hard and common we dont complain when we get spotted out of stealth and than get blown the f*@%^#! up because of cc and damage, let me emphazise this is ONLY against CW (talking about the damage). It's only fair.

    Too many people are being soo ignorant of how our class works ffs devs need to get it straight. Common guys make this known, spread the word because all the devs are doing are trying to make players happy ( im not talking about the TR community ) because they have complained. But what they dont realize is that they are destroying the game's main out put of DPS in PvE and basically killing our survivablitiy in PvP. Thanks and put this into consideration
  • borgued3borgued3 Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 150 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    The lack of discussion on forums post amazes me. I mean seriously elaborate what do I need to learn ? Open discussion tell me.

    and here i brake my vow to not reply to you for the purpose of schooling a bit on what you need to learn:

    1- play a rogue, anybody can point the finger at another class when they see a good player using it and rolling over people, but you only know a class' faults when they come back to hurt you. When you see how hard a rogue is punished by the slightest mistake maybe it clears your head

    2- when we say to learn to use your class is because based on what you say, you clearly dont know what GFs are. You came to a new low saying they arent tanks, but not happy with it you want to state that above all your job is to dps the boss, and then to put a cherry on it, you say block is useless (sure, another classes need to use a encounter to be immune to damage, when you only need to press shift, not to mention you can refill it with ease and tank most of the boss damage before it breaks and needs refilling again). And when i read what you claimed your gear to be i laughed because of 3 reasons:

    2.1 - if with that gear you get spanked by a rogue, you clearly are playing wrong
    2.2 - its unrealistic, with base on what you claim to know about GF and how you run it, because any GF that thinks his role is to DPS isnt gonna get a party invitation to any dungeon that may drop the stuff you claim to have
    2.3 - with basis on number 2.2, to have that gear you probably paid to have it (or santa is real and he likes trolls) and paying for a class you know so little about is comical to say the least

    So to put a cork on it, you clearly need to learn what your class is, and how to use it the way it should be used, both on pvp and pve, but there are plenty videos and guides around teaching you how to use ANY class, i rather not spend my time here numbering how you should go on every single thing you do. Since you so passionatelly research on how the rogues are OP (but we can clearly see you researched nothing due to your lack of knowledge of the class), maybe you can apply now on researching your own class and learn how to use it, rather than have us elaborate it to you.
  • kingculexkingculex Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Why do player think a GF can block damage. Its so minimal its the worst ability. I much rather have dodge then block any day all day. Even give me unstoppable instead of block that hasn't worked great since day 1 and stops damage for 2 secs. Its a horrible mitigation skill and needs to be totally redone.

    I just have to slap myself for reading this post and replying. I have seen good GFs block just about everything including Shocking Execution. I have also seen good GFs knock down, stun, and keep good TRs stunned long enough to kill them. I am requesting GFs to be nerfed because it is a fun challenge fighting the good ones. My suggestion is to practice more, respec your GF, and get gear better gear. I suggest you get better gear because obviously it is not properly protecting you or you do not know how to properly use it.
    Every class has advantages and disadvantages. Learn the disadvantages of you class to overcome them. Learn the advantages of your class and the disadvatages of other classes to use them in pvp to win.

    There is no point to whine for nerfs because you win some and loose some. Crying just makes a player look like a crier and no one, especially the devs, should take them seriously. Have a nice day!:)
  • abombination247abombination247 Member Posts: 1,279 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    fernandosb wrote: »
    First you need to learn that you are an ignorant person who thinks has all the knowledge to fix this game, then you have to learn that everything that comes out of your mouth is <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>, and then maybe you should learn that you are just a crying baby who cries over anything and everything, then maybe you should learn how to play a rogue so you can justify all the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> that comes out of your mouth, and finally you should learn how to play your own class because based on the stuff you said you clearly have no idea what you are talking about.

    if those don't work then maybe you should just roll over and die because you are just worthless, I dream the day i will see you on a pvp match and faceroll you because based on the things you say you clearly suck at this pretty bad. And stop double posting, haven't you ever learned how to use forums? you clearly have to learn a lot of things.

    unstoppable is bound to TAB button, dodging and block are bound to shift button, they are not even comparable you fool

    I don't have a Tab skill for PvP so its compareable.
  • oregonizeoregonize Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Why do player think a GF can block damage. Its so minimal its the worst ability. I much rather have dodge then block any day all day. Even give me unstoppable instead of block that hasn't worked great since day 1 and stops damage for 2 secs. Its a horrible mitigation skill and needs to be totally redone.

    Think you just tipped your hand dude. As much as I hate to say it, this REALLY is a L2P situation for you. It just sucks to confirm this since you are SO vocal on these Rogue boards...
  • theshadowlivestheshadowlives Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I play this game a lot and i love it, i made a TR from the start to enjoy a class i have been playing since early PC games. Nerfing lurker's will ruin PvE for us. We will be replaced by GWF in most dungeons. While i do not support the perma stealh rogue build, what about the broken GWF build in PvP? Why are tenebrous still Offense slot item?

    Nerfing us because of PvP players crying is crazy.

    You will lose a lot of player's if this goes live..I ask you to think about this before hand.

    This is from a point of view as a solo casual player. Responsibilities in real life dictate that I play solo casual. Guilds is not an option because of responsibilities. Not fair to them or myself to be in a guild. I do not claim to be an elite player, those days are long done.

    Checked out the pending changes in the Preview. PVP seems to have carried the day. Rogue PVE doesn't matter, casual solo player doesn't matter, I am not interested in the other classes. I can no longer get decent gear, as it is all BOP. The new crafting is a joke, so gear that way is out. Stealth and damage tested is a let down. Checked Foundry, but nothing is apparently of value there either. Foundry was my last hope that this game could be okay for a solo player.

    These upcoming changes will infringe on my continued enjoyment of Neverwinter. PWE can check my account, I substantially funded this game and enjoyed it while it lasted. But if PWE is no longer interested my money, I will take it elsewhere. Lesson learned, I will no longer have anything to do with PWE games any further.
  • kentuckyfriedfookentuckyfriedfoo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    rogues should be nerfed, this is coming from a rogue...
  • webbotwebbot Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    rogues should be nerfed, this is coming from a rogue...

    Rogues should not be nerfed, this is coming from a rogue...

    The only thing that needs to be nerfed is high gearscore vs low gearscore, everything else is perfectly normal... perfectly healthy...
  • x3ladex3lade Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 184 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    Hey I think a better solution to balancing the perma stealth build is not to make it refill less of our stealth meter but to increase its cool down by about 5 seconds.. You know why? Perma stealth build requires you to have a drastic amount of recovery you even need to be speced into intelligence (gimping our damage because of lack of strength) if not you will not get the 30% cooldown reduction. So if you increase the cooldown time of bait and switch to 30(+) seconds ,unless you want to just forget about doing any damage at all and become a troll, we cannot hit that amount of cooldown reduction. There is a soft cap!

    24.5% Recharge Speed if using Battlefield Skulker's Set. Anyways, yeah.. if Cryptic wanted to stop Perma-Stealthing, the simplest thing they could have done is increase the cool down of Bait and Switch for a couple of seconds, that is all.

    However, I don't think the nerf suppose to be directed towards Perma-Stealth Rogues.
    • Cloud of Steel: This power now has 8 maximum charges, down from 12.
      As long as your geared, 12 CoS would probably drop a squishy player to near death. This was definitely meant for as a PvP nerf, since in PvE you'll probably only using CoS to DPS at a distance and would want to get back in range for Melee for your main form of DPS.
    • Duelist's Flurry: When the bleed portion of this power is at 10 stacks, further applications now recalculate damage in addition to refreshing the duration.
      For PvE.
    • Feat: Speed Swindle: This feat is now properly considered a Control effect for calculations and procs.
      Feat Fix.
    • Lurker's Assault: This power now grants 5 / 10 / 15% bonus Crit Severity, instead of 20 / 40 / 60% bonus damage.
      Daily nerf for both PvE and PvP Rogues. PvE Rogues gets hit the hardest.
    • Stealth: At-will powers used from stealth will now partially deplete the Stealth Meter.
      Definitely was meant as a PvP nerf. More specifically, was because of Stealth + CoS combination. However, it states all the At-Wills will deplete stealth, I find it pointless if Melee At-Wills will deplete stealth considering that if your up that close to an enemy player, they can see you. For PvE Rogues that use Melee while in stealth, of course this change would hurt them even harder.

    So over all, I don't think the nerf was specifically directed towards Perma-Stealth Rogues. If it was, they hurt PvE Rogues far more.
  • cbrowne0329cbrowne0329 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Why do player think a GF can block damage. Its so minimal its the worst ability. I much rather have dodge then block any day all day. Even give me unstoppable instead of block that hasn't worked great since day 1 and stops damage for 2 secs. Its a horrible mitigation skill and needs to be totally redone.

    As someone that plays every melee class, including a conqueror GF with a 11.4GS still in PVP T1 Gear... I call bull****! Block works beautifully unless you get ganged up on. Which almost every class EXCEPT a highend GWF has problems with (because run/unstoppable/run is a beautiful thing).
  • devlinnedevlinne Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The nerf is being re-worked.


    On with your regularly scheduled gaming.
    PITY,REGRET, AND MERCY are just EXCUSES for the strong not to kill the weak!
  • cbrowne0329cbrowne0329 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    What's funny about the nerf I was owning people in PVP with my scoundrel based rogue. Now I don't fight in Stealth, I fight up close and personal. My crits absolutely suck. My base damage however is through the roof.

    Why because I put 5 into the feat... and 5 into the other feat. Not going to say which 2... I don't even use Deulist flurry. I use Sly Flourish which benefits from my feat.

    Fleshgod you whiny fugg... if you are out there... this is what I run... Sly Flourish, Cloud of Steel, Impossible, Lashing blade, Deft Strike, Whirlwind of Blades, Courage breaker - Scoundrel Path with 3 feats maxed to 5, speed swindel at 1... Complain about my Cloud of Steel... notice I only use it when you run!? Another player said I get 34K crits... but in the ENTIRE match my highest crit was 16K... yet I got headhunter.

    So what did he say... "Enjoy your Nerf" Funny my build is not going to be affected by the nerf.... players who suck always want to blame OP... now mind you I have been OWNED by some good players... so that leads me to believe that you suck even more.

    I have no enchants like Tene, or Armor enchants slotted right now... people without skill will always complain. They are the same cowards that quit as soon as they see someone from Lemon Stand on the other team etc. Play... take your beating like a wo/man and learn from it... stop whining and play or go back to WOW.

    So says Vzyncar (TR-PVP-Scoundrel), Theolyneous(TR-PVE-Executioner), Ferrum Laterre(GF-Conqueror), Candoryl Lyvanthar(DC) of Dragon server.

    Soon my GWF will be 60 and I will introduce him to your face as well. I gave up on my CW admittedly because I didn't like him as much... but getting him to level 30 in two days... yeah whiners will whine... losers will quit/ winners will take their lumps with their victories.

    *taunting you from work*
  • cbrowne0329cbrowne0329 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    devlinne wrote: »
    The nerf is being re-worked.


    On with your regularly scheduled gaming.

    Link broken.
  • getoneshotgetoneshot Member Posts: 86
    edited August 2013
    These are the updated changes to Rogues:

    Trickster Rogue
    • Lurker's Assault: This power now grants 15 / 20 / 25% bonus damage, instead of 20 / 40 / 60% bonus damage.
    • Cloud of Steel: This power now has 8 maximum charges, down from 12.
    • Duelist's Flurry: When the bleed portion of this power is at 10 stacks, further applications now recalculate damage in addition to refreshing the duration.
    • Feat: Speed Swindle: This feat is now properly considered a Control effect for calculations and procs.
  • abombination247abombination247 Member Posts: 1,279 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    devlinne wrote: »
    The nerf is being re-worked.


    On with your regularly scheduled gaming.

    They need to add more fixing including a Impact shot fix that thing is to strong. Maybe 1 charge every 15 seconds
  • esteenaesteena Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1
    edited August 2013
    They need to add more fixing including a Impact shot fix that thing is to strong. Maybe 1 charge every 15 seconds

    Then they should make you have 2 knocks instead of 3. Because impact shot is kind of a defensive way to prevent a GF from chaining his bing pong combo at me.
  • knarsistknarsist Member Posts: 86
    edited August 2013
    Link broken.

    Here's the correct link, it's in the preview shard feedback forum:


    So, they are backing off on at-wills draining stealth and making the Lurker's nerf less severe. This is GOOD, it makes the nerfs a hell of a lot more reasonable, and now it doesn't look like we're facing the destruction of the class.

    So cheer up guys, it looks like we'll still be able to do good damage and actually survive in PvE. It's still a big DPS nerf, but nowhere near as bad now.
  • deaththroedeaththroe Member Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    They need to add more fixing including a Impact shot fix that thing is to strong. Maybe 1 charge every 15 seconds

    10PM CST

  • knightfalzknightfalz Member Posts: 1,261 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    My stealth is still draining way faster on test than on live, so they might intend to remove it but it doesn't seem as though they have it right.
This discussion has been closed.