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  • sneakyervinsneakyervin Member Posts: 101
    edited July 2013
    A thing that also completely just swoosh by the minds of the whiners demanding nerfs is this...

    It's 5vs5 PvP, why on earth do you try and rambo classes you have a hard time with? Sure, CWs (bad CWs) have issues with TRs, but then again as I said GFs and GWFs have an increadibly easy time with TRs. This means 2 classes are already able to counter TRs, plus a CW vs an equally skilled TR will also win 50/50 out of the times they fight. Thats in 1vs1 situations, when group play (which is the main point of team PvP) comes into the picture, the TR is exposed and will most likely be the #1 target.

    TRs dont have the encounter option other classes have, all others can effectivly field CC skill that doesnt strip their damage, the TR doesnt have that. It's either a CC, a defensive CD or an offensive CD. CWs, DCs, GWFs and GFs get mixed skills that are a combo of either a heal+abs, damage+heal, CC+damage and so on.

    I mean, just the GF, he can knock you back, make you prone and hit like a truck doing so, plus it only has around a 10s CD, pretty much the same deal for GWF and CW, they control and deal massive damage.

    Nerfing is the WRONG method, we still have 2 very strong classes that can 1vs1 anyone, why nerf the TR instead of bringing the CW and DC up to also match the GF and GWF, increase dps and survivability for CW and DC to stand a better chance against the TR, the only 2 classes the TR can destroy. It doesnt seem logical to me to nerf the TR and leave the GF and GWF so strong, especially when the TR is in the middle of the food chain with CWs.

    You have DC at the bottom, then the CW and TR, then ontop are the GWF and GF. And we dont know where the CW will end up with the bug fixes to feats.
  • dravkwndravkwn Member Posts: 88
    edited July 2013
    I've played a rogue, I don't play one atm or have one atm as I just didn't like its playstyle and I find the current nerf downright offensive to the class. TR were made for killing CW DC and other TR while they were vulnerable to GF and GWF(at least not when perma stealth and being good at it/avoiding getting caught).

    They are making things far worse IMO, they really need to hit up a rock paper scissors balance so every class is weak to one or two other classes. ATM a good CW can take out other CW DC and unstealthed TR fairly quickly, and with effort and proper tactics can keep GWF and GF at bay with slows and knockbacks ect. GF with the right combo of skills CAN be(mines defensive so no prone death cycles for me) quite dangerous to everybody accept maybe other GF and GWF. DC I don't know what to say about them really one on one they don't really excel against anyone but one in a team that works together can totally change the flow of battle.
  • vrtesseractvrtesseract Member Posts: 631 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    My hope is now that TR is nerfed maybe they will consider maybe buffing aspects of the TR that were not over powered or used wrongly, powers that gave your other team makes flanking bonuses. or benefits when not the primary target. these feats and powers will probably not be used in pvp so should be safe to bring up to compensate for the lurkers nerf. also with the squishy ranged dps coming out making rogues a bit less squisherific and or giving them them a more team support build may distinguish them a bit.

    and for CW ad GFs that are snickering at rogues right now, don't snicker to hard you guys just moved into the OP spots so you might want to start pushing for the devs to buff the weaker classes rather than nerf the strong ones.
  • rapticorrapticor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,078 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    The thing is GFs aren't OP. I respecced to a Conqueror build just to see what all the hype was about and I'm not 1, 2 or 3 (or even 4) shotting anyone. Which ended up being truly disappointing.

    The thing that's overpowered is the Tenebrous enchantments. They really need to fix that before trying to balance any class abilities.
  • sturmwaffel2sturmwaffel2 Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 219 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    My hope is now that TR is nerfed maybe they will consider maybe buffing aspects of the TR that were not over powered or used wrongly, powers that gave your other team makes flanking bonuses. or benefits when not the primary target. these feats and powers will probably not be used in pvp so should be safe to bring up to compensate for the lurkers nerf. also with the squishy ranged dps coming out making rogues a bit less squisherific and or giving them them a more team support build may distinguish them a bit.

    and for CW ad GFs that are snickering at rogues right now, don't snicker to hard you guys just moved into the OP spots so you might want to start pushing for the devs to buff the weaker classes rather than nerf the strong ones.

    Yep. This.
  • millertime197933millertime197933 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 124 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    Endless cycle. GWF were OP so they got nerfed. Then they were worthless. CW was underpowered cuz their CCs lasted a millisecond, then they got good CC and now they are OP. Then rogue executioner builds were OP so they got nerfed, then their stealth build is OP, so now its nerfed. GWF got a buff at one point and now they are OP too. So basically everyone is OP until they are not, then they are broke, and get fixed, and are OP again. WTF? I have played every class at level 60 in PVP and have had success with every class, and I have also been owned by others with every class. I hate to say learn to play, but there it is. Each class has a role, each class has strengths and weaknesses. Play towards those and you'll be fine. Oh, and gear matters. A 12k GS DC is gonna own an 7k TR unless the DC just stands there and does nothing. It isnt like you are inspecting the other dude that is owning you so maybe its not the class or build that is killing you, its the fact that they have armor pen enchants, high dmg weapons, perfect weapon enchants or sold out and loaded up on tenebrous enchants. I bet a DC, which is not a dps class, can dish out some dps if they have x7 greater tenebrous enchants and a perfect lightning enchant. If that becomes a popular build will we hear "nerf DC DPS omg!". That is kind of like calling unnecessary roughness on a quarterback.
  • cbrowne0329cbrowne0329 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    One shotting people from stealth had nothing to do with build and everything to do with tenebrous enchants. If you deny it... build a perma-stealth rogue yourself and test. Same as getting stunned and doubled slashed by Tene-GWF.
  • cbrowne0329cbrowne0329 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    rapticor wrote: »
    The thing is GFs aren't OP. I respecced to a Conqueror build just to see what all the hype was about and I'm not 1, 2 or 3 (or even 4) shotting anyone. Which ended up being truly disappointing.

    The thing that's overpowered is the Tenebrous enchantments. They really need to fix that before trying to balance any class abilities.

    Church and Tabernacle
  • realborealbo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Before ya'll complain about the change in Lurker's Assault, how about wait till you test it before you complain? You guys make it seem like they are taking the power away and replacing it with nothing. Crit severity is an extremely underrated stat. Why do you guys think Vorpal enchantments cost so much?

    On another note, I'm disappointed that the GWF unstoppable bug is still not addressed. This bug is game-breaking for the class, to say the least.
  • millertime197933millertime197933 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 124 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    Crit severity is good yes, but how long does LA last? 10 seconds? and stun disrupts it. So adding 15% dmg to my crits when they crit maybe 25-50% of the time depending on where I'm at in gear for a few seconds for a daily makes it a waste of a slot.
  • cinj216cinj216 Banned Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    xaazx wrote: »
    Once again you show how completely moronic you are. Complete waste of space.

    It's embarrassing that people like him "represent" us as Community Moderators. I'd like to know how our moderator team was chosen because it sure wasn't by factors like intelligence, reading comprehension, or impartiality. But then again, you don't need any of those things when you're a buttkisser and a corporate mouthpiece.

    When you consider his misinformed opinions on this game and the fact that he is one of the people responsible for relaying information to the developers, it's no wonder why we end up with completely idiotic patches to the game like this.
  • kentuckyfriedfookentuckyfriedfoo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    The Drake Seal and PvP Gear changes will be fine if we get to see the salvager return. Both of those chages are overall good to prevent bots and generally to increase the demand on various gear in the auction house.

    As for the rogue changes I am dancing for joy because those changes were desperately needed in PvP and I do mean desperately. Overall I don't think you'll notice huge issues in PvE based on what I read. The bulk of the changes will hurt perma-stealth builds but that build alone was pretty much a PvP only build and really wasn't that effective in PvE.
    I am not saying it won't effect PvE but I'm hesitant to think it will do any massive changes to mechanics.

    Enchantments aren't being duped. That's a completely different matter which has to be addressed but it's not merely a bug fix.
    As for all of these other broken pieces of content, are you reporting them? I personally think this fixed many of the major issues which are truly bugs.

    How does this have little effect on PVE rogues? 60% damage lost on daily into a useless daily, benefits from being in stealth while using at wills in PVE will be nearly stripped (making buffs to damage in stealth feats useless in PVE). How ignorant can you be...
  • pelomixapelomixa Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    The Drake Seal and PvP Gear changes will be fine if we get to see the salvager return. Both of those chages are overall good to prevent bots and generally to increase the demand on various gear in the auction house.

    As for the rogue changes I am dancing for joy because those changes were desperately needed in PvP and I do mean desperately. Overall I don't think you'll notice huge issues in PvE based on what I read. The bulk of the changes will hurt perma-stealth builds but that build alone was pretty much a PvP only build and really wasn't that effective in PvE.
    I am not saying it won't effect PvE but I'm hesitant to think it will do any massive changes to mechanics.

    Enchantments aren't being duped. That's a completely different matter which has to be addressed but it's not merely a bug fix.
    As for all of these other broken pieces of content, are you reporting them? I personally think this fixed many of the major issues which are truly bugs.

    You must be a CW.
  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited July 2013
    parp12 wrote: »
    it's okay, you've already confirmed that there is no dupe. My mistake...

    I would, however, suggest you update the post telling people how to report exploits if the method described isn't of any merit.
    There's a really big sticky on the top of this forum, I suggest reading it through as it will answer such inquiries.
    [h=3]Sticky: Reporting Exploits, The Right Way! / Moderator Notices (Read Before Posting!)[/h]
  • kabothoriginalkabothoriginal Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 465 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    How does this have little effect on PVE rogues? 60% damage lost on daily into a useless daily, benefits from being in stealth while using at wills in PVE will be nearly stripped (making buffs to damage in stealth feats useless in PVE). How ignorant can you be...

    Considering the TR's also took major nerfs previously to SE, DF, DM, etc and now add ALL 4 of these major nerfs on top of that?

    The two highest dailies are <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> now with this next patch coming in. I was already on the edge of quitting this game and not giving them any more money but was still considering buying the expansion packs. Not anymore, I will be quitting, I am tired of spending hours on end learning my class, then have to relearn my class and/or making a new character and investing time in to them anymore. PW/Cryptic can kiss my ***.
  • lostmarblesherelostmarbleshere Banned Users Posts: 654 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    This TR nerf just proves once and for all they dont know what the hell they are doing. They nerfed the TR for PVP who gives a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> about PVP in this game it utterly sucks because of the botz anyway. THey could of changed the TR for PVP only the nerfs only worked in PVP and left it alone for PVE.

    Not one exploit taken care of in this patch also. No captcha to combat botz in general. No hacks fixed so i guess free zen/ad/gold hacks still work. plus some new one that will be released soon no news on what it does yet. There are still enchants stacking bugs. There are so many things wrong with this game. And this new stuff right from get go major flaws i mean come on stuff like that should of been taken care of in internal testing. It just proves the devs dont test anything at all even before putting it on the test servers. Which the test servers have minimal people on it and they are supposed to test everything.

    LOL what a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> joke this game is

    And my predictions are coming true even faster then i thought. People are just reading the patch notes and leaving the game. LOL great job cryptic Keep up the substandard work
  • azlanfoxazlanfox Member Posts: 436 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I do not actually play my TR anymore because of the old nerfs. It is sad to see yet another one in the pipeline.
    The fox said, "lock and load"

    glassdoor.com - Cryptic Studios Review
  • spittlezspittlez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    These nerfs need to stop. I play a cleric and I feel bad for all of the rogues if this goes live. If the goal is to balance PVP then make changes that apply to players while in the PVP arena. The TR nerfs in this patch will not balance PVP they will simply strip rogues of their purpose in PVE. This is no slippery slope at this point, it's an avalanche picking up speed.
  • arcyziomal1arcyziomal1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I dont know who's behind that ridiculus decisions... but the most idiotic thing is they dont even know Tr feats ....

    P.s. Little tip devs what about feats that boost ur dmg when u stealthed? Hmm usseles?
    Then maybe delete them, coz I want that points to put somwhere else coz my main dmg at-will (flury) will reveal me in no time... Its an extra few points to put somwhere else u know....

    /sarcasmoff 0

    After changes new pt for CN will be DC, 3 cw's with vorpals and 1 with Gpf.
    GG Cryptic u will make one more class not viable in pve, so it will be 3 in total:
    -Tr - assasin with lower single target dps than Gf dps oriented
    -Gf- tank that cannot tank, but if he lucky enought he can catch some agro and kite 30 min on last boss
    -Gwf- .... I dont even know why he is in that game, coz any class doing something better that Gwf so he can be replaced by any class

    If that changes will keep going prepare ppl for DC that dont heal and CW that dont control, idk maybe astral or singu once per minute with 5 sec duration ...?
  • rabbinicusrabbinicus Member Posts: 1,822 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    As for the rogue changes I am dancing for joy because those changes were desperately needed in PvP and I do mean desperately. Overall I don't think you'll notice huge issues in PvE based on what I read. The bulk of the changes will hurt perma-stealth builds but that build alone was pretty much a PvP only build and really wasn't that effective in PvE.
    I am not saying it won't effect PvE but I'm hesitant to think it will do any massive changes to mechanics.

    While I'm not crying in sadness or fury, the changes are far too radical and hurt rogues unnecessarily. Rogues have already had sneak attack changed from a damage bonus to a speed bonus and the damage for what had been a useful daily massively cut. Cutting down the number of throwing daggers is reasonable (I would have gone with 10 over 8, but that is reasonably minor), but the rest radically alter how rogues can and will be played in PvE. Simply put, rogues are squishy. You've partied with my TR and know he's very solid in dealing damage and staying out of the way. He stays out of the way because he can't take many hits without either being a puddle of red goo or a massive drain on the healer - and that is with very high crit chance, solid defense and life steal.

    The hit to lurker's assault and the increased stealth drain mean that my Rogue is going to be far less effective and most likely a lot less fun to play. Even with every other hit being a critical hit, this change means that TR's will be much less useful in parties. While I enjoy playing my GF, I don't want to feel that he is my only alternative because my TR spends too much time down and not enough time taking down the monsters.

    I get the fact that a lot of people don't know how to play against rogues in PvP. Well, actually I don't get it since there are plenty of folks who share lots of tactics for dealing with any rogue, including permastealth builds, but I do see a lot of posts (admittedly, some are the same people again and again) complaining about it. The solution isn't to keep taking things away from TR's and penalizing players.

    Of course, there is certainly the economic incentive to do so since some of those players who don't quit will then spend money building up alts who haven't been nerfed yet. But that doesn't positively contribute to either the game or the community.
    The right to command is earned through duty, the privilege of rank is service.

  • zokirzokir Member Posts: 369 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Great to see something you've spent money on turned to <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>, isn't it?
    Hyenas@zokir - Essence of Aggression
  • evilderprimus88evilderprimus88 Member Posts: 148 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    spittlez wrote: »
    These nerfs need to stop. I play a cleric and I feel bad for all of the rogues if this goes live.

    So you feel bad that these poor little tricksters instead of using cookie-cutter "permastealth" builds will actually have to play the game to figure out the other ways to utilize their skills in efficient or, god forbid, fun manner? I mean, they may finally follow the advice with which their "spokespersons" on this very forum were trying to silence all opposition - yes, I mean infamous "learn 2 play (noobz)" (this is a quote).

    Nice patch, go go Cryptic, now let us create PvPvE maps, pretty please?
  • kabothoriginalkabothoriginal Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 465 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    So you feel bad that these poor little tricksters instead of using cookie-cutter "permastealth" builds will actually have to play the game to figure out the other ways to utilize their skills in efficient or, god forbid, fun manner? I mean, they may finally follow the advice with which their "spokespersons" on this very forum were trying to silence all opposition - yes, I mean infamous "learn 2 play (noobz)" (this is a quote).

    Nice patch, go go Cryptic, now let us create PvPvE maps, pretty please?

    Pssst... most rogues were NOT perma-stealth builds and these nerfs hurt those rogues the most.

    Well it doesn't matter... people qq'ing incessantly about rogues and stealth got their wish about the class being gutted. WTG loud minority and your drama queen antics.... As I said, the day this patch goes in with the nerfs will be my last day and the last of my money going to them and losing a cutomer and potential future customer that actually gives them money. I am a loyalist when it comes to games when I like them and stick with them until a major disappointment. I am still a Halo fanatic and Fallout, and when they release a new game I will buy them without hesitation.

    I am for one this game has gone live and the 2 characters I played have received 3 major nerfs between them, and I refuse to retire another character just to start a new one to give them more money over. They cant even fix the exploits that are in game.

    So while are very happy, good for them! This is the last PW game I will ever play or give money too, I guess I must congratulate them for stealing and wasting the money I gave them already. Enjoy it while you can PW cus that's the last red cent I give you.... Ever.
  • stormdrag0nstormdrag0n Member Posts: 3,222 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    The Drake Seal and PvP Gear changes will be fine if we get to see the salvager return. Both of those chages are overall good to prevent bots and generally to increase the demand on various gear in the auction house.

    As for the rogue changes I am dancing for joy because those changes were desperately needed in PvP and I do mean desperately. Overall I don't think you'll notice huge issues in PvE based on what I read. The bulk of the changes will hurt perma-stealth builds but that build alone was pretty much a PvP only build and really wasn't that effective in PvE.
    I am not saying it won't effect PvE but I'm hesitant to think it will do any massive changes to mechanics.

    Enchantments aren't being duped. That's a completely different matter which has to be addressed but it's not merely a bug fix.
    As for all of these other broken pieces of content, are you reporting them? I personally think this fixed many of the major issues which are truly bugs.

    The thing is once you go down the slippery slope of nerfing for PVP balance at the expense of PVE you are going to lose your core base....I am not as concerned about these specific changes, I am more concerned about the devs from PAX east going back on their word that this wasn't going to happen because NW was primarily a PVE game.

    Cryptic needs to look back to Champions Online and their infamous "War on fun" they are repeating their old mistakes, which is not good.
    Always Looking for mature laidback players/rpers for Dungeon Delves!
  • evilderprimus88evilderprimus88 Member Posts: 148 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    WTG loud minority and your drama queen antics....
    As I said, the day this patch goes in with the nerfs will be my last day and the last of my money going to them and losing a cutomer and potential future customer that actually gives them money. I am a loyalist when it comes to games when I like them and stick with them until a major disappointment. I am still a Halo fanatic and Fallout, and when they release a new game I will buy them without hesitation.

    I apologize, I'm not a native English speaker. Are you being ironic? This is self-irony, correct?
  • b100d31fb100d31f Member Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Sorry guys but I have to add my thoughts on the matter.

    Why does everyone think the changes are being made because of pvp? They do not mention changes to stuff due to pvp or pve. How do we know they didn't intend these changes because of things going on in pve?
  • huckasevenhuckaseven Banned Users Posts: 470 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    cause on pve they could just change the mobs and the pvp part would stay untouched
  • b100d31fb100d31f Member Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Really... change the mobs, to several dungeons, and to several type of monsters. When they could make changes to a single class?

    How is that not wasting time, and development efforts? I'm not saying that changes were warranted, as I do not have the proper information, nor experience in the matter of development or proper playtime of the TR class. But what I do have is common sense.

    To me the changes seem to be more targeted toward the pve crowd. A) The majority of people seem to play PVE, and leave pvp alone. B) In pve i was seeing less and less groups taking tanks and more and more TR's playing the hold off the boss role. Isn't this why changes were made to DC's?

    To the pvp crowd i will add, balance will always seem unbalanced until you fight against another party with similar equipment/skill/team coordination. It's about the team in either type of play pvp or pve. I feel these changes were targeted toward that dynamic and not which class is OP or not.
  • huckasevenhuckaseven Banned Users Posts: 470 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    so you nerf your human players instead of just changing a fictive number from 2000 to 1500 (or whatever, numbers are an example) and think thats better?
  • kaiserschmarrnkaiserschmarrn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 390
    edited July 2013
    Just coming back from the Preview Shard: the new Lurker's Assault also had it's duration reduced from 10 seconds to something like 5. It lasts long enough for one Flurry. It's not mentioned in the patch notes, well now you know it.
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