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Why Neverwinter is failing.

hmmrsmshfacehmmrsmshface Member Posts: 19 Arc User
edited August 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
Why is Neverwinter failing?

1. No end game content.

2. PvP is terrible and boring.

3. Lateral progression is also terrible and boring (We want gear progression!).

I have played all the Neverwinter games and really wanted this game to succeed, and still do. Give the people what they want so you do not have another dead MMO on your hands. tyvm...
Post edited by hmmrsmshface on


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    johnygwapojohnygwapo Member Posts: 442 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    so true ... a penny waste game :p not going to be fooled by mounts again
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    riqitariqita Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 297 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    1. No end game content... that you like to play.

    2. PvP is usually terrible. Thankfully, in this game we have Gauntlgrym.

    3. End game gear progression is inherently terrible and boring we definitely don't want more of that. More lateral progression, like Fury of the Feywild. Please!

    You're on the right track.
    Just keep going.
    If you build it, they will play.
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    gingervitosgingervitos Member Posts: 275 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    Why is Neverwinter failing?

    1. No end game content.

    2. PvP is terrible and boring.

    3. Lateral progression is also terrible and boring (We want gear progression!).

    I have played all the Neverwinter games and really wanted this game to succeed, and still do. Give the people what they want so you do not have another dead MMO on your hands. tyvm...

    Failing my <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. Played an epic session today game was packed had some good raids played some fun PvP matches. I think your getting your games mixed up Neverwinter Nights 2 was the fail one :P

    Git Gud M8!
    Cause I'm worth it. Playing since 2009.
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    ladymythosladymythos Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 637 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    1. Sorry, but you are a locust. I don't mean the insect, but gaming locust. What it means is like a swarm of locus, there are always people who charge through the game as fast as they possibly can, devouring it without really enjoying it. Then when they get through all the content and reach 'endgame', they complain that there aren't anything to do there. It happens in every single MMO ever made, including World of Warcraft. And guess what? It will never end, either. People never learn.

    2. Again, the game has just been released. Give it some slack, will you? Or are you one of those people who get a kick out of complaining, and don't really care about the game you're complaining about? But hey, if people didn't enjoy complaining, we wouldn't have Facebook.

    3. Again... The game has just been released. Module 1 will be out in a month, and they'll keep making new content on a regular basis. Be patient, please. Why not enjoy the Foundry, for instance? Or start a new character and take your time leveling up? If you say "but leveling up is boring", I think we've found the real issue here. ;)

    Remember kids: Bragging about having reached max level doesn't make you 'cool'. It doesn't make people look up to you in respect.
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    gingervitosgingervitos Member Posts: 275 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    ladymythos wrote: »
    1. Sorry, but you are a locust. I don't mean the insect, but gaming locust. What it means is like a swarm of locus, there are always people who charge through the game as fast as they possibly can, devouring it without really enjoying it. Then when they get through all the content and reach 'endgame', they complain that there aren't anything to do there. It happens in every single MMO ever made, including World of Warcraft. And guess what? It will never end, either. People never learn.

    2. Again, the game has just been released. Give it some slack, will you? Or are you one of those people who get a kick out of complaining, and don't really care about the game you're complaining about? But hey, if people didn't enjoy complaining, we wouldn't have Facebook.

    3. Again... The game has just been released. Module 1 will be out in a month, and they'll keep making new content on a regular basis. Be patient, please. Why not enjoy the Foundry, for instance? Or start a new character and take your time leveling up? If you say "but leveling up is boring", I think we've found the real issue here. ;)

    Remember kids: Bragging about having reached max level doesn't make you 'cool'. It doesn't make people look up to you in respect.

    Well said good sir , well said.

    Git Gud M8!
    Cause I'm worth it. Playing since 2009.
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    ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited July 2013
    What would make things better for you? :)
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    xermellxermell Member Posts: 56
    edited July 2013
    Okay, honestly I was bored with the game, tried Rift, Lineage 2, Aion, but they don't offer anything good more than NW so I'm still here.

    Now, what i want is..

    1. Since with have 2 faction now, can we not make a Map/Area with Hostility?

    2. Make more PvP game mechanics.

    3. Make Skirmishes more rewarding, I tried queuing for like 3 hours in Aberant Assault but not even a single game with that instance. I think not even 5% of the population plays it anymore.
    There's three ways to do things, the right way, the wrong way and the way that I do it.
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    ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited July 2013
    I can't comment on the last two but Player Generated PvP Maps is definitely something on the table which the Dev's are looking into.

    No word on when such a feature will be worked on/completed but it's certainly something which they are considering to implement.
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    kaiserschmarrnkaiserschmarrn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 390
    edited July 2013
    Neverwinter won't fail since the core of the game - the combat - is so good.

    What the game needs is more classes, more endgame content (let's hope the campaign system will be good), better itemization and crafting, buffed companions, more paragon paths, meaningful rewards for foundry quests and boss battles which have more interesting mechanics than "throw 10000 adds at the players".

    But in the mmo genre Neverwinter has the best combat of all games and is a true next-gen game in that regard. Now they only need to fix the rest and this will be great to play for years.

    Edit: And the most important thing: separate the pve/pvp effects of all skills, otherwise this will always be a balancing nightmare.
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    amordreadamordread Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    xermell wrote: »

    1. Since with have 2 faction now, can we not make a Map/Area with Hostility?

    2. Make more PvP game mechanics.

    Also faction or guild wars would be great. I'd play this game forever if that happens. I don't understand why they don't do it. It's not going to hurt the game , it'll just add a flavor. There are lot's of npc factions in the story but none for players. We are just some good guys trying to save the Neverwinter...
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    ergophobianergophobian Member Posts: 33
    edited July 2013
    ladymythos wrote: »
    2. Again, the game has just been released.

    This is actually the root cause of the problem.
    The game "released" 4 months ago with open beta. Open beta allowed people to exploit and blow through content. Then when the game actually released, many people were done with it.

    Not wiping servers at launch was a huge mistake.
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    abramerlinabramerlin Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I like to Complete things, the OC in me I guess, plus I am a Soloist from way back, so after reaching lvl cap I turned to the in-game Achievements that were in the listings and Realised that I can no-longer access some of these as they entail Skirmishes which are now closed to my level (I played the quest-line and after queueing too long for the first gave it up for a Joke thinking I would get back to it).
    So with that in Mind

    Address Known Bugs:
    • a given but must be Mentioned

    • Give Solo/Group switch as well as a Degree of difficulty (Normal/Epic) so an instance can be easily tuned to the comfort level of the Party.
    • Make Boss Drop or Final Chest Increase By a number of factors including
      [-] Number of Encounters Provided against Number completed by Party
      [-] Strength of those mobs
      [-] Average time needed to complete against Time taken.
      [-] Number of Maps used
    • Make Profession Nodes available can be limited to stop abuse by factors including
      [-] same factors as Boss Drop (above)
      [-] Proximity to other Nodes/Entrance
      [-] Tie content availability to an Encounter group (ie no kill, trash loot only)
    • A more Adaptable Encounter interface. By making a Pick list of attributes for a particular mob such as options opened as they are encountered in-game as well as the current Preset lists of Creatures:-
      [-] Number of Individuals in Encounter Group
      [-] "Fights as": Mage/Priest/Rogue/Fighter/..../Animal
      [-] Damage Type: <modified by appropriate choices of "Fights as">
      [-] Difficulty:Easy/Normal/Hard
      [-] Boss:Yes/No (Unique Tag)
    • Spotlighted Foundry given the chance to drop an epic.
    • PvP Maps through foundry.
    • reward system for Authors, to encourage Foundry Creation
    • Random Number Generator native to Foundry to give Authors a little more creative expression (see foundry threads)

    Existing Skirmishes/Storyline Dungeons:
    • Apply the Foundry level scaling model and open them up for further use. As well as accessibility for the Achievement Hounds who missed some because of bugs/not noticing.
    • Allow Solo/Group and Normal/Epic switches.

    Existing Dungeons:
    • Solo option with scaling to level so it can be challenging but possible. Boss drops could be altered to suit.

    OK that's my "Start" for suggestions, I'm sure there are heaps more that other people would recommend
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    hmmrsmshfacehmmrsmshface Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    riqita wrote: »
    1. No end game content... that you like to play.

    2. PvP is usually terrible. Thankfully, in this game we have Gauntlgrym.

    3. End game gear progression is inherently terrible and boring we definitely don't want more of that. More lateral progression, like Fury of the Feywild. Please!

    You're on the right track.
    Just keep going.
    If you build it, they will play.

    1. Castle Neverwinter = only endgame. I like to play it at first, but after farming it for a couple of weeks it got boring.

    2. Gauntlgrym?! Serious? GG is <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> and swarming with bots.

    3. End game gear progression is not inherently terrible. I'm now playing Rift and endgame progression is awesome.

    Ever look at the reviews for this game? The highest rating I've seen is a 6.5/10, and this low rating is consistent with all the gaming websites. So they are not on the right track.
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    modimormodimor Member Posts: 198 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    Imo, the only thing this game does well is the combat mechanic.

    The overall content are boring and repetative.
    I hope they don't go for a gear progression endgame content tho, it's so overused in every other MMO, create massive gaps in PVP, makes the casual players obsolete. And since this game don't have a monthly fee, i don't see the point as a buisness model either considering gear progression is just a time investment. I think comsetic stuff is rewarding enough to keep people around. Those that wanna look cool, play more, those who just wanna play, can play any content they want to. Gear grinding (or in this game's case: buying Zen) have been in the limelight for way to long in MMO's. I know it's a big thing in tabletop RPG's etz. And people in general likes trinkets. But i don't understand why it have to be the focus in almoast every **** MMORPG.

    I hope the new class and more paragon paths will bring some dynamics to the game. And i hope they rethink their dungeons and it's drops.
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    alantiaalantia Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Gear progression rewards those with more time, usually but not always those with more time may not have the life obligations that those of us with full time jobs and families do. I say no to gear progression, it just causes a gap. It would ruin the zen shop, basically and I'm sure the people that run this game know that. Gear progression has been over done in every other game, it's an outdated mode of play. Progression needs to be fun, you don't always need a carrot.
    It is what it is:cool:
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    baddumtssbaddumtss Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Why Neverwinter is failing?

    - Most exploited game I have ever seen in my life, both in PVP and PVE
    - Bugs, bugs, bugs... Are they getting fixed? Yes the lowest priority bugs get fixed, the major bugs are fixed after weeks/months or never fixed at all. Look at the companion unbind bug LOL
    - End game content are dungeons? They get boring very fast. I don't know anyone that actually enjoy's running dungeons over and over again.
    - Not worth doing PVE outside of dungeon delves.
    - NW is a cash-grab game, now that pwe/cryptic have grabbed a lot of cash they don't bother with customer service or bug fixes anymore. They will let this game slowly die like the rest of their games and will publish a new cash-grab game.
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    diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 2,894 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I'd love to be able to design pvp maps with the foundry. :)

    The game isn't as bas as op is saying, we just need more endgame content. Maybe 7-8 more dungeons. And epic skirmishes with better gold rewards.

    And of course... fixing all exploits. It's not fun to die to the next campfire, suiciding bosses, doing acrobatics and so on.
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    rhoricrhoric Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    It seems some people don't know how bug fixes work. Sometimes a bug takes time to fix cause if they find a fix for it it is possible that fixing it one way could break something else, so they will try to fix it another way. So if they can avoid that then they will but sometimes it doesn't work out that way. So major bugs could take sometime to fix.
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    brendan03usbrendan03us Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Every MMO other than one has been a "failure", really, in terms of maintaining players past a few months in large numbers (the only exception is EVE Online, which a multiple niche game rather than a mainstream one). The way it plays out in almost every game is that there is an initial rush of lots of players followed by a gradual attrition once the players get through the content that there is, followed by disappointment threads in the forums, followed by the crowd thinning a lot to the point where the game is mostly populated by the true fans of the game rather than a mass market that it had when it launched. Every game is like this, for mostly the same reason: no game can offer that much content at launch as people are used to in a certain other game, and people expect that, want that, and are disappointed when they don't get that. It's understandable, really, but it's every game.

    NW is hampered somewhat due to the dungeon design, which leads to people wanting to exploit the dungeons rather than play them as they were designed -- the design is generally hated by the playerbase, really. So that's an exacerbating factor. But even if they were designed differently, there still would not be enough content to keep a huge playerbase around for months on end.
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    rapticorrapticor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,078 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Define "failing".
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    mconosrepmconosrep Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
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    rhoricrhoric Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Every new MMO has these type of topics. The MMO proves them wrong when the game is still running years down the road.
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    kattefjaeskattefjaes Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2,270 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    riqita wrote: »
    1. No end game content... that you like to play.

    2. PvP is usually terrible. Thankfully, in this game we have Gauntlgrym.

    3. End game gear progression is inherently terrible and boring we definitely don't want more of that. More lateral progression, like Fury of the Feywild. Please!

    You're on the right track.
    Just keep going.
    If you build it, they will play.

    ...and I thought that sometimes I was overly saracastic. Whew!
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    grimahgrimah Member Posts: 1,658 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    1. No end game content.

    There is, but Cryptic designed it so poorly. we have T1 then T2 then CN. but because of the design, where you can just buy things and also because things drop so much with DD (loot for every member), things just get farmed. Also PvP gear is so easily obtainable and makes you skip all T1 content.

    If they designed it so that you went to T1 first, got that set then moved on up. then there would be a sense of progression/end game.

    Also by endgame im guessing you mean long ***, grindy raids with people on coms? coz that to me is not end-game nor is it something some players want from this game. End game is different for each other, some love foundry. which constantly has new content, some others just want to chase pixels forever.

    2. PvP is terrible and boring.

    This i would agree with, PvP is badly designed, some things are not counterable silly and its heavily gear/enchant reliant, implement game modes that are not capturing points, and if it is then make it so you have to hold these points other than racing each other on horses. Take a note from other forms of PvP, like Mobas. perhaps having 1-2 lane maps where you have to push down lanes and take down barriers, and the team with hte most points after a time wins? I'm not even a game designer so im sure they can come up with something good.

    3. Lateral progression is also terrible and boring (We want gear progression!).

    Not everyone wants gear progression, but gear flexibility might be a better choice. new enchants, new sets with same level but different bonuses/stat selection. More cosmetics or new T2 gear that looks different, (for transmuting).

    Personally i want these things done fixed too, but mostly i want more classes rather than this feywild stuff. I would like to play a healer that isnt designed like the cleric but im guessing i would have to wait a good 2-3 years for that to happen....
    Creator of the featured survival horror foundry: "The Silence of Haydenwick" Video Review
    and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".
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    tybrus8tybrus8 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 114 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    Why is Neverwinter failing?

    1. No end game content.

    2. PvP is terrible and boring.

    3. Lateral progression is also terrible and boring (We want gear progression!).

    I have played all the Neverwinter games and really wanted this game to succeed, and still do. Give the people what they want so you do not have another dead MMO on your hands. tyvm...

    Oh look, another person speaking for everyone. Also,what defines a game is failing when people are playing it?
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    kimmurieloblodrakimmurieloblodra Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Why is Neverwinter failing?

    1. No end game content. - CHECK

    2. PvP is terrible and boring. - CHECK

    3. Lateral progression is also terrible and boring (We want gear progression!). - CHECK

    I have played all the Neverwinter games and really wanted this game to succeed, and still do. Give the people what they want so you do not have another dead MMO on your hands. tyvm...

    I gave up on wanting this game to succeed, Waaaaay too far down the hole to ever dig itself out. Don't fool yourself: go play something else.
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    zanthe25zanthe25 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 207 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    Why is Neverwinter failing?

    1. No end game content.

    2. PvP is terrible and boring.

    3. Lateral progression is also terrible and boring (We want gear progression!).

    I have played all the Neverwinter games and really wanted this game to succeed, and still do. Give the people what they want so you do not have another dead MMO on your hands. tyvm...

    if you didn't exploit the bugs to farm end game overly easy you prob still be enjoying the game, or maybe you piled tonne cash into game and bought all the best gear, another way to spoil the challenges the game has to offer
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    andotacoandotaco Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I can't comment on the last two but Player Generated PvP Maps is definitely something on the table which the Dev's are looking into.

    No word on when such a feature will be worked on/completed but it's certainly something which they are considering to implement.

    If you're going to go through with this, make sure that your internal testing of player generated pvp content is extremely thorough...

    Also, the cap amounts need to be dropped to like 150. Currently we've got ourselves a game of cap race to win the blue. Brawling should be more effective than capping and running away over and over again...

    P.S. Delete the two current maps and introduce new ones that are not blatantly "polished place holders". The current pvp maps are god awful... Far too linear, far too cramped... and far too predictable.
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    alantiaalantia Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I gave up on wanting this game to succeed, Waaaaay too far down the hole to ever dig itself out. Don't fool yourself: go play something else.

    ONLY in your opinion, I disagree, most people who are discouraged usually find something productive to do, rather than whine and complain like a little girl who lost her Barbie. Now if you want to talk about failing you might want to visit "that other MMO's"forums. You know the one that is the elephant in the room.
    It is what it is:cool:
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    kimmurieloblodrakimmurieloblodra Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    alantia wrote: »
    ONLY in your opinion, I disagree, most people who are discouraged usually find something productive to do, rather than whine and complain like a little girl who lost her Barbie. Now if you want to talk about failing you might want to visit "that other MMO's"forums. You know the one that is the elephant in the room.

    I'm assuming you are talking about WoW, and liek I mentioned in the other thread... If you would've been here in the early stages of this game, while I was active, you would know I am NOT a WoW player. I'm an FFXI-FFXIV player :P

    I'm not going to take anymore time answering to you, however, because I see the type of person you are. Resorting to petty insults when you feel threatened... I'll just re-iterate: the game was MUCH MUCH more heavily populated during the first two weeks of OB, and the forums moved MUCH MUCH faster a few months ago.

    The player-base is basically 20-30% of what it used to be. Minus out the bots, and I'd say about 10-15% of what it used to be. You can keep your rose colored glasses on, but this game is dead. Sorry :(
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