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Why Neverwinter is failing.



  • jwrenjwren Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I enjoy the game, and am still playing it. However, I think Neverwinter made the same mistake that SWTOR did: Linear leveling. Foundry is great, but having to go through the same sequence over and over really detracts from the enjoyment of alts. I was raised on Everquest, so perhaps it’s just nostalgia speaking, but I loved how each race really had its own leveling experience; you could level a human, an erudite, an elf, a dwarf, whatever, and get to a relatively high level before you started duplicating zones.

    That’s what I miss the most: a unique leveling experience for each character. I’d love to try every class, but doing mostly the same quest paths five times is a bit ridiculous, even though I’ve been liberally sprinkling Foundry quests in to break it up.
  • fathomfulfathomful Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 207 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    Oh look another sky is falling game is failing thread... how cute.

    Think ill hop over to WoW forums for the same thread, or the League forums, or the Diablo forums, or the.. well you get the idea.

    Think before you speak.
  • mconosrepmconosrep Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    fathomful wrote: »
    Think before you speak.

    You should take your own advice because:
    fathomful wrote: »
    ill hop over to WoW forums for the same thread, or the League forums, or the Diablo forums,

    comparing Neverwinter to gaming giants such as WoW, LoL or Diablo is laughable. Any of them could lose Neverwinter's entire active player base and barely be affected.

    Smaller games have to be much more careful about the general sentiment of their players, as any loss of players will hit them a lot harder.
  • fathomfulfathomful Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 207 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    mconosrep wrote: »
    You should take your own advice because:

    comparing Neverwinter to gaming giants such as WoW, LoL or Diablo is laughable. Any of them could lose Neverwinter's entire active player base and barely be affected.

    Smaller games have to be much more careful about the general sentiment of their players, as any loss of players will hit them a lot harder.

    Ill spell it out for you since you missed my point. Perhaps i didnt illustrate it well enough.

    Go to every single gaming forum that exists in the world and there are multiple X game is failing threads. They are always there, however the number of games that actually have truly failed in the last year or so could be counted on one hand.

    The whole game is failing schtick is way overplayed and just hyperbole.

    The game isnt failing, the player base is not leaving, they are not about to close up shop, etc, etc, etc.

    Just because you feel disenfranchised does not mean everyone else does.

  • cichardcichard Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    1. Castle Neverwinter = only endgame. I like to play it at first, but after farming it for a couple of weeks it got boring.

    2. Gauntlgrym?! Serious? GG is <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> and swarming with bots.

    3. End game gear progression is not inherently terrible. I'm now playing Rift and endgame progression is awesome.

    Ever look at the reviews for this game? The highest rating I've seen is a 6.5/10, and this low rating is consistent with all the gaming websites. So they are not on the right track.

    you think rifts endgame progression is awesome till you finaly figure out its a joke. We logged in on wed night cleared all the bosses and dont log back in till next wed.... how fun is that?
  • mconosrepmconosrep Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    fathomful wrote: »
    Ill spell it out for you since you missed my point.!


    You tried to make a point by (laughably) comparing Neverwinter to the dominant games in their genre.

    Compare like with like - not minnow like Neverwinter with whales like WoW, LoL or Diablo...
  • meathook2099meathook2099 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    This game needs better boss mechanics and less adds.
    Other than that I love it.
  • fathomfulfathomful Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 207 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    mconosrep wrote: »

    You tried to make a point by (laughably) comparing Neverwinter to the dominant games in their genre.

    Compare like with like - not minnow like Neverwinter with whales like WoW, LoL or Diablo...

    I am not comparing Neverwinter to those games.

    I merely stated that in every single gaming forum that exists (big or small) there is a thread posted by a disgruntled player that talks about how the end is nigh and the game is on the verge of failing.

    I cited those games because its laughable to think they would be in danger of failing, but that does not stop chicken littles from exclaiming they are about to close up shop.

    I think you got confused when you thought i was comparing this game to that. No way Jose!

    Stating a game is failing without any evidence whatsoever that it is failing (outside of personal emotions and wants) is just pure hyperbole.

    That is what is happening here. An upset chicken little spouting off that the game is failing when evidence shows the opposite is happening.
  • kdawgenigmakdawgenigma Member Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Why is Neverwinter failing?

    A DnD game based on 4E developed by a money hungry cash grabbing company. Not seeing anything good there.

    -Rule of Acquisition #113: Always have sex with the boss.
    -I am one of the many victims from the hijacked Caspian Division.
    I will not let the childish acts of a criminal ruin this game for me.
    -The actions of Cryptic, on the other hand......
  • lostmarblesherelostmarbleshere Banned Users Posts: 654 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    The exploits bugs hacks and botz are my main issues.

    Content is second

    PvP they will never get the botz out so just give up on that idea totally. Add dueling maybe thats it.

    Never internally play testing anything is getting really high on my list also
  • savagefistsavagefist Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    What would make things better for you? :)

    Can you adjust post 40 progression of powers? I feel around that level and after, I'm just upgrading for the sake of spending points yet my character gets no more powerful. i.e. I feel like I'm not progressing anymore because I'm limited in how many spells I can use at one time and in some cases have already picked my end-game choices for the best performance. Yes, I will occasionally swap out some choices for either solo or team play but it does not feel like progression. At least there are Feats which 'feels' like I am progressing all the way to 60 and allow me to tweak my build. At 60 I do get to at least start acquiring Epic gear which again 'feels' like some progression is occurring. Finally, even at 60 where you can work on gear, I don't necessarily feel awesome about points spent just that they needed to go some place.

    Maybe offer an upgrade Level 4? Or make the power choices post 40 noticeably more powerful so I am picking them for a reason and not just spending points because I have to? I know you have to balance gameplay so these may not be an option but that is my feedback that the game stagnates after a certain level until you get to 60.
    Windows 8.1 Pro 64 bit
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  • bumblebushbumblebush Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I have no clue why any1 is complaining!?!

    This game was announced and went live quicker then I could imagine.
    And also keep in mind this game is just about 2 months old, so of course its gunna be a little behind on content.

    Maybe players like you should step away from the computer once a while and give it a break.
    Like i said, the game is almost 2months old and already players are complaining that theres nothing to do, and you no why?, because you already maxed your content. I started playing once it went live and im only a level 16:)

    When i am playing i feel like there is so much to do and go and get, and seems like this game as a lot of potential and so much more to offer, and cant wait for the future of the NeverWinter to just expand and shine its light from beyond the shadows!:)
    "This is Fleet Commander BumBle!..
    Vice Admiral of the U.S.S. Prometheus!..
    I order you to lower your shields and weapons or ill be forced to fire upon you!!!"
  • trollgretrollgre Member Posts: 297
    edited July 2013
    this might be off topic but it affects the game

    so much lag after the patch at some areas(location) game freezes almost everytime even with solo dungeons game freezes a lot
    its more than 1 week now still lags

    on topic
    no real pvp (deathmatch / duel / mass pvp deathmatch)
    pvp now are capture base to win

    no pvp ranking

    crafting are useless
    stats diminishing returns limits your class potential at pve
  • mikex79xmikex79x Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 33
    edited July 2013
    What would attract me better to Neverwinter the MMORPG is if Cryptic just create and release an official "Barbarian" Class for every playable Race in the game basicly somehow!
  • bren1226bren1226 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    mikex79x wrote: »
    What would attract me better to Neverwinter the MMORPG is if Cryptic just create and release an official "Barbarian" Class for every playable Race in the game basicly somehow!

    no, i want monk
  • knightfalzknightfalz Member Posts: 1,261 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I can't comment on the last two but Player Generated PvP Maps is definitely something on the table which the Dev's are looking into.

    No word on when such a feature will be worked on/completed but it's certainly something which they are considering to implement.

    That would be wonderful for the PvP fans. Any chance for users to take part in expanding the game is a nice addition. It's good to see the developers having an interest in this.
  • kelletonkelleton Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Im pretty sure castle never is end game content....

    5 man dungeons are way better than 20 man raids anyway - individual contribution actually matters.
  • abombination247abombination247 Member Posts: 1,279 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    According to NW and critics this game is at a all time high as now it is 2million players strong!! When you are on the launcher screen logging in that is what they tell me at least.
  • alecstormalecstorm Member Posts: 142 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    bumblebush wrote: »
    I have no clue why any1 is complaining!?!

    This game was announced and went live quicker then I could imagine.
    And also keep in mind this game is just about 2 months old, so of course its gunna be a little behind on content.

    Maybe players like you should step away from the computer once a while and give it a break.
    Like i said, the game is almost 2months old and already players are complaining that theres nothing to do, and you no why?, because you already maxed your content. I started playing once it went live and im only a level 16:)

    When i am playing i feel like there is so much to do and go and get, and seems like this game as a lot of potential and so much more to offer, and cant wait for the future of the NeverWinter to just expand and shine its light from beyond the shadows!:)

    Maybe went live (beta, actually) too fast. People complain because there are other new games that doesn't have all the issue this have. At the actual state is like a average solo videogame, when it could be a very good mmorpg.
    But you can't understand this problem, for the reason you stated: lvl 16. I reached 23 with a character doing quest till 11 then only praying for AD in less than two weeks, more or less. Yes, this game has lot of potential. Potential. We need something concrete now. Simply, i ended the game and i have nothing important or funny to do.
  • rabidbadger6969rabidbadger6969 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    ladymythos wrote: »
    1. Sorry, but you are a locust. I don't mean the insect, but gaming locust. What it means is like a swarm of locus, there are always people who charge through the game as fast as they possibly can, devouring it without really enjoying it. Then when they get through all the content and reach 'endgame', they complain that there aren't anything to do there. It happens in every single MMO ever made, including World of Warcraft. And guess what? It will never end, either. People never learn.

    2. Again, the game has just been released. Give it some slack, will you? Or are you one of those people who get a kick out of complaining, and don't really care about the game you're complaining about? But hey, if people didn't enjoy complaining, we wouldn't have Facebook.

    3. Again... The game has just been released. Module 1 will be out in a month, and they'll keep making new content on a regular basis. Be patient, please. Why not enjoy the Foundry, for instance? Or start a new character and take your time leveling up? If you say "but leveling up is boring", I think we've found the real issue here. ;)

    Remember kids: Bragging about having reached max level doesn't make you 'cool'. It doesn't make people look up to you in respect.

    this is my first response to a thread in forums so bear with lol... ive seen the very thing you talk about in both dark orbit and pwi peeps shoot to the top of the food chain and dont really "KNOW" their characters . and stand around wondering what to do next
  • khaivenkhaiven Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    When I first started this game, without reading any forums or doing any research, I hopped in and made a TR because none of the other classes fit my style of gameplay. In all honesty TR didn't really, either, but it was the closest to what I was going for.

    I was in love. The game was glorious. Beautiful, immersive combat, great story, a build-your-own quest system via the Foundry. I thought amazing things were going to happen to this game.

    Then time went by, and I realized that I happened to pick the most retardedly OP class you could possibly imagine. Combine that with the fact that EVERYONE who was going for DPS was also the same class, and the class didn't really present what I wanted in terms of playstyle anyway and you have an instafail experience.

    I wanted to play Neverwinter, not Roguewinter. And I wanted more diversity in classes. I can't believe they released a Dungeons and Dragons based MMO with only 5 classes.

    I tried to pick up some of the other classes but they lack flavor, IMO. Besides that, everyone looks the same and has pretty much the same build, within each class.

    I keep coming back to the forums in hopes that they've announced some new classes, but nothing.

    TL;DR: They lost me because of the lack of classes and diversity within each individual class. It could have been a great game.

    Oh yeah and the cash shop prices are ridiculous. I lol everytime I look at the cash shop.
  • khimera906khimera906 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 898 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I love it when someone doesn't like certain aspects of the game or is not doing very well in the game then get's on the forum and start asking for changes in the name of the whole community. Or when someone doesn't like the game and starts yelling that the game is doomed because nobody like is. You forget that not all of us enjoy the same thing in a game. Some may think that PvP is essential and some may not care at all about PvP. Please remember that you are not speaking for everybody, it's just your thoughts.
    I'll admit, the game still has flaws that should have been fixed long ago and I understand why some players may find that it's lacking in content, but I am pretty sure it will get better with time.
    I hate dancing with Lady Luck. She always steps on my toes.
  • chronomancerchronomancer Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1,223
    edited August 2013
    According to NW and critics this game is at a all time high as now it is 2million players strong!! When you are on the launcher screen logging in that is what they tell me at least.

    TBH that's not the full story. The common metrics used in the MMO industry is called CCU or Concurrent User. It's the true measure of how active your game is. For a F2P game 2 Million players (calculated based on accounts) is nothing. There are games out there claiming they have 100 Million users. CCU averages the amount of players that is active within your game within a certain period of time (usually measured in time period such as in week or a month). Plus remember many players have multiple accounts in the game. Certain RMT or gold seller can create thousands of accounts that inflate that number. There are also many factors such as people who wishes to try the game and made an account then decided they do not like it and hence no longer actively playing. For example in our old guild we have over 300+ members yet only 10-15 active players, many of those players have been inactive for over 30-45 day period.
  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited August 2013
    khimera906 wrote: »
    I love it when someone doesn't like certain aspects of the game or is not doing very well in the game then get's on the forum and start asking for changes in the name of the whole community. Or when someone doesn't like the game and starts yelling that the game is doomed because nobody like is. You forget that not all of us enjoy the same thing in a game. Some may think that PvP is essential and some may not care at all about PvP. Please remember that you are not speaking for everybody, it's just your thoughts.
    I'll admit, the game still has flaws that should have been fixed long ago and I understand why some players may find that it's lacking in content, but I am pretty sure it will get better with time.
    . . . . . Indeed, if one can wade through my "moderator" type replies in my post history, they'd see even my posts are littered with criticisms about things I would like to see change in. So while yes, I will openly proclaim that I love this game and it is the funnest MMO I have played since 1997 (UO, Baja), there are things I would like to see change in. I'm confidant that the game will continue to grow and mature, after-all... she is only just a tad over a month old! Let's let her grow up before we send her to the gallows! *the mage nods his head, agreeing with himself as usual*
  • wildgerwildger Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The game did not ask you to pay or force you to purchase anything. If you don't like the game, leave. I guarantee that you will never be missed.
  • chronomancerchronomancer Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1,223
    edited August 2013
    I find the irony here is that they claim PWI is a Chinese company and run by "Chinese Overlords" yet this game is wholly designed by Cryptic Studios (american company) and published by Perfect World International (american company) <-- which is registered in the US stock market.
  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited August 2013
    I find the irony here is that they claim PWI is a Chinese company and run by "Chinese Overlords" yet this game is wholly designed by Cryptic Studios (american company) and published by Perfect World International (american company) <-- which is registered in the US stock market.
    . . . . . Indeed, (it is Perfect World Entertainment by the way, PWI is their flagship game), PWE is an American Company based in California. It just happens to be a subsidary of Perfect World Beijing. It is employed by many Americans and others from all over the World!
  • fathomfulfathomful Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 207 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    zebular wrote: »
    . . . . . Indeed, (it is Perfect World Entertainment by the way, PWI is their flagship game), PWE is an American Company based in California. It just happens to be a subsidary of Perfect World Beijing. It is employed by many Americans and others from all over the World!

    Come on now, it is not fair to burden the chicken littles and doomsayers with such inconvenient truth.

    Let them have their dirty clothes, cardboard sign and little corner of the street to expound about Chinese takeovers, failing games and Obama's birth certificate!
  • zdrahonulzdrahonul Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    What would make things better for you? :)

    I am one of the people (many, few, I don't know) who stopped logging in after reaching Level 60. I still use the Gateway to up my professions and log in every few days to open the chests I gather through the Gateway or refill my profession consumables from the market. here's why I no longer play it actively:

    1. I don't PvP. Personal choice, to be honest. I know I suck at PvP and it doesn't appeal me, and that's valid for ANY MMO, not only Neverwinter.
    2. At level 60, I can still play Foundry quests, but there are simply no rewards in them. I played a few and they were nicely done, but the rewards were horrible. Green items that nobody needs or wants. I had put a couple on the AH for 1 AD each, starting price, they didn't sell even for 1 AD.
    3. At level 60, I can still PvE, but the same issue as point 2 brings is valid: there are no appealing rewards. Still green items nobody wants; no, thanks, they don't do me any good. Plus, the XP I get is useless now.
    4. I could start a new character, but wait, I only have two slots, and I already know how bleak end-game is. Also, in all honesty, I think you shot yourselves in the foot with the "2 characters, then pay up!" implementation: this effectively prevents people from having fun (and side-investing money in the game) by playing more different characters. A good example would be: you play 5 free characters and buy a bag for each one, the end result is that the player spends more cash than by unlocking 3 character slots. Too much greed backfires, though. By contrast, IIRC, PoE offers no less than 21 character slots for free (or was it 28?).
    5. Solo dungeons. Please give. I soloed a 5-man Level 17 dungeon when I was level 24 and it was hard (not extremely hard but still) - I had zounds of fun doing it, but of course, as expected, the rewards were utter <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. Still, this attempt made me try to give the best and I would still play if solo dungeons were available.
    6. 5-men dungeons: they are unavailable to me because I play at weird hours, I play solo and I have a small child who needs me at the most inappropriate times, and therefore I don't want to be a liability to my group.
    7. Difficulty scaling: someone said in page 1 (I think) "You're a locust, trying to munch your way to end-game as fast as possible". Well I did quite the contrary. I tried to be thorough. I did all the side quests, I took all the side paths, I tried to experiment most of what the game had to offer, and as a result I ended up doing level 57 quests at level 60, or something like that. This had a direct effect as far as rewards were going the wrong way (they were even less... well, rewarding, so-to-speak).
    8. Rewards scaling (yes, I know I said it before, but hear me out): if I have blue+purple items on me, make the quests relevant by scaling the rewards accordingly. Yes, I know the trip should be as important as the destination, but the trip (see point 7) was already a bore (so-to-speak), now even the destination is meh-style. I defeat a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> boss and all I get from that mighty reward chest is a green item not even my pet would wear? Seriously? I would have been happier with a couple level 5 enhancements, to be honest. At least those would be good at something.
    9. Pay-to-Win. Neverwinter is full of it. I honestly can't think of any aspect of the game you can't "buy out", maybe except XP and level progression. Oh wait, even that, there are "XP Boosters" packs you can buy. Zynga-style. Disclaimer: I bought two bags and about 35 keys (I'll talk about that in a moment) for 50 EUR total, the bags were nice but the keys... see point 10.
    10. Nightmare Boxes and keys: I opened about 35 such boxes and they were all full of <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. ALL of them. OK, maybe except the idols (AD, delivered right to your doorstep!) and Profession boosters. But literally everything else was useless. I felt like I spent 30 EUR on zilch.
    11. Chests of goods from professions: those, as well, give me <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. I managed to reach Level 16 Leadership and there is a rare profession task that gives you "Very Large Chest of Goods". Whoa, a purple item, yummy! Not. I opened two and found... 7 Greater Healing Potion for one and... the same thing for the other.
    12. AH and items versus NPC Shops: they're awfully imbalanced. The enhancement NPC shop feels like, no, wait, IS a scam setup by the producer itself. 50K AD for a level 3 enhancement? Seriously? It's a scam for newbies, there's no other reason for its existence.

    There's more to say but really it's a wall of text already.


    - give proper, scaled rewards (scaled against what I'm wearing);
    - give solo dungeons, with great difficulty and great rewards;
    - give proper Foundry rewards;
    - scale quests (and rewards) to player level for main quest line as well;
    - Make chests of goods relevant;
    - Make professions relevant (right now, the only good thing out of them are rough ADs)
    - Scale NPC shop prices against AH (e.g. prices between lowest AH price and highest AH price for an item)
    - Reduce P2W amounts;
    - Get rid of the greedy 2-character limit or at least put char slots as bonuses to bundles (e.g. buy two bags, get a free char slot)

    Finally, here's my RL my advice to friends who want to try Neverwinter: "Install it, have fun all the way to level 60, then either quit or PvP if you feel like it".
  • cgta1967cgta1967 Member Posts: 86
    edited August 2013
    and the pvp is meh....

    so "have fun to 60, it'll only take a week or two.... then play something else"

    ---- FIRE EVERYTHING ! ----
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