Yea I am sorry, I am not giving advice to abuse exploits. I am not judging anyone who uses them, but I am not going to encourage people to use them either. Feel free to start a thread about all the exploits/aggro drop spots/falling off the map/etc...
theban92Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 5Arc User
edited July 2013
Copticone, i just hit 60 and am trying out your build currently. What set would you recommend for someone starting out right now in full greens. I have enough AD to buy off the auction house. And with arcane singularity and shield push to knock off of cliffs, you pulse after they're in the air for one second? Or how does this work, I'm completely new to CW . Edit: what off pieces do you recommend as well?
I was also looking at the gladiator mage set, the bonuses and stats on it look so enticing
Copticone, i just hit 60 and am trying out your build currently. What set would you recommend for someone starting out right now in full greens. I have enough AD to buy off the auction house. And with arcane singularity and shield push to knock off of cliffs, you pulse after they're in the air for one second? Or how does this work, I'm completely new to CW . Edit: what off pieces do you recommend as well?
I was also looking at the gladiator mage set, the bonuses and stats on it look so enticing
You can get a couple of Gladiator and a couple of Focal. Just starting out, you just need to focus on balancing your stats in general, and raising your GS to 8300 so you can run T2s. Alot of people waste too much time running T1s. Dont worry about Power, just get pieces with Recovery, Crit, and ArP, and choose one Defensive stat to stack.
I would focus on practicing rotations, proper timing of Singularities, Shield Pulse + Steel Time, before I worry about pushing mobs off the ledges. You need to practice how to really "control" mobs, because the really hard pulls dont have ledges. But in general, you want to wait as long as possible on the singularity before pushing the mobs off the side. And if pushing mobs is your main focus, then slotting Repel on Tab is a good option.
sat09Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 8Arc User
edited July 2013
Copticone, what do u think about Shadow Weaver set ? Can u post what Set (or all items) u use ?
Sometimes i get outdamaged by renegade CW, dunno why. Maybe lack of skill??..
Copticone, what do u think about Shadow Weaver set ? Can u post what Set (or all items) u use ?
Sometimes i get outdamaged by renegade CW, dunno why. Maybe lack of skill??..
I wouldnt worry about going into a dps race with another CW. In time, when your stats are balanced better, and you have a better feel for the build, there is no way a Renegade CW equally geared/skilled would do more damage.
That said, magelord is not a dps set. I would go with either High Vizier or Shadow. Get your Ion stone maxed, raising your Crit a little, ArP, and recovery, would give you a huge boost even if you loose over 1k power. Make use of Steal Time and Shield Pulse as often as you can. Keep those chill stacks up on everything all the time.
Using your build, i outdps'ed 3 CW's that had much better gear. Im sitting at 9300 atm, those guys were like 10-11k+. One of them was Thaumaturge, the others were Renegade. Im not even experienced with CW, took me 2 days to lvl to 60, and did some dungeons.
Honestly, other than a Rogue, its pretty hard to get outdps'ed by any class using this build.
Can you post a video of your gameplay? I know its not meant to be a guide, but it would be of great help, please at least consider this. Nothing too big, a couple rotations would be more than enough.
Why don't you need more than 1000 ArP with this build? Everyone seem to talk about ArP being applied before all debuffs and stuff
I'm also wondering how plague fire works, anyone knows if defense debuff is applied based on the creature base defense or the current defense after debuffs?
Why don't you need more than 1000 ArP with this build? Everyone seem to talk about ArP being applied before all debuffs and stuff
I'm also wondering how plague fire works, anyone knows if defense debuff is applied based on the creature base defense or the current defense after debuffs?
It's a stacking effect that subtracts directly from their damage resistance stat.
Your ArP from stats, reduces enemy damage resistance to a minimum of 0%. Additional ArP from effects stack on top of that and can push their damage resistance into the negative.
Currently, bosses have a max of 24% damage reduction, so everyone is saying that you should stack ArP to 24%. However, I feel that means on everything else, your ArP from stat is wasted, since most other enemies have less than 24% damage resistance, so additional ArP from your stats are wasted.
His build may only need 1000 ArP because he is counting on ArP effects from his abilities to negate the rest of that 24% damage resistance. I would agree that is a smarter move, since now you can concentrate on stacking Power, Crit, or Recovery, which will be effective against all enemies, not just bosses.
I know reading though the entire thread may seem dull, but there are plenty of good questions and answers that have been posted, and not just by me, that I think would help anyone looking at this thread of the first time.
I know I answered this particular question at least 3 times lol
I think I chose my words poorly when I quickly mentioned ArP. I didn't mean to insinuate that anything that going over 1000 would be a waste. If you can reach the the 24% without sacrificing Crit/Recovery softcap and also witout ignoring defensive stats, then definitely go for it. I just meant that with so much debufing already in the build + the High Vizier, then it is not as crucial as for example a Renegade to reach the 24%.
Cryptic has been on a trend to change things randomly that it is now kinda pointless to keep testing things. I personally am tired of doing Cryptic's work for them. I really do not understand the logic behind writing extremely vague tooltip description of feats/powers. It may sound crazy but it almost seems like they are doing it on purpose, to either leave everyone guessing or maybe a vein attempt to get people to keep buying respec tokens.
In any case, from what I see CoI and Icy Terrain since they are now considered DoT damage, do not benefit from these feats. I know steal time does, and I am thinking shield pulse and chill strike too, but I havent personally tested it recently.
I gain AP very fast if there are many adds. But I also use Shield Burst constantly, probably more than the average CW.
I'd love to be able to get a sense of how this looks.. Do you try and bounce them against the wall, so they don't scatter too far, or do you just heedlessly scatter them, knowing you have so much aggro that they will be running back (and you'll be getting a singularity very soon anyway)?
If you can describe it without having to go to all the hassle of making a video, that would be great. I rarely group with other CWs who are are all competent, I seem to out-CC and out-damage the ones that outgear me, though I am pretty sure that I am a long way from optimal in my technique.
i'm using high vizier set atm, but i'm not entirely convinced it's preferrable over shadow weaver. what bothers me is that HV has deflection and regeneration which both are stats that are kinda useless, and I don't see the HV set bonus being much better than the SW set bonus.. What sucks is, with HV set I need to enchant and gear with crit, going back to SW later would require me to exchange gear and enchants to get a good stat mix with SW.
I'd love to be able to get a sense of how this looks.. Do you try and bounce them against the wall, so they don't scatter too far, or do you just heedlessly scatter them, knowing you have so much aggro that they will be running back (and you'll be getting a singularity very soon anyway)?
If you can describe it without having to go to all the hassle of making a video, that would be great. I rarely group with other CWs who are are all competent, I seem to out-CC and out-damage the ones that outgear me, though I am pretty sure that I am a long way from optimal in my technique.
All of the above. When they are melee adds, you know that they will rush back in after the shield pulse, even more so for teleporting adds. Pulsing against a wall, or pulsing the mobs towards the rest of the party. Pulsing right after singularity is up, or if you dont have enough AP and you know your shield pulse will give you enough to fill AP and follow up with Singularity.
But do not neglect your other encounters which debuff and apply damage boost buffs.
On elites and CC immune mobs, shield pulse is PERFECT not only for the damage and not worrying about dispersing the mobs, but also to apply the HV debuff. Your TR should focus on the Elites anyways, so scattering the little guys shouldnt be an issue.
Everyone in the group needs to understand that this is not a DPS competition. No sane person should complain when you are dishing out a ton of damage while keeping everyone alive or taking very little damage. Dispersing adds IS a form of CC. High burst damage IS a form of CC. The same reason why I CONSTANTLY use Ice Storm when I see adds around me with 20% health or so. One Ice Storm can obliterate and finish off a group of adds 10x faster than a TR/GWF together can.
I have seen so many situations where CWs spam Singularities and still cause wipes. Singularity does not stop mobs from casting, cleaving and finishing their attacks. Up until the moment the mobs get sucked up, they are still swinging and attacking. It is not always the best idea, especially if you are putting the singularity on top of the TR who just got hit and is sitting at 25% health without an Astral Shield.
Cryptic has been on a trend to change things randomly that it is now kinda pointless to keep testing things. I personally am tired of doing Cryptic's work for them. I really do not understand the logic behind writing extremely vague tooltip description of feats/powers. It may sound crazy but it almost seems like they are doing it on purpose, to either leave everyone guessing or maybe a vein attempt to get people to keep buying respec tokens.
In any case, from what I see CoI and Icy Terrain since they are now considered DoT damage, do not benefit from these feats. I know steal time does, and I am thinking shield pulse and chill strike too, but I havent personally tested it recently.
Would you change anything in consideration of those feats?
I also like a detailed listing of your powers tree, I'm spoiled for choices thinking "I might not use this but then again I would..."
Would you change anything in consideration of those feats?
I also like a detailed listing of your powers tree, I'm spoiled for choices thinking "I might not use this but then again I would..."
With my last respec, I took points out of these feats and put them into Learned Spellcaster
Must have Powers for this build:
Chilling Cloud
Icy Terrain
Steal Time
Ice Storm
Ice Knife
Storm Spell
Chilling Presence
Entangling Force
Chill Strike
Ray of Frost
Ray of enfeeblement
Icy Rays
Is there a bug with CW or maybe Vizier gear score? My gear score is only 10,631 and I was grouped with a way lower geared DC who had a gear score of nearly 11k. She also had lower enchants than me. I have full T2 Vizer, all ancient rings, neck, belt, second best weapon and off hand and a mix of tier 5 and 6 enchants. Also have soulforged in armor and plague enchant in weapon.
The only reason I care about gear score is that a lot of groups in chat seem to ask for 11k plus gear score.
Is there a bug with CW or maybe Vizier gear score? My gear score is only 10,631 and I was grouped with a way lower geared DC who had a gear score of nearly 11k. She also had lower enchants than me. I have full T2 Vizer, all ancient rings, neck, belt, second best weapon and off hand and a mix of tier 5 and 6 enchants. Also have soulforged in armor and plague enchant in weapon.
The only reason I care about gear score is that a lot of groups in chat seem to ask for 11k plus gear score.
She may have had the Toughness (extra %HP) Heroic Feat. That adds approx. 470 GS all by itself...
Is there a bug with CW or maybe Vizier gear score? My gear score is only 10,631 and I was grouped with a way lower geared DC who had a gear score of nearly 11k. She also had lower enchants than me. I have full T2 Vizer, all ancient rings, neck, belt, second best weapon and off hand and a mix of tier 5 and 6 enchants. Also have soulforged in armor and plague enchant in weapon.
The only reason I care about gear score is that a lot of groups in chat seem to ask for 11k plus gear score.
No there is no bug as far as I know. That gear score sounds about right for a t2 set and rank5/6 enchants. The thing is unlike other classes we don't have feats that inflate our GS. A 10k CW is probably as geared as a 12k GF/GWF. My advice is don't group with PUGs that are looking for a minimum GS. It is good indication that they don't know what they are talking about.
What do you recomend to put in ioun stone? Power, crit, recovery and what items to use? I know this isnt a thread about making pets but I would like to hear your opinion what suits this build best. Im sure in one thing and that is eldritch rune. Tnx in advance.
Ioun sucks, you can get cap armpen with stone only, if you use rank 8+ dark enc.
kokalo1Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 6Arc User
edited July 2013
Hi copticone thanx for the guide, I'm using your build and lifesteal for defence stat.
I got the cheap gear with lifesteal you recommended but cant seem to find any better items with lifesteal. Have you got any recommendations for T2 gear?
Also I'm working toward the high visier set and I want to ask what should I prioritize besides that. Should I get T2 gear for the rest of the slots (minimal improvement?) or should I get an ioun stone first?
Hi copticone thanx for the guide, I'm using your build and lifesteal for defence stat.
I got the cheap gear with lifesteal you recommended but cant seem to find any better items with lifesteal. Have you got any recommendations for T2 gear?
Also I'm working toward the high visier set and I want to ask what should I prioritize besides that. Should I get T2 gear for the rest of the slots (minimal improvement?) or should I get an ioun stone first?
Definitely get the Stone/Cat first. Then after getting it to lvl25 you will see what stats need to improve. Certain stats are much cheaper as runestones instead of Enchantments.
As far as the T2, you can only enchant the Armor with a lifesteal. Everything else has to come from accessories, and pet stats.
Just for kicks and because I know many people still have doubts about the effectiveness of Chilling Cloud, I decided to just do some very basic math just to put things in perspective.
The following was done with an Orb of the Spirit Cave without any enchants. No Cat/Ion Stone. Without any set bonuses that buff damage or debuff targets.
* Feats that affect BOTH Chilling Cloud AND Magic Missiles are NOT included in this calculation (i.e. Storm Spell, Learned Spellcaster)
** Elemental Empowerment procs on the third hit of Chilling Cloud so it is a permanent boost to Full Rounds of Chilling Cloud.
*** I may have forgotten something here or there. These numbers aren't perfect. Base damage numbers were taken from looking at the log and averaging out 10 hits (or 10 rounds). All the other numbers were purely extrapolated based on what the tooltips say, and just looking at the log to confirm that damage did increase.
**** If I have forgotten any feat that would ONLY boost Magic Missile. Let me know and I will add it in.
Chilling Cloud LOVE IT, USE IT!
Chilling Cloud
Chilling Cloud
Chilling Cloud
Magic Missile
1x Target
2x Target
3x Target
1x Target
Base 1st hit
Base Full Rnd
5x Arcane Mastery (15%)
Arcane Enhancement (6%)
Blighting Power (9%)
Bitter Cold (5%)
Froz. Pow Trans (5%/perT)
Chilling Presence (18%)
As you can see with this build Chilling Cloud RULES. Consider the extra damage if you manage to hit more than 3 targets with it. Even on single target, it is not worth switching to Magic Missile. ALSO consider that this is only the direct benefit of Chilling Cloud, and not counting the 5%/10%/15%+ boost it applies to everything else when Frozen Power Transfer is active.
Hey copticone,
From the above calculations, you're using Chilling Presence as the class feature. In your updated original post, you also say:
<Class Feature1> Storm Spell <Class Feature2> Evocation UPDATE:6-13-2013 Due to the recent changes, switched Evocation for Chilling Presence OR back to Eye of the Storm, your choice.
Does this mean that Storm Spell is the mandatory class feature for your build ?
How does using Eye of the Storm instead of Chilling Presence affect the calculations you made above ?
I got the impression from your calculations above that Chilling Presence was almost mandatory, but are you saying Chilling Presence is not necessary for this build and can be swapped out for Eye of the Storm, so using Storm Spell and EotS will give comparable damage compared to using Storm Spell and Chilling Presence?
The above was a "rough" calculation using the features I had on at the time, namely Storm Spell and Chilling Presence.
Yes, I think Storm Spell is the "mandatory" feature. It is reliable and beats anything else, especially in an AoE build like this.
I rarely slot Eye of the Storm, because I do not like its internal cooldown AND because there is currently a bug that's caused by having one of the Thauma feat, which could have you not proc EotS for much longer than the cooldown (it could also allow you to have 100% crit for 2-3min straight). So in other words it is unreliable in general, and at best an exploit.
With regards of Evocation, I decided to put it on the back burner, because I am tired of cryptic changing things randomly. One day it could affect certain powers, and then one day it would stop.
Is there a bug with CW or maybe Vizier gear score? My gear score is only 10,631 and I was grouped with a way lower geared DC who had a gear score of nearly 11k. She also had lower enchants than me. I have full T2 Vizer, all ancient rings, neck, belt, second best weapon and off hand and a mix of tier 5 and 6 enchants. Also have soulforged in armor and plague enchant in weapon.
The only reason I care about gear score is that a lot of groups in chat seem to ask for 11k plus gear score.
Actually, I re-specced into a thaum build from a renegade build and I ended up losing about 325 gear score, even though I had exactly the same gear and never took the Toughness feat in either build. This weird gs fluctuation is completely HAMSTER.
Btw, I've been wondering about RoF vs. MM on single targets lately. Can't seem to make up my mind, sometimes it acts as a proc-machine for storm spell and beats the hell out of MM that way. Other times it doesn't proc it at all. Various bonuses from chill stacks make it even harder for me to decide .
Btw, I've been wondering about RoF vs. MM on single targets lately. Can't seem to make up my mind, sometimes it acts as a proc-machine for storm spell and beats the hell out of MM that way. Other times it doesn't proc it at all. Various bonuses from chill stacks make it even harder for me to decide .
Any thoughts/data on this?
I dropped MM altogether. RoF on a debuffed target is very good pve and pvp wise.
The following heroic feats Learned Spellcaster and Prestidigitation does enhance your GS.
About RoF vs MM, I think RoF with spellstorm and chilling presence have better DPS BUT you may loose your arcane stacks and i'd to say i love them (reduce CD for shield, longer stun for stealth time)
Yea I am sorry, I am not giving advice to abuse exploits. I am not judging anyone who uses them, but I am not going to encourage people to use them either. Feel free to start a thread about all the exploits/aggro drop spots/falling off the map/etc...
I gain AP very fast if there are many adds. But I also use Shield Burst constantly, probably more than the average CW.
I was also looking at the gladiator mage set, the bonuses and stats on it look so enticing
You can get a couple of Gladiator and a couple of Focal. Just starting out, you just need to focus on balancing your stats in general, and raising your GS to 8300 so you can run T2s. Alot of people waste too much time running T1s. Dont worry about Power, just get pieces with Recovery, Crit, and ArP, and choose one Defensive stat to stack.
I would focus on practicing rotations, proper timing of Singularities, Shield Pulse + Steel Time, before I worry about pushing mobs off the ledges. You need to practice how to really "control" mobs, because the really hard pulls dont have ledges. But in general, you want to wait as long as possible on the singularity before pushing the mobs off the side. And if pushing mobs is your main focus, then slotting Repel on Tab is a good option.
Sometimes i get outdamaged by renegade CW, dunno why. Maybe lack of skill??..
My stats (with Ioun 18lv: 2x profane 6lvl and Eldritch 6lvl):
Power: 4400
Crit: 2000
ArP: 600
Recovery: 2500
Def: 1200
with full magelord set
Any tips what to improve?
I'll be greatfull for your help.
I wouldnt worry about going into a dps race with another CW. In time, when your stats are balanced better, and you have a better feel for the build, there is no way a Renegade CW equally geared/skilled would do more damage.
That said, magelord is not a dps set. I would go with either High Vizier or Shadow. Get your Ion stone maxed, raising your Crit a little, ArP, and recovery, would give you a huge boost even if you loose over 1k power. Make use of Steal Time and Shield Pulse as often as you can. Keep those chill stacks up on everything all the time.
Honestly, other than a Rogue, its pretty hard to get outdps'ed by any class using this build.
Can you post a video of your gameplay? I know its not meant to be a guide, but it would be of great help, please at least consider this. Nothing too big, a couple rotations would be more than enough.
I'm also wondering how plague fire works, anyone knows if defense debuff is applied based on the creature base defense or the current defense after debuffs?
It's a stacking effect that subtracts directly from their damage resistance stat.
Your ArP from stats, reduces enemy damage resistance to a minimum of 0%. Additional ArP from effects stack on top of that and can push their damage resistance into the negative.
Currently, bosses have a max of 24% damage reduction, so everyone is saying that you should stack ArP to 24%. However, I feel that means on everything else, your ArP from stat is wasted, since most other enemies have less than 24% damage resistance, so additional ArP from your stats are wasted.
His build may only need 1000 ArP because he is counting on ArP effects from his abilities to negate the rest of that 24% damage resistance. I would agree that is a smarter move, since now you can concentrate on stacking Power, Crit, or Recovery, which will be effective against all enemies, not just bosses.
I know I answered this particular question at least 3 times lol
I think I chose my words poorly when I quickly mentioned ArP. I didn't mean to insinuate that anything that going over 1000 would be a waste. If you can reach the the 24% without sacrificing Crit/Recovery softcap and also witout ignoring defensive stats, then definitely go for it. I just meant that with so much debufing already in the build + the High Vizier, then it is not as crucial as for example a Renegade to reach the 24%.
In any case, from what I see CoI and Icy Terrain since they are now considered DoT damage, do not benefit from these feats. I know steal time does, and I am thinking shield pulse and chill strike too, but I havent personally tested it recently.
I'd love to be able to get a sense of how this looks.. Do you try and bounce them against the wall, so they don't scatter too far, or do you just heedlessly scatter them, knowing you have so much aggro that they will be running back (and you'll be getting a singularity very soon anyway)?
If you can describe it without having to go to all the hassle of making a video, that would be great. I rarely group with other CWs who are are all competent, I seem to out-CC and out-damage the ones that outgear me, though I am pretty sure that I am a long way from optimal in my technique.
All of the above. When they are melee adds, you know that they will rush back in after the shield pulse, even more so for teleporting adds. Pulsing against a wall, or pulsing the mobs towards the rest of the party. Pulsing right after singularity is up, or if you dont have enough AP and you know your shield pulse will give you enough to fill AP and follow up with Singularity.
But do not neglect your other encounters which debuff and apply damage boost buffs.
On elites and CC immune mobs, shield pulse is PERFECT not only for the damage and not worrying about dispersing the mobs, but also to apply the HV debuff. Your TR should focus on the Elites anyways, so scattering the little guys shouldnt be an issue.
Everyone in the group needs to understand that this is not a DPS competition. No sane person should complain when you are dishing out a ton of damage while keeping everyone alive or taking very little damage. Dispersing adds IS a form of CC. High burst damage IS a form of CC. The same reason why I CONSTANTLY use Ice Storm when I see adds around me with 20% health or so. One Ice Storm can obliterate and finish off a group of adds 10x faster than a TR/GWF together can.
I have seen so many situations where CWs spam Singularities and still cause wipes. Singularity does not stop mobs from casting, cleaving and finishing their attacks. Up until the moment the mobs get sucked up, they are still swinging and attacking. It is not always the best idea, especially if you are putting the singularity on top of the TR who just got hit and is sitting at 25% health without an Astral Shield.
Would you change anything in consideration of those feats?
I also like a detailed listing of your powers tree, I'm spoiled for choices thinking "I might not use this but then again I would..."
With my last respec, I took points out of these feats and put them into Learned Spellcaster
Must have Powers for this build:
Chilling Cloud
Icy Terrain
Steal Time
Ice Storm
Ice Knife
Storm Spell
Chilling Presence
Entangling Force
Chill Strike
Ray of Frost
Ray of enfeeblement
Icy Rays
The rest is up to you.
The only reason I care about gear score is that a lot of groups in chat seem to ask for 11k plus gear score.
She may have had the Toughness (extra %HP) Heroic Feat. That adds approx. 470 GS all by itself...
No there is no bug as far as I know. That gear score sounds about right for a t2 set and rank5/6 enchants. The thing is unlike other classes we don't have feats that inflate our GS. A 10k CW is probably as geared as a 12k GF/GWF. My advice is don't group with PUGs that are looking for a minimum GS. It is good indication that they don't know what they are talking about.
I got the cheap gear with lifesteal you recommended but cant seem to find any better items with lifesteal. Have you got any recommendations for T2 gear?
Also I'm working toward the high visier set and I want to ask what should I prioritize besides that. Should I get T2 gear for the rest of the slots (minimal improvement?) or should I get an ioun stone first?
Definitely get the Stone/Cat first. Then after getting it to lvl25 you will see what stats need to improve. Certain stats are much cheaper as runestones instead of Enchantments.
As far as the T2, you can only enchant the Armor with a lifesteal. Everything else has to come from accessories, and pet stats.
Hey copticone,
From the above calculations, you're using Chilling Presence as the class feature. In your updated original post, you also say:
<Class Feature1> Storm Spell
<Class Feature2> Evocation UPDATE:6-13-2013 Due to the recent changes, switched Evocation for Chilling Presence OR back to Eye of the Storm, your choice.
Does this mean that Storm Spell is the mandatory class feature for your build ?
How does using Eye of the Storm instead of Chilling Presence affect the calculations you made above ?
I got the impression from your calculations above that Chilling Presence was almost mandatory, but are you saying Chilling Presence is not necessary for this build and can be swapped out for Eye of the Storm, so using Storm Spell and EotS will give comparable damage compared to using Storm Spell and Chilling Presence?
The above was a "rough" calculation using the features I had on at the time, namely Storm Spell and Chilling Presence.
Yes, I think Storm Spell is the "mandatory" feature. It is reliable and beats anything else, especially in an AoE build like this.
I rarely slot Eye of the Storm, because I do not like its internal cooldown AND because there is currently a bug that's caused by having one of the Thauma feat, which could have you not proc EotS for much longer than the cooldown (it could also allow you to have 100% crit for 2-3min straight). So in other words it is unreliable in general, and at best an exploit.
With regards of Evocation, I decided to put it on the back burner, because I am tired of cryptic changing things randomly. One day it could affect certain powers, and then one day it would stop.
Actually, I re-specced into a thaum build from a renegade build and I ended up losing about 325 gear score, even though I had exactly the same gear and never took the Toughness feat in either build. This weird gs fluctuation is completely HAMSTER.
Btw, I've been wondering about RoF vs. MM on single targets lately. Can't seem to make up my mind, sometimes it acts as a proc-machine for storm spell and beats the hell out of MM that way. Other times it doesn't proc it at all. Various bonuses from chill stacks make it even harder for me to decide
Any thoughts/data on this?
I dropped MM altogether. RoF on a debuffed target is very good pve and pvp wise.
About RoF vs MM, I think RoF with spellstorm and chilling presence have better DPS BUT you may loose your arcane stacks and i'd to say i love them (reduce CD for shield, longer stun for stealth time)