I *****ed about this in a zone chat and was called an idiot and told that even if you leave something behind when the next person opens it they get their own set of items...so it may be that its not always done with malice...but that doesn't solve the issue.
yea this happens with chests aswell, but chests you cant reopen to get any loot you missed. quite annoying and yea the only time i leave something on the node is if its in a dungeon/solo/onetime place and i have nothing i feel is worth destroying to pick up a grey or whatever. they should make it so that if someone loots the node 30s to 1 min later it despawns so folks cant just go around leaving grey items for some unlucky questing player to pick up.
ok i can confirm at this point that yes, the 'issue' is still in place, i tried to farm up some residium today between waves of events (which are laggy as hell and not very enjoyable) and encountered the same issue of getting trash grey items that were worth less then 75 copper and i did check 2 additional nodes just to be certain that i am getting trash and it wasnt just someone leaving the grey on the node.
first time i saw this, i thought that some jerk thought it would be funny to drop that in a skill node but you can't put anything in there... could be all the reasons i've read about. i think it's just the developers with a twisted sense of humor. here... have a 1' pole! a bag of holes!
but some jerks do farm for specific enchants and runes and leave the trash behind. i take it all and if i need it, i'll use it and if not, i'll either sell it to the trash merchant or just keep it just in case. the way that prices fluctuate in the AH, it may be better to just do that. but i kind of think it's like a code just like the loot thing. would you want every farmer to do that so when you go to farm, you're hitting all these fresh nodes and they all have junk in them? of course not. ppl should stop doing that.
well i think this cant just fall behind but i have tried again to farm, my roommate was farming on a lower level toon and said he didnt run into the issue which prompted me to try again between events and yea were still being blocked. after release i am going to start running numbers to see what the time per node triggers the block.
well update for today, if there has been any change in this they have increased the amount of nodes you can hit before you get trash items. i dont have exact numbers just yet, need to do more than just one run to get the averages so we can figure out how much they want us to farm before we arent allowed to get anything more for their game.
Yeah, I was downgraded to getting only greys pretty quick during the Professions half-hour event on Thursday. Sort of a waste of time. I feel sorry for those who are working on Professions that require rare components.
Heck, the main reason I was farming today was to get some wood and vitriol, because I was thinking of taking up Alchemy... but I think I'll give it a pass.
ok so this is still mostly preliminary but i have done about 5 farming runs that were atleast 15-20 mins apart (most recent one being over night between runs) and what i am seeing is that i was hitting about 20 nodes in about 10-12 mins and after that i get trash items only.
as far as a cool down period the shortest time i have done another farm was about 5 mins later and i got a few more nodes but that was before this testing for the max nodes you get in a given timeframe and if i remember right i was only getting a few more nodes and then getting trash again so i think whats going on is you can only have a MAX of looting 20 nodes in the last 10 mins or else you only get trash grey items.
and yea i agree, putting this limit in and adding a new profession on top of that double enchants weekend is really really bad design, and mostly in my opinion is only going to hurt the legitimate players. i again reiterate that there are many, many other ways of countering botting that would not cause normal players to have any or minimal trouble while farming to do their professions.
i will continue with my testing to see if what i have found so far is the real limit by testing a few other factors such as non looting skill nodes (ie a dungeoneering that opens a door) are counted or if transfering instances will reset the count or not.
yeah if i'm farming during Professions and i'm getting trash items, it's not so cute and funny anymore. can't figure out i'm not a bot? wth. you give me a fast mount and the ability to farm profession resources and enchants/runes.... so you're going to punish me for being an efficient farmer?
EDIT: just FYI, my original data showed a cooldown of 5 minutes after you hit your last node of trash but there is now been a change and more data will have to be gathered to confirm the new cooldown period which may be 10-15 minutes after your last full node or 30 minutes after your first node meaning your only allowed a flat 20 nodes per 30 minutes.
ok i got more solid results now
you can loot up to 20 nodes in under 10 to 12 minutes. i suspect it may be a max of 20 nodes per 15 minutes and will explain why later.
nodes do not include buff (ie religion alters that provide a plus to gold drop, etc) or nodes that open doors or provide no loot.
transfering instances or zones does NOT clear your currently opened nodes. you cant farm up 19, transfer the instance or go to a new zone and continue.
once you hit 20 you must wait 10-15 minutes after your last fully filled node, once this time has passed you may be cleared to continue, something has changed and caused the cooldown to be increased from what my first results shown.
now for some speculation; my feeling is that it may be a max of 20 in under 15 minutes as my current average is just getting to 20 nodes right before or shortly after 10 minutes. i have tried to check this by dragging out my last farm alittle at the end so that i hit 19 right at 15 minutes then started gathering again and what i feel is happening is as follows;
as you are farming if you hit more then 20 nodes in 15 minutes no matter how far spread out you place them you will be locked out of getting any useful items from skill nodes for 5 minutes from your last looted node. your loot count resets after 5 minutes of not looting any nodes. if you loot 19 in 15 minutes and wait the 16th minute you will again have 19 as your count only keeps what happened in the last 15 minutes.
looting chests along your way or killing enemies does not effect your count. broken kits do not count. i have not checked relooting a node but my only hope is that is not taken into your count.
hopefully if we break down this enough cryptic will give us a response and possibly consider some other path to stopping botters (and spam) that will not cause normal players any problems.
now a few notes about myself and my account. i dont have a fast mount, i only have a 5g mount. this is seemingly effecting players of all types, i only have a starter kit so having purchased something in this game is not going to remove this limitation and is actually a reason not to purchase anything.
ok i just may have uncovered some disturbing new data. this is the first time where i was going farm, wait for reset, farm, and then wait. well after waiting 5 mins after my second farming run i am STILL getting trash items. i am certain i waited 5 mins between my last node and starting again so if i have just uncovered an increasing cooldown timer i am going to be even more displeased.
ya know i would not be at all surprised to learn that it gets worse and worse like that, until they actually come out and say if its a bug or working as intended and clarify how it kinda feels like just expect the worse you can imagine about it to be true.
My guess (and hope) is that this is intended to stop bots, not at the keyboard node farmers. If that is the case though I don't understand why they didn't give legit players a means to reset the timer. Once the timer kicks in (you farm enough nodes to start getting trash) they could have the character do something that would be impossible or difficult for a bot. To prove its a living person farming the nodes. When that action (whatever it is) is complete, the timer would be reset.
Heck, they could go complex and make it some sort of node based mini-game. With DnD dice rolls. Or something as simple as talking to an npc and picking a correct dialogue from a random selection.
If they really just want to stop node farming in general... Don't know what to say to that. Why bother to have them in the game then? Might as well just increase the frequency of mob crafting drops and remove the nodes.
ok sorry for the lack of update in a while, have not had much time to farm and me and my roommate have been debating continuing with the game. now to the matter at hand, when i was doing my first runs i do remember i was waiting about 5 minutes after getting trash, it may have been closer to 8 minutes but i dont think so. i just ran another farm run in a different zone because i need different materials now but zones should have no effect on the count and such. i was doing it during the profession event and as soon as i hit the limit (and got trash) i waited 5 minutes (+15 seconds to round up to the next minute) and yea i still got trash after that. i waited another 3 minutes still got trash and then waited a full 10 (not from my last loot but from the first trash) and again, trash. the cooldown is somewhere between 10 and 15 from your last full node or may be a flat 20 nodes per 30 minutes, it will take time to discover what this cooldown is now.
i will update my earlier posting to reflect we now have different information but my new expectation is that they are now watching this thread seeing we figured out all the data and have changed the cooldown period to stop botters and farmers more. the only reason i can see for them to stop farmers is so that people are more inclined to purchase zen for either conversion to astra diamonds to use on the auction house or using the zen to purchase booster packs and get your needed materials from there.
I have a question which is not directly related to this thread?
I noticed that Arcane Shard are dropping normally but I can't find any Eldritch Crystals anymore?
Has their drop been nerfed or is it level thing?
You know, level 60 toon wouldn't get 'em. Dunno.
dardoveMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I have a question which is not directly related to this thread?
I noticed that Arcane Shard are dropping normally but I can't find any Eldritch Crystals anymore?
Has their drop been nerfed or is it level thing?
You know, level 60 toon wouldn't get 'em. Dunno.
It is level based. Profession resources are rank based. eldritch crystals are rank 2 and arcane shards are rank 3. So as you level up and progress through the different zones, you will start with rank 1 drops out of the nodes, then start to get rank 2 and finally rank 3 stuff. I don't know the exact cut offs though.
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
edited June 2013
Yeah, if you want Eldritch Crystals, you'll need to go back to an earlier zone.
It is level based. Profession resources are rank based. eldritch crystals are rank 2 and arcane shards are rank 3. So as you level up and progress through the different zones, you will start with rank 1 drops out of the nodes, then start to get rank 2 and finally rank 3 stuff. I don't know the exact cut offs though.
I was farming Vellosk and that bog place till my eyes bled and never got a single blue drop.
But I am farming Rothe and WC and get occasional blue drop.
And I noticed that a third skill node I start getting lower grade stuff.
It feels like they generally reduced the amount of good stuff from the nodes too, but since they are still being stealthy and silent about it all who knows.
yea i can at least confirm to some degree they have increased timers from what it was originally. seems they didnt get the desired effect of stopping botters (or getting people to buy more zen/profession packs/etc) so they are tweaking the numbers to get whatever result they want. i know for certain it didnt take as long as it is now taking between my farming runs. i am still trying to get more results on if it is a flat 20 nodes in 30 minutes or if there is something else going on.
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
edited June 2013
I was hoping to find someone to help me determine if it was possible to leave unlooted items in a node that would then remain in place, but I actually ended up watching someone do it tonight. My character had definitely not been flagged. I watched this player do their thing and walk away, then looted the same node and got a magic focus or whatever.
I honestly doubted they worked that way, but now I'll confirm it. Doesn't help clarify the matter of "have I been flagged or am I just following a jerk?"
yea, you can leave stuff on a node and it will, from what i have seen, stay there until someone loots it or possibly the server/instance being restarted making things refresh. i still have no full data on if half looted nodes go toward your counts but i suspect they do unless it was you that looted it in the first place.
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
edited June 2013
I imagine it must because the game can only see that as a successful looting counting towards your total. It has no way to register that you didn't get anything worthwhile out of it.
pinkleetMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 26Arc User
edited June 2013
A moron is what a moron does. If you make a mechanics in your own freaking game that gives you more rewards for farming within 30 min EVERYONE will use that. That is YOUR own mechanics and not exploit.
Than you put a cap on how many nodes you can farm. This has to be a gold star for a HAMSTER design in history of MMOS. <Standing ovation> Clap, clap, clap.
Someone please make a youtube video of this so the devs can be the laughing stack of gaming community. They surely deserve it.
yea this happens with chests aswell, but chests you cant reopen to get any loot you missed. quite annoying and yea the only time i leave something on the node is if its in a dungeon/solo/onetime place and i have nothing i feel is worth destroying to pick up a grey or whatever. they should make it so that if someone loots the node 30s to 1 min later it despawns so folks cant just go around leaving grey items for some unlucky questing player to pick up.
but some jerks do farm for specific enchants and runes and leave the trash behind. i take it all and if i need it, i'll use it and if not, i'll either sell it to the trash merchant or just keep it just in case. the way that prices fluctuate in the AH, it may be better to just do that. but i kind of think it's like a code just like the loot thing. would you want every farmer to do that so when you go to farm, you're hitting all these fresh nodes and they all have junk in them? of course not. ppl should stop doing that.
yeah, i can and i do change instances... thanks.
Heck, the main reason I was farming today was to get some wood and vitriol, because I was thinking of taking up Alchemy... but I think I'll give it a pass.
as far as a cool down period the shortest time i have done another farm was about 5 mins later and i got a few more nodes but that was before this testing for the max nodes you get in a given timeframe and if i remember right i was only getting a few more nodes and then getting trash again so i think whats going on is you can only have a MAX of looting 20 nodes in the last 10 mins or else you only get trash grey items.
and yea i agree, putting this limit in and adding a new profession on top of that double enchants weekend is really really bad design, and mostly in my opinion is only going to hurt the legitimate players. i again reiterate that there are many, many other ways of countering botting that would not cause normal players to have any or minimal trouble while farming to do their professions.
i will continue with my testing to see if what i have found so far is the real limit by testing a few other factors such as non looting skill nodes (ie a dungeoneering that opens a door) are counted or if transfering instances will reset the count or not.
please fix this.
ok i got more solid results now
nodes do not include buff (ie religion alters that provide a plus to gold drop, etc) or nodes that open doors or provide no loot.
transfering instances or zones does NOT clear your currently opened nodes. you cant farm up 19, transfer the instance or go to a new zone and continue.
once you hit 20 you must wait 10-15 minutes after your last fully filled node, once this time has passed you may be cleared to continue, something has changed and caused the cooldown to be increased from what my first results shown.
now for some speculation; my feeling is that it may be a max of 20 in under 15 minutes as my current average is just getting to 20 nodes right before or shortly after 10 minutes. i have tried to check this by dragging out my last farm alittle at the end so that i hit 19 right at 15 minutes then started gathering again and what i feel is happening is as follows;
looting chests along your way or killing enemies does not effect your count. broken kits do not count. i have not checked relooting a node but my only hope is that is not taken into your count.
hopefully if we break down this enough cryptic will give us a response and possibly consider some other path to stopping botters (and spam) that will not cause normal players any problems.
now a few notes about myself and my account. i dont have a fast mount, i only have a 5g mount. this is seemingly effecting players of all types, i only have a starter kit so having purchased something in this game is not going to remove this limitation and is actually a reason not to purchase anything.
Heck, they could go complex and make it some sort of node based mini-game. With DnD dice rolls. Or something as simple as talking to an npc and picking a correct dialogue from a random selection.
If they really just want to stop node farming in general...
It also seems to be more than 5 minutes in between. I waited 8 minutes and still was getting junk, during today's Profession event.
i will update my earlier posting to reflect we now have different information but my new expectation is that they are now watching this thread seeing we figured out all the data and have changed the cooldown period to stop botters and farmers more. the only reason i can see for them to stop farmers is so that people are more inclined to purchase zen for either conversion to astra diamonds to use on the auction house or using the zen to purchase booster packs and get your needed materials from there.
I noticed that Arcane Shard are dropping normally but I can't find any Eldritch Crystals anymore?
Has their drop been nerfed or is it level thing?
You know, level 60 toon wouldn't get 'em. Dunno.
It is level based. Profession resources are rank based. eldritch crystals are rank 2 and arcane shards are rank 3. So as you level up and progress through the different zones, you will start with rank 1 drops out of the nodes, then start to get rank 2 and finally rank 3 stuff. I don't know the exact cut offs though.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
I was farming Vellosk and that bog place till my eyes bled and never got a single blue drop.
But I am farming Rothe and WC and get occasional blue drop.
And I noticed that a third skill node I start getting lower grade stuff.
I honestly doubted they worked that way, but now I'll confirm it. Doesn't help clarify the matter of "have I been flagged or am I just following a jerk?"
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Than you put a cap on how many nodes you can farm. This has to be a gold star for a HAMSTER design in history of MMOS. <Standing ovation> Clap, clap, clap.
Someone please make a youtube video of this so the devs can be the laughing stack of gaming community. They surely deserve it.