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PvP has become a laughable spectacle.



  • dcoy1dcoy1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    krumple01 wrote: »
    There are ways of reacting to it, do you want me to push the buttons for you? All you are really complaining about is that you are mad you can't see the rogue at all. It happens in every game where there is a stealth character who can sneak up on a target. They cry about it until the devs remove the stealth ability.

    Some players know ways of tracking, finding rogues even while stealthed. The fact that you want it handed to you because you lack the skills to be able to track and find stealthed rogues just shows you want the devs to solve your problem for you instead of learn how to play.

    And what class do rogues have to learn some mysterious skill to beat? Oh right, nothing. They just face roll all. Don't come here talking about skill and defend the no skill class. Makes you look bad.
  • tonyg99tonyg99 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Coming from another CW perspective, I definitely wouldn't say we are underpowered by any means. Good GF's and especially GWF's can be tricky especially with specials up after you've recently used yours, with the temp hitpoints and CC immunity, but they are by no means unkillable, and if you are able to adapt and learn from your previous deaths to them can often be very fun duels.

    But the whole getting 1 shot from a stealthed TR (been crit for 26k whilst being on full health (22k)) with a special whilst your trying to cap a node is very frustrating.
    Getting killed at range from a stealthed TR 100 to 0 is also infuriating.
    I also think that their AoE disable should have its length reduced, or your dodge mechanics shouldn't be locked out during this time as it is usually more than enough time to finish a squishy class off, especially with others assisting.

    Just some tweaks I would like to see for them, I'm more than ok dying in PvP, and theyre are definitely tweaks I would agree to for CW's but having a lot of unavoidable, defenseless deaths is annoying. A resilience kind of mechanic for the game would be great, overall damage nerf'd, maybe specials damage nerf'd. Like someone else posted, if i want to have unavoidable 1 shot deaths, I'll turn on my XBOX and play CoD.

    (And DC's.... enough said)
  • utzpretzelsutzpretzels Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 41
    edited June 2013
    It seems that everyone thinks that every class is overpowered (except for clerics). LOL. So perhaps the abilities don't need to be changed, we just all need more HP to make the fights longer.

    Oh, and a 5 second immunity to cc after you have been cc'ed once would be awesome. I hate getting chain cc'ed and beaten down to death without a chance to do anything.
  • renegademarshalrenegademarshal Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 83
    edited June 2013
    Another one of these?

    1. They're supposed to. A squishy class like CW or DC is not supposed to go and try to take on a rogue 1v1, or even 2v1. That's the job of the tankier classes that can actually live through the damage.

    2. They trade high spike damage for stealth but can still kill squishies. Their primary focus is contesting your point. Send a TR/CW/DC and you're just playing into the stealth rogue's hands.

    3. Again, it's the job of the GF/GWF to take out the TR. TR's throwing daggers? Have the fighters get close and use AoE's, making the TR stop attacking to dodge or take damage and lose stealth.

    4. This is not the typical "Holy Trinity where classes only do their role." A GF will kill you if specced for it. It will kill you quickly. You know what such a GF sucks at? 2v1's. They die quicker TR's and CW's since the GF has no escape and can easily be pincered by 2 classes. This is a TEAM game. Play like a TEAM.

    5. Once again, team game.

    6. It's part of their Class Mechanic. Of course every GWF is going to use it. They were a tad bit overbuffed, but the same strategy that completely screwed them before the patch still works. But it's not like I'm going to help others beat my class more.
  • hkiewahkiewa Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 379 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    dcoy1 wrote: »
    And what class do rogues have to learn some mysterious skill to beat? Oh right, nothing. They just face roll all. Don't come here talking about skill and defend the no skill class. Makes you look bad.

    Someone looks bad alright.
  • dank65dank65 Member Posts: 44
    edited June 2013
    The only thing I have to say about the PvP in this game is that its Pay 2 Win get use to it thats what they want thats how they make there money in a F2P game, And forget about balance craptic has no idea of what it means I come from STO (star trek online) a game craptic launched 3 years ago as a subscription based game which was pretty decent at first but then went F2P and now has gone P2W and any sembalance of balance has gone out the window.

    Craptic just keeps dropping more and more <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> into the game and what we do get to test and give feedback on they just ignore in order to chase the almighty buck and with this game your screwed from the get go because it launched as a F2P game.

    Bottom line is if you dont mind paying for an advantage then you will have no problem if you do you will, And lets face it who owns this game is PWE a chinese company and most of there games are like that F2P but there player base expect to have to pay for and advantage and they do.

    So in the end its not the abilitys or the builds that are OP its the extras you pay real money for that are the problem.

    Guild - <Lords of The Dead>
    LvL 60 CW-Dragon Server
  • azmoran11azmoran11 Member Posts: 51
    edited June 2013
    You are timing your skills badly then. I have a GF and can keep someone knocked down indefinitely while I kill them 1 vs 1.

    In other words. L2P.

    You can only kill them if they are poorly played and poorly geared. Learn to play against good players. I would dominate you on my CW. You wouldn't touch me.
  • chinohatechinohate Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Too high damage overall. It's killing the effectiveness of many skills and playability of pvp. You can actually experience the potency in under lv.60 matches.

    Tenebros enchant is definitely breaking the balance.
    Rogues w/o tenebros, are really fun to fight against.
    GF is ok if some of their range, damage or prone duration is adjusted.
    I'm not certain about GWF after patch but except some issues combined with enchants, their attacks are easier to evade than other classes but they still can do hard initiation frequently.
    CW is ok if their damage is adjusted along with overall damage of all classes.
    Cleric is ok if they have more buff abilities.
  • alecstormalecstorm Member Posts: 142 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Op is a cw or cleric? If CW, l2p. If cleric, well... you are team dependant.
  • doomsagadoomsaga Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Learn how to PVP, please. I have a stealth-based TR who got owned yesterday in PVP by a GWF. How? He knew how to combat stealth-type rogues, found me by AOEs and getting close, and trapped me into a pattern of KD and stun-lock.

    Theres no mmo(hell no game in existence)
    where you can stealth and attack and still stay stealth. That is unbelievably broken and the fact that you are trying to defend it with "learn how to find me" is an absolute joke. This is part of the problem with pvp.
  • krumple01krumple01 Member Posts: 755 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    doomsaga wrote: »
    Theres no mmo(hell no game in existence)
    where you can stealth and attack and still stay stealth. That is unbelievably broken and the fact that you are trying to defend it with "learn how to find me" is an absolute joke. This is part of the problem with pvp.

    Does your diaper need to be changed?
  • lurkinginshadowslurkinginshadows Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    For one you know nothing about the TR class if you think cloud of steel is what they use while stealth. Cloud of steel pops you out of stealth period and every class that doesnt know how to play their class will ***** about a class being over powered. So what you want as a CW is to be able to suck my whole team into a bubble, freeze me in spot for 3 secs or lift me in there air where I can not do anything but get <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> by your team but you wearing cloth armor I shouldnt be able to **** you when I get to you. I have played against good players from every class and the good players dont get <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> by a TR, it always turns into a good fight. Not all TR's can do that amount of damage either, I have had several TR's on my teams that were down right poor players and their Hero reflected that. There is a reason for shift abilities and those who use them correctly dont have problems with the pvp, its those that dont know how to play their Hero who complain about one class being overpowered. I have been <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> atleast once by every class in this game and its not the class, it boils down to the skill of the player. So how about instead of taking the time to come on to the forum and complain about how you suck as a SKILLED player and every class should be nerfed so that you can feel gratification for being an unskilled player. You actually take that time to work on your skill
  • degraafinationdegraafination Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    doomsaga wrote: »
    Theres no mmo(hell no game in existence)
    where you can stealth and attack and still stay stealth. That is unbelievably broken and the fact that you are trying to defend it with "learn how to find me" is an absolute joke. This is part of the problem with pvp.

    I PVP a lot, and have met many good players who know how to deal with stealthy rogues. After playing a stealthy rogue so much, I can deal with them decently with my other level 60's.

    You, however, seem more interested in complaining.
    Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
  • draslorddraslord Member Posts: 38
    edited June 2013
    In the end all this topic is about a player who cannot use the full potential if his character. I play a CW, yes I can get destroyed by melee but thats only if I'm in the middle of 2 or more and if there are two rogues on me. Yeah I think the range ability is odd for a rogue but I don't cry about it, I just try seeing the window where I can avoid it and stun lock the rogue and nuke him. Every class has its pros and cons. It will always be that way, it's the nature of the beast. It takes us as the players to figure out how to beat different classes.
  • monarrchmonarrch Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 164 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    daethx wrote: »
    The problem being that "Control" Wizards actually have the worst CC in the game when it comes to PvP. The only people they can even "Control" are other CWs and DCs. GF can easily block CC. GWF is immune with constant unstoppable. TRs just use impossible to catch and kill CWs in seconds. If you catch someone off guard what do you have? A 2 second choke? A ****ty pushback? Awesome.

    GF and GWF on the other hand have knockdown combos that will take you from 100% to 0% health in seconds and TRs have the best CC in the game with smoke screen which has a stupidly long duration.

    That's why CW needs to be about ranged DPS. They are glass cannons. Everyone except cleric is immune to CC anyway, so why bother focusing on it? If they removed those immunities and reduced everyone elses CC, then sure. Make CW the CC class. Until then, don't bother.

    This. ^^^^^^^^^^
  • thestoryteller01thestoryteller01 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Honestly I never have and never ever will touch PvP in a Fantasy MMO with a 10 ft pole.

    But I've played my share of online-shooters and the problem is always the same:

    Even if classes are 100% balanced from their raw stats/abilities, there will always be some that have such simple combo possibilities that one can play them single-handed and still win every other battle - while others have to use all their skill regarding timing, cooldown management and health support to get the same average. I don't think NW will be the very first MMO to solve this problem.
    In case you find my grammar or spelling weird ---> native german speaker ;)
  • seraphidseraphid Member Posts: 158 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    monarrch wrote: »
    1. Rogues still one shotting with lashing blade and if you do still happen to have any life left, they polish that off with 2-3k cloud if steel strikes from range.

    2. Rogues perma-stealthing.

    3. Rogues killing you with cloud of steel while never being seen. What the hell is a DPS melee class doing hitting this hard at range while never coming out of stealth? Are you devs even trying at this point?

    4. GFs, a plate wearing, shelf carrying class two shotting people. Here is the concept people: high defend/survivability, low DPS. Got it? It's not much harder than that.

    5. GFs knocking you down taking 1/4 of you health bar, then it takes you nearly 3 seconds for the get up off the ground animation to finish which by then the GFs cool down is up and you get knocked down again. By the time this is over, you're dead and didn't even get a chance to fight back!?!?! Utter BS.

    6. GWFs and this new temporary health buff that every darn one of then are using. I practically have to try to kill them twice which usually doesn't end well unless I get help. Too many damage buffs in the last patch to justify this <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>.

    Logging into bgs is becoming a hopeless affair and at this pint I have nothing to look forward too. I have invested a lot if doe into this game and I'm regretting it now. I had hoped that at least maybe a new class would give me interest but that aint happening. I can deal with bugs, I can deal with exploits, I cannot take this amount of imba in PVp. It's stupid to the point of ridiculous now. Losing interest fast.

    i bet u must be cleric who thought he can just be invincible
  • monarrchmonarrch Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 164 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    For one you know nothing about the TR class if you think cloud of steel is what they use while stealth. Cloud of steel pops you out of stealth period and every class that doesnt know how to play their class will ***** about a class being over powered. So what you want as a CW is to be able to suck my whole team into a bubble, freeze me in spot for 3 secs or lift me in there air where I can not do anything but get <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> by your team but you wearing cloth armor I shouldnt be able to **** you when I get to you. I have played against good players from every class and the good players dont get <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> by a TR, it always turns into a good fight. Not all TR's can do that amount of damage either, I have had several TR's on my teams that were down right poor players and their Hero reflected that. There is a reason for shift abilities and those who use them correctly dont have problems with the pvp, its those that dont know how to play their Hero who complain about one class being overpowered. I have been <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> atleast once by every class in this game and its not the class, it boils down to the skill of the player. So how about instead of taking the time to come on to the forum and complain about how you suck as a SKILLED player and every class should be nerfed so that you can feel gratification for being an unskilled player. You actually take that time to work on your skill

    Do you play a Rogue, at all?
  • pinkysansbrainpinkysansbrain Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    monarrch wrote: »
    4. GFs, a plate wearing, shelf carrying class two shotting people. Here is the concept people: high defend/survivability, low DPS. Got it? It's not much harder than that.

    Ah, that would work if this game was based on the trinity. It's not. In 4E, defenders can do just as much damage as strikers, providing you spec them right. This is honestly a case of you needing to learn to play and stop lone-wolfing it during PvP matches. You even point out that taking on GWFs doesn't end well unless you "get help" which implies you're not playing as a team like you should be. Aside from backcapping, you should be sticking with your teammates.
  • xperfxperf Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    OP is funny. Rogue takes no skill to play? So if a rogue kills another rogue it took no skill? If any class gets the jump on any class(except cleric) he will usually win or you must run for a pot or just die or die trying to get the pot or hey use some skill and win? I've been jumped plenty of times by a rogue on low health dodged, stealthed up hit impossible to catch and wtf pwn him. Use some skill please. By skill you mean using the right skills at the right time to win? What a concept. Hey when a rogue is throwing daggers at you move behind a tank or a cleric lol LoS works in this game because hitting the right target all the time isn't easy when you are using ranged skills. TR range is pretty short you can move out of it. It's not like we can kill someone across the map like a CW. We all have skills it's how you use them that make you good. You think every rogue out there face rolls people? Sure I am usually top on points and I don't die much and I face roll people like you that have no skill. I love 1v1 fights even if I don't win. But against a good team you think I'm just going face roll people just because I'm a TR then you suck at life. A good team takes another good team to beat not a TR. If you aren't spec'd and don't use the skills that refresh stealth it doesn't last long jeez just dodge and run around stealth will wear off it's not perma. If you stand there and the TR unloads all his daggers at you and does a combine damage of 16k to 20k damage to you then yea you deserve to die from a ranged TR stupid. Lol the post makes me laf. Oh yea to the guy that says clouds of steel pop you out of stealth is wrong no at wills for a TR pop you out of stealth. Most encounters and dailys will but a few of them let you use them in stealth.

    GF well not much you can do if you let him punt you just say good night. Tenoberous enchants need to be nerf'd. I don't use them but I might have to start becaue they are just too OP. Most GF use them as they get a huge damage buff becaues they have alot of health. This is the main reason a GF will pwn you.

    GWF you have to play against him like it's a TR with heavy armor and more health and stay away from him and kite until he dies. Most likely he will just run off that's what they do if they can't combo you they give up and run away they are good at that running thing. About 90% of them run away if they can't kill you with a combo they use this tactic to refresh the combo and run in and try again or use unstoppable and be a pain in the butt and then they run away and refresh it's a common tactic. It's also the tactic you should use against them run away kite then they run away. God it's a run away fight kinda stupid but that's how it is.

    There are a few DC's out there are still **** hard to kill. I am not sure what they do but they are almost impossible to kill. I usually have to burn a Lurker's to kill one that knows how to play. On the other hand the other 90% of the DC's out there die like they were made of butter and I took a blow torch to them. A good DC with a good GF is a hell of a combo.

    It's team based domination. A good team is all you need. There a few things that are OP some of the enchants and some of the CC. But if you want to cry about being one shot by a lashing that you didn't dodge go ahead newb learn to play.
  • degraafinationdegraafination Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    daethx wrote: »
    The problem being that "Control" Wizards actually have the worst CC in the game when it comes to PvP. The only people they can even "Control" are other CWs and DCs. GF can easily block CC. GWF is immune with constant unstoppable. TRs just use impossible to catch and kill CWs in seconds. If you catch someone off guard what do you have? A 2 second choke? A ****ty pushback? Awesome.

    GF and GWF on the other hand have knockdown combos that will take you from 100% to 0% health in seconds and TRs have the best CC in the game with smoke screen which has a stupidly long duration.

    That's why CW needs to be about ranged DPS. They are glass cannons. Everyone except cleric is immune to CC anyway, so why bother focusing on it? If they removed those immunities and reduced everyone elses CC, then sure. Make CW the CC class. Until then, don't bother.

    To survive as a CW at 60 you need two things:

    1. Good positioning. You can't get near melee. I personally position close enough to hit but with a decent escape route. If melee comes to you, you can dodge (3x) and rely on...

    2. Teamwork. I love my CW pairing up with rogues or GWF. I also love my GF pairing up with a cleric. High level PVP is all about working as a group and working together.
    Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
  • pinkfontpinkfont Member Posts: 563 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    monarrch wrote: »
    And Rogues are never satisfied till they can face roll any class in game by merit of the class mechanics alone when skill won't even be required.

    Read again. I never said rogues shouldn't be able to attack from stealth. I said having a hard hitting ranged attack for a melee class that never, never comes out of stealth while using it is stupid. Do you hobestly think people should never be able to respond to that? Never be able to react to it? Really?

    Perma-stealth builds sacrifice damage. A lot. If you're dying to a rogue with permanent-stealth using Clouds of Steel, then you're simply bad. No, what's actually happening is that you're dying to rogues using the typical Executioner build with standard stealth duration and high damage the build offers. The class is working as intended.

    Just don't go dragging permanent stealth builds into the discussion.
    A rich rogue nowadays is fit company for any gentleman; and the world, my dear, hath not such a contempt for roguery as you imagine. - John HAMSTER
  • wholyhandgrenadewholyhandgrenade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    alecstorm wrote: »
    Op is a cw or cleric? If CW, l2p. If cleric, well... you are team dependant.

    yup, as a cleric your job is to run away from all opposition as fast as you can whether its fighting your team or on the field alone... do not engage, do not support, just run and if you can tap off any points while running do so... that you are the slowest moving character in the game matters not just run... hopefully you can score well through the 100% flee strategy, keep in mind where the healing point potions are cause they are the only way you are ever going to get your health back up if ever caught and hit
  • drew575drew575 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Why does this game not have open world pvp?!?!
  • therouterninjatherouterninja Member Posts: 114 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    For one you know nothing about the TR class if you think cloud of steel is what they use while stealth. Cloud of steel pops you out of stealth period

    Beholder MOPP4

    60 GF(14.5GS) Cersei
    60 CW(12.4GS) Shadis
    60 TR(12.2GS) Dijkstra
    60 GWF(12.2GS) Winnowill
    45 DC(WIP) Daenerys
  • therouterninjatherouterninja Member Posts: 114 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    pinkfont wrote: »
    Perma-stealth builds sacrifice damage. A lot. If you're dying to a rogue with permanent-stealth using Clouds of Steel, then you're simply bad. No, what's actually happening is that you're dying to rogues using the typical Executioner build with standard stealth duration and high damage the build offers. The class is working as intended.

    Just don't go dragging permanent stealth builds into the discussion.

    ^ This. If you didn't pile on lots of INT from the start, you'll need about 2500 recovery, which sucks up all your offense slots(you need 30% recharge to permastealth). If you're getting hit for a lot of damage, it's probably not perma-stealth.
    Beholder MOPP4

    60 GF(14.5GS) Cersei
    60 CW(12.4GS) Shadis
    60 TR(12.2GS) Dijkstra
    60 GWF(12.2GS) Winnowill
    45 DC(WIP) Daenerys
  • lltsnwnlltsnwn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 787 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    hellorco wrote: »
    I stopped at "has become" like it was ever something else.

    LOL! I think what he means is that from levels 1-59 is different then the level 60 PvP experience in Neverwinter PvP.
  • dgfdsdgsgh3dgfdsdgsgh3 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 127 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    chizzah wrote: »
    Dude from what I'm seeing in this thread.. And I may be wrong but you're a Control Wizard that used to be OP but isn't anymore? Either way a simple solution to CWs are to lower their damage output. Why? Because its a "Control" Wizard not a "Damage" Wizard. In my mind that's the biggest mistakes the devs made in giving CW so much damage output. Lower damage/increase CC times. Nuff said.

    Here it is. Having played CW forever this is EXACTLY what we need since we really don't have any control at the moment. That high damage is a must at the moment since all CC is so easily broken/avoided or lasts 1 second anyway to render the word control useless in PvP. I wouldn't mind losing ALL my damage if my CC lasted forever :)
  • sominatorsominator Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Hey all, thanks for the PvP feedback! We're continually working to make PvP feel more balanced for all classes. Your feedback is very helpful!
    Proud member of Team Fencebane, official guild of the unofficial Neverwinter Adventure Hour!
  • morthanosmorthanos Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Here it is. Having played CW forever this is EXACTLY what we need since we really don't have any control at the moment. That high damage is a must at the moment since all CC is so easily broken/avoided or lasts 1 second anyway to render the word control useless in PvP. I wouldn't mind losing ALL my damage if my CC lasted forever :)

    I don't want to lose ALL my damage or for my control to last forever, otherwise I completely agree with this and the post this fellow quoted.
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