I checked the spreadsheet linked in that thread, and read over the numbers myself. I already knew from playing GWF that the feats that say "increase bonus damage from STR" are actually a lot better than they sound. This just confirmed by suspicions that the TR works in the same way as the fighter classes when it comes to STR, damage, and so on.
What I rolled was a human TR with a non-intuitive set of stats starting at 18 STR and 16 DEX. I know what you're thinking... lower DEX than STR? Are you NUTS? LOL
Maybe... but if you think about it, STR applies to each and every single attack we ever make in the entire game. Having a couple of points lower in DEX than "normal" will affect the crit chance, it's true -- but we have such high crit chances anyway, with the gear critical stat scaling relatively nicely. The gear stat that affects straight damage is power, and it scales like absolute dog ****... so anything we can do to raise straight-up damage across the board is more valuable for character stats to have, since gear cannot make up the difference as easily.
That's just how I reasoned it, anyway.
As for the cloak tower stunt... if I had to do it over again, I would actually not bring my dog. There were times that I got into trouble and had to break away from combat to regroup, and the dog actually brought the aggro back to me by running back to find me LOL. The amount of control that you get as a soloist TR is just incredible compared to the other classes. No other class can de-aggro like we can and break away. That core ability we have to not be a target is simply amazing -- no other class can do that. When you also add in the fact that the TR can strike VERY hard from concealment, that gives you the magic recipe of perfect tactical advantage:
1. The most powerful defense that can ever be achieved is to not ever be a target in the first place.
2. The most powerful kind of attack is a strike from surprise into a vulnerable spot.
There you go... Military Tactics 101 -- it doesn't get any more basic than this.
I am willing to bet that epic dungeons can be soloed by a lone TR with a pet stone/cat. Even more humorous is the thought that most of the mobs can be "skipped" by not exploiting dungeon map issues, but by simply stealthing past the legions of trash mobs who don't drop any loot and exist solely to get in the way.
and wat will be the new feat paragon will we change?? i wish u could tell us soon.. so we can fix ur feat/paragon while wer in our low levels.
pyroknight777Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 7Arc User
edited June 2013
Well to answer your question,here is what Banelorne is talking about:
"...Gloaming cut is so useless. It's an at-will which refills stealth by 35% if you kill an enemy with it. But it's just slow. Snail-paced slow for a rogue at will. But by taking sneaky stabber, it gets the ability to refill our stealth by 10% each hit, further extending the duration of our stealth, enough to let our stealth refill encounter skills to fully recharge. To anyone who wants to see it in action, i am very eager to demonstrate."
This is a copy of a post he made in the facebook group of our guild.I don't think Banelorne would mind this sinse I am pretty sure he was going to post it.Anyways,I think he is still testing this so I would wait for his conformation before respecing/picking that feat..
@pyroknight777 in the game ^_^ Don't worry if you see me stalking you...my characters are kind of "new" to social life...I mean how would you think a fire demon-turned hero would react to a girl if all he sees in hell are half-naked devilish women...
OHH okay bro now i understand.... what is your facebook page btw?? im a fan.!!
I HOPE BANELOME will post it .. so i can also change my paragon feat. coz now im not putting any points at the most. to be sure. hehehe
Finally, somebody has made a proper build for solo PvE players! Thank you so much for doing this Todesfaelle. I'm really looking forward to seeing your updated build.
I checked the spreadsheet linked in that thread, and read over the numbers myself. I already knew from playing GWF that the feats that say "increase bonus damage from STR" are actually a lot better than they sound. This just confirmed by suspicions that the TR works in the same way as the fighter classes when it comes to STR, damage, and so on.
What I rolled was a human TR with a non-intuitive set of stats starting at 18 STR and 16 DEX. I know what you're thinking... lower DEX than STR? Are you NUTS? LOL
Maybe... but if you think about it, STR applies to each and every single attack we ever make in the entire game. Having a couple of points lower in DEX than "normal" will affect the crit chance, it's true -- but we have such high crit chances anyway, with the gear critical stat scaling relatively nicely. The gear stat that affects straight damage is power, and it scales like absolute dog ****... so anything we can do to raise straight-up damage across the board is more valuable for character stats to have, since gear cannot make up the difference as easily.
That's just how I reasoned it, anyway.
As for the cloak tower stunt... if I had to do it over again, I would actually not bring my dog. There were times that I got into trouble and had to break away from combat to regroup, and the dog actually brought the aggro back to me by running back to find me LOL. The amount of control that you get as a soloist TR is just incredible compared to the other classes. No other class can de-aggro like we can and break away. That core ability we have to not be a target is simply amazing -- no other class can do that. When you also add in the fact that the TR can strike VERY hard from concealment, that gives you the magic recipe of perfect tactical advantage:
1. The most powerful defense that can ever be achieved is to not ever be a target in the first place.
2. The most powerful kind of attack is a strike from surprise into a vulnerable spot.
There you go... Military Tactics 101 -- it doesn't get any more basic than this.
I am willing to bet that epic dungeons can be soloed by a lone TR with a pet stone/cat. Even more humorous is the thought that most of the mobs can be "skipped" by not exploiting dungeon map issues, but by simply stealthing past the legions of trash mobs who don't drop any loot and exist solely to get in the way.
Like it's straight from The Art of War. Good input, l0th4ri0. Also, when I respecced in the live game, I went for STR rather than CHA. My flat damage has been improved, as well as my stamina regeneration.
And you are right about the companion issue with stealth TR's. None Ioun/Cat companions tend to be liabilities rather than actually helping. They attract unwanted AoE's and just die from the aggro.
Well to answer your question,here is what Banelorne is talking about:
"...Gloaming cut is so useless. It's an at-will which refills stealth by 25% if you kill an enemy with it. But it's just slow. Snail-paced slow for a rogue at will. But by taking sneaky stabber, it gets the ability to refill our stealth by 10% each hit, further extending the duration of our stealth, enough to let our stealth refill encounter skills to fully recharge. To anyone who wants to see it in action, i am very eager to demonstrate."
This is a copy of a post he made in the facebook group of our guild.I don't think Banelorne would mind this sinse I am pretty sure he was going to post it.Anyways,I think he is still testing this so I would wait for his conformation before respecing/picking that feat..
Lol Pyro, I just saw this post. Thank you for helping me answer questions while I wasn't able to. I appreciate it.
OHH okay bro now i understand.... what is your facebook page btw?? im a fan.!!
I HOPE BANELOME will post it .. so i can also change my paragon feat. coz now im not putting any points at the most. to be sure. hehehe
The Facebook Page is actually our guild group. We are from a Mindflayer Guild called The Shade Monarchs, a small and fairly casual guild. If you're planning to play on Mindflayer sometime, hit me up. I have 2 Filipino friends that play the game with me.
Finally, somebody has made a proper build for solo PvE players! Thank you so much for doing this Todesfaelle. I'm really looking forward to seeing your updated build.
It's my pleasure and I'm glad my hobby is somehow helping people. Thank you so much for the kind words! I'm currently updating the guide and the results of my tests will be posted on the front page in a while so please stay tuned for updates. I'll also be posting a summarized version before I post my findings.
Hello, everyone. I just finished testing the effectiveness and the performance of the new rotation in both PVE and PVP. And I must say, I like the results. It's a cheap way to achieve permastealth, without the need for too much recovery or INT, and you can retain the effectiveness of the original build as well. Here are the things that have changed which I shall be including in the front page in a while.
1. Replace the Paragon Feat "Underhanded Tactics" for "Sneaky Stabber" of the Paragon Path. Sneaky Stabber allows Gloaming Cut to replenish 10% of our Stealth Bar per hit.
2. Replace Sly Flourish for Gloaming Cut as our left mouse button At-Will. Gloaming Cut deals a huge amount of damage in one blow for a rogue at-will, almost equivalent to an entire rotation of Sly Flourish, and even better when it crits. It also "homes in" on an opponent and acts as a pseudo-gap closer. It may take some practice to fully control and time Gloaming Cut.
3. This mainly works for PVE settings. For PVP, it will be dangerous to try and get close to use Gloaming Cut as players will detect you if you get close enough. But more often than not, attacking people from behind makes you less noticeable, which gives us the opportunity to use Gloaming Cut more in PVP. This, however, only works in 1 vs. 1 or 2 vs. 1 scenarios. Any higher than that is dangerous for PVP and we'll have to revert to our original rotation.
The updated guide and details will be coming in a while! I'm currently editing my draft which should be ready in about 30 minutes.
what i wonder, when going the glooming cut route, is that the new main attack then?
and if so, is deadly momentum then still usefull?
or is it more like stacking deadly momentum to 5 stacks and then using gl. cut?
Hello, everyone. I just finished testing the effectiveness and the performance of the new rotation in both PVE and PVP. And I must say, I like the results. It's a cheap way to achieve permastealth, without the need for too much recovery or INT, and you can retain the effectiveness of the original build as well. Here are the things that have changed which I shall be including in the front page in a while.
1. Replace the Paragon Feat "Underhanded Tactics" for "Sneaky Stabber" of the Paragon Path. Sneaky Stabber allows Gloaming Cut to replenish 10% of our Stealth Bar per hit.
2. Replace Sly Flourish for Gloaming Cut as our left mouse button At-Will. Gloaming Cut deals a huge amount of damage in one blow for a rogue at-will, almost equivalent to an entire rotation of Sly Flourish, and even better when it crits. It also "homes in" on an opponent and acts as a pseudo-gap closer. It may take some practice to fully control and time Gloaming Cut.
3. This mainly works for PVE settings. For PVP, it will be dangerous to try and get close to use Gloaming Cut as players will detect you if you get close enough. But more often than not, attacking people from behind makes you less noticeable, which gives us the opportunity to use Gloaming Cut more in PVP. This, however, only works in 1 vs. 1 or 2 vs. 1 scenarios. Any higher than that is dangerous for PVP and we'll have to revert to our original rotation.
The updated guide and details will be coming in a while! I'm currently editing my draft which should be ready in about 30 minutes.
QUESTION bro- I allocated my 2 bonus stat in (+1STR and +1CHARM) is that good? or i should go +1STR and +1DEX? confusing hehe
BTW.. IS ASTRAL Diamond EAsy to farm?? i think i need to farm some Astral to respec my paragons =(
Just a quick clarification, you now favor Str > Dex > Cha as the prefered stas?
If you were rolling a human would [18 Str, 16 Dex, 12 Cha] now be the way to go? Or is that Cha score too low?
This is exactly what I rolled and its working very well. Yes, we get combat advantage VERY frequently in this build, and one could think that maximizing CA would be better than anything else, but it just isn't.
Think about it this way: do you want a high base damage and a 20ish% bonus to that, or do you want low base damage and a 30ish% bonus to that?
The base numbers that get scaled matter more than anything else. That's why when leveling pre-60 you aren't as concerned with stats on your weapon, all you care about is getting the highest base damage numbers for your daggers. If it has recovery instead of crit, or power instead of armor pen -- whatever... who cares? None of that matters until 60. You need big numbers to scale from so that your skills actually do something for you.
Wonderful news! I can't thank you enough for all the effort you've put into this.
Just a quick clarification, you now favor Str > Dex > Cha as the prefered stas?
If you were rolling a human would [18 Str, 16 Dex, 12 Cha] now be the way to go? Or is that Cha score too low?
Hi and my apologies again for the late reply. It's actually more like Dex > Str > Cha. I tend to get more Dex than Str due to the fact that Dex gives us better perks than Str like Critical and Deflect. While Str gives a good boost to our damage, as a build that aims to get the most out of our Overrun Critical from the Executioner Paragon Path, we can never go wrong with having more Dex. Second priority would be Str for the Stamina Regen and flat damage, and Cha is now on the lowest priority list due to the fact that they contribute so little in the long run from my experience.
what i wonder, when going the glooming cut route, is that the new main attack then?
and if so, is deadly momentum then still usefull?
or is it more like stacking deadly momentum to 5 stacks and then using gl. cut?
You got it right, Huckasex. Gloaming Cut will be our main at-will in PVE and PVP. However we tend to open with Duelist's Fury for Deadly Momentum stacks and Bleeds which help our overall DPS. Gloaming Cut is merely the at-will that helps us maintain a permanent stealth in PVE settings.
QUESTION bro- I allocated my 2 bonus stat in (+1STR and +1CHARM) is that good? or i should go +1STR and +1DEX? confusing hehe
BTW.. IS ASTRAL Diamond EAsy to farm?? i think i need to farm some Astral to respec my paragons =(
Well, I honestly am not much of a min/max type of person, bro. I believe how you allocate your points do not impact this build much as this build only revolves on select skills and feats, mainly...
The guide has been updated! I will eventually add the screenshots of the feats and powers as I currently am not at home. Currently writing down PVP strategies!
michelswe999Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 7Arc User
Hi and thank you for your guide.
1) I think today is the last major update at least for now, so i would like to ask if your changes are complete and tuned with the recent changes.
2) Did you test the dps of GC? It really causes enough dmg to safely use it instead of SF in epic dungeons in conjunction with DF?
3) What about scoundrel training in feats. Choosing 3 points there instead of the hp boost and one tick from ap replenish is worth it?
4) I've seen the coming soon but can you just state the gear preferences in a single line like Power>Crit>ArmorPen>Lifesteal.
Hi and thank you for your guide.
1) I think today is the last major update at least for now, so i would like to ask if your changes are complete and tuned with the recent changes.
2) Did you test the dps of GC? It really causes enough dmg to safely use it instead of SF in epic dungeons in conjunction with DF?
3) What about scoundrel training in feats. Choosing 3 points there instead of the hp boost and one tick from ap replenish is worth it?
4) I've seen the coming soon but can you just state the gear preferences in a single line like Power>Crit>ArmorPen>Lifesteal.
Thank you in advance. Cheers
Hi and thank you so much for the kind feedback! I'd be more than happy to answer those questions for you.
1. Yes! All the major changes have already been included in this guide, mainly the feat and power changes. It has been generally unaffected by the recent TR nerfs unlike some of the more popular DPS builds. So pre-patch and post-patch, this is one of the cheapest methods to get a PVE permastealth build with a competitive damage output. I'm not a min/max type of player as well so it definitely has a little more room for improvement. I'm always looking for suggestions from my readers as to how they think they can make the build better, or if they have a variation they have in mind.
2. Definitely. Gloaming Cut hits about as strong as 2 - 3 Sly Flourishes from my tests. While Sly Flourish is flexible and easier to manage, in PVE settings Gloaming Cut can further extend your Stealth up to indefinite amounts of time, depending on how well you'll be able to manage your Stealth by using Gloaming Cut Stealth refills, Dodge Stealth Refills, as well as using Bait and Switch and Shadow Strike in time. You can pretty much solo most, if not all bosses using this cheap build. I tested this build using Epic Karrundax with the help of my guildies by queueing for the epic, then having them leave. I got to Pyraphenia in about 40 minutes, no deaths, and proceeded to use the rotation to Pyraphenia which brought her down in about 10 minutes. I have bad gear as well. 9.3k GS and this should get better the more advanced the player gear is such as enchants.
3. Hmmm. I'm not sure if taking Scoundrel Training would be possible if one is non-human. But that is as far as I remember. We absolutely want 5 points in Improved Cunning Sneak. But if I were human, I'd definitely put points on it.
4. Gear preference!
- Crit > Power > ArPen > Movement Speed/Life Steal.
Crit to milk out Overrun Criticals, Power for more flat damage, ArPen to further deliver those crits and flat damage. Movement Speed for added mobility. Life Steal as a bonus from Battlefield Scavenger/Skulker (from Grym Coins. Can't wait!).
And its been my pleasure. If there are any need for clarifications, or if you have suggestions to improve this build, feel free to lay them down in a post. I'm always looking for ways to make things better.
michelswe999Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 7Arc User
Same here. I use mostly crit, however. I use my Radiant Enchants for the HP buffs, Dark Enchants for the Movement Speed. But I'd also like to try to stack Recovery up to at least 800 - 1000 points and see how much it will affect the CD for Shadow Strike. Because I actually can use only Gloaming cut and Shadow Strike during an entire rotation in PVE settings provided that I dodge twice before using the second Shadow Strike. Bait and Switch tends to attract unwanted AoE.
Hi and thank you so much for the kind feedback! I'd be more than happy to answer those questions for you.
And its been my pleasure. If there are any need for clarifications, or if you have suggestions to improve this build, feel free to lay them down in a post. I'm always looking for ways to make things better.
Thank very much for your swift and satisfying answers.
I was wrong, about the scoundrel training, the feat calculator i was using was bugged.
I am now practicing the gloaming cut. Its hard and frustrating but i will keep practicing. I cant use it in pvp so ill use sly flourish for now.
I also tried with the tenacious concealment and it is so good in some boss fights and totally worth the speed loss. This build is so efficient i fear trickster rogues will be seriously nerfed..
Thank you again for your feedback. Cheers.
Sir, can u please post your printscreen of the final feat / paragon tree ???
Hi. I'm really sorry for the delay in the updates but I'll be sure to get them done by tomorrow or the day after. Real life pulls me away from my Neverwinter time, but I can most probably get things done by Sunday! Let's hope for the best.
Also, if possible, I'd love to see some videos of you playing. Especially of you soloing the Dungeon Bosses.
Because I really want to study them in detail, to see how your rotations work and how you time everything.
Again, big huge thanks for all your work
I'd be more than happy to. I'll work one when I do get the time. However I seem to be sort of caveman when it comes to recording videos in-game. I'll have to study up a bit about these things so it may take some time, but I assure everyone that this is currently in my list of priorities for the guide! Thank you so much for your continued support for this build and I'm really, really happy to see that people are enjoying it.
Thank very much for your swift and satisfying answers.
I was wrong, about the scoundrel training, the feat calculator i was using was bugged.
I am now practicing the gloaming cut. Its hard and frustrating but i will keep practicing. I cant use it in pvp so ill use sly flourish for now.
I also tried with the tenacious concealment and it is so good in some boss fights and totally worth the speed loss. This build is so efficient i fear trickster rogues will be seriously nerfed..
Thank you again for your feedback. Cheers.
I am still in the process of familiarizing myself with Gloaming Cut as well, and I can tell it will be quite the journey to perfect it. I like how it homes in on opponents, provided that you clicked the mouse button before they teleported. As long as they are nearby, Gloaming Cut will home in on them. This may be a useful mechanic when using this skill while in stealth since people are generally unaware of your position. And I also agree that Tenacious Concealment is so effective in boss fights. Impossible to Catch prevents damage, but the damage we take while out of stealth still reduces our stealth meter when we don't have it at full, so it's always great to have a good way to mitigate how much stealth gets depleted from damage via Tenacious Concealment. Very worth the loss in mobility, depending on the situation and boss.
And its been my pleasure!
If by any chance there are any further clarifications needed or if anyone has suggestions as to how to improve the power and feats placement, please feel free to contribute and discuss, fellow stealth rogues!
I checked the spreadsheet linked in that thread, and read over the numbers myself. I already knew from playing GWF that the feats that say "increase bonus damage from STR" are actually a lot better than they sound. This just confirmed by suspicions that the TR works in the same way as the fighter classes when it comes to STR, damage, and so on.
What I rolled was a human TR with a non-intuitive set of stats starting at 18 STR and 16 DEX. I know what you're thinking... lower DEX than STR? Are you NUTS? LOL
Maybe... but if you think about it, STR applies to each and every single attack we ever make in the entire game. Having a couple of points lower in DEX than "normal" will affect the crit chance, it's true -- but we have such high crit chances anyway, with the gear critical stat scaling relatively nicely. The gear stat that affects straight damage is power, and it scales like absolute dog ****... so anything we can do to raise straight-up damage across the board is more valuable for character stats to have, since gear cannot make up the difference as easily.
That's just how I reasoned it, anyway.
As for the cloak tower stunt... if I had to do it over again, I would actually not bring my dog. There were times that I got into trouble and had to break away from combat to regroup, and the dog actually brought the aggro back to me by running back to find me LOL. The amount of control that you get as a soloist TR is just incredible compared to the other classes. No other class can de-aggro like we can and break away. That core ability we have to not be a target is simply amazing -- no other class can do that. When you also add in the fact that the TR can strike VERY hard from concealment, that gives you the magic recipe of perfect tactical advantage:
1. The most powerful defense that can ever be achieved is to not ever be a target in the first place.
2. The most powerful kind of attack is a strike from surprise into a vulnerable spot.
There you go... Military Tactics 101 -- it doesn't get any more basic than this.
I am willing to bet that epic dungeons can be soloed by a lone TR with a pet stone/cat. Even more humorous is the thought that most of the mobs can be "skipped" by not exploiting dungeon map issues, but by simply stealthing past the legions of trash mobs who don't drop any loot and exist solely to get in the way.
I think you can use AD's to respec your feats.
and wat will be the new feat paragon will we change?? i wish u could tell us soon.. so we can fix ur feat/paragon while wer in our low levels.
"...Gloaming cut is so useless. It's an at-will which refills stealth by 35% if you kill an enemy with it. But it's just slow. Snail-paced slow for a rogue at will. But by taking sneaky stabber, it gets the ability to refill our stealth by 10% each hit, further extending the duration of our stealth, enough to let our stealth refill encounter skills to fully recharge. To anyone who wants to see it in action, i am very eager to demonstrate."
This is a copy of a post he made in the facebook group of our guild.I don't think Banelorne would mind this sinse I am pretty sure he was going to post it.Anyways,I think he is still testing this so I would wait for his conformation before respecing/picking that feat..
@pyroknight777 in the game ^_^ Don't worry if you see me stalking you...my characters are kind of "new" to social life...I mean how would you think a fire demon-turned hero would react to a girl if all he sees in hell are half-naked devilish women...
I HOPE BANELOME will post it .. so i can also change my paragon feat. coz now im not putting any points at the most. to be sure. hehehe
Like it's straight from The Art of War. Good input, l0th4ri0.
And you are right about the companion issue with stealth TR's. None Ioun/Cat companions tend to be liabilities rather than actually helping. They attract unwanted AoE's and just die from the aggro.
Will be posted in a while, man!
Lol Pyro, I just saw this post.
The Facebook Page is actually our guild group. We are from a Mindflayer Guild called The Shade Monarchs, a small and fairly casual guild. If you're planning to play on Mindflayer sometime, hit me up. I have 2 Filipino friends that play the game with me.
It's my pleasure and I'm glad my hobby is somehow helping people.
1. Replace the Paragon Feat "Underhanded Tactics" for "Sneaky Stabber" of the Paragon Path. Sneaky Stabber allows Gloaming Cut to replenish 10% of our Stealth Bar per hit.
2. Replace Sly Flourish for Gloaming Cut as our left mouse button At-Will. Gloaming Cut deals a huge amount of damage in one blow for a rogue at-will, almost equivalent to an entire rotation of Sly Flourish, and even better when it crits. It also "homes in" on an opponent and acts as a pseudo-gap closer. It may take some practice to fully control and time Gloaming Cut.
3. This mainly works for PVE settings. For PVP, it will be dangerous to try and get close to use Gloaming Cut as players will detect you if you get close enough. But more often than not, attacking people from behind makes you less noticeable, which gives us the opportunity to use Gloaming Cut more in PVP. This, however, only works in 1 vs. 1 or 2 vs. 1 scenarios. Any higher than that is dangerous for PVP and we'll have to revert to our original rotation.
The updated guide and details will be coming in a while! I'm currently editing my draft which should be ready in about 30 minutes.
Just a quick clarification, you now favor Str > Dex > Cha as the prefered stas?
If you were rolling a human would [18 Str, 16 Dex, 12 Cha] now be the way to go? Or is that Cha score too low?
and if so, is deadly momentum then still usefull?
or is it more like stacking deadly momentum to 5 stacks and then using gl. cut?
QUESTION bro- I allocated my 2 bonus stat in (+1STR and +1CHARM) is that good? or i should go +1STR and +1DEX? confusing hehe
BTW.. IS ASTRAL Diamond EAsy to farm?? i think i need to farm some Astral to respec my paragons =(
This is exactly what I rolled and its working very well. Yes, we get combat advantage VERY frequently in this build, and one could think that maximizing CA would be better than anything else, but it just isn't.
Think about it this way: do you want a high base damage and a 20ish% bonus to that, or do you want low base damage and a 30ish% bonus to that?
The base numbers that get scaled matter more than anything else. That's why when leveling pre-60 you aren't as concerned with stats on your weapon, all you care about is getting the highest base damage numbers for your daggers. If it has recovery instead of crit, or power instead of armor pen -- whatever... who cares? None of that matters until 60. You need big numbers to scale from so that your skills actually do something for you.
what u mean "BUILD LIKE A GLOVE"?
Hi and my apologies again for the late reply. It's actually more like Dex > Str > Cha. I tend to get more Dex than Str due to the fact that Dex gives us better perks than Str like Critical and Deflect. While Str gives a good boost to our damage, as a build that aims to get the most out of our Overrun Critical from the Executioner Paragon Path, we can never go wrong with having more Dex. Second priority would be Str for the Stamina Regen and flat damage, and Cha is now on the lowest priority list due to the fact that they contribute so little in the long run from my experience.
You got it right, Huckasex. Gloaming Cut will be our main at-will in PVE and PVP. However we tend to open with Duelist's Fury for Deadly Momentum stacks and Bleeds which help our overall DPS. Gloaming Cut is merely the at-will that helps us maintain a permanent stealth in PVE settings.
Well, I honestly am not much of a min/max type of person, bro. I believe how you allocate your points do not impact this build much as this build only revolves on select skills and feats, mainly...
- Twilight Adept
- Improved Cunning Sneak
- Sneaky Stabber
- Gloaming Cut
- Bait and Switch
- Shadow Strike
As long as you have those skills and feats, as well as the PVP set, you are set for a really cheap permastealth build in PVE.
1) I think today is the last major update at least for now, so i would like to ask if your changes are complete and tuned with the recent changes.
2) Did you test the dps of GC? It really causes enough dmg to safely use it instead of SF in epic dungeons in conjunction with DF?
3) What about scoundrel training in feats. Choosing 3 points there instead of the hp boost and one tick from ap replenish is worth it?
4) I've seen the coming soon but can you just state the gear preferences in a single line like Power>Crit>ArmorPen>Lifesteal.
Thank you in advance. Cheers
Hi and thank you so much for the kind feedback! I'd be more than happy to answer those questions for you.
1. Yes! All the major changes have already been included in this guide, mainly the feat and power changes. It has been generally unaffected by the recent TR nerfs unlike some of the more popular DPS builds. So pre-patch and post-patch, this is one of the cheapest methods to get a PVE permastealth build with a competitive damage output. I'm not a min/max type of player as well so it definitely has a little more room for improvement. I'm always looking for suggestions from my readers as to how they think they can make the build better, or if they have a variation they have in mind.
2. Definitely. Gloaming Cut hits about as strong as 2 - 3 Sly Flourishes from my tests. While Sly Flourish is flexible and easier to manage, in PVE settings Gloaming Cut can further extend your Stealth up to indefinite amounts of time, depending on how well you'll be able to manage your Stealth by using Gloaming Cut Stealth refills, Dodge Stealth Refills, as well as using Bait and Switch and Shadow Strike in time. You can pretty much solo most, if not all bosses using this cheap build. I tested this build using Epic Karrundax with the help of my guildies by queueing for the epic, then having them leave. I got to Pyraphenia in about 40 minutes, no deaths, and proceeded to use the rotation to Pyraphenia which brought her down in about 10 minutes. I have bad gear as well. 9.3k GS and this should get better the more advanced the player gear is such as enchants.
3. Hmmm. I'm not sure if taking Scoundrel Training would be possible if one is non-human. But that is as far as I remember. We absolutely want 5 points in Improved Cunning Sneak. But if I were human, I'd definitely put points on it.
4. Gear preference!
- Crit > Power > ArPen > Movement Speed/Life Steal.
Crit to milk out Overrun Criticals, Power for more flat damage, ArPen to further deliver those crits and flat damage. Movement Speed for added mobility. Life Steal as a bonus from Battlefield Scavenger/Skulker (from Grym Coins. Can't wait!).
And its been my pleasure. If there are any need for clarifications, or if you have suggestions to improve this build, feel free to lay them down in a post. I'm always looking for ways to make things better.
enchantment for weapon, armor and rings and neck ... I am using power and crit.
Because I really want to study them in detail, to see how your rotations work and how you time everything.
Again, big huge thanks for all your work
I was wrong, about the scoundrel training, the feat calculator i was using was bugged.
I am now practicing the gloaming cut. Its hard and frustrating but i will keep practicing. I cant use it in pvp so ill use sly flourish for now.
I also tried with the tenacious concealment and it is so good in some boss fights and totally worth the speed loss.
This build is so efficient i fear trickster rogues will be seriously nerfed..
Thank you again for your feedback. Cheers.
You mean mine or the moderators?
I mean Benelome's Final Feat/Paragon Printscreen bro..
Hi. I'm really sorry for the delay in the updates but I'll be sure to get them done by tomorrow or the day after. Real life pulls me away from my Neverwinter time, but I can most probably get things done by Sunday! Let's hope for the best.
I'd be more than happy to. I'll work one when I do get the time. However I seem to be sort of caveman when it comes to recording videos in-game. I'll have to study up a bit about these things so it may take some time, but I assure everyone that this is currently in my list of priorities for the guide! Thank you so much for your continued support for this build and I'm really, really happy to see that people are enjoying it.
I am still in the process of familiarizing myself with Gloaming Cut as well, and I can tell it will be quite the journey to perfect it.
And its been my pleasure!
If by any chance there are any further clarifications needed or if anyone has suggestions as to how to improve the power and feats placement, please feel free to contribute and discuss, fellow stealth rogues!