Dont feel bad, these forums bring out the 12yo in all of us sooner or later. Im guilty of it myself.
I disagree...I think he should feel bad. What you said was absolutely spot on. Noone has the right to tell me or anyone else what we deem fun. As you said, this is not the best event and obviously has problems, but to tell ANYONE or even imply that we are stupid because we might have garnered any level of enjoyment from something they don't like, is childish.
Foundry - Fight Club? (nw-dluqbofu7)
- JailBreak (in development)
Yes, it is fun to craft many, many pairs of pants.
Vort, you know that guy that thinks he is funny but really we all laugh and wonder WTH happened to him? The guy that everyone eventually ends up ignoring? The idiot with the catch phrase?
I disagree...I think he should feel bad. What you said was absolutely spot on. Noone has the right to tell me or anyone else what we deem fun. As you said, this is not the best event and obviously has problems, but to tell ANYONE or even imply that we are stupid because we might have garnered any level of enjoyment from something they don't like, is childish.
This forum can get to anyone if you stay long enough lol. Just like the in game chat, people asking every 5 seconds whens the next event start, meanwhile it just said on the screen 30 seconds ago when its starting. That **** makes me wanna cleaver my face. Maybe he just need to learn some self control?
Well, I got zero lag when portal closed the few runs i did this afternoon. Event is getting better as the days pass. Was super fun late last night with instances with 7-12 players in em. Although today we are back to 50-75 players per instance.
I don't mind the event. It has evolved quite a bit since that first laggy night. Props to the devs for all the work. Few more tweaks n stuff and it will be even better.
i got key for firefall beta has not kept me from playing neverwinter cosue i stopped after i seen the "event" which just was the nail to the coffin.
dear devs i still got 2 keys. if you want i give you so u can learn how to make dynamic events ppl actually care about.
Who finds this event fun? If anyone finds this fun, let me show you GW2 events. Compare and contrast. Im no GW2 fanboi(they are actually on my sh_tlist right now), but this event holds no candle to GW2.
Theres absolutely 0 substance to this. Every 30 minutes or so, 6 or 7 mobs spawn out of some portals, and these mobs are instagibbed by 50 people. Then another 6 or 7 spawn. They do no damage because they die so quickly. Theres no goal, no teamwork, no danger, no movement from the mobs, nothing. They spawn. They die. Thats fun? If THAT is fun, then this community has to be the most satisfied MMO community ever.
Theres nothing to this event. If people find it fun, then they should go to another game and see what an event truely can be.
I and the one I play with find it fun, and our guildmates seem to be enjoying it. I wasn't expecting the first event to be a mind blowing, awe inspiring experience.
They have all the rationale needed for what is essentially a whack-a-mole situation. Valindra is invading, and trying to wear us down before hand with endless attacks. Stop her! (... and collect some whatzits in the process.)
It isn't like this is a story advancing update, is it. It's just a little event to mark the last days of open beta. Every little thing that happens doesn't have to be something earth shattering.
This forum can get to anyone if you stay long enough lol. Just like the in game chat, people asking every 5 seconds whens the next event start, meanwhile it just said on the screen 30 seconds ago when its starting. That **** makes me wanna cleaver my face. Maybe he just need to learn some self control?
No..not really. Just really curious what people consider fun.
Seriously, to the people who find this event fun..what is fun about it? I want to know, maybe I am missing something. (Im not even trolling, I genuinely want to know what people think is fun about this event).
All I see are a few mobs popping up, then dying instantly. Thats it. There is nothing to it. If you consider that fun...I guess thats good for you then(not you personally, I know you said you dont likt the event either). Low expectations, not a bad thing..but having played a lot of MMOs over the years, I can distinguish what content has had time invested in it, and what hasnt. To me, not fun. To call it an event is a joke. All this event is really doing is causing major lag in the only major city, and taking up a few minutes of time to keep worthless weak mobs that stand no chance. Theres no thought behind it, no challenge, no threat. People find that fun? Unbelievable. But to each his own I suppose. One man's trash is another man's treasure I suppose.
But that is my lack of self control 12 year old idiotic attitude speaking Castrate me for it!
Theres no thought behind it, no challenge, no threat. People find that fun? Unbelievable. But to each his own I suppose. One man's trash is another man's treasure I suppose.
I find drinking tea fun. It is peaceful and relaxing, and generally make my life much more pleasant. Sometimes, I enjoy something similar in MMOs, especially if I'm not feeling well and want to play a bit anyway.
Perhaps the next phase will be a bit more exciting, for those who want the event to be more challenging.
Or, if one finds the event unpleasing, and has no interest in what is dropping... like I have felt in some events of other games in the past, I can always go and do something else in the game I find more fun, as can any other player.
Hopefully the next event will be designed in such a way that it is has elements that please a wider variety of player interests, and that cater better to a wider variety of character levels.
No..not really. Just really curious what people consider fun.
Seriously, to the people who find this event fun..what is fun about it? I want to know, maybe I am missing something. (Im not even trolling, I genuinely want to know what people think is fun about this event).
All I see are a few mobs popping up, then dying instantly. Thats it. There is nothing to it. If you consider that fun...I guess thats good for you then(not you personally, I know you said you dont likt the event either). Low expectations, not a bad thing..but having played a lot of MMOs over the years, I can distinguish what content has had time invested in it, and what hasnt. To me, not fun. To call it an event is a joke. All this event is really doing is causing major lag in the only major city, and taking up a few minutes of time to keep worthless weak mobs that stand no chance. Theres no thought behind it, no challenge, no threat. People find that fun? Unbelievable. But to each his own I suppose. One man's trash is another man's treasure I suppose.
But that is my lack of self control 12 year old idiotic attitude speaking Castrate me for it!
Why would I castrate you for this post? This one is much better than implying people are stupid for enjoying something you dont like your previous posts.
I'm enjoying it, even on my tiny low lev rogue, I still get bags and gems so compared to the GW2 Kaka event (which was hell) I'm having no problems, even the lag spike when portals close has vanished
Always Looking for mature laidback players/rpers for Dungeon Delves!
bioshrikeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,729Arc User
edited June 2013
I play several alts. This event has been fun to me so far because I can run my 1 alt, then switch to another I have parked in PE to kill some of Valindra's minions every 30 minutes or so, and get some neat rewards...
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
Yep CS stands in the middle of the portal spams an attack and winds most items before they even finish spawning just a lame *** zerg fest
CS? CW? DC? I assume you mean an AOE focused cleric or something. Because even while playing my CW the enemies are often dead before my casts finish. And my faster cast spells have big knockbacks that everyone hates. True, if I can cast first, time it just right, or my faster casting AOEs are up then I can get more tags.
If you are after the bags, the main thing to remember is to target the hulks. They have the most health anyway. Been at this event for many many hours. And I've gotten only 1-2 out of maybe a hundred and fifty of bags from non-hulks. And I'm not even 100% sure there wasn't a hulk there I didn't see on those. And despite what everyone complaining about knockbacks says, the loot from the hulk appears under your feet when it dies (for me at least).
*Overall I am having a blast with the event so far. Its easy, doable with all my characters. Yet can be avoided by those who don't want to participate. Its obviously a stress test for the servers before they go live. But that is what a beta is for.*
I will make this very simple, because many people already felt it. AoE powers way too powerful, and I as rogue am getting only few kills, and in those few kills i only get few bones and stones. I didn't expect anything better, but still.. this is the baddest..
jesus tapdancing christ where to begin with this mess..
how about
#1 QQ moar
#2 rogs have no ae really? UBAD?
#3 join a group. basically l2p issue.
Wait, a ONE Dark Enchantment 1 for participating in the Invasion Event?? If I wanted that I would go kill something in Blackdagger. I want Bones or a damned Blue Doggie!! I played 5 events with my 48 CW:
8 Bags of bones
11 Rank 1, 11 Rank 2, 4 Rank 3, 1 Rank 4
4 Bags of bones
1 Dark Enchantment 1 (really wtf??)
Wait, a ONE Dark Enchantment 1 for participating in the Invasion Event?? If I wanted that I would go kill something in Blackdagger. I want Bones or a damned Blue Doggie!! I played 5 events with my 48 CW:
8 Bags of bones
11 Rank 1, 11 Rank 2, 4 Rank 3, 1 Rank 4
4 Bags of bones
1 Dark Enchantment 1 (really wtf??)
I figure it's not worth my time anymore.
Twelve bags of bones for 25 minutes of work. I guess they should just give away loot to appease the I want it now crowd?
I mean this post is so shameful it has to be sarcasm, right?
Twelve bags of bones for 25 minutes of work. I guess they should just give away loot to appease the I want it now crowd?
I mean this post is so shameful it has to be sarcasm, right?
Half and Half. I'm ok with the bones and savage enchantments (I really want a blue doggie though) as the drops. The seriousness comes at the point that I'm a 48 CW, and everyone is complaining about the CWs hogging the loot. It's just not happening. What IS happening is the 60's hogging the loot. Mobs die before they fully spawn with 60s hovering over the portal. That, and the rewards. I'm happy with "EVENT" rewards that you can only get during the event. But don't throw rewards out there that I can get elsewhere (the Dark Enchant). If I'm participating in the events, I want event rewards that can only be found there. Don't reward me with HAMSTER I can get from not joining the event.
I was really only complaining about the Dark Enchant reward, the rest of the post was just info, but the "not worth my time" was definitely sarcasm.
Half and Half. I'm ok with the bones and savage enchantments (I really want a blue doggie though) as the drops. The seriousness comes at the point that I'm a 48 CW, and everyone is complaining about the CWs hogging the loot. It's just not happening. What IS happening is the 60's hogging the loot. Mobs die before they fully spawn with 60s hovering over the portal. That, and the rewards. I'm happy with "EVENT" rewards that you can only get during the event. But don't throw rewards out there that I can get elsewhere (the Dark Enchant). If I'm participating in the events, I want event rewards that can only be found there. Don't reward me with HAMSTER I can get from not joining the event.
I was really only complaining about the Dark Enchant reward, the rest of the post was just info, but the "not worth my time" was definitely sarcasm.
You do realize that most people aren't even getting 1 bag of bones per event right? And you do know the blue dog comes from the bag of bones right? And now you realize how HAMSTER your post is right?
You mean, if I open enough bags of bones that say contain ONLY bones, I can buy a blue doggie, or are you saying that the bags that say "contain 1-3 bones of Valindra's minions" actually have blue dogs in them and the description is wrong?
llewelyn89Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 129Arc User
edited June 2013
I got my blue dog from a bag of bones. I don't think you can buy a blue dog except on the AH - the 40 bone item from the apprentice is the white version.
Personally (and this is not a brag post, honest) I've opened maybe 30 bags of bones so far and I have two blue dogs so the rate is much less than 1 out of 100 I think
As for blue dogs vs white dogs...the blue dog drop goes up to level 25 and the blue fire skin is available at level 20. The dog you can buy for 40 bones only goes up to level 15 so no blue fire skin.
Started a new character tonight. Just off the boat, I zone in from the tutorial section and they announce the portals are opening. I am level 4, but I run over and join a portal fight. No aoe, no scroll, just my default attacks. I wasn't even getting many hits in (let alone killing anything), as high levels were taking them down almost immediately. Still, I got rewards.
I got 2 bags of bones and 4 enchantments. No blue dog, but not bad for my first portal with a level 4 character.
Oh, and lag is much better tonight than it was yesterday. Smooth as silk, even at the end of the event, unlike the huge freezes yesterday.
This way please...the portals are this way.
And I think we've found the 12 year old that Jlander was looking for..see above poster/name caller
Dont feel bad, these forums bring out the 12yo in all of us sooner or later. Im guilty of it myself.
I disagree...I think he should feel bad. What you said was absolutely spot on. Noone has the right to tell me or anyone else what we deem fun. As you said, this is not the best event and obviously has problems, but to tell ANYONE or even imply that we are stupid because we might have garnered any level of enjoyment from something they don't like, is childish.
- JailBreak (in development)
Vort, you know that guy that thinks he is funny but really we all laugh and wonder WTH happened to him? The guy that everyone eventually ends up ignoring? The idiot with the catch phrase?
You know how this story ends....
This forum can get to anyone if you stay long enough lol. Just like the in game chat, people asking every 5 seconds whens the next event start, meanwhile it just said on the screen 30 seconds ago when its starting. That **** makes me wanna cleaver my face. Maybe he just need to learn some self control?
And you're a moron.
Name calling is fun!
I don't mind the event. It has evolved quite a bit since that first laggy night. Props to the devs for all the work. Few more tweaks n stuff and it will be even better.
dear devs i still got 2 keys. if you want i give you so u can learn how to make dynamic events ppl actually care about.
they should all be Undead Hulks or better.
I and the one I play with find it fun, and our guildmates seem to be enjoying it. I wasn't expecting the first event to be a mind blowing, awe inspiring experience.
They have all the rationale needed for what is essentially a whack-a-mole situation. Valindra is invading, and trying to wear us down before hand with endless attacks. Stop her! (... and collect some whatzits in the process.)
It isn't like this is a story advancing update, is it. It's just a little event to mark the last days of open beta. Every little thing that happens doesn't have to be something earth shattering.
No..not really. Just really curious what people consider fun.
Seriously, to the people who find this event fun..what is fun about it? I want to know, maybe I am missing something. (Im not even trolling, I genuinely want to know what people think is fun about this event).
All I see are a few mobs popping up, then dying instantly. Thats it. There is nothing to it. If you consider that fun...I guess thats good for you then(not you personally, I know you said you dont likt the event either). Low expectations, not a bad thing..but having played a lot of MMOs over the years, I can distinguish what content has had time invested in it, and what hasnt. To me, not fun. To call it an event is a joke. All this event is really doing is causing major lag in the only major city, and taking up a few minutes of time to keep worthless weak mobs that stand no chance. Theres no thought behind it, no challenge, no threat. People find that fun? Unbelievable. But to each his own I suppose. One man's trash is another man's treasure I suppose.
But that is my lack of self control 12 year old idiotic attitude speaking
I find drinking tea fun. It is peaceful and relaxing, and generally make my life much more pleasant. Sometimes, I enjoy something similar in MMOs, especially if I'm not feeling well and want to play a bit anyway.
Perhaps the next phase will be a bit more exciting, for those who want the event to be more challenging.
Or, if one finds the event unpleasing, and has no interest in what is dropping... like I have felt in some events of other games in the past, I can always go and do something else in the game I find more fun, as can any other player.
Hopefully the next event will be designed in such a way that it is has elements that please a wider variety of player interests, and that cater better to a wider variety of character levels.
Why would I castrate you for this post? This one is much better than implying people are stupid for enjoying something you dont like your previous posts.
Yep Cw stands in the middle of the portal spams an attack and winds most items before they even finish spawning just a lame *** zerg fest
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
CS? CW? DC? I assume you mean an AOE focused cleric or something. Because even while playing my CW the enemies are often dead before my casts finish. And my faster cast spells have big knockbacks that everyone hates. True, if I can cast first, time it just right, or my faster casting AOEs are up then I can get more tags.
If you are after the bags, the main thing to remember is to target the hulks. They have the most health anyway. Been at this event for many many hours. And I've gotten only 1-2 out of maybe a hundred and fifty of bags from non-hulks. And I'm not even 100% sure there wasn't a hulk there I didn't see on those. And despite what everyone complaining about knockbacks says, the loot from the hulk appears under your feet when it dies (for me at least).
*Overall I am having a blast with the event so far. Its easy, doable with all my characters. Yet can be avoided by those who don't want to participate. Its obviously a stress test for the servers before they go live. But that is what a beta is for.*
how about
#1 QQ moar
#2 rogs have no ae really? UBAD?
#3 join a group. basically l2p issue.
8 Bags of bones
11 Rank 1, 11 Rank 2, 4 Rank 3, 1 Rank 4
4 Bags of bones
1 Dark Enchantment 1 (really wtf??)
I figure it's not worth my time anymore.
Twelve bags of bones for 25 minutes of work. I guess they should just give away loot to appease the I want it now crowd?
I mean this post is so shameful it has to be sarcasm, right?
Half and Half. I'm ok with the bones and savage enchantments (I really want a blue doggie though) as the drops. The seriousness comes at the point that I'm a 48 CW, and everyone is complaining about the CWs hogging the loot. It's just not happening. What IS happening is the 60's hogging the loot. Mobs die before they fully spawn with 60s hovering over the portal. That, and the rewards. I'm happy with "EVENT" rewards that you can only get during the event. But don't throw rewards out there that I can get elsewhere (the Dark Enchant). If I'm participating in the events, I want event rewards that can only be found there. Don't reward me with HAMSTER I can get from not joining the event.
I was really only complaining about the Dark Enchant reward, the rest of the post was just info, but the "not worth my time" was definitely sarcasm.
You do realize that most people aren't even getting 1 bag of bones per event right? And you do know the blue dog comes from the bag of bones right? And now you realize how HAMSTER your post is right?
What Class Are You?
As for blue dogs vs white dogs...the blue dog drop goes up to level 25 and the blue fire skin is available at level 20. The dog you can buy for 40 bones only goes up to level 15 so no blue fire skin.
D&D Home Page - What Class Are You? - Build A Character - D&D Compendium
I got 2 bags of bones and 4 enchantments. No blue dog, but not bad for my first portal with a level 4 character.
Oh, and lag is much better tonight than it was yesterday. Smooth as silk, even at the end of the event, unlike the huge freezes yesterday.