zdrahonulMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 27Arc User
edited May 2013
As a new player who only started when open beta kicked in, I will definitely not quit. Why should I?
AH mess-up? I wasn't online, wasn't affected.
AD mess-up? Same as above.
I play mostly solo, I am only level 32, I enjoy the game, I'm here to stay. Oh and I supported the game already, 19 EUR so far but I'll probably buy some more Nightmare Box keys next month.
The game looks promising, is fun to play, not too difficult, it's all good as far as I'm concerned.
However, I value my time spent in the game and I would really avoid a full wipe. That's why I don't play any online game which features wipes or resets or restarts. Continuous world is what I am looking for.
sycoticzMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 2Arc User
edited May 2013
I will be staying. Despite this issue the game-play has been fun, the community is entertaining, and although the market was slightly skewed it was still fun to blow astral left and right in it.
-Sir Bartholomew P. Skibbenheims III, Esquire, Twice Removed
digitaljedi30Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Im still in, I just am really sick of the whiners. Sure it sucks, but you know what, if people didn't actively look to cheat then this wouldn't be an issue. Its so sad that people want to cheat as earn it. It takes me 3 days to get to 60 without cheating, thats walking through the story. So im sad that so many people want to complain but i would love to have a new pet. Good luck to everyone going for the cat.
Crosses Fingers
steppenkatMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
We reached 100!
Ok, so the point of this thread is proved. To all the leavers, doomsayers and the like: you're wrong. There are people who enjoy this game and aren't ashamed of admiting it. If you fail to draw amusement from this MMO, you're free to part and search for entertainment elsewhere.
Criticism isn't bashing, tackling and splurting every single crazy idea to come to one's minds. Neither is to speak with entitlment, speaking lowly of other players just because they aren't hardcore or don't need a raid, or l33t endgame content NOW to keep playing.
I promised that I would make a giveaway from this. And I will! Sadly, I do not own a cat. I actually didn't count that this thread would have so much acceptance. But I made a promise and shall do my best to fulfill it.
Using an RNG based website, number 26 from 100 gets the prize. I'll send him/her a Cat (in a while, please bear me), though in the meantime I'll give a free Greater Bag of Holding! Because how can you have a kitty if you don't have a bag to put her in? Duh.
Well, I hope that this "experiment" has drawn a smile to more than one person. I certainly had a blast with it. And now I'm off to level my character.
Number 26, please send me in a PM your ingame name and @handle. I'll send you the bag right away (and the Cat as soon as I get one!).
See you all in Neverwinter!
Characters: - Titania Silverblade, the Iron Rose of Myth Drannor (Lvl 60 GWF, Destroyer) - Gwyneth, the Cowardly Cat Burglar Drowling (Lvl 60 TR, Saboteur) - Lady Rowanne Firehair, Heartwarder of Sune (Lvl 33 DC) - Satella, Sensate (LvL 44 CW, Renegade, Non-Active)
My wife and I started playing this game largely as something to fill the time until Wildstar came out. Since then we've discovered we're enjoying it far more then we expected. It's gone from a time filler to an actual fun passtime. I've even spent a bit of money on Zen. I'm not going anywhere anytime in the next 3 to 6 months anyway. I'm a very slow leveler with severe altitis. Once I hit cap, and level a few alts, and find out whether there's anything else interest me I'll make a more informed decision. Either way it will be on the merits of the game. The exploit really isn't effecting me, so I'm good whatever they do.
Quitting? WHAT IS THIS QUITTING YOU SPEAK OF? I SHALL BE HERE UNTIL MY VOICE GOES HOA-*hacks and coughs* hoarse....Well...I'll be playing until my finger start to blee-OH **** I NEED A FIRST AIDE KIT. I'M BLEEDING!!! WHY DID I HAVE TO CLICK THE MOUSE SO MUCH!
Taking people's money = game sold for general availability RELEASE. PERIOD. THEY ARE SELLING A PRODUCT/SERVICE FOR A MONETARY AMOUNT.
Deal with it.
I did deal with it. I gave money for a game admitted to still be in beta and have beta problems. I'm fine with it. It sounds like you are the one that needs to come to terms with your decision.
I did deal with it. I gave money for a game admitted to still be in beta and have beta problems. I'm fine with it. It sounds like you are the one that needs to come to terms with your decision.
Not only do I love your response I love your signature too. I suppose you were reading that thread yesterday where the guy was constantly posting about PWE's website saying it was live and then refusing to accept the answers even when Trailturtle said it was Open beta.
Multiple Personas, only 'One' me
"Why should one devolve themselves to try and entertain those of a lesser mindset around them?"
Not only do I love your response I love your signature too. I suppose you were reading that thread yesterday where the guy was constantly posting about PWE's website saying it was live and then refusing to accept the answers even when Trailturtle said it was Open beta.
So because an "official" said that this is an open beta, it is?
Woot, never seen someone this stupid, nothing personal but do you actually believe everything we say to you?
mutharexMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I did deal with it. I gave money for a game admitted to still be in beta and have beta problems. I'm fine with it. It sounds like you are the one that needs to come to terms with your decision.
He already admitted to buying the 200$ pack with little or no idea what he was getting into, then to spend 50$ for bags without even waiting for the free ones (one is at lvl 6...)
So because an "official" said that this is an open beta, it is?
Woot, never seen someone this stupid, nothing personal but do you actually believe everything we say to you?
PoE is in Beta and accepts customers money.
DOTA II, the same.
You point, aside from flinging insults to anyone who doesn't agree with you?
mutharexMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
[TARD MODE ON] Hey! I wasn't included in the fanbois list, so this is all a scam! This needs to be redone, otherwise I will ask for... I will ask for... hell, what am I gonna ask for?? [TARD MODE OFF]
So because an "official" said that this is an open beta, it is?
Woot, never seen someone this stupid, nothing personal but do you actually believe everything we say to you?
Lets see..
Front page says Open Beta
Email from Hero Launch says Open Beta
Offically stated several times by Mods/Admins that is is Open Beta
Talked to a Dev who has also stated it is open beta
Yeah, apparently I am stupid for listening. I know what Open Beta is. It is their reasoning for creating a SOFT LAUNCH of the game and allowing people to play understanding that there WILL BE BUGS. This allows them the ability to fix it without dealing with so many people crying it is a hard launched game. It also is to try and get people to understand the game is still a work in progress. This isn't WoW. Cryptic does not have that type of money pool. It does not have millions upon millions of players to alpha and beta test. Hell, even then WoW releases buggy patches, broken mechanics and more. They just have to deal with the legal side more because their game is an official launch.
Oh! Lets add in Twitter and Facebook in their status of the game.
Multiple Personas, only 'One' me
"Why should one devolve themselves to try and entertain those of a lesser mindset around them?"
[TARD MODE ON] Hey! I wasn't included in the fanbois list, so this is all a scam! This needs to be redone, otherwise I will ask for... I will ask for... hell, what am I gonna ask for?? [TARD MODE OFF]
I'm still hoping the game gets better, they fix the ridiculous cash shop prices, the Pay2Win and that Zen value goes down so I'm not quitting anytime soon. I must say tho, as fun as the combat might be, they still have a lot of stuff to fix. I guess that's the only part of Beta they got right, Stuff to fix...
But yeah, not quitting yet.
ozumanMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 18Arc User
edited May 2013
i keep playing... and hating exploiters and cryptic, and the messed economy.
but the game is funny anyway, and the comunity is adorable.
Front page says Open Beta
Email from Hero Launch says Open Beta
Offically stated several times by Mods/Admins that is is Open Beta
Talked to a Dev who has also stated it is open beta
Yeah, apparently I am stupid for listening. I know what Open Beta is. It is their reasoning for creating a SOFT LAUNCH of the game and allowing people to play understanding that there WILL BE BUGS. This allows them the ability to fix it without dealing with so many people crying it is a hard launched game. It also is to try and get people to understand the game is still a work in progress. This isn't WoW. Cryptic does not have that type of money pool. It does not have millions upon millions of players to alpha and beta test. Hell, even then WoW releases buggy patches, broken mechanics and more. They just have to deal with the legal side more because their game is an official launch.
Oh! Lets add in Twitter and Facebook in their status of the game.
You should know better than to listen to official/developer responses and believe them! Clearly, a forum goer has more insight than you or I as well as the developers. I'd guess it would go against his opinion to actually read information released by the devs though.
AH mess-up? I wasn't online, wasn't affected.
AD mess-up? Same as above.
I play mostly solo, I am only level 32, I enjoy the game, I'm here to stay. Oh and I supported the game already, 19 EUR so far but I'll probably buy some more Nightmare Box keys next month.
The game looks promising, is fun to play, not too difficult, it's all good as far as I'm concerned.
However, I value my time spent in the game and I would really avoid a full wipe. That's why I don't play any online game which features wipes or resets or restarts. Continuous world is what I am looking for.
Elf Control Wizard - Dragon
Crosses Fingers
Ok, so the point of this thread is proved. To all the leavers, doomsayers and the like: you're wrong. There are people who enjoy this game and aren't ashamed of admiting it. If you fail to draw amusement from this MMO, you're free to part and search for entertainment elsewhere.
Criticism isn't bashing, tackling and splurting every single crazy idea to come to one's minds. Neither is to speak with entitlment, speaking lowly of other players just because they aren't hardcore or don't need a raid, or l33t endgame content NOW to keep playing.
I promised that I would make a giveaway from this. And I will! Sadly, I do not own a cat. I actually didn't count that this thread would have so much acceptance. But I made a promise and shall do my best to fulfill it.
Using an RNG based website, number 26 from 100 gets the prize. I'll send him/her a Cat (in a while, please bear me), though in the meantime I'll give a free Greater Bag of Holding! Because how can you have a kitty if you don't have a bag to put her in? Duh.
Well, I hope that this "experiment" has drawn a smile to more than one person. I certainly had a blast with it. And now I'm off to level my character.
Number 26, please send me in a PM your ingame name and @handle. I'll send you the bag right away (and the Cat as soon as I get one!).
See you all in Neverwinter!
- Titania Silverblade, the Iron Rose of Myth Drannor (Lvl 60 GWF, Destroyer)
- Gwyneth, the Cowardly Cat Burglar Drowling (Lvl 60 TR, Saboteur)
- Lady Rowanne Firehair, Heartwarder of Sune (Lvl 33 DC)
- Satella, Sensate (LvL 44 CW, Renegade, Non-Active)
Check Steppenkat's Foundry Quest Reviews!
I'll give 24 hours from now to claim the goodies. No response will lead to a re-roll.
- Titania Silverblade, the Iron Rose of Myth Drannor (Lvl 60 GWF, Destroyer)
- Gwyneth, the Cowardly Cat Burglar Drowling (Lvl 60 TR, Saboteur)
- Lady Rowanne Firehair, Heartwarder of Sune (Lvl 33 DC)
- Satella, Sensate (LvL 44 CW, Renegade, Non-Active)
Check Steppenkat's Foundry Quest Reviews!
Multiple Personas, only 'One' me
"Why should one devolve themselves to try and entertain those of a lesser mindset around them?"
Multiple Personas, only 'One' me
"Why should one devolve themselves to try and entertain those of a lesser mindset around them?"
So because an "official" said that this is an open beta, it is?
Woot, never seen someone this stupid, nothing personal but do you actually believe everything we say to you?
He already admitted to buying the 200$ pack with little or no idea what he was getting into, then to spend 50$ for bags without even waiting for the free ones (one is at lvl 6...)
'Nuff said
All die, so die well.
PoE is in Beta and accepts customers money.
DOTA II, the same.
You point, aside from flinging insults to anyone who doesn't agree with you?
Front page says Open Beta
Email from Hero Launch says Open Beta
Offically stated several times by Mods/Admins that is is Open Beta
Talked to a Dev who has also stated it is open beta
Yeah, apparently I am stupid for listening. I know what Open Beta is. It is their reasoning for creating a SOFT LAUNCH of the game and allowing people to play understanding that there WILL BE BUGS. This allows them the ability to fix it without dealing with so many people crying it is a hard launched game. It also is to try and get people to understand the game is still a work in progress. This isn't WoW. Cryptic does not have that type of money pool. It does not have millions upon millions of players to alpha and beta test. Hell, even then WoW releases buggy patches, broken mechanics and more. They just have to deal with the legal side more because their game is an official launch.
Oh! Lets add in Twitter and Facebook in their status of the game.
Multiple Personas, only 'One' me
"Why should one devolve themselves to try and entertain those of a lesser mindset around them?"
Oh noes! He's asking for a wipe!
But yeah, not quitting yet.
but the game is funny anyway, and the comunity is adorable.
Three wrongs make a right.
Yes!! A wipe of the list! And banning of people who were on the list instead of me... and.. where did I put my meds...
You should know better than to listen to official/developer responses and believe them! Clearly, a forum goer has more insight than you or I as well as the developers. I'd guess it would go against his opinion to actually read information released by the devs though.
Kill it with fire!
Multiple Personas, only 'One' me
"Why should one devolve themselves to try and entertain those of a lesser mindset around them?"