So, in an attempt of being positive, and now that servers are back up, let's make up another list. This one composing people that are not going to quit the game, and by the lines of some users:
Yep it's called the fanboy list.
So, if you're a non-quitter, aka Neverwinter fanboy/girl, be sure to make your side well-known in this post!
It shall be updated frequently. And to make things more fun, if we ever hit 100 users, I'll make a giveaway:
a free Cat!
Sure, I know that a free kitty doesn't sound very valuable, but we people are here because we like the game and not for goodies, amirite?

And now... the list!
The Awesome List of Awesomeness for Neverwinter Fanpeople and Scrubbies
1.- Steppenkat
2.- Ocrambos
3.- Knightfalz
4.- Fongador
5.- gsundered11
6.- Futrix
7.- Meredia35
8.- Nepht
9.- gizmosdragon
10.- genryu20
11.- skalt112
12.- Daemonson
13.- Ufdamaya
14.- Marlborojack
15.- Breatha
16.- Imivo
17.- Briarra
18.- Seraklan
19.- Ariusdecimus
20.- cptcheese255
21.- impervium
22.- terrell396
23.- addy1967
24.- clansman2013
25.- werepedobear
26.- brothertan
27.- gaerolth
28.- luther8
29.- chintae
30.- chai23
31.- Therealtar
32.- Sockmunkey
33.- Psireaver
34.- Rictras
35.- Rasmusep
36.- Jaelrinya
37.- Kalizaar
38.- Autumnstrike
39.- labbb
40.- runicfi
41.- leillana
42.- revenantbob
43.- Maziken
44.- forumname012
45.- aeonbluess
46.- tindahbawx
47.- flayedawg
48.- thewonger
49.- machinegunblues
50.- wrenaq
51.- coolestdude0103
52.- runebane
53.- rainger2
54.- phatboak
55.- arcanawolf
56.- sinistrad1
57.- assasin83
58.- entalyan
59.- chrai
60.- dourhelm
61.- rojor
62.- haelra
63.- limomcrow
64.- goose1009
65.- balthezore
66.- bori4
67.- jarfaru
68.- electrino
69.- selaral
70.- clannamuir
71.- noroblad
72.- Glannigan
73.- charsiz
74.- cipher3594
75.- floredon
76.- iantan
77.- zomgosse2
78.- platinu
79.- yarknark
80.- banecrushr
81.- torskaldr
82.- zolimos
83.- fefeenah
84.- casimyrtv
85.- lmfaocookies
86.- jim1771
87.- bootiesocks
89.- foxwater
90.- utzpretzels
91.- sirkimjong
92.- pharaoah4187
93.- neshero
94.- robertthebard
95.- packrat56
96.- mcboolean
97.- zdrahonul
98.- zycoticz
99.- wartimeleader
100.- bpskibbenheims
101.- digitaljedi30
If you wish to quit, you have this other list right
here. Feel free to nerdrage in that ad hoc topic, or even here: but remember, this list is for scrubbies, not hardcore quitters!
You can also support the
CATastrophe Initiative, a community petition to ensure that Cryptic gives us our well earned CATastrophe Survivor titles!
Neverwinter's fun! I'll stick with i'
Stand up against PWE
Stand up against Cryptic
Do it for the kitties.
I have no intention of quitting the game. I and the one I play with most quite enjoy it. She won't be quitting either.
Just about every game has some kind of snafu like this sooner or later. It's unfortunate it happened so early in this one, as it will have more negative impact for the game than it otherwise would, I expect.
Honestly, this whole issue doesn't phase me one way or the other towards this game or the people behind it. I can understand some people's frustration but **** happens.
I'm not a fanboy - I'm just waiting to see how things pan out. While i'm currently giving them the benefit of the doubt I'm certainly not giving PW another cent in NW or STO until my confidence is restored. A Character Wipe in NW would mean a permanent loss of this well-paying customer as I only bought into this game on that specific promise by them. I won't spend my gaming hours replaying old content. I'll spend it playing new content elsewhere.
I don't care that certain classes found a way to one shot bosses, I wouldn't have used the exploit anyway and what people farm just doesn't effect me.
I don't care that an old AH bug somehow managed to re-emerge. How many times were pets in WoW fixed and then broken again only to be fixed and then broken? Sometimes you think you fix one thing, then you fix another thing, and then something old breaks. It happens, at least they got people working on it and trying SOME solution.
Players finding a way to DC one another? That one was actually humorous! I don't envy anyone who had to work on that problem.
I like the game, issues are minor, but I'm easy going anyway. I'll keep testing and playing anyway, bring it on.
This one is particularly good for the point that when playing this I can still use the chat server to talk to my buddies in STO and CO.
Will be here till it closes.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
As stated by my battles tonight against the evil troll empire! lol
- Titania Silverblade, the Iron Rose of Myth Drannor (Lvl 60 GWF, Destroyer)
- Gwyneth, the Cowardly Cat Burglar Drowling (Lvl 60 TR, Saboteur)
- Lady Rowanne Firehair, Heartwarder of Sune (Lvl 33 DC)
- Satella, Sensate (LvL 44 CW, Renegade, Non-Active)
Check Steppenkat's Foundry Quest Reviews!
I will say I think the devs did the best they could and got on top of this right away. Awesome job!
...aside from that, AN AH BID SHOULD BE AN UNSIGNED INT, you fools!
I have no intentions of going anywhere as long as I feel that Cryptic and PWE care about the game. The rollback has shown that they do, so, here I am!
but i have to say, as for now, i also stopped playing...i really like the game, but the que system for the dungeon seems broken, and as a gwf if i get into a dungeon group, i get kicked i simply cant play, and i dont reroll another class just to be able to bascially im done with the game...maybe if they add another class ill look into it again.
I have no kitties. In fact, I didn't get a single dime of the exploit. If we reach the 100 I'll give the cat through my AD savings (since I make 25 a day with prayers and crafting it doesn't take that much time).
By the way, I just made a test and some people are selling them for 40g, so it seems that there are still a bunch of them circling around.
- Titania Silverblade, the Iron Rose of Myth Drannor (Lvl 60 GWF, Destroyer)
- Gwyneth, the Cowardly Cat Burglar Drowling (Lvl 60 TR, Saboteur)
- Lady Rowanne Firehair, Heartwarder of Sune (Lvl 33 DC)
- Satella, Sensate (LvL 44 CW, Renegade, Non-Active)
Check Steppenkat's Foundry Quest Reviews!
I bet that's what we're getting as a consolation prize! I want mine. ;-)
As long as the game keeps being fun, I'll be around.
Not a lot of fellow thank-yous in there yet, but a whole lot of lynch mob.
[SIGPIC]Captain Electric and the Sapien Spider[/SIGPIC]
Vote YES for the Foundry in Champions Online.
@Captain-Electric | CoH/Virtue veteran | Proud new Champion
Ahhh, let'em eat cats.
I want to believe.
No, you just have to accept the fact that a lot of people got stuff for free that you have to pay for.