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If theres no wipe, I'm done.



  • boostersauceboostersauce Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well I personally don't want to lose all that time and real life money because you are a cry baby *****.
  • vexalynnevexalynne Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Account type: PWE User. Yep, that carries a lot of weight.

    They never claimed to be a customer. The fact theyre PWE doesn't negate the validity of their statement.

    PS... Oh, and before you say <
    PWE User also, I just dont have the tag up

    2013-05-14 Paypal Completed
    Your transaction was successfully completed.
    $20.00 +2000 2000

    2013-05-13 Paypal Completed
    Your transaction was successfully completed.
    $20.00 +2000 2000

    2013-05-11 Paypal Completed
    Your transaction was successfully completed.
    $20.00 +2000 2000
    2013-05-09 Paypal Completed
    Your transaction was successfully completed.
    $59.99 Guardian of Neverwinter Pack 0
  • mortishimortishi Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Account type: PWE User. Yep, that carries a lot of weight.

    I have not spent real money on this game account... I never said I was a customer.. I was defending the real customer who voiced a legitimate complaint and calling out the community members who were throwing he/she/it under the bus for it..

    I certainly agree with you robertthebard, IF I was a customer of this game, my opinion should carry MUCH more weight than the freeloader's in the community.

    I do like this game, I'm just not comfortable spending money with all these issues/expoilts (past and present).
  • lymprechtlymprecht Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 44
    edited May 2013
    The flood of cheap T2 gear on the AH has nothing to do with exploits. Take solace in knowing that there's currently no point to having T2 gear however.
  • wrwfwrwf Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    wuhsin wrote: »
    Leave. There's a lot of people like you threatening to leave if there isn't a wipe, but the Foundry authors are collectively against it, and one of them is more important to the longevity of this game than a hundred whiny players like you in the long run.

    Exit stage to the left, please, you're the kind of person the gaming community doesn't need. Oh and btw, alot of games have died due to the exodus of the player base to other "pastures". If you're so keen in being an abusive ape do it with your family. You're attacking someone that actually has invested personal resources, not to mention time in this game because they felt it was worth it. He wasn't complaining about the game, or anything elsem but the actions taken. Foundry authors? Oh please if they did it once they can do it again (usually with improvements, its called benchmarking, fyi).
  • krisst0fkrisst0f Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Huh? Isn't that game a BETA? I always assumed that's just for testing the game.

    My expectations were that at the end, everything would be wiped anyway... Now, paying real money during that testing is nut.

    but that's just me...

    I didn't cheat neither and probably got more from that beta than most games.

    Good luck to ya
  • robertthebardrobertthebard Member Posts: 543 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    mortishi wrote: »
    I have not spent real money on this game account... I never said I was a customer.. I was defending the real customer who voiced a legitimate complaint and calling out the community members who were throwing he/she/it under the bus for it..

    I certainly agree with you robertthebard, IF I was a customer of this game, my opinion should carry MUCH more weight than the freeloader's in the community.

    I do like this game, I'm just not comfortable spending money with all these issues/expoilts (past and present).

    Sorry, I should have been more clear about my sarcasm there. The fact is, I bought a Founder's Pack, and I believe that everyone that's playing the game is entitled to an opinion. If you have an account, and can post here, you should be able to without somebody waving "entitlement" like a flag. This is far from my first F2P MMO, and won't be last one either. I have no illusions about it. I play them for a while, get bored, and move on, or back to something else, and I've been doing that for 10 years. I maintain a VIP account in DDO, so that when I decide to go back to it, I can w/out having to worry about what quests I can or can't do.

    I'm firmly against a wipe because even if I only stay a couple of months, which is likely, considering how fast one can actually level w/out having to exploit anything, and the limited character slots, and my severe bouts with altaholism, I'll be tired of it by then. But that's not the motivator; I spent some extra cash on keys, and got a couple of blue, and a green worker for my profession. Refunding my Zen won't get these back, nor will it get back the time that I have invested in leveling professions to be able to make stuff that is actually helpful for my character. Compound this with "there will be no wipes after April something", can't remember the date, but that was what got me to even look at the game, let alone spend money on it, and I'm not interested in starting over, even if I got 15 nightmares from boxes and had to sell them all. My progression is working out pretty well, and I want to keep the work I've put in.
    Reading comprehension is essential in a medium that requires reading for communication.
  • antipodean1antipodean1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I cant believe all the moaners who care about the auction house. Don't buy anything from the auction house. play the game. You don't lose because another player cheats. Every game I have played, the auction house spirals out of control because it is a deregulated market place. Much better gear drops for FREE off mobs and bosses, i truck along and have fun and improve my gear all the time from items dropping off mobs. Stop griping about the AH and just play the game. All of this moaning is from people who want to be seen with the best shiny items, but i can tell you now, no-one sells the best shiny items they wear them. The <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> you buy in the AH is a complete waste of AD. If you don't use the AH you will enjoy the game 10 x over. You avoid worrying about exploiters, you earned your levels and status, don't let the farmers worry you. You are crying over nothing.
  • mortishimortishi Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I honestly had to stop reading after seeing freeloader and paying customer in the same sentence as the above poster makes it sound like anyone who bought the founder packs are paying for the game without realizing those he claims are "freeloaders" will possibly buy an item from the zen store as they play the game. If those who bought founder packs were actual paying customers then they would be paying a subscription but since there's no subscription they're not actually paying customers. Did they buy a founders pack? Sure, but that doesn't mean they're paying customers no more than if a f2p player later bought items from the zen store. Buying a bundled pack of items is no different than buying said items off the zen store, you're not actually a paying customer as that'd require you to actually be paying a subscription. Before calling people freeloaders, do realize that a lot of those "freeloaders" actually spend more than those who buy bundled packs.

    try reading my post again...
    slooowly this time ..
    I never said anything about a booster pack ..
    and you might want to look up customer...
    while your at it maybe look up freeloader too...
    i'm not quite sure what a subscription has to do with this game at all .. they do not have such an option nor did I mention anything close to the word subscription...

    I said customer ...

    here, let me help AGAIN ....

    Customer-a person who purchases goods or services from another; buyer; patron.
    (this is off of the wiki.. freeloader is considered slang boo!~)
    The term "Freeloader" in everyday speech refers to a "mooch" or a schnorrer. The technical term for such a person is a free rider.

    If someone buys/purchases anything with real money .. well that would make them a customer .. yes? follow?
    not a freeloader ..

    I really liked this part allot, please keep up the entertainment...

    Before calling people freeloaders, do realize that a lot of those "freeloaders" actually spend more than those who buy bundled packs.

    please see above..
    thank you for the entertainment lordblackwolf2k
  • bugs55678bugs55678 Member Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    worzabonk wrote: »
    Sorry guys, I mean, it's been a fun ride, it really has. You have a gem of a game here, and myself and my wife both really enjoy playing.

    But the exploits over the past few weeks...lets face it, the AD AH exploit is just the tip of the iceberg. We've had so many exploits in the last month, those of us who don't cheat, who refuse to cheat, who avoid cheaters, cheating and exploits like the spellplague, we're at a disadvantage.

    We leveled via questing. We didn't farm ogres in cages to fly to 60 in a few hours.

    We didn't abuse the AH to make enormous amounts of AD, which we then palmed off to mule accounts and/or sold it for real world profit.

    We BOUGHT zen, and supported your company.

    We didn't farm t1-2 dungeons via exploits for insane gold and items.

    We played the game legitimately. And we lost. The economy is totally broken, overvalued, and those of us lowly non cheaters are, for the most part, priced out of the market totally.

    And you've just confirmed via twitter you will not be wiping, not resetting the very obviously broken servers, not putting us all on a level playing field. And 72 hour bans for exploiters? Yeah, I'll pass. All that says is 'please, exploit all you like, you'll make a few thousand bucks in profit, destabilize the market, ruin it for everyone else, but hey that's cool, see you in a few days'.

    So Cryptic, PWI, it's been fun, it really has. I've enjoyed your games, NW, and STO. I enjoyed my Neverember guard, and my numerous starships from your Zen store. But this is it for me. I'm not going to sit back, and watch the exploiters, and those who benefitted from those exploits power ahead and leave me, us, in the dust.

    This is not rage. Just...sadness. It's been a fun ride.

    Stay Hoopy.

    K. See ya.

    At least the forums wont be flooded with irrational whiners.
  • neverlaguneneverlagune Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I agree without a WIPE or New Shard I will move on to another MMORPG
  • lymprechtlymprecht Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 44
    edited May 2013
    I agree without a WIPE or New Shard I will move on to another MMORPG

    You won't. ;)
  • lexthegreatlexthegreat Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    wuhsin wrote: »
    Leave. There's a lot of people like you threatening to leave if there isn't a wipe, but the Foundry authors are collectively against it, and one of them is more important to the longevity of this game than a hundred whiny players like you in the long run.

    I have 3 top 50 foundry missions in the game and I am also for a wipe. But the. Again I am also all for better Foundry rewards...

    In fact - anyone that put real money, legit time, and did not benefit from any exploits support a wipe.
  • cruzer81cruzer81 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    "blah blah, this game is free and was in beta. Now they wipe and i want to quit"

    Really? You're already posting "its been a fun ride" before the game is actually RELEASED? Why did you buy Zen to pay for a game that WAS IN BETA? Did you forget what Beta means? You're an idiot. Thanks for playing.
  • worzabonkworzabonk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    cruzer81 wrote: »
    "blah blah, this game is free and was in beta. Now they wipe and i want to quit"

    Really? You're already posting "its been a fun ride" before the game is actually RELEASED? Why did you buy Zen to pay for a game that WAS IN BETA? Did you forget what Beta means? You're an idiot. Thanks for playing.

    You obviously didn't actually read my post.

    Remind me again which of us is an idiot?
  • krumple01krumple01 Member Posts: 755 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I have 3 top 50 foundry missions in the game and I am also for a wipe. But the. Again I am also all for better Foundry rewards...

    In fact - anyone that put real money, legit time, and did not benefit from any exploits support a wipe.

    Just because you might not value your time spent playing, others might actually see that value. Does a wipe give back the time spent playing legitimately? No. Where is the compensation for those who have made accomplishments? Who have played and don't have every last minute of the day to play? Time is very valuable to some, maybe not you, like I said but it is something to consider. Wipes essentially = wasted time.
  • wuhsinwuhsin Banned Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I have 3 top 50 foundry missions in the game and I am also for a wipe. But the. Again I am also all for better Foundry rewards...

    In fact - anyone that put real money, legit time, and did not benefit from any exploits support a wipe.

    The Dungeon Masters Guild and most Foundry authors disagree from what I've read, and most of us aren't near level 60 yet. The wipe is only good for people who either bought their way to the top or exploited their way to the top and are going to get banned.
  • cruzer81cruzer81 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    But the exploits over the past few weeks...lets face it, the AD AH exploit is just the tip of the iceberg. We've had so many exploits in the last month, those of us who don't cheat, who refuse to cheat, who avoid cheaters, cheating and exploits like the spellplague, we're at a disadvantage.

    Its Beta. Exploits are part of the process.

    "We BOUGHT zen, and supported your company. "

    You bough Zen, which is real money, that you lost in a beta economy that can be wiped at any time. You're still the idiot.

    In case you're still confused... you are still an idiot. Thanks!
  • bugs55678bugs55678 Member Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    All these posts are just people trying to get their way, truth is that the people saying they will leave... Will still be here next week.
  • oblongshipoblongship Member Posts: 38
    edited May 2013
    worzabonk wrote: »
    Sorry guys, I mean, it's been a fun ride, it really has. You have a gem of a game here, and myself and my wife both really enjoy playing.

    But the exploits over the past few weeks...lets face it, the AD AH exploit is just the tip of the iceberg. We've had so many exploits in the last month, those of us who don't cheat, who refuse to cheat, who avoid cheaters, cheating and exploits like the spellplague, we're at a disadvantage.

    We leveled via questing. We didn't farm ogres in cages to fly to 60 in a few hours.

    We didn't abuse the AH to make enormous amounts of AD, which we then palmed off to mule accounts and/or sold it for real world profit.

    We BOUGHT zen, and supported your company.

    We didn't farm t1-2 dungeons via exploits for insane gold and items.

    We played the game legitimately. And we lost. The economy is totally broken, overvalued, and those of us lowly non cheaters are, for the most part, priced out of the market totally.

    And you've just confirmed via twitter you will not be wiping, not resetting the very obviously broken servers, not putting us all on a level playing field. And 72 hour bans for exploiters? Yeah, I'll pass. All that says is 'please, exploit all you like, you'll make a few thousand bucks in profit, destabilize the market, ruin it for everyone else, but hey that's cool, see you in a few days'.

    So Cryptic, PWI, it's been fun, it really has. I've enjoyed your games, NW, and STO. I enjoyed my Neverember guard, and my numerous starships from your Zen store. But this is it for me. I'm not going to sit back, and watch the exploiters, and those who benefitted from those exploits power ahead and leave me, us, in the dust.

    This is not rage. Just...sadness. It's been a fun ride.

    Stay Hoopy.

    Read the thread title and didn't care to read the rest...

    You "Do this or I leave" players are a cancer to the game and I am MORE than happy to see you go....bye bye now...bye bye!
  • mortishimortishi Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    cruzer81 wrote: »
    "blah blah, this game is free and was in beta. Now they wipe and i want to quit"

    Really? You're already posting "its been a fun ride" before the game is actually RELEASED? Why did you buy Zen to pay for a game that WAS IN BETA? Did you forget what Beta means? You're an idiot. Thanks for playing.

    A special shout out to cruzer81 for a far better example of my ashamedly simplistic freeloader quote in my post...
    You shame me sir/madam/it! Fine job!

    oh wait...
    You weren't serious in that post were you? Surely, you were speaking in jest....
  • stubbinmytoestubbinmytoe Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 44
    edited May 2013
    Goodbye kid
  • guruchazguruchaz Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The problem now with wiping the servers is that those who already spent money on the Founder's Packs and anything costing Zen would be totally screwed out of their items and money...unless they keep a record of everything each player purchased and also restore that.

    You can't open the Zen shop and then just wipe out everything people bought.
  • remedialhappymanremedialhappyman Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Just saw the post on the forums.
  • mortishimortishi Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    cruzer81 wrote: »
    But the exploits over the past few weeks...lets face it, the AD AH exploit is just the tip of the iceberg. We've had so many exploits in the last month, those of us who don't cheat, who refuse to cheat, who avoid cheaters, cheating and exploits like the spellplague, we're at a disadvantage.

    Its Beta. Exploits are part of the process.

    "We BOUGHT zen, and supported your company. "

    You bough Zen, which is real money, that you lost in a beta economy that can be wiped at any time. You're still the idiot.

    In case you're still confused... you are still an idiot. Thanks!

    You have won me over cruzer81..

    I am going to have to search and fully enjoy all your "tongue in cheek" humor posts now...
    I get your meaning now ..
    how you expertly capture the persona "entitled, uneducated, immature moron" in your writings....
    You sir/madam/it must be a top notch role-player or actor..

    I bow to your masterful work!

    please continue...
  • oblongshipoblongship Member Posts: 38
    edited May 2013
    Bye bye! Don't list the door hit ya!

    Update 5:15 PM Pacific: We have most of the information in-hand, but are waiting on a few final details to determine our plan of action. To clarify one thing I've seen around on Twitter, whatever we ultimately decide to do, a full character wipe will not happen. We're doing everything we can to minimize the impact of this fix, so that it changes what must change, but not much else.
  • fongadorfongador Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 264 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    rapticor wrote: »
    Although anyone who exploited the AH thing really needs a permanent ban.

    Yeah a three day ban for this is ridiculous. I completely agree they should get a perma ban.
  • mortishimortishi Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    oblongship wrote: »
    Bye bye! Don't list the door hit ya!

    shout out to oblongship for more fine role-play..

    I do admit I feel cruze81 put forth a purer "entitled, uneducated, immature moron" persona, but....
    that's just my opinion.

    The way your character failed to use correct words in a common, well known phrase.. I felt required to applaud the effort.

    Great job guys! Giving us expert examples of this hard to emulate persona!
  • revantuckrevantuck Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I have 3 top 50 foundry missions in the game and I am also for a wipe. But the. Again I am also all for better Foundry rewards...

    In fact - anyone that put real money, legit time, and did not benefit from any exploits support a wipe.

    Stop talking in the name of people you have no idea of. I have no interest in a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> as my representative.
  • notauriousnotaurious Member Posts: 156 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I have been playing the game for a week and haven't spent nor lost a dollar. I can't wait to log back in. I am spending most of my time in the foundry because I love that freedom. Posts like this are misleading. They aren't aimed at the company; they are aimed at the captive audience for the purposes of getting attention like you are somehow the worst affected of the lot. I hereby shake my fist at you.
    Short Code Copy/Paste: NW-DJC4R9H3R
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