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    neoohmneoohm Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    dalgomar wrote: »
    Excellent point. Please put on this red shirt and beam down to the planet.

    Hahahahahaha! Man, im woke my kids cause of the laughter that comment gave me!
    Ok, im tired as hell, its 04+ some minutes in sweden, but wtf.. that comment -...and beam down" LOL! ;):o;)
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    jihancritiasjihancritias Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Again, double post edit.
    TL : DR? Then don't waste my time responding.
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    defective14defective14 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This further cements my belief that the vocal minority who know absolutely nothing about what they're talking about will be the ones to make the most noise.

    Why? Simply because they can and feel the need to have their thoughtless voices be heard.

    Shame that it won't stop here or with this issue.

    Let the Developers do what they do best so you all can enjoy this FREE to download game that is FREE to play.
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    xerokewlxerokewl Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    so let me get this straight the servers are down so NO ONE can play so why do the cheaters care if they get a 72 hour ban they cant play anyway during this time so basically there is no consequence when you cheat right?
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    jihancritiasjihancritias Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    duplicate post. /sigh

    I'm casual as well. I don't really want a full wipe. I had a system to level with one friend on my rogue, then another on my cleric. It worked out. Now, things might be screwed up.

    Not to mention the nightmare lockbox gambling I've done. I just got enough to make a purple enchant. A few others I might lose as well.

    But, whatever needs to be done...
    TL : DR? Then don't waste my time responding.
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    runawayofmerunawayofme Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    neoohm wrote: »
    Hahahahahaha! Man, im woke my kids cause of the laughter that comment gave me!
    Ok, im tired as hell, its 04+ some minutes in sweden, but wtf.. that comment -...and beam down" LOL! ;):o;)

    jajajaja +100000000000000000000000 :p
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    ssoftmaidenssoftmaiden Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    dezstravus wrote: »
    Hey All,

    The Astral Diamond Exchange and the Auction House have been temporarily taken offline to resolve a high priority bug.

    Update 6:35 PM Pacific: We have a plan of action. We're verifying the exact timeline with the Neverwinter team, then we'll be triple-checking the planned forum post with all key stakeholders before posting. We're not finished yet, folks, but we're getting closer.

    I hope they catch them, ban them , and block their ips !!! I am addicted to this game :P so much fun. so they are rolling back those who used the exploit on the AH ? Their not rolling back others who didn't use the AH ?
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    nuromalnuromal Member Posts: 47
    edited May 2013
    jimmy42 wrote: »
    Wait you don't want a wipe because you've put Real Money on a Toon that will be wiped upon launch... MAKES SENSE !!!!!

    they already stated no wipe at end of closed beta
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    jackel4everjackel4ever Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Stop attacking the devs, who are doing their best to quickly resolve this with a minimum amount of collateral damage and, instead, take time to appreciate the work they are doing on a game that is still in beta.
    These kids refuse to believe that, however. They refuse to acknowledge it is their fault for the exploit going on for so long. The point of a Beta Test is so that the testers REPORT to the devs what is going on. No one did. instead, the greedy kids just said "Hey, there's no server wipe after Beta so I am going to slam this exploit for all it's worth, then if it gets "caught" I will swoop in at the last moment and look like I am one of the people reporting it."

    Out of the 8+ hours this thread has been going, I think these statements are the best I've seen.

    I'm laughing right now just thinking about how many of these "idiot kids" found this exploit on YouTube, or somewhere, and tried it out just so they could be cool. It'll be really cool when they find their accounts banned. On the bright side, my lag in the main city might be better with all these idiots gone. :o
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    hughdepayenhughdepayen Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    teldara wrote: »
    When ever the game goes live.[/Q jesus take it down for a week and fix everything! were down several hours every other day as it is........ now a whole day. maybe a week down and we can get an uninterupted month of time.love not getting any warning just boot ...cya folks!
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    fazemladaiyafazemladaiya Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    orantina wrote: »
    The weekend is really when I get to spend time with my husband and so we play this together. We just killed the final boss in the dungeon that's in Blackdagger Ruins. We tried to do it yesterday but my heals kept aggro the boss and we were the absolute lowest level. We spent yesterday leveling up to 24 or 25 and we beat the boss despite the fact that we lost a player partway through and had to 4-man him. Hoot and holler for victory but before we finished killing the last of the adds, the server went down. I can only assume it's over this stuff.

    I had no idea there was an exploit or that the economy broke or any of that.

    I spent $40 on Zen and the hubby spent $20 so we could get extra character slots and open our lockboxes. It sucks to admit, but that's actually a lot of money for us to spend on something ultimately unimportant (I mean, it's just a darn game; it's not like it'll keep us fed or provide shelter, ne?). Therefore, I care about that Zen. If it turns out they refund purchased Zen, it'd be nice if they also gave back the lockboxes we opened or at least let us keep what we got out of them.

    I don't know enough about programing to understand how difficult or easy all the different ideas are to actually implement, but I do understand that some ideas which seem great are just not feasible.

    What I do know is that despite the fact that this game is free, it costs money to make and maintain. IF they don't have the money to keep it going, that's it. No more game. So really, I don't care how they fix the problem as long as the game doesn't go away. We like it very much so far and there's several things about it that I've just never experienced in other MMOs I've played. IF they need to pick the solution that appeases the people who paid for founders packs and bought lots of Zen with their hard-earned money, so be it. If they need to pick a different solution because it's more suitable to the game, then do that.

    I will be very, very irritable (the hubby even more so 'cause he's not as laid-back as I am I think) if my $40 of Zen and my hubby's $20 essentially vanishes. I will also be a bit irked if I have to start over entirely because, well, I put a lot of time into the crafting and learning to play different classes.

    I'll get over it. The game is just really, really fun and that's even taking into consideration the fact that my computer doesn't run the game nearly as smoothly as my husband's does (I get weird graphics, like stuff jutting out of nowhere and missing scenery, but it's still playable and I just use the Hubby's computer when he's at work).

    And I know that the bug or exploit or whatever, it affected a lot of you much more than it effected me because we have different playing styles so I understand that the voices of those people should perhaps be louder than mine.

    I just wanna play.

    I don't much see the point of arguing here, though. I imagine the developers/etc would like to know how we feel about the issue, but is it honestly realistic to expect them to sort through fifteen million arguments to find those few important posts AND still get the problem solved quickly?

    Hell, I probably wouldn't even be commenting at all except that I talk too much anyway and the rest of the house is too hot to do anything else because only the bedroom and computer room AC units work.

    Well said.

    At least I can give you some comforting feedback. IF they did ever do a wipe, they would use the same procedures they have demonstrated both here and in STO. In the case of Neverwinter a lot of us bought Zen during the closed weekends. When they did the server wipe, all zen was re-applied back to our store account, so that we could re-purchase whatever items we wanted again. I also went on a crazy spending spree with my AD during closed beta, and when they did the wipe, all of that AD was refunded back to me as well.

    As long as we acquired our funds and resources following the game rules, we have nothing to worry about. I hope this helps :)
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    lycanus06lycanus06 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Its really simple before you do a wipe or perm ban IPs how bout fixing the code that caused the exploit in the first place, if you dont this will just happen over and over and over as an application performance analyst I can speak from experience that it shouldnt be hard to test the bit of code you suspect is causing it and fix it. Anyways enough of my rant do what ever you want as punishment but it will do no good if the code isn't fixed also. People who used the exploit will come back with proxied IP's or spoofed IPs ttfn

    Really? The first thing they did was fix the code, the problem comes down to money! People put real money into the game to buy zen or AD, then people found a way to jimmy the system. Because we are talking real money they have to completely track down all those involved or they will be refunding real money to people because the game economy will be toast or do a complete wipe and refund all zen, gold and AD purchase. They are more then likely trying to figure out what is the most cost effective way to move forward.
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    golargegolarge Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    jimmy42 wrote: »
    Wait you don't want a wipe because you've put Real Money on a Toon that will be wiped upon launch... MAKES SENSE !!!!!

    They said they aren't wiping on launch. You shouldn't spread lies.
    You are a bad person and you should feel bad.
    Conscience is the voice in the back of your head that warns you somebody may be looking.
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    burleyxiiiburleyxiii Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 35
    edited May 2013
    jimmy42 wrote: »
    Wait you don't want a wipe because you've put Real Money on a Toon that will be wiped upon launch... MAKES SENSE !!!!!

    Where do you people come from? Seriously.. tell me where you've seen any official statement saying there is going to be a wipe? Moron...
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    sonofmresonofmre Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm really pulling for you guys to fix this. I won't be able to play now for a while, but I believe that eventually it will all come together.
    In the end I may not be remembered, but my actions carry weight.
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    vinzovinzo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 65
    edited May 2013
    The only logical thing to do right now is to fix the exploits/bugs, do a complete wipe and move on. There's a poll on these forums that backs this option up (it's currently at 60% for complete wipes). The community has spoken. Will they ignore us?
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    kronos6913kronos6913 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    i didnt make this list but its true. we need a wipe. Let me fill you in on ALL the exploits and when we found them.

    1 - AH exploit - This is what all the current fuss is about. Too bad it was discovered and reported in closed beta, only to still make it in. Through this exploit one can earn unlimited AD and simply clean out the AD vendors, as well as buy up all the Zen they wanted. I knew about it and reported it on the day that I logged in. My ticket was closed and marked as resolved. Upon reading it further, I noticed that a GM told me the ticket was lost and to resubmit it. I did and kept playing. The second ticket was closed and "lost again". So I gave up reporting it.

    2 - Quest sharing exploit - This allowed you to reach level 60 in about an hour of playing. It also allowed people to farm unlimited bags, assets, and materials. It was discovered and reported in closed beta, but still made it in to the open beta. Once again, I made a ticket about it only to have it closed. My follow up ticket was also closed.

    3 - Foundry bugs - Were used to gain max level and farm gear. Although I knew about this bug, I did not report it because I thought the other two were more important.

    4 - The CW set bonus bug allowing them to hit for millions points of damage. This was a very minor bug, but it still allowed a team of two or more CW's to farm end game content. I did not know about this bug, but plenty of people in my guild did.

    5 - The GF set bug - Yet another set bug that allowed the GF to almost instantly kill any mob in the game. A lot more consistent than the CW set bug, and caused a lot of damage to the economy. I knew about this a few days into the game, but decided not to report it since my other tickets kept being closed and "lost".

    6 - Chest farming exploits - These are still in the game and allow people to farm easy money, as well as gear and ingredients.

    7 - There is already a bot out for Neverwinter that members of Tault Unleashed have been using. Currently it can be made to level or exploit chests. They are working on having it take care of professions and auto pray for you as well.

    8 - TR DC bug - this was used mostly in PvP to instantly disconnect anyone the TR targeted with certain abilities. It allowed all TR groups to quickly win matches in the least amount of time possible.

    9 - Potion exploit - Basically you can have unlimited healing potions - not much of an exploit since you can accomplish the same thing easier by using any other AD earning exploit and buying potions.

    10 - AutoHotkey - Macro software that allows you to easily max your crafting.

    11 - AFK PvP groups - creating a few accounts and making an AFK group (managed by AutoHotkey or the Viper bot), you can quickly earn XP and gear while you sleep.

    12 - Their support site has not worked since launch. That's right, you can't even request a refund or report bugs through that thing! it gets stuck in an infinite loop after you log in to submit a ticket.
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    herrohanzbrixherrohanzbrix Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    As a founder and someone who's happily sunk plenty of cash into this game my concerns are what I'd call realistic.

    1. Figure out the exploits performed. Make it so that it can't happen again.

    2. Deal with the people who preformed these exploits accordingly. Capture their mac addresses, their credit cards and IP space if not natted and email addresses. Ban the accounts. Hopefully by exploiting your software they took enough money for you to pursue legal action.

    3. If you can't track down all the items/AD/transactions linked to this simply roll back to a date where you can without any doubt believe it's safe.

    We just want to play, you made a great game. Fix your issues and let's move on.
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    slashinhoboslashinhobo Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    If they wipe they might as well refund my zen too so I can uninstall the game and keep my money, I will not level up again. If they don't perform a refund after a potential wipe I will never think about a PW game again more or less play one.
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    mamagrimlockmamagrimlock Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    xerokewl wrote: »
    so let me get this straight the servers are down so NO ONE can play so why do the cheaters care if they get a 72 hour ban they cant play anyway during this time so basically there is no consequence when you cheat right?

    I doubt there will be any kind of meaningful retribution against the perpetrators, but they can't correct the issue if everyone is still playing the game. They had to take the servers down to try to minimize the damage. I think they made the right choice, I just wish they had done it sooner. This exploit has been around since closed beta.
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    mithreinmaethormithreinmaethor Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I would just like to figure out how to get my Founders title under my name?????
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    eb2013eb2013 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This is why you wipe after beta, so people won't invest a lot of time, money, and emotions in a character that may have to be penalized because of the exploits of other players. I just hope the foundry content doesn't get a rollback too.

    Try my quest Tucker's Kobolds, now with an all new map and encounters!
    Version 2.0.2 (5/11/2013)

    Part II Coming Soon!
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    vold316vold316 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tormeanted wrote: »
    Are you really this F'N stupid? Or can you just not read.
    Not only was in reported in CB, it was reported repeatedly and ignored.
    And the same thing already happened in the STO game - so there is no excuse.

    Can you get your fanboi hands off PWE's skrotum long enough to know anything?

    If thats true id be very disappointed...

    "The harder the game, the better."
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    n3rdhamm3rn3rdhamm3r Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I support a full wipe so long as I am refunded the ZEN I purchased.
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    bughunter357bughunter357 Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    jimmy42 wrote: »
    Wait you don't want a wipe because you've put Real Money on a Toon that will be wiped upon launch... MAKES SENSE !!!!!

    maybe you have not been reading the dev posts but there is going to be no wipe even after this exploit is taking care of this is it once you create a character you have it till you wipe it or not this is open beta a soft launch once the game is done here it is still going to go on NO WIPE
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    aeonaheartaeonaheart Member Posts: 40
    edited May 2013
    fangowned wrote: »
    In conclusion its a Beta test phase,you invite players to test your game for possible flaws,there is no logic in banning your testers.If you want this game to have any future admit to your customers that your decision for naming it open beta or having a real money shop in a beta test phase was dishonest either way and that from now on you will support your customers and treat them with respect.Weather we like it or not,wipe is the only way for this game to roll again,otherwise everyone should open their eyes and see how they're getting exploited by a game company and move forward making this the 1st mmo of history that failed before even going live! My 2 cents..

    AMEN... exactly... good post.
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    dponygdponyg Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hi guys i used the bug!!!!!! I didn't wanna spend zen on Astral Diamonds so i used it!!! I got all my friends to use it as well then we made new accounts and gave astral diamonds to other accounts IT WAS AMAZING!!!!! I then told more friends about it and they did the same this is awesome!!!! If you guys want some astral diamonds msg me they cant ban all my accounts, or my friends accounts or theres.
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    soulinsolicesoulinsolice Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    SteakHolders?? people with money or something....that should not be what the game depends on to get goin...**** the AH and take it off line and then fix it wile they ley peeps do q's or work on foundry ****
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    runawayofmerunawayofme Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    neoohm wrote: »
    Hahahahahaha! Man, im woke my kids cause of the laughter that comment gave me!
    Ok, im tired as hell, its 04+ some minutes in sweden, but wtf.. that comment -...and beam down" LOL! ;):o;)

    jajajaja +100000000000000000000000 :p
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    bughunter357bughunter357 Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    jimmy42 wrote: »
    Wait you don't want a wipe because you've put Real Money on a Toon that will be wiped upon launch... MAKES SENSE !!!!!

    maybe you have not been reading the dev posts but there is going to be no wipe even after this exploit is taking care of this is it once you create a character you have it till you wipe it or not this is open beta a soft launch once the game is done here it is still going to go on NO WIPE
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