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    manestream1manestream1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 44
    edited May 2013
    What a mess this is turning out to be. Justifies my decision on why one never ever puts money into something like this AND also why a game should Never Ever have payments in a beta stage.
    Flaws like this is the reason why after the end of beta the servers are actually wiped clean, it is also a set point as to what will happen, but the
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    galekinegalekine Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013


    All Founders, both Heros and Guardians will receive a gift, Neverwinter Brand Petroleum Jelly. This was when they do what they did to you with the economy fix, next time it wont hurts so much.


    missed a part.....
    PWE: in light of recent events we will also institute a few class changes..... dmg increase for rogues and CW and nerf for gwf!
    and to compensate you for all the f-ups we will add a shiny new mount to zen market for only 5000 zen!
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    mistressphoenixmistressphoenix Member Posts: 369 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    i'm a paying customer. i do not want a wipe. i don't exploit, either. i have limited play time, but i have enjoyed my time in game. i feel a wipe is a bit of an over-reaction. Just because they aren't wiping doesn't mean they aren't removing the flood of AD and items in the game.

    i suspect a lot of what they are doing right now, besides perma-banning the exploiters, is tracking down those transfers and fixing them. i WOULD support a rollback, since that will be the fastest way to fix the worst of the exploitation. If it's true that the exploiting before that point was done by an elite few and should be easy to trace and squash on an individual basis.

    They have said they won't do a wipe. If they had decided they would do a wipe, i wouldn't have ragequit and stomped off in some nerd-based righteous anger. i would have recreated my characters and moved on. Perhaps i might have spent my points differently or done my professions slightly differently. But i would still play the game.

    As a casual player, i would mourn the loss of progress. i would live with it.

    The drama in here is somewhat overblown for a game. i got laid off. i don't have a steady income. So the money i've spent on the game took some rearranging of my finances to manage. i still feel it was money well spent.

    The devs, when the exploit was brought to their attention, jumped on it immediately, instead of just shutting down the servers tonight and waiting until tomorrow to even start looking into it. They didn't have to. After all, this is a free to play game. They could have decided that overtime wasn't in the budget. They didn't. They are working as best they can trying to fix this problem while minimizing the impact to the rest of their gaming base.

    Stop attacking the devs, who are doing their best to quickly resolve this with a minimum amount of collateral damage and, instead, take time to appreciate the work they are doing on a game that is still in beta.
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    pistoludo1pistoludo1 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    wipe, but zen back
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    ki11erace1ki11erace1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Wow, so much anger in some of these posts. It's a BETA people, and it did what a beta is supposed to do. It exposed a problem and now they are working on fixing it. Chill people!
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    daltonriverdaltonriver Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So, since I try to RP my character as much as possible, and it's looking like rollback is the word of the day, I'm trying to decide how to incorporate it into my character's story. After all, she's going to be missing "memories" and items, and have to re-do things she's already done.

    From a story line perspective, this is all very interesting.

    Character development... there is a silver lining to everything!

    No, she won't be missing memories, she will have memories that never really happened.... Like Marty McFly when his 1985 timeline was altered by his actions. He came back to a world that had changed.
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    grailnewt1103grailnewt1103 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Its really simple before you do a wipe or perm ban IPs how bout fixing the code that caused the exploit in the first place, if you dont this will just happen over and over and over as an application performance analyst I can speak from experience that it shouldnt be hard to test the bit of code you suspect is causing it and fix it. Anyways enough of my rant do what ever you want as punishment but it will do no good if the code isn't fixed also. People who used the exploit will come back with proxied IP's or spoofed IPs ttfn
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    elminbanelminban Member Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I remember the doom and gloom in SWTOR when the first day of the Restes place or whatever went live and Imps farmed Rebs and got to max pvp rank/points in a day that had taken many several weeks of BG grinding. Then a few weeks later it did not mater because most of the people caught up and things balanced out again. Just band the people who exploited and put faith in the player base to fix the rest in time. There is no reason a 3 day band is viable unless you can monitor, heavily, the players in question so they do not exploit again. If you do rollback, wipe, etc.. I want drows moved to normal account and given Dragonborn as my HotN Race. ^ ^
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    greymasquegreymasque Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    aeonaheart wrote: »
    greymasque wrote: »

    This is exactly why they do it. So people like you will fight their battle for them by making up illogical nonsense excuses & argue with anyone who says it's not really a beta. This way they don't have to defend their launching a flawed game, borrowing capital from their players so they don't have to pay interest on a loan, and delivering a sub-par experience to those who paid money by hiding behind a flank of zombie cheerleaders who swarm and attack anyone who says the first little criticism of PWs methods. Sorry but I'm not going to pretend with you. You go ahead though.

    How is what I said nonsense or illogical? You're the one saying "OMG IT HAS TO BE DONE MY WAY OR IT'S WRONG."
    I'm just trying to see things from the publisher's point of view. You'll note that I said they don't always do things in the best way; I have PLENTY of criticisms about PWE. In fact, I rarely disagree when someone makes a valid complaint about the way they do things (which is often). The idea that I defend them against any & all complaints is simply fiction you've made up in your own little mind.
    Your assumption that I'm some sort of fanboy or "zombie cheerleader" that rails against any complaints vs. PWE is amusing, but ultimately just wrong & childish.

    What I'm saying is this: YOU do not get to define what "beta" means. You made up some arbitrary guidelines to justify your bias & impotent rage. You then projected a whole host of personality traits on to a stranger on the internet, to make yourself feel somehow superior. But you know what? It doesn't matter. You're still acting juvenile, and you're still refusing to understand that it's an open beta if the devs say it's an open beta.
    (You should also get it into your head that PWE is not the developer - Cryptic is. And likely, there will be a wipe at the end of open beta - just like there was for the closed beta that also had real-money Zen purchasing.)
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    selaralselaral Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    karcorner wrote: »
    Boy, I bet the people that paid $200 for the Founders Pack feel kind of stupid!
    Nope, sure don't! There is always something out there to hurt gameplay. The game is still new and every game goes through something like this. I'm fine waiting it out.

    Multiple Personas, only 'One' me
    "Why should one devolve themselves to try and entertain those of a lesser mindset around them?"
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    ashkedawnashkedawn Member Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    And why am I so itchy down there...?

    stubble burn
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    chris361chris361 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    burleyxiii wrote: »
    I hope the next person that asks about a wipe gets brain aids.

    What is brain Aienbbvfsnb vkshbs........
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    ladywillow15ladywillow15 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    No, she won't be missing memories, she will have memories that never really happened.... Like Marty McFly when his 1985 timeline was altered by his actions. He came back to a world that had changed.

    ...does that mean she gets a DeLorean?
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    ediifiedediified Member Posts: 0
    edited May 2013
    if exploiters make smurf account to exchange items buyed with zen/AD exploited..these accounts cannot be detected as exploiters and got multiple gears in stock..... how to deal with that ?
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    damnyankeedamnyankee Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So, since I try to RP my character as much as possible, and it's looking like rollback is the word of the day, I'm trying to decide how to incorporate it into my character's story. After all, she's going to be missing "memories" and items, and have to re-do things she's already done.

    From a story line perspective, this is all very interesting.

    Character development... there is a silver lining to everything!

    well, you could say that she had a hard night on the town and woke up with a memory loss
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    shadathshadath Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    All those voting for a wipe are not exploiters and cheaters. However, only Cryptic knows their systems, and how it will affect the playerbase. They will pick the solution that affects the fewest honest folk. Sadly many of these cheaters don't play this game for fun, they play for profit. This is who they are going to affect, and no matter how you here them exclaim in this thread and others how they wont be affected, they absolutely will.

    This game isnt about the exploiters and cheaters, its about the honest folk. Have you noticed why 90%+ of the posters whining on the forums are not in guilds? Because the great majority of those who actively play together happily, will be playing together happily after this fix, thanks to the NWO employees who are spending their entire Sunday, day and night, getting this game up, the right way.

    Cryptic needs to make the honest folks, whether they are in a guild or not, feel like they are pro-actively making this a better place. They are proving their weight in gold, tonight.

    I would just like to add a note that not everyone who isn't in a guild isn't in one for that kind of reasoning. That statement made anyone not in a guild sound like a suspect; I just want to add a note here that that's not the case. I am guildless, yet I play the game for fun and do enjoy it.

    That said, I do not agree with a wipe either, and I also agree that the polls are corrupted results. For one, it fails to take into account that a vast majority of players read the updates then didn't post on the forums.
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    bld1bld1 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    so servers up in how many estimated hours/days/weeks/months/years/decades/centuries/eons?
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    darthfader67darthfader67 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    drzeyus wrote: »
    So what actually happened anyway some people work like i do and missed what really happened to get to this piont

    Despicable underhanded people were exploiting the Auction House to gain an Astronomical Amount of Astral Diamonds. They would place an item up for sale and enter a negative value, usually in the millions, and when the auction closed, they would be refunded the Astral Diamonds. Effectively getting something for nothing and effing up the economy as well.
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    odidee12odidee12 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I agree with a wipe, because the bug astral diamond has gone too far, I see the astral diamond has more than 200 million and banned him even though he had more character than one transaction to a friend and this game is not fun anymore,

    I request the GM to think quickly .. The right time to do a wipe, if not I'm sure that playing this game just a hacker
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    ironredeironrede Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Word. Glad to send them the market signal that says "Bring it!"
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    jaqazjaqaz Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 40
    edited May 2013
    So, since I try to RP my character as much as possible, and it's looking like rollback is the word of the day, I'm trying to decide how to incorporate it into my character's story. After all, she's going to be missing "memories" and items, and have to re-do things she's already done.

    From a story line perspective, this is all very interesting.

    Character development... there is a silver lining to everything!

    Roofies...date ****...loss of memory...problem solved.
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    jihancritiasjihancritias Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Buddy .. If you had paid 60k Zen for ($ 600.00) for 4 items and you are not a founder pack owner(your forum title lacking), you either got the Zen from the Exploit or you are an idiot..... either way I hate you ....

    Or, you could read the last line in my post instead of being an ***. 60k ad. Feel better?

    I don't have guardian title because I don't care about a title on the forums. But, I'll try putting it on so you feel better. My in-game names are Jihan Critias, Strath Thunderstone, and Thom Tumblebelly, on the Mindflayer shard. If you think I exploited, check me out in game when it comes back up. Then you can look like a moron when you see my gear, and one level 60 toon.
    TL : DR? Then don't waste my time responding.
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    jukejointjezebeljukejointjezebel Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I just hope that this is going to fix the havoc wreaked on the game economy. I don't mind a wipe or rollback if necessary, but I hope whatever choice is made actually fixes the issues, rather than slapping a bandage on it. :\

    I do feel sorry for all the people working OT this weekend. >_<
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    graniticgranitic Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    karcorner wrote: »
    Boy, I bet the people that paid $200 for the Founders Pack feel kind of stupid!

    Not at all. The amount of downtime means that they are working on a more delicate solution, if they were just going to do a full wipe or rollback then the servers would have been up hours ago. I applaud the dev team for taking the time on a weekend to address this issue and to take proper action as soon as they became aware of the exploit.
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    selaralselaral Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ediified wrote: »
    if exploiters make smurf account to exchange items buyed with zen/AD exploited..these accounts cannot be detected as exploiters and got multiple gears in stock..... how to deal with that ?

    Why would it not be detected? Trading logs happen. They trade all the items they have to another character I'm sure they can see it.

    Multiple Personas, only 'One' me
    "Why should one devolve themselves to try and entertain those of a lesser mindset around them?"
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    solresolsolresol Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    If it is a roll back and only to save the economy, just do the AD and AH items. I had two toons break 30 over the weekend and crafting with three slots now. It will be a huge mess if they roll back our levels
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    rishzothrishzoth Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 351 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    elminban wrote: »
    I remember the doom and gloom in SWTOR when the first day of the Restes place or whatever went live and Imps farmed Rebs and got to max pvp rank/points in a day that had taken many several weeks of BG grinding. Then a few weeks later it did not mater because most of the people caught up and things balanced out again. Just band the people who exploited and put faith in the player base to fix the rest in time. There is no reason a 3 day band is viable unless you can monitor, heavily, the players in question so they do not exploit again. If you do rollback, wipe, etc.. I want drows moved to normal account and given Dragonborn as my HotN Race. ^ ^

    Ilum was in SWTOR and Restuss in SWG.

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    runebanerunebane Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    bobcat1313 wrote: »
    I didn't buy one but why? I do hope they end up selling the spider sometime. I'll gladly give 40 for one.

    Yeah. I wanted one of those spiders myself. But I didn't care for the other stuff. And no way was I going to pay $200 for just the spider. Would snap it up in a heartbeat at $40. Even if they just sold an unarmored rank 2 version.
    Halgarth's Legacy - NWS-DSTGFZHFR
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    rishzothrishzoth Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 351 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    elminban wrote: »
    I remember the doom and gloom in SWTOR when the first day of the Restes place or whatever went live and Imps farmed Rebs and got to max pvp rank/points in a day that had taken many several weeks of BG grinding. Then a few weeks later it did not mater because most of the people caught up and things balanced out again. Just band the people who exploited and put faith in the player base to fix the rest in time. There is no reason a 3 day band is viable unless you can monitor, heavily, the players in question so they do not exploit again. If you do rollback, wipe, etc.. I want drows moved to normal account and given Dragonborn as my HotN Race. ^ ^

    Ilum was in SWTOR and Restuss in SWG.

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    unabletodisplayunabletodisplay Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It's OK, not gonna lose your money or legit AD ... they are not gonna wipe ... and besides when they did wipe at end of closed Beta they reset all the AD (founders) and Zen that was purchased at PWE.
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