I would say new server, but I don't have enough faith in Cryptic to actually make sure something like this doesn't happen again.
Also a lot of people (exploiters) would make the excuse that this is a beta so things like these are necessary to find, so having people like them are a necessary evil, so they shouldn't get banned.
I feel like if this really were a beta, players should be fine with losing their characters over and over until all the bugs are fixed.
But the fact that Cryptic said they're NOT wiping for the actual release and are doing a soft one already shows that the game's doomed.
All those people saying they spent money on the game and are fine with the way it is now with the exploits, and that others are okay exploiting stuff as long as it doesn't affect them. Are you serious? This DOES affect you. It affects your trading values if you ever buy zen and trade for AD. It affects the Auction House which is completely based on AD. You're basically crippling yourself when you play the game so you ARE actually not getting what you're paying for.
Now that I've mentioned this, I do agree on a new server.
This is my opinion on how to resolve this mess.
Current Servers: Permaban the abusers and exploiters (They know this was coming. If I abused the market for 100 million AD, I would know that if caught, I would get banned. Nobody can feign ignorance and pretend otherwise.), including the ones that abused it from the start and never reported it. Remove all leftover AD. Keep characters intact.
RELEASE NEW SERVER : This is for the players who don't want to deal with the ****ed economy of the old server. Because let's face it, the stabilizing of prices will take a long time. Including the hunting and banning of whoever exploited. If you keep this new server out for ~4-6 months, the prices on the new server will end up normalizing and aligning itself with the prices of the old server, and then a merge of all servers would go by without any problems.
As far as I can see, this is the best solution to the problem.
davidcoppafeelMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 1Arc User
So the solution? Knowing PWE, zen will go on sale and they will call that a fix.
Ahhh yes...Good Ol' PWE repairs. I know them well.. This game was the only reason I decided to return to the PWE I left in my rearview mirror a few years ago. I hope they come up up with a reasonable decision and make it worth our time, and ultimately change my opinion of the company. I really do enjoy this game, and believe it to be extremely promising. Keep up the hard work guys!
bledyardMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited May 2013
1) I have progressed far, have full epic gear, have tailoring maxed AND about to have leadership maxed and have spent a sizable amount on zen and I FULLY support a full reset. Without it, the game isn't worth playing anymore because what would be the point?
Best Idea: Roll back servers, give everyone a compensation for zen and ad lost. A wipe is way too much work and time down the drain. Please do not wipe.
lordsilverionMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 24Arc User
edited May 2013
Only real solution is WIPE ... if they wish to do it honestly they have to calculate who is cheater with formula
Time Played / quests done / real level ...
So people played a lot of time and enjoing game will get its time and levels back.
ALL ITEMS ... MONEY ... AD ... W I P E !!!!
Founder pack and Zen will get its buyed ZEN amount, AD back and that is ALL!
ALL people who posted negative values on Auction House and gained over 100.000 AD ... BANED !!
Keeping Levels for exploiters or acounts they power leveled with quest sharing full of items will just ruin game for me as founder!
Most of this BUGS was reported in CLOSED BETA and why it was not put to priority list to get fixed is real problem.
I like this game, I haven't spent any real cash (open beta - no way). I will continue to play it, enjoy it and as planned will spend money once the game is 'live'. And yes I have a level 60, but that wasn't hard to do.
Personally I think a full wipe is in order, however that's easy for me to say because I haven't spent money. Its easy to track who has spent real cash on zen, wipe everything give them back their zen. Its the only way for the game to retain any integrity, and integrity is key if they want people to spend real money.
I really don't understand what perma bans will do? Surely these people will just make another account.. problems need to be fixed and stuff around AH and real money should have been tight before people started spending money.
bellringer01Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 26Arc User
I don't understand why so many people would vote for a complete wipe.
Mostly because the disgruntled portion of any community are always the most vocal, every player who has serious problems with one or more aspects of the current situation has probably come straight to this poll to vote for a full wipe. Don't get me wrong, they have every right to express an opinion, but the numbers should be taken with a grain of salt if you take my meaning is all.
On the other hand the many thousands of players who arent invested heavily in powergaming probably dont even know this poll exists and so remain mostly silent in these kinds of discussions. They are too busy just having fun with the game.
How come everyone who wants a full wipe with zen being reimbursed fits into one of the following categories:
A) Bought a lot of zen Doesn't have much AD (which can be gotten very easily, LEGITIMATELY)
Why should I, someone who put a lot of time and work into the game and have more items than any of these zen buyers, get punished? Why should I get punished because most people can't seem to get AD?
A wipe won't happen anyways. A rollback is possible, however, a wipe would also wipe the game's population.
let everyone keep everything..ppl who exploited get a perma tag to their name "thief"..."criminal"...."low life"...leave it up to the community to decide whether or not they join them for dungeons or buy from them etc.
purpleorbesMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 186Bounty Hunter
edited May 2013
I don't know. What about all of us people that have been playing like there supposed to and not been exploiting? I've worked hard to get the equipment I have and many others have as well.
So your wanting to punish everyone for the actions of a few? that doesn't make sense, at least not to me.
They just need to find and ban the exploiters IP address so they cant just open another account from the same computer, and maybe reset the auction house. I'm sure they could have a program to find all the accounts with hundreds of millions of AD and ban em. Nobody playing legitly could possibly have that much AD.
If they happened to do a wipe (which they said they wont) I would expect all the zen I paid for back and all the Astral Diamonds that came with the HotN pack and then a little extra for the giant waste of time character building and getting all the great T2 gear.
warnpeace14Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
I think wipe is the answer, I have 2 toons level 60. I would level them back up in a heart beat. The game is great and needs to be fixed. I hope they do the right thing.
cide2316Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 2Arc User
cbrowne0329Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 293Arc User
edited May 2013
I'm a founder... have no idea about the exploits, and don't care about the game economy as I prefer working for my gear anyway. Made 60 in a few days and since there isn't much to do but epics, pvp, and foundry... why do I care about the economy?
Don't wipe my toon... I did a ton of PVP to get my gear. It's pretty easy to see who was abusing the system. Just look at their Astral diamonds and ban them. Leave my stuff alone... economy be damned. Go work for your gear!
v1x1n6Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Wipe everything - this will give you the time needed to fix item/powers bugs (including CW not working passives) and all stuff.
Let people level-up to 60 and check Zen/AD exchange logs to be ready for future exploits.
1) Complete Wipe
I am assuming this will have support from those who are not far progressed, don't have full epic dungeon gear, don't have level 20 professions or haven't purchased Zen. I personally will not return to Neverwinter if my level 60 GWF is wiped out, along with all the AD and effort I put into it. I think it's safe to assume there will be an exodus of legitimate hardcore players that will never return to this game if this option is fired.
I completely disagree. I have full epic dungeon gear and level 20 professions and I fully support a complete wipe. I think a ton of hardcore players will leave the game behind if there *isn't* a wipe. The game is in a completely miserable state.
vaaso189Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 23Arc User
Fix the bugs that allow the exploits then permanently ban the exploiters.
Personally I would more than likely quit playing if there was a character rollback or wipe. I would however grudgingly accept a currency wipe if it was followed up with a week or two of double AD. As I have no Zen at all this does not concern me. But I do think if you were to do some sort of currency wipe/rollback you would need to consider including Zen also.
I think the whole AD economy is far far too inflated overall from the get go. Being able to stockpile millions of AD just fosters possible problems with the economy. I think having things based on 1/10th the numbers they are now would be much more reasonable.
naero111Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Complete wipe with Zen refunds for all who purchased and some compensation for having to deal with this (in game) like companion upgrade kits, free 75% mount, etc. I will keep playing, but I'll won't be buying anymore Zen. For all I know, the company knew about the exploits and let them go until they became too much of a problem. You have to admit, that they wouldn't have so many people buying Zen if there weren't an Admin epic loot announcement every minute throughout the day which probably the majority of those were from exploiters (but we'll never know).
Permanent account bans for all people identified as exploiting the AH.
All zen on accounts set to zero.
All non bound purple level 50+ items are deleted.
All players who have purchased zen for cash are credited for that amount.
All Founders are credited with their AD amounts.
Possibly credit all characters with a small amount of AD (say somewhere between 2-5k per character level).
That approach would remove some of the benefits gained from the exploits from the general population and also reset the economy. No-one would have lots of purples auction and AH prices would be lower. Zen/AD conversion would start over again at realistic levels.
Yes people who benefited from the amount of AD floating around and the low prices of end game gear will get to keep anything that they have actually used but many of those did not exploit anything, they were just playing at a time when the economy was unbalanced and going forward other people will be able to get the same benefits as AH prices will be much lower.
Most importantly the majority of players (who did not use exploits) keep their progression and current gear and do not lose anything in terms of real cash spent.
Wipe it, refund all spent zen and AD to founders, grant everyone some zen and AD based on how much time they invested into the game. Gear and Levels should be irrelevant since those things were easily exploited.
brotherlytechMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
I support a full wipe, the sheer extent of exploits in conjunction with how long they went on for, means that the servers are too flooded with items/ad for this to ever be fully rectified.
calling a soft launch/open beta a 'beta" is really skewed.
necronomniconMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
This from a commenter on reddit, link below. He's exactly what I mentioned elsewhere that I have known others who have done in previous games: using mule accounts as storage & proxies/VPN. He even spoofed his MAC, which is good. He will never be traced among the sea of other users and the MAC is extra security anyhow, since no true vendor can be discovered or purchase linked to the adapter. He was smart to dump his mules for cash, others will be hoarding at least some a mount though i can imagine so a wipe would hurt those people a little, and at the very least remove the ad from the economy that has ruined it already.
Are you telling me you wouldn't do the same thing for 6 thousand dollars?
**** I cought on late and only abused it for a bit over 800 million AD. Looking for sites to sell my goodies off to now. And you know what? I am proud of what I did. It's a game that launched ful of bugs and exploits. I mean really, putting on my class epic set allowed me to instantly kill anything and everything! Yeah that is completley my fault there.
Grow a pair.
Hopefully they don't do the smart thing and wipe before I can get rid of my loot. My guildees would be really pissed off to lose all the epics I handed out.
Edit: Too late. I sold it for $973. I am also still playing. Doubt they can even track anything. Look at Envy, that dude has been caught abusing this bug and is still in game too. Cryptic/PWI are money grabbing cash *****s. Why shouldn't we be? After all, they gave us the tools.
LOL. I received a 72 hour ban. The best part is that none of my mule accounts were caught. Rofl great job "looking into" things Cryptic! Four of my accounts with level 60 mules were not even touched, and I exploited quest sharing to no end, as well as transferred tons of gear to them! Quite a bit of purples and AD on all them still, and I am sure they didn't delete anything from my main either, just gave me a VERY SCARY 72 hour ban.
Honestly why not take advantage of Cryptic if they are so ****ing lax when it comes to dealing with people that cheat.
Hopefully after I sell everything from my mules, I can make a few hundred more bucks and get a nice gaming laptop. Probably not going to play NW anymore until more bugs come out, and seeing as how it's Cryptic - more bugs WILL come out.
It boggles my mind why they don't wipe to fix the economy. It is such an easy solution, and the game is still in Beta! Not that I mind, since it gives me time to auction my goods and sell off my AD. Just wondering why they didn't do this yet lol.
Update 2:
I already have that guy beat, and I am sure lots of others do as well because AD buying web sites are now paying rock bottom for AD.
Thanks to the AH exploit, I made enough AD to sell it off and bring my total cash earned to $7432. Now everything is disabled and the game is most likely ruined. It was nice while it lasted Cryptic. Hopefully this teaches you to not start charging real money while the game is still in Beta.
And btw, only my main GF exploiter is still stuck with a short ban. I'm out. Hope they have fun tracing my spoofed MAC and phony IP, as well as going through the VPN I hit.
This is also my last reddit post as max, since this IP is not "technically" mine, and I don't want to post from my real IP/account."
So farewell hope, and with hope farewell fear,
Farewell remorse; all good to me is lost.
Evil, be thou my good.
Also a lot of people (exploiters) would make the excuse that this is a beta so things like these are necessary to find, so having people like them are a necessary evil, so they shouldn't get banned.
I feel like if this really were a beta, players should be fine with losing their characters over and over until all the bugs are fixed.
But the fact that Cryptic said they're NOT wiping for the actual release and are doing a soft one already shows that the game's doomed.
All those people saying they spent money on the game and are fine with the way it is now with the exploits, and that others are okay exploiting stuff as long as it doesn't affect them. Are you serious? This DOES affect you. It affects your trading values if you ever buy zen and trade for AD. It affects the Auction House which is completely based on AD. You're basically crippling yourself when you play the game so you ARE actually not getting what you're paying for.
Now that I've mentioned this, I do agree on a new server.
This is my opinion on how to resolve this mess.
Current Servers: Permaban the abusers and exploiters (They know this was coming. If I abused the market for 100 million AD, I would know that if caught, I would get banned. Nobody can feign ignorance and pretend otherwise.), including the ones that abused it from the start and never reported it. Remove all leftover AD. Keep characters intact.
RELEASE NEW SERVER : This is for the players who don't want to deal with the ****ed economy of the old server. Because let's face it, the stabilizing of prices will take a long time. Including the hunting and banning of whoever exploited. If you keep this new server out for ~4-6 months, the prices on the new server will end up normalizing and aligning itself with the prices of the old server, and then a merge of all servers would go by without any problems.
As far as I can see, this is the best solution to the problem.
Ahhh yes...Good Ol' PWE repairs. I know them well.. This game was the only reason I decided to return to the PWE I left in my rearview mirror a few years ago. I hope they come up up with a reasonable decision and make it worth our time, and ultimately change my opinion of the company. I really do enjoy this game, and believe it to be extremely promising. Keep up the hard work guys!
Time Played / quests done / real level ...
So people played a lot of time and enjoing game will get its time and levels back.
ALL ITEMS ... MONEY ... AD ... W I P E !!!!
Founder pack and Zen will get its buyed ZEN amount, AD back and that is ALL!
ALL people who posted negative values on Auction House and gained over 100.000 AD ... BANED !!
Keeping Levels for exploiters or acounts they power leveled with quest sharing full of items will just ruin game for me as founder!
Most of this BUGS was reported in CLOSED BETA and why it was not put to priority list to get fixed is real problem.
Personally I think a full wipe is in order, however that's easy for me to say because I haven't spent money. Its easy to track who has spent real cash on zen, wipe everything give them back their zen. Its the only way for the game to retain any integrity, and integrity is key if they want people to spend real money.
I really don't understand what perma bans will do? Surely these people will just make another account.. problems need to be fixed and stuff around AH and real money should have been tight before people started spending money.
Mostly because the disgruntled portion of any community are always the most vocal, every player who has serious problems with one or more aspects of the current situation has probably come straight to this poll to vote for a full wipe. Don't get me wrong, they have every right to express an opinion, but the numbers should be taken with a grain of salt if you take my meaning is all.
On the other hand the many thousands of players who arent invested heavily in powergaming probably dont even know this poll exists and so remain mostly silent in these kinds of discussions. They are too busy just having fun with the game.
I voted for rollbacks.
A) Bought a lot of zen
Why should I, someone who put a lot of time and work into the game and have more items than any of these zen buyers, get punished? Why should I get punished because most people can't seem to get AD?
A wipe won't happen anyways. A rollback is possible, however, a wipe would also wipe the game's population.
So your wanting to punish everyone for the actions of a few? that doesn't make sense, at least not to me.
They just need to find and ban the exploiters IP address so they cant just open another account from the same computer, and maybe reset the auction house. I'm sure they could have a program to find all the accounts with hundreds of millions of AD and ban em. Nobody playing legitly could possibly have that much AD.
If they happened to do a wipe (which they said they wont) I would expect all the zen I paid for back and all the Astral Diamonds that came with the HotN pack and then a little extra for the giant waste of time character building and getting all the great T2 gear.
This is what I was thinking as well.
Don't wipe my toon... I did a ton of PVP to get my gear. It's pretty easy to see who was abusing the system. Just look at their Astral diamonds and ban them. Leave my stuff alone... economy be damned. Go work for your gear!
Let people level-up to 60 and check Zen/AD exchange logs to be ready for future exploits.
I completely disagree. I have full epic dungeon gear and level 20 professions and I fully support a complete wipe. I think a ton of hardcore players will leave the game behind if there *isn't* a wipe. The game is in a completely miserable state.
Personally I would more than likely quit playing if there was a character rollback or wipe. I would however grudgingly accept a currency wipe if it was followed up with a week or two of double AD. As I have no Zen at all this does not concern me. But I do think if you were to do some sort of currency wipe/rollback you would need to consider including Zen also.
I think the whole AD economy is far far too inflated overall from the get go. Being able to stockpile millions of AD just fosters possible problems with the economy. I think having things based on 1/10th the numbers they are now would be much more reasonable.
+1 Its still in beta. WIPE IT ALL. leveling up my 2nd to 60. Dont mind doin it again. WIPE
Permanent account bans for all people identified as exploiting the AH.
All zen on accounts set to zero.
All non bound purple level 50+ items are deleted.
All players who have purchased zen for cash are credited for that amount.
All Founders are credited with their AD amounts.
Possibly credit all characters with a small amount of AD (say somewhere between 2-5k per character level).
That approach would remove some of the benefits gained from the exploits from the general population and also reset the economy. No-one would have lots of purples auction and AH prices would be lower. Zen/AD conversion would start over again at realistic levels.
Yes people who benefited from the amount of AD floating around and the low prices of end game gear will get to keep anything that they have actually used but many of those did not exploit anything, they were just playing at a time when the economy was unbalanced and going forward other people will be able to get the same benefits as AH prices will be much lower.
Most importantly the majority of players (who did not use exploits) keep their progression and current gear and do not lose anything in terms of real cash spent.
And how much did you cheat? hmm
"maxpayne1981 32 points 4 days ago*
Are you telling me you wouldn't do the same thing for 6 thousand dollars?
**** I cought on late and only abused it for a bit over 800 million AD. Looking for sites to sell my goodies off to now. And you know what? I am proud of what I did. It's a game that launched ful of bugs and exploits. I mean really, putting on my class epic set allowed me to instantly kill anything and everything! Yeah that is completley my fault there.
Grow a pair.
Hopefully they don't do the smart thing and wipe before I can get rid of my loot. My guildees would be really pissed off to lose all the epics I handed out.
Edit: Too late. I sold it for $973. I am also still playing. Doubt they can even track anything. Look at Envy, that dude has been caught abusing this bug and is still in game too. Cryptic/PWI are money grabbing cash *****s. Why shouldn't we be? After all, they gave us the tools.
LOL. I received a 72 hour ban. The best part is that none of my mule accounts were caught. Rofl great job "looking into" things Cryptic! Four of my accounts with level 60 mules were not even touched, and I exploited quest sharing to no end, as well as transferred tons of gear to them! Quite a bit of purples and AD on all them still, and I am sure they didn't delete anything from my main either, just gave me a VERY SCARY 72 hour ban.
Honestly why not take advantage of Cryptic if they are so ****ing lax when it comes to dealing with people that cheat.
Hopefully after I sell everything from my mules, I can make a few hundred more bucks and get a nice gaming laptop. Probably not going to play NW anymore until more bugs come out, and seeing as how it's Cryptic - more bugs WILL come out.
It boggles my mind why they don't wipe to fix the economy. It is such an easy solution, and the game is still in Beta! Not that I mind, since it gives me time to auction my goods and sell off my AD. Just wondering why they didn't do this yet lol.
Update 2:
I already have that guy beat, and I am sure lots of others do as well because AD buying web sites are now paying rock bottom for AD.
Thanks to the AH exploit, I made enough AD to sell it off and bring my total cash earned to $7432. Now everything is disabled and the game is most likely ruined. It was nice while it lasted Cryptic. Hopefully this teaches you to not start charging real money while the game is still in Beta.
And btw, only my main GF exploiter is still stuck with a short ban. I'm out. Hope they have fun tracing my spoofed MAC and phony IP, as well as going through the VPN I hit.
This is also my last reddit post as max, since this IP is not "technically" mine, and I don't want to post from my real IP/account."
Farewell remorse; all good to me is lost.
Evil, be thou my good.