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3 Things You Wish You Found Out Sooner, In Neverwinter!



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    herbtrader20herbtrader20 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    I, The OP, am changing my 3 tips. They are now as follows.

    1. I wish I knew that all my hard work in-game would be trivialized and potentially rolledback because people cheat and the team responsible for preventing this are too busy playing League of Legends or counting their $$.

    2. I wish I knew that all of the time and effort spent writing a guide on how to use the profession system to obtain wealth in-game would be wasted and tossed in the trash without so much as a message to me stating why. (Come to find out, it was a kneejerk reaction by PW thinking the post was on an exploit, instead of opening it and reading it, seeing that it was Legit, and that PW TEAM MEMBERS HAD POSTED ON IT!

    3. I wish I knew that I would grow to love this game so much, and be constantly SHAT on by its creators/developers/cheating population.

    Thanks a bunch, my bi-polar has shifted to its southern pole. Go phoera yourself
    So says the wise old herbtrader.
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    secksyxsecksyx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You don't have to talk to Rhix to get or turn in daily quests.

    Hit L. Click the daily quest button bottom right of screen.]
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    tormeantedtormeanted Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1. The game is pay to win.
    2. Fanbois will say you can farm AD in game and buy Zen, so the game is not pay to win.
    3. Exploits made #2 false, and #1 true.
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    majtrollxmajtrollx Member Posts: 76
    edited May 2013
    1) I wish I knew about the Foundry exploit, so that I could have leveled many characters to 60.

    2) I wish I knew about the GF exploit so I could 1 shot all bosses in-game and get phat loots.

    3) I wish I knew about the AH exploit earlier since it's been going on for a very long time considering seeing all the negative AD values on AH.

    Missed all the good stuff. :(
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    reeferdtrinireeferdtrini Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1) wish i knew full sets had a lower gs than mixing sets.before i bought some
    2) wish i knew you didn't have to max on paragon tree but could mix it up...before respec @132k ad
    3)wish i knew queue for pvp was so broken that if 3 person declined you would still enter as 2 person team only. and get **** repeatedly in the non secure respawn zone
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    daowacedaowace Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    #3 Zoom-out!? - In-Game... type /gfxsetdefaultfov 75
    This is NOT zooming out; this is changing the FoV.

    Not only that, but 75 is way too high for 16:9 displays. You should not be going over 64, as that equates to 95 degrees while 68 is 100 degrees. 75 vertical is 108 degrees, only professional (or highly competitive) players go over 100 in FPS games. At these levels, it starts to fish eye and can cause strain on some people's eyes (or at the very least feel uncomfortable).

    Stick to 59 is you have a 16:9 display (720/1080p). Increase it to 65 if you have a 16:10 display (1920x1200). And if for some reason you have an ancient 4:3 display (1600x1200), set it to 74. (Note: Resolutions listed here are basic examples; there are tons more that exist)

    Edit: Looks like the forum software doesn't work when the degrees symbol is in the post.

    As for me, I wish I knew inserting enchant stones didn't actually cost money. The wording is cryptic and showing a price just pushed me away. It only costs money to remove stones, not insert them.
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    theevildrftheevildrf Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    now (shards down) seems good time for disable patch on demand. d/l w/o missing anything.
    The Evil Dr. F
    Beta Junkie
    grimrod614 wrote: »
    Never leave home without a cleric !
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    beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Accepting a skirmish during a main quest dungeon won't send you back where you left off when you're done.
    You can outlevel content.
    Portable altars can be used for healing if you're patient.
    Item cooldowns freeze in the bank.
    Recovery reduces skill cooldowns. It's not regeneration *or* how fast you recover from being disabled.
    Related to that, the bottom right hand of your character sheet can display a detailed breakdown of what everything means.
    Rules for actually playing Domination instead of just flailing around like an idiot the first time I went in.
    Spacebar is jump.

    That's a lot more than three. I'm pretty good about reading all the game text, but all this is stuff I either overlooked or that wasn't explained at all.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
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    herbtrader20herbtrader20 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Accepting a skirmish during a main quest dungeon won't send you back where you left off when you're done.
    You can outlevel content.
    Portable altars can be used for healing if you're patient.
    Item cooldowns freeze in the bank.
    Recovery reduces skill cooldowns. It's not regeneration *or* how fast you recover from being disabled.
    Related to that, the bottom right hand of your character sheet can display a detailed breakdown of what everything means.
    Rules for actually playing Domination instead of just flailing around like an idiot the first time I went in.
    Spacebar is jump.

    That's a lot more than three. I'm pretty good about reading all the game text, but all this is stuff I either overlooked or that wasn't explained at all.

    +1 Respect from The OP... you taught me something. I won't say which. I'm embarrased :o
    So says the wise old herbtrader.
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    kileonkileon Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    I, The OP, am changing my 3 tips. They are now as follows.

    1. I wish I knew that all my hard work in-game would be trivialized and potentially rolledback because people cheat and the team responsible for preventing this are too busy playing League of Legends or counting their $$.

    2. I wish I knew that all of the time and effort spent writing a guide on how to use the profession system to obtain wealth in-game would be wasted and tossed in the trash without so much as a message to me stating why. (Come to find out, it was a kneejerk reaction by PW thinking the post was on an exploit, instead of opening it and reading it, seeing that it was Legit, and that PW TEAM MEMBERS HAD POSTED ON IT!

    3. I wish I knew that I would grow to love this game so much, and be constantly SHAT on by its creators/developers/cheating population.

    Thanks a bunch, my bi-polar has shifted to its southern pole. Go phoera yourself

    damm and here i was looking like a mad man for yiur guide, can u plz send me in a pm? or at least the basics, i saw it yesterday but now im lost again. plz send it back to me or post it in another page
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    nausumnausum Member Posts: 42
    edited May 2013
    That profession and auction house were mandatory for character progession.

    That custom maps exist which jail monsters and allow me to 1hit them (I never made us of it, it was patched)

    That gems are useless, and its better to auction them than to make use of them.
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    lexthegreatlexthegreat Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1. The game is full of bugs and exploits.

    2. All of the exploits have been reported and ignored during closed beta.

    3. Cryptic employees are morons, since the exact same AH exploit happened in STO.... Yeah, that's right. This is the second time this exploit took place... What a fail company!
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    bunzagabunzaga Member Posts: 52
    edited May 2013
    What armour sets are for what setup.

    What setups there actually are.

    You can out level content.

    People are saying some things they wish they had known, but they aren't telling the rest of us the solutions to these things...

    What is a setup?

    What do you mean, you can out-level content? I got a GWF to 10, and have been doing PvP to level 20+, thinking I can just go back to run through the quests... are you saying if I am not the correct level, I'll miss quests?

    As far as some things I wish I had known...

    The longer you hold down the space bar, the higher you can jump in the air.

    Even if the other team owns a node in PvP, it is still better to stand on top of it, because you prevent them from gaining points, and can even take it from them if you outnumber the amount of people they have standing on it.

    Gear is extremely important, even two or three levels makes a difference.

    You can buy level 10 and level 20 sets of blue gear for gold from the merchants.

    Clerics have to wait FOREVER to queue for skirmishes and dungeons.
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    beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    bunzaga wrote: »
    What do you mean, you can out-level content? I got a GWF to 10, and have been doing PvP to level 20+, thinking I can just go back to run through the quests... are you saying if I am not the correct level, I'll miss quests?

    You won't be able to queue for skirmishes you've outlevelled, and therefore can't access them at all. Dungeons you've outlevelled you can enter solo or with a party, by walking there, not through the queue. Some areas have minor quests to point you to these, but not all. If you're a completionist, you can completely screw yourself out of skirmish-related quests where such exist.

    Apparently, quest markers for an area you've outlevelled won't show up on your map as well, but you should still be able to go around and talk to everyone to get quests. It's just less convenient, and easier to miss things.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
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    eros1986eros1986 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1 class balance(3 class instead of 5)
    2 Loot system(ninja are rewarded)
    3 LFG system(just wtf)
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    edgenwedgenw Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 124 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    You can out level content.

    Can you expand on this? Are you referring to outleveling the ability to enter lower level skirmishes, or something else?
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    kelanatorkelanator Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    That clerics are actually tanks.
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    dominemesisdominemesis Member Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    What armour sets are for what setup.

    What setups there actually are.

    You can out level content.

    Probably this, I geared my CW initially for crit to line up and reinforce renegade critty build, but at end game so much of what I do for groups is just push, stun, pull with repel, shield, singularity, and steal time, the best gearing is recovery, so those powers are up most often. Add to that discovering that most of the offensive stats scale badly and have variable hard caps, I had to regear completely.
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    beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    edgenw wrote: »
    Can you expand on this?

    Already did a bit, but here's an example:
    The first skirmish you can queue for is Black Lake. You can do this repeatedly, while also doing Foundry quests and whatever other activities, start getting XP for invoking, etc. Hazel the Alchemist will also give you a quest to complete the skirmish. You have to do the skirmish at least once after accepting her quest to finish it, but if you advance past level 16 (iirc), you'll be bumped up to the next skirmish level. So if you run into Hazel too late, you can't complete this quest.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
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    ensignmoodyensignmoody Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    #1. That the leveling is way too fast. You can level past skirmishes which will then become inaccessible; at least quests and dungeons can be returned to at any level, though it will be on easy-mode.

    #2. That the microtransaction model was so pervasive in this game. Sorry PWE, but I'm not going to invest cent one until this game is more stable and balanced.

    #3. That Foundry is better than most of the original content. The lack of horrible voice acting doesn't hurt either.

    (#4. That there are too many rogues, and that Deft Strike will pop you right into Chartillifax's gaping maw.)
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    alandoril1alandoril1 Member Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The only thing I now wish I knew is that clerics are actually tanks with the broken aggro at the moment. If I knew that then I wouldn't have bothered leveling one.

    No problem with healing, that's great. Just tone down the adds and aggro and I'll be happy, because it's almost impossible to find groups that can a: take aggro off me and b: cc enough.
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    askopdkapokaskopdkapok Member Posts: 648 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Let's keep it Short & Sweet! Genuine, Helpful Posts Only Please! This thread was inspired by a young Trickster on Beholder who tipped his hat to me after sharing these very same tips to him.

    I will start us off with my personal favorite. It amazes me how many people are not using these options.

    #1 Fast Launch - This is an option that can be selected from the Launcher "Options" Screen Only. This will make it so that after patching, your game will start up immediately (no more having to click that PLAY button). This is great for those of us who like to try and save every click that we can. We are not lazy, we are trained to Min/Max!

    #2 Disable On-Demand Patching!!! - Probably the most important tip. My girlfriend/ gaming partner for life experienced lag and "Server Not Responding" messages in-between zones (only new ones). Well, this game will attempt to download each new map as you are entering from that loading screen, and this was wearing on our patience. Well, it did not take long to find a fix online and that fix was to "DISABLE On-DEMAND PATCHING!" This is done from the same Launcher "Options" Menu. This will then have you install the remaining map files for Neverwinter (1890MB and roughly 30 mins for us), but upon completion, she has instant loading between zones. Gameplay is much smoother without the constant loading and leveling is going much better!!

    #3 Zoom-out!? - In-Game... type /gfxsetdefaultfov 75
    BREAKDOWN 2 BASICS: GFX = short for Graphics!
    set default speaks for itself
    FOV = Field of Vision!!!
    Use any # Value, but 75 will work best :) Try fov 100 and prepare for a migraine

    Try them, post your own, show some love.

    WITHOUT A DOUBT the cash shop prices.

    I went from the highest level of anticipation and excitement possible for this game for the 2 years I've been following it to complete and utter disappointment 2 weeks into early access.. As soon as I saw respec costs, and what currencies are used for what my playtime came to a screeching halt as soon as I hit 60. I didn't even last long enough to see, or be affected by, the exploit fiasco.
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    askopdkapokaskopdkapok Member Posts: 648 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    mrlee9569 wrote: »
    To wait a year when the game is less buggy and more quality of life improvements are in game!

    Yup I'm in that boat. I have hope and definitely something I'll check out again 1 year from now.. assuming I'm not immersed in Wildstar or TESO at that point.

    Ever since MUDs and EQ1 I've always have my "goto game" that was my primary entertainment activity online. For the last 3 years I've lost that. I've tried and tried and tried to find a replacement but $1000+ dollars later I'm still searching. I thought this was going to be it. Now my hopes are pinned on Wildstar and/or TESO and/or GW2 (if they do this big PVE/end-game shift they are considering)
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    thornarbourthornarbour Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Thanks for the info! :)
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