sumnzMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
How would someone even know if your score was too low to go into a dungeon anyway, unless they recognize your gear as too low. Is there some way to link your score to prove to groupmates you can go in. Otherwise some wizard might advertise 10k just to get in a group and then be in 50s greens just to leach.
How would someone even know if your score was too low to go into a dungeon anyway, unless they recognize your gear as too low. Is there some way to link your score to prove to groupmates you can go in. Otherwise some wizard might advertise 10k just to get in a group and then be in 50s greens just to leach.
You just have to know based on their gear. If someone isn't pulling their weight, I'll kick them and continue as 4 man.
koromiyashiMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
I've already received the Castle Never Weapon Set for GF and am currently running Knight's Captain, what are your thoughts between the two sets. I've been also running the Glacial Set bonus as well. I've geared out maximum cap along with Cat equips. Am I running the most efficient possible for your build? I dunno about Timeless compared to Knight's Captain so I wanted your thoughts. Also, I run the Holy Vigor Enchantment in my offense slot. I've thought about Vorpal but IDK
koromiyashiMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Also, I forgot to mention that I'm running radiant enchantments along with Azure in the defense. Not really running Maximum HP or Ten for the Offense
I've already received the Castle Never Weapon Set for GF and am currently running Knight's Captain, what are your thoughts between the two sets. I've been also running the Glacial Set bonus as well. I've geared out maximum cap along with Cat equips. Am I running the most efficient possible for your build? I dunno about Timeless compared to Knight's Captain so I wanted your thoughts. Also, I run the Holy Vigor Enchantment in my offense slot. I've thought about Vorpal but IDK
Could you link a screenshot to your CN weapon set?
Interesting, I thought Stalwart Bulwark's adding 25% of your max HP as Power would have been better, but I was assuming that it gets multiplied by Reckless Attacker. 1350 crit is pretty awesome admittedly, and obviously the base stats are better on Timeless Hero since it's a higher tier.
Ah thanks! Could you show me what they look like I haven't actually seen the models.
As for your first question I do believe Timeless to be the best DPS set in almost any scenario. It allows you to hit crit cap without even trying which leaves offense slots open for power stacking or whatever your preference is!
Interesting, I thought Stalwart Bulwark's adding 25% of your max HP as Power would have been better, but I was assuming that it gets multiplied by Reckless Attacker. 1350 crit is pretty awesome admittedly, and obviously the base stats are better on Timeless Hero since it's a higher tier.
getting 7-7.5k free power is better than anything out there. It's the highest dps.
@envy, that gear update you mention acquiring Timeless hero set, but you only mention details regarding pve how would it affect pvp dmg's?
I'm uploading a video of some Knight's Challenge PvP when I was wearing 3/4th of the set. So when you watch it, imagine me critting WAY more often. It should be up in about 10 minutes.
It's not hard to equip an item with power on it and see how much your damage changes. I know exactly how it works, thank you.
(1-Crit*.01)*Dmg + (Crit*.01)*((1+(Severity*.01))*Dmg)
not critical of your gear as you have both so critical?
one guardian dps like his may be the main dps one o'clock PT in a dg? better than rougue or cw?
koromiyashiMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
(1-Crit*.01)*Dmg + (Crit*.01)*((1+(Severity*.01))*Dmg)
I've been running a pure power GF for awhile I do pretty low DPS to be honest.
That's because power isn't the best stat for damage. You need a bit of it to get your attack going but crit is definitely the backbone of a GFs damage potential.
You just have to know based on their gear. If someone isn't pulling their weight, I'll kick them and continue as 4 man.
Wrath - 60 Great Weapon Fighter - Mindflayer
Envy's Guardian Fighter DPS Conqueror Guide
Youtube Channel
Wrath - 60 Great Weapon Fighter - Mindflayer
Envy's Guardian Fighter DPS Conqueror Guide
Youtube Channel
Wrath - 60 Great Weapon Fighter - Mindflayer
Envy's Guardian Fighter DPS Conqueror Guide
Youtube Channel
Could you link a screenshot to your CN weapon set?
Wrath - 60 Great Weapon Fighter - Mindflayer
Envy's Guardian Fighter DPS Conqueror Guide
Youtube Channel
Ah thanks! Could you show me what they look like I haven't actually seen the models.
As for your first question I do believe Timeless to be the best DPS set in almost any scenario. It allows you to hit crit cap without even trying which leaves offense slots open for power stacking or whatever your preference is!
Wrath - 60 Great Weapon Fighter - Mindflayer
Envy's Guardian Fighter DPS Conqueror Guide
Youtube Channel
getting 7-7.5k free power is better than anything out there. It's the highest dps.
No, it's not. 500 power contributes less than 20 damage. I don't think you realize how poorly power scales.
Wrath - 60 Great Weapon Fighter - Mindflayer
Envy's Guardian Fighter DPS Conqueror Guide
Youtube Channel
Sweet, grats! I'd reconsider not slotting Tenebrous unless you really do just want the higher base stats.
Wrath - 60 Great Weapon Fighter - Mindflayer
Envy's Guardian Fighter DPS Conqueror Guide
Youtube Channel
I'm uploading a video of some Knight's Challenge PvP when I was wearing 3/4th of the set. So when you watch it, imagine me critting WAY more often. It should be up in about 10 minutes.
Wrath - 60 Great Weapon Fighter - Mindflayer
Envy's Guardian Fighter DPS Conqueror Guide
Youtube Channel
Chest = Spider Temple
Helm = Spellplague
Gloves = Caverns of the Red Dragon *****
Boots = Frozen Heart
BTW everyone, new short video up!
Wrath - 60 Great Weapon Fighter - Mindflayer
Envy's Guardian Fighter DPS Conqueror Guide
Youtube Channel
I don't think you realize that I have an excel dps spreadsheet
It's not hard to equip an item with power on it and see how much your damage changes. I know exactly how it works, thank you.
Wrath - 60 Great Weapon Fighter - Mindflayer
Envy's Guardian Fighter DPS Conqueror Guide
Youtube Channel
(1-Crit*.01)*Dmg + (Crit*.01)*((1+(Severity*.01))*Dmg)
one guardian dps like his may be the main dps one o'clock PT in a dg? better than rougue or cw?
Crit > Power.
Wrath - 60 Great Weapon Fighter - Mindflayer
Envy's Guardian Fighter DPS Conqueror Guide
Youtube Channel
I got boots first run. Chest took several. I bought the gloves and helm.
Wrath - 60 Great Weapon Fighter - Mindflayer
Envy's Guardian Fighter DPS Conqueror Guide
Youtube Channel
Lol, Okay bud.
That's because power isn't the best stat for damage. You need a bit of it to get your attack going but crit is definitely the backbone of a GFs damage potential.
Wrath - 60 Great Weapon Fighter - Mindflayer
Envy's Guardian Fighter DPS Conqueror Guide
Youtube Channel