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Cleric Self-Heals are NOT going to be changed

babylonbabylon Member, Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
edited March 2013 in The Temple
Regarding Cleric self heals, they will likely remain fairly minor for the Cleric. This is to help balance the fact that Clerics don't need to use as many health potions as other classes. Before the self heal reduction, Clerics would pretty much always have more gold than all other classes.

It was also creating situations where Clerics would just self heal tank through encounters.

So as unfortunate as the reduction is, it does make you a more concerned with taking damage in combat, which hopefully leads to a more satisfying experience at the end of the day.

From the Reddit Ask Me Anything session, Lead Content Designer Kevin Stocker - link

Seems the devs have decided to make the Cleric class a potion spammer - as any Cleric who has played above L30 knows, we had to spam potions a ridiculous amount in BW3 - more than any other class in the game from what I experienced with all of the other classes (played all of them).

They stated the game was to be balanced around a solo player and their companion - what I experienced by 30+ combat indicated that this was not the case for the Cleric.

Healing is the class feature, same as stealth is the Rogue's class feature, and control is the CW's class feature. Right now Clerics can't benefit from their own class feature (healing) unless another Cleric is around to heal them. Or shall we remove those things too, say you can't stealth as a Rogue unless another Rogue is around to help you (he has to cause a distraction so you can disappear).

Without self-heals, in solo leveling the class is just a weak DPS. Only way to level a Cleric will be by leeching xp in groups all the way through the game. For this reason, my bet is there will be even fewer healers at endgame than in any other game I have played.
*edit* adding these two videos, one a Rogue at play (L50), and one a Cleric at play (L41), to demonstrate the difference. Rogue has zero issues, Cleric is having massive problems, and these problems are starting way earlier in game as well.

Just need to watch the Rogue video to see this (watch how many times the healer goes down, then notice how that Rogue doesn't touch potions - he's perfectly happy letting the Cleric heal him, while the Cleric keeps dying). Not sure he even used ONE potion. And note he's using a Tank companion as well, doesn't even have a Cleric companion.

Then watch this video of a Cleric soloing with a Cleric companion even, and watch use of potions, then at 54 mins to see what happens when a Cleric soloing gets a ton of adds. Potions all used, dodges all used, healing all used, BOOM down you go little Cleric! And that Cleric was only L41. AND had a Cleric companion to help heal her.

Post edited by babylon on


  • diothaighdiothaigh Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    What some people aren't taking into account is that the healing done by spells such as Forgemaster's Flame is -not- nerfed by the trait. Yes, Healing word/Bastion of health are, but FF isn't - and that may be where the balance comes in to play.

    I think a 25% nerf to self-heals is sufficient, but the present 75% is absolutely bat**** crazy without some form of invulnerability spell.
  • itsneoitsneo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 74
    edited March 2013
    I've played the cleric through to 50 in the bwe's and the nerf is ridiculous. So we have more gold? lolz ok.. that's just WRONG.
    Even before the nerf, we had to buy pots too, sure, not as many but trust me, heal tanking was not possible without pots.

    Here is what's really happening in my view, and I would really like to see everyone who played the Devout Cleric to post their thoughts on this as well.

    1. Self heal is almost pointless, there is no point now stopping to cast a heal when you take more damage in the time to heal than you actually heal yourself for.
    2. Stopping to heal in PVP = insta-death ..
    3. More gold than anyone else? So what, it's not like we can use the gold to buy anything of use, other than pots, which we already needed to buy anyway.
    4. Aggro.. ok this is a big one. While running dungeons with the guild mates (and you can see the video on my twitch channel twitch.tv/myneverwinter) every single time I cast a heal, I had ALL, not some, ALL of the adds on my butt. Even when a lvl 50 CC wiz and a lvl 50 trickster tried to get them off me, I was still being pounded on. Watch me run in circles while they attempt to take the ads off, and I try to get in a heal or two on party mates who need it, while spamming pots like a mo-fo every cool down.
    5. With the above said, now Clerics have the LEAST amount of gold because we have to spam pots every cooldown.

    The nerf was too much, and you so seriously need to address the agro issue. Otherwise I cant see anyone rolling a cleric, might as well have everyone in the party do DPS with one tank and bring pots. As it is, a cleric is useless as he/she will be running away from mobs they agro as they spam pots.

    The ONLY good thing I have noticed is the clerics debuff that heals party members as they do damage. Out side of that. Useless.

    Any more thoughts???

    IGN: DrDoom
    CLS: Heretic
    SVR: Atlantis
    IND ID:1000165G030200060007250S15fb1f

  • l1zardo1l1zardo1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    diothaigh wrote: »
    What some people aren't taking into account is that the healing done by spells such as Forgemaster's Flame is -not- nerfed by the trait. Yes, Healing word/Bastion of health are, but FF isn't - and that may be where the balance comes in to play.

    I think a 25% nerf to self-heals is sufficient, but the present 75% is absolutely bat**** crazy without some form of invulnerability spell.

    Both are probably bugs. The latter is a known bug by the devs. All u need is Forge anyways, and HW to top u up between fights. Shield is prob your #2 choice.
  • sindofinsindofin Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    They also stated the following at the AmA:
    The trinity plays a different role in Neverwinter. This is something that has changed a lot over development, and in the end it just wasn't as fun to have a 'dedicated healer.' Being a game based around action combat, having a class that focuses entirely on healing or entirely on aggro management wasn't as fun. The Guardian Fighter still controls the battle and takes a bunch of damage for his team, it is just done in a different way than in more traditional MMOs.
    Source: http://www.reddit.com/r/Neverwinter/comments/1b01hp/iama_lead_combat_designer_kevin_stocker_for/c92bz4n

    I interpret it as healing in general playing a very minor role, and the Cleric not being meant as healer. With that in mind I can try to tell myself it's ok to not being able to heal yourself efficiently with your own spells. It's not fun, but the logic behind it I can understand. I just hoped that fun would be more important than balancing classes around healing potions, and that the game would embrace the trinity at least in endgame content.
  • elddirelddir Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    If the healer is not able to heal then there is something entirely off. If I can't keep myself alive then I can't keep my team alive.

    Out of all the classes so far, the Cleric is the only one I am interested in but last weekend I actually felt useless and more of a hindrance in teams. The tank couldn't pull agro and control the fight. I was getting so overwhelmed with mobs that I struggled to keep myself alive (even with pots) let alone taking care of everyone else.

    Solo play was boring as I spent so much time in between fights waiting around to heal up.

    In the end I logged out and played another game. It wasn't fun any more.
  • kaiserschmarrnkaiserschmarrn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 390
    edited March 2013
    Best thing is that gold in this game is completely worthless - except for buying pots and the first mounts and companions. The 2g50s these things cost can be grinded out by any other class easily.

    The cleric - one of the most iconic D&D classes - is now ruined because of a few gold pieces. Good job. This is all done in the grand scheme of forcing the players to use Zen for stuff like health stones and ress scrolls if they want to see the endgame.

    Of course there are other aspects to a cleric than healing, but it is always part of the core abilities of most builds. Now if the Neverwinter devs say "Our cleric is different, he does this and that..." then I'm asking why I should ever bring a cleric along in my party when another rogue or CW will offer better debuffs, better control and a ton more dps.
  • galvayragalvayra Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Well time to pick another class, its a shame too, i been playing healers almost exclusively
    "Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts."
  • kotlikotli Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 577
    edited March 2013
    If Cleric not meant to heal remove the healing from them, oh but then its not D&D as in D&D Clerics can heal and what D&D related stuff do we have where the characters drink 3 potions per fight? To my knowledge potion drinking for HPs is rarer in D&D than a Cleric healing his/her party.
  • gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    When devs say "not going to change" it actually means 'we are happy with them and we think we are going to go with this at launch".

    Once the game is launched (or Open beta-ed) the users will give their input, and devs will relook at everything.

    Actually I expect massive changes in balances, drop rates, cash shop and difficulty just a few days after open beta (whenever that will be, hopefully next month).
  • elddirelddir Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    gillrmn wrote: »
    Actually I expect massive changes in balances, drop rates, cash shop and difficulty just a few days after open beta (whenever that will be, hopefully next month).

    They did that just after launch with CO and then again did something similar with STO and both times it was met with absolute uproar, bad press, etc. The games never really recovered after that.

    I would hope that they try to avoid such things. Cryptic doesn't have that great of a name. They NEED Neverwinter to launch well right out of the gates.
  • rojorrojor Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 178 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2013
    In every other MMORPG ive played (Wow,Aion,Rift,StarTrekOnline,TheSecretWorld,ChampionsOnline,Tera) none of the healing classes self heals have been nerfed. I accept that the dev team does not want to go traditional trinity on us (hence the other classes lifesteal item stats) but to be fair it is kind of misleading to call the game "dungeons and dragons - Neverwinter" then head in the completely opposite direction of the source material. I am also aware of the answer to the reddit questions Lead Content Designer Kevin Stocker gave and at this stage of the classes pve (dungeon and solo) the application of his teams noble intention blows, however open beta is yet to come and i eagerly await further balancing yet if it does not work out i would hope they have the balls to retrace their steps back to the holy trinity as i love playing a healer who hits like a pillow but can never die.:rolleyes:
  • frost168frost168 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    "Regarding Cleric self heals, they will likely remain fairly minor for the Cleric. This is to help balance the fact that Clerics don't need to use as many health potions as other classes. Before the self heal reduction, Clerics would pretty much always have more gold than all other classes.

    It was also creating situations where Clerics would just self heal tank through encounters.

    So as unfortunate as the reduction is, it does make you a more concerned with taking damage in combat, which hopefully leads to a more satisfying experience at the end of the day."

    Interpreted "After a lengthy discussion with PWE, they concluded that less zen would be purchased for the cash shop healing stones, therefore any and all methods of circumventing these future purchases have been nerfed. After much discussion, we concluded the best way to make money off this MMO is to nix the healing class and force everyone to "buy" their heals. Enjoy the new game model."
    "P.S. the healing stones are cosmetic only. please remember that. u don't have to purchase them /giggle" Cryptic dev team

    SWEEET !!!!!
  • l1zardo1l1zardo1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Oh noes! They have more currency that is utterly worthless in the realm.

    Must fix before all else.
  • babylonbabylon Member, Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    l1zardo1 wrote: »
    Oh noes! They have more currency that is utterly worthless in the realm.

    Must fix before all else.

    I don't even know how they came to that conclusion - all my characters of every different class had around the same gold at around the same level.
  • l1zardo1l1zardo1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Well the beta before I vendor trashed a stack of T1 and T2 pots. Was decent coin actually.

    ..but once again, gold is as useless as you can get. Pretty sure its just the potion currency now.
  • mistelldkmistelldk Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    This is so lame that i wont buy the game, i love playing healer... not a running target using pots like crasy...

    Worse healer role ever seen...
  • cwiyk13cwiyk13 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    l1zardo1 wrote: »
    Well the beta before I vendor trashed a stack of T1 and T2 pots. Was decent coin actually.

    ..but once again, gold is as useless as you can get. Pretty sure its just the potion currency now.

    "Regarding Cleric self heals, they will likely remain fairly minor for the Cleric. This is to help balance the fact that Clerics don't need to use as many health potions as other classes. Before the self heal reduction, Clerics would pretty much always have more gold than all other classes."

    Correct, gold will have very limited purpose. But they aren't really concerned that clerics will have more gold than other classes. They are concerned that clerics are using less potions. If they're using less potions, they're less inclined to pay real-life money to purchase the consumable full-health item in the Zen store. This is their real concern.

    It isn't about class balance, it isn't about trying to create a new paradigm in class designs. Its about determining what will affect their profits. A cleric class that can keep their own health and their group's health above zero without resorting to using an item that cost real-life money isn't something they want in their game.
    Krae Vull - Devoted Cleric
  • frost168frost168 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    cwiyk13 wrote: »
    Correct, gold will have very limited purpose. But they aren't really concerned that clerics will have more gold than other classes. They are concerned that clerics are using less potions. If they're using less potions, they're less inclined to pay real-life money to purchase the consumable full-health item in the Zen store. This is their real concern.

    It isn't about class balance, it isn't about trying to create a new paradigm in class designs. Its about determining what will affect their profits. A cleric class that can keep their own health and their group's health above zero without resorting to using an item that cost real-life money isn't something they want in their game.

    Pretty sad IMO. If they continue down this path, the game will be more like D3. Tons of people playing at release, very few playing a few months later. I had high hopes for the game after beta 2, but after this last one, I just don't see myself playing the game for any length of time. And after reading tons of comments on the game, I think that feeling is starting to grow. This is going to be a short term F2P diversion, but people are not going to leave their current MMO's for the long term.
  • aetam1aetam1 Member Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Any class can get a healing companion. So a cleric does not need less potions. At the moment he even needs more. The self healing is so pitiful he has trouble getting him self up to full health out of combat...

    Also healing potions are way better than a cleric. They have better burst healing and almost no cd. A cleric can't hope to compete with the power of a potion. I am unsure if he can even compete with the healing of a companion. Up to lvl 26 I got the feeling he cant.

    Also there is pvp...
    While hopefully it will be possible to tank in pve, that wont work in pvp. So the will focus the healer. Healing yourself is always more challenging because you will have to dodge, kite and you will get cced. So there is really no need for a self healing reduction in pvp.

    So what I would propose:
    - Increase the healing of a cleric, at least the healing of a healing specced cleric. He needs more burst healing.
    - Increase the cd of pots and make them into a hot. They should be an addition to healing and not the main source.
    - If you want to keep the healing reduction in pvm pick a reasonable number. Like -25% self healing in pve combat. If you feel full healing in pvp would make them to strong reduce the dmg of the cleric but dont touch his self healing in pvp. A passive could be like: -25% self healing in pve and -10% dmg in pvp or something like that ( the exact numbers would need testing).
    If a cleric can't heal himself in pvp they will just focus him and he will die. That wont be fun.

    My stomach is clear and my mind is full of bacon!
  • shphgrshphgr Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    aetam1 wrote: »
    Any class can get a healing companion. So a cleric does not need less potions. At the moment he even needs more. The self healing is so pitiful he has trouble getting him self up to full health out of combat...

    Also healing potions are way better than a cleric. They have better burst healing and almost no cd. A cleric can't hope to compete with the power of a potion. I am unsure if he can even compete with the healing of a companion. Up to lvl 26 I got the feeling he cant.

    Also there is pvp...
    While hopefully it will be possible to tank in pve, that wont work in pvp. So the will focus the healer. Healing yourself is always more challenging because you will have to dodge, kite and you will get cced. So there is really no need for a self healing reduction in pvp.

    So what I would propose:
    - Increase the healing of a cleric, at least the healing of a healing specced cleric. He needs more burst healing.
    - Increase the cd of pots and make them into a hot. They should be an addition to healing and not the main source.
    - If you want to keep the healing reduction in pvm pick a reasonable number. Like -25% self healing in pve combat. If you feel full healing in pvp would make them to strong reduce the dmg of the cleric but dont touch his self healing in pvp. A passive could be like: -25% self healing in pve and -10% dmg in pvp or something like that ( the exact numbers would need testing).
    If a cleric can't heal himself in pvp they will just focus him and he will die. That wont be fun.

    as i said in another post:
    i don't mind clerics healing as much as they do now:
    atm, their heals are useful to top people up and to sustain them, pots in a normal dungeon run are used when people fail to dodge or when they take spike damage, so both are useful.

    what i DO mind is that clerics sacrifice too much for those heals:
    a)only 2 dodges for a ranged character, i still don't understand why is that and they don't have 4 dodges like the wizard
    b)less than half the damage that a dps character has
    c)nearly 0 survivability, limited CC, etcetcetc

    Cryptic said that they want the LEADER role to help the other members of the group blahblahblah. 5-10% dr and 5%damage boost and some maintainance heals that only serve to mitigrate the use of pots doesn't add up to what a group LOSES when they take up a cleric with them. P.e. a good second control wizard in an organized group could help mitigrating more damage and still do more damage than a cleric.

    a reasonable buff to clerics, if they don't want to give us more healing (which once again i am fine with) would be to give us utility that the other roles (striker, tank, control) don't have: REAL buffing power.

    p.e. take our aoe heal, make using it with divinity also grant to all friendly targets +5% critical chance and +10%critical damage for 10secs (ennough to have ~50%uptime).

    same thing with a lot of our utilitites. daunting light p.e. a really good ability when used with divinity, a really tough ability to hit with when not used with for no apparent reason. make it a bit larger aoe in it's base form and give all party members that also happen to be in it's radious (when used with divinity) gain X% of y stat (where x isn't the crappy 1-5% bonuses that we give, but something real and something that accounts for the fact that we do 50% of the dps a dps class does)
  • corasindeacorasindea Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    As an OLD d&d, ad&d player ( from the beginning.. lol) I found the whole experience of playing a cleric profoundly disturbing and very unbalanced. D&D was made to be a Team co-op adventure, In the cloak tower unless I stayed still and basically did nothing. My cleric was toast. I also found not having the armor/shield and at least a mace or Morningstar to help defend myself from the constant deluge from the mobs made the class virtually unplayable and useless. So I hope that a Battle Cleric will be included later on (since a caster cleric is mostly unplayable).

    May Gary rest in peace.
  • prunetracyprunetracy Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    So the Cleric wasn't in a good place during beta weekend 3. That doesn't mean that the design goals for the Cleric are unattainable, it just means that they didn't have the numbers right in this build.

    Here is what they want for the Cleric:
    The Cleric is meant to support their allies by providing additional survivability and damage through buffs and debuffs, in addition to contributing damage of their own.

    Reducing the Clerics self-healing does not necessarily lead to Clerics having less survivability than other classes. Yes, during beta 3 this may have been the case, but it is possible for number tweaking to get them in the right spot. Some of their survival can come from damage reduction (they do wear chain), and some from secondary self-healing effects.

    There is a key difference with Clerics in this game and other games. In other games, healers generally have to target their heals. They can choose to target themselves, but doing so reduces their healing on others. In Neverwinter, this is not the case. The Cleric can benefit from all their outgoing healing effects just as much as anyone else. This means the cleric doesn't have to choose between healing themselves or healing someone else. Not having that decision makes them exceptionally durable. Reducing the healing they do to themselves is an elegant way to keep their heals effective on others while not making them gods.

    Are the numbers for that in the right place? No. Can they be adjusted appropriately? Yes. The self-healing reduction had a bug this weekend that made it more severe than it should be. They can fix that and see where it stands. If it's still too low, it can be adjusted until it's right.
  • pallierpallier Member Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    It's all a ploy by Perfect World so they can sell the cash shop health items.
    pay to win before its even released.
    Oh Atari how I miss you!
  • pineappleghostpineappleghost Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    shphgr wrote: »

    same thing with a lot of our utilitites. daunting light p.e. a really good ability when used with divinity, a really tough ability to hit with when not used with for no apparent reason. make it a bit larger aoe in it's base form and give all party members that also happen to be in it's radious (when used with divinity) gain X% of y stat (where x isn't the crappy 1-5% bonuses that we give, but something real and something that accounts for the fact that we do 50% of the dps a dps class does)

    It already reduces armor by 10% when feated. Couple that with the feat that reduces armor by 30% and Prophecy of Doom AND Divine Glow you actually do not need to build armor penetration like a Trickster Rogue has to to get the most effective DPS.
  • horrorscope666horrorscope666 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 415 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2013
    Discuss? If this or any game isn't balanced somewhat correctly it will fail. This game needs some real fine tuning and not so fine tuning. Otherwise they are leaving dollars at the door.
  • ashburn13ashburn13 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Healing to begin with is already very flawed in this game. There is no spike healing to sustain a player if they are taking damage and the 50% heal nerf is currently functioning at around 65-75% nerf. While this is a huge factor in PVE, my friends I was playing with didnt have to use any pots, while I went through several stacks the biggest problem is in PVP. In PVP as a CLeric you get jumped by a TR that will do around half of your life burning a daily if not more. Even if you win and survive, there is no way to heal up before the TR respawns and comes to kill you because of the nerf to healing. The Current Healing mechanics, Agro gain and Spell Selection need to be reviewed before launch. Otherwise, you will continue to see groups run 5 Cleric Companions in replacement for a an actual DC.
  • babylonbabylon Member, Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ashburn13 wrote: »
    The Current Healing mechanics, Agro gain and Spell Selection need to be reviewed before launch. Otherwise, you will continue to see groups run 5 Cleric Companions in replacement for a an actual DC.

    All they'll do there is nerf the cleric companion.
  • khupa1khupa1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 96
    edited March 2013
    This last beta the aggro on the Cleric was a bug. So it was not a very good experience to play a Cleric during this last BW3.

    Do i want to play a Cleric like table top D&D, one that can cast any healing spell, raise death or resurrect (if high level). You bet i will love to do that. But somewhere PW have plans to make money for this F2P and that is buying those (scrolls) for Zen. How do they want the Cleric to buy pots and drain his own cash in game, by lowering the self heals.

    But if that have to happen, I will like to see that lowering of self heals happen only during combat and not when out of combat. In reality it was better to run back to the last campfire for healing than stand there and self healing, sadly is kinda annoying to run back heal and then move forward have another fight, stop i have to run back again, I'm back move forward hopping that "hey there is a new campfire" or "man i have to run back again".
  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited March 2013
    A handful of posts have been moved to the Lower Depths'd Thread. Further violations in this thread will result in Official Warnings. Please everyone, leave out insults and other disrespectful statements. These are things that are not needed and not allowed in debating discussing, or arguing topics on this Forum. Also, let's stay On Topic. If one wants to comment on Moderation (good or bad), please use PMs. Thanks!
  • ranncoreranncore Member, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 2,508
    edited March 2013
    You might as well just close the whole thing - the title of the thread and basis for speculation is entirely disingenuous. Devs have already stated that Cleric self heals are, in fact, going to be changed, and were bugged over the weekend, as well as the aggro mechanic.

    Look, I'm as worried about p2w as the next guy, and I like a good conspiracy theory, but this whole thread is based on a lie.
This discussion has been closed.