I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling as administrator and I still can not log in. I keep getting the account error. I am tried to log in on the 22 and 23 and still can not log in. What is going on?
UPDATE: Please note that this is not the final list and is a work-in-progress. We're still evaluating our Beta Weekend plans and making sure that everyone has a fair chance to join us in Neverwinter Beta. A more final and complete list will be available once our plans are finalized. Thank you for understanding.
Greetings! Here is information on who will get access to our three Beta Weekends. We'll be updating this thread often so check back here for the latest information:
Beta Weekend 3 - March 22-24
Hero of the North Founder's Pack purchasers
Guardian of Neverwinter purchasers
Hero of the North Friend Key, if it has not been used.
Torchlight 2 pre-orders
RaiderZ Elite Pack purchasers
Lifetime members of Champions Online and Star Trek Online.
PAX / GenCon / Keys from game conventions and events.
I bolded the catagory I fall under yet cannot log in. I can only assume that the is yet another stupid April Fool's prank. I mean, really, why would any company let people play for free when they can charge $200 or more for the service?!?!
I will be certain to make a similar post on facebook informing everyone about your lies.
barx911Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 2Arc User
edited March 2013
In case the mods are keeping track, this issue is still occurring. I Purchased a Guardian of Neverwinter Pack this morning but I get the account error message when I attempt to log in.
Per the instructions in this thread I have sent an email to CS but haven't heard back from them yet.
when comes teh open beata ?? or how i can get a key ??
evilution13Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 2Arc User
edited March 2013
I purchased the Guardian of Neverwinter pack just for the last day of beta and can't get in. keep getting the account error and the page to contact support isn't working. If this isn't corrected, I will be asking for my money back tomorrow.
this is the first time I have ever posted on any forum of perfect world due to i believe a login error. I post now only bc of a link that logged me on here automatically given by customer service in a email, yes this is off topic but can some one please fix my account its bean going on over 2 years !!! Basically certain webpages say my login wrong when its right and No forum lets me post though I can technically login to forums! I just beggin for some one to fix it!! Customer support Dose not seem to get what I am saying! I been a champions online player nearly thee years.
this is what I said.
Quite some time (over 2 years ago) I joined accounts cryptic with my perfectworld account . Since then I have not been able to post on the forums! Now it said be patient will take some time to update. 2 years?
Now I find not only can I not post I can not even login!!!!
I am a subscriber! I pay to play and I Have yet to have this fixed !
I wanted to sign into the Neverwinter Beta but said I had the wrong password login so I checked it and reset the password. IT DID NOT WORK!!! 2 years ago I first complained and its time YOU fixed it!
I was told it would be resolved in a few weeks. its been years!
this is what they said
Response Via Email (Support Staff 35) 03/24/2013 01:17 PM
I've looked up your account, and it does not appear that your account has access to the Neverwinter Beta Weekend.
Here is a list of eligible participants for Beta Weekend 3:
Beta Weekend 3 - March 22-24
Hero of the North Founder's Pack purchasers
Guardian of Neverwinter purchasers
Hero of the North Friend Key, if it has not been used.
Torchlight 2 pre-orders
RaiderZ Elite Pack purchasers
Lifetime members of Champions Online and Star Trek Online.
PC Gamer promotional keys.
Community Beta key giveaways through Facebook and Twitter.
They do not seem to get what I am begging. So I apologize to the moderator and administrators here . You can go ahead and erase this but PLEASE Fix my account!
So, now that Beta Weekend 3 is winding down: When is Launch?!
I'm addicted. I needs mah Neverwinter. I want to make Sabine all over again and tear up the questlines from start to finish. You guys have really outdone yourselves on Neverwinter. Best new MMO I've played since CoH.
Great Weapon Fighter tanks? Who are you kidding? Cleric tanks. They draw -all- the aggro.
So, now that Beta Weekend 3 is winding down: When is Launch?!
I'm addicted. I needs mah Neverwinter. I want to make Sabine all over again and tear up the questlines from start to finish. You guys have really outdone yourselves on Neverwinter. Best new MMO I've played since CoH.
totally gonna agree with ya xD guys plz tell us when is the next launch luvd the beta there are sm glitches n stuff bt the game totaly rox..one of the best MMO ive played after FW(where people did alot of QQ for my CS) xd...can any of the moderator inform abt the next launch???
irischan22Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited March 2013
Hi iam fedoriachan this is a great game ,i would like to playit now and in the future ,i have play the game for the beta 3and i love it n i want to keep play it is the server in the east coast down for tonight/ i will love to hear somenthing back soon ty.
totally gonna agree with ya xD guys plz tell us when is the next launch luvd the beta there are sm glitches n stuff bt the game totaly rox..one of the best MMO ive played after FW(where people did alot of QQ for my CS) xd...can any of the moderator inform abt the next launch???
Not everyone speaks English as their first language or has the opportunity to learn it well. Don't be a male reproductive organ.
English is not my first language either, and i barely use it irl and again i can write it and speak it very well. And, btw, if you can use slangs to write a whole post, that means you're just ignorant when it comes to grammar. But, w/e, i'm off, dont wanna post offtopic here not a place or time. Cheerz!
unwnconnickMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 4Arc User
edited March 2013
I really want continue playing this game, but like Open Beta, this game really don't have a much bugs, but, rogue is OP, and i want continue playing PvP, but i played just when released, my rogue had reached level 37, i can't continue in pvp.
telgrim1Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 2Arc User
edited March 2013
i can honestly say i can't wait for release or some open beta so i can play again, this game needs to be out, i want to play it again right now lol! good job so far!
I really want continue playing this game, but like Open Beta, this game really don't have a much bugs, but, rogue is OP, and i want continue playing PvP, but i played just when released, my rogue had reached level 37, i can't continue in pvp.
Rogues being OP isn't a problem IMO.
gabberbrMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 2Arc User
edited March 2013
every class is good to me but iam rogue 2 but i wanna play it now its a nice game GJ so far !
UPDATE: Please note that this is not the final list and is a work-in-progress. We're still evaluating our Beta Weekend plans and making sure that everyone has a fair chance to join us in Neverwinter Beta. A more final and complete list will be available once our plans are finalized. Thank you for understanding.
Greetings! Here is information on who will get access to our three Beta Weekends. We'll be updating this thread often so check back here for the latest information:
Beta Weekend 1 - February 8-10:
Hero of the North Founder's Pack purchasers
Guardian of Neverwinter purchasers
Hero of the North Friend Key, if it has not been used.
Beta Weekend 2 - March 8-10
Hero of the North Founder's Pack purchasers
Guardian of Neverwinter purchasers
Hero of the North Friend Key, if it has not been used.
Torchlight 2 pre-orders
RaiderZ Elite Pack purchasers
Lifetime members of Champions Online and Star Trek Online.
PC Gamer promotional keys.
Promotional Beta keys on partner sites.
Beta Weekend 3 - March 22-24
Hero of the North Founder's Pack purchasers
Guardian of Neverwinter purchasers
Hero of the North Friend Key, if it has not been used.
Torchlight 2 pre-orders
RaiderZ Elite Pack purchasers
Lifetime members of Champions Online and Star Trek Online.
PAX / GenCon / Keys from game conventions and events.
Other Beta participants - Information to be revealed
One way to get guaranteed access is by purchasing a Neverwinter Founder's Pack. Get yours today and become a Hero of the North!
I've downloaded the game on March 23rd. I've been informed about the beta holidays. Today is the 26th. and I'm still getting the same message. What is wrong with the server.
Sorry to say m8 but you have missed the beta weekend servers are all down, so you will have to wait for the next time when and if it may be
llazyadMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 5Arc User
edited March 2013
will the wizard on the next beta finally be able to move and cast at-will spells at the same time at least? or have a staff instead of that stupid orb thing? i mean come on... forgotten realms is dark fantasy not chibi ... why the piece pose and the orb who the hell designed the wizard????? fk it im gonna start a "how the wizard should be" thread where i will post 1 image per day of concepts for the wizards cause this is ridiculous
drizztdourden21Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 54
will the wizard on the next beta finally be able to move and cast at-will spells at the same time at least? or have a staff instead of that stupid orb thing? i mean come on... forgotten realms is dark fantasy not chibi ... why the piece pose and the orb who the hell designed the wizard????? fk it im gonna start a "how the wizard should be" thread where i will post 1 image per day of concepts for the wizards cause this is ridiculous
Why would control wizards be able to move and cast at will spells? No other class can. It was a smart design decision. Nothing more annoying than idiots hopping around while casting spells and abilities.
iciaaMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited March 2013
I am seeing alot of begging for redemption codes sheesh this has to be funny like you sell ur soul for this code
I'll continue to update this so check back. No one who purchased something in the past will be left out. Thanks!
I registered for the Beta Key for Nightwinter as soon as it was available and received an e-mail telling me that I was on the list. As of today I have not received any key or any message telling me why. I have learned to be very skeptical of game developers marketing a new games and asking for money up front. I see that paying players have access yet my key is no where in sight. And this game was promo'd to go live at the end of February 2013 and it is still doing Beta, sucking the blood out of players who can't seem to pay fast enough to get to the front of the line. As for me, I'd love to play but I'm stuck waiting for the games actual release. I hope I'm not disappointed.
darkstorn42Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited March 2013
I am sure there will be an open beta point, but there were plenty of free key give aways that were really easy to use. As for my self I had a PAX key for over a year, and was finally accepted into the beta a year after receiving my key, sitting and waiting through the first, but managed to key a key for the second beta, cause they weren't gonna give their longest supporters entrance. Was totally worth it though.
I bolded the catagory I fall under yet cannot log in. I can only assume that the is yet another stupid April Fool's prank. I mean, really, why would any company let people play for free when they can charge $200 or more for the service?!?!
I will be certain to make a similar post on facebook informing everyone about your lies.
Per the instructions in this thread I have sent an email to CS but haven't heard back from them yet.
this is what I said.
this is what they said
They do not seem to get what I am begging. So I apologize to the moderator and administrators here . You can go ahead and erase this but PLEASE Fix my account!
I'm addicted. I needs mah Neverwinter. I want to make Sabine all over again and tear up the questlines from start to finish. You guys have really outdone yourselves on Neverwinter. Best new MMO I've played since CoH.
totally gonna agree with ya xD guys plz tell us when is the next launch luvd the beta there are sm glitches n stuff bt the game totaly rox..one of the best MMO ive played after FW(where people did alot of QQ for my CS) xd...can any of the moderator inform abt the next launch???
Maybe when you learn grammar, they will.
English is not my first language either, and i barely use it irl and again i can write it and speak it very well. And, btw, if you can use slangs to write a whole post, that means you're just ignorant when it comes to grammar.
Rogues being OP isn't a problem IMO.
it still tell me that " Account error please click here for more information"
Also noticed I'm not getting my froum Title from the founders pack. Any ideas whats up with that?
I've downloaded the game on March 23rd. I've been informed about the beta holidays. Today is the 26th. and I'm still getting the same message. What is wrong with the server.
founders should have a five day head start
Why would control wizards be able to move and cast at will spells? No other class can. It was a smart design decision. Nothing more annoying than idiots hopping around while casting spells and abilities.
I registered for the Beta Key for Nightwinter as soon as it was available and received an e-mail telling me that I was on the list. As of today I have not received any key or any message telling me why. I have learned to be very skeptical of game developers marketing a new games and asking for money up front. I see that paying players have access yet my key is no where in sight. And this game was promo'd to go live at the end of February 2013 and it is still doing Beta, sucking the blood out of players who can't seem to pay fast enough to get to the front of the line. As for me, I'd love to play but I'm stuck waiting for the games actual release. I hope I'm not disappointed.