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Do you need a Beta Key? Post here!

ashrox10ashrox10 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
edited March 2013 in General Discussion (PC)

Hello Neverwinter Fans!

It's become evident that there's quite a lot of players on the forums who are looking for a chance to participate in the next Beta weekend and some of those may not have keys and/or the money to spend to get access. This thread will supply members the chance to plea to both the Heroes of the North (who have 1 spare key) and any passing loving staff members who may or may not choose to give any keys out.

@ Heroes of the North
If you're not using your spare key, take a look through the pages of this thread and see if any one member truly stands out to you as 'worthy' of getting your spare key, or just throw it in the thread for a lucky member to grab.

@ Players who need keys.
Post in this thread why you feel you deserve to partake in the upcoming Beta, why you feel you're knowledge / understanding / experience / passion of the game should be acknowledged by Developers. Make it a worth while post because you never know who might PM you with a key!

Best of luck to all trying to get into Beta.

Vuxadin@Kaelangx on Mindflayer.
PvE Enthusiast.
Post edited by ashrox10 on


  • spellwardenspellwarden Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 357 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    Tough one. While I do want a key, I do not feel that I "deserv" one above anyone else on these forums.

    But if I would have to give myself credit (which is hard, considering I am part swedish :D) for something, it would be that I am looking at not only enjoying the game, but also micro-checking group-mechanics, skills, characters, game-play, and the likes.

    If someone felt that they wanted to afford me a beta-key, I would use that time to not only get a feel of the game, but spend the following nights highlighting the pros that need to be protected. And also bitching about the cons.

    I am wide in my acceptance of others play-styles, and while I possess my own subjective opinions, I would try to suggest sollutions that allows as many play-styles as possible without changing the core design philosofy.

    Final, and perhaps the most important, if I do these things, I promise to spell-check the entire thing in Word before posting it on the forums.

    Oh, and kiss babies, randomly dig holes/cut ribbons/attend galas/and champion the working man and family values!
  • gudgeongudgeon Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I would like a key please as it will stop me having to spend my weekends as my wifes gimp slave.
  • lafush1lafush1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    gl to who ever recieve a key :]
  • armalasarmalas Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited February 2013

    I figured I'd try my luck here, it's a nice idea, the thought of the community actually caring about each other, its a pleasant change of pace compared to other MMOs.

    So, a bit about me, and why I think I would deserve a beta key:

    You know the guy that tries to strike up conversation in your otherwise mute dungeon group in that big MMO which shall not be mentioned while you're supplementing your Valor point gain?
    The guy that is desperately trying to bring back a modicum of the social feel that some MMOs seem to have lost over the years? That's me.

    I'd like to think of myself as an MMO vet, started out playing EQ1, Dark Age of Camelot, eventually moved on to Warcraft, which, at the time, blew my mind. At least until the end of Burning Crusade. After that the shine wore off a bit, the world became stale and it kind of lost that 'magic' feel to it all. Something happened with the community at large too, the tone had grown harsher too, people were competing against each other as opposed to helping each other and I think in hindsight, a lot of 'quality of life' improvements served to alienate players from each other and the setting.
    Regardless, I hung in there for a while simply because my friends and I always play together, and they seemed happy to soldier on.

    I had brief stop-overs in Vanguard, EQ2, DDO, LOTR, Warhammer, Age of Conan, DC Universe and Rift, but it never seemed to stick for one reason or another.

    Eventually though, we all made the switch to SW:TOR, that lasted for about 6 months, after which we realised that perhaps this wasn't really our thing, and it was far too similar to the game we'd left previously.

    We wandered around the F2P market for a while, but nothing ever came close to even remotely enticing us, until Guild Wars 2 came out.
    We played it religiously from release, recruited old friends and guildies back and had general good time, until most people got bored from lack of incentives to play.

    All roads lead to Rome, and back again, so we found ourselves trudging the familiar path back to Warcraft, and that's where we are now.

    Now, my friends are the type of people who don't read quests texts, prefer kill quests, and could care less about lore, so I am sure WoW will suit them just fine, but I love lore, I love deep background stories, a sense of real purpose to what I am doing, and most of all, I desperately desperately want a combat system that won't make me fall asleep and by the looks of it, Neverwinter has all of the above.

    I've been reading FR novels since I was 12, so that's 16 years now, played every FR game I could get my hands on, BG1/BG2, Icewind Dale 1/2 NWN1/2 and even Dagger Dale (which was terrible, never ever buy it) so when I heard Cryptic was working on Neverwinter I got giddy as a school girl, to finally be able to step foot in Faerun again with today's technology is a real treat for me, and I can't wait to start fiddling with the Foundry too. I got so excited that I've been replaying all my old games to sate my FR craving, unfortunately I think only the actual game will really scratch that itch.

    I'm tired of wandering from one game to another, I need a home, and I think Neverwinter could be it, based on my love for the setting, and what I have seen so far, I am very positive, but nothing would make me happier than finally seeing it for myself.

    I also spent 6 years working as Lead Tester for a 3rd party testing company.

    Thank you for reading!

    - Armalas Armaranthis
    Cleric of Sune :)
  • sepirrothsepirroth Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I would like a key so if anyone have spare one. I would be very grateful.
  • noolidnerdnoolidnerd Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 151 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    I'm really looking forward to testing the Beta.
  • viaxusviaxus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 66
    edited February 2013
    Nobody likes swedes! Give it to me, an upstanding dane instead and you will be rewarded ten fold in the heavens...surely..! :)
  • belzubbelzub Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 43
    edited February 2013
    Withdrawing my post.
  • hexaxehexaxe Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Silverstars Posts: 43
    edited February 2013
    I would love a key. Im tempted to buy the founders pack, but i really want to see how the combat feels before spending ANY money on this game. I imagine that if i get into beta and i like the combat, i will end up sinking money into NW
  • handsomedude6969handsomedude6969 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Haha i have never play this game befor well HOTN but i do play Jade Dynasty. I like most MMoPRG games their fun even more fun than wow=world of warcraft. So pick to get a Key also i forgot to tell u guys i have never been pick to play on any beta. So give me the shot to see what it like to play on a close game:)
  • taenkeertaenkeer Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Reading about and watching videos and pics about Neverwinter's driving me crazy! :p

    Would love the chance to see it sooner than later :rolleyes:
  • crazydavey804crazydavey804 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    From the ravings of a crazy man,

    My dedication to the D&D universe is legendary. At the age of 6 my father bestowed to me several of the original Dungeons and Dragons campaigns from 1986 and his dice collection. He would tell me stories about how he and his five brothers would stay up for hours playing D&D. Running multiple campaigns all the way to level 20 of the original rule set. THAC0 seemed brilliant to me, elegant algebra contained within swinging swords and pulsing spells. Sure enough Dungeons & Dragons spawned some of the greatest games in modern society. Iconic titles such as Baldur's Gate, Diablo, Neverwinter Nights, Fallout, and many more have influenced me throughout my entire life. I've been influenced by games so much that it motivated me to seek out degrees in engineering and mathematics. Neverwinter will undoubtedly change the world of D&D again. Not only that but a D&D game based around the 4E rule set will be excellent in its own right. I feel I deserve a beta key because I am video games. I bleed zeros and ones in the pursuit of new titles to satiate my thirst for entertainment and fantasy. D&D has been with me since my formative years and will very likely influence me for the rest of my life.
  • heavenshock12heavenshock12 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I don't wanna write too much as I assume none will really read it all, but I truly think I deserve a key, I went through almost every MMO in the industry and tbh I've gotten pretty tired of the regular MMOs, even RaiderZ which had a really good combat system failed imo because of it's social gaming and such, but I believe that Neverwinter is quite different and I really wanna test it out, I've been looking so long for a realistic MMO, in which you'll be able to RP and to experience the true nature of D&D, I'm a big fan of this game and I've been following it for so long and I'm pretty sure I was one of the firsts to enter the beta key's pool.
    On the bottom line, I'm sure I can contribute a lot to Neverwinter's developers and its players by improving the game's society and by offering tweaks who I, as a really experienced player can offer.
    Thank you ! ; ).
  • crivilnite2crivilnite2 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 35
    edited February 2013
    I have not deep or elaborated arguments to persuade anyone to share an extra beta key with me, I just would like to participate on beta and, specially, have a bond with someone to start a fun and enjoyable experience over the game.

    P.S: Oh and i will devote to tanking, love the role.
    I'm The Guardian, death is my business be it yours or mine.
  • desmundesmun Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 66
    edited February 2013
    I would LOVE a key!!!!!! Been reading about it more and more since the cleric reveal.

    I always played a paladin back in my D&D days, but that cleric looked and sounded sweet.

    Thanks for your consideration.

  • mylongforumnamemylongforumname Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I would like one also please :)
  • wallace90wallace90 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I would love a beta key :)
  • trinchitrinchi Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I would love to have a key so I can make new friends and explore neverwinter and the world of forgotten realms with them...x3
  • gargadon3gargadon3 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I will make this simple- I would love to play this game but I am just a poor student. Real life expenses have to come first.
  • jaxshroomjaxshroom Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 30
    edited February 2013
    I would really like a key, bought starter pack cuz i dont have anymore money, but game is great & i would love to get a key if it is possible :)
  • itsneoitsneo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 74
    edited February 2013
    GL Everyone... crossing fingers for you all.

    IGN: DrDoom
    CLS: Heretic
    SVR: Atlantis
    IND ID:1000165G030200060007250S15fb1f

  • stucool66stucool66 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Silverstars Posts: 80
    edited February 2013
    Sure I would like a key. Just a regular dude with evenings and weekends to play when the wife and kids are settled in. Otherwise, in and out as real life demands time. It could be a dog that needs to go outside, or a kid that wants a new bag of doritoes. Usually, its a wife that needs an errand run. Since I cant run a real dungeon at 46, it would be cool to run one in Neverwinter with my defender.
  • dethlockdethlock Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Im a big time DDO player i would like to try it out and see how it matches up to DDO
  • dagger2thugtrap7dagger2thugtrap7 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1
    edited February 2013
    As going to have been being shilly-shallied on making use of dispensing level points/stats and boosting the best powers, encounters or at-wills for a few hours I would choose or generate a group-tactician racial class with enhanced bonuses of balancing and exploiting the group's effect. Creating the tactical advanteges in every group-combat is achieved by shrewdness of the interactive-cast abilities and I will be selecting the most guarding character. So invite me with a fiend key, please!
  • healinnerdshealinnerds Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I would very much enjoy trying out the beta with all the founders! I have my heart set on being the best Cleric I can be. I have watched many videos of the game play and this game looks fantastic. My favorite video was with TotalBiscuit hearing the developers interacting with him as they played.

    If it gets me a beta key ill play my IRL girl card too. <3

    Thanks and may Sune (Goddess of love) bless you!
  • allumo619allumo619 Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    i would like to try out this game cus it looks promising. been quite a mmo player for quite awhile and now i am realy bored cus theres is nothing out there to keep me goin so realy have ansious to try out neverwinter to see if it gets me to play it for quite a while. so would like to have a key
  • hughzy9hughzy9 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I would love a beta key!!!!

    I have read every D&D book that I have been able to get my hands on since the age of about 14. My Dad was a DM and had many groups come through his garage over the years. Unfortunately for me though, by the time I was old enough to play, Dad had given it up and I was left stranded with nobody interested in rolling dice and exploring their imagination with me.

    This game looks like it could provide me with at least a semblance of what I missed out on growing up; that of a Dungeons & Dragons adventuring experience.

    So please If there are any fellow adventurers/DM's out there holding onto a key, please consider helping a lad play out his nerdy dreams.

    Plus if i win I'll try for world peace yadayada :P

    Thank you in advance (If applicable).
  • thenakedgypsythenakedgypsy Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Im really looking forward to playing neverwinter and have more than just my fingers crossed for beta access!!
  • sarkathasarkatha Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    As an old pen and paper junkie, and a Forgotten Realms lover through the last 25 years, I certainly wouldn't mind if someone gifted me a beta key.

    It would be MUCh appreciated. :)

    Cheers from Denmark
  • jonddnjonddn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 154 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    Indeed i do need one to join my guild mates when the time for beta comes yet again, and i would most definitly apreciate it.
    "Kobold smells all! Kobold Omnisniffient!" - Tuga? North Trail Wants You! - North! Always!
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