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Ok so Classes that are not in at laucnh are actively being built as we speak.

zylaxxzylaxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 591 Bounty Hunter
edited April 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
Ok jsut got through watching Total Biscuit;s NWO playthough and a question was asked about character progression and character classes and Zeke mentioned that there are 5 classes at laucnh (which we already knew) he also says: "we already have more that we are developing that we plan to release soon after launch."

There you go straight from the Devs moths to your ears, not only are there other classes they are actually actively building them as we speak. So do not fret folks. Good news indeed. Its a far cry different scenario then them saying they plan to add new classes but havnt started working on them yet. Woot indeed!

http://youtu.be/Z0E6Yw-M1YY 40 min mark
Character is what a man is in the dark
Post edited by zylaxx on


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    shado152shado152 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    if you listen well he talked about an archer class when he was talking about players not being able to move as they shoot
    Beta Testing Pending
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    ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited February 2013
    I'm hurt you didn't believe me. :(

    Glad There's something something recent to link to Haha but this hasn't been a secret.
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    zylaxxzylaxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 591 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    I'm hurt you didn't believe me. :(

    Glad There's something something recent to link to Haha but this hasn't been a secret.

    Ohh its not that I didn't believe you as I did but theres been a huge influx of who do not do any amount of research and I wanted to prove to people there are some things that are being adressed. If you watch that who video you garner alot of information, even more so after the 40 min mark I linked. Zeke even mentioned one the lessons learned from past MMO's is dont do every thing at once, leave plenty options for new things post launch to garner new players. Good creed to follow IMO.
    Character is what a man is in the dark
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    valkyriechosenvalkyriechosen Member Posts: 23
    edited February 2013
    New classes are something I truly look forward to. Now, if they could get some kind of DM client up and going for foundry missions, Cryptic would raise the bar to a whole new level for an MMO.
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    ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited February 2013
    I was joking. ;)

    Thanks for posting it. Seriously.
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    chili1179chili1179 Member Posts: 1,511 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    New classes are something I truly look forward to. Now, if they could get some kind of DM client up and going for foundry missions, Cryptic would raise the bar to a whole new level for an MMO.

    This this this and this.

    So much this I this my pants.

    Please this.
    There is a rumor floating around that I am working on a new foundry quest. It was started by me.
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    tharkantharkan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Now all I need is for one of the developers to say "Don't worry, Dragonborn will be a playable race in the future" and I will be happy.
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    jedidethfreak823jedidethfreak823 Member Posts: 223 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    We all know they're making more classes. The question is, how much are they going to charge?

    New classes in NW will be analogous to new AT's in Champions for about $12, or ships in STO which run from $10 to $25.

    They sure won't be free - CO hasn't seen free AT's to my knowledge, and while STO has had a couple of free ships to throw people a bone, there are more ships available in the C-store than can be gotten in-game for free (and better ones, too).

    Also, I'm pretty sure I called not only this, but that the Ranger was nowhere to be found. I was called a troll for such, iirc.
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    ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited February 2013
    So far as we have been told they will be free. We'll find out but it's always been implied that they will be free.

    As I said in another thread though they certainly, at the very least, can't expect to not give an Archer for free.

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    crypticmapoliscrypticmapolis Member, NW_CrypticDev, Cryptic Developer Posts: 240 Cryptic Developer
    edited February 2013
    In case you guys need any more convincing, Zeke speaks the truth. I've played an early build of one of the classes slated for post launch and it felt really cool at that early stage (still far from being done though). We have a brilliant team of designers making these, so expect some amazingly fun classes to be added.
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    sparhawksparhawk Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    In case you guys need any more convincing, Zeke speaks the truth. I've played an early build of one of the classes slated for post launch and it felt really cool at that early stage (still far from being done though). We have a brilliant team of designers making these, so expect some amazingly fun classes to be added.

    Tease. :p

    Thanks though.
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    ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited February 2013
    Such a tease!

    Any idea how often we can expect new classes yet Mapolis or is that still a too early to tell question?
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    clcmercyclcmercy Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 308 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    So far as we have been told they will be free. We'll find out but it's always been implied that they will be free.

    For verification, I'd like a link to said post? Or interview where that was stated? Because in that video, the developer did not give a straight answer either way if future races/classes would be purchasable or free content.

    Occam's Razor makes the cutting clean.
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    ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited February 2013
    There's a whole slew of interviews where they stated all content will be free. They planned to only sell Cosmetics and Convenience Items.

    There's no one video. There's no absolute confirmation which is why I NEVER gave confirmation. I simply said it has been implied.
    I don't consider classes and races cosmetic or convenience but I certainly don't count them as p2w either though. I honestly wouldn't mind in the slightest if they charged for classes and races but I would definitely say they need to give more than five for free.

    The only thing I can say for absolute certainty is that they would be commiting suicide by choosing to not release an Archer for free and I believe they know that. If they don't...well...bah.
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    jedidethfreak823jedidethfreak823 Member Posts: 223 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    So far as we have been told they will be free. We'll find out but it's always been implied that they will be free.

    As I said in another thread though they certainly, at the very least, can't expect to not give an Archer for free.


    Cryptic outright STATED Klingons would have full PvE content, and have "implied" leading up to every major content push that it would come with said content push.

    We're still waiting, three years on.
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    zylaxxzylaxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 591 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    In case you guys need any more convincing, Zeke speaks the truth. I've played an early build of one of the classes slated for post launch and it felt really cool at that early stage (still far from being done though). We have a brilliant team of designers making these, so expect some amazingly fun classes to be added.

    OMG awesome thanks for the update. Yea I am truely amazed ever day at this game, thanks.
    Character is what a man is in the dark
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    clcmercyclcmercy Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 308 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    There's a whole slew of interviews where they stated all content will be free. They planned to only sell Cosmetics and Convenience Items.

    There's no one video. There's no absolute confirmation which is why I NEVER gave confirmation. I simply said it has been implied.
    I don't consider classes and races cosmetic or convenience but I certainly don't count them as p2w either though. I honestly wouldn't mind in the slightest if they charged for classes and races but I would definitely say they need to give more than five for free.

    The only thing I can say for absolute certainty is that they would be committing suicide by choosing to not release an Archer for free and I believe they know that. If they don't...well...bah.

    In addition, I do again point right at that video where the developer, when asked directly "what will be pay and what will be free" didn't even say "I can't say at this time" but instead gave what sounded to me like a pre-wrote speech designed to redirect and obfuscate.

    I'm not going to argue the point much. Promise. :) Yeah, Cryptic will probably give away the archer, like you said...but I can feel it in my bones...Cryptic will also charge for future classes, races and content, simply because fluff and convenience can only go so far. I'm fine with that. What I'm not fine with is lack of clear, concise communication. I mean, it's not like someone's trying to steal their product and ideas away from them. Cryptic is doing nothing innovating here with NWO.

    Oh, and the way around the "we won't sell classes and races" statement is easy for Cryptic/PW. Just put them into lockboxes and sell the keys to open said lockboxes. Call this a hunch based upon past performance.

    At this point in time, I remain hopefully skeptical and VERY watchful of what they say.

    Occam's Razor makes the cutting clean.
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    vertualolvertualol Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Really looking forward to the game and the new classes you are working on. Hoping for that rumoured ranger or warlock.
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    gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    vertualol wrote: »
    Really looking forward to the game and the new classes you are working on. Hoping for that rumoured ranger or warlock.

    Nice sig! I see ow you made it - very creative!
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    gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    .... There's no absolute confirmation which is why I NEVER gave confirmation. I simply said it has been implied.
    I don't consider classes and races cosmetic or convenience but I certainly don't count them as p2w either though. I honestly wouldn't mind in the slightest if they charged for classes and races but I would definitely say they need to give more than five for free.....

    "Classes and adventure packs" have explicitly been told by Craig to be free in answer to a question. Hence classes and content packs have absolute confirmation.

    Races have only been implied to be free so we dont know about races unlike classes.
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    vertualolvertualol Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    gillrmn wrote: »
    Nice sig! I see ow you made it - very creative!
    I was patching the game and saw the neverwinter logo XD, so I figured why not make a forum sig haha.
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    raugarraugar Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 118 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    so far, i am so excited for neverwinter. and i like all the gameplay i'Ve seen so far. but in this video, roughly at minute 39, they mention that they only shoot for 5 classes at launch:


    the classes will be guardian fighter, great weapon fighter, rogue, control wizard and cleric

    now, while this covers the most basic roles of rpgs....its not really much and won't give that much variaty :(. there's so many classes i miss, a ranger type and paladin just for the most obvius examples....they do mention that they are already working on more classes to bring after launch, but 2 things worry me there. first of all, mmos tend to lead the player to highly fokus on 1 class to progress. so if i start at launch and progress a class, reach stuff and so forth, and my favorite class comes later, i would have start from zero and bring up my favorite class to the level of the class i started with just to play. that's not to optimal, for me at least.

    second thing that worries me, even thogh they don't clearly mention it, is the possibilty of classes beeing added through the itemshop... :/. i don't mind paying for neverwinter, simply cause cryptic convinced me that they know what they are doing with STO (great game), but if something that essential to an mmo as classes would end up in the itemshop...that would make me feel cheated in a way....
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    devoteoftempusdevoteoftempus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 473 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    Do we need to make yet another thread on this multi thread subject? This is old news.
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    soapylandsoapyland Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    In that same video I believe they mentioned that the reason they are bringing out said classes is because they are finely tuned.
    Would you like them to bring out the other two classes if their mechanics are not working properly?

    As for it not being optimal for you, well.... しょうがない (unlucky)

    As for your second worry they have stated numerous times that they don't want to charge us for things like content and character classes. The item shop is mainly for cosmetic things, how this eventually works out im not sure, but that is the general consensus.
    Do we need to make yet another thread on this multi thread subject? This is old news.
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    raugarraugar Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 118 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    Do we need to make yet another thread on this multi thread subject? This is old news.

    sorry if thats old news. i just saw the video today and looked around if there's a thread on the 5 classes only issue already, didn't find one.
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    paddymaxsonpaddymaxson Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 87
    edited February 2013
    There are even less classes than previously announced, it used to be Fighter, Cleric, Ranger, Rogue, Wizard.

    Now it's fighter twice?!
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    providenttprovidentt Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    soapyland wrote: »
    As for it not being optimal for you, well.... しょうがない (unlucky)

    Gotta say, I'm pretty proud for being able to read that despite not having practiced Japanese since high school, heh. Only because there's no kanji though. Bane of my damn existance...

    But yeah this is old news. 5 classes is what we're getting but they're working on more, and planning for bunch more after that. Would be nice to have more at launch but it's not a deal-breaker.
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    zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited February 2013
    Merged another "Classes at Launch" thread. Please folks, look on the forums for recent threads of the intended topic before making new ones.

    Zebular, PWE Community Moderator
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    muzrub333muzrub333 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    In case you guys need any more convincing, Zeke speaks the truth. I've played an early build of one of the classes slated for post launch and it felt really cool at that early stage (still far from being done though). We have a brilliant team of designers making these, so expect some amazingly fun classes to be added.

    Sweet! I knew they'd do a great job on the Blackguard... :confused:
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    iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Ranger hasn't been on the list since November 2011 when they announced the then year long delay to make this an MMO from "co-op" after freeing it from a must more...damaging now bankrupt publisher.
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