Guild Leader:discorddiscord
Guild Contact: same
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting:Yes! we need lots of recruits.
Current Guild Size: 1
Guild Size Goal: 50, though 10 for launch would be great anyway.
Guild Type: Roleplay
Guild Peak Time Zones: Depends on the composition of the guild.
Description: This guild is for roleplayers. Roleplayers who are used to playing pnp or have portrayed their character through roleplay in other games. Otherwise the guild is open. It centers around Tempus because I feel a religion gives cohesion to a group. We have something to roleplay for. We accept evildoers as long as they stick to as much of the spirit of Tempus as they can.
Guild Leader: Me(Bobcat1313)
Guild Contact: Bobcat
Guild Website: N/A
Guild Currently Recruiting: N/A
Current Guild Size: 6
Guild Size Goal: 10
Guild Type: Casual
Guild Peak Time Zones: Eastern
Description: Steel Curtain was created in WoW and also was part of SWTOR(till server transfers we all quit). With members from EQ1 and 2. All of us are RL friends or family. Military, Vets, wives and there Kids have kind of been our core players in all our MMO games. We will possible recruit once the game has launched.
Guild Size Goal: We plan to grow to 100 players. Once we reach 100, then we will discuss further growth.
Guild Type: English speaking, community focused, PvE, PvP (for guild events), socialization, questing, builds.
Guild Peak Time Zones: Primarily standard USA time zones, but we welcome members from all over the world.
Description: The Dungeon Crawlers is a guild of players that simply enjoy playing RPG games on any medium. We generally take our time through quests and dungeons making sure that we maximize our experience. No need to zerg all the way to level cap. Once you get there, you're stuck farming or roll a new toon.
We help out our fellow guildmates any way that we can, whether it's tossing a couple gold or helping them with upgrading their gear. We group and run things together whenever we can. Mainly for Dungeon Delves and Skirmishes, but for general quests as well. And we do PvP from time to time as well, just for SnG's.
Our main focus is on community. Like I said, we're all just a bunch of players that enjoy gaming. We are a mature guild that has no age restriction. If you are under the age of 18, we ask that you conduct yourself like an adult. We mostly do PvE, but we will hold guild PvP events just for fun.
The leadership currently consists of Ague Mort and Calandra Daystar as co-leaders and founders of The Dungeon Crawlers. We originally got our start in DDO, where we still maintain a chapter, but have recently started branching out into other MMO's as well. As time goes on, if any members are interested in becoming officers, there will be 5 initial officer slots available that Ague Mort and Calandra Daystar will promote members to. After that, all officer promotions will be based upon a majority vote of the officers.
We are currently at 34 members (as of the edit date of this post) and growing at a rate of about 3-5 new members each day. We are currently on the Beholder shard.
Hi there! Well Met! Could I please have this Australian Guild added to your list? Many thanks!
Guild Name
Guild Leader: Burdock Lightbringer
Guild Contact: Burdock
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes, Open
Current Guild Size: 1
Guild Size Goal: 100+
Guild Type: Casual and End-game.
Guild Peak Time Zones: Oceanic Timezone GMT +11
Description: The Neverwinter Knights guild is a Friendly, Social and Mature Guild. You must be 18+ in order to join, and we will have Vent/TeamSpeak/Mumble options available, but not a requirement. The Guild is casual in nature and we are there to help each other. If you want to RP, that is fine too, but it is not a RP only Guild. The Guild is open to everyone, but given that it is based in Australia, we are looking to build up the Australian player base. Look forward to seeing you in-game! Onward!!
xearrikMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, SilverstarsPosts: 323Arc User
edited January 2013
I'll make some changes, and fill in some of those unknowns. But this will do for now. I figured I should get listed in this thread :P.
Guild Leader: Xearrik
Guild Contact: For now this forum.
Guild Website: We have a website. I wan't to talk with some of the other members before I post it.
Guild Currently Recruiting: Any
Current Guild Size: 12+
Guild Size Goal: Unknown
Guild Type: Semi casual to hard core. The Foundry will be a very strong aspect of Caffeine
Guild Peak Time Zones: Unknown
Can you add TOG - The Older Gamers under T. We do not have a recognised GL or DC yet, as we still need to go through the internal process. Until then Bluesteel or myself can act as contact points until the guild is setup.
Guild Name: The Older Gamers (TOG)
Guild Leader: TBD (Still need to go through the process)
Guild Contact: For now - Bluesteel or Bluetalon(this is subject to change)
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: We are not recruiting actively for Neverwinter as yet, but we are always taking in new members. Please note that TOG is a gaming community of many games and many, many memebers with a very structured hierachy. To join simply go to the website above, fill out the form and await a response from one of our hard-working Admins. TOG is for anyone ages 25 and over.
Current Guild Size: TBD
Guild Size Goal: Bigger the better. Our GW2 guilds (yes plural) peaked around 1500 total members if you want a comparison.
Guild Type: Casual 25+ Age group
Guild Peak Time Zones: Generally a good mix between US, OC and EU players so we have a good round the clock coverage. We generally have more OC memebrs than other time zones so AEST peak times are usually pretty busy
Description: The Older Gamers are members of a community for people that still enjoy playing computer games, but are in a bit of an older age bracket than the 'stereotypical' gamer. TOG is for gamers who (regretfully) can't go out boozing every weekend, because we have partners, and are left at our PC's playing games after a quiet dinner or putting the kids to bed. TOG is for busy workers who need to de-stress from their busy jobs by shooting a few players each night. TOG is also for people who have retired and find themselves with plenty of time to indulge a hobby of online gaming.
TOG is for gamers whose memories might go back to playing Pacman on an Atari 2600; gamers who had as much fun playing Pitfall on the C-64 as they do playing the latest games today - although the nostalgia junkies might still be running a C-64 a simulator somewhere on their PC. A lot of us who started their gaming addiction on those machines are still around going strong on all the latest games.
TOG is for gamers who are passionate about their hobby of PC games (particularly online multiplayer games), but who want to escape or separate themselves from the abusive, disruptive and disrespectful behaviour, usually attributed to younger players, that is so often encountered when gaming online.
We have found that it is simply a lot more enjoyable to play a game of Warcraft/Call of Duty/Battlefield 1942/PlanetSide etc., or to meet up in Star Wars Galaxies or the latest MMORPG server, with people you have something in common with. Eventually these people become a new circle of online friends, so you will be playing with and against people you know. Even offline TOG members often get together for LAN events, a night at the pub for a few beers.
This is exactly what TOG is about: a friendly, vibrant community full of PC gaming addicts from around the world, who are old enough to know how to enjoy ourselves properly!
Guild Leader: Thaco
Guild Contact: Thaco, Omnihilist, Refutor, Moulinet, Llewndyn, or Yknab.
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting:Yes
Active Guild Size: 30+
Guild Type: No drama, we are here to have fun and help each other.
Guild Peak Time Zones: We have players on in the East Coast to West Coast and down under in Australia too.
Raids per Week: Saturday Raid night! As well as week day nite runs on various days. Plenty of RAID and some Epic opportunities and a variety of alts to accommodate most flagging needs. Several folks are now spending time in the Forgotten Realms too.
Raid Loot System: Your loot, your rules. With that said, typically anyone who needs something is helped to get what they need.
Description: We are a mature guild. Most guilds say that, but we have members from about 20+ yrs old to, well, who have kids in College. We understand when life happens and you either have to go AFK in the middle of a quest or AFK from the game due to 'life' happening. We are a laid back group of players who have fun with all aspects of DDO. Contact any Blackmoor Defender Officer to get the ball rolling.
Requirement: We do ask our family members to create a forum account on our Guild Site. It is a very active forum where most of us idle outside of DDO. Guides, Advice, Character Builds, Quest/Raid info, and other goodies are there to help our family members. From Personal Blogs to our Twitter Feed for DDO News, something for everyone. This also allows me to keep track of active members as well as allow you to receive occasional emails from the Guild Site.
After having taken a little hiatus offline, to clear the braincells, unclog the fingers, getting the lower bowels moving again... i just wanted to take the time to add a message here to let everyone know im back!!! Galstaff Adventures Neverwinter Quest Agency is around, live, kicking, and screaming sometimes.. lol
Guild Name
Heroes of Neverwinter
Guild Leader: The Jade Knight
Guild Contact: The Jade Kngiht
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: 3
Guild Size Goal:100
Guild Type: Casual RP with some End-game.
Guild Peak Time Zones: GMT +10
Description: Heroes of Neverwinter is an Australian based Oceanic Guild. We are a mature, social, friendly and funny Guild, with an emphasis on helping one another. As an Australian based guild, we are spreading the word to help build up the Oceanic population, (including NZ) but anyone is welcome to join!
jhozamMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 44
edited February 2013
Guild Name: Ordo Draconis
Guild Leader: Jhozam (for the moment, waiting for Zerkul/Ryumajin)
Guild Contact: start a new thread here or PM to jhozam, ragnharr
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: 5
Guild Size Goal: No
Guild Type: Italian Guild [PVE, PVP, RP]
Guild Peak Time Zones: UTC+1.00 [Rome]
Description: Italian Elite Guild. We were born in 2010 on DDO Cannith server. We intend to excel on Neverwinter Online servers, maintaining all the features that made us successful so far and tackling each new challenge, growling our motto: "Do it or die!".
Anyone who points the End-Game will find, here among us, a family of true friends to share unforgettable moments in game, and to overcome any possible limit.
Jhozam, DDO player since March 2006 (2006-2009 on Devourer server, 2009-2012 on Cannith server)
Proud Officer of Ordo Draconis, DDO Italian Elite Guild
now up on Neverwinter Online, member of Ordo Obscuri Domini, Italian Guild
Guild Leader: Magmo (acting GM)
Guild Contact:CLICK
Guild Currently Recruiting:Yes
Current Guild Size:1304 (you read that right)
Guild Size Goal:not applicable
Guild Type:FINNISH (Semi HC PvX)
Guild Peak Time Zones:GMT+2
Frozen Dawn is Finnish gaming community that is on its way to Neverwinter. On the date of writing this our community is over 1300 strong but I do not expect more than a few dozen to a hundred odd members joining me in this release.
Our gaming community is for Finns only so we require you to have atleast a decent understanding of finnish - no exeptions. If you are interested in contacting us in other matters please contact me with a private message.
Frozen Dawn established itself about seven years ago in DDO and has since spread out into tens of different MMO's, RPG's, FPS's, simulations and so on. Currently we have active players in DDO, WoW, WoT, GW2, EVE, BloodBowl, MWO, PS2, SWtOR, Rift... and the list goes on.
Guild Leader: Mordius
Guild Contact: Dreadshepard
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: 25+
Guild Size Goal: 25 - 50, Anything more TBD
Guild Type: PvP, PvE, Medium RP, Raiding, Foundry Creativity
Guild Peak Time Zones: CST End-game 11pm - 3am
We are the exiled, we are the shunned and the abandoned, we spit in the face of Lolth, we seek to avenge Zinzerena's betrayal, to elevate her status among the gods. Yes we are of the Drow, but above that we are Zinzerena's Zealotry. Menzoberranzan is no longer our home, our home is in the shadows of Neverwinter and in the Chaos of the streets. To cross the Zealotry is to cross Zinzerena and to cross Zinzerena can only end one way, with a knife in your back. Law and Order, Good or Evil makes no difference to the Zealotry, we bath in Chaos.
Zinzerena's Zealotry is an Adult 21+, Medium RP guild. Our peek hours are late night CST looking at Sunday through Wednesday 11PM to 3AM CST for End-game content. We are not a hardcore raiding guild but will be very active in End-game content. We are not PvP focused but wish to be active in PvP as well. The Zealotry is looking for mature like minded members who are interested in being part of an active Neverwinter guild and who might have a darker side to their MMO desires, we are the Drow after-all.
We are not a Drow only guild however but we do expect to recruit a majority of Drow. We are looking at alignments of chaotic any or true neutral in design. We are interested in applicants looking to fill all roles including leadership. I should add that we are a friendly , mature, comical and sarcastic group. We just plan to RP as Drow jerks . Our website is brand new but please feel free to come visit it and give us a try.
longfangzMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 16Arc User
edited February 2013
Guild Name: Longfangs
Guild Leader: Longfangz in this forum, (LOGAN on the site)
Guild Contact: (post under guild sign-up)
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: Y
Current Guild Size: 7
Guild Size Goal: 20-30
Guild Type: Mature Casual, PVP, PVE, Raids, foundry, Rollplaying encouraged but not required
Guild Peak Time Zones: TBD
Description: I'm starting up a casual guild to take advantage of all this game has to offer. Leave the drama at the door and have fun!
geddings12Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, SilverstarsPosts: 0Arc User
edited February 2013
im really not sure what guild i am going to join. I think the best thing to do for me is im gonna go hang out in the Moonstone Mask VIP section and see if i can find a guild that seems cool ;-) hehe. For Neverwinter!
Guild Leader: MuleAxe
Guild Contact:
Guild Website: In the making
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: 1-5
Guild Size Goal: TBD
Guild Type: Focused on Achievement, mechanics, and having fun
Guild Peak Time Zones: CST/ EST
Description: Sedition Accord is focused on learning and mastering the game mechanics; achieving great renown; destroying evil threats that plague the lands, partaking in wine, women, good food… and having a lot of fun while doing it! The vision is to have a solid group of folks that are interested in making the most out of the experience, in a fun and drama free environment. Kids are great, lots of fun, but verbal content may be unsuitable for those under the age of 18.
Guild Name: Divine Protectorate
Guild Leader: Drudgy
Guild Contact:
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: small
Guild Size Goal: medium
Guild Type: Casual - Gaming Community
Guild Peak Time Zones: US Timezones
Description: The Divine Protectorate was formed in early 2011 while playing Star Trek Online. The founders of the guild all had the same goal in mind which is "fun". We all have jobs, families and other responsibilities so we look to gaming as a good way to unwind among great friends. Yes we like to have fun and yes we have a good time but we also take our gaming serious. When there is a boss to down or a match to win we are all on point.
If you are interested in joining the Divine Protectorate then please visit our website and submit an application. If you have any questions please let us know!
Guild Leader: Bezza1985
Guild Contact: (pm) Bezza1985
Guild Website: (feel free to PM Bezza on our website)
Guild Currently Recruiting: Not yet in NWO
Current Guild Size: 200+ accounts across multiple MMORPGs
Guild Size Goal: n/a
Guild Type: Casual to End-Game
Guild Peak Time Zones: Numerous active members in every timezone.
Description: The Order of the Silver Dragons (OSD) are a long-standing multi-wing gaming community that was founded in 2006, and exists well beyond any one game, being involved in many gaming environments.
What makes the OSD unique is their ongoing commitment to mature interactions, their proud display of civility and concern, their desire for adventure and their healthy placement of value on individual effort and communications. They are known across many gaming servers for taking the high road when situations arise, and they pride themselves in the knowledge that they will always strive to help others.
Also in:
DDO - Argonnessen server
Rift - Deepwood server
SWTOR - Jung-Ma server (known as Operatives of the Silver Dawn)
GW2 - Isle of Janthir server
Planetside 2 - Mattherson server
horusMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 22Arc User
edited February 2013
Guild Name: GUNBAD
Guild Leader: Cryptor
Guild Contact: PM me on this forum or on our guild website here.
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: 84 Total, Neverwinter chapter size not confirmed yet as we are just starting to form.
Guild Size Goal: No
Guild Type: Casual (we will be trying every aspect of the game - in a casual manner)
Guild Peak Time Zones: West Coast mainly
Friends > Loot
Saving the Universe in our spare time for over a decade.
Description: I started Gunbad over a decade ago and we have been playing mmorpgs together ever since. We do not concern ourselves much with pixels and rather concentrate on having a good time. You don't want to join us if you are terribly concerned with doing bleeding edge content 24/7. On the other hand if you would not mind sharing your Neverwinter experience with other people who genuinely like the game, people who don't mind helping and answering questions without having unreasonable expectations from you - then this just might be a good place for you to call home. Come on over to Mindflayer server and see for yourself.
GUNBAD is a casual guild for RPG geeks. We have been around for over a decade and we'd like you to join us.
Guild Leader: ToRN
Guild Contact: ToRN
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: All classes.
Current Guild Size: 10+
Guild Size Goal: 25-40
Guild Type: Fun, mature and interested in progression.
Guild Peak Time Zones: 6:30PM - 11PM AEST (Sydney, Australia time)
// What we do Alive // ToRN \\ Echoes in Eternity \\ The 19th Battalion
"Captain's Company"
doctorcomicsMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Silverstars, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited February 2013
Seven Against Thay
Guild Leader: doctorcomics (in Neverwinter as @Doctor Comics)
Guild Contact: doctorcomics or our forum thread
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: About 8-10
Guild Size Goal: 50-75
Guild Type: Roleplay Focused
Guild Peak Time Zones: Eastern-Pacific should be covered well
Description: 7vT is a roleplay-focused guild bringing together heroes of all races and classes who are willing to fight Thay, its master Svam Tass, and his minions and slaves. Officers in the guild are elected and form the 7-person Inner Council, which will be chosen for the first time when the game launches. We have an active thread here on the forums, so introduce yourself and say hello.
atalantamMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited February 2013
Please add:
Guild Name: AMAZONIA
Guild Leader: Matriarche (Atalanta)
Guild Contact: Matriarche
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: All classes.
Current Guild Size: 20+
Guild Size Goal: 40-50
Guild Type: Fun, mature, creative. RP/PVE/PVP.
Guild Peak Time Zones: 5:00PM - 12AM EST (Eastern)
Amazonia has been around since 2008 in several games and now branching out into Neverwinter. We're a community of gamers who enjoy playing female avatars. If you're looking for a good gaming community, Amazonia is a great place to be! More about us
karischMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited February 2013
An Update request if you please kind sir
Sarcastic Malevolence
Guild Leader: Karisch
Guild Contact:
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: 15+ applications coming in thick and fast now beta has started.
Guild Size Goal: Not too many depends more on activity levels, we want an active feel but not swell so that we are one among many
Guild Type: Mature social, predominately PvE but doing all that the game has to offer
Guild Peak Time Zones: EU evenings and weekends is our prime time, tho we have folks that play at other times and welcome folks from outside the EU.
Description: Founded 7yrs ago we are a mature (21yrs+) multi-gaming social community, where what you play is not of importance to us but who you are is, we are laid back yet highly social, we do not go for server firsts etc but prefer a more relaxed have a good time with friends style of play, while still completing all the content that the game has to offer us. Some of us are old school DnD players so Neverwinter was an obvious choice of game for us to venture into. More info can be found about us on our website.
Guild Leader: Malakie
Guild Contact:
Guild Website: none yet.. soon
Guild Currently Recruiting: soon
Current Guild Size: 1
Guild Size Goal: 100
Guild Type: Role-playing only - Alignment Neutral or above
Guild Peak Time Zones: any
Description: This guild will be dedicated to all the 'old' school role-players out there like myself. We intend to build a viable community where we not only share experiences but share common ideals and goals. One of the main areas we want to focus on in this guild is getting people who are interested in creating user Foundry adventures, from quick and easy mission to ongoing storytelling focused campaigns.
Guild Name: Circle of Paladins (CoP)
Guild Leader: Malakie
Guild Contact:
Guild Website: None yet
Guild Currently Recruiting: soon
Current Guild Size: 1
Guild Size Goal: 100
Guild Type: Roleplaying only - Alignment Neutral or above
Guild Peak Time Zones: any
Description: This guild is dedicated to role-playing characters who are called to root out the evil in Neverwinter! We shall band together and rid this land of the blight that threatens all races. We shall also create our own legends for the Bard's to sing forever and shall endeavor to hunt down any and all manner of creatures that work for the destruction of Neverwinter and who sow their evil ways throughout!
Guild Leader: Snorri Aeternuss
Guild Contact: snorri1983
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: only ex players from necronomicon italian neverwinter's shard.
Current Guild Size: 5 players
Guild Size Goal: 30 players max
Guild Type: Dungeons, Professions, maybe PvP
Guild Peak Time Zones: 20.00 - 12.00 CST.
Description: The Clan wants to reunite all the italian players who played neverwinter nights in different italian shards during this years. In particular we really appreciate players from Necronomicon shard. We like RP players but is not a requirement.
Hail & Kill for Aeternuss !
Guild Leader: Starkiller
Guild Contact: Starkiller
Guild Website: Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes, Mature players, Vent required
Current Guild Size: 30
Guild Size Goal: No Limit
Guild Type: PvP, PvE, Exploration, Harvesting, Crafting
Guild Peak Time Zones: 7:00 PM EST-1:00 AM EST
Description: The Black Hearts were founded in Y2K in preparation for the launch of EA Games Multiplayer Battletech 3025. We have transitioned through many games and alliances through the years and still remain true to ourselves regardless of attempts to change our core values. If you are looking for an mature guild that likes to have fun and play games with each other, all the while completing content a game has to offer, with a group that becomes more than just guild mates over the course of getting to know one another, than maybe we are what you are looking for.
Blackmoor Defenders
I'm from the MPBT era before it went to EA it would be neat to play with like minded individuals. I'm surprised though that this guild isn't playing MechWarrior Online unless it already is.
bigcracker1628Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 9Arc User
edited February 2013
Toxin Gamers
Guild Leader: Naz and Bigcracker
Guild Contact: /
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: 40+
Guild Size Goal: None
Guild Type: Casual and Hardcore ( PVE, PVP and Foundry )
Guild Peak Time Zones: 5pm EST - 12am EST
Toxin is an organized, active and mature Multi-Game Clan, based mainly in North America with a minority of Europeans. Officially formed during the fall of 2006 when a group of online gamers whose talents and ambition encouraged them to collaborate in creating a successful online community.
Guild Leader: Aeternys/Louhfu
Guild Contact: Raidcall ID 4624242
Guild Website: none currently
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: 6 100% confirmed
Guild Size Goal: < 50
Guild Type: light RP and all content from PVP to End Game
Guild Peak Time Zones: EST
Description: We're an underground organization themed guild who have room for characters of all types. We're looking for individuals who will fit in our real life group to have fun and hang out. I can answer most of your questions if you wanna ask on raidcall since thats where we usually are anyway! Hit us up
trelaneofgtothosMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 23Arc User
edited February 2013
Guild Name: House Thuar'Fea
Guild Leader: Daedagor Thuar'Fea
Guild Contact: Monodaemon
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: All Classes, Drow Elves only, Mature 18+
Current Guild Size: 4
Guild Size Goal: Unlimited
Guild Type: Casual, Light RP, PVP, Foundry
Guild Peak Time Zones: Eastern Standard
Description: We are an all Drow guild and welcome players of all skill sets. Mature 18+ players only. Please check out the website for more info. Thanks.
Guild Name: Devout of Tempus.
Guild Leader:discorddiscord
Guild Contact: same
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting:Yes! we need lots of recruits.
Current Guild Size: 1
Guild Size Goal: 50, though 10 for launch would be great anyway.
Guild Type: Roleplay
Guild Peak Time Zones: Depends on the composition of the guild.
Description: This guild is for roleplayers. Roleplayers who are used to playing pnp or have portrayed their character through roleplay in other games. Otherwise the guild is open. It centers around Tempus because I feel a religion gives cohesion to a group. We have something to roleplay for. We accept evildoers as long as they stick to as much of the spirit of Tempus as they can.
Guild Name: Steel Curtain
Guild Leader: Me(Bobcat1313)
Guild Contact: Bobcat
Guild Website: N/A
Guild Currently Recruiting: N/A
Current Guild Size: 6
Guild Size Goal: 10
Guild Type: Casual
Guild Peak Time Zones: Eastern
Description: Steel Curtain was created in WoW and also was part of SWTOR(till server transfers we all quit). With members from EQ1 and 2. All of us are RL friends or family. Military, Vets, wives and there Kids have kind of been our core players in all our MMO games. We will possible recruit once the game has launched.
The Dungeon Crawlers (Beholder shard)
Guild Leader: Ague Mort & Calandra Daystar
Guild Contact: Guild forums, or contact Ague or Calandra in game
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes, very much so.
Current Guild Size: 34 (as of June 2, 2013)
Guild Size Goal: We plan to grow to 100 players. Once we reach 100, then we will discuss further growth.
Guild Type: English speaking, community focused, PvE, PvP (for guild events), socialization, questing, builds.
Guild Peak Time Zones: Primarily standard USA time zones, but we welcome members from all over the world.
Description: The Dungeon Crawlers is a guild of players that simply enjoy playing RPG games on any medium. We generally take our time through quests and dungeons making sure that we maximize our experience. No need to zerg all the way to level cap. Once you get there, you're stuck farming or roll a new toon.
We help out our fellow guildmates any way that we can, whether it's tossing a couple gold or helping them with upgrading their gear. We group and run things together whenever we can. Mainly for Dungeon Delves and Skirmishes, but for general quests as well. And we do PvP from time to time as well, just for SnG's.
Our main focus is on community. Like I said, we're all just a bunch of players that enjoy gaming. We are a mature guild that has no age restriction. If you are under the age of 18, we ask that you conduct yourself like an adult. We mostly do PvE, but we will hold guild PvP events just for fun.
The leadership currently consists of Ague Mort and Calandra Daystar as co-leaders and founders of The Dungeon Crawlers. We originally got our start in DDO, where we still maintain a chapter, but have recently started branching out into other MMO's as well. As time goes on, if any members are interested in becoming officers, there will be 5 initial officer slots available that Ague Mort and Calandra Daystar will promote members to. After that, all officer promotions will be based upon a majority vote of the officers.
We are currently at 34 members (as of the edit date of this post) and growing at a rate of about 3-5 new members each day. We are currently on the Beholder shard.
Guild Name
Guild Leader: Burdock Lightbringer
Guild Contact: Burdock
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes, Open
Current Guild Size: 1
Guild Size Goal: 100+
Guild Type: Casual and End-game.
Guild Peak Time Zones: Oceanic Timezone GMT +11
Description: The Neverwinter Knights guild is a Friendly, Social and Mature Guild. You must be 18+ in order to join, and we will have Vent/TeamSpeak/Mumble options available, but not a requirement. The Guild is casual in nature and we are there to help each other. If you want to RP, that is fine too, but it is not a RP only Guild. The Guild is open to everyone, but given that it is based in Australia, we are looking to build up the Australian player base. Look forward to seeing you in-game! Onward!!
Guild Leader: Xearrik
Guild Contact: For now this forum.
Guild Website: We have a website. I wan't to talk with some of the other members before I post it.
Guild Currently Recruiting: Any
Current Guild Size: 12+
Guild Size Goal: Unknown
Guild Type: Semi casual to hard core. The Foundry will be a very strong aspect of Caffeine
Guild Peak Time Zones: Unknown
Description: The recruitment page sums it up for now.!
Can you add TOG - The Older Gamers under T. We do not have a recognised GL or DC yet, as we still need to go through the internal process. Until then Bluesteel or myself can act as contact points until the guild is setup.
Guild Name: The Older Gamers (TOG)
Guild Leader: TBD (Still need to go through the process)
Guild Contact: For now - Bluesteel or Bluetalon(this is subject to change)
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: We are not recruiting actively for Neverwinter as yet, but we are always taking in new members. Please note that TOG is a gaming community of many games and many, many memebers with a very structured hierachy. To join simply go to the website above, fill out the form and await a response from one of our hard-working Admins. TOG is for anyone ages 25 and over.
Current Guild Size: TBD
Guild Size Goal: Bigger the better. Our GW2 guilds (yes plural) peaked around 1500 total members if you want a comparison.
Guild Type: Casual 25+ Age group
Guild Peak Time Zones: Generally a good mix between US, OC and EU players so we have a good round the clock coverage. We generally have more OC memebrs than other time zones so AEST peak times are usually pretty busy
Link to guild recruit page in Neverwinter forums for more info (its a wall of text).!-The-Older-Gamers
Description: The Older Gamers are members of a community for people that still enjoy playing computer games, but are in a bit of an older age bracket than the 'stereotypical' gamer. TOG is for gamers who (regretfully) can't go out boozing every weekend, because we have partners, and are left at our PC's playing games after a quiet dinner or putting the kids to bed. TOG is for busy workers who need to de-stress from their busy jobs by shooting a few players each night. TOG is also for people who have retired and find themselves with plenty of time to indulge a hobby of online gaming.
TOG is for gamers whose memories might go back to playing Pacman on an Atari 2600; gamers who had as much fun playing Pitfall on the C-64 as they do playing the latest games today - although the nostalgia junkies might still be running a C-64 a simulator somewhere on their PC. A lot of us who started their gaming addiction on those machines are still around going strong on all the latest games.
TOG is for gamers who are passionate about their hobby of PC games (particularly online multiplayer games), but who want to escape or separate themselves from the abusive, disruptive and disrespectful behaviour, usually attributed to younger players, that is so often encountered when gaming online.
We have found that it is simply a lot more enjoyable to play a game of Warcraft/Call of Duty/Battlefield 1942/PlanetSide etc., or to meet up in Star Wars Galaxies or the latest MMORPG server, with people you have something in common with. Eventually these people become a new circle of online friends, so you will be playing with and against people you know. Even offline TOG members often get together for LAN events, a night at the pub for a few beers.
This is exactly what TOG is about: a friendly, vibrant community full of PC gaming addicts from around the world, who are old enough to know how to enjoy ourselves properly!
Blackmoor Defenders
DDO Guild Site for reference =
Guild Leader: Thaco
Guild Contact: Thaco, Omnihilist, Refutor, Moulinet, Llewndyn, or Yknab.
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting:Yes
Active Guild Size: 30+
Guild Type: No drama, we are here to have fun and help each other.
Guild Peak Time Zones: We have players on in the East Coast to West Coast and down under in Australia too.
Raids per Week: Saturday Raid night! As well as week day nite runs on various days. Plenty of RAID and some Epic opportunities and a variety of alts to accommodate most flagging needs. Several folks are now spending time in the Forgotten Realms too.
Raid Loot System: Your loot, your rules. With that said, typically anyone who needs something is helped to get what they need.
Description: We are a mature guild. Most guilds say that, but we have members from about 20+ yrs old to, well, who have kids in College. We understand when life happens and you either have to go AFK in the middle of a quest or AFK from the game due to 'life' happening. We are a laid back group of players who have fun with all aspects of DDO. Contact any Blackmoor Defender Officer to get the ball rolling.
Requirement: We do ask our family members to create a forum account on our Guild Site. It is a very active forum where most of us idle outside of DDO. Guides, Advice, Character Builds, Quest/Raid info, and other goodies are there to help our family members. From Personal Blogs to our Twitter Feed for DDO News, something for everyone. This also allows me to keep track of active members as well as allow you to receive occasional emails from the Guild Site.
Himmelville - Are you easily frightened?
Click Here
On one side of the mountain, there were bones...
Heroes of Neverwinter
Guild Leader: The Jade Knight
Guild Contact: The Jade Kngiht
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: 3
Guild Size Goal:100
Guild Type: Casual RP with some End-game.
Guild Peak Time Zones: GMT +10
Description: Heroes of Neverwinter is an Australian based Oceanic Guild. We are a mature, social, friendly and funny Guild, with an emphasis on helping one another. As an Australian based guild, we are spreading the word to help build up the Oceanic population, (including NZ) but anyone is welcome to join!
Guild Leader: Jhozam (for the moment, waiting for Zerkul/Ryumajin)
Guild Contact: start a new thread here or PM to jhozam, ragnharr
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: 5
Guild Size Goal: No
Guild Type: Italian Guild [PVE, PVP, RP]
Guild Peak Time Zones: UTC+1.00 [Rome]
Description: Italian Elite Guild. We were born in 2010 on DDO Cannith server. We intend to excel on Neverwinter Online servers, maintaining all the features that made us successful so far and tackling each new challenge, growling our motto: "Do it or die!".
Anyone who points the End-Game will find, here among us, a family of true friends to share unforgettable moments in game, and to overcome any possible limit.
Proud Officer of Ordo Draconis, DDO Italian Elite Guild
now up on Neverwinter Online, member of Ordo Obscuri Domini, Italian Guild
Guild Leader: Magmo (acting GM)
Guild Contact:CLICK
Guild Currently Recruiting:Yes
Current Guild Size:1304 (you read that right)
Guild Size Goal:not applicable
Guild Type:FINNISH (Semi HC PvX)
Guild Peak Time Zones:GMT+2
Frozen Dawn is Finnish gaming community that is on its way to Neverwinter. On the date of writing this our community is over 1300 strong but I do not expect more than a few dozen to a hundred odd members joining me in this release.
Our gaming community is for Finns only so we require you to have atleast a decent understanding of finnish - no exeptions. If you are interested in contacting us in other matters please contact me with a private message.
Frozen Dawn established itself about seven years ago in DDO and has since spread out into tens of different MMO's, RPG's, FPS's, simulations and so on. Currently we have active players in DDO, WoW, WoT, GW2, EVE, BloodBowl, MWO, PS2, SWtOR, Rift... and the list goes on.
of Frozen Dawn
Guild Leader: Mordius
Guild Contact: Dreadshepard
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: 25+
Guild Size Goal: 25 - 50, Anything more TBD
Guild Type: PvP, PvE, Medium RP, Raiding, Foundry Creativity
Guild Peak Time Zones: CST End-game 11pm - 3am
We are the exiled, we are the shunned and the abandoned, we spit in the face of Lolth, we seek to avenge Zinzerena's betrayal, to elevate her status among the gods. Yes we are of the Drow, but above that we are Zinzerena's Zealotry. Menzoberranzan is no longer our home, our home is in the shadows of Neverwinter and in the Chaos of the streets. To cross the Zealotry is to cross Zinzerena and to cross Zinzerena can only end one way, with a knife in your back. Law and Order, Good or Evil makes no difference to the Zealotry, we bath in Chaos.
Zinzerena's Zealotry is an Adult 21+, Medium RP guild. Our peek hours are late night CST looking at Sunday through Wednesday 11PM to 3AM CST for End-game content. We are not a hardcore raiding guild but will be very active in End-game content. We are not PvP focused but wish to be active in PvP as well. The Zealotry is looking for mature like minded members who are interested in being part of an active Neverwinter guild and who might have a darker side to their MMO desires, we are the Drow after-all.
We are not a Drow only guild however but we do expect to recruit a majority of Drow. We are looking at alignments of chaotic any or true neutral in design. We are interested in applicants looking to fill all roles including leadership. I should add that we are a friendly , mature, comical and sarcastic group. We just plan to RP as Drow jerks
-Mordius (Mord)
Guild Leader: Longfangz in this forum, (LOGAN on the site)
Guild Contact: (post under guild sign-up)
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: Y
Current Guild Size: 7
Guild Size Goal: 20-30
Guild Type: Mature Casual, PVP, PVE, Raids, foundry, Rollplaying encouraged but not required
Guild Peak Time Zones: TBD
Description: I'm starting up a casual guild to take advantage of all this game has to offer. Leave the drama at the door and have fun!
Guild Leader: MuleAxe
Guild Contact:
Guild Website: In the making
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: 1-5
Guild Size Goal: TBD
Guild Type: Focused on Achievement, mechanics, and having fun
Guild Peak Time Zones: CST/ EST
Description: Sedition Accord is focused on learning and mastering the game mechanics; achieving great renown; destroying evil threats that plague the lands, partaking in wine, women, good food… and having a lot of fun while doing it! The vision is to have a solid group of folks that are interested in making the most out of the experience, in a fun and drama free environment. Kids are great, lots of fun, but verbal content may be unsuitable for those under the age of 18.
Guild Leader: Drudgy
Guild Contact:
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: small
Guild Size Goal: medium
Guild Type: Casual - Gaming Community
Guild Peak Time Zones: US Timezones
Description: The Divine Protectorate was formed in early 2011 while playing Star Trek Online. The founders of the guild all had the same goal in mind which is "fun". We all have jobs, families and other responsibilities so we look to gaming as a good way to unwind among great friends. Yes we like to have fun and yes we have a good time but we also take our gaming serious. When there is a boss to down or a match to win we are all on point.
If you are interested in joining the Divine Protectorate then please visit our website and submit an application. If you have any questions please let us know!
Click my Sig to view our community website
Hola Dread & Magmo. Would you please condense your guild descriptions to 100 words maximum? Thank yas!
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
Guild Leader: Bezza1985
Guild Contact: (pm) Bezza1985
Guild Website: (feel free to PM Bezza on our website)
Guild Currently Recruiting: Not yet in NWO
Current Guild Size: 200+ accounts across multiple MMORPGs
Guild Size Goal: n/a
Guild Type: Casual to End-Game
Guild Peak Time Zones: Numerous active members in every timezone.
Description: The Order of the Silver Dragons (OSD) are a long-standing multi-wing gaming community that was founded in 2006, and exists well beyond any one game, being involved in many gaming environments.
What makes the OSD unique is their ongoing commitment to mature interactions, their proud display of civility and concern, their desire for adventure and their healthy placement of value on individual effort and communications. They are known across many gaming servers for taking the high road when situations arise, and they pride themselves in the knowledge that they will always strive to help others.
Also in:
DDO - Argonnessen server
Rift - Deepwood server
SWTOR - Jung-Ma server (known as Operatives of the Silver Dawn)
GW2 - Isle of Janthir server
Planetside 2 - Mattherson server
Perth, Western Australia
Guild Leader: Cryptor
Guild Contact: PM me on this forum or on our guild website here.
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: 84 Total, Neverwinter chapter size not confirmed yet as we are just starting to form.
Guild Size Goal: No
Guild Type: Casual (we will be trying every aspect of the game - in a casual manner)
Guild Peak Time Zones: West Coast mainly
Description: I started Gunbad over a decade ago and we have been playing mmorpgs together ever since. We do not concern ourselves much with pixels and rather concentrate on having a good time. You don't want to join us if you are terribly concerned with doing bleeding edge content 24/7. On the other hand if you would not mind sharing your Neverwinter experience with other people who genuinely like the game, people who don't mind helping and answering questions without having unreasonable expectations from you - then this just might be a good place for you to call home. Come on over to Mindflayer server and see for yourself.
Guild Leader: ToRN
Guild Contact: ToRN
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: All classes.
Current Guild Size: 10+
Guild Size Goal: 25-40
Guild Type: Fun, mature and interested in progression.
Guild Peak Time Zones: 6:30PM - 11PM AEST (Sydney, Australia time)
Captain's Company is an Oceanic Guild who are looking to recruit mature and active players for our Neverwinter division. Captain's Company is a division of The 19th Battalion which is an Oceanic Gaming Community. I implore you to visit our recruitment thread here!-You-won-t-be-disapointed! to find out more information.
Captain ToRN
// What we do Alive // ToRN \\ Echoes in Eternity \\
The 19th Battalion
"Captain's Company"
Guild Leader: doctorcomics (in Neverwinter as @Doctor Comics)
Guild Contact: doctorcomics or our forum thread
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: About 8-10
Guild Size Goal: 50-75
Guild Type: Roleplay Focused
Guild Peak Time Zones: Eastern-Pacific should be covered well
Description: 7vT is a roleplay-focused guild bringing together heroes of all races and classes who are willing to fight Thay, its master Svam Tass, and his minions and slaves. Officers in the guild are elected and form the 7-person Inner Council, which will be chosen for the first time when the game launches. We have an active thread here on the forums, so introduce yourself and say hello.
Seven Against Thay: An RP-Focused Guild for all Races and Classes
Guild Name: AMAZONIA
Guild Leader: Matriarche (Atalanta)
Guild Contact: Matriarche
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: All classes.
Current Guild Size: 20+
Guild Size Goal: 40-50
Guild Type: Fun, mature, creative. RP/PVE/PVP.
Guild Peak Time Zones: 5:00PM - 12AM EST (Eastern)
Amazonia has been around since 2008 in several games and now branching out into Neverwinter. We're a community of gamers who enjoy playing female avatars. If you're looking for a good gaming community, Amazonia is a great place to be! More about us
Server: Mindflayer
[EST 2008. A themed community of gamers & roleplayers]
Sarcastic Malevolence
Guild Leader: Karisch
Guild Contact:
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: 15+ applications coming in thick and fast now beta has started.
Guild Size Goal: Not too many depends more on activity levels, we want an active feel but not swell so that we are one among many
Guild Type: Mature social, predominately PvE but doing all that the game has to offer
Guild Peak Time Zones: EU evenings and weekends is our prime time, tho we have folks that play at other times and welcome folks from outside the EU.
Description: Founded 7yrs ago we are a mature (21yrs+) multi-gaming social community, where what you play is not of importance to us but who you are is, we are laid back yet highly social, we do not go for server firsts etc but prefer a more relaxed have a good time with friends style of play, while still completing all the content that the game has to offer us. Some of us are old school DnD players so Neverwinter was an obvious choice of game for us to venture into. More info can be found about us on our website.
Recruitment is CLOSED!!
Guild Name: The Soulforge
Guild Leader: Malakie
Guild Contact:
Guild Website: none yet.. soon
Guild Currently Recruiting: soon
Current Guild Size: 1
Guild Size Goal: 100
Guild Type: Role-playing only - Alignment Neutral or above
Guild Peak Time Zones: any
Description: This guild will be dedicated to all the 'old' school role-players out there like myself. We intend to build a viable community where we not only share experiences but share common ideals and goals. One of the main areas we want to focus on in this guild is getting people who are interested in creating user Foundry adventures, from quick and easy mission to ongoing storytelling focused campaigns.
Guild Name: Circle of Paladins (CoP)
Guild Leader: Malakie
Guild Contact:
Guild Website: None yet
Guild Currently Recruiting: soon
Current Guild Size: 1
Guild Size Goal: 100
Guild Type: Roleplaying only - Alignment Neutral or above
Guild Peak Time Zones: any
Description: This guild is dedicated to role-playing characters who are called to root out the evil in Neverwinter! We shall band together and rid this land of the blight that threatens all races. We shall also create our own legends for the Bard's to sing forever and shall endeavor to hunt down any and all manner of creatures that work for the destruction of Neverwinter and who sow their evil ways throughout!
Guild Leader: Snorri Aeternuss
Guild Contact: snorri1983
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: only ex players from necronomicon italian neverwinter's shard.
Current Guild Size: 5 players
Guild Size Goal: 30 players max
Guild Type: Dungeons, Professions, maybe PvP
Guild Peak Time Zones: 20.00 - 12.00 CST.
Description: The Clan wants to reunite all the italian players who played neverwinter nights in different italian shards during this years. In particular we really appreciate players from Necronomicon shard. We like RP players but is not a requirement.
Hail & Kill for Aeternuss !
I'm from the MPBT era before it went to EA it would be neat to play with like minded individuals. I'm surprised though that this guild isn't playing MechWarrior Online unless it already is.
Guild Leader: Naz and Bigcracker
Guild Contact: /
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: 40+
Guild Size Goal: None
Guild Type: Casual and Hardcore ( PVE, PVP and Foundry )
Guild Peak Time Zones: 5pm EST - 12am EST
Toxin is an organized, active and mature Multi-Game Clan, based mainly in North America with a minority of Europeans. Officially formed during the fall of 2006 when a group of online gamers whose talents and ambition encouraged them to collaborate in creating a successful online community.
Guild Leader: Aeternys/Louhfu
Guild Contact: Raidcall ID 4624242
Guild Website: none currently
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: 6 100% confirmed
Guild Size Goal: < 50
Guild Type: light RP and all content from PVP to End Game
Guild Peak Time Zones: EST
Description: We're an underground organization themed guild who have room for characters of all types. We're looking for individuals who will fit in our real life group to have fun and hang out. I can answer most of your questions if you wanna ask on raidcall since thats where we usually are anyway! Hit us up
Guild Leader: Daedagor Thuar'Fea
Guild Contact: Monodaemon
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: All Classes, Drow Elves only, Mature 18+
Current Guild Size: 4
Guild Size Goal: Unlimited
Guild Type: Casual, Light RP, PVP, Foundry
Guild Peak Time Zones: Eastern Standard
Description: We are an all Drow guild and welcome players of all skill sets. Mature 18+ players only. Please check out the website for more info. Thanks.
you forgot the R friend.