In support of all guilds of Neverwinter, and as an aid to all players looking for a fitting guild, here lies the first, newly updated, and only

This new guild tome effectively replaces the
Directory of the Founders Guilds of Neverwinter, and is
now open to ALL GUILDS of Neverwinter proper!!Founders Guilds are those guilds which got built before or on the day of the launch of Neverwinter. They will be notated here with a special insignia, so that their brave beginnings and fearsome battles can be
remembered for eternity.
Copy and paste the following Directory template into your post. Please keep on point, in the format already established by the Founding Guild leaders
Guild Name
Guild Leader:
Guild Contact:
Guild Website:
Guild Motto:
Guild Currently Recruiting:
Current Guild Size:
Guild Size Goal:
Guild Type:
Guild Peak Time Zones:
Guild Directory of Neverwinter UPDATES:
1. I NEED THE HELP of the Neverwinter community to point out which guilds that are no longer active. Please post here or send me a PM.
2. In order for me to keep track of your guild, you NEED a website or other online meeting place that I can verify. This way I can ensure your guild is still ticking. IF YOU DO NOT have a website, than you are responsible for letting me know that you are still active on at least a bi annual basis.
3. Keeping the Guild Directory of Neverwinter up to date is our new focus for the betterment of the Neverwinter guild community as a whole. Please update your original post in this thread AND PM ME that there are changes.
To do list:
1. If someone has the time to check guild website links, Facebook links, etc and can PM me a list of what guilds are active and inactive, that would be very helpful.
2. Guilds that are active in game but NOT ACTIVE on their forums any longer, please let us know so I don't delete you by accident.
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
Apostles of the Feywild - part of The Repeat-Offenders Network
Guild Leader: Faero Malikite, Freeblast,
Guild Contact: @faeromalikite, @bjbrunt#4365
Guild Website:
Guild Motto: Community and Friendship
Guild Currently Recruiting: yes
Guild Current Size: Stronghold level 4
Guild Size Goal: Max it out at a casual pace
Guild Type: Casual, family friendly, social
Guild Peak Time Zones: EST, CST, PST, MST, international
Alliance: Noble Misfits
The Repeat-Offenders have grown and needed a 2nd guild for the over flow of members! Apostles are currently at level 4 and growing every day. Recruiting any level and skill set, any class, and any age! We are a family friendly and casual Guild that wants to have fun with no drama or headaches! Come join a growing team and an amazing Alliance!
Ardent Justice HQ
Guild Leader: @killerarsenal
Guild Contact: @killerarsenal
Guild Website:
Guild Motto: Character, communication, and cooperation
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: 98
Guild Size Goal: Till we're full
Guild Type: Social, English speaking, mature (age 18+), all content
Guild Peak Time Zones: International
Alliance: The Imperial Inquisition Alliance
Description: Ardent Justice HQ is an English speaking guild that's all about people. We regularly help newcomers and returning veterans get a handle on the game. Currently we're working on building an international player base and organizing guild events. There's no discrimination based on level or experience, however we do require that our members be at least 18 years old and English speaking. If you're looking for a place to take off your item level and make new friends, we're the right group for you!
-- B --
Bells of Baphomet
Guild Leader: Kronus@rynardm
Guild Contact: @rynardm; @intothegroove; @SK_Lithop
Guild Website:
Guild Motto: Help each other, don’t be a jerk, and above all have fun!
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: 8 active with several alts each.
Guild Size Goal: Currently we are looking to grow another 40-50 players and alts are welcome.
Guild Type: Mainly PVE but we have a couple players that casually PvP.
Guild Peak Time Zones: US Standard Evenings
Alliance: Of Neverwinter
Description: We are a small, casual and family friendly, Gauntlet guild of the Of Neverwinter Alliance. We all have real lives and live them. Our goal is to have fun and help each other in the process. The guild is an offshoot of the Bells of Baphomet gamer alliance which is spread across several different games and countries.
Black Vanguard
Guild Leaders: @ravenkkin @cancelledczech @johnalansimmons @jaraxelle
Guild Contact: @jaraxelle
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: yes. We keep our roster active.
Current Guild Size: 129/150 accounts - 429/500 characters
Guild Size Goal: 145 active (we have 5 legacy spots kept to honor members that have passed away or on military duty)
Guild Type: Casually determined, Content to End Game
Guild Peak Time Zones: International guild / alliance
Description: Black Vanguard is a family friendly guild that reached GH20 and full complement of boons back in 2017. in a quest for continued growth we decided to build a 2nd guild with a different boon compliment. Our members are not just random players... we are family. Black Vanguard is now part of the DELPHI Alliance.
Blind Beholders
Guild Leader:Betrayu
Guild Contact:@Betrayu#7547
Guild Website:
Guild Motto:"I cast magic missile at the darkness"
Guild Currently Recruiting:Yes
Current Guild Size:100
Guild Size Goal:entire server 1st
Guild Type:PvE/PvP
Guild Peak Time Zones:Varies
Alliance:Red Pill Society Alliance
Description:Well maintained & pruned atmosphere for maximum efficiency and fun.
Blind Beholders offers casual leveling & content with "resources".
preparation for endgame and completionist all with the support of a good community.
Guild Leader: marlaina@greyangel13
Guild Contact:@greyangel13, @tatersalad77 , @mamaeagle , @avicour#8121 , @gritchen#2074
Guild Website: N/A but we do use Discord
Guild Motto: We are Bloodguard, we suffice. or Venture on.
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes, selectively
Current Guild Size: 80 active
Guild Size Goal: 175 active players
Guild Type: Casual
Guild Peak Time Zones: Eastern, Central, and Pacific
Alliance: Storm Watch
Bloodguard is a small, tight knit group of casual players. We are here to play a game and enjoy what Neverwinter has to offer as well as each other's company.
Requirements for joining are simple: Talk to us, be mature, and have respect for other players. Players to take the game too seriously may not fit with us.
Bright Blades
Guild Founders: Chi@dionchi (*February 2015) Meschette@Meschette (*June 2015) D’vd@davidstine (*February 2016) Jessica@jessica1342 (*February 2016)
Guild Contacts: @dionchi, @davidstine, @jessica1342
Guild Website:
Guild Custom Chat Channel: /channel_join brightblades
Guild Currently Recruiting: YES
Current Guild Level: 2
Guild Membership (as of last update): 11
Minimum Character Level: 15
Guild Type: Casual; PVE, Beginner, Intermediate, Experienced, Casual, Leveling, Roleplay, Family Friendly, Cooperative and Beginner Friendly. We are not hardcore.
Description: We recognize some members can only play between RLE (real life events) and as such most of our members are casual players, that’s not a problem.All we ask is members sign on once every month to maintain their current guild rank. Members who do not sign on every month will be reduced one guild rank, per month of inactivity. Upon being demoted to Level 1 – Inactive a member may be removed from the guild roster.
A Note: The Bright Blades welcome people from all backgrounds and skill levels. We are proud to accept and represent all races, classes, beliefs, nationalities and backgrounds, however remember there is a person on the other side of your conversation and comments and excessive flaming, harassment, bigotry and hate will not be tolerated by the guild leaders. Any member found to be in violation of these guidelines will be immediately removed from the guild.
Guild Peak Time Zones Based on Membership: -6GMT (CST:USA)
Guild Leader: Qwert Qwertonium
Guild Contact: in game @mynaam
Guild Currently Recruiting: All welcome, we take players of all skill level and class.
Current Guild Size:25
Guild Size Goal:100`
Guild Peak Time Zones: worldwide
Alliance:Tredecim (aka Greycloaks )
We are a fun, friendly guild with Discord chat and are looking for like minded players .
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
Caballeros de hispania
Guild Leader: AcIDBuRN
Guild Contact: AcIDBuRN
Guild Website: o
Guild Currently Recruiting: All classes.
Current Guild Size: 10+
Guild Size Goal: 25-40
Guild Type: Fun, mature and interested in progression. Exploration, crafting, pvp, pve.
Guild Peak Time Zones: Primary Europe (Worldwide)
Descripcion: Los Caballeros de Hispania es un grupo de jugadores que provienen del Neverwinternights I y II, tambien provienen del DDO. Tras la aparicion de este nuevo mundo olvidado de neverwinter, se creo el Gremio de los Caballeros de Hispania. Solo de habla hispana. Pertenecemos a una comunidad de juegos.
Description: The Knights of Hispania is a group of players that come from Neverwinternights I and II, also from the DDO. After the appearance of this new world neverwinter forgotten, created the Guild of the Knights of Hispania. Spanish speaking only. We belong to a gaming community.
Guild Leader: Xearrik
Guild Contact: For now this forum.
Guild Website: We have a website. I wan't to talk with some of the other members before I post it.
Guild Currently Recruiting: Any
Current Guild Size: 12+
Guild Size Goal: Unknown
Guild Type: Semi casual to hard core. The Foundry will be a very strong aspect of Caffeine
Guild Peak Time Zones: Unknown
Description: The recruitment page sums it up for now.!
Captain's Company
Guild Leader: ToRN
Guild Contact: ToRN
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: All classes.
Current Guild Size: 10+
Guild Size Goal: 25-40
Guild Type: Fun, mature and interested in progression.
Guild Peak Time Zones: 6:30PM - 11PM AEST (Sydney, Australia time)
Description: Captain's Company is an Oceanic Guild who are looking to recruit mature and active players for our Neverwinter division. Captain's Company is a division of The 19th Battalion which is an Oceanic Gaming Community. I implore you to visit our recruitment thread here! to find out more information. Regards, Captain ToRN
Guild Leader: Yi the Charitable
Guild Contact: Yi the Charitable@tripsofthrymr
Guild Website:
Guild Motto: Be Friendly and Kind.
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: 90+ accounts, hundreds of characters
Guild Size Goal: Large.
Guild Type: Helpful, friendly and safe place for new players to get started.
Guild Peak Time Zones: noon through 10PM Pacific Time is usually quite active.
Description: Caritas was founded to help get newer players off to a great start with Neverwinter. The founder has been playing since open beta and created the guild to give back to the community. We help new players with starter gear, run missions, answer questions. It's often hard to find players to run the beginner content. Not so in Caritas. We're glad to run with you, even if it's something we have done many times before. In Caritas, it's about making in-game friends and helping others. We'll help you understand the game, your class, and how your class can help a party. We'll help you figure out what you should do next, and help you avoid common pitfalls. We have frequent guild events with nice prizes.
Caspian Underground
Guild Leader: @David_T_Bradford
Guild Contact:
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: All classes.
Current Guild Size: 8+ (for Neverwinter, but 50+ for multiple games)
Guild Size Goal: 20-40
Guild Type: Multi-Game Community - Fun, mature and interested in progression.
Guild Peak Time Zones: 6:30PM - 11PM EST Monday - Friday and all day Saturday and Sunday
Description: We're a well established group that has a wide variety of people from around the world! We are always welcoming newbs and share resources all the time. We are a very laid back group, no strings attached. No drama. Just have fun and enjoy each others company! We do everything from pves, pvps, rps, etc. We use Ventrillo, but we also have a twitter account to keep our player up to speed with what's happening.
Children of the New Sun
Guild Leader: Kess Lusun
Guild Contact: @kesslusun
Guild Website: CotNS website
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: 10+
Guild Size Goal: 25 (Max)
Guild Type: Casual/Mature (Age 21+), RP-liteGuild Peak Time Zones: UK / East Coast (ideally)
Description: We're a relatively small, ragtag bunch of muppets, who have been adventuring together for years. Our casual nature means the guild size waxes and wanes from game to game. Although a good number will be trying NwO, we're always looking to make new friends with like-minded individuals. It should be noted that the bulk of the guild is made up of Brits and people living on the East Coast.
Chosen of Azuth
Guild Leader: Tetheron
Guild Contact:Tetheron@tetheronazagoth
Guild Website:
Guild Motto:
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: 5
Guild Size Goal: 20
Guild Type: Casual Progression
Guild Peak Time Zones: EST to EST+5
Description: Chosen of Azuth is recruiting for PVE. You can be new to Neverwinter but looking for experienced and mature mmo players. Must use voip and be willing to integrate. progression/good humor/low stress. Adult language and content.
Circle of Friends
Guild Leader: Sheylene
Guild Contact: @ladyshey
Guild Website:
Guild Motto: Fun gaming in a friendly atmosphere for people from any walk of life
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes, any class, any level, age 18+
Current Guild Size: small
Guild Size Goal: As many as we have room for
Guild Type: PVE and dungeons mostly, but we do have people who enjoy PVP as well.
Guild Peak Time Zones: 5 pm to 2 am EST, people on during the day as well
Description: Circle of Friends is a family friendly group of gamers from young to senior adults. We've been around for a very long time, but have always gone by word of mouth advertisement rather than open recruiting. We have always welcomed people of any skill level from the beginner to the elite. We welcome people who have a little time for gaming between work and family obligations to people who have loads of free time to spend in game. If you'd like to check us out, we'd like to have you so send an in game inbox to @ladyshey and we will get back to you ASAP!
Conclusion:The Beginning
Guild Leader:Casius(now)
Guild Contact: pm in this forum Casius
Guild Website: -
Guild Currently Recruiting:every class 10 times(becasue of the start with 5 calsses)
Current Guild Size:0-50
Guild Size Goal:50
Guild Type:Semi-Hardcore
Guild Peak Time Zones:GMT+1
Description: Hi in NWN-Online i will open guild with name "Conclusion:The Beginning". Guild language is english(you only need skill to comminicate) and timezone is GMT +1. The guild will be build from oldschool players which have big amount of expierience from other mmos and solo games. The guild will be semi-hardcore with focus on pve and after pve is ready we will do pvp. We will not play under any contracts.Of course there will be raid days. Right now i am looking only for people who bought hero or champion packs so we can start 4-5 days earlier and wich have expierience with other raid-mmos. The guild is not RPG-guild.Theorycrafting is important you will need at least to know 99% about your mainclass.
Guild Leader: Leaf
Guild Contact: SolidusUk on these forum or Leaf/Solid on guild website
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: 30+
Guild Size Goal: 50
Guild Type: PVE Casual with a view to tackle all the end game has to offer. PVP interest in guild also
Guild Peak Time Zones: GMT
Description: The group of players at the core of this guild came together after meeting in other MMOs - most notably Warcraft and Aion. Some of us have experience of helping to lead some of the oldest and biggest guilds in WoW. What we can offer: A European-based guild with solid foundations, a thriving website, a Mumble (voice) server with 50-player capacity, organization as when and if needed for events and grouping, and a friendly welcome.
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
Death Halls
Guild Leader: Ugler
Guild Contact: Ugler@ugler or Mika Shieldheart@nehryk#6852
Guild Website: Coming soon!
Guild Motto: Coming soon
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes! All Levels and classes.
Current Guild Size: 6
Guild Size Goal: Max
Guild Type: Fun, Casual, Progression, PVE, Cooperative, Leveling, Friendly and Helpful, New Player friendly, PVP possibly later on
Guild Peak Time Zones: US Time Zones so far
Alliance: None yet
Description: Death halls is a small guild at the moment but looking to grow. We are very friendly and willing to help out new players (or experienced players) if needed. We are family friendly and just want to have fun. A good sense of humor is always welcome but not required
Den of the Misfits
Guild Leader: Earlgreybeard
Guild Contact: @earlgreybeard
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: 100
Guild Size Goal: 130-140
Guild Type: Casual, New players ,Non-elitist, Multi-class
Guild Peak Time Zones: Worldwide (leader: AEST)
Alliance: Fabled (Civil Anarchy)
Description: Founded in late 2013 DotM has been through a lot of changes and ups and downs ,we have a small number of active players on during most times of the day.. over the years we have had quite a lot of fantastic players pass through our ranks (thanks to you all, you know who you are) that have helped us grow our Stronghold and have moved on to the bigger guilds .The days when Strongholds first went live until the great leadership AD purge that decimated our guild are fondly remembered as we quickly got to lvl5 GH , that time when Underdark was new and Elven was BiS was my introduction to being a guild leader ,so it's nice to look back at all that. Enter Alliances ,we hooked up early with a fantastic bunch in the Souls of Iruladoon Alliance which really help shape us into our current form and then , about a year ago the Helm and 3 of us other guilds merged into a sword and 3 gauntlet spots in the awesome Fabled Alliance and have been flying along at a steady pace ever since. ATM we are at Level 12 GH ... our only real main rules are respect all players you are running with and use the chat from time to time . Would love to hear from you if you are interested in joining anytime. Come try the original 'Misfit' guild !
Disciples of War
Guild Leader: Zeuss@treeishamie
Guild Currently Recruiting: Always recruiting mature players
Current Guild Size: 400+
Guild Size Goal: 500
Guild Type:Casual, Grind, PVE, PVP, all Difficulties
Guild Peak Time Zones: All time zones
Description: We are an active Co-Guild to Apostles of War. We are looking forward to more end game content and are looking for mature active members. We are an English speaking guild full of friendly people always willing to help when needed. We have an active TeamSpeak group as well as in game chat. If you would be interested in checking us out, please contact me. We would love to have you.
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
Elder Dragon Society
Guild Leader: Myrymma
Guild Contact: @thokoman90#1850
Guild Website: Contact us for a discord link
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: level 6 with 130+ accounts
Guild Size Goal: 149
Guild Type: Open ended, mature gameplay for all play styles
Guild Peak Time Zones: Worldwide
Description: An Evolvent Alliance guild with a fast growth rate, eager to share with new players and experienced ones, having a chill social gaming for our members
Guild Leader: Shiva (@glorygemm)
Guild Contact: in game Shiva@glorygemm
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: All Classes
Current Guild Size: 30 players -> 100 PG
Guild Size Goal: 60-100 players
Guild Type: PVE
Guild Peak Time Zones: 24H
Description: The EraserS Guild is a reborn guild many old player left the guild to change game, but a lot of new are now planning to bring this old guild to shine. We play PVE and also PVP, but focus is more on PVE. To join us, please send us a request on our forum.
[/B]Guild Leader: X3lade
Guild Contact: X3lade
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: 20+
Guild Size Goal: In-game Guild Member Cap
Guild Type: PvE and PvP
Guild Peak Time Zones: Unknown, plan on being international
Description: EXILE is created solely for Neverwinter so that we will be active through out the game at all times (Not split between other MMO's). We will be doing both PvP and PvE, primarily focusing on PvE first for Endgame completion; finish and completing all high level dungeons and work towards getting geared up. After that we will then be doing organized and group PvP. To EXILE, maintaining a respectable community is our priority, we value our players and hope to create a warm welcoming atmosphere of both hardcore and casual players.
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
Fair Dinkum
Guild Leader: @melindaoz
Guild Contact: any guild member until we reach 140 accounts, then @melindaoz as we approach cap.
Guild Website: we use a Facebook members page
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes. Any level, any age, English speaking, active.
Current Guild Size: 120 accounts, trimmed every 6 weeks for inactivity.
We are currently upgrading to GH18, with Temple, Stable, Explorer Guild and Barracks boons.
Guild Size Goal: 149
Guild Type: PvE, Semi-casual
Guild Peak Time Zones: Highest during Australian evenings, but our alliance is International
Alliance: Tredicium Alliance. Our alliance rotates helm position to help us all upgrade. We are currently the Helm.
Description: We are a semi-casual PVE guild. While we are mainly in Australia and New Zealand, we also have members in Japan, America and the Asia-Pacific region. We welcome players and characters of all ages and experiences. Insomniac Americans are welcome
The Fallen Shadows
Guild Leader: Blacknife
Guild Contact: Blacknkife@blacknife2000
Guild Website:none
Guild Motto: Be excellent to each other!
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: 1 as of this post
Guild Size Goal: Infinite
Guild Peak Time Zones:GMT+10
This guild is always looking for new recruits. Anyone is welcome. I want this guild to have as many friendly players as possible and i want everyone in this guild to have a happy and healthy Neverwinter experience.
4th Empire
Guild Leader: FoWL (Enjin name)
Guild Contact: Jason - SoiledOstrich - PM me here.
Guild Website:
Guild currently recruiting: Always looking for friends.
Current Guild Size: 58 registered. 10-14 in PlanetSide 2.
Guild Type: Will most likely be PvP.
Guild Warcry: Haha, "Night, gotta work in the morning."
Guild Peak Time Zones: Eastern timezone, some mornings and most evenings and late.
Description: 4th Empire is created from a former group of players from PlanetSide (1). Formerly gnomishmarinecorps but yeah, 9 years after PlanetSide we all grewup! So we changed the name to hide the fact we are still kids at heart. We play and will still play PlanetSide 2. We will be playing Neverwinter when it is released as my following has no choice or face the wrath of my nagging. We are a mature, laid back and funny group of east coasters. We all have been friends for a long time and always welcome new friends. Stop by and say hello! Don't mind the theme, it will be changed to work for PS and NW.
The Fangs of the Sun
Guild Leader: gerberatetra
Guild Contact: To the Website!!
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: not just yet
Guild Size Goal: medium
Guild Type: Role-Playing, Mercenary Themed
Guild Peak Time Zones: US Cst - 6pm to 12pm
Followers of Destiny
Guild Leader: Cevoo
Guild Contact:Wolfrick , Cevoo
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: No
Current Guild Size: 8
Guild Size Goal: 20
Guild Type: Casual
Guild Peak Time Zones: 8pm EST
Vent Server: Yes
Description: We are "Followers of Destiny" or FoD for short. We are a group of gamers that play hard, joke hard, and Raid hard. Above all else we are friends and have fun. If you are concerned with your gear or loot more than a fellow team mate FoD is not for you.
Frozen Dawn
Guild Leader: Magmo (acting GM)
Guild Contact: CLICK
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting:Yes
Current Guild Size: 1304 (you read that right)
Guild Size Goal: not applicable
Guild Type: FINNISH (Semi HC PvX)
Guild Peak Time Zones: GMT+2
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
Gallifreyan Keep
Guild Leader: @instynctive, @tessamorsel
Guild Contact:,
Guild Website: (we're on Facebook, too:
Guild Motto: Be excellent to each other, but kick enemy butt. (Alternatively: "We put the FUN in dysFUNctional!")
Guild Currently Recruiting: Everyone who just wants to have fun.
Current Guild Size: Whatever it is.
Guild Size Goal: We don't care. We're just having fun.
Guild Type: Casual (whatever your game goal is, we welcome you, and have members who are happy to help out).
Guild Peak Time Zones: No clue.
Description: Gallifreyan Keep is a laid-back, have-fun, no-exploit guild. We are looking to build a solid foundation of characters to provide guidance and help out characters of lower levels. Anyone and everyone is welcome, regardless of race, class, level or game goals.
Come on in, have a mug of whatever beverage pleases you, and have fun.
Guild Leader: Hastur
Guild Contact: @hastur905
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: not actively
Current Guild Size:149
Guild Type: PVE endgame, casual players mostly
Guild Peak Time Zones: EST, CST, PST
Alliance:Tredecium (aka Greycloaks)
Description: Currently we are the helm of a 13 guild Alliance called Tredecium, which stretches all around the world in all time zones. We are a founding guild of Neverwinter under Sekhmet, but have evolved over the years. We manage the Alliance discord server and all are welcome to join for voice or chat.
Guild Leader: Steelheart
Guild Contact: Easiest way is to sign-up on our forums. All are welcome to participate in our community whether they are an actual Guild Member or not
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: Absolutely
Current Guild Size: 30+
Guild Size Goal: Grievance offers a variety of playstyles within the Guild which allows for a large and dynamic online community.
Guild Type: Casual
Guild Peak Time Zones: American CST (GMT -6) with members from all over the world
Description: Our credo says it all: Family ... Honor ... Loyalty
Guild Medieval
Guild Leader: @rhodah
Guild Contact: @targlock, @Dulcema
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: Mature, friendly gamers of any class
Current Guild Size: 200+
Guild Size Goal:
Guild Type: Mature, family-friendly, drama-free, multi-game community
Guild Peak Time Zones: International (English language only)
Description: Guild Medieval was founded in 2001 as a haven for Diablo 2 players wishing to play in a mature, safe environment free of hacks and obnoxious behaviour. We have since branched out to DDO, D3, WoW, SWtOR, and PoE. In DDO we are known as The Silver Legion, and have become one of the largest, most successful, and stable guilds on Cannith. Guild Medieval is foremost a community of like-minded people who happen to like playing online games together. We are only concerned about the person behind the keyboard, and not your gear or accomplishments. When joining us, you join our community which means interacting with members on our forums and not just in-game. We are always recruiting, and our requirements are strict.
We encourage fair play, courtesy, and camaraderie, with players both in-guild and out.
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
The Hammerfist Clan
Guild Leader: Lorahand
Guild Contact: Lorahand, Khoffe(Bean on HFC forums)
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: All classes
Current Guild Size: 15+
Guild Size Goal: 30-50
Guild Type: PvE and some PvP
Guild Peak Time Zones: World Wide
Description: HFC is an adult guild looking for mature members age 18 or older. We're a social/casual guild passionate about our gaming. How you choose to spend your gaming time is up to you. Dictating how and when you need to play is not our style, we understand part-time gamers with full-time lives.
Haven's Point
Guild Leader: Seyena Dl'pae or on enjin as Wynde
Guild Contact: @Cyren105
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: Most definitely
Current Guild Size: New
Guild Size Goal: comfortable enough that everyone knows each other
Guild Type: Heavy RP/All races
Guild Peak Time Zones: EST
Description: We are a medium to heavy RP guild in Dungeons & Dragons: Neverwinter MMO. While our characters are not judge by eachother, we prefer to be the same to our members as people. We believe in developing strong, longlasting bonds both in character and out. Our rules and codes are simple and a matter of respect. The guild itself is meant for those of like-minded RPers that believe in a story driven, nurturing, character developing envorinment. WE will have regular activities, storyline and RP based events. As well as a few in severwide events for the community. This allows us to build a strong bond with the RP community around us.
Heroes of Neverwinter
Guild Leader: The Jade Knight
Guild Contact: The Jade Kngiht
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: 3
Guild Size Goal:100
Guild Type: Casual RP with some End-game.
Guild Peak Time Zones: GMT +10
Description: Heroes of Neverwinter is an Australian based Oceanic Guild. We are a mature, social, friendly and funny Guild, with an emphasis on helping one another. As an Australian based guild, we are spreading the word to help build up the Oceanic population, (including NZ) but anyone is welcome to join!
Guild Leader: TBA
Guild Contact: Alenph, Lexandrus
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: No
Current Guild Size: 16
Guild Size Goal: 20-30
Guild Type: Casual, Semi-Hardcore, PvX
Guild Peak Time Zones: GMT+8
Description: The Holy Order of the Light is a fun-filled, family-centered, professional Community-Guild founded on the 30th of January 2003. The Holy Order has grown from its humble beginnings in the Philippines where no guilds has yet existed in the soon to be born Philippine MMOG market, and is now one of the famous, respected, honorable, and successful guilds in the country.
The Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Guild Leader: @thelastdragon17
Guild Contact: @thelastdragon17, @arcanecrusader
Guild Website:
Guild Motto: (need to find one
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: 10
Guild Size Goal: 75-100 (all active and helpful)
Guild Type: RP, PvE, Campaign
Guild Peak Time Zones: Mostly US from GMT -5 to -9 (but run by an insomniac so all hours are possible)
Description: We are a PvE guild with our main interest in RP events, the founding members all came from an RP NWN server called Amia. Most of us are still learning about Neverwinter's dungeons, gearing and other endgame content. Rank progression is not automatic passed the rank of Horseman. Participation in events, activity and general helpfulness is a must to gain officer ranks. All members are to be respectful to each other at all times and conduct themselves with maturity.
House Kal'Daka
Guild Leader: Kal'Daka
Guild Contact:Kal'Daka
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes Open Recruitment
Current Guild Size: 10
Guild Size Goal: Undecided
Guild Type: PvP/PvE, Social/Family & Friends
Guild Peak Time Zones:
Description: Hey guys, This is open recruitment at this time. Looking for mature members- Hate to set an age limit so at this time I am just going to go with "Mature". Tired of the matriachs Running everything? Is your Matron not what she says? Join the Drow Wolf pack. Will except non drow ** as slaves of course ;P **
House Nasadra
Guild Leader: Malagith
Guild Contact: On website
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: No
Current Guild Size: 10
Guild Size Goal: Undetermined
Guild Type: Medium RP
Guild Peak Time Zones: Primarily 8pm - Midnight EST
Description: House Nasadra is a Neverwinter MMO guild. The guild is a “medium RP” guild that is portraying a drow noble house. All classes and races are accepted, but some races may be relegated to being slaves or mercenaries within guild RP. Our players are mature, laid-back gamers who thrive in a drama-free environment. While we are not currently recruiting new members, we are certainly open to establishing relationships with other RP guilds. Our members predominantly reside within the Eastern time zone.
House Thuar'Fea
Guild Leader: Daedagor Thuar'Fea
Guild Contact: Monodaemon
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: All Classes, Drow Elves only, Mature 18+
Current Guild Size: 4
Guild Size Goal: Unlimited
Guild Type: Casual, Light RP, PVP, Foundry
Guild Peak Time Zones: Eastern Standard
Description: We are an all Drow guild and welcome players of all skill sets. Mature 18+ players only. Please check out the website for more info. Thanks.
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
I Granchi Aviatori
Guild Leader: Nymeros, Nymeria
Guild Contact: in game guild search / website
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: Medium
Guild Size Goal: Large
Guild Type: PVE, Mature, Casual Players Friendly, Elite Difficulty, Events
Guild Peak Time Zones: GTM +1 Rome
Description: I Granchi aviatori is an Italian guild dedicated to games set in the world of Dungeons and Dragons, The guild was founded back in 2009 in the server Thelanis of DDO, where we have built over the years a good reputation among the guilds of end-gamers in one of the two most populated and competitive DDO servers.
Immortal Fury
Guild Leader: Hiphoptimus Rhyme, Synestra
Guild Contact:Same
Guild Website:
Guild Motto: Play games and have fun!
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: 133ish
Guild Size Goal: Max and active
Guild Type: PvX
Guild Peak Time Zones: PST
Alliance: The Army of Mordor
Description: Gaming crew from all over and many MMOs. We like to play games and have fun, that's our primary goal. NA based but not restricted to, we want to expand to other time zones as well. Reconnecting with gamers from almost every MMO visited. I've set up a flexible chat with Voxer as well as Discord for any in game comms needed. All in hopes to to start working with gamers in current games available also any future games.
The Immortals
Guild Leader: Nemeses
Guild Contact: or
Guild Website: or
Guild Currently Recruiting: Most definitely
Current Guild Size: 34
Guild Size Goal: comfortable, so that we can be very social progressive guild.
Guild Type: Social, competitive.
Guild motto: Lived a thousand lives, United we stand!
Guild Peak Time Zones: GMT
We a mature guild with over 900 players on our site, If you'd like to know more take a look at our recruitment post, our website or send me a PM. We a 21+ age group guild.
Infernal Blood
Guild Leader: Dawna Nightfall; microboeb & Xarrug
Guild Contact: @seijida & @microboeb#2428
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes, you have to be Lvl 70 though
Current Guild Size: about 145/150
Guild Size Goal: 145/150-150/150
Guild Type: Casual; New Players; Experienced Players; Non-Elitist; mostly PVE
Guild Peak Time Zones: UTC 15.00 - UTC 03.00 i guess. Members from all ovber the world though so u will see activity most times.
Alliance: Amity Alliance
We are a pretty casual guild, founded in January 2016 after we found our old guild didn't fit us anymore. Fast fowards 2 years and 8 months later, we just reached our GH20; will max out our last boon any time now. We have a great and active members base, many of them have been with us for years by now.
We are a friendly, helpful & loyal bunch of people and a lot of them I can truly call my friends by now. So if you feel like you want to become a part of our close-knit group feel free to message us anytime.
We don't take too kindly to rude behaviour of any kind, friendly banter is welcome though.
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
Jagged Daggers Adventuring Company
Guild Leader: Fogaban
Guild Contact: Fogaban
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: All Classes
Current Guild Size: 5
Guild Size Goal: 40
Guild Type: Heavy RP / Questing / Adventure
Guild Peak Time Zones: Evenings & Weekends: Eastern / Central USA
Description: The Jagged Daggers are an adventuring company based out of the city of Neverwinter along the northern Sword Coast. We are a loose knit group, looking for the next adventure. We rely heavily on RP to make the exploring and the adventure more exciting and enjoyable. We're in no hurry to "Level Out". We want to enjoy the journey, not hasten to the destination. We want to provide a place for you to have fun playing out your role in the Company.
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
Guild Leader: Mephistul (Ivan Ark)
Guild Contact: Mephistul
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: Selectively - Possibly open in future
Current Guild Size: 50+. Activity depends on the quality of the game.
Guild Size Goal: 20+
Guild Type: Mature - Casual Harcore
Guild Peak Time Zones: 7:00 PM to 1:00 AM EST
Description: A brief history... KAAOS was founded 1992 in TSoY and eventually moved to the oNWN and dominated the PvP scene until it's closure. Established a significant PvP and PvE presence in oNWN, EQ, UO, PS, and WoW. But what does gaming with KAAOS mean? It means you will be held to a higher standard than you may be accustomed to. You see, here in KAAOS we believe in excellence. We believe in maturity. We believe in independence. We believe in working as a team...
Guild Leader: Axom (overall)/unblessedhand aka freeAgent (Neverwinter)
Guild Contact: unblessedhand in these forums or in-game
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: All players!
Current Guild Size: 60+ Founders in Neverwinter already, 500+ total
Guild Size Goal: 100+ in Neverwinter, ∞ total
Guild Type: Casual, PvE, PvP
Guild Peak Time Zones: Evenings Central Time (GMT -5/-6), though we have members in Europe and Asia as well
Description: Karma is a multi-game guild made up primarily of Redditors. We are very popular in Guild Wars 2 (constantly at or near the 500 user cap on the Crystal Desert server) and I (unblessedhand) will be heading up an expansion into Neverwinter. Therefore, I would like to cordially invite any and all players who can abide by Karma's very simple rules to join us! You can find more information here on these forums or on our website's forums here. We look forward to meeting you!
Knights of the Old Code
Guild Leader: Briah
Guild Contact: @Briah on any Cryptic game, redstonedawn on the forums
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes. Family-friendly.
Current Guild Size: 5
Guild Size Goal: 10+
Guild Type: Main Focus on PVE.
Guild Peak Time Zones: 5:00 pm to 12:00 am EDT
Description: We are a family-friendly guild with members from around the world who follow a simple code of conduct that stresses cooperation, integrity, loyalty, and respect. We come from a close-knight group of gamers who have guilds across numerous games. If you are interested in joining us, feel free to send a tell to @Briah on any cryptic game or a pm to redstonedawn on the forums.
Knight's of Neverwinter
Guild Leader: Wiz Kid
Guild Contact: @thefabricant; @Piegeafiege; @userutf8
Guild Website:
Guild Motto:
Guild Currently Recruiting: Any who are active, friendly, act with good conduct and are above level 60.
Current Guild Size: 20-30 Active
Guild Size Goal: No set limit
Guild Type: PVE/PVP
Guild Peak Time Zones: 20:00-24:00 UTC
Description: Knights of Neverwinter (formerly Neverwinter Order) is a friendly, casual guild for all levels, classes, and ages. We accept members from all walks of life and are happy to assist players who may be new to the game.
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
Lazy Eyed Assassins
Guild Leader: Sikkness
Guild Contact: Sikkness, Ovan
Guild Website: None yet
Guild Currently Recruiting: Actively recruiting
Current Guild Size: 15
Guild Size Goal: 150
Guild Type: PVE
Guild Peak Time Zones: All
Description: Lazy Eyed Assassins already has 6 allies so plenty of content from new to end-game being run. Regular Stronghold events taking place. Experienced players to offer advice, support and to teach newer players various dungeons. Room for promotion if appropriate.
The Legacy Order
Guild Leader: @metalphantom & @harmonica183
Guild Contact: @metalphantom
Guild Website: (WIP)
Guild Motto: The Stats are okay, but the Camaraderie is what really counts.
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: 3 (players)
Guild Size Goal: 10 -15 (players)
Guild Type: PvE, Casual, New Player Friendly
Guild Peak Times Zones: (GMT -5) Eastern, (GMT -6) Central
Description: We're the Legacy Order - We're cut from a different cloth when it comes to Adventuring/Gaming - There's fortune, skill, and rank, but none compare to kinship. If you seek more than just a Guild Title and Perks, then you're looking for the Legacy Order. All are welcome, as long as it is to join for a good purpose, no handouts, just camaraderie, simply because, good honest gamers are hard to come by.PM me or Email in-game @metalphantom if you wish to join after reading this post. Our website is new and will be updated periodically! Take care and Game On!
Legends of Faerûn
Guild Leader: Bryan@Bryan1963
Contact: @hingst950, @bryan1963, @zomgimkez
Guild Currently Recruiting: ALL classes
Current Guild Size:large
Guild Size Goal: Higher average player online
Guild Type: Delzoun Explorer's
Guild Peak Time Zones:PST/Weekends
Description: We are looking for role-players, hardcore gamers, PVE fanatics, pvp lovers and dungeon crawlers! if you are looking for a guild family look no further. We've been around since 8/2013 so our guildies know a thing or two and with 400 members there's always people who will party up! where do you sign up eh?! well you can message in game @zomgimkez, @Bryan1963 or @Hingst950
Guild Name: Longfangs
Guild Leader: Longfangz in this forum, (LOGAN on the site)
Guild Contact: (post under guild sign-up)
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: Y
Current Guild Size: 7
Guild Size Goal: 20-30
Guild Type: Mature Casual, PVP, PVE, Raids, foundry, Rollplaying encouraged but not required
Guild Peak Time Zones: TBD
Description: I'm starting up a casual guild to take advantage of all this game has to offer. Leave the drama at the door and have fun!
The Lodge
Guild Leader: Sabune'iira
Guild Contact: Sabune'iira, Edalyne
Guild Website: None
Guild Currently Recruiting: All races
Current Guild Size: Small
Guild Size Goal: Small
Guild Type: Roleplay, Mature, Dark fantasy
Guild Peak Time Zones: GMT -5, -6, -7, -8
Description: The Lodge is a loose collection of roleplayers interested in dark fantasy and social roleplay. Our plots are character-driven and often explore the more troubling elements of living in a world of magic.
The Lords of Light
Guild Leader: Talorek
Guild Contact: Talorek (PM via this forum)
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes - All Races, All Classes
Current Guild Size: 15+
Guild Size Goal:40-50ish
Guild Type: RP-PvE-Social
Guild Peak Time Zones: Most guild "events" will start 7pm mst - Peak times on weeknights will be 6-10pst
Description: The Lords of Light is a LGBT friendly guild for people who are interested in RP, PvE and having some time to be social. We are just looking to provide a safe and fun atmosphere that is enjoyable for like-minded gamers. We will be doing weekly events, raids, quests, or just otherwise enjoying eachothers company as we strive to help one another.
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
Guild Leader:Dante DarkShark, Parrot, & Moolis Roo
Guild Contact:Dante Darkshark, Parrot, or Moolis Roo
Guild Website:
Guild Motto: Keep gaming fun!
Guild Currently Recruiting:Yes
Current Guild Size:40
Guild Size Goal:150
Guild Type: Sword Guild, Mature, Active, No Exploiters or Trolls, Casual, Experienced, Grinders, End Game, Social
Guild Peak Time Zones:10 AM - 7PM EST
Alliance:Council of Mysteries
Description:We are active, mature players, growing our our guild to be a part of building something together. We are a level 7 (almost 8) Sword Guild in an extremely active Alliance. We hold almost daily events, and the alliance runs some contests as well. We love helping new or returning players to the game and also support experienced players who want to make a difference in helping the guild and it's members grow. We have members who are casual players, grinders, farmers, and even some end game players. We do have a discord channel, as well as our alliance, for those who want a more social atmosphere or more in depth tactics, builds, or information exchanges about the game. If this type of guild play is what you are looking for on the PC platform, look us up and ask for an invite. All we ask of our members is to log on and participate in guild building (whether it be tending, event participation, or donations to the coffers) at least monthly... but we'd love to see you more often and the more folks that participate the easier it is to get into Randoms and Dungeons with people you know, who'll have your back, and be more patient in teaching mechanics if you don't know them. We are primarily english speaking, but have members in the guild and alliance from all over the USA thru Europe and beyond. You'll almost always find someone online.
Mercenary Legion
Guild Leader: Fds1233/ Aurrelus
Guild Contact: Forum
Guild Website: None Yet
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: Uncertain, 35-40 indicated interest
Guild Size Goal: 100-150
Guild Type: PvE, PvP
Guild Peak Time Zones:Uncertain
Description: A guild for semi - serious gamers who will be playing all content and be available for teamwork in every aspect of the game.
Misguided Potential
Guild Leader: zelibeli
Guild Contact: You must post an intro on the forums
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: 25+ & read/agree to this:
Current Guild Size: 10
Guild Size Goal: 15
Guild Type: Casual
Guild Peak Time Zones: EST-ish
Public Chat: /MPG
Description: Misguided Potential is a small Neverwinter adventuring group.
The challenges we face together are great and it is through trust in each other that we overcome these obstacles. It is only through time that this foundation strengthens into respect and loyalty. While many seek initiation, it is with honor that we bestow membership to those worthy. Read more:
MOG Nation
Guild Leader: Thaliff
Guild Contact: Thaliff
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: yes
Current Guild Size: 34
Guild Size Goal: 40+
Guild Type: PVE/minor PVP/Foundry
Guild Peak Time Zones: US EST-PST
Description: Gaming community covering a broad base of games. Our goal in Neverwinter is to explore all the options in Neverwinter, from PVE to PVP to my obsession with the Foundry (recovering DM here :P ). This will be one of many guilds operating under the banner of MOG Nation, from SWTOR to GW2 and more, we provide a community of gamers to play, chat and enjoy time with. We understand and respect the needs that real life comes first! Check out the recruitment thread here.
Guild Leader: Wintersmercy
Guild Contact: Through the website
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: Roleplayers and Foundry authors
Current Guild Size: 30+
Guild Size Goal: 30
Guild Type: Foundry, Roleplay, PVE
Guild Peak Time Zones: GMT/US East Coast
Description: Mythweavers is a guild for those who wish to focus on creating Foundry content. Members will be active in the Foundry community and use semi-regular events to give detailed playtests and feedback for each other's content before launch. Our forums are used to discuss game design, for example the problem of building sympathetic NPCs. There is also a Foundry forum which is open to non-members. There will also be occasional roleplay events. We are not an up-rating syndicate for gaming Foundry ratings - we will focus on quality, not popularity.
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
NEVA (Japanese Guild)
Guild Leader: shoutr02
Guild Contact: shoutr02
Guild Website: here (not Guild-site but japanese wiki which I admin)
Guild Currently Recruiting:3
Current Guild Size: me (new)
Guild Size Goal: 20 or so
Guild Type: Japanese/Japan Guild (Or people who can speak Japanese.) only for NW. Casual. Mainly PvE, all contents.
Guild Peak Time Zones: (UTC+9/JST) 20:00~0:00
Description: NWの日本語版非公式Wikiの管理・作成者をしているShoutr02といいます。日本人が気軽にPTを 組んでNWを遊べるギルドを目指して、今回、日本ギルドを立ち上げることにしました。Wikiのサイトに募 集の連絡先など書いてありますので、ご覧になってください。 なるべく多くの方が加入してくれることを望んでますので、気軽な気持ちで連絡してください。よろしくおねが いします。
Neverwinter Thieves Guild
Guild Leader: Silk
Guild Contact: Pilf3r here on the forums
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: Open
Current Guild Size: 28
Guild Size Goal: no fixed number
Guild Type:Casual, Easy Going
Description: Fun takes priority over anything else. Believe it or not, we play this game for fun! Whilst it’s a pretty simple concept, many people lose sight of this in their quest for the uber-loot, a position on a raid roster, the ideal party make-up or the perfectly strategised quest. This guild is made up of people who want to log on to the game, forget about their real lives and just kill pixels with their mates. If you don’t value the fun aspects of the game more than anything else, you’ll likely be frustrated by our easy-going nature. See our guild charter here for more info.
New OutRiders
Guild Leader: High Council
Guild Contact:
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: Not yet recruiting until beta.
Current Guild Size: 150 active player between our 4 current game branches.
Guild Size Goal: 20-50 active players per game.
Guild Type:*Casual Mature Family Friendly guild
Guild Peak Time Zones: US Time Zones
RP: Low
PVP: Low
PvE: High
Description: Our guild is a Casual Mature Family Friendly guild, thats has been together since 1992. Our unofficial motto is "To have fun and help others do the same" and we are looking for more friendly mature members that enjoy the many aspects of the game. The friends you make here in the NOR branch of NeverWinter will be with you as we explore future games together. *We are currently active in DDo, Rift, swToR & Gw2.
No Dice Gaming
Guild Leader: MyLittlePwny
Guild Contact: Mylitt1epwny
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: 30+
Guild Size Goal: 500+
Guild Type: Hardcore PvP/PvE
Guild Peak Time Zones: CST and PST (GMT -6 and -8)
Description: Recruiting for PvE and PvP DICE is a tight nit guild of great players that enjoy all aspects of Neverwinter. We run all end game instances, and foundry missions. We run PvP when ever possible, and have PvP nights every week. With a strong foundation of leadership, and great members to back it up, DICE is going strong! We are looking for people to help bolster our ranks, and enjoy playing the game with us. DICE is a part of a larger gaming community, so VOIP (MUMBLE) is never dull. And there is a wide variety of games you can enjoy playing along with Neverwinter.
Nunquam Retro
Guild Leader: Anathera (th3MoD on the forums)
Guild Contact: here in the forum via PM or ingame
Guild Website: -
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes, firstly HUNGARIAN speaking players only, may change later on!
Current Guild Size: 3+
Guild Size Goal: 10-15+
Guild Type: A friendly Hungarian Guild, PVP - PVE focused
Guild Peak Time Zones: anytime gmt+1 - European Guild
Description: Nunquam Retro is a bunch of friendly Hungarian guys, who played together in a lot of other MMORPGS already. We are looking to further expand our ranks in Neverwinter with fellow Hungarians, so if you are interested in joining us, dont hesitate to contact me!
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
Guild Leader: Jaxel
Guild Contact: Jaxel, Brutall, Ace, Beatingu
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting:yes
Current Guild Size: about 10
Guild Size Goal:20-30
Guild Type: pve/end game
Guild Peak Time Zones:CST
Ventrilo server used
adult/mature guild
Order of the Dark Moon
Guild Leader: nodensntt (forum), @Tanthul (in-game)
Guild Contact: On-Site or in-game @Tanthul or @arsdem
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: Everyone that understands and agrees with our guild mentality!
Current Guild Size: 70-80
Guild Size Goal: Steady online presence in all Time Zones.
Guild Type: We want to enjoy every aspect of the game. Without limiting players on their playstyle.
Guild Peak Time Zones: GMT currently but we plan on Global presence.
Server: Beholder
Description: We're a guild with a very specific mindset. We want a friendly environment for enjoying everything the game has to offer. We have been around since the head start and we value helpful and mature players that share our philosophy. Please read this thread for further information:
Order of Jupiter
Guild Leader: Sto-mac
Guild Contact:@STO_Mac or @Dustmop
Guild Website:
Guild Motto:
Guild Currently Recruiting:Yes
Current Guild Size:48
Guild Size Goal: 300+
Guild Type: Casual, Cooperative,PvE Note: Raiding and PvP as we be available as we grow
Guild Peak Time Zones:We are a Multi-National Guild with members in both US and across Europe.
Description: "Order of Jupiter" is the new Home of Jupiter Force from Star Trek Online in Neverwinter We are now a Multi-Gaming Guild who have been around for over 4yrs and is still growing and We are looking for Neverwinter players who would like to grow with us as a Guild so if your 18 or older please feel free to check us out at "" we also have Teamspeak available to our membership. We are an active Guild with different game weekend events.
Order of the Raven
Guild Leader: Suaib Raventree (Scroll_Tro0L)
Guild Contact: Scroll_Tro0L
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes!
Current Guild Size: 20+
Guild Size Goal: 40 Active
Guild Type: Semi-Roleplay/PvP/PvE
Guild Peak Time Zones: -7/+1
Description: Order of the Raven is a semi-roleplay guild for the dynamic player. Though we look forward to immersing ourselves in the rich world of Neverwinter, we always prioritize the needs of the player behind the character. If you love meeting new people while being part of a tight-knit community, this is the guild for you!
Order of the Silver Dragons
Guild Leader: Bezza1985
Guild Contact: (pm) Bezza1985
Guild Website: (feel free to PM Bezza on our website)
Guild Currently Recruiting: Not yet in NWO
Current Guild Size: 25+ in NWO and 200+ accounts across multiple MMORPGs
Guild Size Goal: n/a
Guild Type: Casual to End-Game
Guild Peak Time Zones: Numerous active members in every timezone.
Description: The Order of the Silver Dragons (OSD) are a long-standing multi-wing gaming community that was founded in 2006, and exists well beyond any one game, being involved in many gaming environments. What makes the OSD unique is their ongoing commitment to mature interactions, their proud display of civility and concern, their desire for adventure and their healthy placement of value on individual effort and communications. They are known across many gaming servers for taking the high road when situations arise, and they pride themselves in the knowledge that they will always strive to help others.
Our NWO chapter is looking for interested like-minded people. Please check the following link for all you need to know to apply. All apps are formalized on our website.
Ordo Draconis
Guild Leader: Jhozam (for the moment, waiting for Zerkul/Ryumajin)
Guild Contact: start a new thread here or PM to jhozam, ragnharr
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: 5
Guild Size Goal: No
Guild Type: Italian Guild [PVE, PVP, RP]
Guild Peak Time Zones: UTC+1.00 [Rome]
Description: Italian Elite Guild. We were born in 2010 on DDO Cannith server. We intend to excel on Neverwinter Online servers, maintaining all the features that made us successful so far and tackling each new challenge, growling our motto: "Do it or die!". Anyone who points the End-Game will find, here among us, a family of true friends to share unforgettable moments in game, and to overcome any possible limit.
Ordo Obscuri Domini
Guild Leader: @voidkvlt
Guild Contact: @pejel; @erosennin92; @livzeronob; @falkon84, @hardwired1984
Guild Website:
Guild Motto: "Un ORDO al giorno leva i bimbiminkia di torno!"
Guild Currently Recruiting: yes
Current Guild Size: 148
Guild Size Goal: 150
Guild Type: PVE (mostly) and PVP
Guild Peak Time Zones: 18:00-24:00 UTC
Alliance: Legio Italica (Italian Alliance)
Description: Since 2013, we are an active and friendly guild where you can find everything for your best Neverwinter experience: dungeon runs and good pals to play with, easy-going environment, great guides and also more technical discussions. If you are an italian player and you want an all-around experience in one of the historical NW Guilds, ORDO is the BEST place for YOU!!!
-- P --
Path of the Elder
Guild Leader:Garudal
Guild Contact:Garudal on forumfree,matteo menza on skype Garudal on steam
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting:35
Current Guild Size:13
Guild Size Goal:35
Guild Type:Pve,PvP,RP,Foundry Content
Guild Peak Time Zones: Rome GMT+1:00
Description:The guild Path of the Elder is prepended in order to complete the endgame as quickly as possible and be competitive in all areas. But that having fun and not stressandoci also being a guild RP Soft oraganizeremo a lot of events!
-- Q --
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
The Raven's Mark
Guild Leader: Jeanna DravenBorne
Guild Contact: @jamesdraven#0523
Guild Website:
Guild Motto: TBD
Guild Currently Recruiting: YES
Current Guild Size: 51
Guild Size Goal: Full
Guild Type: Casual RPing, Family/Muture, crafting
Guild Peak Time Zones: US evening
Alliance: Neverember's Guard
Description: The Raven's Mark is a new guild, actively recruiting. GL 1. Made up mostly of new players, we have our share of Experienced players as well. We are an active group of Casual Role Players. We are currently in an alliance, as a sword guild... with all 3 gauntlet guild slots filled. The are other gauntlet guild slots available in the alliance.. However we eventually plan on our Officers opening their own guilds as swords in our own alliance that we would Helm.
We are currently trying to get more Barbarians and Wizards into the guild. We are also looking for people that would like to join an active crafting guild. -- JeAnna/James
Red Vanguard
Guild Leaders: @kaoyo66 @cancelledczech @jaraxelle
Guild Contact: @jaraxelle
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: yes. We keep our roster active.
Current Guild Size: 59/150 accounts - 132/500 characters
Guild Size Goal: 100 active accounts (we need room for visiting alliance members for use of our Treasure Hunter Boon)
Guild Type: Casually determined, Content to End Game
Guild Peak Time Zones: International guild / alliance
Description: Red Vanguard is a family friendly guild currently at GH17 with a spotlight on the Treasure Hunter Boon (Explorer Guild) for the alliance to maximize on material returns for Mastercrafting / professions. We are the 2nd guild in the Vanguard family. Many of our members are in Black Vanguard as well. This guild was created not only for boon options (character customization) but also to keep Stronghold habits alive and healthy after BV reached GH20. Great alliance. Come for the boons... stay for the people.
The Repeat-Offenders Network
Guild Leader: Faero Malikite, Ray Oathbringer, Freeblast, Donn Armorsmith, Areena Ashbringer, and Tudai Four
Guild Contact: @faeromalikite, @rayzer628 , @bjbrunt#4365, @alyoung#2899, @skd01, @rayzer8912
Guild Website:
Guild Motto: Community and Friendship
Guild Currently Recruiting: yes
Guild Current Size: Stronghold level 11
Guild Size Goal: Max it out at a casual pace
Guild Type: Casual, family friendly, social
Guild Peak Time Zones: EST, CST, PST, MST, international
Alliance: Noble Misfits
Description:The Repeat-Offenders Network a started in 2005 in the City of Heroes MMO and has a foot print in most major MMO's currently running. We have been in NW since beta and are a casual family friendly no drama Guild that looks more at helping people grow and have fun more than min/maxing the game. We have experienced players as well as a large Alliance to help new and experienced members get the most out of the game.
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
Scion of Unity
Guild Leader: Gronk Goldfinger
Guild Contact: @lrgold1969
Guild Website:
Guild Motto:Respect and fun
Guild Currently Recruiting: yes, alliance as well
Current Guild Size:118 members rank 14
Guild Size Goal:150 members
Guild Type: Casual and fun English speaking
Guild Peak Time Zones:all
Alliance: Scion of Unity
She Looked LVL 18
Guild Leader: @erynlore
Guild Contact: @trgluestickz
Guild Website: NA/None
Guild Motto: We consider our guild semi-casual with the primary focus being on socializing and plain old fun. We happily help out our members when they need it and will answer any questions they have.
Guild Currently Recruiting:Anybody who can meet the following 3 requirements:
#1) You are required to have a mic and you must be willing to use discord fairly often. We will help you get onto our guild's discord channel. We will also help you get onto our alliance's discord channel.
#2) You are required to be at least 18 years old or older
#3) We have a casual interview requirement. You must talk on discord with at least 1 rank 5 or higher officer and/or guild leader before joining.
Current Guild Size: Small
Guild Size Goal: We would like to remain a small guild since its easier to get to know all of our members that way. We do however wish to get larger than we currently are.
Guild Type: We are primarily PVE. Most of our members are PVE only. I am our only member who is mainly PVP.
Guild Peak Time Zones: Most of our members come online between 2pm and 2am eastern US time. Our hot hours are between 5:00pm and 1:00am eastern US time.
Alliance: Vermilion alliance
Description: We are a small active primarily english speaking guild that runs mostly endgame content. Most of our members are knowledgeable veteran Neverwinter players but a few of us are newbies.
Silver Ravens
Guild Leader:Angel Rose@estasia1
Guild Contact:Angel Rose@estasia1
Guild Motto:Community, Love, Freindship and Helping
Guild Currently Recruiting:yes
Current Guild Size:135
Guild Size Goal:145
Guild Type:PVE
Guild Peak Time Zones:World Wide
Alliance:Silver Ravens
Description: We have been in NW since beta and are a casual friendly no drama Guild that looks more at helping people grow and have fun. We have experienced players as well as a large Alliance to help new and experienced members get the most out of the game. Our guild is like a very large family and the guilds in the alliance are our extended family. Come join us we welcome all!!!
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
Team Fencebane
Guild Leader: @kreatyve
Guild Contact: @roller300, @Earianta, @shiani1, @khurnak, @ancientuncle.
Guild Website: None at this time
Guild Motto: All adventure, no direction!
Guild Currently Recruiting: Active players who don't exploit
Current Guild Size: 148
Guild Type: Social, helping new players, dungeon runs
Guild Peak Time Zones: Evening EST
Description: Team Fencebane is the official guild of the Neverwinter Community Management team, but we accept all active players as long as they aren't exploiters or gold spammers. We are currently near capacity, but we will welcome new members when we have room!
The Forgotten Company
Guild Leader: Sydney Crosby, Swish, Grilka, Travok, Shadowbane
Guild Contact: Sydney Crosby - @theheroshield
Guild Website: [currently rebuilding; we have a Facebook Group page & Discord Channel]
Guild Motto: "The Most Interesting Guild"
Guild Currently Recruiting: Level 5; 18+; friendly & social-able players
Current Guild Size: 139 accounts
Guild Size Goal: Max.
Guild Type: Mostly PVE with nightly DF / BHEs and Friday night dungeon runs
Guild Peak Time Zones: 9:30 PM (CST) for the nightly Dragonflight
Alliance: The Corrupted Alliance
Description: "The Most Interesting" guild is all about fun and friendships. And battling dragons, of course! Come join, have fun, and you won't be forgotten!
The Social Alliance
Guild Leader: @thyrannoo
Guild Contact: @thyrannoo
Guild Website:
Guild Motto: Honor, honesty, humble, friends & family.
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: 70/150, GH 14.
Guild Size Goal: 140+
Guild Type: Casual grinders, serious in gaming where we need to be.
Guild Peak Time Zones: GMT+1 and EST/PST
Alliance: Proudly part of the Fabled alliance.
Description: SA's vision is to create a community of like-minded players where we can all feel at home. We've found this place within the Fabled alliance to ensure this feeling up to alliance level. We're all-inclusive and strive for no-drama in Guild and Alliance. Take a peek at the website if you think you've what it takes to be part of this awesome community.
The Wizards Orb
Guild Leader: Esqui son of Esqui
Guild Contact: @belgerose (You may also contact an one of the guild officers ex. Joram Longshadow).
Guild Website: We have and use discord.
Guild Motto: To travel along, and have some fun. Mostly serious advanced level players.
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: Medium and growing
Guild Type: Active RPG
Alliance: Black Vanguard
Tyrs Paladium
Guild Leader: Vorena
Guild Founder: AandretheGiant
Guild Contact: Vorena or AandretheGiant on the Neverwinter forum.
Guild Website:
Guild Motto: "Play Hard, Laugh Hard, and Win! Together."
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: 150
Guild Size Goal: 250
Guild Type: Casual, Adult, PvE focus, Foundry design, tight-knit.
Guild Peak Time Zones: 5pm-2am Eastern. We have a world wide presence however, so guildies will be on 24/7.
Alliance: The Neverwinter Fellowship Recruitment Thread, The Neverwinter Fellowship Forum
Description: We are a 30+ years of age and older (25 to 65 yrs is our current age range), no drama, no zerg guild, where everybody knows everyone. We are all about the camaraderie. We play to have fun, and lots of it. We allow you to play all your characters as YOU create them. Many in our guild have a PnP background. We are a patriotic guild that has been and still are home to many fine veterans who have served their country proud. If you exemplify a no drama, no zerg protocol, you'll make many friends in Tyrs. Guild drama rules strictly enforced.
We were the first established guild to organize and recruit in Neverwinter, one and a half years before official game launch, and we are still active, positive about Neverwinter and having a blast!
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
Guild Leader: Zordrac
Guild Contact: TS3: pw:nyxlos
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: Recruitingtool on Homepage
Current Guild Size:15
Guild Size Goal: +/- 20
Guild Type:semi-progress, PvE, PvP
Guild Peak Time Zones:GMT +1
Description: We are a German Guild. We love to entertain YOU
The UnNamed Company
Guild Leader: Ezreq "Bluddwolf" Blodvaerd
Guild Contact: Bluddworth
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: Open
Current Guild Size: 15+
Guild Size Goal: 60
Guild Type: PVE / PVP
Guild Peak Time Zones: USA EST (GMT -5)
Description: The UnNamed Company is a company of bandits, focused on the acquisition of wealth and influence. We are a multi-game guild, currently in: NWO, DDO and soon to be in Pathfinder Online. In NWO we will be most engaged in the User Generated Content and in PVE gameplay. Depending on the PVP system, we will delve into PVP shortly after launch.
Membership in the NWO chapter will automatically gain you access into all of our gaming guilds, if you choose to.
-- V --
Valindra's Deathgods
Guild Leader: Reem / Sir James Mortor Thrillshot / TagR6
Guild Contact: TagR6@tagersix
Guild Website:
Guild Motto: "Let us Unite to Dominate"
Guild Currently Recruiting:All races, classes and levels
Current Guild Size: 276
Guild Size Goal: Full Guild of active players
Guild Type: Casual Adult all types of content
Guild Peak Time Zones: International
Description: We are an active guild of friendly players, many are working on end content and many are working to get there, but we work together as a guild to help our members achieve their goals. "Let us Unite to Dominate". We like to set up timed guild runs for PvP and PvE content when we can and we have our own VOIP via Raidcall for communications
Valor Rising
Guild Leader: Starr Silara@tattooditgirl
Guild Contact: Starr Silara@tattooditgirl
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: 436
Guild Size Goal: Max
Guild Type: Prefer 16+ ages - PvE, PvP, RP, Raids, Dungeons, Skirmishes and More
Guild Peak Time Zones: Eastern Standard Time (US)
Description: We the council of Valor Rising are founded on the beliefs where you play at your pace with no elite attitude to worry about. Founded on helping others, teaching and sharing we will help the members of the Valor Rising community grow and pay it forward.
Wanderer's Alliance
Guild Leader: Multiple leaders
Guild Contact: Any leaders (@dalolorn works, but I'm not always ingame…)
Guild Website: N/A
Guild Motto: Don't cause trouble; just have fun and respect your peers
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes, and there's still 11 slots left in our alliance
Current Guild Size: 6 accounts, rank 1
Guild Size Goal: Wherever it goes
Guild Type: A casual, open-ended, family-friendly guild
Guild Peak Time Zones: EST, GMT
Alliance Leader: Wanderer's Alliance
Description: We're a small, recently formed English-speaking guild looking to make friends and support each other as we adventure across the Sword Coast. (Unfortunately, timezones make that a little difficult with the guild's current composition...)
Guild Leader: Altha
Guild Contact: Altha, Beazley Burrfoot
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: 12+
Guild Size Goal: 45-85
Guild Type: Casual to Daily Semi-Hardcore Players, Adult, PVE, Foundry
Guild Peak Time Zones: USA EST to PST zones
Description: Wanderlust is a guild dedicated to the casual, mature gamer, 18 and older. We are gamers who have time restraints, family, and real-life commitments, which are a priority with our community. Please visit us and make yourselves at home, see if we're a good fit for you, and we hope you join us for our great adventures!
Guild Leader: Zophie Winters
Guild Contact: Zophie Winters@AndyMC (In-Game/Gateway)
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: Always
Current Guild Size: Brand New
Guild Size Goal: As many as would like to join us!
Guild Type: Casual, Adult
Guild Peak Time Zones: Evening/Weekends
Description: Wasabiburn is a friendly casual guild and we're always welcoming members of any level to join us in our adventures! We are a gaming community that plays many games and have guilds in other MMOs such as WoW, TSW, GW2, and more. Feel free to join us at to join our community! Mature Audiences Only, Must Love Bacon.
Waste Management
Guild Leader: Tiz
Guild Contact: Best contact is through our website forums, or contact me directly through steam.
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: Always for new games and old!
Current Guild Size: 30+
Guild Size Goal:For neverwinter, we aim for 50-100+
Guild Type: Multi-Game community
Guild Peak Time Zones: several time zones, highest is 5pm-2am EST
Description: Keeping it short: check our site (, and learn about us there! We are a 21+ Multi-game community of friends that have been gaming together since 2004. Guild/Game events, challenges, and just plain fun are to be had! We are a very helpful group of gamers constantly looking to expand our member base of great gamers. If you are not a VoIP talker (we use ventrilo) then you will miss out on a lot of the guilds activities So using vent is a big help!
The Wild Hunt
Guild Leader: spectralhunt
Guild Contact: spectralhunt or website
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: 2
Guild Size Goal: around 20
Guild Type: Heavy/medium roleplay, casual
Guild Peak Time Zones: Primarily 8pm PST - 12am PST
Description: We are a good aligned late night roleplay guild posing as a typical adventurer's guild but secretly having other agendas. We plan on remaining small, focusing on roleplay but will not neglect playing the game. Also please excuse the website. It is working but still heavily under construction.
Winter is Coming
Guild Leader: skettap & pyromaniac
Guild Contact: in game either or
Guild Currently Recruiting: Everyone
Current Guild Size: small but building
Guild Size Goal: 500+
Guild Type:casual, light, heavy, hardcore, pvp, questing
Guild Peak Time Zones: pst
Description:We are taking everyone that is playing. In the long run we are hoping to have enough people that there is always groups going. We help all the newbies and anyone wanting it. just hit us up whenever u want!!!
-- X --
-- Y --
Yew Militia
Guild Leader: Nocturne
Guild Contact: Khealler (aka Keller outside the forums)
Guild Website:
Guild currently recruiting: Yes, join us and hang out in other games with us
Current Guild Size: Multi-Platform Roleplay Gaming Community, about 20+ interested
Guild Type: RP-PvP
Guild Warcry: "HUAH EM' MILITIA!!!!!" or "HUAH YEW!!!!!"
Guild Peak Time Zones: International, we hope to have people online 24/7
Description: 'Elcome to the Militia soldier. You've entered the realm of drunken spartan-like scotsmen, if that makes any sense. Having been born from the fires of UO in 2001 we are still here, still standing, still fightin' for our brothers in arms. With blood and iron, strength of will. HUAH EM' MILITIA!! Our guild name might be changed, for example Nemedian Legion fitted the lore of AoC way better. Our Milita core values remain unchanged.
-- Z --
Zinzerena's Zealotry
Guild Leader: Mordius
Guild Contact: Dreadshepard
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: 50
Guild Size Goal: 50-100 (40 dedicated members)
Guild Type: PvP, PvE, Medium RP, Raiding, Foundry Creativity
Guild Peak Time Zones: CST End-game 11pm - 3am
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
can you add us to H.
Guild Name: Hardcore Christian Gamers
Guild Leader: deathssickle
Guild Contact: skype message HCG.Neverwinter or
Guild Site : and
Guild Currently Recruiting : Any
Current Guild Size: 1-3
Guild Size Goal : 100-150
Guild Type : Fun and Mature
Guild Peak Timezones : EST -PDT
Im trying to round up some of the guys to get there official answer on if there in but we all have different schedules
Anyone still searching for guilds you can check out HCG Hardcore Christian Gamers.
NW FAQ | HCG NW Host Site
Anyone still searching for guilds you can check out HCG Hardcore Christian Gamers.
NW FAQ | HCG NW Host Site
Guild Leader: Thunderspanker
Guild Contact: Forum, STO
Guild Website: None yet
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: 3
Guild Size Goal: 100
Guild Type: Fun, Mature, possible role-play
Guild Peak Time Zones: Worldwide
Description: Galstaff Adventures would like to remember Gary Gygax, and his awesome contributions to the rpg genre. Greyhawk was some of our favorite good times as kids, and we would like to bring a little Greyhawk to Neverwinter..
Himmelville - Are you easily frightened?
Click Here
On one side of the mountain, there were bones...
Guild Leader: Velmorn
Guild Contact: Forum
Guild Website: None yet
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: Uncertain
Guild Size Goal: 100
Guild Type: Roleplay - mage-roleplay
Guild Peak Time Zones: Worldwide
We seek to create a wizard/sorcerer-community within the game: In character, this would be an independent order of wizards that seek to gain influence throughout the Sword Coast, locate and retrieve eldritch artifacts, and deal with rogue spellcasters. Oh, and they only share knowledge amongst themselves.
Feel free to post your guild details in this thread.... and I'll move them into it's rightful place in the directory. Thanks to all in advance for participating!
Best of luck to all!
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
Galstaff Adventures Neverwinter Quest Agency would like to remember Gary Gygax, and his awesome contributions to the rpg genre, especially the World of Greyhawk, because some things are legendary.
Our full service agency can help you with any of your medieval needs, including travel, gear, Camaraderie, victory in battle, the almighty power of the mountain dew, and the proper way to get drunk at a tavern. Titania is waiting!
Himmelville - Are you easily frightened?
Click Here
On one side of the mountain, there were bones...
But about us taking over the wor...oh wait that segment's for PM
Thank ya. Just hoping guild leaders really use it to their advantage. It should prove to be a great resource for those looking for a good guild home of like-minded players come game time!
LOL... Shhh!
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
Himmelville - Are you easily frightened?
Click Here
On one side of the mountain, there were bones...
just out of curiosity, what is your schedule? i posted an update, and so far it has gone unseen.
Himmelville - Are you easily frightened?
Click Here
On one side of the mountain, there were bones...
been quite busy. got it now, sorry for delay
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!