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List what you would like to see in this mmo



  • vashthedrunkvashthedrunk Member Posts: 45
    edited July 2012
    I want to see realistic movements and physics reletive to the FR world.

    I want to see belts, loops, sheaths, holsters, and realisticly sized quivers and arrows.

    I want to see abilities and feats closer related to pnp rules

    I want to see a game that's not WoW like

    I would like the option to turn off animation of sheathed weapons and helm

    I want to see clean and crisp animations and dx 11 features
  • slit518slit518 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I would like to see a Goliath race option.
  • hippyohippyo Member Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    AI control. Look at Neverwinter II, where a wizard could select memorized spells, set preferences on spellcasting, then summon the familiar and possess them. Then the wizard would go ahead and fight just like a henchman. I liked it a lot because it left me hands free to watch the scenery. Also, it occurs to me that it would get me around having to mash 1-2-3 in time with cd. I hated all versions of 4E as implemented on pc because of button mashing. Especially with the limitation of only 3 -5 odd memmed spells. Maybe a larger quickcast bar might console me with that tho.
  • utmostroflutmostrofl Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I would like to see them decide to do this before spellplague. 2nd ED > all
  • vashthedrunkvashthedrunk Member Posts: 45
    edited July 2012
    2nd E takes more talented DMing which is rare compared to the average DM

    What are you talking about before spellplague, this 4e setting is after spell plague
  • johnvandintherjohnvandinther Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    vindicon wrote: »
    The problem is that, no matter what, good items will eventually flood the market.

    Say, in week 1, there will be 10 epic swords in the market. Week 2, there will be 20. Week 3, 30, and so on. Eventually, there will be more epic swords than available weilders, to the point that there are infinite "+5 epic swords of doom" available for a very cheap price, and as a result there is no point on running instances and fighting bosses anymore.

    There needs to be a way to get all those items of the market via some system, either bound gear or some fairly excessive item wear/breaking. There simply is no other option...

    It's true. Bound items is critical to "special" loot. "normal" tradable loot works fine.
  • johnvandintherjohnvandinther Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Hmm... not quite what I was thinking of.

    Puzzles that require more than one person working in tandem in order solve/complete. The simplest example I can come up with to convey what type of team work I am thinking of would be: two people need to stand on a button in order to open a door.

    DDO had some puzzles that could be done by one person. They were complex enough to be awkward to explain how to solve in chat, for example "you turn the squares and line up the lines to the thing at the end" does not give away the answer to the puzzle. But the puzzles in DDO were short and lame.

    The kind of puzzle that would certainly be bad for an mmo would be like the puzzles in Skyrim. You can simply ask what order to put the 3 stones in and that would solve your puzzle.

    Does any other MMO have any puzzles as good as DDO?
  • johnvandintherjohnvandinther Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Things I would like to see include...

    More diverse and interesting traps than DDO

    Puzzles that require thinking things through, changing method of attack, or by working as a team.

    Dungeons that require more tactical focused team play

    A WIDE variety of skills and class options with multi-classing

    No grinding for gear plz. (I only want to go back to a dungeon because it's kewl, NOT because I didn't get the rare drop.)

    To be able to start veteran characters at the level I've attained already so I don't have to re-grind content just because I want to roll a wizard instead of a rogue.

    Hirelings so I can have a healbot

    To climb walls

    Fight underwater

    And risk of falling...but NO jumping puzzles (this ain't Tomb Raider)

    An Auction House with good search and filter capabilities
  • zagbertzagbert Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    The main things I'd like to see:

    1) A little more realism and less Monty Haulism than other computerized versions of DnD. I personally think that 1st-level characters should be busy working their way up from rusty daggers to fine steel longswords, not from +1 flaming longswords to +5 flaming vorpal longswords.

    2) A world where all the monsters don't go up a level every time you go up a level. I quit playing two other MMOs when I found myself at uber levels fighting ravens, rats, or orcs and getting my behind kicked. It defeats the purpose of going up levels.

    3) Meaningful dialogue choices that affect your character's fate.
  • vashthedrunkvashthedrunk Member Posts: 45
    edited July 2012
    I agree with post 250 that there needs to be a little more realism in sense. I also want meaningful dialogue that would change a character in good or bad way, how other npc's percieve your toon and other consequences.

    I would also like the option to turn off capes, head-gear, and also "weapon animations when not in use".

    Another thing I wish for is hardcore mode. Where area affect spells and abilities can damage and hurt allies, because it really just makes sense. Because, the weave doesn't care if your friendly or not. You get stuck in middle of a fireball with a Kobald boom you get slammed too.
  • adamantium1adamantium1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012

    Another thing I wish for is hardcore mode. Where area affect spells and abilities can damage and hurt allies, because it really just makes sense. Because, the weave doesn't care if your friendly or not. You get stuck in middle of a fireball with a Kobald boom you get slammed too.

    Hey thats cool as long as i can retaliate and cave in your skull with my axe....otherwise no.
  • vashthedrunkvashthedrunk Member Posts: 45
    edited July 2012
    Hey thats cool as long as i can retaliate and cave in your skull with my axe....otherwise no.

    Yes of course you should be able to do that! It was like that in PnP and both the NWN series and I find that to be realistic and very cool.
  • galahad01galahad01 Member Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Hello All,

    Ah... Yes, Puzzles. I really want to see NWO have puzzles, however if at all possible it should be noted befor entering the dungeon/area if it requires more than 2 people to complete. I'm a solo player so I would hate to go into a dungeon and be almost finished only to find out that I can't due to not having the right number a people in party to complete it.

    Puzzles should be a challange but not so much so that you would never think of it in a million years. Someone mentioned in an earlier post about the DDO puzzles, yeah some were pretty lame but then some were just off the wall that you would never ever think of it having to be solved that way.

    I have done quests in ddo that the first time in you get into several rooms with all these levers and valves and control panels, your just over-whelmed, and some being a one time use and it is possible to do something wrong and completely mess the quest completion up from the get go ( Without actually knowing it ), those aren't puzzles those are game breakers and no fun.

    Oh sure once you look up the walk through on a wiki it makes total sense, but how would someone know coming into a quest for the first time, that they have to run to room " A " and turn valve 2 then go to room 3 and flip switch 5 then run all the way to another room to flip a switch behind a secret panel that you have to be a rogue to find, to open the door down below, thats nuts.

    I want to have challanging puzzles but not impossible to figure out, and if you need an ability or certain class then it should be hinted at somehow without giving too much away.

    Cheers, Galahad

    " May The Wind be Always At Your Back "
  • gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Yes of course you should be able to do that! It was like that in PnP and both the NWN series and I find that to be realistic and very cool.

    no pvp at launch, so I don't think it is there.
    I just remembered one thing I want in this game:-

    Bard weapons. Like a big lute with which we can bash the heads - yes as an actual weapon.

  • fungus6fungus6 Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Free access to foundry by all players. To create stuff.

    The better your created adventures are received, the more
    adventure slots you get. or you can just buy extra ones.

    Full access to all mobs, area building materials ect. in foundry.
    If it is in game, a foundry author can use it.

    Material added to the foundry library on a regular basis.
  • iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I want to see his topic revived
    (and now it is.)

    I also want puzzle solving on the average difficulty level of DDO's traps and puzzles.

    And I want non-combat options in quests so D&D isn't synonymous with "kill everything."
  • gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I want to see his topic revived
    (and now it is.)

    I also want puzzle solving on the average difficulty level of DDO's traps and puzzles.

    And I want non-combat options in quests so D&D isn't synonymous with "kill everything."

    Agreed. It should be played like a true hero.

    Use stealth to open doors, spells to enhance combat, avoid smart and deadly traps, use traps against the enemy and name the character Maximus Minimus.

    EDIT: ok, the joke was saying NOT after the pause but can you really say no to it? ...
  • jayraiderjayraider Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    1: If there is going to be a crafting system would like to see craftable Items that are equal too or better than what can be found. (crafting becomes useless when found items are so much better than crafted) If this means that the most powerful items have to be "Bound" to the creator then that would be fine with me, though others may not like that. higher level crafting should also be time consuming and/or difficult.( whether this means lots of Materials or it takes 30 min to an hour of crafting time or an xp cost as in D&D it should make people have to earn what they make)
    2: I would like to see traps, not only dis-armable traps but ones where you have to think to circumvent them.
    3: Secret doors that have to be Actively searched for. (some races have bonus' for this type of thing but some should have ot still be searched out actively)
    4: multi-Classing
    Active leveling I have put these two together because I want to see people as varied as all the differant characters I've seen played in PnP games for the last 30 years. being able to make your character your own is one of the things that make everyone love D&D. being able to place your stat points in progression rather than be a cookie cutter character makes it more valuable to you.

    I have also seen a lot of other things in the forums that are excellent suggestions especially those on dragons being brought bakc to being truly feared monsters not only for their brute streangth but for their intellect
    I'm very excited about this Game!!!!
  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited September 2012
    jayraider wrote: »
    1: If there is going to be a crafting system would like to see craftable Items that are equal too or better than what can be found. (crafting becomes useless when found items are so much better than crafted) If this means that the most powerful items have to be "Bound" to the creator then that would be fine with me, though others may not like that. higher level crafting should also be time consuming and/or difficult.( whether this means lots of Materials or it takes 30 min to an hour of crafting time or an xp cost as in D&D it should make people have to earn what they make)

    I'd like to emphasize my agreement with this statement and opinion. After reading this I am once again left remembering the feeling of elation and gratitude when I was gifted my first Valorite Full Plate Suit in Ultima Online. It was crafted by a friend in the game who was, at the time, one of the few Grandmaster Blacksmiths on the server. Equal was the feeling of loss and learning as I was then later assassinated whilst care-freely shopping the player vendor shops out in the woods, in my shiny blue armor.

    Luckily, my dear friend heard of my plight and forged me a new set, which I then kept safe for a couple years. The worst part about this is that set would now be worthless compared to normal monster loot drops. I feel the best gear in the game should be magical gear crafted by players and then enchanted by the arcane or divine hand.

    Such gear should be able to be the best that there is, or at least equal to the best that can be obtained through loot drops and mission rewards. I love crafting and I have enjoyed crafting in almost every game that has it. My favorite system would have been UO's original concept, which is quite similar to how I imagine crafting in PnP D&D as well.
  • aeroth001aeroth001 Member Posts: 420 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2012
    I wanna see as much D&D as possible !
  • ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited September 2012
    jayraider wrote: »
    1: If there is going to be a crafting system would like to see craftable Items that are equal too or better than what can be found. (crafting becomes useless when found items are so much better than crafted) If this means that the most powerful items have to be "Bound" to the creator then that would be fine with me, though others may not like that. higher level crafting should also be time consuming and/or difficult.( whether this means lots of Materials or it takes 30 min to an hour of crafting time or an xp cost as in D&D it should make people have to earn what they make)

    I absolutely agree as well but there's a flip side to this system as well.
    If the best gear you'll ever find is from player crafters what is the incentive to continue to look for loot?

    There's a balance which needs to be found. Personally I am in favor of an improving system. That is, I find a vampiric sword which can't be crafted. Amazing however it's got a lowish magical bonus and could be improved in other ways. I therefore aquire some materials and improve the magical bonus as well as making it keen and bonus damage.

    It doesn't have to be those exact features but I feel like crafting should compliment item drops rather than over-rule them. There has to be a point to both loot drops and crafted items which just doesn't happen if one is simply better than the other.
  • tagari84tagari84 Member Posts: 36
    edited September 2012
    Since we will be given the Foundry toolset, I would like it to be possible to create interesting encounters/boss fights and not only tank and spank fights. I am not talking about very complicated fights, I mean things like "stand here", "move to avoid damage", "pull boss or ads here", "kill this enemy asap", etc...
  • alsarothalsaroth Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Beautiful, atmospheric music that send shivers down your spine!

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWuNf4gxwuM (The word "epic" is thrown aroudn a lot theese days, but here I say it's justified.)
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aX4sg2fHvGk (All that ever played trough the Baldur's Gate series know what I mean. Most other probably doesn't. Hope the Overhaul for BG1 really is released in november.)
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEqDtbC3bL8 (This one made me re-install the game again.)

    Epic music marks the gamers soul...

    HAve not found one game that can sompare to BG2 yet. Have you?
    "A rare display of intelligence, undoubtedly fleeting." - Edwin Odesseiron
  • aklejaakleja Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    No hin?
    Thats just wrong...neverwinter without hin...
    Thats what I wanna see.
  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited September 2012
    alsaroth wrote: »
    HAve not found one game that can sompare to BG2 yet. Have you?

    The Game of Thrones intro video and music beats anything to date, in my opinion. I love watching that intro, almost as much as I love the show.

    Oh, wrong "Game?"

    *the mage whimpers, pulls out a little silvery rectangle with a glass cover and starts pressing his fingers all over it, while mumbling something about a "hashtag" and the phrase, "BringOnWinter" - He then looks up at all the townsfolk eyeing him and making superstitious gestures*

    "What?" He responds to the crowd, "Just because I am a mage, that means I have to live in the dark ages?"
  • iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    akleja wrote: »
    No hin?
    Thats just wrong...neverwinter without hin...
    Thats what I wanna see.

    As in the monks or the item Gloves of the Hin Fist?
  • aklejaakleja Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    As in the monks or the item Gloves of the Hin Fist?

    As in Halflings...
  • deathssickledeathssickle Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Right now just more of the races and classes from DnD 4.0 PH1
    I am usually Deaths Crowbar.

    Anyone still searching for guilds you can check out HCG Hardcore Christian Gamers.
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  • gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    akleja wrote: »
    As in Halflings...

    There are "hins" - didn't you read FAQ? There was an interesting dialogue back then with Qumi and truth...

    p.s. @truth I posted that wallpaper, it holds true doesn't it?
  • aklejaakleja Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    gillrmn wrote: »
    There are "hins" - didn't you read FAQ? There was an interesting dialogue back then with Qumi and truth...

    p.s. @truth I posted that wallpaper, it holds true doesn't it?

    There are hins as a playable race?
This discussion has been closed.