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Poll: PvE vs PvP vs Foundry --> Where will you spend your time?



  • iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    My write in is 75 PvE and 25 PvP. More PvP if they implement some sort of a multii-group PvP setup like it was done in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire where we're all after some "treasure" and we can do anything in our group to win against the other groups, and this isn't simply an arena free-for all or one side vs another side big battle thing.

    Having the Foundry make customized PvP quest options also would help, but not sure if that means a quest must be PvP or not (such as a part of the Foundry mission and not a solely PvP quest with its own PvP unique map, etc.) If it's a PvP only option, I love it! It it integrates PvP into a PvE mission, it better be optional though! And besides Delves, what end game content is there to PvP doesn't become "mandatory" for people who have played all missions and maxed out their levels, besides foundry missions? Having PvE options as dynamic and daily as PvP keeps the options ongoing, especially since it will take a while for there to be Foundry missions (and if they work as re-playable is another question.)

    Now on to the replies.

    gillrmn wrote: »
    it was legit, I recently posted the link too. Its in athene interview near to start. Andy says 'PvP is more of an end game content thing, while we are still deciding to just keep it restricted in arenas or...'
    Forgot the time but its near to start.

    EDIT: recently I started to feel like a walking wikipedia of neverwinter game ... oh well! time to select "Today's featured article" ...
    vangald wrote: »
    I wonder if that means that that is how it is in their development version, if that is what it will be like during its release and if that is how it will be during release I wonder what exactly he means by the keep it restricted or arena or...

    I am not fond of the idea of waiting till end game to do PVP, but I can live with it and I can understand that from a game balance POV. It is hard to keep leveling systems balanced for that type of gameplay without enabling handicaps or buffs temporarily. Though some games have used that very imbalance to sell content (Battlefield Heroes and yes I realize I am referencing another shooter lol).

    A reminder:

    Cryptic stated one of the reasons the game was delayed until 2013 was to include PvP into its release. I listed the PR info and other links in my FAQ if you wanted to see that.
    Interesting! I wonder... would any of these opinions change if the Foundry allowed for PVP map creation?

    I'm not a big PVPer myself, but all of my best pvp memories come from games where everyone didn't have the map layout already engraved in their memories. If there was a large library of pvp maps available, that would definitely entice me to do more than just "dabble" in pvp.

    Yes, but see my first reply where I wonder if that makes it a foundry PvP mandatory quest or an option in the entiure quest itself? Assuming we're talking PvP only quests, I fully support this random map thing!
    Rift is a PvP game even on PvE servers. Above a certain level quest hubs are in "Contested" zones. In these contested zones players from the opposite faction can kill your quest NPCs and take over quest hubs, the only way to drive them out is to PvP flag yourself and kill them. The game encourages this by rewarding those attacking quest hubs and wardstones.

    Trions current party line of not forcing you to PvP is extremely misleading, at best. Technically, you do not have to PvP, but PvPers can shut down your PvE experience.

    Ah, now that I don't mind at all :-)

    I insist on keeping it separate because I detest the problems Andre described playing Rift.
    I've seen too many games try to promote PvP in their game by putting high end rewards in PvP areas. I can't stand that because the only result is making an already noticeable community division line that much clearer.

    Be proud of your PvP kills...but only if they're on PvPers. I don't want any dragons dropping +10 Vorpal Greatswords of Doom tempting me into PvP areas that I want no part of. If I'm PvEing I want absolutely no risk of a PvPer coming up and ruining my day.

    Keep the peace, keep them separate.
    NWN and WoW are two very good examples of PvP systems I hated ^-^
    As for Rift I never played it but from what Andre said it sounds like an example of a good PvP game with bad PvE system sort of like Guild Wars.

    However I guess I was a bit too vague in my original comment, while some may have liked PvP in certain games *I HAVE NEVER* enjoyed PvP in any game that wasn't directly a PvP game.

    Honestly not worth suggesting anything although I do appreciate the sincerity in the attempts. My opinion is my own and while you're free to disagree I am merely expressing my own opinion which is not likely to ever change.

    If I didn't state that I don't want anything to do with PvP, and I know others feel the same way, then the only opinion they'd get would result in a game such as Rift which allows PvPers to disturb the enjoyment of PvE Gamers.

    My request is that they respect the fact this is a PvE game. Any PvP should be so far removed I don't have to even know it exists unless I want to know it exists.

    A decent enough compromise?
    kronarchy wrote: »
    this post is as misleading as you accuse Trion of being.

    when you lose your quest hub in rift, 99 times out of 100 its not PvPers, but its PvE invasions on such a scale that you have no hope of taking it on solo. the only way to drive it off is to team up with others and kill them. the game encourages this by rewarding those who participate in defeating invasions.

    and atleast half of those rare times when enemy faction players have taken over your hub, they've done so by clearing out the PvE invaders that were there first. they didnt come there to PvP. they came there to reap the rewards of PvE.

    this is actually one of the other things i like about rift. the PvE doesn't just sit there waiting for you to come kill it. it comes looking for you.

    Never played RIFT, so can't comment on the PvP. What needs to be remembered, is the items that work well in PvE can overwhelm or unbalance things in PvP, especially when dealing with a 4E every class is balanced for as PvE role kind of thing. Please remember this when working on PvP and even consider having two different configurations with items: one for PvE and one for PvP if it comes down to balance and the items are an issue.
  • raelishraelish Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    ill be in the number 4 category if the pvp is done well, but if theres a serious lack of content after about 6 months ill prolly move onto another game, ive yet to find a game with pvp intrigueing enough to keep me around for long with no pve to complete.
  • razorrxgdbrazorrxgdb Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    100% pve here. I did some pvp in swtor because my beta group was on a pvp server for a long time.
  • goldenlion619goldenlion619 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    50/50 for me , although GW2 covers all my pvp needs in a game, I wouldn't mind it in Neverwinter, custom pvp maps from the foundry sounds cool. Pve'rs deserve their peace of mind while Pvp'ers can rage all they want at each other and I think pvp and pve should have their own place in the game like it is in GW2.

    Oddly the best D&D experience I had online was on a Neverwinter 1 pw server called City of Arabel. It was a full pvp and full loot drop enabled server that had some of the best and most outstanding role-playing I ever seen in a online game. Everyone role-played on it and if fights happen there had to good role-playing reasons why your characters are fighting. There where hero players and villain players and many great stories come from it. The smaller player base was well manage by the DM's and griefers got the boot but not really possible to do on a larger scale.
  • tavargtavarg Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Option 1, 100% PvE.

    A game designed for PvP can have great PvP that is truly enjoyable.

    But games which are built to be PvE have never, in my experience, presented an enjoyable PvP experience. The amount of PvP I do in PvE games is so minute I wouldn't even consider it dabbling...I basically do it to see if I enjoy it and find out I hate it. I might spend some time doing PvP with friends but the only part that is enjoyable is the being with friends.

    I agree, the most fun is spending time with online friends. I have played some very well made MMOs but have not liked them because of lack of friend base and community that was anti community and I have played some just alright MMOs and loved them because of friends.

    70 PVE / 30 PVP as for myself bc I love to pit myself against something that learns rather than something that does X when Y happens and counters with Z
  • aeroth001aeroth001 Member Posts: 420 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2012
    2. PVP ftw
  • surf13surf13 Member Posts: 561 Arc User
    edited September 2012
  • muzrub333muzrub333 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I generally avoid PvP, but if it is an active part of the game world, and supported by lore, then I will dabble. I don't really get into arena/mini game/capture the flag PvP however. If I am forced to do it, I prefer FFA with full loot options. I don't have much use for it, but that doesn't mean I don't know how to do it.

    So, #1 or #4
  • ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited September 2012
    Never played RIFT, so can't comment on the PvP. What needs to be remembered, is the items that work well in PvE can overwhelm or unbalance things in PvP, especially when dealing with a 4E every class is balanced for as PvE role kind of thing. Please remember this when working on PvP and even consider having two different configurations with items: one for PvE and one for PvP if it comes down to balance and the items are an issue.[/QUOTE]

    That system has been used in other games that I have played and it has worked well in my opinion. Whether the items have limited powers or are simply not permitted to be used in PvP areas at all the games' PvP content has been more or less better for wear compared to allowing players to use items designed to kill creature's 50x player's max levels against players.

    raelish wrote: »
    ill be in the number 4 category if the pvp is done well, but if theres a serious lack of content after about 6 months ill prolly move onto another game, ive yet to find a game with pvp intrigueing enough to keep me around for long with no pve to complete.

    The difference between other games and neverwinter is that Neverwinter has The Foundry to give new content to play (hopefully for both PvP and PvE) ;-)
  • bardbarianbardbarian Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    100% PvE for me. I *might* try PvP once just to see how it works, but I doubt I'll do much at all. My characters tend to be more group-oriented and suck in PvP.
  • jedidethfreak823jedidethfreak823 Member Posts: 223 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Unless Cryptic enlists a fully-equal playing field for PvP ala Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2, without any sort of gear power creep that can be accessed from day one by a level 1 character - and avoids adding a crapton of gear to spam the battlefield with pets - I will avoid PvP in this game like the plague.

    The imbalance and pet spam destroyed all forms of PvP in CO and STO, and they never bothered to fix any of it.
  • tets123tets123 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    pretty much PVE all the way here never really been one one for PVP
  • subway7850subway7850 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    4 here b:pleased
  • agapaagapa Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    #4 probably.
  • mewbreymewbrey Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 517 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2012
    Number 1, if pve entails the foundry too.
    ~*~ Foundry missions: Stronghold Branax : Goblin menace : Forwyn crypts ~*~
  • muzrub333muzrub333 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    100% PvE.

    When I saw PvP was even being considered, a almost scratched NW off my "to watch" list. I'll wait to see how it is implemented, but if the game is balanced in anyway for PvP, or if there is any tangible benefit/penalty for choosing to/not to PvP, it won't even be worth downloading. Balance ruins PvE games, even one developed around the overly balanced 4e ruleset.

    Maybe I am wrong; but the dead, and dying PvP centric MMO's littering the marketplace tells me that PvP is a waste of time in MMO's. Or maybe it is more a reflection on the fickle nature of those who choose PvP in MMO's. Maybe if they actually stayed with a game...oh I'm dreaming here...

    Yeah I am pretty unabashed, and absolutely unapologetic in my loathing of the average PvP player; 13 years of watching potentially great games go down the toilet in name the of PvP...blech.
  • vangaldvangald Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 325 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2012
    Or maybe it has something to do with most MMO's till recent were based on queueing up a list of attacks and that is horribly unsatisfying for what most people want in pvp. Action based combat is the way to go for PVP. I just can't see a queued list of attacks plus autotarget being and enjoyable experience in a player vs player game.
  • muzrub333muzrub333 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    vangald wrote: »
    Or maybe it has something to do with most MMO's till recent were based on queueing up a list of attacks and that is horribly unsatisfying for what most people want in pvp. Action based combat is the way to go for PVP. I just can't see a queued list of attacks plus autotarget being and enjoyable experience in a player vs player game.

    Very good points, and I agree. The current, (predominant) mechanics in MMO's simply don't support PvP...which is why it doesn't work, which is why PvP players are so vocal, which is why investors pressure devs to "fix" games...it's a vicious cycle. Believe me, NO ONE want's the PvP players to get a quality game to play more than me.
  • vangaldvangald Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 325 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2012
    I think the combat here may very well accommodate both sets well though. The big issue is items. And to be honest the best way to solve that is don't make items with MASSIVE bonuses otherwise you will have big issues with power creep no matter if we are talking PVE or PVP.
  • muzrub333muzrub333 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I see the potential with the combat in this game, for a bit more skill based PvP, but, you still have class balance, which is the real thing that kills PvE. Balance is the purest form of MMO evil. It's the Skeletor of MMORPG's.

    Like I said, I hate PvP, but, I am holding off judgement for NW, exactly due to things like the play style. As long as I can go through my game life, never have to PvP once, and not be denied items, dungeons, or anything else, and if they don't ruin balance...then I guess I have no complaints.
  • aeroth001aeroth001 Member Posts: 420 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2012
    1 and\or 4

    PvP it is good, especially if through duels. PvE it is basis of game and continuation of genre that shows by itself the main attribute of game. Lately PvP became anymore a problem what by good addition. PvP as addition(only duels and special of territory) will relieve a game, otherwise it is a burden from for dishonourable players. If however there will be PvP, enter adequate punishments for serious misconducts(murder of low-level player and other cases). Otherwise a game quickly will grow into low-grade and monopolistic(the first unconscientious players will strongly undermine a desire to play to many novices).

    I think you are being too lawfull good and ruining the roleplay !
    If i wanna attack low lvl noobs then it should be MY CHOICE !!!

    If i wanna play chaotic evil and attack all players in sight ? why should I be stoped ? It's D&D things like this happen !
  • deathssickledeathssickle Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Im doing both but probably mostly pve
    I am usually Deaths Crowbar.

    Anyone still searching for guilds you can check out HCG Hardcore Christian Gamers.
    NW FAQ | HCG NW Host Site
  • muzrub333muzrub333 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    aeroth001 wrote: »
    I think you are being too lawfull good and ruining the roleplay !
    If i wanna attack low lvl noobs then it should be MY CHOICE !!!

    If i wanna play chaotic evil and attack all players in sight ? why should I be stoped ? It's D&D things like this happen !

    Normally I'd say play on an RP/PvP server, but Cryptics server structure is different, we'll all be sharing a home.

    I always love the RPing an evil character argument when used to justify ruining others peoples gaming. LOL Another Veruca Salt.

    Unless of course your just roleplaying now, in which case I need a sandwich.
  • vangaldvangald Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 325 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2012
    aeroth001 wrote: »
    I think you are being too lawfull good and ruining the roleplay !
    If i wanna attack low lvl noobs then it should be MY CHOICE !!!

    If i wanna play chaotic evil and attack all players in sight ? why should I be stoped ? It's D&D things like this happen !

    Well actually this brings up an interesting point. Have any of you played Battlefield Heros? It is a cartooning version of the Battlefield series. It has leveling. The worst part about that is that most servers tend to have a 10 level game or more set. Meaning that players say 1-10 will be on the same server. The issue is there is a pretty big gap in stopping power between 1 and 10. However, this encourages buying items from the in game shop in order to get some sort of foot hold that keeps the experience from being overly frustrating (usually in the form of explosives, vehicle repair items or health items). Now if that level gap were lowered to say a 5 level difference then things would be so bad. People can compensate a bit better.

    That said it makes me wonder how that would work in this game. Do you use that same model in order to increase the likelihood of items being bought from the item shop or do you keep the field more even.
  • catburger003catburger003 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    PvE, because most free to play mmorpg tend to be a pay to win.
    I want to HAMSTER in Neverwinter, whenever I want, for as long as I want.
  • lonewolf0074lonewolf0074 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    80-100% PvE/0-20% PvP - it will depend on how PvP is setup and who is playing. The overall PvP experience is based on interactions with other players. The users will make or break it.
  • valkaerixvalkaerix Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Option 1, but maybe a tiny bit of PvP
  • poofs1poofs1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 3
    edited April 2013
    Mostly PvE, But in other MMOs I played I spend a lot of time running war-zones/battlegrounds. But when I want to PvE I don't wish to be messed with by gank squads or bored high lvls.
  • unblessedhandunblessedhand Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 51
    edited April 2013
    I'm going to go with option 4. PvE is where I'll be most of the time, though I will probably dabble in PvP occasionally. I prefer cooperative gameplay.
  • thunderspankerthunderspanker Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 713 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2013
    I will go with option ummm.. ummm. it isnt there. lol.. the foundry option.
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