Roll Call of DDO players here. I used to play Champions/DDO/Age of Conan. Who's coming over here or thinking about coming over from the older DnD game?
This game just feels,looks,acts like DDO2. I just saw the rogue game play from the pax video and I thought they were playing DDO for a second,just far more speedier/arcade street fighteresque combat and better graphics. The cities to wilderness areas are far more tangible,you can actually walk into every building in the sprawling megapolis of never winter supposedly.
Its going to be hard to choose though because I've got my guild @ Lev 79 currently and so much time and TP invested, this game though just feels better not from just a technical standpoint from a game that's 7 years newer but FR which brings back my nostalgic tabletop days ,I still got the FR boxed set from my old school days.
DDO - Cannith.
I love that game but Im soooo bored lately. Even tho I bought expansion. Made it all with fvs in a wee k (besides raid ofc - its closed ). and well.... Im bored again. Even tho the new expansion is big and really amazing
Guess I would just like to play sth else for while. Because DDO non-stop for 2 years is making DDO not so fun anymore.
ddo is nice because it uses d&d universe but as a game it lacks pvp and i don't like the small class selection.
best d&d games were the baldur's gate series, icewind dale series and nwn series. ddo is ages behind these games
I'm going to pipe in here. I agree, those games were awesome! I love them all too, and played them to death. But DDO is not ages behind them; it's an entirely different game. MMO's are not the same as single player games, or even co-op games. DDO's action combat engine was by far the most exciting I've used. Because of that, I'm really looking forward to how NWO combat will work. DDO's combat engine is/was leaps ahead of the pack as far as I'm concerned. In fact, while there are many things I don't appreciate about DDO, most of them are based on the Eberon setting or the whole encapsulated world where you can't just go outside and explore. Oh, and the character toons look silly. But I'd never say it's ages behind. So many things are, or were at the time of launch, years ahead of other MMO games.
Now, like others, I'm getting bored of it as well and looking for something new. I'm just not convinced MotU is going to be what I'm looking for. Bring on NWO!
My sentiments exactly, word to word
Except that "character toons look silly" - only the new half-elves.
(And also, min-max environment of DDO which I never really liked, but with friends it doesn't matter.)
EDIT: Also, DDO is like what, 6-7 years old? This makes the server ancient, and people still play it(though not me any longer).
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
edited July 2012
Well met from the Kyhber server.
While I rarely play more than once in a blue moon anymore, due to my abhorrence of the Eberron campaign settings and the pay to win mentality the game has become, I do hop back on from time to time to try and quell my insatiable appetite for a D&D MMO.
I had played since the beta phases, I was originally a Paladin named Zebular of Mystra, then later became Zebular after server merges and now, when I do play, I play my female drow ranger named "Eshlara Moonshade" of the "Rangers of the Realms." The original Zebular has since been deleted and re-rolled, I just have never leveld him beyond 4 this time around and Elshlara is only at level 8. I have a slew of other level 4 characters as well as a total of 3 accounts.
Eshlara was named after a Deity of my own creation during a God-war the players in my Campaign Setting ignited. The goddesses Elistrasee and Sharess (a.k.a. Bastet), in an attempt to form an alliance against Shar, combined much of their power to form an offspring deity named "Eshliarestrasee," who became the goddess of Space and Darkness, with black-holes as her symbol and identifier. Needless to say, her and Shar are the ones at constant odds now, which is just what Elistrasee and Sharess wanted, to take Shar's attention away from them.
When one of my players attained God-hood, before he retired his character, his character mated with Eshliarestrasee and produced a goddess named Eshlara, a drow demi-goddess of outcasts and misfits. That player now plays a mortal grandson of his former character that attained God-hood.
DDO player since 2007.
DDO is a pretty good online simulation of Dungeons and Dragons, especially in the lower levels.
One of my favorite things about DDO is the ability to multi-class.
I also played Guildwars, Asheron's Call, Ultima Online, and Everquest.
I Played the hell out of Neverwinter Nights.
The only thing I've seen about Neverwinter Online are the videos. The videos look more like Guildwars II than Neverwinter Nights.
But I'll definitely give it a shot. The idea of a more action oriented RPG is very appealing to me. However, to keep my interest it will have to have more of the d20/NWN feel than what it looks like it has from the videos. Well, unless the action is beyond mind warping.
I'd really like to play a great D&D MMO. There are enough great "not D&D" MMO's.
I start playing DDO, after several years of rage quitting over simple mechanics that seem to have gotten fixed since than. I am on khyber as well. If someone has a guild to gather in, we could have active discussions there. It wouldnt be the first time, a guild was formed just bide time for a game. TOC seems dead again.
"..putting a gnome on the barbie later, you coming?"
I started playing D&D tabletop. Then went to Rolemaster tabletop. Which ironically got me into EQ. I played that for several years. Then I played WOW for a couple of years. Then there was everything from Age of Conan, Champions, Warhammer, DDO. I tried a couple of the F2P. Most weren't for me. I currently am playing SWTOR. And I'm looking for a new MMO as legacy stuff to level your alts can only keep you playing for so long.
Currently Archeage, EverQuest Next, The Elder Scrolls Online, GW2 and Neverwinter have my interest.
When I saw the videos of this game I was very excited. DDO did a great job in bringing back some of that D&D feel. Though the lack of a real game world and doing the same instances over and over again was inevitably too boring for me. Which led me to leaving.
From the few videos I have seen Neverwinter is looking pretty solid. Even though they are cartoonish they seem a world better than DDO's graphics. Though I hope this game keeps that DDO feel. You know traps, secret doors, etc. You know Clerics, Rogues and Paladins feel like D&D.
I'm pretty happy with the "control wizard" reminds me very much of the EQ enchanter. Which was an awesome class. CC and Wizard might just be a step up.
I'm excited this game will be in the FR setting. The one thing that bothers me though, is will this game just be in, under, in dungeons around Neverwinter or will it actually have a game world like most MMO's and D&D games?
Let me make a wild guess... you were a fighter and simple mechanics refers to AC?
IIRC DDO, ranged combat was completely broken up till 2011, when the Artificer class gave Turbine an incentive to fix it. You could point a bow at something and shoot for ages, but the game doesn't even bother rolling for attack. That made me ragequit within 2 days of playing, back in 2011.
Tried again earlier this year 2012 as a melee character and realized ranged combat wasn't the only problem. For a game so focused on Super Mario-style jumping puzzles and dodging, movement in general was awfully laggy. Sometimes I would tap space and the character freezes on the ground for a split second before teleporting into the air clean over the tiny platform I was aiming for and right into a spike pit. Other times I would run right past a trap, then die a second later when it goes off behind me.
Subscribed for a month to see what the higher level content was like. The general feeling I got was that Turbine seemed to be catering almost exclusively towards veteran players. Past level 9 I don't think I've ever seen an LFG that wasn't for elite. Past level 15 I felt like I was the only first lifer at that level on the server (Khyber). Everyone else in the party had the pretty TR symbols around their name. I kept running into the same faces too. Felt like I was playing a cosy little private server rather than a professionally run MMO.
When got my first level 20 I cancelled with about 2 days left on the sub and a really bad aftertaste of Turbine. So um yeah, technically an ex-DDO player, although I probably clocked less than 2 months on the game in total. I have more faith in Cryptic though. CO is still pretty fun today, considering its age and limited budget.
IIRC DDO, ranged combat was completely broken up till 2011, when the Artificer class gave Turbine an incentive to fix it. ...
Yeah it was quite broken in a lot of ways. But arcane archer was quite nice before artificial were introduced, (only at high level though) abut even they too had to melee a lot.
But its always better to post for a group as leader yourself than to join others. It is true though that the elite mentality of old players in any game is very annoying. They forget when they first started playing (unless they read someone's else walk-through before playing and spoiling their game).
But in any game, PUG(pick up groups) are usually always bad (unless the game is new). So you have to add good players in your friends list, have patience and over time it turns out to be ok. :-)
I hope this elite mentality doesn't destroy the harmony of NW community too, but that is something which is of a concern after quite some time of game release.
You can also use forums to find people who play similar to your style. Just explain in the post which kind of groups you want. They are usually classified as:-
Static group - One group is made and they always play together, and only together.
Semi-static group - A pool of players (e.g. 20 or 30) is formed and they create a story together and usually play together, but they level up together.
zerg - (Competition to kill quickest)
Byoh - bring your own healing (meaning everybody kind of solos except very hard stuff)
flower sniffer - (Check every line, object in quest including all items, even useless ones)
together or never - (Staying together to make sure everyone is good, teaching those who dont know)
I am eeleete - One person runs off and asks you to only heal/buff etc. him and not to do anything else("Only I will play coz everyone else is n00b" kind of comment in chat)
I am real eeleete - Real elite player lets you pike while he/she completes quest himself
Stick or die - (Unless you match your speed with general speed of group, you are on your own)
Nerfed - You play with nerfed character for challenge (usually static group)
Fake PermaD - If you die, you can't join group again or res
True PermaD - If you die, and if you res your char, you get banned from a particular guild
Yeah it was quite broken in a lot of ways. But arcane archer was quite nice before artificial were introduced, (only at high level though) abut even they too had to melee a lot.
But its always better to post for a group as leader yourself than to join others. It is true though that the elite mentality of old players in any game is very annoying. They forget when they first started playing (unless they read someone's else walk-through before playing and spoiling their game).
But in any game, PUG(pick up groups) are usually always bad (unless the game is new). So you have to add good players in your friends list, have patience and over time it turns out to be ok. :-)
I hope this elite mentality doesn't destroy the harmony of NW community too, but that is something which is of a concern after quite some time of game release.
You can also use forums to find people who play similar to your style. Just explain in the post which kind of groups you want. They are usually classified as:-
I think I was lucky on DDO - I didn't get many fail PUGs for the premium content, and I think I only ran into 1 jerk. Most of the players were pretty nice. Then again I played a trapper and those were kind of in demand. I remember I was always scrambling through DDOWiki on Alt+Tab to make sure I was searching in the right places. Have to agree that from level 1-9 there's a lot of fail PUGs and jerks though.
For Neverwinter I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Cryptic as a studio seems more accessible than Turbine, i.e. their games tend to have more easy or soloable content, systems that encourage helping lowbies like sidekicking, and very few penalties for failing.
Then again, the element of risk and danger is a big part of D&D so I'm not sure how they'll balance it out.
You can also use forums to find people who play similar to your style. Just explain in the post which kind of groups you want. They are usually classified as:-
Static group - One group is made and they always play together, and only together.
Semi-static group - A pool of players (e.g. 20 or 30) is formed and they create a story together and usually play together, but they level up together.
zerg - (Competition to kill quickest)
Byoh - bring your own healing (meaning everybody kind of solos except very hard stuff)
flower sniffer - (Check every line, object in quest including all items, even useless ones)
together or never - (Staying together to make sure everyone is good, teaching those who dont know)
I am eeleete - One person runs off and asks you to only heal/buff etc. him and not to do anything else("Only I will play coz everyone else is n00b" kind of comment in chat)
I am real eeleete - Real elite player lets you pike while he/she completes quest himself
Stick or die - (Unless you match your speed with general speed of group, you are on your own)
Nerfed - You play with nerfed character for challenge (usually static group)
Fake PermaD - If you die, you can't join group again or res
True PermaD - If you die, and if you res your char, you get banned from a particular guild
The list is hilarious. It is intriguing how the DDO community has invented their own vocabulary. They are interesting categories. In RIFT people might advertise speed runs or slow runs, but that's about it.
I played DDO for a little while before F2P and off and on since then.
Played DDO for years got kind bored of the same grind over and over, and repeating the same raids. then they introduced free to play and i didnt want to deal with is this free? every single minute of every single day. I'm SUPER exited for this!
DDO ORIEN SERVER - main - izralien
Been chomping at the bit ever since that bait and switch with the xpack. Eager to get on the bandwagon with neverwinter. Turbine is killing itself off and it shows with the broken and bugged game. Gotten to the point where they cant release or do anything without breaking something. Been there for 5 long years and after this money grubbing move, had enough.
Come on Neverwinter show me what you got
Ive thought and even tried it a few times but somehow it just feels like its lacking and waste of my time. Rift was one of my recent fantasy games of course Skyrim and cant wait for Elder Scroll Online.
Why does NW don't use the experience of Turbine to create a thriving game?
You mean constantly abusing the player base and make them pay money to beta-test on live? No ty b:beatup
Anyway, played DDO for about a year, one of the bigger Khyber guilds, then took a break, now I can't find it in me to get back. They really broke the game balance with the expansion, and seemto have no intention of fixing it. Not to mention, too many bugs and too much cash-grabbing.
Been trying various online games lately (LoL, S.U.N., C9, ****) but haven't found one that's any good yet. Thinking of getting the Torchlight II preorder just so I can jump into NWO as soon as possible!
Been trying various online games lately (LoL, S.U.N., C9, ****) but haven't found one that's any good yet. Thinking of getting the Torchlight II preorder just so I can jump into NWO as soon as possible!
Though I agree with you on those points said here(and a few unsaid) - DDO is not 100% f2p as NW has been claiming, but it is f2p nevertheless. That is why most people have b:shocked face when they hear NW is completely f2p.
PW has launched other game raiderz with beta on 8th which also has active action combat. I thought I would try it as I won't have to make another user id. But from its forums it seems the crowd is quite young - all those anime references which I don't understand.
LeslieWest_GuitarGod is my DDO forums name. Play on Ghallanda server since beta 2005, Tyrs Paladium and Old Timers Guild.
Toon names: Aandre the Giant, Mississippee Queen, Frobozz, Miinsc and about 15 other characters/projects
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
Its going to be hard to choose though because I've got my guild @ Lev 79 currently and so much time and TP invested, this game though just feels better not from just a technical standpoint from a game that's 7 years newer but FR which brings back my nostalgic tabletop days ,I still got the FR boxed set from my old school days.
Waiting to see what will happen with NWO. In the meantime, playing lots of Hearts and Chess Titans
Avination com
zomgwtfbbq seriously guise wtfudge
totally awesome
caliseth i mean castado
were all of my characters
Have we played together??
I love that game but Im soooo bored lately. Even tho I bought expansion. Made it all with fvs in a wee k (besides raid ofc - its closed
Guess I would just like to play sth else for while. Because DDO non-stop for 2 years is making DDO not so fun anymore.
best d&d games were the baldur's gate series, icewind dale series and nwn series. ddo is ages behind these games
I'm going to pipe in here. I agree, those games were awesome! I love them all too, and played them to death. But DDO is not ages behind them; it's an entirely different game. MMO's are not the same as single player games, or even co-op games. DDO's action combat engine was by far the most exciting I've used. Because of that, I'm really looking forward to how NWO combat will work. DDO's combat engine is/was leaps ahead of the pack as far as I'm concerned. In fact, while there are many things I don't appreciate about DDO, most of them are based on the Eberon setting or the whole encapsulated world where you can't just go outside and explore. Oh, and the character toons look silly. But I'd never say it's ages behind. So many things are, or were at the time of launch, years ahead of other MMO games.
Now, like others, I'm getting bored of it as well and looking for something new. I'm just not convinced MotU is going to be what I'm looking for. Bring on NWO!
My sentiments exactly, word to word
Except that "character toons look silly" - only the new half-elves.
(And also, min-max environment of DDO which I never really liked, but with friends it doesn't matter.)
EDIT: Also, DDO is like what, 6-7 years old? This makes the server ancient, and people still play it(though not me any longer).
While I rarely play more than once in a blue moon anymore, due to my abhorrence of the Eberron campaign settings and the pay to win mentality the game has become, I do hop back on from time to time to try and quell my insatiable appetite for a D&D MMO.
I had played since the beta phases, I was originally a Paladin named Zebular of Mystra, then later became Zebular after server merges and now, when I do play, I play my female drow ranger named "Eshlara Moonshade" of the "Rangers of the Realms." The original Zebular has since been deleted and re-rolled, I just have never leveld him beyond 4 this time around and Elshlara is only at level 8. I have a slew of other level 4 characters as well as a total of 3 accounts.
Eshlara was named after a Deity of my own creation during a God-war the players in my Campaign Setting ignited. The goddesses Elistrasee and Sharess (a.k.a. Bastet), in an attempt to form an alliance against Shar, combined much of their power to form an offspring deity named "Eshliarestrasee," who became the goddess of Space and Darkness, with black-holes as her symbol and identifier. Needless to say, her and Shar are the ones at constant odds now, which is just what Elistrasee and Sharess wanted, to take Shar's attention away from them.
When one of my players attained God-hood, before he retired his character, his character mated with Eshliarestrasee and produced a goddess named Eshlara, a drow demi-goddess of outcasts and misfits. That player now plays a mortal grandson of his former character that attained God-hood.
[ Support Center • Rules & Policies and Guidelines • ARC ToS • Guild Recruitment Guidelines | FR DM Since 1993 ]
DDO is a pretty good online simulation of Dungeons and Dragons, especially in the lower levels.
One of my favorite things about DDO is the ability to multi-class.
I also played Guildwars, Asheron's Call, Ultima Online, and Everquest.
I Played the hell out of Neverwinter Nights.
The only thing I've seen about Neverwinter Online are the videos. The videos look more like Guildwars II than Neverwinter Nights.
But I'll definitely give it a shot. The idea of a more action oriented RPG is very appealing to me. However, to keep my interest it will have to have more of the d20/NWN feel than what it looks like it has from the videos. Well, unless the action is beyond mind warping.
I'd really like to play a great D&D MMO. There are enough great "not D&D" MMO's.
Not to be a curmudgeon or anything.
Osiris Ra from arggession played 2 years and left after bound items killed the game for me.
Let me make a wild guess... you were a fighter and simple mechanics refers to AC?
Currently Archeage, EverQuest Next, The Elder Scrolls Online, GW2 and Neverwinter have my interest.
When I saw the videos of this game I was very excited. DDO did a great job in bringing back some of that D&D feel. Though the lack of a real game world and doing the same instances over and over again was inevitably too boring for me. Which led me to leaving.
From the few videos I have seen Neverwinter is looking pretty solid. Even though they are cartoonish they seem a world better than DDO's graphics. Though I hope this game keeps that DDO feel. You know traps, secret doors, etc. You know Clerics, Rogues and Paladins feel like D&D.
I'm pretty happy with the "control wizard" reminds me very much of the EQ enchanter. Which was an awesome class. CC and Wizard might just be a step up.
I'm excited this game will be in the FR setting. The one thing that bothers me though, is will this game just be in, under, in dungeons around Neverwinter or will it actually have a game world like most MMO's and D&D games?
IIRC DDO, ranged combat was completely broken up till 2011, when the Artificer class gave Turbine an incentive to fix it. You could point a bow at something and shoot for ages, but the game doesn't even bother rolling for attack. That made me ragequit within 2 days of playing, back in 2011.
Tried again earlier this year 2012 as a melee character and realized ranged combat wasn't the only problem. For a game so focused on Super Mario-style jumping puzzles and dodging, movement in general was awfully laggy. Sometimes I would tap space and the character freezes on the ground for a split second before teleporting into the air clean over the tiny platform I was aiming for and right into a spike pit. Other times I would run right past a trap, then die a second later when it goes off behind me.
Subscribed for a month to see what the higher level content was like. The general feeling I got was that Turbine seemed to be catering almost exclusively towards veteran players. Past level 9 I don't think I've ever seen an LFG that wasn't for elite. Past level 15 I felt like I was the only first lifer at that level on the server (Khyber). Everyone else in the party had the pretty TR symbols around their name. I kept running into the same faces too. Felt like I was playing a cosy little private server rather than a professionally run MMO.
When got my first level 20 I cancelled with about 2 days left on the sub and a really bad aftertaste of Turbine. So um yeah, technically an ex-DDO player, although I probably clocked less than 2 months on the game in total. I have more faith in Cryptic though. CO is still pretty fun today, considering its age and limited budget.
Yeah it was quite broken in a lot of ways. But arcane archer was quite nice before artificial were introduced, (only at high level though) abut even they too had to melee a lot.
But its always better to post for a group as leader yourself than to join others. It is true though that the elite mentality of old players in any game is very annoying. They forget when they first started playing (unless they read someone's else walk-through before playing and spoiling their game).
But in any game, PUG(pick up groups) are usually always bad (unless the game is new). So you have to add good players in your friends list, have patience and over time it turns out to be ok. :-)
I hope this elite mentality doesn't destroy the harmony of NW community too, but that is something which is of a concern after quite some time of game release.
You can also use forums to find people who play similar to your style. Just explain in the post which kind of groups you want. They are usually classified as:-
I think I was lucky on DDO - I didn't get many fail PUGs for the premium content, and I think I only ran into 1 jerk. Most of the players were pretty nice. Then again I played a trapper and those were kind of in demand. I remember I was always scrambling through DDOWiki on Alt+Tab to make sure I was searching in the right places. Have to agree that from level 1-9 there's a lot of fail PUGs and jerks though.
For Neverwinter I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Cryptic as a studio seems more accessible than Turbine, i.e. their games tend to have more easy or soloable content, systems that encourage helping lowbies like sidekicking, and very few penalties for failing.
Then again, the element of risk and danger is a big part of D&D so I'm not sure how they'll balance it out.
The list is hilarious. It is intriguing how the DDO community has invented their own vocabulary. They are interesting categories. In RIFT people might advertise speed runs or slow runs, but that's about it.
I played DDO for a little while before F2P and off and on since then.
Been chomping at the bit ever since that bait and switch with the xpack. Eager to get on the bandwagon with neverwinter. Turbine is killing itself off and it shows with the broken and bugged game. Gotten to the point where they cant release or do anything without breaking something. Been there for 5 long years and after this money grubbing move, had enough.
Come on Neverwinter show me what you got
Also played all the Baldurs Gate/Icewind Dale/Neverwinter series. Cant wait for this one
You mean constantly abusing the player base and make them pay money to beta-test on live? No ty b:beatup
Anyway, played DDO for about a year, one of the bigger Khyber guilds, then took a break, now I can't find it in me to get back. They really broke the game balance with the expansion, and seemto have no intention of fixing it. Not to mention, too many bugs and too much cash-grabbing.
Been trying various online games lately (LoL, S.U.N., C9, ****) but haven't found one that's any good yet. Thinking of getting the Torchlight II preorder just so I can jump into NWO as soon as possible!
Though I agree with you on those points said here(and a few unsaid) - DDO is not 100% f2p as NW has been claiming, but it is f2p nevertheless. That is why most people have b:shocked face when they hear NW is completely f2p.
PW has launched other game raiderz with beta on 8th which also has active action combat. I thought I would try it as I won't have to make another user id. But from its forums it seems the crowd is quite young - all those anime references which I don't understand.
Maybe I am getting too old ... *cough* *cough*