Thanks bro, ...
That said, I still find it hard to believe that ...
And it is actually not even guaranteed day 1 access - just access at some point.
It was definitely a sucker's "deal". I agree with you 100%. No sense pussyfooting around it. Sometimes you have to make mention there was a spill on isle 6. SOMEONE has to clean up the mess
iamtruthseekerMember, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2012
The Torchlingt 2 Pre-order information did say that it had to be ordered from Perfect World to get the Beta and not Steam. I do hope ytou can get your refund, and it has been mentioned that this promotion wil go on until the game is ready for order on several other locations (including this thread.)
The Torchlight II Pre-Order offer is ongoing. It will end when you can no longer pre-order Torchlight II, or Neverwinter is has progressed past closed beta testing. Whichever one comes first.
It was ALSO made clear on many different occasions that this is just a "thank you" bonus to loyal Torchlight players and NOT some "sense of urgency"; Beta keys will be released for NWO in many upcoming future events; we're still in freakin' ALPHA folks, so chill.
More information on the PWE Torchlight promotion can be found at this link
That's all I'll say here. If you have more questions about Neverwinter Beta, read their About/FAQ section or read my Neverwinter New Users FAQ, but base your replies on fact and support, not assumption and vitriol.
It was ALSO made clear on many different occasions that this is just a "thank you" bonus to loyal Torchlight players and NOT some "sense of urgency"
I love ya like a brother from anotha motha Truth but I disagree that this was just a "thank you" bonus for buying Torchlight II.
This was without a doubt a cross promotion enticing Neverwinter forum users and others to jump, as it was the only "reliable" means to "guarantee" closed beta access at the time (and still is). Nothing short of a guarantee of a thousand sexy virgins on a small otherwise uninhabited sandy island in Bermuda will get me to believe otherwise...
** For others, as has been said seemingly a million times before, as we get closer, if Cryptic keeps its word, there will be plenty of free opportunities to gain access to the closed beta. But to hold Cryptic honest to their word, none have been announced to date.
We all have to wait a bit longer than we expect for the close beta to start.
Im rly excited about neverwinter and i rly hope to get a beta key but pls guys behave :P hehe
Its seems many things about neverwinter are still "open" for discussion and the best thing we should do now is to throw some ideas at forum and discuss them, maybe just maybe we will be amazed when we playing the game and say "hey i read that idea in the forum some months ago".
Stormshade already told there will be many ways to get beta keys so if people chose to buy a game just to have a close beta to neverwinter that just show how good the game seems to be hehe
Lets just keep patient like we are for almost 1 year and new info will flow
This was without a doubt a cross promotion enticing Neverwinter forum users and others to jump, as it was the only "reliable" means to "guarantee" closed beta access at the time (and still is). Nothing short of a guarantee of a thousand sexy virgins on a small otherwise uninhabited sandy island in Bermuda will get me to believe otherwise...
I can't comment about the virgins, but I can verify with absolute certainty that buying TLII is not the only way to get a beta key. Many keys were given away at PAX East and E3. We're still a little ways away from the CB- there may yet be beta key giveaways!
I can't comment about the virgins, but I can verify with absolute certainty that buying TLII is not the only way to get a beta key. Many keys were given away at PAX East and E3. We're still a little ways away from the CB- there may yet be beta key giveaways!
LOL!!! I guess I can forgive you for not committing to the virgins (Leisure Suite Larry flashback, whew!), but I do hope to see a multitude of ways for those who really want access to closed beta get in...
I can't comment about the virgins, but I can verify with absolute certainty that buying TLII is not the only way to get a beta key. Many keys were given away at PAX East and E3. We're still a little ways away from the CB- there may yet be beta key giveaways!
Yes but how many forum users here were at PAX or E3? And those that did receive said keys are they D&D players/fans or potential Foundry creators or are even registers here at this siite prior to E3 or Pax?
Many I would say are not going to shell out hundreds and hundreds of dollars just for some game convention I'd wager. There needs to be some more fan friendly way of obtaining some beta keys and Cryptic needs to quite leaving it's fans in the dark. For instance City of Steam is granting all early registers of their newsletter access to their closed beta in July or at least that is a possibility and they are upfront about it.
So far the acquisition method of beta keys has been a slap in the face after a slap in the face to many of your loyal fans who have been following Neverwinter since it's announcement back when Atari was still in control and when the game was described as a CoOp game.
Remember E3 isnt even for the "fans". Thats an invitation only show for video game industry "insiders". I was hoping that PW/Cryptic would have created a contest so a few lucky Neverwinter forumites could win a trip to the show, but it never happened...
Im sure things will change as we get closer to gametime, but I agree with your assessment here completely.
There should be some expression of gratitude made for those that have been here from the very beginning. They would never ask for it, but that doesnt mean it isnt deserved.
iamtruthseekerMember, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2012
Why do I keep getting referred to again and again here, yet when I look for my virgins, no comment .
Seriously, thanks for the reply melanderi. BTW, why you're in a responding mood, can you comment on the meaning of your handle name? Are you some sort of "Chinese Insect" or "Lone worker Bee" for Cryptic, or maybe a "forest worker ant" like PRENOLEPIS or PARATRECHINA MELANDERI?
(But you've now exhausted my knowledge of that classification.)
vindiconMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2012
PWE has always done key givaways primarily through partner sites, and secondarily through newsletter. They have always made sure that everyone wanting to participate in closed beta is given the chance, sooner or later. I see no reason why they would suddenly change their policy on that matter, and I see no reason of worrying whether or not your active presence in the forum will be rewarded with a key. If you really are active in the forums, you'll be the first to know when and where you can grab a key, long before anyone else notices.
And to begin those key giveaways, one has to be close to the cb start date. You can't give out keys months before the beta - unless we are talking about special promos like PAX and TL2 - because people will lose much of their interest until they finally get to try the game. And PWE has traditionally staged their betas to begin at mid-late summer.
Just have patience everyone. If my past experience is worth anything, beta keys will probably start coming out within the next month.
PWE has always done key givaways primarily through partner sites, and secondarily through newsletter. They have always made sure that everyone wanting to participate in closed beta is given the chance, sooner or later. I see no reason why they would suddenly change their policy on that matter, and I see no reason of worrying whether or not your active presence in the forum will be rewarded with a key. If you really are active in the forums, you'll be the first to know when and where you can grab a key, long before anyone else notices.
And to begin those key giveaways, one has to be close to the cb start date. You can't give out keys months before the beta - unless we are talking about special promos like PAX and TL2 - because people will lose much of their interest until they finally get to try the game. And PWE has traditionally staged their betas to begin at mid-late summer.
Just have patience everyone. If my past experience is worth anything, beta keys will probably start coming out within the next month.
Good point. So far I've been very patient with Cryptic as I have been busy with other games like GW2 BWE, Skyrim, and finally caved into going back to DDO for a little while at least to check out the xpac. But Melanderi's comment of "Many keys were given away at PAX East and E3. We're still a little ways away from the CB- there may yet be beta key giveaways!" which he/she says that there MAY be possibilities for more keys, there is no confirmation unless one reads between lines and speculates and was a giant slap in everyone's face here.
The attitude I perceived was that they don't think the users here are worth much even though the users here are the ones likely to play the **** out of the game and create content.
Sure I'm prolly over reacting to some but that comment really ruffled my feathers. Cryptic has always left us in the dark on many things and when it comes to news about the game it is always posted by the users here way before Cryptic's PR people post anything. It's high time for Cryptic to stop this non forthcoming attitude and really start communicating here. Hell there is no Dev diaries that normally many companies have these when a game is in development and they don't simply wait till some convention before giving out any info.
This left in the dark is starting to get tiresome.
...If I do not have Neverwinter to keep my time, I may give in yet again and go visit Eberron, just do I can experience a bit of the Realms in an MMO.
Funny thing, I'm moving away from Eberron because of the changes associated with the expansion and following update.
shiaikaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, SilverstarsPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2012
Beta keys given in forums? They are usually not given in the forums. Try Twitter, Facebook or the usual sites for beta keys. And those will arrive when the beta machine starts. Meanwhile, events like PAX or E3 are special. Giving beta keys there is nothing new, surprising or unexpected (I "predicted" it in this forum so yeah, go me! ).
If Cryptic has interest in anyone in particular from this forum*, by reasons of their own, they will make sure to invite him to the beta. And remember that people here is already interested in the game. It's in their best interest to keep interesting new people into the game too.
* or someone that has no account by it's a well known NwN creator?
Beta keys given in forums? They are usually not given in the forums. Try Twitter, Facebook or the usual sites for beta keys. And those will arrive when the beta machine starts. Meanwhile, events like PAX or E3 are special. Giving beta keys there is nothing new, surprising or unexpected (I "predicted" it in this forum so yeah, go me! ).
If Cryptic has interest in anyone in particular from this forum*, by reasons of their own, they will make sure to invite him to the beta. And remember that people here is already interested in the game. It's in their best interest to keep interesting new people into the game too.
* or someone that has no account by it's a well known NwN creator?
If they want a healthy start then they need some Foundry content at start and pulling from people here is a good start. WoW, SWTOR, City of Steam, Rift, GW2.... all major MMOs did have people register at their site for Beta access and those lucky were invited, so no... beta access is typically given to those who register at their site like the users here. Hell I got access to TSW closed Beta just by registering and signing up at their site.
While I'm not saying that every swinging **** here deserves the Beta access, but inviting those who who were by chance were at E3 and PAX (which Andre pointed out that they are not even real gamers or fans but journalists/reviewers) or pre-purchased TL2 sure as hell doesn't make sense when they ignore the people here.
My point in my ***** posts are that the fans are being treated like the red headed step child. They are not forthcoming with info at all, have not real communication to their fans here even though many have for over a year waited patiently like say Dev diaries, now they are continually passing out Beta access while totally ignoring the fans here.
While I'm not saying that every swinging **** here deserves the Beta access, but inviting those who who were by chance were at E3 and PAX (which Andre pointed out that they are not even real gamers or fans but journalists/reviewers)
As someone who was at E3, I have to 100% disagree with the idea that the people at E3 weren't "real gamers." E3 wasn't restricted to press- it was industry and press. Industry meaning you had to be working in the gaming industry to get in. Sure there may be people working in the gaming industry that are not gamers, but I can almost guarantee that the lines were not long to play the demos because everyone has a blog. Neither I, nor any of my friends who were also at E3 have blogs or are related to press in any way. And I can promise that no legit press person is going to wait 3 hours to play a demo of Halo, 45 min for Planetside 2, or an hour for Neverwinter. And so what? There were people playing the Neverwinter demo that had NEVER played an MMO before. Is the beta restricted only to people who meet specific qualifications? Sheesh.
Stormshade said that there will be other ways to get a beta key. If he gave out all the beta keys now, people might not see a reason to participate on the forums until the beta comes out. Keep posting- stay active on the forums, and you'll get noticed.
I'm going to play the game whether or not I get to participate in the Beta... Though i sure would like to help them work out any kinks/bugs and not to mention experience the awesomeness of NeverWinter a tad bit earlier XD
hmm... it was stated long before that if you register in the forums, you automatically qualify for beta, and it was when beta was not in the 'soon(R)' stage [which means pretty long ago].
Apart from that, other cryptic games(and PWE games) state that you have to be active on the forums to have more chance to get beta key. Active doesn't means posting everyday, but more like being a participant (maybe, if I make a guess, some posts every two three weeks? but my guess is as good as anybody else's)
Also, other than this, there are usually beta give-aways on facebook and twitter and a lot of other places. Although that does not means you will get day 1 access to beta.
I'm going to play the game whether or not I get to participate in the Beta... Though i sure would like to help them work out any kinks/bugs and not to mention experience the awesomeness of NeverWinter a tad bit earlier XD
See you in NeverWinter!
Not really, as I understand, beta would be more like of stress test for servers and early access. The devs seem quite confident in their product.
shiaikaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, SilverstarsPosts: 0Arc User
If they want a healthy start then they need some Foundry content at start and pulling from people here is a good start. WoW, SWTOR, City of Steam, Rift, GW2.... all major MMOs did have people register at their site for Beta access and those lucky were invited, so no... beta access is typically given to those who register at their site like the users here. Hell I got access to TSW closed Beta just by registering and signing up at their site.
Small random user selection from forums? Yeah, those happen. You have more chances from external sites though. And don't get me started with SWTOR forums and Europe access o beta. And still, those happen when they are ready tostart. Not sooner. PAX or E3 are special events. They have nothing todo with what happens (or not) in the forums.
I got beta key for the last weekened of TSW. The "Marketing Weekend" where "everybody" is in, I suppose? A pity that my graphics card isn't good enough and that the weekend is focused in PvP.
Remember E3 isnt even for the "fans". Thats an invitation only show for video game industry "insiders". I was hoping that PW/Cryptic would have created a contest so a few lucky Neverwinter forumites could win a trip to the show, but it never happened...
Im sure things will change as we get closer to gametime, but I agree with your assessment here completely.
There should be some expression of gratitude made for those that have been here from the very beginning. They would never ask for it, but that doesnt mean it isnt deserved.
Of course the video game industry are gamers! But E3 is solely about getting the word out about the product. It's the World Series/Superbowl of the video game industry.
That does not encompass the true Neverwinter fan, "Joe and Mary Buyer". You are in the HOME of the Neverwinter fan. THIS is where the money will be pouring in from.
To advertise on the forum that they are giving beta keys out at E3 is absurd, totally misleading, and you know it. I wish to hold PW and Cryptic to a higher standard than that. E3 is not for the fans, as you said, its for the industry, and the promotional wings associated with it (the gaming oriented press.) Period.
Other than some handouts in PAXEast for fans, and a flood of beta keys for Torchlight II loyalists (who should be buying TLII solely because they WANT TO PLAY TLII), and industry insiders who attended E3, thats about it.
The focal point here is that there seems to be very few keys have gone to those who have been wanting to get in and NO PLAN seems to be in place to ensure it happens. If there is a plan, then at least ANNOUNCE IT and build up the anticipation in a positive light.
It should be understood by just about everyone that's a regular on this forum that the free CB keys are coming.... Soon(r)
I am a Neverwinter Nights 2 Admin/DM/Dev for a french persistant world (
As Neverwinter will maybe be the next game we will work on, so I would like to be one of the Neverwinter Beta testers, and i will be glad to help you with my feedbacks
(and i hope you'll see this post ^^)
vindiconMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2012
Oh, come on with this impatiance...
It has been said many times already, PWE - along with the vast majority of f2p MMO companies I might add - doesn't massively give away keys until their beta is about to start. No matter how many times you complain about it, they won't give you any keys until they are ready to launch CB. It's not that they don't have a plan - it's that this has always been the plan. Look at how all the other cb are being or have been handled - why would they change tis just for NW?
Wait until the beta comes to it's start and you'll have your key giveaways. Even if they gave you a key right now, it would be useless until the start of the beta anyway...
iamtruthseekerMember, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2012
It would simply be nice if they would have some small giveaway for the community before the regular closed beta on the (ratioed) scale they did for the conventions.
Then again, I remember when Beta used to be game testing and not simply marketing and stress-testing end-stages, so maybe those opportunities are outdated thanking. I hope not.
And I also got into The Secret World Beta, and had a powerful enough but &*^*&^* incompatible video card...I just couldn't win.
Just hope there ll b no filters to say only these countries can play
I am so much awaitin the release...
jakkethepirateMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited June 2012
I am certainly interested in seeing how they develop this edition of Neverwinter. I'm looking forward to receiving a beta key or waiting till they have an open beta. I've done plenty of play testing and system stress testing in my time. I'd be interested in hearing what the devs are looking for specificly as show stoppers to boot. Hope everyone enjoys the game!
It was definitely a sucker's "deal". I agree with you 100%. No sense pussyfooting around it. Sometimes you have to make mention there was a spill on isle 6. SOMEONE has to clean up the mess
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
It was ALSO made clear on many different occasions that this is just a "thank you" bonus to loyal Torchlight players and NOT some "sense of urgency"; Beta keys will be released for NWO in many upcoming future events; we're still in freakin' ALPHA folks, so chill.
More information on the PWE Torchlight promotion can be found at this link
That's all I'll say here. If you have more questions about Neverwinter Beta, read their About/FAQ section or read my Neverwinter New Users FAQ, but base your replies on fact and support, not assumption and vitriol.
I love ya like a brother from anotha motha Truth
This was without a doubt a cross promotion enticing Neverwinter forum users and others to jump, as it was the only "reliable" means to "guarantee" closed beta access at the time (and still is). Nothing short of a guarantee of a thousand sexy virgins on a small otherwise uninhabited sandy island in Bermuda will get me to believe otherwise...
** For others, as has been said seemingly a million times before, as we get closer, if Cryptic keeps its word, there will be plenty of free opportunities to gain access to the closed beta. But to hold Cryptic honest to their word, none have been announced to date.
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
Im rly excited about neverwinter and i rly hope to get a beta key but pls guys behave :P hehe
Its seems many things about neverwinter are still "open" for discussion and the best thing we should do now is to throw some ideas at forum and discuss them, maybe just maybe we will be amazed when we playing the game and say "hey i read that idea in the forum some months ago".
Stormshade already told there will be many ways to get beta keys so if people chose to buy a game just to have a close beta to neverwinter that just show how good the game seems to be hehe
Lets just keep patient like we are for almost 1 year and new info will flow
I can't comment about the virgins, but I can verify with absolute certainty that buying TLII is not the only way to get a beta key. Many keys were given away at PAX East and E3. We're still a little ways away from the CB- there may yet be beta key giveaways!
@Effreet in game
Terms of Service and Rules of Conduct. Learn them, Love them
LOL!!! I guess I can forgive you for not committing to the virgins (Leisure Suite Larry flashback, whew!), but I do hope to see a multitude of ways for those who really want access to closed beta get in...
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
Yes but how many forum users here were at PAX or E3? And those that did receive said keys are they D&D players/fans or potential Foundry creators or are even registers here at this siite prior to E3 or Pax?
Many I would say are not going to shell out hundreds and hundreds of dollars just for some game convention I'd wager. There needs to be some more fan friendly way of obtaining some beta keys and Cryptic needs to quite leaving it's fans in the dark. For instance City of Steam is granting all early registers of their newsletter access to their closed beta in July or at least that is a possibility and they are upfront about it.
So far the acquisition method of beta keys has been a slap in the face after a slap in the face to many of your loyal fans who have been following Neverwinter since it's announcement back when Atari was still in control and when the game was described as a CoOp game.
Remember E3 isnt even for the "fans". Thats an invitation only show for video game industry "insiders". I was hoping that PW/Cryptic would have created a contest so a few lucky Neverwinter forumites could win a trip to the show, but it never happened...
Im sure things will change as we get closer to gametime, but I agree with your assessment here completely.
There should be some expression of gratitude made for those that have been here from the very beginning. They would never ask for it, but that doesnt mean it isnt deserved.
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
Seriously, thanks for the reply melanderi. BTW, why you're in a responding mood, can you comment on the meaning of your handle name? Are you some sort of "Chinese Insect" or "Lone worker Bee" for Cryptic, or maybe a "forest worker ant" like PRENOLEPIS or PARATRECHINA MELANDERI?
(But you've now exhausted my knowledge of that classification.)
And to begin those key giveaways, one has to be close to the cb start date. You can't give out keys months before the beta - unless we are talking about special promos like PAX and TL2 - because people will lose much of their interest until they finally get to try the game. And PWE has traditionally staged their betas to begin at mid-late summer.
Just have patience everyone. If my past experience is worth anything, beta keys will probably start coming out within the next month.
Good point. So far I've been very patient with Cryptic as I have been busy with other games like GW2 BWE, Skyrim, and finally caved into going back to DDO for a little while at least to check out the xpac. But Melanderi's comment of "Many keys were given away at PAX East and E3. We're still a little ways away from the CB- there may yet be beta key giveaways!" which he/she says that there MAY be possibilities for more keys, there is no confirmation unless one reads between lines and speculates and was a giant slap in everyone's face here.
The attitude I perceived was that they don't think the users here are worth much even though the users here are the ones likely to play the **** out of the game and create content.
Sure I'm prolly over reacting to some but that comment really ruffled my feathers. Cryptic has always left us in the dark on many things and when it comes to news about the game it is always posted by the users here way before Cryptic's PR people post anything. It's high time for Cryptic to stop this non forthcoming attitude and really start communicating here. Hell there is no Dev diaries that normally many companies have these when a game is in development and they don't simply wait till some convention before giving out any info.
This left in the dark is starting to get tiresome.
Funny thing, I'm moving away from Eberron because of the changes associated with the expansion and following update.
If Cryptic has interest in anyone in particular from this forum*, by reasons of their own, they will make sure to invite him to the beta. And remember that people here is already interested in the game. It's in their best interest to keep interesting new people into the game too.
* or someone that has no account by it's a well known NwN creator?
If they want a healthy start then they need some Foundry content at start and pulling from people here is a good start. WoW, SWTOR, City of Steam, Rift, GW2.... all major MMOs did have people register at their site for Beta access and those lucky were invited, so no... beta access is typically given to those who register at their site like the users here. Hell I got access to TSW closed Beta just by registering and signing up at their site.
While I'm not saying that every swinging **** here deserves the Beta access, but inviting those who who were by chance were at E3 and PAX (which Andre pointed out that they are not even real gamers or fans but journalists/reviewers) or pre-purchased TL2 sure as hell doesn't make sense when they ignore the people here.
My point in my ***** posts are that the fans are being treated like the red headed step child. They are not forthcoming with info at all, have not real communication to their fans here even though many have for over a year waited patiently like say Dev diaries, now they are continually passing out Beta access while totally ignoring the fans here.
As someone who was at E3, I have to 100% disagree with the idea that the people at E3 weren't "real gamers." E3 wasn't restricted to press- it was industry and press. Industry meaning you had to be working in the gaming industry to get in. Sure there may be people working in the gaming industry that are not gamers, but I can almost guarantee that the lines were not long to play the demos because everyone has a blog. Neither I, nor any of my friends who were also at E3 have blogs or are related to press in any way. And I can promise that no legit press person is going to wait 3 hours to play a demo of Halo, 45 min for Planetside 2, or an hour for Neverwinter. And so what? There were people playing the Neverwinter demo that had NEVER played an MMO before. Is the beta restricted only to people who meet specific qualifications? Sheesh.
Stormshade said that there will be other ways to get a beta key. If he gave out all the beta keys now, people might not see a reason to participate on the forums until the beta comes out. Keep posting- stay active on the forums, and you'll get noticed.
See you in NeverWinter!
Apart from that, other cryptic games(and PWE games) state that you have to be active on the forums to have more chance to get beta key. Active doesn't means posting everyday, but more like being a participant (maybe, if I make a guess, some posts every two three weeks? but my guess is as good as anybody else's)
Also, other than this, there are usually beta give-aways on facebook and twitter and a lot of other places. Although that does not means you will get day 1 access to beta.
Not really, as I understand, beta would be more like of stress test for servers and early access. The devs seem quite confident in their product.
I got beta key for the last weekened of TSW. The "Marketing Weekend" where "everybody" is in, I suppose? A pity that my graphics card isn't good enough and that the weekend is focused in PvP.
Vin if you read the thread you would have known what devoteoftempus meant.
My exact quote was:
Of course the video game industry are gamers! But E3 is solely about getting the word out about the product. It's the World Series/Superbowl of the video game industry.
That does not encompass the true Neverwinter fan, "Joe and Mary Buyer". You are in the HOME of the Neverwinter fan. THIS is where the money will be pouring in from.
To advertise on the forum that they are giving beta keys out at E3 is absurd, totally misleading, and you know it. I wish to hold PW and Cryptic to a higher standard than that. E3 is not for the fans, as you said, its for the industry, and the promotional wings associated with it (the gaming oriented press.) Period.
Other than some handouts in PAXEast for fans, and a flood of beta keys for Torchlight II loyalists (who should be buying TLII solely because they WANT TO PLAY TLII), and industry insiders who attended E3, thats about it.
The focal point here is that there seems to be very few keys have gone to those who have been wanting to get in and NO PLAN seems to be in place to ensure it happens. If there is a plan, then at least ANNOUNCE IT and build up the anticipation in a positive light.
It should be understood by just about everyone that's a regular on this forum that the free CB keys are coming.... Soon(r)
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
I am a Neverwinter Nights 2 Admin/DM/Dev for a french persistant world (
As Neverwinter will maybe be the next game we will work on, so I would like to be one of the Neverwinter Beta testers, and i will be glad to help you with my feedbacks
(and i hope you'll see this post ^^)
It has been said many times already, PWE - along with the vast majority of f2p MMO companies I might add - doesn't massively give away keys until their beta is about to start. No matter how many times you complain about it, they won't give you any keys until they are ready to launch CB. It's not that they don't have a plan - it's that this has always been the plan. Look at how all the other cb are being or have been handled - why would they change tis just for NW?
Wait until the beta comes to it's start and you'll have your key giveaways. Even if they gave you a key right now, it would be useless until the start of the beta anyway...
Then again, I remember when Beta used to be game testing and not simply marketing and stress-testing end-stages, so maybe those opportunities are outdated thanking. I hope not.
And I also got into The Secret World Beta, and had a powerful enough but &*^*&^* incompatible video card...I just couldn't win.
"or buy torchlight II" pokerface -_-
I am so much awaitin the release...
Seems promising