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  • shiaikashiaika Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    stormshade wrote: »
    The Torchlight II Pre-Order offer is ongoing. It will end when you can no longer pre-order Torchlight II, or Neverwinter is has progressed past closed beta testing. Whichever one comes first. b:pleased


    Considering that TL2 will take a month or two (hopefully?) to be released, I'd worry if the closed beta of Neverwinter finished before TL2's release. b:shocked
    gratia wrote: »
    I've already decided what race and class I want to play.
    Have any of you?
    I know for a fact that once I get in (beta or release) I'll spend more than 30 minutes just checking the different options before I actually decide for something specific. b:chuckle
  • stormshadestormshade Member, Banned Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    gratia wrote: »
    I know how you all feel. >< I'm practically stalking my email at this point, including going through the spam, just in case.... And I constantly check the site, and click the "Access Beta" button, just to see if they don't require a key anymore. XD (I know, it's a long shot, but I'm desperate to play this game.)

    I've already decided what race and class I want to play.
    Have any of you?

    There's no need to be checking your e-mail every two minutes right now. We'll make an announcement when we begin each phase of testing, so that you know to start spawn camping your e-mail for keys at that time. b:laugh


  • torskaldrtorskaldr Member Posts: 559 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    gratia wrote: »
    I know how you all feel. >< I'm practically stalking my email at this point, including going through the spam, just in case.... And I constantly check the site, and click the "Access Beta" button, just to see if they don't require a key anymore. XD (I know, it's a long shot, but I'm desperate to play this game.)

    I've already decided what race and class I want to play.
    Have any of you?
    Hehe. I've been haunting the Facebook page waiting for an announcement.

    I don't know what class I'm going to play yet. I most often play rogues and mages.

    stormshade wrote: »
    There's no need to be checking your e-mail every two minutes right now. We'll make an announcement when we begin each phase of testing, so that you know to start spawn camping your e-mail for keys at that time. b:laugh



    Thanks for the tip.
  • asioxrinasioxrin Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    stormshade wrote: »
    There's no need to be checking your e-mail every two minutes right now. We'll make an announcement when we begin each phase of testing, so that you know to start spawn camping your e-mail for keys at that time. b:laugh


    No, I must check my email just in case your announcement is slightly slower than the beta code thing I insert on to this page:

  • gratiagratia Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    stormshade wrote: »
    There's no need to be checking your e-mail every two minutes right now. We'll make an announcement when we begin each phase of testing, so that you know to start spawn camping your e-mail for keys at that time. b:laugh



    Lol, thanks for the heads up!
    I'm a little like asioxrin, though, on this. XD I must keep obsessively checking, lol!! b:chuckle
    Didn't know about the announcements though. Will those be on here, in an email, or on Facebook? Or all three?
  • orte9orte9 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I've had a PC on PnP in the 1982, I am a DM since then, I am a developer and a sitebuilder l3 , how could I partecipate to the closed beta of this game?
  • xowraithoxxowraithox Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Is there any word on when they want to start up the Beta and an approximate release date for the game?
  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited May 2012
    xowraithox wrote: »
    Is there any word on when they want to start up the Beta and an approximate release date for the game?

    My assumption, which I hate to make - but have.. is that first wind of Closed Betas will found after this E3, sometime after the beginning of June, (June 5th-7th are the dates for Neverwinter at E3). I just hope to get in before the 25th of June - for not only is that my birth-date, but it is also the release date for the "Forgotten Realms" expansion, in that other D&D MMO. If I do not have Neverwinter to keep my time, I may give in yet again and go visit Eberron, just do I can experience a bit of the Realms in an MMO.
  • ryvvikryvvik Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 966 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2012
    zebular wrote: »
    I may give in yet again and go visit Eberron, just do I can experience a bit of the Realms in an MMO.

    For the love of god man dont do it b:victory
  • casiumcasium Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    OMG~!!! who do i have to pay to get a beta key.. ? LOL

    well.. I've never been so adamant about getting a key before ever.. !!! This is just so Cool....I've already started writing my own story..*grin* ..
  • axan22#6446 axan22 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I preordered torchlight 2 from pw site, am lifetime CO posted on forums abit really wanna try this game.
  • iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Edit: if anybody finds other CB opportunities, please post them here, and I'll update my New Users FAQ.

    Well, after a lot of thought I decided I'm not interested in that sort of gameplay ATM (Torchlighty or that other "Devil" of a game.) I could change my mind and order this later though, but for now, that's not a Beta key option for me.

    I'll be patient and not beg for a CB key though.

    All that written, my birthday is July 25, and I'm sure Cryptic knows what they could get me (I'll even use a bear similie) b:laugh
  • ogremilkogremilk Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    long time player of the neverwinter titles and a fan of dnd. i have not played an mmo since Ultima Online 2001 but i am really interested in this upcoming title. i would love to get a closed beta key. thanks!
  • thejokerofdeaththejokerofdeath Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    buying Torchlight II and getting the beta key for neverwinter, is this the only way of obtaining the neverwinter beta key?
  • shiaikashiaika Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    You can wait for free beta keys being given in online sites. I'd be truly surprised if they weren't giving keys in the usual MMO sites.
  • ezgoezitezgoezit Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I just completed the pre-order for TL2. I probably would have done it just for the beta access, but seeing as I'm in between games right now, I'll give TL2 a try. I might even give TL a try while I wait.

    I have a feeling that we have a lot of waiting and chaos to deal with before we see a live NWN MMO, but it will all be worth it when we get to call anyone who starts on release date a noob. (joke)
  • sallee132sallee132 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 2
    edited June 2012
    taking from my experiance from other mmos u dont need to be active on forums atall.Beta key will be random most likely like in every other game and forum has nothing to do with it.Though its good to be active here,its good for community and game generally.
  • brightblazebrightblaze Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    How lame is it that you can only get a beta key by buying a game that is as lame as torchlight? Is that the only way they can sell the game??? I hope you are ashamed of yourselves and i will take my digital cash elsewhere. I mean i only spent $200 dollars on star trek but that has no consideration.
  • iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    How lame is it that you can only get a beta key by buying a game that is as lame as torchlight? Is that the only way they can sell the game??? I hope you are ashamed of yourselves and i will take my digital cash elsewhere. I mean i only spent $200 dollars on star trek but that has no consideration.

    Nice to see people talking what they do not know about yet again. Not, not really, but let's put some truth up in here:

    1) Torchlight is very successful and the TL2 is surprisingly well done, bypassing the "sequalitis" of most games and potentially can do as well as the "Devil" of the competitor did in its second release.

    2)Neverwinter is in PRE ALPHA so Beta opportunities have not even been released.

    3)Users who went to Pax East and E3 sometimes have (also) won Beta keys before closed beta even started.

    4) The Beta Key is a 'thank you," not the "only way to get in," for those who preordered TL2.

    And 5) Further questions about beta can be answered (or asked on) my Neverwinter Online New Users FAQ. All are welcome, who use their words and questions and not looking to flame. Not saying anybody is, but setting that out now.
  • gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Everytime a comment is made here on how beta can only be obtained by preorder, a cute kobold dies somewhere in Abeir-Toril.
  • smygmasmygma Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    So I've been looking through the forums for when you will get the email for "Neverwinter" closed beta after pre-ordering from STEAM. It might there, but my searches have not turned up anything concrete. I just pre-orderd from STEAM and didn't get anything mentioning closed beta. So I'm going to ask and kill another kobold, "Has anyone gotten their emails for closed beta after ordering from STEAM or will they come at a later date?".


  • gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    smygma wrote: »
    So I've been looking through the forums for when you will get the email for "Neverwinter" closed beta after pre-ordering from STEAM. It might there, but my searches have not turned up anything concrete. I just pre-orderd from STEAM and didn't get anything mentioning closed beta. So I'm going to ask and kill another kobold, "Has anyone gotten their emails for closed beta after ordering from STEAM or will they come at a later date?".



    devs have already said that STEAM pre-order are not included. Game has to be ordered through perfect world.
    But I am not very sure about it. So I would suggest search the forums for that reply somewhere in the sticked thread of torchlight preorder

    EDIT: check this:
  • smygmasmygma Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    The only reason I purchased TL2 was for the F'n Beta Key to Neverwinter. This is total BS if I can't get my money back from STEAM!
  • gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    smygma wrote: »
    The only reason I purchased TL2 was for the F'n Beta Key to Neverwinter. This is total BS if I can't get my money back from STEAM!

    *Laughs so hard that tears start coming out*
    *now falling off the chair*
    *now eyeballs about to pop-out*

    First of all ordering a game to get a beta key? I don't believe that.

    Secondly if you know that you can get beta by TL2, you didn't know this? I still don't believe you. Even in reviews it is made clear: (just google these words: neverwinter torchlight beta) and you get a review of massively joystick:
    The closed beta access comes with a couple provisions. You'll have to specifically pre-order through Perfect World to get beta access, as a Steam pre-order won't reap the same results. Also, it's important to note that Runic Games says that the "exact date of [beta] access will vary.

    And if what you are saying is really true, better start paying attention to life
  • smygmasmygma Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Gillrmn, you are just a big POS. People like you just sit around the forums waiting for their time to grief somebody about some mistake. I love a$$clowns like you and their internet muscles. So because I didn't search google and I read a few threads on these forums talking about getting a beta key by pre-ording TL2 but not specifying it has to be from PW, I have to pay attention to life.

    I know I'm feeding you by doing this, and you will still be the same POS the rest of your life.

    Bah... you know what... F' it. You're a load that should have a been swallowed. Without you, I can promise that many other lives would have been better.

    Can't wait for your next fantastic life changing advice you have for me.
  • aandrethegiantaandrethegiant Member Posts: 3,369 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    smygma wrote: »

    So I've been looking through the forums for when you will get the email for "Neverwinter" closed beta after pre-ordering from STEAM. It might there, but my searches have not turned up anything concrete. I just pre-orderd from STEAM and didn't get anything mentioning closed beta. So I'm going to ask and kill another kobold, "Has anyone gotten their emails for closed beta after ordering from STEAM or will they come at a later date?".


    smygma wrote: »
    Gillrmn, you are just a big POS. People like you just sit around the forums waiting for their time to grief somebody about some mistake. I love a$$clowns like you and their internet muscles. So because I didn't search google and I read a few threads on these forums talking about getting a beta key by pre-ording TL2 but not specifying it has to be from PW, I have to pay attention to life.

    I know I'm feeding you by doing this, and you will still be the same POS the rest of your life.

    Bah... you know what... F' it. You're a load that should have a been swallowed. Without you, I can promise that many other lives would have been better.

    Can't wait for your next fantastic life changing advice you have for me.

    OMG. This is EXACTLY why I flipped when Cryptic bundled the closed beta key guarantee how and when they did. Its all about the money, and that was made crystal clear by the timing of this offer. Offer absolutely nothing to the forum community (but hazy "promises" sometime in the distant furure), and nothing else, except a few handouts to PAX partygoers.... then all of a sudden "BAM GET EM WHILE THERE HOT!" cross promotion. "Create" urgency. "Create" the need. Then see how many of those not in the know they could squeeze for fast cash. As a sales management professional who cherishes ethical behavior, I just had to shake my head because the way this was handled was wrong.

    Gillrmn honestly is not much of a troll. He's a consistent contributor to these forums and a good egg.

    You have to understand, this delirious situation clearly lies in the lap of PW/Cryptic itself, and most of us on these forums agree. I would demand a refund, or just put a fraud claim on your card.

    In the future tho, learn from your error. Educate yourself well before you make a purchase if everything doesnt seem crystal clear.

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  • smygmasmygma Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Sorry for the explosion earlier, but a post like that is just not helping matters especially in my circumstance.

    I'm pretty experienced when it comes to searching forums, I just got caught up the in moment after reading a few posts.

    Anyhow, I have since opened a ticket and the situation should be remedied. Thanks for your follow up post. It helped calm me down a bit.
  • gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    smygma wrote: »
    Gillrmn, you are just a big POS. People like you just sit around the forums waiting for their time to grief somebody about some mistake. I love a$$clowns like you and their internet muscles. So because I didn't search google and I read a few threads on these forums talking about getting a beta key by pre-ording TL2 but not specifying it has to be from PW, I have to pay attention to life.

    I know I'm feeding you by doing this, and you will still be the same POS the rest of your life.

    Bah... you know what... F' it. You're a load that should have a been swallowed. Without you, I can promise that many other lives would have been better.

    Can't wait for your next fantastic life changing advice you have for me.

    Wait a sec... I think you forget that it was I who informed you that STEAM pre-orders may not be included, later also confirmed it with links.

    Secondly, I laughed at not the fact that you made a mistake, but at the fact what you said: " only reason I purchased TL2 was for the F'n Beta Key to Neverwinter".

    Thirdly, I am a user. I am not an official of PWE or something that I have to be nice to you.

    Lastly, if you can't laugh at yourself, others obviously will.

    Also, I can giving fitting replies to your arguments filled with swearing, but seeing that you are a person devoid of sense of humor, I will ignore you from now on. Happy?
  • gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    smygma wrote: »
    Sorry for the explosion earlier, but a post like that is just not helping matters especially in my circumstance.

    I'm pretty experienced when it comes to searching forums, I just got caught up the in moment after reading a few posts.

    Anyhow, I have since opened a ticket and the situation should be remedied. Thanks for your follow up post. It helped calm me down a bit.

    If you read the forums a bit more, you will find that it is not that big of a problem. Steam will let you return the game until it is not released, so you just need to return it before TL2 is released.

    Besides the fact, the reason might be 30% surcharge steam cuts in, or probably that they give TL1 access instead of beta key.

    My last post to you. enjoy.

    p.s. lol
  • gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Gillrmn honestly is not much of a troll...

    Thanks bro, but you don't have to defend me. Its all in good blood. It isn't a big deal and just 20 bucks which will come back to him/her.

    I agree that I am a bit disturbed by people who never search the forums before making a post even the there is a nice search function. However, here I just wrote what I felt, without any pretense - because I seriously don't believe that people exit who would pay only for beta access for f2p game (and that is not all) and feel disturbed by loosing that money.

    It is good that this mocking made him/her angry so that this thing in burnt in his/her mind. World outside is full of con-people/con-companies. How will this person survive out there? Apart from that this one thing in question is quite clearly written in all official promos, so to miss it, one has to try hard.

    That said, I still find it hard to believe that
    The only reason I purchased TL2 was for the F'n Beta Key to Neverwinter
    And it is actually not even guaranteed day 1 access - just access at some point.
This discussion has been closed.