in regards of whales dumping zen on ad to zen exchange, not even on the right mind they would dump zen there, it is way more profitable to buy key items from zen store (preswards, coalwards, companion packs, lockbox keys for the resale of the drops are the most common pratice when they buy it on discount) to sell in ah, dump zen in the zax is a waste of money.
Yes, but I wasn't going to advertise that, because people DO still use the Zen Exchange... (On XBox I wait about 4 to 5 weeks on average) And the fewer that do, after reading a comment like that, mean an even longer wait for the trades.
But I think you and I do not share an understanding of the term "Whale" in this situation. I'm talking about the people who see something, want it, and buy it without NEEDING to HAMSTER about trying to get the best deal on Wards. I know that I would want the best bang for my buck, but there are players out there who neither want, or need, to mess about checking to see if their Zen purchase has sold yet. Some people simply do not see getting what they want, when they want it, as being a waste of anything. That is what I consider a whale.
On Xbox, by my strictly unscientific back of a cigarette packet mathematics of seeing how long my orders take compared to how much is on the Zen Market when I first post, we see an average of about 4 million Zen per week go through the exchange. With the outstanding balance typically fluctuating between 16 and 20 million. That's in addition to whatever gets spent the way you describe.
(ETA: Seriously? The word CHILDREN use to describe the passing of anal gasses is a profanity???)
When I saw this at first I thought: okay, that's interesting. I can move my nerfed companions (there are a lot of them now - rendered utterly useless) to my alts and increase their companion bolster. It's literally the only thing I would want to unbind, and even moving it from character to account bound would suffice. But then I read that this does not include companions or mounts. Interest lost.
in regards of whales dumping zen on ad to zen exchange, not even on the right mind they would dump zen there, it is way more profitable to buy key items from zen store (preswards, coalwards, companion packs, lockbox keys for the resale of the drops are the most common pratice when they buy it on discount) to sell in ah, dump zen in the zax is a waste of money.
Yes, but I wasn't going to advertise that, because people DO still use the Zen Exchange... (On XBox I wait about 4 to 5 weeks on average) And the fewer that do, after reading a comment like that, mean an even longer wait for the trades.
But I think you and I do not share an understanding of the term "Whale" in this situation. I'm talking about the people who see something, want it, and buy it without NEEDING to HAMSTER about trying to get the best deal on Wards. I know that I would want the best bang for my buck, but there are players out there who neither want, or need, to mess about checking to see if their Zen purchase has sold yet. Some people simply do not see getting what they want, when they want it, as being a waste of anything. That is what I consider a whale.
On Xbox, by my strictly unscientific back of a cigarette packet mathematics of seeing how long my orders take compared to how much is on the Zen Market when I first post, we see an average of about 4 million Zen per week go through the exchange. With the outstanding balance typically fluctuating between 16 and 20 million. That's in addition to whatever gets spent the way you describe.
(ETA: Seriously? The word CHILDREN use to describe the passing of anal gasses is a profanity???)
we are not talking about different term of "whale", you talking about a specific type of whale, i understand, i just say most of those kind of "whales" most definitly are the aim for this change xD
arcanjo86Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,093Arc User
Looking at the economy, would the game win with tokens? A ring costing 20M AD would drain 2M, but that 18M would likely go to ZAX to buy more tokens. These 20M AD from the buyer will probably come from someone who will buy Zen and then buy AD making the ZAX more rotating. Sounds positively interesting.
darthpotaterMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,262Arc User
Looking at the economy, would the game win with tokens? A ring costing 20M AD would drain 2M, but that 18M would likely go to ZAX to buy more tokens. These 20M AD from the buyer will probably come from someone who will buy Zen and then buy AD making the ZAX more rotating. Sounds positively interesting.
At some point the "dedicated seller" will be out of zen to buy tokens, because the ZAX is slow, so he will stop unbinding things, or he will buy zen with money. The more items that can be sold in the AH, more AD are removed from the game.
If the AD more from one player to another, there is a cut, so is a good thing.
The only problem I see is if these tokens can be sold in AH.
kreatyveMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 10,545Community Moderator
A player on Discord wanted me to ask about being able to use them on mounts and companions that have not yet been equipped. Is this a possibility for the future?
My opinions are my own. I do not work for PWE or Cryptic. - Forum Rules - Protector's Enclave Discord - I play on Xbox Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official. Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
Currently artifacts and weapons that were used with unbind tokens are BoE and sold over AH and remained in BoE state even after being equipped or used. Just like the Forgehammer of Gond, being shared and sold after activating it one time as profession mythic tool.
Currently artifacts and weapons that were used with unbind tokens are BoE and sold over AH and remained in BoE state even after being equipped or used. Just like the Forgehammer of Gond, being shared and sold after activating it one time as profession mythic tool.
The unbound artifact I see in AH has the status (orange) "unbound", no BoE wordings. Is it not the case? I don't have experience about unbind token. I just want to learn.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
Is this a way to recognize who acquired, for example, buying a weapon from the one who actually made the content? I am intrigued by this. Or sometimes it's just because the item has been removed from the moorings that it's now totally free of them.
arcanjo86Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,093Arc User
A player on Discord wanted me to ask about being able to use them on mounts and companions that have not yet been equipped. Is this a possibility for the future?
@noworries#8859 any update for the bound companions and mounts we have in inventory?
Apart to the above (armor & weapon enchantments), my suggestion of things to unbind: 1) Reward Reroll Token 2) Companion gear 3) Influence from Stronghold 4) All bags 5) All stones of health
Here's one related to the current Siege event. Please add the Neverember Guard Archer from the Siege Event store to the list of things that can be unbound. It comes bound to character.
Hi, I have not tried the unbind tokens yet. But from what I understand, the item you unbind is "Bind on Pickup" after you have used the unbind tokens? I would like to see an alternative that just makes the item "Bound to Account" after you unbind it. Doesn't change the quality back to some base quality, that way I could use items on my alts, at a lower unbind token price.
Maybe a price of 20 tokens to "Unbind to Account" and 80 to "Unbind to Bind on Pickup" ? Or, just remove the "Bound to Character" all together
Anyway, just a thought. Thanks for a fun game. /Beata
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,522Arc User
Hi, I have not tried the unbind tokens yet. But from what I understand, the item you unbind is "Bind on Pickup" after you have used the unbind tokens? I would like to see an alternative that just makes the item "Bound to Account" after you unbind it. Doesn't change the quality back to some base quality, that way I could use items on my alts, at a lower unbind token price.
Maybe a price of 20 tokens to "Unbind to Account" and 80 to "Unbind to Bind on Pickup" ? Or, just remove the "Bound to Character" all together
Anyway, just a thought. Thanks for a fun game. /Beata
My understanding is: after you unbind the item, the item will be "unbound" (a new bound status). It will be unbound forever. You can pass that to alt and then pass to another alt and then sell it. The buyer can equip it and then pass to his alt and then sell it again.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
I would vote for: - All Hunt gear (Chult, Barovia, Avernus) - Companion gear - Neck & Waist items (would make sense in order to complete set from the unbound artifiact)
Demonweb Armor (rare blue rmor piece/transmute) from retired bounty system, for some reason this was one of few that was bop, unlike the majority of them.
Edit: Unless, my previous opinions are taken into consideration, honestly at this point I'm just resigning myself to the fact it will be passed over as qol and considered as a part of the new unbind system instead.
Also, in similar fashion to above
"Friend Rune" I've reported the issue with this extensively and seen no follow up for years. So, let me unbind it, pass it to an alt who hasn't claimed an ice polar bear and hopefully it will work (or create the next bug).
Can the unbind tokens be used to unbind Dread Vault and all old dungeons(including og CN) from Tales of Old and bind them to the queue system in the game?
all jokes aside though. Will this unbind token change the binding status of something that's Character Bound to Account Bound? Will this unbind token change the binding status of something that's Account Bound to Unbound?
How will this reflect on people unbinding their Ring of Darkness Band of Air for like 10Mil (so people will have things they never actually did the content to even earn in the first place) - that's one of my concerns.. You could save up X amount of AD buy the latest greatest item. but never have step foot in that content before.. and have no knowledge or experience on the content you're doing. I hope this is limited..
Reroll tokens please
well many can never get in to do it when you have gate keepers if your not 50k+ they will kick u or just stand around till u leave. and have others saying watch youtube videos. for me I'm hands on learning. how about ones that know help the others learn it. and not be big D's your not telling me all the stuff u have you grinded for yourself your just one of the lucky ones that can afford to buy zen all the time. they then buy up a bunch of stuff in zen market then sell in AH for over price with crazy mark ups. I think they need to unbind all the hunt stuff ribcage etc that whole mod back fired no one there to help anyone same as New sharander don't be selfish it's a game help each other
One concern is that you don't have to play the game anymore if you are 'rich' because you can buy everything with AD instead of having to play the content.
I don't think that's a valid concern. I always find myself in that situation every day and often choose the hard way because it feels more rewarding having worked for something. I also manually did the Echoes campaign although spending 1k ZEN is really a cheap way to bypass it. But then what are you going to do for a month until the next chapter drops?
I do lots of grinding every so offen i get lucky an able to buy some zen when i can treat myself I grind hard for ribcage just to get 8 cw's are hard to do always have something to rank up lol o then it may not drop in hunt then what?
When will artifact necklaces and belts be released for unbind tokens? I know there is the issue of event sets, but this should be restricted to whoever bought it, just as the Profession Artifact was!
у меня такой вопрос почему не льзя добавить снятие привяски таким предметам как божественые доспехи с цытадели или как пример утопленое оружие что сечас уже не достать ?шмот с цытадели лично меня интересует как внешка да и не только меня...господа разработчики есле читаете сделайте плиз снятие привяски уж очень хочу божественый сет себе во внешку так как нет возможности пройти цытадель иза окончания ивента(
(On XBox I wait about 4 to 5 weeks on average)
And the fewer that do, after reading a comment like that, mean an even longer wait for the trades.
But I think you and I do not share an understanding of the term "Whale" in this situation.
I'm talking about the people who see something, want it, and buy it without NEEDING to HAMSTER about trying to get the best deal on Wards.
I know that I would want the best bang for my buck, but there are players out there who neither want, or need, to mess about checking to see if their Zen purchase has sold yet.
Some people simply do not see getting what they want, when they want it, as being a waste of anything.
That is what I consider a whale.
On Xbox, by my strictly unscientific back of a cigarette packet mathematics of seeing how long my orders take compared to how much is on the Zen Market when I first post, we see an average of about 4 million Zen per week go through the exchange. With the outstanding balance typically fluctuating between 16 and 20 million.
That's in addition to whatever gets spent the way you describe.
(ETA: Seriously? The word CHILDREN use to describe the passing of anal gasses is a profanity???)
Unbind tokens are in live server, but seems are limited to use only in coalescent at moment
If the AD more from one player to another, there is a cut, so is a good thing.
The only problem I see is if these tokens can be sold in AH.
Caturday Survivor
Elemental Evil Survivor
Undermontain Survivor
Mod20 Combat rework Survivor
Mod22 Refinement rework Survivor
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
Are these all working as intended? @noworries#8859
I don't have experience about unbind token. I just want to learn.
1) Reward Reroll Token
2) Companion gear
3) Influence from Stronghold
4) All bags
5) All stones of health
I have not tried the unbind tokens yet.
But from what I understand, the item you unbind is "Bind on Pickup" after you have used the unbind tokens?
I would like to see an alternative that just makes the item "Bound to Account" after you unbind it.
Doesn't change the quality back to some base quality, that way I could use items on my alts, at a lower unbind token price.
Maybe a price of 20 tokens to "Unbind to Account" and 80 to "Unbind to Bind on Pickup" ?
Or, just remove the "Bound to Character" all together
Anyway, just a thought.
Thanks for a fun game.
- All Hunt gear (Chult, Barovia, Avernus)
- Companion gear
- Neck & Waist items (would make sense in order to complete set from the unbound artifiact)
Edit: Unless, my previous opinions are taken into consideration, honestly at this point I'm just resigning myself to the fact it will be passed over as qol and considered as a part of the new unbind system instead.
Also, in similar fashion to above
"Friend Rune" I've reported the issue with this extensively and seen no follow up for years. So, let me unbind it, pass it to an alt who hasn't claimed an ice polar bear and hopefully it will work (or create the next bug).
Circlet of Webs
Drow Bracers
I think they need to unbind all the hunt stuff ribcage etc that whole mod back fired no one there to help anyone same as New sharander don't be selfish it's a game help each other