Today at 17:13
Because bolster gives up to 100% stats and that 7.5k armpen/power is the max you can getvwith 100% bolster, by itself the mythic trex will give 3.75k +10%
Today at 17:16
Hp mounts like the triceratops will be getting the largest nerfs. A mythic triceratops will give 30k HP at base +10% bolster.
With 100% bolster it will give 60k hp
Firstly, mount update. This was recently posted in my alliance discord, so lets first thank the devs for the nerf to 99% of the player base and to all tanks until we spend way too much to get the old value for our leg mounts. I have 3 leg mounts on my main, 15% bolster. 2.5% assumed per epic, so 32.5% bolster I'll have and will need 70% just to get back the effect of leg triceratops 50k hp which isn't cheap, hell may take years to get there. This is why they didn't want to put it on preview, just like Redeemed citadel, because they don't want backlash until its too late.
So, lets get this straight, we paid for milestone III bottom rewards, grind for the bottom rewards, then we either have to get top 100 or pay again to make the artifact set have any value? Double paywall, without telling us before hand. Or lose your mind competing against 10k other people for top 100, for an arti set that works best for a tank. Yep, thanks again horrible devs.
Note: tooltip displays max possible stats when a player has 10+ Mythic mounts in their stable.
At zero bolster ... I think with 9 epic mounts and one legendary mount, you'll have your power 10k or even a little more.
Because so far it's just a discussion.. Maybe wait until Tuesday to light the pyre?
The combined rating shown, 5625, is being doubled. So 2812 for a mythic mount. A leg mount would be half of that, so 1406. An epic mount, which is the highest quality mount most people can manage, is going to be half of a leg mount, or 703 combined rating. Or, 878 CR assuming the not especially likely scenario that you have 9 more epic mounts, each giving you 2.5% bolster. Most of the people I know, unless they are a whale, have 3-6 epic mounts and then some random amount of blue and green mounts.
This change is a huge HAMSTER lie. The stated goal of making it easier for people to gear up and meet caps is a LIE. The numbers and math are so unbelievably back-loaded that it's not going to help anyone meet anything, and in fact will be making it even harder for people to meet the power floors groups require for ToMM. This change is nothing but a thinly veiled attempt to squeeze cash out of people just to get back to where they were before.
1) We dont know if legendary bonus is half the mythic bonus and epic bonus is half of legendary bonus.
2) You are not counting collars, another source of stats. Ok secondary stats but more stats anyway that makes your character better. I preffer 10% critical severity than the power I will lose from the mount.
3) This is a new scenario to have something to do, to progress your character and have more options, much more interesting that having a mythic mount with more stats and nothing more. If collars drop in dungeons, you can sell them, everyone can farm something that is valuable, at all power levels, not only the newest dungeon / trial.
4) They are introducing account wide companions with this change, and companion prize reduction. Thats huge, more if you have alts.
I dont care losing 2500 or 3000 power in this scenario really.
Caturday Survivor
Elemental Evil Survivor
Undermontain Survivor
Mod20 Combat rework Survivor
Mod22 Refinement rework Survivor
And from what math did you calculated that epic mount will give 2.5% bolster, while mythic gives 10%? In my opinion it will be 5%, so with 10 pieces you will get 50%.
But keep on having fun with your math, I'll just wait. At best, I will be disappointed. But I expect that if I'm right, you'll admit that your math sucks: D
For anyone wondering where 5% leg bolster is coming from.
"Mount Bolster: Your 10 highest quality mounts add to your mount bolster which in turn increases your mount passive and combat powers up to double their base effectiveness."
That's written above the second screenshot. It shows a legendary mount and it's bolster amount, 5%. that means 10 legendary mounts is a 50% buff to the stats. What would a mythic mount's bolster value have to be for 10 of them to add up to +100%?
cryptic is making it very well known that if your not willing to pay you you will just get left behind. same as with the new tank artifact set (we pay) for forgers just to get bottom row rewards and we still had to do the grind. now we will get a neck and waist parts of a new set after we grind out another 28k favors and then what? if we are not in the top 100 or willing to spend zen the set is useless? On top of that we PAID for a Bis race (dragon born) we paid for forgers to be able to get the rewards and new race (and even did the same grind as everyone else) and maybe pay to complete the new set and after all that paying we still cannot use the damn head piece visuals? this company dont give a craptic about its players only in figuring out a way to surprise sucker punch them with false upgrades or systems that start by reducing the stuff we already farmed / upgraded / purchased and offering us ways to pay to get back what they took (after we already paid for it once)
Average player has a character with a legendary and and handful of other mounts at random grades. They will quickly be able to upgrade this set to:
1 Mythic mount + 9 Purple mounts. (total bolster for this set is: 32.5%)
This puts them about where they are now in stats. Over time they can add Account-Legendary to their stable, or simply upgrade the ones they have. This will bring them over where they were. Its not overnight unless we pay big money, but the final upgrades will bring a difference of plus 5% in damage at most for example. We don't know how expensive or cheap the upgrade process will be at this point. ACCT bound mounts will also be awarded from events.
I said exactly the same, although in different words.
1) The TRex screen shot shows a combined rating of +5625, which we didn't previously get. This attributes to EVERY stat (except HP/Power). That is essentially 7x 5625 = 39,375 extra stat points. Even if it is only a single mythic (ie half the stats, giving 10% of the bolster) = /2 *1.1 = 21656 + 3750 Arm Pen + 3750 Power.
-A single Legendary power mount will likely give: (5625/3) * 1.05 = 1968 combined rating * 7 disciplines = 13,781 to all stats + 5250 power. That's over 19k stat points. This will definitely help new players balance out stats more than just a simple 10k power.
2) The dev's have already said it will follow similar companion upgrade paths. IE Blue -> Purple = 60 tokens, Purple -> Orange = 90, and thanks to a dev leak that it will be 200 tokens to go to mythic. At 500 Zen per pack of 75 tokens (400 with coupon), you are looking at an AD conversion of 1000 zen * 750 AD = 750k AD to take a blue mount to legendary... Compared to the current mount price of 4-5 million. Again, much much cheaper for a new player. That's 1.875m AD for a mythic, INSANE!
3) We don't know mount collar stats. If they are anything like companion gear, they will also have combined rating. It will likely max around current companion gear (1100) and start at under mountain stats. So, you will get another 800 combined stats from the base, another 5600 in stats.
-I just don't understand the arguments of how this will HURT new players. Everything here, shows that it will make stat balancing MUCH easier for them, and for veteran players, well if you want to be the absolute best in slot, you should have learned long ago to convert and save zen. If not, that's on you.
Lol ...Where do you get these ideas from?