I have seen that during the first 7 days, on a Fighter/Tank, NO problem what so ever. Health bar barely moved. Starting yesterday (day 8) got my behind HANDED to me LOL. IL just under 23k. Granted I have 3 stats that are still lower than they should be... i.e. Crit Avoid, Deflect, and Awareness, and I know that is an issue... BUT difficulty level went up HUGE and if that is "working as intended", then WOW I cannot even imagine what week 3 would be like LOL. Still going to try a few things to see if it helps, but I don't know if it will be viable or not LOL. Oh well, I still enjoy playing the game
Last time, week 3 was easier than week 2.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
I adjusted a few things and am happy to say that I made it through my 1st day (which is on day 9 instead of 8 due to getting my behind handed to me LOL) of the 2nd wave... Kind of strange to me actually LOL, because I gave up a BUNCH of Arm Pen, and just boosted my Crit Avoid , and Awareness , Lost some other stats that I would think would be crucial, BUT... made the difference... used I think 2? stones, not a problem other than that. Although had to hustle my behind off to get into position to throw encounters LOL
@doriangreigh there are two reasons to kite enemies: 1) add the difficulty by making a big crowd 2) to have not so many mob batches... you kite only the last 1-2 mobs till the next batch comes (if you kill all, the next batch comes immediately)
Want to say day 6 made 4of 5 after ding 12th time lag got really bad on your server .. so F your event i 'll go play WoWS . 22.k SW ...my power take to long to activate i get hit over and over using my power's so thx for this B,S
@rainer#8575 From the video: I strongly disagree with the claim that having slotted insignias is a bad choice. 9 green insignias is only 90 ilvl and will give you Barbarian Revelry, Oppressor's Reprieve and Survivor's Blessing. (you can even cheaply fish those on AH) That is a super effective safety measure and definitely worth it - especially as you have capped your stats.
> @rikitaki said: > @rainer#8575 > From the video: I strongly disagree with the claim that having slotted insignias is a bad choice. 9 green insignias is only 90 ilvl and will give you Barbarian Revelry, Oppressor's Reprieve and Survivor's Blessing. (you can even cheaply fish those on AH) > That is a super effective safety measure and definitely worth it - especially as you have capped your stats.>
Agreed. For me, having Defense capped at 85k inside Hell Pit, and rocking Barbarian Reverly and Survivor’s Blessing made it SO much easier, playing as a wizard
Well, i think you have a 30s "kill window" between enemy spawns, which is not a problem for a higher IL character, but with a low IL you really have to step on it while also trying to avoid at least some of the AoE and the various "control" effects, or you won't make it through all 5 rounds.
Day 10 plus bonus round done with my 18k Dreadnought, i got lucky again with a selection of devils as enemies, but those Cambion enemies are getting really annoying with their constant screaming followed by an AoE placed exactly under my character... it feels like they have no or really low cooldowns on their attack abilities.
Got Veil of the Blinking Beast from a Juma bag, currently using it, rather dicey item for this event, but may be it will help me with getting out of the center of a swarm in the third week... probably not, but one can hope. And gathered enough seals for Burnished Spear, a few more days of daily dungeon/skirmish runs and i'll have the Burnished Shield too, hope that set will also help a bit in the pit.
when was that video made? i haven't seen any bosses. If the video was made during the previous run of hell pit things have changed haven't they? Did you manage to cap your defensive stats too without boons, companions mounts and insignias? How? You are also using a meelee ranger build?
I have nearly capped stats on all 4 def and the 3 offense stats that matter and i need to constantly be running to survive. You didn't run at all. I am ranged and hunter build but range and specialty shouldn't change the amount of damage we take.
@rainer#8575 From the video: I strongly disagree with the claim that having slotted insignias is a bad choice. 9 green insignias is only 90 ilvl and will give you Barbarian Revelry, Oppressor's Reprieve and Survivor's Blessing. (you can even cheaply fish those on AH) That is a super effective safety measure and definitely worth it - especially as you have capped your stats.
Interesting point. You can probably fit that in indeed for a bit of power
Well I did it today after changing one of my companion gears to a defensive one which capped defence , crit avoidance ,deflection and brought my awareness up to 52K and I really didn’t lose anything offensively I was still 75K on all my offensive stats except crit strike was only 70k . I lost 15 K in power roughly and it was a heck of a lot easier today. I used one power up 2nd round and saved shield power up for last minute of bonus round. Bonus round almost got out of hand but I quickly fixed that . Make sure defensive stats are at or close to 65k seems to be key .
So is the consensus that Hell Pit is stat cap 85k?
I have been assuming 57k stat cap so I have been running with Xuna. I have been surviving as an 26.8k Arcanist Wizard with AE loadout, but it has been busy times.
I probably should try a non-Xuna 85k cap run.
Did anyone actually test Hell Pit stat cap and can confirm it is 85k?
Hell Pit is an event with progressive difficulty, and obviously intended to be Hell at end.
You should expect to be able to (barely) survive the first week at the recommended IL, but you should not necessarily be able to do week 2 and 3.
Having content for different levels of gearing is normal in MMORPGs. You don't expect to do ToMM either at 20k IL
Frankly I think week 3 will be interesting for me as well. I have no ToMM weapons so I am down 10-20% dps from that alone compared to a fully BiS build.
kalina311Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,082Arc User
@vigor He did not cap all the stats, just ar pen, crit, accu and defense. The main difference between you two might be CA - as he, as a solo ranger, has absolutely no use for it. (some other classes that can gain CA out of thin air might prefer CA to accuracy)
And no, aim for 19999. That is the key!
Btw: I spent the whole yesterday tuning my char down below 20k and I am curious about today's hellpit. If the claim about 85k stat cap is true... (like, rainer has my trust, I am sure devs are perfectly willing to do such stupidity in 20k ilvl content - and the difference in difficulty compared to last year would be adequate to raising stats from lomm to IC) ...I am really curious. I was running the hellpit with 25k ilvl toon with caps for lomm. You can guess what I had inside: not much + eliminated damage feat for not over-capping.
greywyndMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 7,172Arc User
So much HAMSTER thrown at the player, can't dodge. You're either locked in a mob or prone. They've thrown in the hezrou, running with glabrezu that there's so much large AoE on top of the Meteor Strikes that it's f'n stupid.
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
I got a lighter mixture - horses, succubi, dogs, magi... coupled with the bellow 20k ilvl tweak: I was technically immortal (the first round I noticed the respec changed my power selection, so I opened the character sheet and wiggled there for a while... even the bonus round was technically harmless)
I honestly don't change gear or spec or tune down to under 20k. This event seems easier this time around than last. Yes I know my ranger has some nice gear, but it also means I am scaled down more. Not all content is meant for all players. Just meeting a minimum item level requirememnt doesn't mean a win. You need to have understanding of your character, strong positioning skills, knowledge of content, and timing. The first week of the event is doable by all meeting minimum requirememnts after that you just may not be ready yet. Keep playing other content, get stronger, run with friends to make dungeons easier to finish. Yes I do understand hellpit is a solo event. Best of luck all.
@micheal1979 I honestly am against the necessity to get naked for any scaled content, but here we are. My char that is bound to run the Hellpit is based on 3way rank 15 enchants. Throwing all the enchants away - along with the most of my usual gear means inside I GAIN 20k to power and on average 25k to my stats. That is a major bump. I simply want to have a chance once all the Glabrezus in the arena start to play a ping-pong with me like the last year.
It is not about situation awareness, it is not about knowing your char, it is not about knowing anything. It is about a silly design. Either way, an adventurer should be properly geared for the battle, so it is reasonable to put away all the legendary state-of-the-art gems and artefacts as they are hindrance.
I call it a bad game design, but if I am forced to play along with it - well, whatever.
And HE DID CAP ALL STATS besides CA. Watch the video again. Pen, Crit, Acc, Def, AND Avoid, Deflect, Aware
No, he did not - on various occasions (15:26 is probably the best) you can see those are far from capped. (btw: He ate a lot of stuff. )
And I feel you are overestimating the scaling system. In my experience it has a rather straightforward approach - although, it gives surprisingly unpredictable results exactly because of that: The scaling defines what maximum IL each piece of gear can have for the selected target. That means: two cases with exactly same stats as base might end up completely differently after scaling. If you have all rank 11 single stat enchants, the scaling will be minor. ...versus... If you have half single stat rank 9 and half tripple stat rank 13, you will loose a lot. The same goes for gear. If you have every IL average - it treats you well. If you have half below average and half above, you pay the price.
If you can avoid the scaling, you are avoiding the discrimination against those high rank items - in our case r15 bondings and 1010 ilvl companion gear. (still, who thought it is a good idea to put us against cap 85k demons in 20k ilvl scaled content?)
(I do not feel qualified to even speculate about anything concerning companions)
(And I completely agree - it is ridiculous how unintuitive is the finding what gear is suitable for your purposes - and that there is a major discrepancy between what is suitable for ordinary, and scaled content.)
Day 11 - quite hard, burned up 15 stones of health and failed Bonus round.
Generally its ok if you get boots [using dailies almost at will] shield [invincible for a minute] or heart [almost invincible for a minute].
You just got to time the power ups, and if you are lucky you can carry one over into round five, or even the bonus round.
Its STUPID that you should scale yourself down to 19,999 item level to do best. Flipping stupid.
Also I notice player skill does make a big difference, if I am playign lazy I can get owned. When I am really trying to avoid splats of red and sprint out of mob groups I survive much more easily. Movement, evasion, timing all make a big difference
Day 11 - quite hard, burned up 15 stones of health and failed Bonus round.
Generally its ok if you get boots [using dailies almost at will] shield [invincible for a minute] or heart [almost invincible for a minute].
You just got to time the power ups, and if you are lucky you can carry one over into round five, or even the bonus round.
Its STUPID that you should scale yourself down to 19,999 item level to do best. Flipping stupid.
Also I notice player skill does make a big difference, if I am playign lazy I can get owned. When I am really trying to avoid splats of red and sprint out of mob groups I survive much more easily. Movement, evasion, timing all make a big difference
I just want to chime in here with something I noticed. The shield is not working anything like it did last year. Last year it was invincibility, this year it not only can fail, its happened more than once to me, and one time it was so fast I almost didn't even notice the yellow bar going down. Before you tell me that it has a 1 minute time limit, I know. I used it during the bonus round today at 53 seconds left. I made sure it went up (got the yellow healthbar). Then stopped to kill some enemies and before I used my second encounter the shield was gone.
Oh and what I missed in the video: also take in 1 piece of drowcraft armor (underdark campaign store) for extra 10% DR vs demons.
there are two reasons to kite enemies:
1) add the difficulty by making a big crowd
2) to have not so many mob batches... you kite only the last 1-2 mobs till the next batch comes (if you kill all, the next batch comes immediately)
From the video: I strongly disagree with the claim that having slotted insignias is a bad choice. 9 green insignias is only 90 ilvl and will give you Barbarian Revelry, Oppressor's Reprieve and Survivor's Blessing. (you can even cheaply fish those on AH)
That is a super effective safety measure and definitely worth it - especially as you have capped your stats.
> @rainer#8575
> From the video: I strongly disagree with the claim that having slotted insignias is a bad choice. 9 green insignias is only 90 ilvl and will give you Barbarian Revelry, Oppressor's Reprieve and Survivor's Blessing. (you can even cheaply fish those on AH)
> That is a super effective safety measure and definitely worth it - especially as you have capped your stats.>
Agreed. For me, having Defense capped at 85k inside Hell Pit, and rocking Barbarian Reverly and Survivor’s Blessing made it SO much easier, playing as a wizard
Day 10 plus bonus round done with my 18k Dreadnought, i got lucky again with a selection of devils as enemies, but those Cambion enemies are getting really annoying with their constant screaming followed by an AoE placed exactly under my character... it feels like they have no or really low cooldowns on their attack abilities.
Got Veil of the Blinking Beast from a Juma bag, currently using it, rather dicey item for this event, but may be it will help me with getting out of the center of a swarm in the third week... probably not, but one can hope.
And gathered enough seals for Burnished Spear, a few more days of daily dungeon/skirmish runs and i'll have the Burnished Shield too, hope that set will also help a bit in the pit.
Make sure defensive stats are at or close to 65k seems to be key .
I have been assuming 57k stat cap so I have been running with Xuna. I have been surviving as an 26.8k Arcanist Wizard with AE loadout, but it has been busy times.
I probably should try a non-Xuna 85k cap run.
Did anyone actually test Hell Pit stat cap and can confirm it is 85k?
You should expect to be able to (barely) survive the first week at the recommended IL, but you should not necessarily be able to do week 2 and 3.
Having content for different levels of gearing is normal in MMORPGs. You don't expect to do ToMM either at 20k IL
Frankly I think week 3 will be interesting for me as well. I have no ToMM weapons so I am down 10-20% dps from that alone compared to a fully BiS build.
He did not cap all the stats, just ar pen, crit, accu and defense. The main difference between you two might be CA - as he, as a solo ranger, has absolutely no use for it. (some other classes that can gain CA out of thin air might prefer CA to accuracy)
And no, aim for 19999.
Btw: I spent the whole yesterday tuning my char down below 20k and I am curious about today's hellpit. If the claim about 85k stat cap is true... (like, rainer has my trust, I am sure devs are perfectly willing to do such stupidity in 20k ilvl content - and the difference in difficulty compared to last year would be adequate to raising stats from lomm to IC) ...I am really curious. I was running the hellpit with 25k ilvl toon with caps for lomm. You can guess what I had inside: not much + eliminated damage feat for not over-capping.
Believer in SMASH
Fairplay,no bots , no bugs, and play well
Throwing all the enchants away - along with the most of my usual gear means inside I GAIN 20k to power and on average 25k to my stats. That is a major bump.
I simply want to have a chance once all the Glabrezus in the arena start to play a ping-pong with me like the last year.
It is not about situation awareness, it is not about knowing your char, it is not about knowing anything. It is about a silly design.
Either way, an adventurer should be properly geared for the battle, so it is reasonable to put away all the legendary state-of-the-art gems and artefacts as they are hindrance.
I call it a bad game design, but if I am forced to play along with it - well, whatever.
(btw: He ate a lot of stuff.
And I feel you are overestimating the scaling system. In my experience it has a rather straightforward approach - although, it gives surprisingly unpredictable results exactly because of that: The scaling defines what maximum IL each piece of gear can have for the selected target.
That means: two cases with exactly same stats as base might end up completely differently after scaling.
If you have all rank 11 single stat enchants, the scaling will be minor. ...versus... If you have half single stat rank 9 and half tripple stat rank 13, you will loose a lot.
The same goes for gear. If you have every IL average - it treats you well. If you have half below average and half above, you pay the price.
If you can avoid the scaling, you are avoiding the discrimination against those high rank items - in our case r15 bondings and 1010 ilvl companion gear. (still, who thought it is a good idea to put us against cap 85k demons in 20k ilvl scaled content?)
(I do not feel qualified to even speculate about anything concerning companions)
(And I completely agree - it is ridiculous how unintuitive is the finding what gear is suitable for your purposes - and that there is a major discrepancy between what is suitable for ordinary, and scaled content.)
Generally its ok if you get boots [using dailies almost at will] shield [invincible for a minute] or heart [almost invincible for a minute].
You just got to time the power ups, and if you are lucky you can carry one over into round five, or even the bonus round.
Its STUPID that you should scale yourself down to 19,999 item level to do best. Flipping stupid.
Also I notice player skill does make a big difference, if I am playign lazy I can get owned. When I am really trying to avoid splats of red and sprint out of mob groups I survive much more easily. Movement, evasion, timing all make a big difference