[We did this last time so it would be nice to do it again, share tactics and experiences etc]
Day 1 - 25.5k Barbie.
Not sure how much higher my iL is than last time [makes a note to check the old forum thread] but I was excited to see this return.
My tactics by the end of Hell Pit Chapter one were;
1 - Run around a lot and use a heal stone if required
2 - Grab the power up, unless it was boots which are rubbish [NOTE - didnt the devs say the Boots power up was beign removed?]
3 - Run around some more
4 - Use the Heal power up with 45 seconds to go
5 - Run around some more
6 - Use AOEs and Rage to kill everything in sight after counter reaches zero.
In Chapter One Week One seemed fairly easy, did it without breaking sweat. So was looking forward to a leisurely 10 minutes.
Oh dear.
To me it seemed MUCH harder than last Chapter Week One, I used more stones, ran more, and even died once in a flurry of agony and pain.
Mobs seem to hit MUCH harder than last time round. Very unforgiving.
Not sure if the scaling is working that well? or another problem?
I got through all five rounds, but it was grim and nasty in there. Much more of a challenge than I was expecting.
Give us your feedback and tactics!
"So this was day 1 of 21 and as each day goes by my understanding is it will get harder.
Day One - Barbarian - iL about 23k - it seemed pretty easy, used a couple of healing potions, probably due to laziness.
I am hoping they don't ramp it up too much by day 21!"
So I am 2.5k HIGHER iL and it seemed much harder.
Great work Cryptic
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
It got harder - in day one the mobs have actually a potential to kill me. That is not necessarily wrong, but hopefully they did not make everything harder, just the gradient flatter... otherwise I cannot imagine who would survive in the third week.
Still kiteing strategy works the best - nuke the rangers and run around. Killing all the mobs promptly did not bring any benefit, just more danger.
I haven't got worse at playing my Barbie. Yeah I didnt take note, but I was getting hit for 6k damage from ranged fireball type things over and over again, sometimes five or six in quick succession. That eats up Hit Points pretty fast.
No Potions/Artifacts/Dailies/Buffs used, I also show what I'm running in the first few seconds.
EDIT: healing from insignas bonus/redemption
So basically, if you already have a bunch of Legendary items and an effectively maxed out Barbarian, you can play Hell Pit and pick up a few more Legendary items to make yourself even more powerful.
If you're at the 18K-20K event target level, still need Legendary items to increase your stats, and play non-Barbarians, you need not apply.
The event which was supposedly designed for you at 18-29k is actually only for the top 8% of players who no longer really need this stuff, but want to have more of it anyway.
That being said, @plasticbat, feel free to post your video of your sub-20K, non-Barbarian completing the challenge. Don't forget to include screenshots revealing how he did it without having 15 legendary items on his build already. I'll watch with interest!
This is the one I did last time without using any health potion but he was still a 21K barbarian.
I guess i will get through the second week with this character, if i get mostly devils as enemies and have some luck with timing the boosters right, but that's probably it.
Now the problem is that most 20k's you see crying in PE are the same ones that stack item lvl to go on redq/rtq to get carried by someone else without caring abput their stats, last year warlock wasn't my main and i was able to do it on him, it took some effort but i was able to
This was the first time I play a rogue in Hell Pit. I have been using a Barbie in the real server.
The video is still being processed by Youtube. It is SD at the moment. It should have HD later.
I intend to switch the boots (rusted iron) for something old (scaling...), fury maybe, if it gets harder some more gear perhaps, maybe some adjustments, but for me its like last time.
It works with what I normally run, no extra healing, no extra HP on utility and I am a normal-mdps-low on power peep.
I am very glad about the AOEs on HR tho
I am still using the demon lord's set for everything. no change to boons as only the available points to spend has changed.
the only other significant item change is the bonding runestones which were changed from rank 9's to rank 13's and my augment companion went from epic to legendary with the help of the Legacy Quests from Sybella.
As far as healing goes I added the Dark Ritual Robes and added "barbarian's revelry" to my list of available insignia mount powers. Did not have either available to me the last time around and usually ended up having to use a few potions
The first round was probably the toughest for me because that is the only round where I lost 60 to 70% of my health. Although it is also the only round where I did not use the item as I saved it for the next round so that I could essentially have 2 available for the final round.
Week1: Try not to fall asleep. You could die here... like falling asleep in a bathtub.
Week2: Use consumables. Save Dailies for final rounds.
Week3: (actually use strategy & tactics). Remember... your fighting the clock, not the demons. Use AoE bursts on mobs, then switch to single target to finish them off slowly. The slower you go... the slower they respawn.
25.5k Barbie - Got Demons [again]
Stuck to previous tactics, run around and nuke stuff at the end.
This relies on either Heal or Shield Power up.
Used a few Heal Stones, died once out of stupidity and lag...
Definitely harder than last time.
25.5k Barbie - Demons [3rd time running?]
Changed tactics, stood and fought. This at least broke the tedious monotony of running in circles [AND had the added bonus of making each two minute round seem shorter].
Hardly broke sweat, didn't use a power up in Rounds 4 and 5, used a few Heal Pots.
SO my higher iL scaled down seems to make killing the mobs so much easier in small groups, rather than trying to nuke them all at the end. The risk with building up too many mobs is getting stuck, caught, tripped over, lagged and then insta splatted.
Will try stand and fight from now on [at least its less boring]
25.5k Barbie DPS
Relatively easy, seems no harder than day one.
Stood and fought all rounds.
Used a few healing Pots.
Switched tactics though, used 2 One Mob killers and 1 AOE [Axe Storm] to finish off straggelers.