Wait for the patch to *hit* before you praise them.... look at their wording. "Should" be easier. With no details given as to what they're doing to accomplish that.
In summary, with regards to their claims, allow me to paraphrase good 'ole Araghast The pillager. "Bold words, little developers...now show me deeds..."
your patch notes was useless for how i still can not play after patch notes and if you would had listened to the players maybe the game wouldn't had died if you hadn't given us lame powers and class features to play with why i want this back
Can you please look at bondings for scaled content there is now way we are meant to be scaled down to less than rank 6 bondings which is currently happening in all scaled content
i run every class, and i hate the way they changed this game. prior to this module my cleric paladin and warlock were all "endgame". now at 21,951 IL my cleric does 1/3 of the dps of my 13k wizard and barbie. she has 100k+ power and 100K+ armor penetration, while the barbie and wizard have 30k power and 20k arpen. and they do 3x her damage. this game has been really changed, and not in a good way. certain classes are catered to while others are just ruined. and scaling is a joke. how do these "developers" even have a job? my younger brother writes javascript and could do a better job in 3 days then they did in 3 months -__-
So why does it seem only Intermediate and Epic level content, content run by higher level and end-game players get their content modified… in some cases made less difficult – while random leveling content remains as is?
PATCH NOTES Enemies and Encounters Castle Never Castle Never should now be significantly less difficult. Demogorgon: This fight should now be significantly less difficult. Malabog's Castle: Redcap Giantsouls and Redcap Thorns in this area now deal ~45% less damage and have ~50% less health. Tomb of the Nine Gods: Ras Nsi should now be more completeable, and Withers' health has been reduced. The following queues have had their minimum item level and their scaling item level increased by 1000, which should make queued players more powerful: Cragmire Crypts (Master) Kessell's Retreat Lair of Lostmauth Malabog's Castle Shores of Tuern Temple of the Spider (Master) Valindra's Tower
I’m not saying there appears to be some kind of bias or favoritism here…. On second thought that’s exactly what I’m saying –
Intermediate and Epic level content seems to be harder for those who used to run it, so the content gets nerfed… or players will have to have better stats to run that content making things easier for everyone.
But for players stuck in lower and leveling content who also see the content they used to run more difficult, possible modifications get shrugged off and they remain as they are… those players are just supposed to 'deal with it'.
Some queues have had the items levels raised for players allowed to enter intermediate and epic level content – how about we lower the item level for players allowed to enter lower and leveling content (keep the 5 member party modification), as was suggested multiple times over many months?
Let the instances “pop” slower if as the developers claim that is something that is likely to happen. At least give it a shot and see if their worst fears are real – or just imagined. *We all know changes made after a modification can be rolled back with little or no effort, if and when it appears to be necessary.
Anyone with an item level sufficient to run intermediate or epic level dungeons should be running intermediate and epic level dungeons, not leveling dungeons anyway.
That seemed to be crux of the majority of complaints regarding those limited to leveling dungeons anyway, some high level players running off abandoning the party, slaughtering everything in sight, or just ignoring mobs and leaving them for stragglers and some fewer deriding slower or lower level players for not playing to their expectations.
Why should players with higher item levels be allowed to run leveling dungeons as well as intermediate dungeons and in some cases epic dungeons when players with lower item levels are confined to leveling dungeons?
Just to make lower and leveling dungeons queue more quickly - maybe?
So why does it seem only Intermediate and Epic level content, content run by higher level and end-game players get their content modified… in some cases made less difficult – while random leveling content remains as is?
Because the lower level content has no problems?
* It is intended that game is harder now - you should not be able to solo group instances or behave like a solo player in a group instance * It is intended that you need to use proper group tactics now. Let tank go first. Healers must heal. Stay out of red. Don't grab aggro. Don't attack from the front.
The zones getting fixes have obvious problems in that mobs are basically unkillable due to tuning issues.
I have not had any difficulty problems in the RLQ instances I have been running, but I have had to adapt my tactics and play with the team rather than pretending it is 5 people doing solo content. The problems I have had in RLQ is the group builder making groups with no tank or healer...
If you find RLQ content that is too hard you should post specifics in the threads here on the forum, but make sure to change your playstyle to group play first.
So why does it seem only Intermediate and Epic level content, content run by higher level and end-game players get their content modified… in some cases made less difficult – while random leveling content remains as is?
This is RIQ. This isn't catering to endgame players at all.
That would be RAQ.
Levelling content means 1-60 zones, Elemental Evil and Undermountain. Campaign zones like Barovia, IWD, etc are not "random levelling content".
So, this patch is helping "average" players.
(No I don't like the scaling, all level 70 zones should be moved to level 80 period and scaling should be removed from content except RLQ.)
Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin Obsidian Oath - Warlock A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
I had to finally make some post. I tend to be very accepting to changes in these kind of games even if it makes things more difficult. However there is a major difference in increased difficulty than making things basically impossible. And they little feedback from the team that boils down to you guys suck just learn to play better is complete BS. You have things like Tiamat where if all 25 players go to the same cleric they can not even defend that single one since all the devils just run around happily killing everyone in 1 hit. that is not players not knowing how to play that is just 100% HAMSTER and no one willing to admit they messed up. There is no way you could say scaling is in a good place and have actually tested tiamat..... and giving us the line of tweaks will be made as the content is played more, is unacceptable to anyone that supports a "live"game with money. People support games financially to be given working content not content you expect us to test for you which is something you should be doing to begin with so your players can enjoy the game rather than test it for you. I can accept a bug here or there because I understand mistakes happen but with all the feedback I saw preview players giving you already knew there was a major issue but must have figured somehow it would just magically work on live better?
And the scaling is completely ridiculous our rank 15 Bonding rune stones that do 70% in lostmauth scaled all the way down to 20%. My offense stats which are all over 10k beyond the cap at 80 are way under the cap scaled to 70 to the point where I maybe crit 15% of the time. not that it matters since the armor pen does little to get through regardless. and so many attacks are just 1 hit you are dead. But yeah get good is the answer. You already removed the vast majority of the buffs and power sharing is gone. That alone should have increased the difficulty of these dungeons with scaling stuff down to 1/3-1/2 effectiveness.
All I really have to say so far is Thanks, I can plow through my 3 daily master expeditions and play other games i have put off because I used to enjoy giving all my time and spare game money to Neverwinter. I mean I would play the new lvl 80 dungeon that was hyped up in the lead up to the new mod but nah we did not even get that and have yet to hear any real time frame from you guys, so yeah fun fun we have no dungeons that are not scaled to even play in and no expeditions do not count since you can solo them with no real trouble. which also means we have a lovely seal vendor page that is completely useless because looking at gear you may want to get because those seals can not even be received by played yet because no lair of the mad mage yet..... Why have stuff in the game that players can not even get? Seems this mod is you trying to get as many people as possible to pay that ridiculous nearly $200 pack to to get a new weapon set before you let those unwilling a chance to farm seals to buy the set from the seal vendor. the live servers are starting to resemble what I would expect to see on a game that is "early access" on steam only on steam those games are usually discounted from what they figure the price will be when they are done with all their testing because they understand you are actually helping them with that testing and the player knows ahead of time as well since their are very obvious disclaimers saying such where as we get a new pack that cost $200 far more than anything else in your store, double the next most expensive in fact.... If you want live to basically be a test server as well at least have prices in your store to reflect that since you want people to test rather then enjoy the game.
Thank you VERY much for these patches, so soon after release.
You have successfully, at least in the very short term, kept people in Tyrs Paladium and in our alliance guilds hopeful that you will continue to tweak. And for getting it out as soon as you can. THAT part is to be commended for sure. (Even though you guys knew about most of this stuff already for a month and a half +.)
We are keeping things as positive as we can and we are SO HAPPY for our guild leaders and officers in our Fellowship guilds that are leading the way creating a light and positive path and environment to play Neverwinter in post MOD16 era.
Special thanks to @oremonger#9999 of Tyrs Paladium for doing such detailed testing to point out bugs and assist the developers make a better game. In fact thanks to ALL testers in the Neverwinter community for helping point out bugs.
Yes we feel you released this mod WAY too early, and caused unneeded confusion in the community for both newer players AND long time vets, but these immediate and continuing patches is a very good thing and I hope they keep coming. You need to focus your dev energy on making this right BEFORE you crank up work on your next mod.
Here is the work of @oremonger#9999 highlighting the intense lag in our most recent Dragonflight last night!!! You guys have work to do here!
adinosiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,294Arc User
edited April 2019
Those changes had to be done, and I am happy to see them appear so quickly.
However, there are issues:
The big issue is is that the developers still seem to be under the impression that the scaling is basically "in a good place" and just needed some "tweaks" and bugfixes, whereas many players see it as fundamentally flawed and in need of a redesign.
Those changes do nothing about the issue of a well-geared L80 player getting downscaled to be weaker than an average player of "appropriate level".
If you happen to level up, you may see your stats go down. Seriously. I have seen different implementations of scaling, but this really deserves a HAMSTER of the year award. Punishing people for progressing?
Those changes do nothing about the issue of "BiS" and "average geared" players being downscaled to basically the same level - which really hurts players' motivation to progress.
While necessary, those fixes do not motivate me do to "downcaling" content at all. I'll just stick to 3x Master expeditions per day, and that's all. I would do LoMM, except that for some odd reason it has been removed (which is strange, as it was kind-of working on Preview). Some word on when it will be back would be appreciated.
So why does it seem only Intermediate and Epic level content, content run by higher level and end-game players get their content modified… in some cases made less difficult – while random leveling content remains as is?
PATCH NOTES Enemies and Encounters Castle Never Castle Never should now be significantly less difficult. Demogorgon: This fight should now be significantly less difficult. Malabog's Castle: Redcap Giantsouls and Redcap Thorns in this area now deal ~45% less damage and have ~50% less health. Tomb of the Nine Gods: Ras Nsi should now be more completeable, and Withers' health has been reduced. The following queues have had their minimum item level and their scaling item level increased by 1000, which should make queued players more powerful: Cragmire Crypts (Master) Kessell's Retreat Lair of Lostmauth Malabog's Castle Shores of Tuern Temple of the Spider (Master) Valindra's Tower
I’m not saying there appears to be some kind of bias or favoritism here…. On second thought that’s exactly what I’m saying –
Intermediate and Epic level content seems to be harder for those who used to run it, so the content gets nerfed… or players will have to have better stats to run that content making things easier for everyone.
But for players stuck in lower and leveling content who also see the content they used to run more difficult, possible modifications get shrugged off and they remain as is… those players are just supposed to deal with it.
Some queues have had the items levels raised for players allowed to enter intermediate and epic level content – how about we lower the item level for players allowed to enter lower and leveling content (keep the 5 member party modification), as was suggested multiple times over many months?
Let the instances “pop” slower if as the developers claim that is something that is likely to happen. At least give it a shot and see if their worst fears are real – or just imagined. *We all know changes made after a modification can be rolled back with little or no effort, if and when it appears to be necessary.
Anyone with an item level sufficient to run intermediate or epic level dungeons should be running intermediate and epic level dungeons, not leveling dungeons anyway.
That seemed to be crux of the majority of complaints regarding those limited to leveling dungeons anyway, some high level players running off abandoning the party, slaughtering everything in sight, or just ignoring mobs and leaving them for stragglers and some fewer deriding slower or lower level players for not playing to their expectations.
Why should players with higher item levels be allowed to run leveling dungeons as well as intermediate dungeons and in some cases epic dungeons when players with lower item levels are confined to leveling dungeons?
Just to make lower and leveling dungeons queue more quickly - maybe?
So why does it seem only Intermediate and Epic level content, content run by higher level and end-game players get their content modified… in some cases made less difficult – while random leveling content remains as is?
Because the lower level content has no problems?
* It is intended that game is harder now - you should not be able to solo group instances or behave like a solo player in a group instance * It is intended that you need to use proper group tactics now. Let tank go first. Healers must heal. Stay out of red. Don't grab aggro. Don't attack from the front.
The zones getting fixes have obvious problems in that mobs are basically unkillable due to tuning issues.
I have not had any difficulty problems in the RLQ instances I have been running, but I have had to adapt my tactics and play with the team rather than pretending it is 5 people doing solo content. The problems I have had in RLQ is the group builder making groups with no tank or healer...
If you find RLQ content that is too hard you should post specifics in the threads here on the forum, but make sure to change your playstyle to group play first.
So you're saying if higher level players who run intermediate and advanced level content say "there's a problem", that should be addressed - but if lower level players who run lower and leveling content say "there's a problem", there is no problem???
Yes the game was intended to be harder, across the board for all players regardless of character level... but the changes in character stats did little to nothing to make lower level and leveling content more difficult for higher level players, it may have slowed them down a bit (but not much from what I've already observed), but now those higher level players are more successfully able to one-shot lower level opponents, been to the Neverdeath Charthraxis event recently?
I'm all for making it so some members in a party finding it more difficult to abandon the rest of their party members and attempt to solo a quest, I fully support the attempt to necessitate the use proper group tactics in content requiring a party… but from actual observation, although the modifications from Mod16 sounded good – realistically they haven’t seemed to produce the results I believe many of us were expecting or hoping for.
The only reason leveling and lower level content don't have more "unkillable" mobs and bosses is because higher level players are still allowed to run that content so higher level players are able to profit from random leveling queues, random intermediate queues and some even able to profit from random advanced queues... where as new and lower level players only have random leveling queues and some higher level players are still attempting to dominate that content to the exclusion of other party members....
No problem in RLQ's? On behalf of players who can only access RLQ's who don't have access to RIQ or RAQ content, I beg to differ.
Most lower level players don't complain because the content they are limited to is "hard", but complain because some players have intentionally made it harder than it's supposed to be, by abandoning the group. Have taken away the enjoyment of being able to participate in that content because some players tend to try to dominate that content or simply the pressure to try to keep up (sometimes unsuccessfully) as some players run past mobs in an attempt to get to the end game more quickly.
I actually have no qualms about higher level players running RLQ's so long as they are willing to act as a member of the party and not attempt to speed run or dominate the content...
But then I also have no qualms about lower level characters being allowed to run RIQ or even RAQ content so long as they are aware of what they're getting into and will attempt to act as a member of the party. There's no doubt even low level players can use that exposure as a learning experience for when they reach higher levels instead of just stumbling their way through that content when they actually meet the minimum requirements...
Of course a lot of higher level players are going to grouse about even the suggestion of allowing one low level player into a party for RIQ or RAQ content because it will make that content harder... but then didn't you say the new Mod was "intended that game is harder..."?
Funny how some players will complain about the content being too "hard" and will ask for all kinds of tweaks to make it easier, even if that means excluding lesser experienced, lower equipped players aren't allowed to participate in that content.
But no one complains about content being too "easy", even if it again tends to exclude lesser experienced and lower equipped players who aren't allowed to participate in that content.
I have complained about content being too easy; I quit the game for 5 years for that very reason. I didn't come back specifically for this expansion, but I am not disappointed that it's happening, and serious issues, such as what's being covered here, need to be addressed. Anything that's found to not be working as it's supposed to should be fixed. However, there is no patch that can be released by any developer anywhere that can force solo stars to play as a part of the team, and this is what will add to some player's issues in leveling content. It's even highlighted as an issue in your posts. The devs can't fix this, and players using the queue are always, and have always been at the mercy of the queue system.
Reading comprehension is essential in a medium that requires reading for communication.
i run every class, and i hate the way they changed this game. prior to this module my cleric paladin and warlock were all "endgame". now at 21,951 IL my cleric does 1/3 of the dps of my 13k wizard and barbie. she has 100k+ power and 100K+ armor penetration, while the barbie and wizard have 30k power and 20k arpen. and they do 3x her damage. this game has been really changed, and not in a good way. certain classes are catered to while others are just ruined. and scaling is a joke. how do these "developers" even have a job? my younger brother writes javascript and could do a better job in 3 days then they did in 3 months -__-
I agree on what you are saying I used to play just fine in mod15 but now I cant anymore why I don't like the way there going with there game why I refuse to play tell they fix it right
adinosiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,294Arc User
now at 21,951 IL my cleric does 1/3 of the dps of my 13k wizard and barbie. she has 100k+ power and 100K+ armor penetration, while the barbie and wizard have 30k power and 20k arpen. and they do 3x her damage. t
uhm....I have a cleric too, with IL around 22K, and just over 100K Power (ArPen only 80K, and that's really too high...trying to get it down to 70), so similar to yours, and I'm finding I do perfectly reasonable damage. Sure, no million-point hits any more, like in Mod 15, but maybe 150K hits. I don't one-shot most things, and something like the Exploration bosses might need something like 3 hits from encounters, but I'm fine with this.
Now, you say a barbarian or wizard with 20k Arpen do triple the damage of the Cleric. Sorry, no way. Not happening. Not in L80 content. Not taking you seriously unless you have ACT logs to prove it.
So you're saying if higher level players who run intermediate and advanced level content say "there's a problem", that should be addressed - but if lower level players who run lower and leveling content say "there's a problem", there is no problem???
What I am saying is that much of the noise about difficulty seems to be because people are unwilling or unable to adjust their playstyles and expectations to the new game mechanisms. With the exception of some bugged content like those that got fixed in this patch, my experience is that stuff is playable.
Yes, it is (considerably) slower. Yes, it requires more focus and attention. Yes, it requires playing as a team player. Yes, it is less complex than it was. Yes, combat is more choppy and not as fluid as it was. Yes, dungeons are harder than they were.
But it is doable.
Now, I am not sure I like the new combat system, the increased time spent, very uncomplicated and too-slow gameplay.
But if that is the problem, people need to argue along those lines, not just blame it all on 'scaling'.
I have complained about content being too easy; I quit the game for 5 years for that very reason. I didn't come back specifically for this expansion, but I am not disappointed that it's happening, and serious issues, such as what's being covered here, need to be addressed. Anything that's found to not be working as it's supposed to should be fixed. However, there is no patch that can be released by any developer anywhere that can force solo stars to play as a part of the team, and this is what will add to some player's issues in leveling content. It's even highlighted as an issue in your posts. The devs can't fix this, and players using the queue are always, and have always been at the mercy of the queue system.
Do all the level 70 content then get back to me. Most of the people in the game haven't even completed all the content because of all the existing barriers and because Cryptic refusing to re-work certain classes to make them more suitable for all content. Devs refuse to address the inequality that exists before and after Mod 16 because then they have to do work. This will only continue.
Way to move the goal post? "Leveling content is too hard". "I quit because it was too easy five years ago". "run level 70 content and get back to me"... As of this week, I guess we can call level 70 content leveling content? Since I'm all over the place running that content now, what's too hard? Dungeons? I covered that, especially in the context you listed trying to get Cryptic to patch player's play styles.
So I'm running some EE content in DDO, cussing left and right about people that zerg content, only to have my guildmates laughing their asses off at me. "What's so funny", I asked, "You're zerging the hell out of this cussing out the zergers". I tend to get good at these kinds of games, I have plenty of time to practice. But the point here is more that there's nothing a game developer can do to prevent it. The solutions run from accepting it for what it is, and doing what you can to forming a guild of like minded individuals and running the content in guild groups, or even just pre-made groups. It is, in fact, what I recommend to anyone that's struggling with queue woes. However, since until very recently, lvl 70 content wasn't leveling content, but end game content, you're going to have to decide on what you want to discuss, and be clear about it.
Edit: When I quit, there was no level 70 content, and it wouldn't happen for another year. I'm not prone to coming to the forums to announce my departure from games I'm not happy with, I just quit logging in, and quit coming to their forums.
Reading comprehension is essential in a medium that requires reading for communication.
One thing I found, is for scaled content, use an augment if you're getting scaled. It helps to compensate for what I think may be scaled bondings. With an augment, I get much closer to the level 70 stat targets for maximum efficiency, not at, but close to at least.
As a side note, if you can't get to the stat targets for level 80 content without an augment, you probably need better gear.
One thing I found, is for scaled content, use an augment if you're getting scaled. It helps to compensate for what I think may be scaled bondings. With an augment, I get much closer to the level 70 stat targets for maximum efficiency, not at, but close to at least.
As a side note, if you can't get to the stat targets for level 80 content without an augment, you probably need better gear.
Would help if the game actually dropped better gear. I've just completed my second expedition last night. I'm 77 (the auto-scale to 74 was absolutely brutal and slashed my stats by 25-40% across the board), but I'm still using level 70 gear with the exception of the ring of lords you get from said second expedition. Why? Because so far every single drop in the new area has been statistically *inferior* to that level 70 gear...
You can't compare level 60 content to level 70 content. I've played both and end-game level 70 is far harder due to the amount of damage to the group. Not every class could get into a group due to the fundamentals. Level 60 had CN and Shores for hard content but you had the strongest form of pally and the strongest form of control. L70 used campaigns to ensure players couldn't even queue with the appropriate IL. As I stated, not everyone could even participate.
Here's the thing you're missing, this is in response to me quitting 5 years ago, because the game was too easy. It is impossible to run content in a game that was not added to the game for another year, or so, afterI quit.
Reading comprehension is essential in a medium that requires reading for communication.
patch broke Castle Never, the portal phase enemies no longer deal excessive damage, but apparently one from each portal Is now missing, my team individually went into the 5 portals and killed all the enemies, the portals only got to 80%, then nothing happened. we used the killme function and tried to go in all as a group to see if that made a difference, it didn't. something is wrong.
What's the old song? "Ninety nine little bugs in the code, ninety nine little bugs, you take one down, patch it around, one-hundred-twenty-seven little bugs in the code!"
In summary, with regards to their claims, allow me to paraphrase good 'ole Araghast The pillager. "Bold words, little developers...now show me deeds..."
I’m not saying there appears to be some kind of bias or favoritism here…. On second thought that’s exactly what I’m saying –
Intermediate and Epic level content seems to be harder for those who used to run it, so the content gets nerfed… or players will have to have better stats to run that content making things easier for everyone.
But for players stuck in lower and leveling content who also see the content they used to run more difficult, possible modifications get shrugged off and they remain as they are… those players are just supposed to 'deal with it'.
Some queues have had the items levels raised for players allowed to enter intermediate and epic level content – how about we lower the item level for players allowed to enter lower and leveling content (keep the 5 member party modification), as was suggested multiple times over many months?
Let the instances “pop” slower if as the developers claim that is something that is likely to happen. At least give it a shot and see if their worst fears are real – or just imagined. *We all know changes made after a modification can be rolled back with little or no effort, if and when it appears to be necessary.
Anyone with an item level sufficient to run intermediate or epic level dungeons should be running intermediate and epic level dungeons, not leveling dungeons anyway.
That seemed to be crux of the majority of complaints regarding those limited to leveling dungeons anyway, some high level players running off abandoning the party, slaughtering everything in sight, or just ignoring mobs and leaving them for stragglers and some fewer deriding slower or lower level players for not playing to their expectations.
Why should players with higher item levels be allowed to run leveling dungeons as well as intermediate dungeons and in some cases epic dungeons when players with lower item levels are confined to leveling dungeons?
Just to make lower and leveling dungeons queue more quickly - maybe?
* It is intended that game is harder now - you should not be able to solo group instances or behave like a solo player in a group instance
* It is intended that you need to use proper group tactics now. Let tank go first. Healers must heal. Stay out of red. Don't grab aggro. Don't attack from the front.
The zones getting fixes have obvious problems in that mobs are basically unkillable due to tuning issues.
I have not had any difficulty problems in the RLQ instances I have been running, but I have had to adapt my tactics and play with the team rather than pretending it is 5 people doing solo content. The problems I have had in RLQ is the group builder making groups with no tank or healer...
If you find RLQ content that is too hard you should post specifics in the threads here on the forum, but make sure to change your playstyle to group play first.
That would be RAQ.
Levelling content means 1-60 zones, Elemental Evil and Undermountain. Campaign zones like Barovia, IWD, etc are not "random levelling content".
So, this patch is helping "average" players.
(No I don't like the scaling, all level 70 zones should be moved to level 80 period and scaling should be removed from content except RLQ.)
Obsidian Oath - Warlock
A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
And the scaling is completely ridiculous our rank 15 Bonding rune stones that do 70% in lostmauth scaled all the way down to 20%. My offense stats which are all over 10k beyond the cap at 80 are way under the cap scaled to 70 to the point where I maybe crit 15% of the time. not that it matters since the armor pen does little to get through regardless. and so many attacks are just 1 hit you are dead. But yeah get good is the answer. You already removed the vast majority of the buffs and power sharing is gone. That alone should have increased the difficulty of these dungeons with scaling stuff down to 1/3-1/2 effectiveness.
All I really have to say so far is Thanks, I can plow through my 3 daily master expeditions and play other games i have put off because I used to enjoy giving all my time and spare game money to Neverwinter. I mean I would play the new lvl 80 dungeon that was hyped up in the lead up to the new mod but nah we did not even get that and have yet to hear any real time frame from you guys, so yeah fun fun we have no dungeons that are not scaled to even play in and no expeditions do not count since you can solo them with no real trouble. which also means we have a lovely seal vendor page that is completely useless because looking at gear you may want to get because those seals can not even be received by played yet because no lair of the mad mage yet..... Why have stuff in the game that players can not even get? Seems this mod is you trying to get as many people as possible to pay that ridiculous nearly $200 pack to to get a new weapon set before you let those unwilling a chance to farm seals to buy the set from the seal vendor. the live servers are starting to resemble what I would expect to see on a game that is "early access" on steam only on steam those games are usually discounted from what they figure the price will be when they are done with all their testing because they understand you are actually helping them with that testing and the player knows ahead of time as well since their are very obvious disclaimers saying such where as we get a new pack that cost $200 far more than anything else in your store, double the next most expensive in fact.... If you want live to basically be a test server as well at least have prices in your store to reflect that since you want people to test rather then enjoy the game.
You have successfully, at least in the very short term, kept people in Tyrs Paladium and in our alliance guilds hopeful that you will continue to tweak. And for getting it out as soon as you can. THAT part is to be commended for sure. (Even though you guys knew about most of this stuff already for a month and a half +.)
We are keeping things as positive as we can and we are SO HAPPY for our guild leaders and officers in our Fellowship guilds that are leading the way creating a light and positive path and environment to play Neverwinter in post MOD16 era.
Special thanks to @oremonger#9999 of Tyrs Paladium for doing such detailed testing to point out bugs and assist the developers make a better game. In fact thanks to ALL testers in the Neverwinter community for helping point out bugs.
Yes we feel you released this mod WAY too early, and caused unneeded confusion in the community for both newer players AND long time vets, but these immediate and continuing patches is a very good thing and I hope they keep coming. You need to focus your dev energy on making this right BEFORE you crank up work on your next mod.
Here is the work of @oremonger#9999 highlighting the intense lag in our most recent Dragonflight last night!!! You guys have work to do here!
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
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However, there are issues:
- The big issue is is that the developers still seem to be under the impression that the scaling is basically "in a good place" and just needed some "tweaks" and bugfixes, whereas many players see it as fundamentally flawed and in need of a redesign.
- Those changes do nothing about the issue of a well-geared L80 player getting downscaled to be weaker than an average player of "appropriate level".
- If you happen to level up, you may see your stats go down. Seriously. I have seen different implementations of scaling, but this really deserves a HAMSTER of the year award. Punishing people for progressing?
- Those changes do nothing about the issue of "BiS" and "average geared" players being downscaled to basically the same level - which really hurts players' motivation to progress.
While necessary, those fixes do not motivate me do to "downcaling" content at all. I'll just stick to 3x Master expeditions per day, and that's all. I would do LoMM, except that for some odd reason it has been removed (which is strange, as it was kind-of working on Preview). Some word on when it will be back would be appreciated.Intermediate and Epic level content seems to be harder for those who used to run it, so the content gets nerfed… or players will have to have better stats to run that content making things easier for everyone.
But for players stuck in lower and leveling content who also see the content they used to run more difficult, possible modifications get shrugged off and they remain as is… those players are just supposed to deal with it.
Some queues have had the items levels raised for players allowed to enter intermediate and epic level content – how about we lower the item level for players allowed to enter lower and leveling content (keep the 5 member party modification), as was suggested multiple times over many months?
Let the instances “pop” slower if as the developers claim that is something that is likely to happen. At least give it a shot and see if their worst fears are real – or just imagined. *We all know changes made after a modification can be rolled back with little or no effort, if and when it appears to be necessary.
Anyone with an item level sufficient to run intermediate or epic level dungeons should be running intermediate and epic level dungeons, not leveling dungeons anyway.
That seemed to be crux of the majority of complaints regarding those limited to leveling dungeons anyway, some high level players running off abandoning the party, slaughtering everything in sight, or just ignoring mobs and leaving them for stragglers and some fewer deriding slower or lower level players for not playing to their expectations.
Why should players with higher item levels be allowed to run leveling dungeons as well as intermediate dungeons and in some cases epic dungeons when players with lower item levels are confined to leveling dungeons?
Just to make lower and leveling dungeons queue more quickly - maybe? So you're saying if higher level players who run intermediate and advanced level content say "there's a problem", that should be addressed - but if lower level players who run lower and leveling content say "there's a problem", there is no problem???
Yes the game was intended to be harder, across the board for all players regardless of character level... but the changes in character stats did little to nothing to make lower level and leveling content more difficult for higher level players, it may have slowed them down a bit (but not much from what I've already observed), but now those higher level players are more successfully able to one-shot lower level opponents, been to the Neverdeath Charthraxis event recently?
I'm all for making it so some members in a party finding it more difficult to abandon the rest of their party members and attempt to solo a quest, I fully support the attempt to necessitate the use proper group tactics in content requiring a party… but from actual observation, although the modifications from Mod16 sounded good – realistically they haven’t seemed to produce the results I believe many of us were expecting or hoping for.
The only reason leveling and lower level content don't have more "unkillable" mobs and bosses is because higher level players are still allowed to run that content so higher level players are able to profit from random leveling queues, random intermediate queues and some even able to profit from random advanced queues... where as new and lower level players only have random leveling queues and some higher level players are still attempting to dominate that content to the exclusion of other party members....
No problem in RLQ's? On behalf of players who can only access RLQ's who don't have access to RIQ or RAQ content, I beg to differ.
Most lower level players don't complain because the content they are limited to is "hard", but complain because some players have intentionally made it harder than it's supposed to be, by abandoning the group. Have taken away the enjoyment of being able to participate in that content because some players tend to try to dominate that content or simply the pressure to try to keep up (sometimes unsuccessfully) as some players run past mobs in an attempt to get to the end game more quickly.
I actually have no qualms about higher level players running RLQ's so long as they are willing to act as a member of the party and not attempt to speed run or dominate the content...
But then I also have no qualms about lower level characters being allowed to run RIQ or even RAQ content so long as they are aware of what they're getting into and will attempt to act as a member of the party. There's no doubt even low level players can use that exposure as a learning experience for when they reach higher levels instead of just stumbling their way through that content when they actually meet the minimum requirements...
Of course a lot of higher level players are going to grouse about even the suggestion of allowing one low level player into a party for RIQ or RAQ content because it will make that content harder... but then didn't you say the new Mod was "intended that game is harder..."?
Funny how some players will complain about the content being too "hard" and will ask for all kinds of tweaks to make it easier, even if that means excluding lesser experienced, lower equipped players aren't allowed to participate in that content.
But no one complains about content being too "easy", even if it again tends to exclude lesser experienced and lower equipped players who aren't allowed to participate in that content.
I have complained about content being too easy; I quit the game for 5 years for that very reason. I didn't come back specifically for this expansion, but I am not disappointed that it's happening, and serious issues, such as what's being covered here, need to be addressed. Anything that's found to not be working as it's supposed to should be fixed. However, there is no patch that can be released by any developer anywhere that can force solo stars to play as a part of the team, and this is what will add to some player's issues in leveling content. It's even highlighted as an issue in your posts. The devs can't fix this, and players using the queue are always, and have always been at the mercy of the queue system.
Now, you say a barbarian or wizard with 20k Arpen do triple the damage of the Cleric. Sorry, no way. Not happening. Not in L80 content. Not taking you seriously unless you have ACT logs to prove it.
Yes, it is (considerably) slower.
Yes, it requires more focus and attention.
Yes, it requires playing as a team player.
Yes, it is less complex than it was.
Yes, combat is more choppy and not as fluid as it was.
Yes, dungeons are harder than they were.
But it is doable.
Now, I am not sure I like the new combat system, the increased time spent, very uncomplicated and too-slow gameplay.
But if that is the problem, people need to argue along those lines, not just blame it all on 'scaling'.
So I'm running some EE content in DDO, cussing left and right about people that zerg content, only to have my guildmates laughing their asses off at me. "What's so funny", I asked, "You're zerging the hell out of this cussing out the zergers". I tend to get good at these kinds of games, I have plenty of time to practice. But the point here is more that there's nothing a game developer can do to prevent it. The solutions run from accepting it for what it is, and doing what you can to forming a guild of like minded individuals and running the content in guild groups, or even just pre-made groups. It is, in fact, what I recommend to anyone that's struggling with queue woes. However, since until very recently, lvl 70 content wasn't leveling content, but end game content, you're going to have to decide on what you want to discuss, and be clear about it.
Edit: When I quit, there was no level 70 content, and it wouldn't happen for another year. I'm not prone to coming to the forums to announce my departure from games I'm not happy with, I just quit logging in, and quit coming to their forums.
As a side note, if you can't get to the stat targets for level 80 content without an augment, you probably need better gear.
It is impossible to run content in a game that was not added to the game for another year, or so, afterI quit.
What's the old song? "Ninety nine little bugs in the code, ninety nine little bugs, you take one down, patch it around, one-hundred-twenty-seven little bugs in the code!"