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Feedback: Companions



  • xxmantaraxxxxmantaraxx Member Posts: 362 Arc User
    edited March 2019

    "People need to start assuming that with every 5-10 mods, 100% of their investment goes away.

    Investing in an MMO isn't a permanent benefit, it's a limited time return. Once people accept that, other game changes become easier to accept."

    I understand that, change is a given in an MMO. Im saying they literaly added the lvl your companions up to epic for a bonus thing with chult. thats 3 mods. Thats a huge investment to wash away in such a short time.

    5 best in type stinks of cash grab. 5 overall best makes more sense for long time and new players.

    Ara Atheanes GWF
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  • theycallmetomutheycallmetomu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,861 Arc User

    "People need to start assuming that with every 5-10 mods, 100% of their investment goes away.

    Investing in an MMO isn't a permanent benefit, it's a limited time return. Once people accept that, other game changes become easier to accept."

    I understand that, change is a given in an MMO. Im saying they literaly added the lvl your companions up to epic for a bonus thing with chult. thats 3 mods. Thats a huge investment to wash away in such a short time.

    5 best in type stinks of cash grab. 5 overall best makes more sense for long time and new players.

    I could swear legendary companions go back to Mod 9 or 10.
  • obsidiancran3obsidiancran3 Member Posts: 1,823 Arc User
    Not really bugs, but small problems that need to be addressed:
    Perfect Vision "Chance, on hit, to to increase"

    Redemption "2000 over whenever you" - the over seems to be an extra word, or there are words missing.

    Seigemaster's Discipline "At-Will powers by %." the value is missing.

    On the larger scale there is an ability on the Earth Archon that is totally blank.
    Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin
    Obsidian Oath - Warlock
    A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
  • aerthynaerthyn Member Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited March 2019
    Hmmm. converted 43 Rank 9 eldritch to bondings and nothing appeared in my backpacks. All gone.

    update@ I unequiped a rank 9 bonding and they all magically appeared. This issue has been reported in other threads.
    Post edited by aerthyn on
  • vendoodvendood Member Posts: 77 Arc User

    having bolster by companion type sucks
    I have 5 legendary companions on live but only 2 are from the same type, so that hurts
    why not just have the bolster be your 5 best quality companions?
    (other than for the money grab of course)

    Absolutely! I havent spent alot of time and money to hand pick and bolster my favorite companions and get all of them to top rank just to end up with not one bolstered companion. It means a huge amount of investment to get near where I am now. Should be top 5 companions.
    People need to start assuming that with every 5-10 mods, 100% of their investment goes away.

    Investing in an MMO isn't a permanent benefit, it's a limited time return. Once people accept that, other game changes become easier to accept.
    One assumes you are saying this ironically, or sarcastically, or anything but seriously.

    Cryptic has always had a casual attitude towards setting up a system that encourages one style of play and significant grind/investment/resources, then coming along a year or two later and saying "That system? Oh yeah, that's bad, that was another team's work, we don't think that's a good idea anymore" and broadly wiping out months and years of time and effort that players have put into customizing their character for their preferred play style.

    Anyone heavily committed to maximizing their character is someone who plays a lot, probably spends a lot (either in cash or time), probably engages with other people who play a lot... these are the last people you want to be saying "Hey, junk your stuff and pay/grind the new way, or GTFO" to.

    Yes, gear is a cycle... new areas, new levels, grind for new gear. Yes, mechanics need to be changed and updated and some things even nerfed from time to time. No, wiping out months and years of player investment in their characters, gear and companions just to implement some buggy, half-baked new cash grab is not a sensible way to go about this.
  • theycallmetomutheycallmetomu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,861 Arc User
    edited March 2019
    vendood said:

    having bolster by companion type sucks
    I have 5 legendary companions on live but only 2 are from the same type, so that hurts
    why not just have the bolster be your 5 best quality companions?
    (other than for the money grab of course)

    Absolutely! I havent spent alot of time and money to hand pick and bolster my favorite companions and get all of them to top rank just to end up with not one bolstered companion. It means a huge amount of investment to get near where I am now. Should be top 5 companions.
    People need to start assuming that with every 5-10 mods, 100% of their investment goes away.

    Investing in an MMO isn't a permanent benefit, it's a limited time return. Once people accept that, other game changes become easier to accept.
    One assumes you are saying this ironically, or sarcastically, or anything but seriously.

    Cryptic has always had a casual attitude towards setting up a system that encourages one style of play and significant grind/investment/resources, then coming along a year or two later and saying "That system? Oh yeah, that's bad, that was another team's work, we don't think that's a good idea anymore" and broadly wiping out months and years of time and effort that players have put into customizing their character for their preferred play style.

    Anyone heavily committed to maximizing their character is someone who plays a lot, probably spends a lot (either in cash or time), probably engages with other people who play a lot... these are the last people you want to be saying "Hey, junk your stuff and pay/grind the new way, or GTFO" to.

    Yes, gear is a cycle... new areas, new levels, grind for new gear. Yes, mechanics need to be changed and updated and some things even nerfed from time to time. No, wiping out months and years of player investment in their characters, gear and companions just to implement some buggy, half-baked new cash grab is not a sensible way to go about this.
    Well, you don't just literally vanish gear. But it's 100% okay to make gear irrelevant by introducing newer better stuff. That's just how MMO power creep is supposed to work, and I'm always amazed at people getting annoyed by it.

    ::Says the guy who's a bit upset about professions being useless now::
  • malekith#8724 malekith Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    Has anyone had an issue with the client crashing when trying to swap out companion gear? I had no problem clicking on the empty slot to equip, but once equipped I could not swap one piece of gear out for another. I can't even click on the slot to bring up the manage runestone menu without the game crashing. It's a small annoyance but I'm wondering if anyone else is having the same issue?
  • theycallmetomutheycallmetomu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,861 Arc User

    Has anyone had an issue with the client crashing when trying to swap out companion gear? I had no problem clicking on the empty slot to equip, but once equipped I could not swap one piece of gear out for another. I can't even click on the slot to bring up the manage runestone menu without the game crashing. It's a small annoyance but I'm wondering if anyone else is having the same issue?

    Yeah, same issue.
  • mamalion1234mamalion1234 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,415 Arc User
    why i cant use the offfense bonus from the tomb spider but i can use the offense slot of stalford?
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    aerthyn said:

    Hmmm. converted 43 Rank 9 eldritch to bondings and nothing appeared in my backpacks. All gone.

    update@ I unequiped a rank 9 bonding and they all magically appeared. This issue has been reported in other threads.

    did you look in the next tab? you convert them, it turns into a box you can take one tab over
  • fuzzmeisterjfuzzmeisterj Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited March 2019
    What are the stats on the current adorable gear? A healing cleric is going to end up with a ton of pointless stats with everything getting jumbled around.

    Also, can companion tooltips list what kind of enhancement power in on that companion? (Off, Def, and Utility)
    Post edited by fuzzmeisterj on
  • tazz4nowtazz4now Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 205 Arc User
    edited March 2019
    has there been an answer to companions becoming BtC yet???

    EDIT: I found it.......https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter#/discussion/comment/13081550

    "asterdahl Posts: 733Cryptic Developer › Member, Cryptic Developer Cryptic Developer

    kemnimtarkas said:

    Please address the question about Companions being bound to Character BEFORE Mod 16 goes live.
    » show previous quotes
    Confirmed. I have an alt / pack mule who's sole purpose is warehousing extra unused, unbound companions. She currently stores about 30 of them - and they are ALL BOUND TO CHARACTER in Preview.

    Please confirm if this is in fact the go forward plan with Mod 16 - WELL BEFORE the release date

    This is a bug, I apologize for the concern this issue has caused. "

    I am sooooooo happy to see this, let's just hope this gets fixed quickly ;)
  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
    They removed the run-speed bonus from the Quickling. Talk about a you-know-what move.
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
    Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
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    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User

    why i cant use the offfense bonus from the tomb spider but i can use the offense slot of stalford?

    We should be able to use whatever the hell bonus from whatever companion we choose -- not this jam-the-players-into-a-predictable-Tiny-Little-Box garbage.
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
    Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
    Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
    The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • lordrhavinlordrhavin Member Posts: 160 Arc User
    As soon as you come to Mod 16, you'll find all your companions items (30) in your chars inventory. Please put them in mail and send them to us, dont pollute our inventory. And as you effectively steal us 24 item slots, please give each char 30 items more mailspace.

    I 'woke' up with a full inventory and 18 Items in overflow bag. As you cant even refine/sell from overflow, this yielded a complete tetris-session.

    1 mail per companion, much better!
  • akpuls#9220 akpuls Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited March 2019

    "People need to start assuming that with every 5-10 mods, 100% of their investment goes away.

    Investing in an MMO isn't a permanent benefit, it's a limited time return. Once people accept that, other game changes become easier to accept."

    But there is a difference betwen MMOs. In some MMOs people are paying monthly for playing a game so design changes don't hurt players that much but in Neverwinter people are spending millions of Astral Diamonds for items and thay are hardly working on that to get this Astral Diamonds and after that alot of people upgraded best in slot companions (i.e. archons) to legendary quality we have in M16 changes which making this companion useless and I really don't understand why thay nerfed archons so badly if we can see that in M16 are companions which are giving huge permanenet buff of power. I can understand and I can be happy if thay put in game new powerful comapnions but nerfing so badly something on what we spended alot of our Astral Diamonds or money and making it useless is really bad.
    Post edited by akpuls#9220 on
  • fuzzmeisterjfuzzmeisterj Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    artifleur said:

    For anyone who didn't figure it out yet, the active bonus you get from a companion depends on its quality, including legendary. For example, the baby deepcrow gives 6000 power at epic quality and 8000 once made legendary.

    At the moment there is no way to know what the bonus will be once upgraded and finding which pet is giving a specific bonus isn't so easy either but I suppose the UI is a work in progress and will be improved.

    The biggest problem I see with the new system is that one will now want a minimum of 6 legendary (one for each active bonus) and 7 if one also wants his summoned companion to have max base stats.

    The AD cost for most players is gonna be huge, specially with all archons rendered useless.

    I strongly suggest you review the upgrade costs, I'd say cut them in half at the very least, and/or make upgrade tokens readily available (dungeon chests, trade bar store, campaign stores etc...).

    You didn't mention the 5 legendary companions that need to be the same as your active (4 if your active is legendary) for the bolster bonus, so that's more companions that need to be legendary.
  • akpuls#9220 akpuls Member Posts: 35 Arc User

    Each slot has one of 3 themes (offense, defense, utility)
    Would be great to see where companion bonus fits in companion tooltip before we buy it.

    Bolstering and Categorization

    • Companions now fit into 1 of 5 categories
    Would be great to see this in companion tooltip in case that companion isn't put for some bug in collection.
  • akpuls#9220 akpuls Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    Is there still cap on that how many companions we can have in M16? Do we sill need to buy companion slots in M16?
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    THEY NEED TO CAP bolstering..

    MAKE a # and stick to it.. right now its over the top and needs to be re tinkered with.. (I think 5 is enough to be honest.. )

    Other then that.. god too many changes for me to think about all of them
  • mat44444mat44444 Member Posts: 116 Arc User

    Overall I don’t mind most of the changes to companions and kind of like the thinking behind it. But the implementation is just plain awful. When this hits live people who have legendary companions are just going to feel mugged. And this is not because of the changes to the companions abilities but because you have made them unusable unless of course by some miracle someone levelled up five in a single group.

    You could easily have allowed people to continue getting a bonus (bolster bonus) from their current companions and then allowed them over time to explore better options and level those options up. This would have made for an enjoyable player experience, and a feeling of progression.

    Instead you chose to make the player’s current options more or less unusable from day one. This leads to player dissatisfaction and the feeling of being robbed.

    So my feedback is this – nice idea could be a good deal of fun, very poor execution of that idea that will lead to a lot of customer dissatisfaction

    Have a lovely day all
  • xdruidgregxxdruidgregx Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited March 2019

    It might be mentioned before but lack of information about what slot type its Player Bonus Power occupies (offense, defense or utility) or what category it belongs is problematic.

    Also Astral Dave doesn't states when its Player Bonus Power should activate

    I think that amount of respective Player Bonus slot type should differ, for example:

    TANK 3x Defensive 1x Offensive 1x Utility

    DPS 3x Offensive 1x Defensive 1x Utility

    at this point no mater if I'm on DPS or TANK loadout i have same layout on slots. True I can swich bonuses I have in them but might be that more useful bonuses I can get from offensive companions then defensive ones.

    Post edited by xdruidgregx on
  • checkmatein3checkmatein3 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 525 Arc User
    The War Dog companion is not auto added to any category and is deposited in regular inventory. When trying to open the companion to add it, it does nothing. Inspecting companion shows null and some coding on 0% bolster.
    LEVIATHAN--19.3k Metallic Dragonborn Guardian Fighter Swordmaster Loadouts

    Guild--And the Imaginary Friends

  • artifleurartifleur Member Posts: 642 Arc User
    > @silverkelt said:
    > THEY NEED TO CAP bolstering..
    > MAKE a # and stick to it.. right now its over the top and needs to be re tinkered with.. (I think 5 is enough to be honest.. )
    > Other then that.. god too many changes for me to think about all of them

    What does bolster do exactly and why are you all fussed about it?

    Isn't it capped at 5 companions (so 35% max IIRC) already ?
  • vorphiedvorphied Member Posts: 1,870 Arc User
    > @xdruidgregx said:
    > Also Astral Dave...

    This made me giggle. “Astral Dave” is hot even if he does have Carol Channing’s hair.
    Sacrilege - Warlock
    Contagion - Cleric
    Testament - Wizard
    Pestilence - Ranger
    Dominion - Paladin


  • codetellercodeteller Member Posts: 65 Arc User

    I think that amount of respective Player Bonus slot type should differ, for example:

    TANK 3x Defensive 1x Offensive 1x Utility

    DPS 3x Offensive 1x Defensive 1x Utility

    at this point no mater if I'm on DPS or TANK loadout i have same layout on slots. True I can swich bonuses I have in them but might be that more useful bonuses I can get from offensive companions then defensive ones.

    I think it does vary
    my barb dps has 2 offenseive, 2 defensive, 1 utility, 1 companion enhancement
    my ftr tank has 1 offenseive, 3 defensive, 1 utility, 1 companion enhancement

  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    edited March 2019
    I have been told by sharp that each type of companion, fighter beast etc is supposed to have five at legendary IN THAT CATEGORY to get full bolstered stats (which I think I was told was a 30% increase in stats) but in reality it takes every pet you have in that category to get the full bonus. So if you have a tiger summoned at legendary in order to get the full bonus for leg pet you need to have every single beast in your beast category at leg.

    it sounds like this is a bug. hopefully they fix it. and frankly I think it would be better if they just kept it at five leg pets across all the pet types. we've already invested in the five pets. it isn't right to change the rules again on us. especially since if we want to use the tiger sometimes and want to use something other than a beast at others.. that would mean we'd also have to have other categories at five pets in that category (if they fix it) or all the pets at leg.

    if they don't fix it people are going to end up ditching their pets so t hey can get a bonus and they won't be buying more. that's bad for cryptic.. bad for us too since the new system makes it very easy to change around your pets at will.

    Post edited by thefiresidecat on
  • xdruidgregxxdruidgregx Member Posts: 57 Arc User

    I think it does vary
    my barb dps has 2 offenseive, 2 defensive, 1 utility, 1 companion enhancement
    my ftr tank has 1 offenseive, 3 defensive, 1 utility, 1 companion enhancement

    that's true but for example Fighter have now 2 roles depend on subclass:
    Vanguard ( tank ) and Dreadnought (DPS) yet both of those subclasses have 3x defensive 1x offensive and 1x utility

  • checkmatein3checkmatein3 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 525 Arc User
    edited March 2019
    I just performed a test of no companion summoned vs augment companion vs striker (beast) companion to determine if there was any difference at all related to bonding procs, as some have reported already.

    My stats in the demonic HE in DR for no companion vs summoned striker beast companion were basically the same through the fight, there was never a time where I was receiving the bonding proc from the attacks of the summoned companion (tiger in this case).

    For the augment, my stats were higher, but not considerably so.

    My summoned companion did much more in its attacks then I did with mine, as some have reported as bugs to nth degrees.
    But I wonder, is it possible the bonding proc is being applied to the companion directly and not to the PC?

    In any case, the bonding proc is not being applied.

    Correction by Sharp: the Buff appears in the Buff UI bar. Thanks for the correction sharp.
    LEVIATHAN--19.3k Metallic Dragonborn Guardian Fighter Swordmaster Loadouts

    Guild--And the Imaginary Friends

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