All available classes should have a dps path and another non-dps, depending on the character specification. Only the Paladin is not intended to deal high damage (PvP & PvE) and is devoid bonus + to damage in Ability Scores.
Giving TRs a second role in groups, other than dps, could bring TRs back to the game.
Possible ideas: -Introduce randomly placed traps in all dungeon that are lethal (1-shot) and can only be disarmed by TRs -Introduce special locked chests that can only be picked by TRs (giving rewards to the whole group) -Introduce special area that can only be detected by TRs (treasure rooms, shortcuts etc) -Introduce sentry mobs that unless approached and killed from stealth would sound alarms that would flood the zone with aggressive mobs or lock important paths -Allow TRs to greatly buff the combat advantage of the group -Allow TRs to greatly buff the awareness of the group, buffing various save checks -Make wicked reminder encounter useful, by allowing it to reduce the defenses of mobs significantly and further than the allowed cap -etc
And then there is a mod15 party on youtube where Orcus gets almost onephased by a TR.
Your argument is invalid. Don't you get that any class can onephase Orcus right now? Including DC and OP and they are support, not dps.
gimmi video of OP onephasing
I don't hve to give you anything. Just because you haven't seen such a video doesn't mean it's impossible.
give me a video of paladin taking more then 1/3 of orcus life in 1 phase, you stated as its a fact that OP can 1 Phase orcus, its not true, stop spreading bollocks mate. I tried to dps as OP and its miserable, altho i can improve my dmg I dont see paladin taking more the 30% of orcus HP during 1 phase and thats with a dream team.
And then there is a mod15 party on youtube where Orcus gets almost onephased by a TR.
Your argument is invalid. Don't you get that any class can onephase Orcus right now? Including DC and OP and they are support, not dps.
gimmi video of OP onephasing
I don't hve to give you anything. Just because you haven't seen such a video doesn't mean it's impossible.
give me a video of paladin taking more then 1/3 of orcus life in 1 phase, you stated as its a fact that OP can 1 Phase orcus, its not true, stop spreading bollocks mate. I tried to dps as OP and its miserable, altho i can improve my dmg I dont see paladin taking more the 30% of orcus HP during 1 phase and thats with a dream team.
As I alreqady said, I don't have to give you anything. Now have a good day, mate.
And then there is a mod15 party on youtube where Orcus gets almost onephased by a TR.
Your argument is invalid. Don't you get that any class can onephase Orcus right now? Including DC and OP and they are support, not dps.
gimmi video of OP onephasing
I don't hve to give you anything. Just because you haven't seen such a video doesn't mean it's impossible.
give me a video of paladin taking more then 1/3 of orcus life in 1 phase, you stated as its a fact that OP can 1 Phase orcus, its not true, stop spreading bollocks mate. I tried to dps as OP and its miserable, altho i can improve my dmg I dont see paladin taking more the 30% of orcus HP during 1 phase and thats with a dream team.
As I alreqady said, I don't have to give you anything. Now have a good day, mate.
what is the point of going on the forum and spewing bullcrap? jeez. TR is by far the best dps, capable of killing everything with a single atwill. I dont have a proof, but you cant prove ME wrong ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
And then there is a mod15 party on youtube where Orcus gets almost onephased by a TR.
Your argument is invalid. Don't you get that any class can onephase Orcus right now? Including DC and OP and they are support, not dps.
gimmi video of OP onephasing
I don't hve to give you anything. Just because you haven't seen such a video doesn't mean it's impossible.
give me a video of paladin taking more then 1/3 of orcus life in 1 phase, you stated as its a fact that OP can 1 Phase orcus, its not true, stop spreading bollocks mate. I tried to dps as OP and its miserable, altho i can improve my dmg I dont see paladin taking more the 30% of orcus HP during 1 phase and thats with a dream team.
It hasnt been done as far as i know but those who tried during mod13 were quite close to doing it. Now with 2 mods later and more stats and damage increase, especially with new weapon set, i am sure it is no issue at all. Parties which are able to pull it off are probably not trying it so if you want recorded proof you will probably wait for some time.
And then there is a mod15 party on youtube where Orcus gets almost onephased by a TR.
Your argument is invalid. Don't you get that any class can onephase Orcus right now? Including DC and OP and they are support, not dps.
gimmi video of OP onephasing
I don't hve to give you anything. Just because you haven't seen such a video doesn't mean it's impossible.
give me a video of paladin taking more then 1/3 of orcus life in 1 phase, you stated as its a fact that OP can 1 Phase orcus, its not true, stop spreading bollocks mate. I tried to dps as OP and its miserable, altho i can improve my dmg I dont see paladin taking more the 30% of orcus HP during 1 phase and thats with a dream team.
It hasnt been done as far as i know but those who tried during mod13 were quite close to doing it. Now with 2 mods later and more stats and damage increase, especially with new weapon set, i am sure it is no issue at all. Parties which are able to pull it off are probably not trying it so if you want recorded proof you will probably wait for some time.
Just ask Greyjay to run DPS OP once again and there ya bloody go xd now with the OP DPS buffs, should be possible.
Here is a detailed breakdown of what parts of the rework were aimed at PVP and which were aimed at PVE. There is also a little bit of feedback for the devs in the sections where I mention my opinion, most of these are marked with two dashes -- but I probably missed some. Also, this post came out very long so its split across 2 posts:
@kalina311 and @schietindebux Please read the below section on the passive bug and bloodbath bug, you coming on here to say it doesn't effect PVE TRs wasn't actually correct. Though I take responsibility for your misunderstanding since I did believe it would have no effect on PVE TRs when I posted that thread Kalina referenced.
@micky1p00 Read that section as well, it appears you didn't know whether or not the recent bug where bloodbath doesn't proc II on live was fixed or not.
@mikal#9243 A significant number of the nerfs you mentioned actually weren't done for PVP and aren't good examples for your case. Some of them such as the duelist's flurry change you mentioned weren't even intended to be nerfs.
------------------------------------------- Fixing the X2 passive procs with bloodbath bug:
This was a PVP nerf and is one I specifically asked for along with many other PVPers within recent modules.
This bugfix did come with a side effect that does affect PVE TRs. While its true that bloodbath is not used by any good PVE TR builds, this bugfix also made it so these 2 passives can't stack at all. This does nerf PVE TR damage a little bit since using any daily before the other one has worn off would also give you these passives' damage bonuses X2. The difference for bloodbath was that you used to get X2 of these passives for every 1 bloodbath you use, so after 2 dailies, you would have these passives damage bonuses X4.
Also, after the fix, invisible infiltrator wasn't proccing at all with bloodbath for around a week on live. This is now fixed and both passives do proc now when you use bloodbath. ------------------------------------------- Removing the power self buffs TRs got from courage breaker, whirlwind of blades, and the press the advantage feat:
The devs appear to have aimed this nerf solely at PVE TRs. PVP has nothing to do with this nerf since these power self buffs weren't that important for PVP TRs. This nerf being intended for PVE is also pretty clear when you read the dev's responses, they said they want to end powerlooping and that TRs were doing too much damage in PVE.
-- Obviously this nerf was too much. It went far beyond just ending powerlooping and outright removed TR's power self buff sources and replaced them with % damage increases that add up to a lot less damage than the power buffs gave us even when not powerlooping. Its also worth pointing out that powerlooping was not the cause of TR's sudden spike in performance in pug runs during module 14, powerlooping is much older than that and isn't OP. It is a bizarre mechanic though and probably wasn't entirely WAI. ------------------------------------------- The AOC + smokebomb bugfix and the smokebomb nerfs:
The AOC + smokebomb bugfix was aimed solely at PVE TRs. This was done by the devs at the request of many PVE TRs in this thread. The massive amount of extra damage from this bug was feeding into shadow of demise and had a bigger impact on shadow of demise's damage output in PVE than the 25% damage buff to shadow of demise itself did. All of the damage nerfs PVE TRs got combined were already too much before this bug was fixed and the people that asked for this bug to be fixed also asked for the devs to put most of our damage back in other areas so we can remain competitive.
The 30% damage nerf to smokebomb its harder to determine whether or not this was intended to be a PVE nerf or both a PVP and a PVE nerf. The devs basically said in one of their responses that smokebomb was too good since it was both excellent damage and excellent control and the 30% damage nerf was done because of this. Smokebomb's dps output in PVP wasn't particularly important but its control was. For PVE, it was the opposite where the high damage from smokebomb was its main appeal and the control was just a convenient bonus.
The removal of smokebomb's slow was most likely done for PVP. Its unclear exactly what the devs were trying to fix, there are several things they might have been trying to do with this nerf. One possibility is that the devs were trying to end a buggy interaction between courage breaker and smokebomb. Courage breaker had a bug with it where it would sometimes set a player's movement speed to 0 for its entire duration, basically rooting them instead of slowing them like it normally does. This is widely thought to be caused by courage breaker's slow interacting with smokebomb's slow and other slows but I don't think this was ever proven for sure. I don't know yet if this bug was fixed when SB's slow was removed. Another possibility was the devs wanted to reduce SB's control a little bit in PVP since it is a commonly complained about power. Its also possible the devs wanted to add to the TR class's sources of CA damage in PVP and replacing SB's slow was a convenient way to do this.
-- I don't have a problem with any of the nerfs the devs gave smokebomb other than maybe SB's 30% damage nerf. The TR class received too many damage nerfs in PVE but this specific nerf isn't something I care about too much. ------------------------------------------- The impossible to catch nerfs:
Impossible to catch had its duration lowered to 4 seconds. There was also a bugfix where the devs tried to fix the ITC + dodge bug. The way they went about this fix made it so ITC now either interrupts our other powers or doesn't activate until the other power ends.
The first one is definitely a PVP nerf. The second one in addition to being a bugfix could also be a deliberate PVP nerf but this isn't proven.
-- I don't care about the ITC duration nerf. The bugfix attempt's side effects are very irritating so far. ITC is now very clunky and doesn't synergize well with TR rotations. This could turn out to be a good thing for PVP though. It is bad for PVE assuming PVE TRs were going to keep using ITC after the press the advantage feat nerf. ------------------------------------------- Speed Nerfs:
The devs probably didn't view movement speed for TRs as an issue that needed nerfing and simply took the speed out to make more room for things the majority tend to value more. They probably thought adding the 25% movement speed buff to ITC was a good way to encourage people to use its stealthed effect (they still won't) and would do a decent job replacing some of the movement speed they took off in other areas.
Scullcracker: The devs probably took the speed increase off of scullcracker because their rework of scullcracker was already really good and who is going to miss a 15% speed increase when they can have lots of damage instead, the majority of players come across as being solely focused on dps output so the devs probably didn't expect this many people to have a problem with them taking this off. -- As for my personal opinion on this, I think the devs would have been doing better to add a 15% speed increase to the survivor feat (and rename this feat if needed) instead of applying it to scullcracker or taking it out entirely. This would make it so any TR tree has the option of taking that speed increase if they wish, which makes perfect sense for a class that is supposed to be an agile melee striker. This would also solve the issue with the survivor feat being unappealing, even after the rework, the survivor feat is still unappealing and nobody will take it.
Skillful Infiltrator: This speed nerf was probably done in exchange for giving this passive 1% more crit and 1% more deflect than it previously granted, some dev somewhere was probably trying to avoid giving the passive too much and didn't think this through too well. Its also likely the devs thought the 20% permanent speed increase was weird and wanted to make it more in line with other permanent speed increases, which are usually 15% or smaller. -- Again, I don't agree with this decision since the speed buff from skillful infiltrator is the only part of this passive that people seem to ever use it for and this passive isn't part of any meta builds. The deflect and critical chance, whether it is 4% or 5%, simply isn't appealing enough to get people to take this passive, this goes for both niche builds and meta ones.
Sneak Attack: This speed nerf was probably done because this passive only appeals to people building maximum speed builds and they wanted to make it more competitive with other passives. They were probably hoping at least PVPers would be interested in this passive if they took out some of the speed and gave them something they thought people would want more, recharge speed increases. -- As for my take on that decision, sneak attack is the only speed nerf the TR got that I don't care too much about since this passive is slightly more interesting to me now and was less essential to my speed loadout than skillful infiltrator was. However, this passive still doesn't have a place on meta builds and will still be a very niche thing even after the rework. A better option would have been to give sneak attack a small damage buff instead of the recharge speed increase. This would reduce how much damage TRs lose for running this movement speed passive over a full damage passive. This is also a better thematic fit for the TR class since sneak attack was the name of an important personal damage buff rogues used often in D&D.
Post edited by trgluestickz on
-- PVP Rogue, --[----- "Your friendly neighborhood spawn of Satan." -----]-- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Main Character: Hurricane Marigolds (Rogue WK & Assassin) Ingame Handle: trgluestickz Discord Name: Hurricane🌀Marigolds#2563 Guilds: She Looked LVL 18 & Essence of Aggression Alliances: Imperium & Order of the Silent Shroud Platform: PC
These appear to have been done for PVP for the most part.
These do have a negative effect on Shadow of Demise for PVE TRs, the uptime is less fluid now and will drop their damage some.
For PVP, these changes will help increase the skill curve for TRs in PVP, which is probably good. You will now have to plan your attacks more carefully and be mindful of when you reveal yourself from stealth. These do come with some flaws and drawbacks as usual but overall, I'd say are more of an improvement than not. ------------------------------------------- The shadow of demise nerf:
This was done both for PVE and PVP.
Shadow of demise was hitting extremely hard in PVE, though a lot of this turned out to be from the AOC bug, SOD had also been buffed directly. The devs did not seem to like how hard this was hitting, so it got reverted back to how it was before the devs buffed it.
Shadow of demise post buff was also heavily complained about in PVP, it was hitting for 70k and above and a lot of people including me wanted it to be toned down in PVP. ------------------------------------------- Other Courage Breaker Changes:
Obviously these were done for PVP.
Courage breaker's slow and the fact that it ignores all CC resist and immunity are the parts of this power that people complain about, hence why it was nerfed a little bit.
It also appears the devs decided to make courage breaker a mostly PVP oriented daily power given what they replaced the self power buff with. Though its possible they were hoping the enhanced debuffing features of CB might appeal to PVE TRs situationally.
Raising CB's duration in PVP to 8 seconds will also help keep this power viable even for builds with low recovery. At 5 seconds duration, CB only appeals to high recovery builds, which right now, make up the majority of the PVP TR population. The devs have expressed in recent spoilers that they want to do something about the "out of control numbers" some of stats can reach right now, and they specifically mentioned recovery. ------------------------------------------- Duelist's Flurry Changes:
This doesn't appear to have been intended as a nerf, if anything, it looks like the devs were trying to buff duelist's flurry a little bit and make it feel less cumbersome.
The PVE TR community in an important TR rework suggestions thread had specifically asked for these changes to DF. They wanted DF to reach max bleed stacks faster and for number of hits in the flurry to be reduced. The devs clearly tried to do what they asked but didn't correctly account for the damage drop that came from reducing the number of hits this power does. The dev's first public draft was going to nerf the bleed damage by 40%, probably because they thought speeding up how fast you reach max bleeds would be too powerful if the damage wasn't reduced to compensate. They changed their minds about that once it became apparent that this wasn't necessary.
--As for my take on this change, the power works great and I am quite pleased with the mechanic tweaks, the only thing that this power really needs is for the devs to increase its damage even more in PVE so it can compete with the revamped version of gloaming cut.
As for how these tweaks affected PVP, after the 40% bleed damage nerf got reverted, DF's bleeds started to do decent damage in PVP again, it actually does better damage than it was doing during M14. It still doesn't do as much dps as gloaming cut but it will be viable thanks to the other benefits DF brings to the table.
Post edited by trgluestickz on
-- PVP Rogue, --[----- "Your friendly neighborhood spawn of Satan." -----]-- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Main Character: Hurricane Marigolds (Rogue WK & Assassin) Ingame Handle: trgluestickz Discord Name: Hurricane🌀Marigolds#2563 Guilds: She Looked LVL 18 & Essence of Aggression Alliances: Imperium & Order of the Silent Shroud Platform: PC
Vi devo ringraziare per la mole di lavoro che avete svolto, per portare il personaggio TR a questi livelli in questo modulo. Sono assolutamente estasiato dal vostro splendido lavoro, che a portato ad avere un personaggio degno del mondo di neverwinter. Vorrei però portare alla vostra attenzione, alcune lacune:
1) Sparizione nell'ombra, mi fà scomparire e ricomparire, così facendo i nemici non mi possono colpire, ci terrei che questo bug fosse corretto.
2) Blitz. Quando lo uso, il potere ad incontro si ricarica troppo velocemente e sono costretto a premere solo quel tasto.
3) Adesca a scambia, tutti ma proprio tutti i mostri non mi degnano di uno sguardo. E insopportabile che nessuno mi attacchi.
4) Tiro a impatto mi sposta il nemico e non posso attaccarlo. E molto fastidioso questo.
5) Colpo delle ombre, non mi sembra corretto che riesca a colpire il bersaglio e mi ricarichi, così e troppo facile.
Trovo cmq offensivo che le persone in questo blog si lamentino del vostro lavoro. Dovrebbero sapere che per poter arrivare a questi risultati, avete speso centinaia e centinaia di ore di programmazione, non contanto le notti insonni a simulare i vari eventi e trovare le soluzioni più convenienti per i giocatori, ad avere una più fluida esperienza nel mondo neverwinter.
Oggi, con sommo piacere, ho fatto una coda intermedia, e dopo aver finito la quest, l'sw 13K mi ha detto: "WOW, you are unattainable" Non sapete la soddisfazione che mi ha dato.
Vi chiedo solo questo, non cambiate nulla del TR nei prossimi moduli, in quanto ora e come o sempre sognato. Uguale a tutte le altre razze, così non saremo più discriminati come succedeva prima.
Grazie per tutto il lavoro che avete fatto nel modulo 15.
Un saluto da Montorch.
kalina311Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,082Arc User
edited November 2018
so there you have it folks not everything on Tr is nerfed cause of Pvp : D thxs @trgluestickz
also i never said bloodbath nerf did not effect pve trs :P i was only talking about bugged procs on powers regardless if they were pvp or pve use ..
So...You nerf TR because they can one phase bosses right? Ok, so you can say that it's a balance to nerf a class and make other overpowered with a broken encounter to one phase bosses? i can't understand your changes to be honest. This is the state of the game now:
The encounter from GF isnt broken, its just bugged and they gonna fix it today. Thats NOT the state of the game. BTW: You are fighting against GWFs and now you can see which class is still outperfmoring every other class at single DPS. So you changed your mind and GFs are your new enemies?
The encounter from GF isnt broken, its just bugged and they gonna fix it today. Thats NOT the state of the game. BTW: You are fighting against GWFs and now you can see which class is still outperfmoring every other class at single DPS. So you changed your mind and GFs are your new enemies?
My mind is about how the meta is a GF/GWF as main dps and why they nerf only the dps classes when they can outperform Fighters classes, like mod 15 support HR, and TR nerf. If CW can be better than GF/GWF, you can expect a nerf for mod 16, they want a game with Fighter class as dps, and the rest as support. I have old comments about GF too, idk why you're stalking my comments everytime lol. How about the SoD fix, but they can't fix Shield Warrior's Wrath? that's the favouritism that the game have for some classes.
I have old comments about GF too, idk why you're stalking my comments everytime lol.
I dont stalk you, but your posts are so much false and you spread so much false facts, that i thought i have to correct some things. Just state facts and i will support you.-
Personally i also start thinking, that the Gwf is dominating nowadays for a long time, too long, the dps only charts, as i said in the German Section like the Cw back in the old days.
This is not only the class itself, or even the "mistake" from the devs, for me it is an major part from the community that they are favorising the Gwf as primary dps.
Maybe it is bc the community wants that the run is as smooth or fast as possible, so they don't want the more "squishy" classes as primary dps like Sw, Cw, Tr or even Hr, to compensate the lack of communication or "teamplay" (spoken from an PoV from pug groups and not premade Partys like Guild/Alliance/Fl).
You can see it on reddit for example, so many people are asking there: "Wich class is best dps?" and common sense is mostly "Gwf, easy to play blabla" maybe some others say also "Hr bc of..." and others say for sure "Gf bc of..." but the thing is the most announced class is always "Gwf bc it is soooo easy to play, he has soooo much survivability, yadayadablablabla." We both know this is not always true...but for me the Gwf dishes out too early too much dps, and so many people are not going deeper into the class, bc maybe they feel it is not neccessary.
Too many people from the community are still way too much into this stupid paingiver chart thing...
Let's go back maybe 2 or 3 mods ago and an Tr is running together with an Gwf and Cw i.e. outside the meta with 3 dps...and both the Gwf and Cw were using an lightning enchant against Trash Mobs... Needless to say that an Tr had near zero chances to deal proper dps, bc the Cw could attack first from range and the Gwf was running ahead... And if the people are checking the paingiver charts and seeing the Tr in a Galaxy far far awa...(wrong scenario) at the bottom line....
Ah apropos weapon enchants, a Tr has afaik still only two options, still Vorpal or trans (or higher) feytouched, and then i see the Gwf: Lightning, fey, vorpal (for the small Cashpocket^^) and prominence...i start thinking that the devs offering so much to the Gwf on an silver tablet, you must be silly not to play one (if you want to play an dps char).
I know you are for balancing and equality, better said you are a rare player saying the Tr should be the class with the highest single dps output, but the equality and balancing is not here anymore.
But, as i said this is also a self-made problem from the community and i don't want nerfes for an class, but deep deep inside me yes i have to admit i would aprreciate if "some things" would happened to the Gwf.
But, as i said this is also a self-made problem from the community and i don't want nerfes for an class, but deep deep inside me yes i have to admit i would aprreciate if "some things" would happened to the Gwf.
Yes. Im for balancing and in my opinion the TR should be top single DPS ( at least equal to all striker classes). For me its just anoying and bothering that everyone pointing at GWFs atm and suggesting thats the class with the most damage output/ highest survivability and easiest way to dish hugs DPS. But its not. A GWF is only that good as the group is and a GWF can only make awesome DPS when the user knows how to play him. You know: 99% fails in DPS? Check the guy in front of the monitor. But this guy wont learn, he wont take hints/advices. No. In neverwinter this guy is blaming Cryp and claims for nerfs...over and over and over again. You and i, we both know: Nerf is NOT balancing. I admire your TR and i am respecting you really a lot. I know we both are fighting for the same goal: This game should have place for all classes. All classes should be usefull. But atm it looks like a witch hunt for the GWFs. And this class dont deserve that. After the last trys to fix and balance i have to admit: I dont believe they really wanna help the community and the players. And they dont know how to fix or balance classes. I started this game may 2013 and its getting much more worse every mod...maybe bc no dev is playing this game serious?
extremly sad. Im level 30 in the game and i'm sad for my TR, i can't even imagine people who spent time on it.
That´s what you could tell about warlock for many, many mods until temptation got buffed. My advice: level at least two classes in this game, from wich one should be a supporter (or both), since this game is made for support classes 4:1(striker). The chance to be completely useless is near zero that way. I play GF, SW, DC, OP (leveling atm) My only striker is that SW, wich is not wanted in any run, despite he can be very efficient and run all content with ease, so I am forced to play support 24/7 normally. I never would invest into another striker since it consumes so much AD. Run support, be lazy, drop some buffs... done, no need to even care about paingiver or about top performance at all.
Could you please consider WOB to start stacking again? In MOD5 the stacking effect of multiple execution of WOB was removed because it was too strong. It was still possible to do it with Courage Breaker. Currently Courage Breaker cant stack effect on foe which is fine, but WOB does not stack it.
Please consider this option for TR in future releases. regards.
demonmongerMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,350Arc User
For the last time fix ITC... it has to much delay and is clunky... cant cast with other encounters or at wills anymore
I hate paying taxes! Why must I pay thousands of dollars in taxes when everything I buy is taxed anyways!
Hi could you please fix long animation on some of encounters/dailies... I try PVP with mod15 and all those flashy movement that take 2-3s kill you by class who just press button and get instant range stun/kill. JUMPING targets make some of the skills not working corretly e.g. executioner daily. also When I use Hateful Knives to prone the target, he get UP after the animation ends. When GF/GWF prone your target its take 3-4s and there is not animation at all.
Can anyone let us know if Impossible to Catch's animation is considered to be reverted to how it was? No one is satisfied with its current animation due to skill interruptions and separate activation time.
Scoundrels are neither good at Debuff/Buffs or Survivability or DPS. At least make the Scoundrel great at something.
Mocking Gesture (feat) Shadowclad (enchantment) Impossible To Catch (encounters)
All have the same overlapping function that is erased with one deflect. Deflect should be in layers so a Scoundrel Rogue can be more survivable in PvE. Impossible to Catch shouldn't trigger Mocking Gesture and vice versa. We're not supposed to dodge roll all the time, making the whole scoundrel tree pointless.
( That or make a Class Change Token, so I can turn my Caturday Survivor rogues to Archers! )
Is it true Infiltrators Action duration can't extended now, just lasts for 20secs per fight now?
Yes, it no longer internally refreshes upon each daily use. So if you use a daily once and then another daily before the first IA has worn off, the internal timer doesn't restart. You can start the timer again after the first IA has worn off.
If by 20 secs per fight you mean do you have to leave combat to retrigger IA, the answer is no. You can still be in the same fight and retrigger IA once the timer for your previous IA proc has ended.
-- PVP Rogue, --[----- "Your friendly neighborhood spawn of Satan." -----]-- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Main Character: Hurricane Marigolds (Rogue WK & Assassin) Ingame Handle: trgluestickz Discord Name: Hurricane🌀Marigolds#2563 Guilds: She Looked LVL 18 & Essence of Aggression Alliances: Imperium & Order of the Silent Shroud Platform: PC
In our continued effort to balance aspects of the game for smoother and more consistent game play, we announced a major change to the Trickster Rogue class, which in effect kills the class. Sorry.
Trickster Rogue’s will soon do exactly as we say above, be the last in DPS behind every other class in the game to include all support classes. This change is currently on PC (where we have realized what we have done) and will be pushed live to consoles in the near future.
Due to this change making the Trickster Rogue not best-in-slot for certain classes, many adventurers will be choosing to leave the game.
We know many an adventurer has spent a considerable amount of time and resources on their Trickster Rogue and understand the frustrations on building another character from scratch. Because of this, we’ve decided to implement a process, which doesn’t let that effort go to waste.
For a limited time after the “The Heart of Fire Ripped out of a TR’s Chest” changes go live - sometime soon - the Antiquities Scholar Vendor will be available next to the Rewards Claim Agent in Protector’s Enclave.
She has a shop where adventurers may exchange a piece of the Trickster Rogue equipment, mount and companions for another of a bound to account set usable by another class, keeping the same quality.
For example, you may exchange a character bound Legendary Mount for an Glorious Resurgence Legendary Pack that is account bound.
You can choose to exchange your bound legendary companion for an account Glorious Resurgence Epic Companions Pack with the upgrade token and books to bring them back to Legendary- it's up to you! The same for equipment and artifacts. Account bound Tokens will be provided!
The following of each quality will be available in the shop:
Mount exchanges Companion Exchanges Artifact Exchanges
Each item in the store is a one for one exchange and are bound to account on pickup. The store will only be available to players who have a Trickster Rogue that had already completed the tutorial when this change goes live.
Please note that the amount of RP in the piece will not transfer over. Due to this, we recommend refining everything to the next quality before exchanging with the Antiquities Scholar Vendor - if it's close to the next quality, that is.
The vendor will not be in Neverwinter for long (or ever), but we’ll make sure to let adventurers know in advance on the last day she’ll be present. Please keep an eye on this blog, the forums, Twitter and Facebook for notifications. As a note, she’ll also make her way to Xbox One when the changes happen there.
We have decided to not provide campaign completions tokens or experience boosters for free because we want you to fully experience your new class.
In addition, we will soon be selling a token that allows you to convert your old Trickster Rogue into a free slot companion that can hold additional equipment for your new prime character. Look in the Zen Store for the Pack Bearer Companion Token or the Pouch Bearer Companion Token for those whose Trickster Rogue was a halfling. These companions have no effect in game combat other than amusement, like post Mod 15 Trickster Rogues.
As always, we welcome any feedback from the community and are excited to see if you stick with us or leave the game. Can't wait for her to arrive on live? She'll be available as early as the evening of Jan 15 on Consoles
Possible ideas:
-Introduce randomly placed traps in all dungeon that are lethal (1-shot) and can only be disarmed by TRs
-Introduce special locked chests that can only be picked by TRs (giving rewards to the whole group)
-Introduce special area that can only be detected by TRs (treasure rooms, shortcuts etc)
-Introduce sentry mobs that unless approached and killed from stealth would sound alarms that would flood the zone with aggressive mobs or lock important paths
-Allow TRs to greatly buff the combat advantage of the group
-Allow TRs to greatly buff the awareness of the group, buffing various save checks
-Make wicked reminder encounter useful, by allowing it to reduce the defenses of mobs significantly and further than the allowed cap
TR is by far the best dps, capable of killing everything with a single atwill. I dont have a proof, but you cant prove ME wrong ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Parties which are able to pull it off are probably not trying it so if you want recorded proof you will probably wait for some time.
@kalina311 and @schietindebux Please read the below section on the passive bug and bloodbath bug, you coming on here to say it doesn't effect PVE TRs wasn't actually correct. Though I take responsibility for your misunderstanding since I did believe it would have no effect on PVE TRs when I posted that thread Kalina referenced.
@micky1p00 Read that section as well, it appears you didn't know whether or not the recent bug where bloodbath doesn't proc II on live was fixed or not.
@mikal#9243 A significant number of the nerfs you mentioned actually weren't done for PVP and aren't good examples for your case. Some of them such as the duelist's flurry change you mentioned weren't even intended to be nerfs.
Fixing the X2 passive procs with bloodbath bug:
This was a PVP nerf and is one I specifically asked for along with many other PVPers within recent modules.
This bugfix did come with a side effect that does affect PVE TRs. While its true that bloodbath is not used by any good PVE TR builds, this bugfix also made it so these 2 passives can't stack at all. This does nerf PVE TR damage a little bit since using any daily before the other one has worn off would also give you these passives' damage bonuses X2. The difference for bloodbath was that you used to get X2 of these passives for every 1 bloodbath you use, so after 2 dailies, you would have these passives damage bonuses X4.
Also, after the fix, invisible infiltrator wasn't proccing at all with bloodbath for around a week on live. This is now fixed and both passives do proc now when you use bloodbath.
Removing the power self buffs TRs got from courage breaker, whirlwind of blades, and the press the advantage feat:
The devs appear to have aimed this nerf solely at PVE TRs. PVP has nothing to do with this nerf since these power self buffs weren't that important for PVP TRs. This nerf being intended for PVE is also pretty clear when you read the dev's responses, they said they want to end powerlooping and that TRs were doing too much damage in PVE.
-- Obviously this nerf was too much. It went far beyond just ending powerlooping and outright removed TR's power self buff sources and replaced them with % damage increases that add up to a lot less damage than the power buffs gave us even when not powerlooping. Its also worth pointing out that powerlooping was not the cause of TR's sudden spike in performance in pug runs during module 14, powerlooping is much older than that and isn't OP. It is a bizarre mechanic though and probably wasn't entirely WAI.
The AOC + smokebomb bugfix and the smokebomb nerfs:
The AOC + smokebomb bugfix was aimed solely at PVE TRs. This was done by the devs at the request of many PVE TRs in this thread. The massive amount of extra damage from this bug was feeding into shadow of demise and had a bigger impact on shadow of demise's damage output in PVE than the 25% damage buff to shadow of demise itself did. All of the damage nerfs PVE TRs got combined were already too much before this bug was fixed and the people that asked for this bug to be fixed also asked for the devs to put most of our damage back in other areas so we can remain competitive.
The 30% damage nerf to smokebomb its harder to determine whether or not this was intended to be a PVE nerf or both a PVP and a PVE nerf. The devs basically said in one of their responses that smokebomb was too good since it was both excellent damage and excellent control and the 30% damage nerf was done because of this. Smokebomb's dps output in PVP wasn't particularly important but its control was. For PVE, it was the opposite where the high damage from smokebomb was its main appeal and the control was just a convenient bonus.
The removal of smokebomb's slow was most likely done for PVP. Its unclear exactly what the devs were trying to fix, there are several things they might have been trying to do with this nerf.
One possibility is that the devs were trying to end a buggy interaction between courage breaker and smokebomb. Courage breaker had a bug with it where it would sometimes set a player's movement speed to 0 for its entire duration, basically rooting them instead of slowing them like it normally does. This is widely thought to be caused by courage breaker's slow interacting with smokebomb's slow and other slows but I don't think this was ever proven for sure. I don't know yet if this bug was fixed when SB's slow was removed.
Another possibility was the devs wanted to reduce SB's control a little bit in PVP since it is a commonly complained about power. Its also possible the devs wanted to add to the TR class's sources of CA damage in PVP and replacing SB's slow was a convenient way to do this.
-- I don't have a problem with any of the nerfs the devs gave smokebomb other than maybe SB's 30% damage nerf. The TR class received too many damage nerfs in PVE but this specific nerf isn't something I care about too much.
The impossible to catch nerfs:
Impossible to catch had its duration lowered to 4 seconds. There was also a bugfix where the devs tried to fix the ITC + dodge bug. The way they went about this fix made it so ITC now either interrupts our other powers or doesn't activate until the other power ends.
The first one is definitely a PVP nerf. The second one in addition to being a bugfix could also be a deliberate PVP nerf but this isn't proven.
-- I don't care about the ITC duration nerf.
The bugfix attempt's side effects are very irritating so far. ITC is now very clunky and doesn't synergize well with TR rotations. This could turn out to be a good thing for PVP though.
It is bad for PVE assuming PVE TRs were going to keep using ITC after the press the advantage feat nerf.
Speed Nerfs:
The devs probably didn't view movement speed for TRs as an issue that needed nerfing and simply took the speed out to make more room for things the majority tend to value more. They probably thought adding the 25% movement speed buff to ITC was a good way to encourage people to use its stealthed effect (they still won't) and would do a decent job replacing some of the movement speed they took off in other areas.
The devs probably took the speed increase off of scullcracker because their rework of scullcracker was already really good and who is going to miss a 15% speed increase when they can have lots of damage instead, the majority of players come across as being solely focused on dps output so the devs probably didn't expect this many people to have a problem with them taking this off.
-- As for my personal opinion on this, I think the devs would have been doing better to add a 15% speed increase to the survivor feat (and rename this feat if needed) instead of applying it to scullcracker or taking it out entirely. This would make it so any TR tree has the option of taking that speed increase if they wish, which makes perfect sense for a class that is supposed to be an agile melee striker. This would also solve the issue with the survivor feat being unappealing, even after the rework, the survivor feat is still unappealing and nobody will take it.
Skillful Infiltrator:
This speed nerf was probably done in exchange for giving this passive 1% more crit and 1% more deflect than it previously granted, some dev somewhere was probably trying to avoid giving the passive too much and didn't think this through too well. Its also likely the devs thought the 20% permanent speed increase was weird and wanted to make it more in line with other permanent speed increases, which are usually 15% or smaller.
-- Again, I don't agree with this decision since the speed buff from skillful infiltrator is the only part of this passive that people seem to ever use it for and this passive isn't part of any meta builds. The deflect and critical chance, whether it is 4% or 5%, simply isn't appealing enough to get people to take this passive, this goes for both niche builds and meta ones.
Sneak Attack:
This speed nerf was probably done because this passive only appeals to people building maximum speed builds and they wanted to make it more competitive with other passives. They were probably hoping at least PVPers would be interested in this passive if they took out some of the speed and gave them something they thought people would want more, recharge speed increases.
-- As for my take on that decision, sneak attack is the only speed nerf the TR got that I don't care too much about since this passive is slightly more interesting to me now and was less essential to my speed loadout than skillful infiltrator was. However, this passive still doesn't have a place on meta builds and will still be a very niche thing even after the rework. A better option would have been to give sneak attack a small damage buff instead of the recharge speed increase. This would reduce how much damage TRs lose for running this movement speed passive over a full damage passive. This is also a better thematic fit for the TR class since sneak attack was the name of an important personal damage buff rogues used often in D&D.
PVP Rogue,
--[----- "Your friendly neighborhood spawn of Satan." -----]--
Main Character: Hurricane Marigolds (Rogue WK & Assassin)
Ingame Handle: trgluestickz
Discord Name: Hurricane🌀Marigolds#2563
Guilds: She Looked LVL 18 & Essence of Aggression
Alliances: Imperium & Order of the Silent Shroud
Platform: PC
TR stealth nerfs:
These appear to have been done for PVP for the most part.
These do have a negative effect on Shadow of Demise for PVE TRs, the uptime is less fluid now and will drop their damage some.
For PVP, these changes will help increase the skill curve for TRs in PVP, which is probably good. You will now have to plan your attacks more carefully and be mindful of when you reveal yourself from stealth. These do come with some flaws and drawbacks as usual but overall, I'd say are more of an improvement than not.
The shadow of demise nerf:
This was done both for PVE and PVP.
Shadow of demise was hitting extremely hard in PVE, though a lot of this turned out to be from the AOC bug, SOD had also been buffed directly. The devs did not seem to like how hard this was hitting, so it got reverted back to how it was before the devs buffed it.
Shadow of demise post buff was also heavily complained about in PVP, it was hitting for 70k and above and a lot of people including me wanted it to be toned down in PVP.
Other Courage Breaker Changes:
Obviously these were done for PVP.
Courage breaker's slow and the fact that it ignores all CC resist and immunity are the parts of this power that people complain about, hence why it was nerfed a little bit.
It also appears the devs decided to make courage breaker a mostly PVP oriented daily power given what they replaced the self power buff with. Though its possible they were hoping the enhanced debuffing features of CB might appeal to PVE TRs situationally.
Raising CB's duration in PVP to 8 seconds will also help keep this power viable even for builds with low recovery. At 5 seconds duration, CB only appeals to high recovery builds, which right now, make up the majority of the PVP TR population. The devs have expressed in recent spoilers that they want to do something about the "out of control numbers" some of stats can reach right now, and they specifically mentioned recovery.
Duelist's Flurry Changes:
This doesn't appear to have been intended as a nerf, if anything, it looks like the devs were trying to buff duelist's flurry a little bit and make it feel less cumbersome.
The PVE TR community in an important TR rework suggestions thread had specifically asked for these changes to DF. They wanted DF to reach max bleed stacks faster and for number of hits in the flurry to be reduced. The devs clearly tried to do what they asked but didn't correctly account for the damage drop that came from reducing the number of hits this power does. The dev's first public draft was going to nerf the bleed damage by 40%, probably because they thought speeding up how fast you reach max bleeds would be too powerful if the damage wasn't reduced to compensate. They changed their minds about that once it became apparent that this wasn't necessary.
--As for my take on this change, the power works great and I am quite pleased with the mechanic tweaks, the only thing that this power really needs is for the devs to increase its damage even more in PVE so it can compete with the revamped version of gloaming cut.
As for how these tweaks affected PVP, after the 40% bleed damage nerf got reverted, DF's bleeds started to do decent damage in PVP again, it actually does better damage than it was doing during M14. It still doesn't do as much dps as gloaming cut but it will be viable thanks to the other benefits DF brings to the table.
PVP Rogue,
--[----- "Your friendly neighborhood spawn of Satan." -----]--
Main Character: Hurricane Marigolds (Rogue WK & Assassin)
Ingame Handle: trgluestickz
Discord Name: Hurricane🌀Marigolds#2563
Guilds: She Looked LVL 18 & Essence of Aggression
Alliances: Imperium & Order of the Silent Shroud
Platform: PC
Vi devo ringraziare per la mole di lavoro che avete svolto, per portare il personaggio TR a questi livelli in questo modulo.
Sono assolutamente estasiato dal vostro splendido lavoro, che a portato ad avere un personaggio degno del mondo di neverwinter.
Vorrei però portare alla vostra attenzione, alcune lacune:
1) Sparizione nell'ombra, mi fà scomparire e ricomparire, così facendo i nemici non mi possono colpire, ci terrei che questo bug fosse corretto.
2) Blitz. Quando lo uso, il potere ad incontro si ricarica troppo velocemente e sono costretto a premere solo quel tasto.
3) Adesca a scambia, tutti ma proprio tutti i mostri non mi degnano di uno sguardo. E insopportabile che nessuno mi attacchi.
4) Tiro a impatto mi sposta il nemico e non posso attaccarlo. E molto fastidioso questo.
5) Colpo delle ombre, non mi sembra corretto che riesca a colpire il bersaglio e mi ricarichi, così e troppo facile.
Trovo cmq offensivo che le persone in questo blog si lamentino del vostro lavoro.
Dovrebbero sapere che per poter arrivare a questi risultati, avete speso centinaia e centinaia di ore di programmazione, non contanto le notti insonni a simulare i vari eventi e trovare le soluzioni più convenienti per i giocatori, ad avere una più fluida esperienza nel mondo neverwinter.
Oggi, con sommo piacere, ho fatto una coda intermedia, e dopo aver finito la quest, l'sw 13K mi ha detto: "WOW, you are unattainable"
Non sapete la soddisfazione che mi ha dato.
Vi chiedo solo questo, non cambiate nulla del TR nei prossimi moduli, in quanto ora e come o sempre sognato.
Uguale a tutte le altre razze, così non saremo più discriminati come succedeva prima.
Grazie per tutto il lavoro che avete fatto nel modulo 15.
Un saluto da Montorch.
thxs @trgluestickz
also i never said bloodbath nerf did not effect pve trs :P i was only talking about bugged procs on powers regardless if they were pvp or pve use ..
The encounter from GF isnt broken, its just bugged and they gonna fix it today. Thats NOT the state of the game.
You are fighting against GWFs and now you can see which class is still outperfmoring every other class at single DPS. So you changed your mind and GFs are your new enemies?
My mind is about how the meta is a GF/GWF as main dps and why they nerf only the dps classes when they can outperform Fighters classes, like mod 15 support HR, and TR nerf. If CW can be better than GF/GWF, you can expect a nerf for mod 16, they want a game with Fighter class as dps, and the rest as support. I have old comments about GF too, idk why you're stalking my comments everytime lol. How about the SoD fix, but they can't fix Shield Warrior's Wrath? that's the favouritism that the game have for some classes.
Personally i also start thinking, that the Gwf is dominating nowadays for a long time, too long, the dps only charts, as i said in the German Section like the Cw back in the old days.
This is not only the class itself, or even the "mistake" from the devs, for me it is an major part from the community that they are favorising the Gwf as primary dps.
Maybe it is bc the community wants that the run is as smooth or fast as possible, so they don't want the more "squishy" classes as primary dps like Sw, Cw, Tr or even Hr, to compensate the lack of communication or "teamplay" (spoken from an PoV from pug groups and not premade Partys like Guild/Alliance/Fl).
You can see it on reddit for example, so many people are asking there: "Wich class is best dps?" and common sense is mostly "Gwf, easy to play blabla" maybe some others say also "Hr bc of..." and others say for sure "Gf bc of..."
but the thing is the most announced class is always "Gwf bc it is soooo easy to play, he has soooo much survivability, yadayadablablabla."
We both know this is not always true...but for me the Gwf dishes out too early too much dps, and so many people are not going deeper into the class, bc maybe they feel it is not neccessary.
Too many people from the community are still way too much into this stupid paingiver chart thing...
Let's go back maybe 2 or 3 mods ago and an Tr is running together with an Gwf and Cw i.e. outside the meta with 3 dps...and both the Gwf and Cw were using an lightning enchant against Trash Mobs...
Needless to say that an Tr had near zero chances to deal proper dps, bc the Cw could attack first from range and the Gwf was running ahead...
And if the people are checking the paingiver charts and seeing the Tr in a Galaxy far far awa...(wrong scenario) at the bottom line....
Ah apropos weapon enchants, a Tr has afaik still only two options, still Vorpal or trans (or higher) feytouched, and then i see the Gwf: Lightning, fey, vorpal (for the small Cashpocket^^) and prominence...i start thinking that the devs offering so much to the Gwf on an silver tablet, you must be silly not to play one (if you want to play an dps char).
I know you are for balancing and equality, better said you are a rare player saying the Tr should be the class with the highest single dps output, but the equality and balancing is not here anymore.
But, as i said this is also a self-made problem from the community and i don't want nerfes for an class, but deep deep inside me yes i have to admit i would aprreciate if "some things" would happened to the Gwf.
Yes. Im for balancing and in my opinion the TR should be top single DPS ( at least equal to all striker classes). For me its just anoying and bothering that everyone pointing at GWFs atm and suggesting thats the class with the most damage output/ highest survivability and easiest way to dish hugs DPS. But its not. A GWF is only that good as the group is and a GWF can only make awesome DPS when the user knows how to play him.
You know: 99% fails in DPS? Check the guy in front of the monitor. But this guy wont learn, he wont take hints/advices. No. In neverwinter this guy is blaming Cryp and claims for nerfs...over and over and over again. You and i, we both know: Nerf is NOT balancing.
I admire your TR and i am respecting you really a lot. I know we both are fighting for the same goal:
This game should have place for all classes. All classes should be usefull.
But atm it looks like a witch hunt for the GWFs. And this class dont deserve that. After the last trys to fix and balance i have to admit: I dont believe they really wanna help the community and the players. And they dont know how to fix or balance classes.
I started this game may 2013 and its getting much more worse every mod...maybe bc no dev is playing this game serious?
My advice: level at least two classes in this game, from wich one should be a supporter (or both), since this game is made for support classes 4:1(striker).
The chance to be completely useless is near zero that way.
I play GF, SW, DC, OP (leveling atm)
My only striker is that SW, wich is not wanted in any run, despite he can be very efficient and run all content with ease, so I am forced to play support 24/7 normally.
I never would invest into another striker since it consumes so much AD.
Run support, be lazy, drop some buffs... done, no need to even care about paingiver or about top performance at all.
In MOD5 the stacking effect of multiple execution of WOB was removed because it was too strong.
It was still possible to do it with Courage Breaker.
Currently Courage Breaker cant stack effect on foe which is fine, but WOB does not stack it.
Please consider this option for TR in future releases.
I try PVP with mod15 and all those flashy movement that take 2-3s kill you by class who just press button and get instant range stun/kill.
JUMPING targets make some of the skills not working corretly e.g. executioner daily.
also When I use Hateful Knives to prone the target, he get UP after the animation ends. When GF/GWF prone your target its take 3-4s and there is not animation at all.
No one is satisfied with its current animation due to skill interruptions and separate activation time.
Mocking Gesture (feat)
Shadowclad (enchantment)
Impossible To Catch (encounters)
All have the same overlapping function that is erased with one deflect. Deflect should be in layers so a Scoundrel Rogue can be more survivable in PvE. Impossible to Catch shouldn't trigger Mocking Gesture and vice versa. We're not supposed to dodge roll all the time, making the whole scoundrel tree pointless.
( That or make a Class Change Token, so I can turn my Caturday Survivor rogues to Archers! )
If by 20 secs per fight you mean do you have to leave combat to retrigger IA, the answer is no. You can still be in the same fight and retrigger IA once the timer for your previous IA proc has ended.
PVP Rogue,
--[----- "Your friendly neighborhood spawn of Satan." -----]--
Main Character: Hurricane Marigolds (Rogue WK & Assassin)
Ingame Handle: trgluestickz
Discord Name: Hurricane🌀Marigolds#2563
Guilds: She Looked LVL 18 & Essence of Aggression
Alliances: Imperium & Order of the Silent Shroud
Platform: PC
Parody on
Well met, adventurers,
In our continued effort to balance aspects of the game for smoother and more consistent game play, we announced a major change to the Trickster Rogue class, which in effect kills the class. Sorry.
Trickster Rogue’s will soon do exactly as we say above, be the last in DPS behind every other class in the game to include all support classes. This change is currently on PC (where we have realized what we have done) and will be pushed live to consoles in the near future.
Due to this change making the Trickster Rogue not best-in-slot for certain classes, many adventurers will be choosing to leave the game.
We know many an adventurer has spent a considerable amount of time and resources on their Trickster Rogue and understand the frustrations on building another character from scratch. Because of this, we’ve decided to implement a process, which doesn’t let that effort go to waste.
For a limited time after the “The Heart of Fire Ripped out of a TR’s Chest” changes go live - sometime soon - the Antiquities Scholar Vendor will be available next to the Rewards Claim Agent in Protector’s Enclave.
She has a shop where adventurers may exchange a piece of the Trickster Rogue equipment, mount and companions for another of a bound to account set usable by another class, keeping the same quality.
For example, you may exchange a character bound Legendary Mount for an Glorious Resurgence Legendary Pack that is account bound.
You can choose to exchange your bound legendary companion for an account Glorious Resurgence Epic Companions Pack with the upgrade token and books to bring them back to Legendary- it's up to you! The same for equipment and artifacts. Account bound Tokens will be provided!
The following of each quality will be available in the shop:
Mount exchanges
Companion Exchanges
Artifact Exchanges
Each item in the store is a one for one exchange and are bound to account on pickup. The store will only be available to players who have a Trickster Rogue that had already completed the tutorial when this change goes live.
Please note that the amount of RP in the piece will not transfer over. Due to this, we recommend refining everything to the next quality before exchanging with the Antiquities Scholar Vendor - if it's close to the next quality, that is.
The vendor will not be in Neverwinter for long (or ever), but we’ll make sure to let adventurers know in advance on the last day she’ll be present. Please keep an eye on this blog, the forums, Twitter and Facebook for notifications. As a note, she’ll also make her way to Xbox One when the changes happen there.
We have decided to not provide campaign completions tokens or experience boosters for free because we want you to fully experience your new class.
Besides we need the Zen Store Sales. See
In addition, we will soon be selling a token that allows you to convert your old Trickster Rogue into a free slot companion that can hold additional equipment for your new prime character. Look in the Zen Store for the Pack Bearer Companion Token or the Pouch Bearer Companion Token for those whose Trickster Rogue was a halfling. These companions have no effect in game combat other than amusement, like post Mod 15 Trickster Rogues.
As always, we welcome any feedback from the community and are excited to see if you stick with us or leave the game. Can't wait for her to arrive on live? She'll be available as early as the evening of Jan 15 on Consoles
-Not The Neverwinter Team
Discuss on the official forums
Parody off (Hope you laughed, maybe ARC will pay attention now. (Free to copy and post elsewhere)