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Can we please fix Aura of Courage before Mod 13?



  • thefabricantthefabricant Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5,248 Arc User
    chemjeff said:

    Just because investing in HP is better than Steely Defense doesn't make your claims true, it just proves how poor the feat is in our current meta.

    BECAUSE THE META IS BASED ON BROKEN MECHANICS, of which Aura of Courage is one part. Good heavens. A completely passive class feature, where the Paladin literally has to do nothing in order to grant its benefits, should be better than 4,000 Power? A feature that rewards not just glass-cannon fighters like GWFs, but EVERY DPS CLASS, with more damage for *becoming tankier*, is right and good and just? You really don't give a damn, do you?

    And I do seem to recall that you & co. argued endlessly that 4k Power from a Legendary mount was a better call compared to a 16k HP mount. Now, 4k Power is something to just be sneezed at, I suppose?
    While you are at it you should nerf every other class feature to be worth less than 4k power. GWF has a few that are better, like wrathful determination. Seems like a perfectly reasonable request since we have established that a class feature should be worse than 4k power.
  • chemjeffchemjeff Member Posts: 544 Arc User

    So that's why you picked a random buff from a different class that shows up in ACT bigger than other buffs (that just simply don't show in ACT), and created a thread about it in the bug reports section asking that it be fixed.

    Not a "random buff". The one cited by Wickedduck himself. If you want to complain to anyone for singling out Aura of Courage, complain to him.

    There two major bugs with aura of courage. There are.

    #1 the tooltip is slightly unclear about whose HP "your" is talking about If it were changed to be based on the paladin's HP it would be stronger and have no trade-offs.

    #2 the functionality interacts incorrectly with one of the great weapon fighter's powers, causing it to proc more than normal.

    The only important issue I see here is #2, however, you stated #1 which makes little to no sense in my opinion. Not only that, but if it were a balance concern expressing yourself in the bug reports thread is not how that works. Finally, if it really is about broken mechanics, then why in the world did you pick aura of courage and not.... the entire cleric class.

    Could you elaborate on #2? That sounds like it deserves its own bug report.

    I have said all along that Aura of Courage is not the only broken mechanic in the game. Let's go right ahead and lay all the bugs and broken mechanics on the table, I am all in favor of that.
  • chemjeffchemjeff Member Posts: 544 Arc User
    edited February 2018

    Fighters aren't sacrificing power for hit points. They are sacrificing defense for hit points because the conversion from hit points to damage is better than the conversion from defense to damage.

    Fighters are sacrificing Defense for HP, and in so doing, they are trading Power for HP.

    And once again, Assassin's Covenant is a *tradeoff*. A player must *lose* defensive stats in order to *gain* Power. Not so with Aura of Courage.
  • designedbyrng#4319 designedbyrng Member Posts: 102 Arc User
    chemjeff said:

    Let's go right ahead and lay all the bugs and broken mechanics on the table, I am all in favor of that.

    Buffs. Nuff said.
  • micky1p00micky1p00 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,594 Arc User
    edited February 2018
    chemjeff said:

    And just one more thing:

    Just an FYI, even with rads you won't perform anywhere near him, its less than a 1% improvement switching.

    As far as I'm concerned, this discussion has NEVER been about what is in my narrow self-interest. If all I had wanted to do was to deal more damage, I would have shut up about the whole thing, just taken the Radiants from my DC, and abused AoC like everyone else is doing. As far as I'm concerned, this discussion is about improving balance in the game. I think you have long stopped caring about balance in this game, seeing as how you treat this game like a joke now.

    You clearly think I am a terrible player. I really don't give a damn. I think you are an arrogant jerk. I would rather be a terrible video game player than an arrogant jerk in real life.
    Balance? Seriously ? Balance ?

    SW is in the crapper, their change for mod13 will make them heal/support that can't even queue as heals/support, while people invested into them as DPS, and their DPS is still like soaked toilet paper.

    TR is somewhere near there (but not as bad), because TRs unless with BiS party with 0 cool-downs, have to stack bleed and then let bleed tick, you know what bleeds worth in end-game? Nothing.
    Mod13 changes, shadwoborn, from useless to useless. Thanks balance.
    Invest 28k stat into critical strike, press a button to make it useless. Best class mechanics ever! Oh and it scales best into BiS, from semi usefull, to SoD trigger. Thanks Balance.

    MoF, the best debuffer in the game worth more or less as a single buff skill, and now the devs instead of adding a buffing capability or actually thinking about how buffs work, increase their DoT damage, which is as useful as STD in end-game. But also created Oppressor who god knows what now, with uber ticks. Balance....

    One class capable of buffing about x2.2 damage with almost 0 gear.

    Another can just AFK with a key bind.

    Anyone said Archery ? What's that? Oh wait, it's a support buffer....?

    Half the powers adjusted for PvP and made useless in PvE, the other was adjusted the other way, god knows why (who asked for SoD change to piercing? no one)

    And you talk about 1% DPS difference as balance? And you talk about making a joke out of things? Lost all shame ?

    I've asked you if turning AoC for flat 30% buff would have ended all this nonsense, but how conveniently you've skipped this part.
    But ofc you did, because now all this argument has no substance, all this is balance is nothing but rallying the crowds with demagoguery.
    Using those radiants or not will be a 1% difference at best. That you call balance issue ? When once class considered as DPS deals half another, buffs are a mess, and you have content adjusted to suck you into a stillborn huge baby, because they can't make it uniformly difficult, Next tier Legendary dungeons = lag x2 because that the thing that works. And you talk about 1%????
  • chemjeffchemjeff Member Posts: 544 Arc User
    edited February 2018
    micky1p00 said:

    Balance? Seriously ? Balance ?

    Yes. I don't play a TR. I don't play a SW. I don't play a HR. I don't play (very much) a CW. I don't know much about those classes. (I actually *do* play a Paladin, btw.) You can speak more authoritatively about balance for other classes. I agree that there are lots of issues. I say do not let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Maybe instead of attacking me you can lay out the balance issues for the other classes for which I or others don't know as well.
    micky1p00 said:

    I've asked you if turning AoC for flat 30% buff would have ended all this nonsense, but how conveniently you've skipped this part.

    Because there's been about 10 million responses directed at me, I sincerely missed that one. I have said earlier that I don't think any completely passive feature, where the player doesn't have to do anything to activate it, should be a buff of anything greater than 10%. (And yes that includes DO DC Terrifying Insight.) So no, I would not think that a flat 30% buff would be a "fix" to much of anything.
    micky1p00 said:

    But ofc you did, because now all this argument has no substance, all this is balance is nothing but rallying the crowds with demagoguery.
    Using those radiants or not will be a 1% difference at best. That you call balance issue ? When once class considered as DPS deals half another.

    As opposed to spreading false rumors and attempting to "read my mind" about my true intentions? Oh, I'm such the villain here...

  • chemjeffchemjeff Member Posts: 544 Arc User

    chemjeff said:

    Let's go right ahead and lay all the bugs and broken mechanics on the table, I am all in favor of that.

    Buffs. Nuff said.
    Okay, which ones? All of them?
  • arcanjo86arcanjo86 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,093 Arc User
    the stupidity of this post about nerfing class feature to make the game content more hardcore is abysmal, how about you ask the devs to work on more challenging content and stop giving us more strong gear/weapons to players? you guys keep asking for nerfs and dont bother demanding hardcore content queue to them, its ridiculous how the chult are was so easier to do as do dc today that i started laughing at myself. wee need higher monster outgoing damage and damage resistance becuase they have becommed paper mobs xD.
  • micky1p00micky1p00 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,594 Arc User
    edited February 2018
    chemjeff said:

    micky1p00 said:

    Balance? Seriously ? Balance ?

    Yes. I don't play a TR. I don't play a SW. I don't play a HR. I don't play (very much) a CW. I don't know much about those classes. (I actually *do* play a Paladin, btw.) You can speak more authoritatively about balance for other classes. I agree that there are lots of issues. I say do not let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Maybe instead of attacking me you can lay out the balance issues for the other classes for which I or others don't know as well.
    micky1p00 said:

    I've asked you if turning AoC for flat 30% buff would have ended all this nonsense, but how conveniently you've skipped this part.

    Because there's been about 10 million responses directed at me, I sincerely missed that one. I have said earlier that I don't think any completely passive feature, where the player doesn't have to do anything to activate it, should be a buff of anything greater than 10%. (And yes that includes DO DC Terrifying Insight.) So no, I would not think that a flat 30% buff would be a "fix" to much of anything.
    micky1p00 said:

    But ofc you did, because now all this argument has no substance, all this is balance is nothing but rallying the crowds with demagoguery.
    Using those radiants or not will be a 1% difference at best. That you call balance issue ? When once class considered as DPS deals half another.

    As opposed to spreading false rumors and attempting to "read my mind" about my true intentions? Oh, I'm such the villain here...

    What false rumors? You just yourself said, you read a guide, and got all hamster because of it. Again over 1% difference. With a bug report to make it stronger.

    And yes the only reason I'm posting here, is because you singled out a class mechanics you saw in a guide, without understanding it's balance in the overall scheme of things, and now try to 'bug' report it. With some exaggerations and falsehoods to make it stick.
    While you know what I do to do 70% buff, stand like an idiot on ungeared DC and press a daily, repeat, (HG + TI).

    And now you blame HP to offensive mechanics? So you suggested what now? To remove it? To nerf it? What's the end-game of the thread here?

    Again, regardless if well intentioned or self serving, narrow sighted suggestions like this is what usually brings us to the "balance" we have now.
  • chemjeffchemjeff Member Posts: 544 Arc User
    edited February 2018

    chemjeff said:

    Good heavens. A completely passive class feature, where the Paladin literally has to do nothing in order to grant its benefits, should be better than 4,000 Power?

    Uh... yes. 4000 power even if you only have 0 power is 10% more damage. Where is your "please fix terrifying insight" thread? On average 4k power in end-game is between 3% and 1% more damage. So yeah... I would hope that a classes class features grant the party more than a single percent of usefulness. Sorry for asking too much.
    I have said in an earlier post that I thought Terrifying Insight was also overpowered. To me, class features which grant a buff, *without the buffer having to do anything*, these buffs should be small. Because otherwise these class features are simply must-haves and everyone, as we are seeing, builds their groups around them. TI and HG are the only reasons why anyone brings DO DC's to endgame groups. And AoC and Aura Gifts are the principal reason why anyone brings OPs to endgame groups.

    chemjeff said:

    A feature that rewards not just glass-cannon fighters like GWFs, but EVERY DPS CLASS, with more damage for *becoming tankier*, is right and good and just? You really don't give a damn, do you?

    If defense and hit points were equal defensive stats would it even make a difference whether they built radiants or azures for how tanky they are? Hint: the answer is no. Now ask why defense isn't as good a defense stat as hit points. Hint: clerics.
    I don't follow. Clerics barely heal nowadays so I don't see why DCs are the reason why HP is a better defensive stat than Defense. In general I dislike using defensive stats as offensive weapons, but IF this is going to happen, it should at LEAST be the worse defensive stats (like Defense and Deflect) that are used, and they ought to involve some sort of tradeoff, like with Assassin's Covenant. GWF's Steely Defense is the only exception to this (and now Aura of Courage). But with AoC, there is no tradeoff. Players are rewarded for becoming tankier. They deal more damage AND they are harder to kill. THAT is a source of unbalance that is just waiting to be exploited. And again it's not unprecedented in Neverwinter. Pre-nerf Tenebrous was the same thing. Pre-Mod 6 Life Steal mechanics was the same thing. Both of those were "fixed" because they brought about a severe lack of balance. And now it's back.
  • chemjeffchemjeff Member Posts: 544 Arc User

    Poking in my head into this thread to let ya'll know that I've been following all the posts. Lots of info to digest and I'm bringing the thread to the team's attention but I did want to remind folks that while it's ok to disagree, please do so in a respectful manner.

    Thank you for bringing this important issue to the devs' attention!
  • micky1p00micky1p00 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,594 Arc User
    chemjeff said:

    chemjeff said:

    Let's go right ahead and lay all the bugs and broken mechanics on the table, I am all in favor of that.

    Buffs. Nuff said.
    Okay, which ones? All of them?
    Did you read anything of what was posted? You realize that almost all buffs are higher than your AoC issue? Significantly higher. Like 30% vs 200% higher.....
    And you stuck on "stacking HP" which will add 1%.... 200% vs 1%.... in a group what is the total buff multiplier ?
    We are at about x10 scale, and ~x2 debuff and the main issue in the stacking here is
    x 1.001
  • micky1p00micky1p00 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,594 Arc User
    edited February 2018
    chemjeff said:

    chemjeff said:

    Good heavens. A completely passive class feature, where the Paladin literally has to do nothing in order to grant its benefits, should be better than 4,000 Power?

    Uh... yes. 4000 power even if you only have 0 power is 10% more damage. Where is your "please fix terrifying insight" thread? On average 4k power in end-game is between 3% and 1% more damage. So yeah... I would hope that a classes class features grant the party more than a single percent of usefulness. Sorry for asking too much.
    I have said in an earlier post that I thought Terrifying Insight was also overpowered. To me, class features which grant a buff, *without the buffer having to do anything*, these buffs should be small. Because otherwise these class features are simply must-haves and everyone, as we are seeing, builds their groups around them. TI and HG are the only reasons why anyone brings DO DC's to endgame groups. And AoC and Aura Gifts are the principal reason why anyone brings OPs to endgame groups.

    chemjeff said:

    A feature that rewards not just glass-cannon fighters like GWFs, but EVERY DPS CLASS, with more damage for *becoming tankier*, is right and good and just? You really don't give a damn, do you?

    If defense and hit points were equal defensive stats would it even make a difference whether they built radiants or azures for how tanky they are? Hint: the answer is no. Now ask why defense isn't as good a defense stat as hit points. Hint: clerics.
    I don't follow. Clerics barely heal nowadays so I don't see why DCs are the reason why HP is a better defensive stat than Defense. In general I dislike using defensive stats as offensive weapons, but IF this is going to happen, it should at LEAST be the worse defensive stats (like Defense and Deflect) that are used, and they ought to involve some sort of tradeoff, like with Assassin's Covenant. GWF's Steely Defense is the only exception to this (and now Aura of Courage). But with AoC, there is no tradeoff. Players are rewarded for becoming tankier. They deal more damage AND they are harder to kill. THAT is a source of unbalance that is just waiting to be exploited. And again it's not unprecedented in Neverwinter. Pre-nerf Tenebrous was the same thing. Pre-Mod 6 Life Steal mechanics was the same thing. Both of those were "fixed" because they brought about a severe lack of balance. And now it's back.
    Please, Tenberous was not changed because of that directly, it was changed because it proceed simultaneously and created a burst in PvP. They were added a staggering CD and not anything else. You could have based it on anything else and the result would have been the same. Oh wait, it was, it was owlbearcub in siege at the begining.

    AoC is not "new" and the tradoff is not relevant, you miss the big picture, there is no difference of what you base it, what maters is how controlled it is. Devs know what is the average HP, and what is the variance, meaning that AoC except it's procing bugs is foreseeable, while other mechanics went out of hand.
    Your entire 'stack' argument is not working because there is a slot limit, and you are not going to see augments with HP for AoC, it's not there, and not going there because of base weapon scale.
    Among all the other things, AoC is not the top of balance issues, it's just there among the rest of the buffs (which as collective are among the top).

    In general I dislike using defensive stats as offensive weapons, but IF this is going to happen, it should at LEAST be the worse defensive stats (like Defense and Deflect) that are used

    Ok, I dislike many things, and it's valid, there are downsides to making a stat more beneficial as both offensive and defensive, and benefits if needed.
    But we shouldn't balance over a personal dislike. I've said it before, if you wanted to warn people about relying on a nerfable mechanics and that investing into HP is risky, it's a valid warning, but saying that AoC is unique and the source of all evil (Not literally, making a point here) is what brought us 7 pages of argument.
    Post edited by micky1p00 on
  • arcanjo86arcanjo86 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,093 Arc User
    @nitocris83 how can you send this false stupidity info to the team were theres not a single problem with Aura of Courage, the game simply doesnt have mobs/bosses tough enough to handle the damage output of the players ingame with r13/14 enchantments, and when the devs added the tougher content, they made the mistake to add the increase to r13/14 to enchantments. The nerf of the bondings was enough to make chult content tough but the increase made everything obsolete.
  • arcanjo86arcanjo86 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,093 Arc User
    do terrifying insight buff needs the do to be close by to get the buff, but @chemjeff the real problem is the game not having tough content for this so called "OP chars",
    arcanjo86 said:

    @nitocris83 how can you send this false stupidity info to the team were theres not a single problem with Aura of Courage, the game simply doesnt have mobs/bosses tough enough to handle the damage output of the players ingame with r13/14 enchantments, and when the devs added the tougher content, they made the mistake to add the increase to r13/14 to enchantments. The nerf of the bondings was enough to make chult content tough but the increase made everything obsolete.

  • mamalion1234mamalion1234 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,415 Arc User
    edited February 2018

    the only thing can beat aura of courage in a dungeon run ( not talking about the how much aura of courage dealt the "dps")
    is the bloody death.
    IN many cases i see something like this aoc beat everything on a boss fight :

    One note similar is the gushing wound from a hunter ranger (ok that one is encounter but the duration of 20 seconds make it permanent) the tics coming from party members is based on their selfbuff but the credit goes to the hunter ranger.

    I would like to suggest gushing wound and similar powers-feats( abyss of chaos) to appear to combat log for the member trigger them like the aura of courage does.

    Post edited by mamalion1234 on
  • ltsmithnekoltsmithneko Member Posts: 1,578 Arc User
    > @mamalion1234 said:
    > the only thing can beat aura of courage in a dungeon run ( not talking about the how much aura of courage dealt the "dps")
    > is the bloody death.
    > IN many cases i see something like this aoc beat everything on a boss fight :
    > One note similar is the gushing wound from a hunter ranger (ok that one is encounter but the duration of 20 seconds make it permanent) the tics coming from party members is based on their selfbuff but the credit goes to the hunter ranger.
    > I would like to suggest gushing wound and similar powers-feats( abyss of chaos) to appear to combat log for the member trigger them like the aura of courage does.

    -w- Be weary a GWF can trigger AoC multiple times with certain things you have on, hence this massive increase.
  • tremeliques#2035 tremeliques Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    i just find it fascinating how the beetle juice community has grown, really proud, talking about something that does ~20% of our damage while ignoring all the things that we can have as passives that buff for more then that.
  • chemjeffchemjeff Member Posts: 544 Arc User

    -w- Be weary a GWF can trigger AoC multiple times with certain things you have on, hence this massive increase.

    Like what? This as well sounds like it deserves its own bug report.

    And note to readers: Here I am suggesting that a potentially broken mechanic affecting GWF, *the class that I main*, should be fixed.
  • gromovnipljesak#8234 gromovnipljesak Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User
    You wanna hear the reason Wicked goes for health instead of power?
    In endgame dungeons you easily have over 200-250k power, especially in full buff groups. Besides, if this was an issue with GWFs, you'd put that in the title. Now that fab has shown the HAMSTER, you somehow changed your agenda. How interesting.
  • designedbyrng#4319 designedbyrng Member Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited February 2018
    chemjeff said:

    chemjeff said:

    Good heavens. A completely passive class feature, where the Paladin literally has to do nothing in order to grant its benefits, should be better than 4,000 Power?

    Uh... yes. 4000 power even if you only have 0 power is 10% more damage. Where is your "please fix terrifying insight" thread? On average 4k power in end-game is between 3% and 1% more damage. So yeah... I would hope that a classes class features grant the party more than a single percent of usefulness. Sorry for asking too much.
    I have said in an earlier post that I thought Terrifying Insight was also overpowered. To me, class features which grant a buff, *without the buffer having to do anything*, these buffs should be small. Because otherwise these class features are simply must-haves and everyone, as we are seeing, builds their groups around them. TI and HG are the only reasons why anyone brings DO DC's to endgame groups. And AoC and Aura Gifts are the principal reason why anyone brings OPs to endgame groups.
    Simply requiring no work isn't really why Terrifying Insight is "overpowered" ... it is that buffs in general provide so much benefit. There is no need for pure tanks, there is no need for healers, there is no need for shielders, there is no need for jumpers, there is no need for teleporters, there is no need for control. There is only damage. So what does everyone take? The most damage. How do they get the most damage? Well because buffs provide a higher benefit ratio in normal groups, they bring one damage dealer and many buffers.

    There are many compounding issues here. One I already described, where damage is the only meaningful stat (well... and movement speed), but also that the benefits of buffs currently outweight DPS even if you only have one DPS class. This could be caused by many different factors, including but not limited to: buffs are too strong, dps classes are too weak, support classes deal too much personal damage while supporting, etc.

    But if we were to look at the general strength of class features... they are all super powerful. Maybe not Terrifying Insight and Aura of Courage powerful, but they are very powerful. The reason some classes have such powerful class features, is because their powers are weak, or they have weak class features because their powers are so strong. There is a balancing act. Just because one class has an amazing class feature doesn't mean they are broken. You need to look at the class as a whole in a group with many other combinations to see its average benefit in a group, and what the class forces others to do or not do to synergize with it.

    I find it far more appalling that clerics and paladins together reduce the effectiveness of the power stat to the point where the relative increase in damage from power is measured in fractions of a percent. That these two classes together remove the need for damage resistance and deflection chance, and finally that they both add so much multiplicative damage that a single rotation from high base damage classes can one-shot bosses.

    Complaining about this one feature because it is a class feature or because it makes you build a couple radiant enchantments is silly. Complain about the wording of the tooltip, sure. Complain about how all buffs are overpowered, sure. Complain about how healing is useless, sure I don't care. But if you just pick a random class and start bashing one of their powers/features with no context just for some random "no class feature should be better than 4k power" argument, then please do it for ALL class features... and in the feedback threads, not in bug reports.
  • gromovnipljesak#8234 gromovnipljesak Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User
    rjc9000 said:

    Tired of the salt?
    Need to refill your popcorn?
    We'll be back after a short commercial break!

    Hello wheelchairs!

    In the videos, Aura of Courage is the main source of the GF's damage.
    Please nerf AoC, don't nerf DPS GFs.


    I wonder how long till GWF still somehow gets the blame for this
  • gromovnipljesak#8234 gromovnipljesak Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User

    rjc9000 said:

    Tired of the salt?
    Need to refill your popcorn?
    We'll be back after a short commercial break!

    Hello wheelchairs!

    In the videos, Aura of Courage is the main source of the GF's damage.
    Please nerf AoC, don't nerf DPS GFs.


    I wonder how long till GWF still somehow gets the blame for this
    It already has, somewhere on page 6ish "broken gwf mechanics" were blamed for 10 second boss melts in groups that don't have a gwf and where nobody is using lightning.
  • theraxin#5169 theraxin Member Posts: 370 Arc User
    edited February 2018
    arcanjo86 said:

    @nitocris83 how can you send this false stupidity info to the team were theres not a single problem with Aura of Courage, the game simply doesnt have mobs/bosses tough enough to handle the damage output of the players ingame with r13/14 enchantments, and when the devs added the tougher content, they made the mistake to add the increase to r13/14 to enchantments. The nerf of the bondings was enough to make chult content tough but the increase made everything obsolete.

    How can he? How he dares? Why on the earth would he think it's acceptable that he can send informations to the development team that is so off of your preference. I'm sure he did not even asked you for a permission to do so. He should be kicked from the company right now by defiling the golden rule of this game. Maybe execution, but your grace should consider at least allowing him to grant some explanation for his rude and humiliating attitude and beg for mercy.
  • mamalion1234mamalion1234 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,415 Arc User

    chemjeff said:

    chemjeff said:

    Good heavens. A completely passive class feature, where the Paladin literally has to do nothing in order to grant its benefits, should be better than 4,000 Power?

    Uh... yes. 4000 power even if you only have 0 power is 10% more damage. Where is your "please fix terrifying insight" thread? On average 4k power in end-game is between 3% and 1% more damage. So yeah... I would hope that a classes class features grant the party more than a single percent of usefulness. Sorry for asking too much.
    I have said in an earlier post that I thought Terrifying Insight was also overpowered. To me, class features which grant a buff, *without the buffer having to do anything*, these buffs should be small. Because otherwise these class features are simply must-haves and everyone, as we are seeing, builds their groups around them. TI and HG are the only reasons why anyone brings DO DC's to endgame groups. And AoC and Aura Gifts are the principal reason why anyone brings OPs to endgame groups.
    Simply requiring no work isn't really why Terrifying Insight is "overpowered" ... it is that buffs in general provide so much benefit. There is no need for pure tanks, there is no need for healers, there is no need for shielders, there is no need for jumpers, there is no need for teleporters, there is no need for control. There is only damage. So what does everyone take? The most damage. How do they get the most damage? Well because buffs provide a higher benefit ratio in normal groups, they bring one damage dealer and many buffers.

    There are many compounding issues here. One I already described, where damage is the only meaningful stat (well... and movement speed), but also that the benefits of buffs currently outweight DPS even if you only have one DPS class. This could be caused by many different factors, including but not limited to: buffs are too strong, dps classes are too weak, support classes deal too much personal damage while supporting, etc.

    But if we were to look at the general strength of class features... they are all super powerful. Maybe not Terrifying Insight and Aura of Courage powerful, but they are very powerful. The reason some classes have such powerful class features, is because their powers are weak, or they have weak class features because their powers are so strong. There is a balancing act. Just because one class has an amazing class feature doesn't mean they are broken. You need to look at the class as a whole in a group with many other combinations to see its average benefit in a group, and what the class forces others to do or not do to synergize with it.

    I find it far more appalling that clerics and paladins together reduce the effectiveness of the power stat to the point where the relative increase in damage from power is measured in fractions of a percent. That these two classes together remove the need for damage resistance and deflection chance, and finally that they both add so much multiplicative damage that a single rotation from high base damage classes can one-shot bosses.

    Complaining about this one feature because it is a class feature or because it makes you build a couple radiant enchantments is silly. Complain about the wording of the tooltip, sure. Complain about how all buffs are overpowered, sure. Complain about how healing is useless, sure I don't care. But if you just pick a random class and start bashing one of their powers/features with no context just for some random "no class feature should be better than 4k power" argument, then please do it for ALL class features... and in the feedback threads, not in bug reports.
    The need for damage resistance and deflection chance


    3 classes spaming daily are enough to make a low deflection chance to skyrocket to 60% as you can see in thsi thread.
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited February 2018
    There are indeed devs that try to balance classes actually.
    My point was a simple one.
    AoC as shown disbalances classes, some classes deal huge ammounts by this buff, others not.
    There are indeed other buffs and classes like TI from DO to discuss, but that's not the issue of this thread.
    It is from no use to even try to balance arround a inconsistent overperforming aura that is mayor source of damage in many cases as proven. If some forummember want to discuss other broken or overperforming stuff ingame they simply should do so , open a threat and leave for good and discuss urgent things.
    In a bigger sense this is all about overbuffs, stupid buffruns all day long and the current meta that will guide us all though mod 13 and so on.
    AoC is part of it by sure.
    ...nicotris how dare you..lol
    Did I say they are not aware of stuff like that? think so
    Post edited by schietindebux on
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