All dungeons and trials that are unlocked via campaigns are now account unlocks. This affects the following queues:
Demogorgon (Master)
Fangbreaker Island
Assault on Svardborg
Assault on Svardborg (Master)
Spellplague Caverns (Master)
Tomb of the Nine Gods
After the update you must log in to a character that has the queue unlocked at least once for the account unlock to trigger. Once you log in to a character and the account unlock triggers, you will see an achievement pop-up. You may view your account unlocks in the achievements page of your journal.
Daily Reward changes
The amount of daily bonus AD granted by Random: Skirmish has been increased from 3000 to 6000.
The amount of repeatable bonus AD granted by Random: Skirmish has been increased from 400 to 600.
The amount of daily bonus AD granted by Random: Dungeon has been increased from 4000 to 7000.
The amount of repeatable bonus AD granted by Random: Dungeon has been increased from 600 to 900.
The amount of repeatable bonus AD granted by Random: Epic Dungeon has been increased from 800 to 900.
The amount of daily bonus AD granted by Random: Trial has been increased from 3000 to 5000.
The amount of repeatable bonus AD granted by Random: Trial has been increased from 500 to 600.
The daily and repeatable AD bonus rewards granted by Random: Hero's Accord has been removed.
In lieu of AD, the daily reward will award a jadeite while the repeatable reward will award a black pearl.
(A jadeite is worth 2,500 refinement points (25,000 by current live standards.)
A black pearl is worth 100 refinement points (1,000 by current live standards.)
These refinement stones replace a rough AD reward of 5000 and 800 respectively.
A "request reinforcements" button has been added to the Queue UI.
Daily rewards are not granted for failing Epic Demogorgon or Epic Tiamat.
The Random Queue reward preview now shows the converted RP value of its rewards, rather than individual refinement rewards themselves.
The Random Queue rewards in the scoreboard now display correctly.
Vote Kick now requires a selection between reasons rather than a player-input reason.
PvP Changes Diminishing Returns on Crowd Control
Control Wizard: Arcane Singularity no longer incorrectly applies four CC reduction stacks in a single second.
Control Wizard: Shard of the Endless Avalanche no longer incorrectly applies three CC reduction stacks in a single cast.
If CC is applied immediately after stacks of CC resistance fade, the target no longer incorrectly shows as immune.
The fourth stack of CC resistance now properly makes a player immune to a fifth incoming effect of the appropriate type.
Crit Severity Reduction now functions correctly, allowing critical strikes to consistently deal more damage than a non-critical strike.
The current PvP balance values are now:
Armor Penetration is 60% less effective in PvP.
Critical Severity is 60% less effective in PvP.
Healing is 75% less effective in PvP.
Players take 40% less damage in PvP.
Note: Shields and Temporary Hit Points are currently not affected by the increase to healing suppression.
Two new PvP in-game achievements have been added: Capture Scout and Capture Vanguard.
Release Notes
Content and Environment Merchant Prince's Folly
The thresholds for Gold, Silver, and Bronze rewards have been adjusted.
House of the Crocodile: A barrier has now been added between the first and second objectives; this should prevent players from accidentally killing enemies before those enemies count toward quest completion.
Portobello's Game: Artificer's Workshop: The Beholder Tank should now more consistently be interactive after completing this queue multiple times in a row.
River District: Ritual timers are no longer doubled up.
(Already live) Tomb of the Nine Gods: Avatar of Orcus now resets if a player outside the arena deals damage to it, or if it is dragged outside the arena.
(Already live) Tomb of the Nine Gods: Ras Nsi now consistently drops loot even in laggy situations.
Combat and Powers Artifacts
Soul Sight now leaves a ring under the targeted enemy to better convey which enemy is under its effect.
Classes and Balance
Devoted Cleric: Light of Divinity: This class feature should no longer cause the cleric to pop in and out of combat in certain situations.
Enchantments and Enhancements
Marks of Power, Union, and Stability have been been automatically converted to Enchanting Stones.
Note that these will remain in the same stacks they were before.
If these did not automatically convert for you, try running this command in chat: /ConvertMarksToEnchantingStones
Empowered Runestone: The hit points granted by this Runestone have been increased to approximately 250% of their prior values on Preview.
Sample values: 1,200 -> 3,000 for Rank 1; 12,000 -> 30,000 for Rank 8; 24,000 -> 60,000 for Rank 12; 32,000 -> 80,000 for Rank 14.
These values are still subject to potential change, just like everything else on Preview.
Multi-stat enchantments now provide a more consistent percentage of single-stat enchantments.
New Overload Enchantments are now potential rewards from the Merchant Prince's Folly.
Plague Fire Enchantment: Ranks 11 and 13 of this weapon enhancement now properly apply their AoE effect.
Unparalleled Terror Enchantment no longer triggers its root effect more frequently than its tooltip states.
Unparalleled Vorpal Enhancement now properly grants 55% Crit Severity, rather than 50%.
Items and Economy General
A piece of elven equipment is now guaranteed from both chests in Fangbreaker Island.
A piece of elven equipment is now guaranteed from both chests in Spellplague Caverns (Master).
Both chests in Spellplague Caverns (Master) now have a chance of granting an Ostorian ring.
The final boss in Spellplague Caverns (Master) now drops a Wicked Enchantment, Rank 8; as opposed to a chance of either a Rank 5, 6 or 7. (The chance of dropping a wicked enchantment has not been reduced.)
User Interface Inventory
Item tooltips now show the base RP values of items that can be converted to Refinement Points.
The game no longer has a chance to crash when using Identify All.
When replacing loadouts, the player must now type the word "loadout" in order to replace a loadout. This is intended to reduce cases of accidental replacements.
Artifacts can once again properly be upgraded.
Players can no longer convert items to RP if the conversion would bring them over the RP cap.
Localization General
The first pass of German localization for Module 12b is now in the game.
Edit 14:56 PDT: Light of Divinity changed to "this class feature," not "this feat." Added reminder that values on Preview are subject to change. Including, quite likely, the Empowered Runestones.
-Any word on fixing they Feytouched's "doesn't give damage buff" bug?
If that particular Feytouched doesn't get fixed, it pretty much becomes the worst weapon enchantment to use in Mod12.5...
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Pls give Feytouched fixes...
-Any word on the Bronzewood multi-stacking bug?
@thefabricant has already reported the ability to stack Bronzewood's debuff multiple times, and it'd be really useful to know if there's a bugfix in the pipes coming Soon™, or if we should accept Bronzewood stacking as Working as Intended™.
Dungeon Unlocks worked. So my character who did not have FBI, Demo, etc unlocked had them unlocked when I logged into the game. Thank you!
When I logged into the game with a character that I moved to Test after the patch, then my Marks of Unity/Power/Stability were all changed to the appropriate Enchanment Stones.
When I logged into the game with a character that had been on test prior to the patch, the marks were not converted.
This will make it much easier for people to test the refinement changes. Thank you!
Used the /convertmarkstoenchantingstones on my two characters who had been on test prior to the patch. It converted their marks to enchanting stones, as expected.
Post edited by onodrain on
mamalion1234Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,415Arc User
-Any word on fixing they Feytouched's "doesn't give damage buff" bug?
If that particular Feytouched doesn't get fixed, it pretty much becomes the worst weapon enchantment to use in Mod12.5...
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Pls give Feytouched fixes...
-Any word on the Bronzewood multi-stacking bug?
@thefabricant has already reported the ability to stack Bronzewood's debuff multiple times, and it'd be really useful to know if there's a bugfix in the pipes coming Soon™, or if we should accept Bronzewood stacking as Working as Intended™.
-Any word on fixing they Feytouched's "doesn't give damage buff" bug?
If that particular Feytouched doesn't get fixed, it pretty much becomes the worst weapon enchantment to use in Mod12.5...
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Pls give Feytouched fixes...
-Any word on the Bronzewood multi-stacking bug?
@thefabricant has already reported the ability to stack Bronzewood's debuff multiple times, and it'd be really useful to know if there's a bugfix in the pipes coming Soon™, or if we should accept Bronzewood stacking as Working as Intended™.
I Dont know about other classes previous patch i tested my cw got the feytouched buff ( only with terrain on cw is an issue since the terrain get the buff not the player something like that).
-Any word on fixing they Feytouched's "doesn't give damage buff" bug?
If that particular Feytouched doesn't get fixed, it pretty much becomes the worst weapon enchantment to use in Mod12.5...
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Pls give Feytouched fixes...
-Any word on the Bronzewood multi-stacking bug?
@thefabricant has already reported the ability to stack Bronzewood's debuff multiple times, and it'd be really useful to know if there's a bugfix in the pipes coming Soon™, or if we should accept Bronzewood stacking as Working as Intended™.
-Any word on fixing they Feytouched's "doesn't give damage buff" bug?
If that particular Feytouched doesn't get fixed, it pretty much becomes the worst weapon enchantment to use in Mod12.5...
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Pls give Feytouched fixes...
-Any word on the Bronzewood multi-stacking bug?
@thefabricant has already reported the ability to stack Bronzewood's debuff multiple times, and it'd be really useful to know if there's a bugfix in the pipes coming Soon™, or if we should accept Bronzewood stacking as Working as Intended™.
I Dont know about other classes previous patch i tested my cw got the feytouched buff ( only with terrain on cw is an issue since the terrain get the buff not the player something like that).
Did you test for a damage increase or the icon? The icon for the damage buff was working. The damage buff was not.
-Any word on fixing they Feytouched's "doesn't give damage buff" bug?
If that particular Feytouched doesn't get fixed, it pretty much becomes the worst weapon enchantment to use in Mod12.5...
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Pls give Feytouched fixes...
-Any word on the Bronzewood multi-stacking bug?
@thefabricant has already reported the ability to stack Bronzewood's debuff multiple times, and it'd be really useful to know if there's a bugfix in the pipes coming Soon™, or if we should accept Bronzewood stacking as Working as Intended™.
-Any word on fixing they Feytouched's "doesn't give damage buff" bug?
If that particular Feytouched doesn't get fixed, it pretty much becomes the worst weapon enchantment to use in Mod12.5...
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Pls give Feytouched fixes...
-Any word on the Bronzewood multi-stacking bug?
@thefabricant has already reported the ability to stack Bronzewood's debuff multiple times, and it'd be really useful to know if there's a bugfix in the pipes coming Soon™, or if we should accept Bronzewood stacking as Working as Intended™.
I Dont know about other classes previous patch i tested my cw got the feytouched buff ( only with terrain on cw is an issue since the terrain get the buff not the player something like that).
Did you test for a damage increase or the icon? The icon for the damage buff was working. The damage buff was not.
my apologies yes the damage still dont increase that test 10 minutes ago.
before fey buff : [Combat (Self)] Your Magic Missile deals 465 Arcane Damage to Target Dummy.
after fey buff : [Combat (Self)] Your Magic Missile deals 465 Arcane Damage to Target Dummy.
Are you increasing drastically the empowered runestone because of some future change that will require tanks to be beefier? Or more needed in the traditional "tank" role?
adinosiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,294Arc User
(Already live) Tomb of the Nine Gods: Ras Nsi now consistently drops loot even in laggy situations.
Consistently? Are you talking about Seals or loot on the ground?
I ran ToNG several times (on live) today and got loot on the ground in maybe a quarter of the runs. To me that feels less than what I get from the other bosses, where I get some loot maybe every other run, but that looks like just, seals, on the other hand - they are the big issue - not getting seals every run on live is pretty major - so, I hope that's what the Preview fix is about.
And yes....the weekly 400 limit of the seals is annoyingly low - and since they are the major reward from the dungeon, this discourages people from running it as much as they would like. I already have 4 pieces of primal armour, but need 2 more to cover the needs of my different loadouts... as well as 2 rings (unless I get the +5 rings I want). This means 4 more weeks just to cover my primary character.
This is a shame, because this is really the best content in the game right now, in my opinion.
There is not a chance I will spend several months more on gearing up my other characters with primal, yet another reason not to bother with my alts.
Post edited by adinosii on
Hoping for improvements...
someonediesMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,257Arc User
Dead 🔪
someonediesMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,257Arc User
Will there be any changes to SW? It's a bit frustrating seeing no actions taken at all. I guess everybody agrees the SW class needs some serious improvements. Maybe even a rework.
question, is there a max amout (cap) of rp you can have
From a couple patches ago: "The Refinement Point cap is now 50 million, reduced from 100 million, to avoid running into a system limit."
I would prefer that this cap actually, like, displayed on the UI when you moused over your RP though. Last I checked, there was no in-game indicator for it. Currencies are inconsistent about whether or not they display a cap. It would be much preferable if they ALL showed their cap.
Dead🔪If that particular Feytouched doesn't get fixed, it pretty much becomes the worst weapon enchantment to use in Mod12.5...
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Pls give Feytouched fixes...
-Any word on the Bronzewood multi-stacking bug?
@thefabricant has already reported the ability to stack Bronzewood's debuff multiple times, and it'd be really useful to know if there's a bugfix in the pipes coming Soon™, or if we should accept Bronzewood stacking as Working as Intended™.
Dungeon Unlocks worked. So my character who did not have FBI, Demo, etc unlocked had them unlocked when I logged into the game. Thank you!
When I logged into the game with a character that I moved to Test after the patch, then my Marks of Unity/Power/Stability were all changed to the appropriate Enchanment Stones.
When I logged into the game with a character that had been on test prior to the patch, the marks were not converted.
This will make it much easier for people to test the refinement changes. Thank you!
Used the /convertmarkstoenchantingstones on my two characters who had been on test prior to the patch. It converted their marks to enchanting stones, as expected.
Signature [WIP] - tyvm John
before fey buff : [Combat (Self)] Your Magic Missile deals 465 Arcane Damage to Target Dummy.
after fey buff : [Combat (Self)] Your Magic Missile deals 465 Arcane Damage to Target Dummy.
Feytouched isn't fixed yet, but is acknowledged.
Bronzewood multi-stacking, I'm not sure if that's in the system.
Pls fix this bug so I don't need to account for Bronzewood stacking in my weapon enchant comparisons...Q_Q
you said 8000 for 14 13?
I ran ToNG several times (on live) today and got loot on the ground in maybe a quarter of the runs. To me that feels less than what I get from the other bosses, where I get some loot maybe every other run, but that looks like just, seals, on the other hand - they are the big issue - not getting seals every run on live is pretty major - so, I hope that's what the Preview fix is about.
And yes....the weekly 400 limit of the seals is annoyingly low - and since they are the major reward from the dungeon, this discourages people from running it as much as they would like. I already have 4 pieces of primal armour, but need 2 more to cover the needs of my different loadouts... as well as 2 rings (unless I get the +5 rings I want). This means 4 more weeks just to cover my primary character.
This is a shame, because this is really the best content in the game right now, in my opinion.
There is not a chance I will spend several months more on gearing up my other characters with primal, yet another reason not to bother with my alts.
Dead🔪Dead🔪Funny thing is, i sloted an empowered r8 (tooltip says it should grant 30k HP) and i am not gaining 30k HP but yes loosing.NVM they are just really slow to make hit points change, yes they are granting ridiculous amount of HP.
We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
Seriously, stop to cry about paladin it is ridiculous...
Taylor DC/DO & AC Buff/Debuff - Guild Gutbusters Brigade - PVE
"The Refinement Point cap is now 50 million, reduced from 100 million, to avoid running into a system limit."
I would prefer that this cap actually, like, displayed on the UI when you moused over your RP though. Last I checked, there was no in-game indicator for it. Currencies are inconsistent about whether or not they display a cap. It would be much preferable if they ALL showed their cap.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia