Maybe the Devs feel its ok to have a power / daily that by passes cc (despite introducing the new Cc system) what would the equivalent power/ daily then be for each class that bypasses CC then ? for the sake of balance and fairness.... lets compose a list can anyone else help ..
is it only the trs Courage breaker that will have in its power description that it is meant to bypass CC ? very few classes are left with a prone in pvp (nerfed many mods ago ) is that an equivalent of not having a power that bypasses Cc or do they have something else"Special " that makes up for it
is every power meant to have an answer and a counter or be anoying or is pvp supposed to be perfect imbalance ?
what class paragon/ combo is least effected by courage breaker at the moment ? because the overwhelming amount of classes are . Even other TRs that do not want to use the smoke bomb/ courage breakers meta method are forced into it to stale mate the opposing teams tr meaning no build diversity
If a poll was made top 5 most trolly powers in pvp courage breaker would be one of them as well as smoke bomb ..can we think of some more to add to this discussion to help the devs bearing in mind how they would work in the new meta not now as it stands now
To start off I do not PvP and have no interest in PvP, but to be fair I had no interest in MMOs before NW. And I'm happy to say that NW is the only MMO I have any interest in playing so it is not behind reason to think that NW PvP could be the only PvP I would want to play.
Now for the post, in the thread about the mod 12b RAD changes for random queues it was acknowledged by asterdahl that many of the posters have no interest in PvP. There are two reasons why people don't what to play NW PvP, and if the devs may not realize the cause of the reason why people don't want to play it.
1. No interest. (100% me.)
2. It's broken. (100% me.)
Yes I know I'm at 200% but in reality number two just reinforces number one.
Now there have been a ton of people try to explain what is broken, and I will give my opinions in a min, but almost none have said why it is broken. But before I explain why it is broken I think NW PvP needs some clarification. NW PvP is really Player Team vs Player Team (PTvPT). But there are two forms of PTvPT.
1. PTvPT In Name Only (PTvPT (INO)) which is what COD is. PTvPT (INO) is where, like COD PvP, all the individual players are self sufficient and are just as capable of killing another player as any other player. And let's face it in COD PvP a good head shot well take out even the best equipped player.
2. True PTvPT (PTvPT (T)) which is what NW PvP is. In PTvPT (T) you have support classes and these classes can't kill other classes as well but make other classes stringer so that those classes can kill easier and faster.
The real reason why NW PvP is broken is it had been developed with COD glasses on and it is trying to be PTvPT (INO) when it can't ever be that. A zebra can never be a Clydesdale no matter how bad it wants to be.
Now that the reason NW PvP is broken let's look at how to fix it.
1. 70th level players should be broken into IL level queue groups. With their items locked on after queuing to prevent players from queuing with low level, or no, items and then changing, or equipping, them after queuing or in the arena to gain an unfair advantage. These queue groups should be in 1,000 IL ranges.
2. The exception to the above should be for a version of private queuing where the queuing group would fill out both teams. So one high IL player could go against a full team of lower levels to test things. But this system should have no bonuses for running it. If guilds want to use this for competitions and give awards for it then good on them, but nothing from Cryptic.
3. Random queuing should put you into only the appropriate IL category and one again lock your equipment once queued. Maybe allow groups to queue into group average IL groupings.
4. And I absolutely agree that PvP equipment should count for a higher IL in PvP than PvE.
Sadly I think fixing PvP is a simple fix if viewed from a PTvPT (T) view point.
@sgrantdev#8718 I LOVE and HATE the CC diminishing returns as it stands now. When I initially proposed the idea in another thread, a 15 second immunity was not what I had in mind. You need to scale this down to current CC immunity effects: Oghma, ITC etc have 5 seconds uptime give or take and as a TR I can say for certain that 5seconds with ITC is too strong. For something like a stacking, therefore repetitive buff, ballpark of 3 seconds uptime is more balanced.
The 4-stack system doesn't take into account whether the CC applied are micro-CC effects lasting less than a second each, area effect or applied almost too fast that targets can gain immunity instantly, as is the case with CW and HR.
Try it with 20 stacks of %5 resist each that is non-expiring, and a 3 second immunity buff window at max stacks -- after which the stacks reset.
Shouldn't too hard, see Martyr's Plackart equip bonus + Dread Ring: Rampaging Madness boon.
Certain powers that ignore control immune effects (CB, smokebomb daze area, flourish?) also ignores tihs change. Lucky are those classes unaffected, but screwed are the rest!
PS: Not taking CREDIT or BLAME for the original suggestion! This has been proposed since mod 4 by people who may or may not have already left the game. >:)
In further efforts to address some of the issues in PvP, we have added diminishing returns to control effects in PvP. Any powers that have a control element will incur a 15 second diminishing returns effect on the target that will reduce the overall effectiveness of any additional control effects applied to that same target.
This effect can stack up to 4 times with each stack further reducing the duration of control effects by 25%, eventually rendering them ineffective. Each stack is independent meaning that each time a player is hit they gain a separate stack that starts its own timer. If at any time you have all 4 stacks then you will be immune to control effects for the length of your oldest stack.
Look this:
[Combat (Self)] Your Sure Strike deals 351 (625) Physical Damage to Haxeptance 8.
normal hit 56% effectiveness
[Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Your Sure Strike deals 181 (907) Physical Damage to Haxeptance 8.
critical hit 20% effectiveness
There is something wrong.
There is something wrong - trying to balance PvP with all this mess of equipment, boons, mounts, etc. Take it down to the basics and build it up slowly. You can't spam abilities if the gear available to you doesn't have enough recovery to do so. Can't one shot if you don't have enough power. Almost every aspect of every build can be controlled through what gear is available to it. This also could make dead paragon paths viable again, bringing a much richer game experience.
For the relatively small time I have been keeping track of NWO PvP it has seemed like an end-game dog chasing his BiS tail.
Meaningful rewards, a working leaderboard, and scoring are vital for any sort of legitimate pvp. Note on the leaderboard thing noone mentioned:
1. Nice finally fixing leaderboard. Because of this and since it is an entirely new pvp game essentially, Mod12b needs a leaderboard reset as an exception to the full mod status quo.
2. There is still a bug in the system where players LB resets spontaneously to 0's.
3. Also what macjae said above about the scoring system. There should be no reward incentive for the final match scoreboard aside from winning the match or it encourages players to play for themselves rather than as a team.
Again SW the gimpiest gimp class since mod 4 particularly in pvp again receives nothing but de facto nerfs. Why do the devs hate and torture this class. I want my time and money back. Calling my lawyer :*
treesclimberMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,161Arc User
My opinion on healing depression and new pvp hood. Healing depression should ve something stackable so that healing protects to some point bursts of damage, something like :"When you are hit you'll gain a stack of healing depression, reducing your incoming healing by 8% up to a maximum of 10,gained at a maximum rate of 1 per second"
The new hood should give a temporary buff after controled not just a attack, that will be a bigger advantage to already big hits class.
A new weekly quest has been added for participating in Stronghold PvP.
So you're removing the quest reward for WINNING sh PVP, and adding one for PARTICIPATING in SH PVP? So people will get this reward win or lose?
Or is this reward for *winning* a SH PVP match each week?
There is still a bonus for winning a match. The goal here was to get the rewards for SHPVP in the player's face and hopefully get more people trying it out.
2. There is still a bug in the system where players LB resets spontaneously to 0's.
Can you elaborate on this some?
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
Well, if there's a reward just for playing and both sides of a match can be filled from within the same alliance, it might just be crazy enough to work.
A new weekly quest has been added for participating in Stronghold PvP.
So you're removing the quest reward for WINNING sh PVP, and adding one for PARTICIPATING in SH PVP? So people will get this reward win or lose?
Or is this reward for *winning* a SH PVP match each week?
There is still a bonus for winning a match. The goal here was to get the rewards for SHPVP in the player's face and hopefully get more people trying it out.
@sgrantdev#8718 as long as companions are allowed no one will put feets there
2. There is still a bug in the system where players LB resets spontaneously to 0's.
Can you elaborate on this some?
Pretty sure this is referring to the bug that resets your leaderboard (LB) scores (K/D/A) to 0 if you have joined a match in progress, which seems to still exist on preview.
The new CC system is BAD. There're CC abusing builds that need to be dealt with but this system is killing CC entirely.
1. Everyone will have 4 stacks most of the time Atm, geared players especially tanky classes can only be killed if they're being CC'ed heavily + f*** tons of burst dmg. Can't even imagine how frustrating it is to see even more immortal tanks roaming in PvP.
2. Some classes are completely screwed; more class imbalance CW for example, oppressor or not, will be f***ed. Pretty much the only way we could land Ice Knife is to CC someone first so yea good luck with that now.
Now just using Oppressive Force alone would make the entire opposing team CC immune.
3. Elven Battle will become largely useless Why would you need Elven if you'll be CC immune against CC heavy classes. Even stamina wouldn't be needed in some cases because I hardly have to dodge your CC abilities.
Suggestions: 1. Stacks last for a much shorter duration (<10s) 2. ICD for gaining new stacks 3. Scrap the whole idea and focus on fixing the over-performing CC builds instead of making yet another lazy cop-out solution
A new weekly quest has been added for participating in Stronghold PvP.
So you're removing the quest reward for WINNING sh PVP, and adding one for PARTICIPATING in SH PVP? So people will get this reward win or lose?
Or is this reward for *winning* a SH PVP match each week?
There is still a bonus for winning a match. The goal here was to get the rewards for SHPVP in the player's face and hopefully get more people trying it out.
I think you misunderstood my question. I'll try to be clearer.
Is *this* reward, the new quest's reward, for WINNING, or for PARTICIPATING?
I get that winning will grant more than losing. But I want to know if *this quest*, and those rewards, are for completing the match (so both teams get it, to encourage more people to run SH PVP), or for winning the match (so people who don't like PVP will still not want to queue, but to encourage competitive matches).
When you get in as a +1 in an ongoing match (Identified as when it pops, you see 1/0 in the green notification where the Waiting for map text is) and then you play in this match and get vote kicked. MY (ahem) your leaderboard scores reset from 1800 kills 1 bazillion matches to 0-0-0-0-0.
I'm quite certain there are other ways, but not that's happened to me (repeatedly) Q_Q
LB reset (to all 0) has happened to me several times. I have seen it happen to many other players randomly as well. A match ends, you exit, and your LB is reset to all 0. It seems to strike randomly. Others in the match are usually unaffected.
LB reset bug seems more likely to strike under the following conditions: If you join an ongoing match, If a match is abandoned. If the server disconnects during a match. If a player logs out and back in during a match. Oddly it seems that being outside the moonstone mask before entering pvp increases the chance it will happen.
In fact, if players want a LB reset, they go to outside moonstone mask and enter some matches, keep logging out and back in during the match and then abandon it, and after a few tries it will proc the bug and reset the LB.
Armor Penetration is 60% less effective (in the future it would be the best removal of this)
Critical Severity, Lifesteal Severity and Deflect severity should be 40% less effective (basically LS 100% = 60% , Deflect Severity 50% - aprox. 33% )
Healing is 50% less effective
Players take 40% less damage (in near future with the armor penetration is 60% less effective removal this value can be raised up to 60%-70%)
CC Resistance: For each Control power either its a feat,encounter,class feature or enchant you get 1 stack of CC resistance, after you reach 4 stacks you will be waiting 10-15 seconds AND then you will become immune to CC for 5 seconds, it should work better than actually gaining a stack every 2-3 seconds as others proposed.
Other mentions: -Astral Shield be sure to make it come live -Deflect Severity on Trickster rogues should be 50% as other classes -The Paladins Shielding Strike needs a rework. -Cold Shoulder a tier 4 Icewind dale boon, doesn’t work as intended and it mitigates 2000 damage of every hit possible, making the DoTs of a Warlock less valuable, therefor making the class less worthy.
PS: on preview there is still the Critical Resistance formula, please seek the removal of it.
I cannot point out enough that we need a fix of the double critical mitigation as soon as possible. It makes all the damage testing useless since
your crit is getting reduced by both the critical severity mitigation and the old critical hit resistance.
I agree on most of the points said in his post and im sure that would make a much more enjoyable pvp environment. I'll give my own feedback later if i find the strength (esp the cc stack mecanism that is tricky to balance imo)
As long as smoke CB works as it does together with broken crits pvp is not going to be fun for anybody but maby some Trs.
Making players more or less immune to cc and leave out the 2 major and broken ccs from the most commonly played class(mor or less 3-4 tr in every single match for a reason) makes me understand that the devs are either all playing trs or ,, mm I think I leave this part out as I do not want to risk a ban.....
Okay, so here is my take on the CC changes. I wanted CC changes, but these seem a bit ... off. They hurt classes with spammy CC mechanics more than others, and don't really create any intuitive counter-play systems. How they currently (on preview) operate is that you almost instantly cap control resistance stacks, and then spend the entire duration with your opponent immune, you then without warning get maybe one or two hits in while your opponent is at 3 stacks, which just places them back into immunity for the duration again. There is no fun counter-play. This simply kills all CC.
It would in my opinion create a more reasonable system of play and counter-play if it worked like this: Any time a player is CCed it grants them one stack of a useless buff (similar to the current resistance stacks). This should apply every time they are CCed instead of once per power, however, a player should only gain one stack every second (so an ICD of 1 second). Gaining a new stack refreshes the duration of all stacks, however they should have a fairly short duration (around 5 seconds). At maximum stacks (5 seems reasonable) the holder becomes immune to CC for a short duration (5 seconds seems reasonable). This should be indicated to all opponents by either a bright flash, or a constant glow around this player to indicate that they are currently immune. During this immunity, no more stacks can be gained to prevent overlap in CC immunity.
Although this system is obviously still a nerf to CC builds it attempts to treat both sides fairly. It allows a CC class a 5 second window to CC lock their opponent (can be adjusted by the required stacks to reach immunity), after that point, their opponent then has several seconds of immunity where they are clearly allowed to fight back (can be adjusted by the length of immunity). This also allows a class with strong single-use CC to apply their CC consistently for full effect, by waiting out the short duration of stacks. This also lets their opponent fight back during this time.
It might not even hurt to add an extra effect to Elven Battle, which increases the length of CC immunity in PvP instead of reducing the duration of CC.
Problem CC powers should also be addressed to have this really be of any use. These powers include Repel ignoring CC resistance, roots ignoring CC resistance (and sometimes immunity), and Courage Breaker up-time.
The system of 25/50/75/100% immunity for four stacks is overkill. The stacks are too powerful.
I suggest trying more stacks, less immunity per stack, and each stack lasts 5 sec. CC still needs to have about as significant a role in pvp as damage.
For example: Max 10 stacks of cc immunity, 10% immune per stack, each stack lasts 5 sec. Powers like smoke bomb, oppressive force, and haders grasp that tick multiple times should proc multiple stacks. Once player reaches 10 stacks they are CC immune until they drop below 10 stacks. Major prones like GWF and GF have should perhaps count for multiple stacks.
ps. Side note but Rogue Shadow of Demise on live is BROKEN AF! It makes one paragon capstone extremely powerful rather than appropriately buffing the whole rogue's damage viability.
Maybe the Devs feel its ok to have a power / daily that by passes cc (despite introducing the new Cc system)
what would the equivalent power/ daily then be for each class that bypasses CC then ? for the sake of balance and fairness.... lets compose a list can anyone else help ..
is it only the trs Courage breaker that will have in its power description that it is meant to bypass CC ?
very few classes are left with a prone in pvp (nerfed many mods ago ) is that an equivalent of not having a power that bypasses Cc or do they have something else"Special " that makes up for it
is every power meant to have an answer and a counter or be anoying or is pvp supposed to be perfect imbalance ?
what class paragon/ combo is least effected by courage breaker at the moment ? because the overwhelming amount of classes are . Even other TRs that do not want to use the smoke bomb/ courage breakers meta method are forced into it to stale mate the opposing teams tr meaning no build diversity
If a poll was made top 5 most trolly powers in pvp courage breaker would be one of them as well as smoke bomb ..can we think of some more to add to this discussion to help the devs bearing in mind how they would work in the new meta not now as it stands now
Now for the post, in the thread about the mod 12b RAD changes for random queues it was acknowledged by asterdahl that many of the posters have no interest in PvP. There are two reasons why people don't what to play NW PvP, and if the devs may not realize the cause of the reason why people don't want to play it.
1. No interest. (100% me.)
2. It's broken. (100% me.)
Yes I know I'm at 200% but in reality number two just reinforces number one.
Now there have been a ton of people try to explain what is broken, and I will give my opinions in a min, but almost none have said why it is broken. But before I explain why it is broken I think NW PvP needs some clarification.
NW PvP is really Player Team vs Player Team (PTvPT). But there are two forms of PTvPT.
1. PTvPT In Name Only (PTvPT (INO)) which is what COD is. PTvPT (INO) is where, like COD PvP, all the individual players are self sufficient and are just as capable of killing another player as any other player. And let's face it in COD PvP a good head shot well take out even the best equipped player.
2. True PTvPT (PTvPT (T)) which is what NW PvP is. In PTvPT (T) you have support classes and these classes can't kill other classes as well but make other classes stringer so that those classes can kill easier and faster.
The real reason why NW PvP is broken is it had been developed with COD glasses on and it is trying to be PTvPT (INO) when it can't ever be that. A zebra can never be a Clydesdale no matter how bad it wants to be.
Now that the reason NW PvP is broken let's look at how to fix it.
1. 70th level players should be broken into IL level queue groups. With their items locked on after queuing to prevent players from queuing with low level, or no, items and then changing, or equipping, them after queuing or in the arena to gain an unfair advantage. These queue groups should be in 1,000 IL ranges.
2. The exception to the above should be for a version of private queuing where the queuing group would fill out both teams. So one high IL player could go against a full team of lower levels to test things. But this system should have no bonuses for running it. If guilds want to use this for competitions and give awards for it then good on them, but nothing from Cryptic.
3. Random queuing should put you into only the appropriate IL category and one again lock your equipment once queued. Maybe allow groups to queue into group average IL groupings.
4. And I absolutely agree that PvP equipment should count for a higher IL in PvP than PvE.
Sadly I think fixing PvP is a simple fix if viewed from a PTvPT (T) view point.
It's not funny.
Trapper has no damage... and now no CC!
Stop to kill this tree.
Look this:
1. CC of TR
2. Courage Breaker - no overpowered? really?
3. What about of Trapper's Damage?
Do you think about AP_gain_suppression?
You can return back the old system and just make some nerfs of differenbt skills. Thats all you need to make pvp better.
The 4-stack system doesn't take into account whether the CC applied are micro-CC effects lasting less than a second each, area effect or applied almost too fast that targets can gain immunity instantly, as is the case with CW and HR.
Try it with 20 stacks of %5 resist each that is non-expiring, and a 3 second immunity buff window at max stacks -- after which the stacks reset.
Shouldn't too hard, see Martyr's Plackart equip bonus + Dread Ring: Rampaging Madness boon.
Certain powers that ignore control immune effects (CB, smokebomb daze area, flourish?) also ignores tihs change. Lucky are those classes unaffected, but screwed are the rest!
PS: Not taking CREDIT or BLAME for the original suggestion! This has been proposed since mod 4 by people who may or may not have already left the game. >:)
Look this:
[Combat (Self)] Your Sure Strike deals 351 (625) Physical Damage to Haxeptance 8. normal hit 56% effectiveness [Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Your Sure Strike deals 181 (907) Physical Damage to Haxeptance 8. critical hit 20% effectiveness There is something wrong.
For the relatively small time I have been keeping track of NWO PvP it has seemed like an end-game dog chasing his BiS tail.
Meaningful rewards, a working leaderboard, and scoring are vital for any sort of legitimate pvp. Note on the leaderboard thing noone mentioned:
1. Nice finally fixing leaderboard. Because of this and since it is an entirely new pvp game essentially, Mod12b needs a leaderboard reset as an exception to the full mod status quo.
2. There is still a bug in the system where players LB resets spontaneously to 0's.
3. Also what macjae said above about the scoring system. There should be no reward incentive for the final match scoreboard aside from winning the match or it encourages players to play for themselves rather than as a team.
Again SW the gimpiest gimp class since mod 4 particularly in pvp again receives nothing but de facto nerfs. Why do the devs hate and torture this class. I want my time and money back. Calling my lawyer :*
Sopi SW Youtube channel pvp brickabrack
Healing depression should ve something stackable so that healing protects to some point bursts of damage, something like :"When you are hit you'll gain a stack of healing depression, reducing your incoming healing by 8% up to a maximum of 10,gained at a maximum rate of 1 per second"
The new hood should give a temporary buff after controled not just a attack, that will be a bigger advantage to already big hits class.
Shadow of Demise is very overpowered will you do something with this?
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
as long as companions are allowed no one will put feets there
Signature [WIP] - tyvm John
1. Everyone will have 4 stacks most of the time
Atm, geared players especially tanky classes can only be killed if they're being CC'ed heavily + f*** tons of burst dmg. Can't even imagine how frustrating it is to see even more immortal tanks roaming in PvP.
2. Some classes are completely screwed; more class imbalance
CW for example, oppressor or not, will be f***ed. Pretty much the only way we could land Ice Knife is to CC someone first so yea good luck with that now.
Now just using Oppressive Force alone would make the entire opposing team CC immune.
3. Elven Battle will become largely useless
Why would you need Elven if you'll be CC immune against CC heavy classes. Even stamina wouldn't be needed in some cases because I hardly have to dodge your CC abilities.
1. Stacks last for a much shorter duration (<10s)
2. ICD for gaining new stacks
3. Scrap the whole idea and focus on fixing the over-performing CC builds instead of making yet another lazy cop-out solution
Mod 12.5 PvP Power/Crit/Arp Optimization
Youtube channel (PvE/PvP)
Mod 12.5 PvP Power/Crit/Arp Optimization
Youtube channel (PvE/PvP)
Is *this* reward, the new quest's reward, for WINNING, or for PARTICIPATING?
I get that winning will grant more than losing. But I want to know if *this quest*, and those rewards, are for completing the match (so both teams get it, to encourage more people to run SH PVP), or for winning the match (so people who don't like PVP will still not want to queue, but to encourage competitive matches).
I'm quite certain there are other ways, but not that's happened to me (repeatedly) Q_Q
Here is all I remember:
LB reset (to all 0) has happened to me several times. I have seen it happen to many other players randomly as well. A match ends, you exit, and your LB is reset to all 0. It seems to strike randomly. Others in the match are usually unaffected.
LB reset bug seems more likely to strike under the following conditions: If you join an ongoing match, If a match is abandoned. If the server disconnects during a match. If a player logs out and back in during a match. Oddly it seems that being outside the moonstone mask before entering pvp increases the chance it will happen.
In fact, if players want a LB reset, they go to outside moonstone mask and enter some matches, keep logging out and back in during the match and then abandon it, and after a few tries it will proc the bug and reset the LB.
Sopi SW Youtube channel pvp brickabrack
your crit is getting reduced by both the critical severity mitigation and the old critical hit resistance.
I agree on most of the points said in his post and im sure that would make a much more enjoyable pvp environment.I'll give my own feedback later if i find the strength (esp the cc stack mecanism that is tricky to balance imo)
Making players more or less immune to cc and leave out the 2 major and broken ccs from the most commonly played class(mor or less 3-4 tr in every single match for a reason) makes me understand that the devs are either all playing trs or ,, mm I think I leave this part out as I do not want to risk a ban.....
There is no fun counter-play. This simply kills all CC.
It would in my opinion create a more reasonable system of play and counter-play if it worked like this:
Any time a player is CCed it grants them one stack of a useless buff (similar to the current resistance stacks). This should apply every time they are CCed instead of once per power, however, a player should only gain one stack every second (so an ICD of 1 second). Gaining a new stack refreshes the duration of all stacks, however they should have a fairly short duration (around 5 seconds). At maximum stacks (5 seems reasonable) the holder becomes immune to CC for a short duration (5 seconds seems reasonable). This should be indicated to all opponents by either a bright flash, or a constant glow around this player to indicate that they are currently immune. During this immunity, no more stacks can be gained to prevent overlap in CC immunity.
Although this system is obviously still a nerf to CC builds it attempts to treat both sides fairly. It allows a CC class a 5 second window to CC lock their opponent (can be adjusted by the required stacks to reach immunity), after that point, their opponent then has several seconds of immunity where they are clearly allowed to fight back (can be adjusted by the length of immunity).
This also allows a class with strong single-use CC to apply their CC consistently for full effect, by waiting out the short duration of stacks. This also lets their opponent fight back during this time.
It might not even hurt to add an extra effect to Elven Battle, which increases the length of CC immunity in PvP instead of reducing the duration of CC.
Problem CC powers should also be addressed to have this really be of any use. These powers include Repel ignoring CC resistance, roots ignoring CC resistance (and sometimes immunity), and Courage Breaker up-time.
Signature [WIP] - tyvm John
Feedback On CC immunity:
The system of 25/50/75/100% immunity for four stacks is overkill. The stacks are too powerful.
I suggest trying more stacks, less immunity per stack, and each stack lasts 5 sec.
CC still needs to have about as significant a role in pvp as damage.
For example: Max 10 stacks of cc immunity, 10% immune per stack, each stack lasts 5 sec.
Powers like smoke bomb, oppressive force, and haders grasp that tick multiple times should proc multiple stacks.
Once player reaches 10 stacks they are CC immune until they drop below 10 stacks. Major prones like GWF and GF have should perhaps count for multiple stacks.
ps. Side note but Rogue Shadow of Demise on live is BROKEN AF! It makes one paragon capstone extremely powerful rather than appropriately buffing the whole rogue's damage viability.
Sopi SW Youtube channel pvp brickabrack